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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 47 KB, 500x743, Stretched ears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7706884 No.7706884[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does /fa/ think of stretched ears?

>> No.7706903

do not cop

>> No.7706901


>> No.7706906


>> No.7706905


>> No.7706911

would throw resume in to the trash/10

>> No.7706922

"sorry sir we're not hiring currently"

Get used to hearing this

>> No.7706951

ugly ugly ugly

>> No.7706962

sitting in front of the train station with your ugly friends and begging for money tier

>> No.7706983

I have had my lobes stretched (og) for about 16 years. I usually wear clear silicone eyelet or natural wood plugs. Sometimes I wear diamond hoop earrings through the clear silicone eyelets. I have never had a problem getting a job. I have worked for a corporate law firm as a receptionist, file clerk, and now legal assistant for about 7-8 years. I am in school to become a paralegal. I make court runs and interact with clients and judges daily. No one has ever reacted negatively to my adornments. If you are able to pull it off, I say go for it. You should be able to tell if you aren't pulling it off.

>> No.7706989
File: 142 KB, 650x490, rosegold teardrop plugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These are my next purchase

>> No.7706990

10/10 for the shirt

>> No.7706991


>> No.7707236

Are you a woman? Cause women can get away with stretched ears in professional settings WAY more than men can tbh.

>> No.7707248


>> No.7707252


>> No.7707256

I have a 20mm in one ear and tats that can be concealed by short sleeves even.

People don't give you shit as much as you'd think.
Also, knowing people with fucking 40+ in both ears, mine looks hella small.

>> No.7707257

how 2 stretch at 2g? Tapers aren't gonna work for me to reach 0.

>> No.7707880

sorry for the sideways, on phone, im at 00g
got these for my birthday
those are beautiful

>> No.7707891
File: 107 KB, 640x480, IMG_216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot picture, sorry

>> No.7707890


yes they will but it hurts. A LOT

>> No.7707888

m8 I'm at 0g, how did you stretch up to 00g? Tapers aren't safe no more.

>> No.7707897

i can smell your terrible genetics from here

>> No.7707898


>> No.7707900

get really heavy ones, tug on them lightly
i know i sounds dumb bud a pad lock in your ear for a few hours will also help, also lotion,

>> No.7707901

I already tried to go up to 0 with tapers, and I wasn't having it.

>> No.7707942

I saw a beautiful woman a couple of months back but then she turned her head. You could have snapped a padlock in her ear it was that bad. It all depends on the size of the gauge in my opinion, and generally the larger they are the worse it looks unless you are a native African or something.

>> No.7707938

im not even sure what you mean by that honestly, how can you SMELL someones genetics? And otherwise i think i have great genes personally, i dont get sick, i have a tan year round and my hair is soft as fuck and it can be curly or straight. mix breed FTW

>> No.7707955

2 to 0 was painfull..... but 0 - 00 just sucks
really the worse for me was getting to 2 uhhg, the pain

>> No.7707963



>> No.7708003

a little, but i don't mind most of its in my ass and legs. and honestly how can you judge from one picture?

>> No.7708023

>all that fat on your cheeks and jaw

it's time to stop posting anon

>> No.7708044
File: 127 KB, 640x480, IMG_216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

life is what you make of it, iv spent to many years calling myself fat, you should grow the fuck up and stop criticizing people for a few faults, have a good day, im off to work :]

>> No.7708062
File: 24 KB, 184x391, Photo on 2014-01-14 at 04.47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this and it's not leaving so might as well try make it fit.

>> No.7708077


thats the attitude girl

>> No.7708082

>fat girl angle shot

>> No.7708120

jesus christ thats one ugly mulatto

>> No.7708146

jesus...i wouldnt even let you suck my dick

>> No.7708161

epikk trol xD

>> No.7708306

should be keep small & black

large or colourful looks awful

>> No.7708324

oh god
females are disgusting

>> No.7708364

if ur a boy then yes

>> No.7708602

I know. I refuse to believe that /fa/ men can be straight. Besides, only men can truly appreciate the supreme beauty of the male form.

>> No.7708650

The larger the gauge the lower the wage

>> No.7708657

I wouldn't ever have them myself, but I'm usually impressed with the people who do. Simultaneously, I'm grossed out when they take off their plugs/gauges.

