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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 10 KB, 312x335, 1381759117478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7699747 No.7699747[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>get a HY
>"you look german"
>am american

>> No.7699750

most white americans are germanics

>> No.7699764

>get hy
>army green parka
>friends moms all think I'm a neo nazi

>> No.7699798

>blonde HY
>olive green skinny jeans
>combat boots
>off white long t-shirt

didn't even realize until I saw myself in a store's corner mirror.

>> No.7699802

>No HY
>No green parka
>No Rick combat boots
>People know I'm a nazi anyway.

Feels good.

>> No.7699818

>full chinese
>are you mixed?
not sure if bad thing or good thing

>> No.7699821

>blonde hy
>blue eyes
>pale white skin
>athletic build
>black jeans
>leather boots
>flecktarn parka
My friend was talking to me and he mentioned that a girl in his class was talking about someone that looked like a nazi and he brought up my name and was confirmed. should i really care if others think im a nazi? is being a nazi /fa/? or is just dressing like one?

>> No.7699825
File: 45 KB, 558x505, 1389693842841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i just realized all the advice given, on this board, is just a troll to make you look like an autistic neo nazi in public

I'm out

>> No.7699836

Nazi's were /fa/ as fuck.

Plus if you spend a couple months on /pol/ you'll find out that the Nazi's were great. Which they were.

>> No.7699846

oh trust me i go onto /pol/.

>> No.7699868

>blond Hair
>blue eyes
>pale white skin
>lived in germany for 3 years

An HY would look good on me.
A flecktarn would remind me of germany.

but i havent gotten either because i am president of a jewish student union, member of a synagogue, and have jewish grandparents that would die if they saw me like that.

>> No.7699877

>good goy

>> No.7699897

does anyone else get approached by /k/core people who think you're into military shit because of the way you dress

i mean it makes sense but it happens /all the time/

>> No.7700139
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>we are /pol/'s lab rat experiment

>> No.7700150

So? It's just a haircut, and has come into fashion several times since it apparently was 'owned' by Nazi German culture. Be yourself. if you're the nicest guy, it won't matter.

>> No.7700158

>get big dick
>"you look black"
>am white

>> No.7700167

LOL at kikes STILL being bitter over the holocaust. Can you wear GATs? Can you wear full black goof or does it remind toomuch of the gestapo?

>> No.7700171

hey does that mean i can have a hitler moustache
2 much edge
you're probably the person who stands on the sidelines to egg people on but never doing anything themselves

>> No.7700172

>Tfw Trunks walks around with a shaved head, german flag adorned parka and combat boots

Lel tricked into looking neo nazi.

>> No.7700208

Chaplin had one first. Why not get one?

>> No.7700223

>tfw wear a nazi uniform 24/7
>have kindda kike nose
>people think I'm just being ironic because of you guys and the hipsters.
Feels uber man.

>> No.7700225

poor guy...

seriosly, you guys are monsters

>> No.7700231

knoch get off /fa/

>> No.7700245
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>kike nose

nigger are you high?

>> No.7700331

>Get a Hitler
>"you look like Hitler"
>am nazi officer

>> No.7701561

That was my thing in high school. I was the German guy.
>blonde HY
>blue eyes
>fair skin
>ridiculously defined jaw/cheekbones
>sometimes flecktarn parka
>black skinny jeans
>GATs splatter painted with German flag colors

I also played the lead Nazi role in our school play, The Diary Of Anne Frank, and I took three years of German. There were probably a few rumors about me being a Nazi.

>> No.7701577

My closest friend was known as the Nazi through school. Mainly because he was a neo-Nazi

>> No.7701608

stop calling them hitler youths, dickheads

>> No.7703153


>implying german-army/nazi-core isn't the coolest shit ever

>> No.7703167
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knock knock

>> No.7703175

Who's there?

>> No.7703179

Are we using the proper term dickheaddew from now on then?

>> No.7703187
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The Gestapo

>> No.7703193

The Gestapo-who?

>> No.7703192


>most white americans won't shut the fuck up about how they like to think their germanic

>> No.7703199
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>> No.7703219

>Blonde HY
>Pale blue eyes
>Strong Jaw and cheekbones
>High Workboots
>Camo military jacket

Thank fuck my build is that of a girly manlet otherwise I'd run a chance of getting decked at Punk shows. Well, more of a chance.

>> No.7703224

Oh and I'm called George and have a German surname.

>> No.7703237

post pics pls no homo

>> No.7703308
File: 1.31 MB, 1594x4000, DSCN0591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, not wearing my flecktarn though, its just a gorka top.

>> No.7703320

yup you look german alright

in a bad way though

that means no glorious mongol genes, inbred white bread paste only

>> No.7703324

You can do better.

>> No.7703329

no pomade or shit literally just woke up.

>> No.7703343
File: 83 KB, 765x800, other_hitleryouth20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your hair looks kind of strawberry blonde not full out "blonde" other than that you should prob put some product in your hair.

>> No.7703346

I'd post a fit to back my comment up but where I'm from it's around midnight.
But d/w the jacket's nice I just dont feel the desert chukkas.

>> No.7703354
File: 85 KB, 478x500, 1384866475794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel obliged to share some dope nazi pics with you guys.

>> No.7703370

yes please

>> No.7703377

This is now a nazi fashion thread.

>> No.7703391
File: 42 KB, 520x347, 2009-08-24_trench-hans-landa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you can't wear you grandfather's Waffen SS leather trenchoat in public without being put in prison.

I only want to look as /fa/ as my grandfather and Waltz in Bastards.

>> No.7703397

>afraid of wearing clothing for fear of persecution from the government
Yuro sure does sound fun.

>> No.7703407

i think chances are bigger that people slap your shit when they see you in the streets wearing something like this.
i'm sure i would.

>> No.7703406

It's funny because BW parkas are a staple of antifa/left dress in Germany

>> No.7703416
File: 55 KB, 450x669, 1377848197268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like feel asleep for a moment.

The nightmares made sure I stay and post this.

>> No.7703420

Move to Finland.

>> No.7703437

BTW, I live in Belgium, and the people here are extremely brainwashed about this. Most of the time anything german is affiliated with nazis.

I just think it's sad communism didn't get the same anti-propaganda. They're worst in my book.

>> No.7703453
File: 158 KB, 988x699, 1377845413707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More über-menschen.

>> No.7704671


>tfw no qt adam bf

I just watched EoE last night

>> No.7704695
File: 149 KB, 450x600, 1391138088068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw want to buy this but blonde hair and blue eyes and buzzcut

>> No.7704703
File: 167 KB, 450x600, 1391138149933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7704715

you're on the verge of looking like an actual skinhead
i recommend not unless you want to get the shit knocked out of you by some uppity niggers

>> No.7704738
File: 16 KB, 260x279, 5691348_f260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Untermensch here, c-can I be Nazi-core?

>> No.7704754

I doubt a regular nig-nog is going to even grasp what the jacket is projecting.

>> No.7704786

>Your grandfather was a Nazi SS officer
LOL. That's cool as fuck.