I'm looking forward to seeing all of the tatted and pierced grandparents in the future.

>> No.7708674

even worse is when their ears "break" (lobe tear) and they have to walk around with dangling flesh stalactites for the rest of their lives.

>> No.7708684

Will not employ/10

>> No.7708699

nobody's trolling

>> No.7708781

are they earrings?

>> No.7708798

I don't understand the question, all ear plugs are earrings?

>> No.7708826

tattoos can be fine
but this is awful.
and most people i know that have this are absolute cunts

>> No.7708834
File: 282 KB, 667x1000, 1391205560501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are earrings that simulate the look of earplugs (aka fake ear plugs)
pic related

>> No.7709936
File: 352 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got these the other day nothing special but i have 00g since a couple of years and no problem at all i work at coca cola and no one gives a damn on the public relationships department $1 buck each not shabby

>> No.7710353


You cant post a fucking picture of yourself on the internet and expect people to not criticize you. You ARE fat. Now, you can be stereotypical "BUT BIG IS BEUATIFUL" bictn about it, or you can take the advice and lose weight. Now please get the fuck off 4chan. You dont belong here

>> No.7710491
File: 59 KB, 475x475, Photo on 2014-01-14 at 04.47 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, no mine are real

>> No.7710518

cool shirt

>> No.7710557

That's pretty alright.

>> No.7710567

You are gorgeous, not gonna lie

>> No.7710714

Fat shaming is horrible.
Imagine being discriminated against no matter what you do. Honestly life must be fucking difficult for very overweight people.

>> No.7710718


w2c sweater and shirt underneath

>> No.7710723

w2c shirt and sweater.

it look dope.

>> No.7710729

>life must be fucking difficult for very overweight people

well why dont they lose weight

>> No.7710733

You're not even fat? Seriously, I know fat, I am a fat female.

You are in no way fat, friend.

>> No.7710757

Good. If it was a good life they would never try to change

>> No.7710769


tattoos and piercings are a RED massive fuccboi alert

>> No.7710786

believe everyone has different metabolisms and some fat people are ~discriminated against~

have housemate who is fat
>eats half a lasagne tray before bed
>makes cakes all the time
>cries about being fat

>> No.7710791

>buys large 'diet' meal from mcdonalds w/ diet coke
>im on a diet

>> No.7710792

Well, that's their fault for eating so much. Some people do have different mets, you've got to eat accordingly to the one you have.

>> No.7710816

>you've got to eat accordingly to the one you have.
How are you supposed to know that as a child?

There was a study done recently that pointed towards the idea that by the age of 5 it has already been determined whether you will be obese or not.

And if you're unlucky enough to be one of those people, then life will become 10x harder for you because you will be discriminated against everywhere.

That shit's not fair. I hate it. Before anyone says, i'm actually closer to being underweight.

>> No.7710826

Oh no, I agree. Mate, I've been fat my whole life, losing weight is a nightmare.

Society doesn't deal well with the fat 'issue' at all. I've been laughed out of gyms, and I'm only one size above 'average'

>> No.7710835

lol dude ur fat fate istn decided in the stars u fucking retard, anyone can weigh as much as they want, literally all u have to do is eat more/eat less

>> No.7710837

this fag looks like such an edgy cunt. I want to fight him just to put him in his place

>> No.7710841

while I see your perspective, in regards to diet being decided by the age of 5 when does common sense factor into the equation?
I see people change their diets all the time. I was a vegetarian and had a low-carb by diet at the age of 9 with no external influence and ate different meals to my family.

>> No.7710889

I don't believe people have as much control over themselves as it seems. If I ask you not to think of a polar bear, you will. No one wants to be fat, yet a third of America is. We don't have that much control over ourselves or our circumstances, and it's a sad state of affairs that this world is in.

Common sense factors in at a date much too late I think. Think about it, your parents feed you up to your teens. By that time you're already the "fat kid" and you basically have to scale everest in order to just be a normal weight. Who can do that? I don't think I could. It's only lucky I have decent genes.

>> No.7710897

said the skinnyfat 4chan nerd posting from his flyover state

>> No.7711068

so much hate :/

>> No.7711153

Bump for truth