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/fa/ - Fashion

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7696148 No.7696148[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how many cals does /fa/ eat a day + what is your weight/height

>> No.7696312


0% yogurt with (frozen) raspberries

salad with bresaola, 2 eggs and thin ham + some bread crusts


1x tea
1x hot chocolate
1x 33cl schweppes agrumes ZERO

183cm 66 kilograms

>> No.7696351

+ 10 cigarettes

>> No.7696363

Agrum is fucking amazing

>> No.7696366

I know right? Love it!

>> No.7696376


A PBnJ a day. Maybe a coke and smokes.

Other than that I operate on weed, water, and a lack of real motivation.

>tfw 110lbs but 5'5 so still don't look thin

Fucking euro/latin genes shits so random.

Cousins are all like 6ft plus hispanics.

Add a little french italian into the mix and suddenly shits a no go.

>> No.7696389
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usually like 0-700 calories with a bunch of cigarettes and coffee (and other stimulants)

sometimes i go up to 2k. I don't really pay attention to my diet. 6'0, 150 lbs

>> No.7696396

That sounds hilariously skonnyfat

I'm 6ft2 155 and skinny fat but I eat more and am not a stimulant nerd

>> No.7696398

>want to go on EC stack
>can't buy Bronkaid or Primatene where I live without a prescription


>> No.7696422

I can see my ribs when I stand up, but I suppose my thigh region is a little fat compared to the rest of my body.
>he doesn't like stimulants

>> No.7696431

it is so good lol, maybe you could order it

>> No.7696443

2000 calories a day on the dot.

6'2 I weight 163lbs

I'm /fit/ and natty as fuck though, my body is that of a god chiseled out of titanium.

>> No.7696454
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You people are mentally ill.

>> No.7696457

Stims are for little bicthes tbh
$60 for some baking soda and livestock dewormer?? I'm good on that bro

Maybe if you ate as many mushrooms as me you'd have some self awareness and realize you're a fuccboi

>> No.7696458
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I've been sitting at 150 lbs for a long time, despite eating at a calorie deficit for as long as I can remember.

How 2 go under 150 ;-;

>> No.7696461

Why oh why does Oregon have to do so much crystal meth?

>> No.7696475

200-900 a day
I usually only eat once a day unless I'm up all night then I'll have a bowl of cereal

No coffee no cigarettes

>> No.7696480

lmao who gives a shit i eat as much as i want, counting your calories is for super fags
i've been slim all my life and i'm tall enough for people to constantly tell me i'm tall

>> No.7696481

actually I take shrooms pretty often. I recently had some pentobarb (shit is fucking amazing)

>livestock dewormer
>baking soda
sounds like ur getting played. try getting some quality meth or even adderall instead of your nigger coke

>> No.7696542

I eat 4000 calories a day or more
I'm 6ft 4in and a bit over 250
Inb4 /fa/ tells me I'm it to my athletics scholarship
though I don't look good in much that's not basic or custom fit

>> No.7696552

6' 145 lbs
most people tell me im too skinny
but i could go skinnier if i didnt eat so many damn carbs
i dont count calories but im thinking about it

>> No.7696560

enjoy being a basic bitch forever

>> No.7696565

1x Earl Grey tea, 1 bag, milk, no sugar (standard breakfast)
1x Apple
1x Chicken Ramen


>> No.7696574

1500-2000 sometimes i can get up to 3000.

I'm 5'10 146 lbs but everyones been telling me i'm ripped.

>> No.7696576

same, stopping carbs is hard. (I'm >>7696312

>> No.7696592

enjoy being a jelous, beta, manlet, NEET, who is never approached by anyone forever. I'll keep my arrow collared shirt, chinos, an cardigan, thanks.

>> No.7696593

Don't count and 105 Ibs 5' 6"

>> No.7696603

5'8, 170ish
make me stop binge eating, please. make me hate myself.

>> No.7696605

fatty is mad

>> No.7696612

I just did mushrooms for the 2nd time this weekend and I did almost a 1/4. I had an extremely bad trip, but none the less it was fun!

>> No.7696683

Keep telling yourself that. What do I have to be mad about? I've got a 13% bodyfat which is probably less than you. I have a perfect jawline, Godlike blue eyes/blonde, and an above average cock. I go to a top school for Bio-medical Engineering for free because I'm a stellar athlete, and because I already have two patents for prosthetic parts. Everyone likes me because I'm a decent person, and I always get the girl I want. IRL you're that weird skinny kid who no one talks to; You're just shambling toward the grave while I'm living. So enjoy fitting /fa/'s aesthetic for beauty. Have fun with tfw no gf

>> No.7696715

you already do. it shouldnt be about hating yourself it should be about trying to attain a goal that will make you happy

>> No.7696740
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>nearly 7 grams
nice brah. any insights you wish to share?

>> No.7696743

About a thousand.
185cm/83kg (Was 100kg at the beginning of 2013)
Never really counted calories, how should I go about about it?

>> No.7696748
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6'2 98kg
bout 3000kcal a day
tfw bulking

>> No.7696752

>Keep telling yourself that. What do I have to be mad about? I've got a 13% bodyfat which is probably less than you. I have a perfect jawline, Godlike blue eyes/blonde, and an above average cock. I go to a top school for Bio-medical Engineering for free because I'm a stellar athlete, and because I already have two patents for prosthetic parts. Everyone likes me because I'm a decent person, and I always get the girl I want. IRL you're that weird skinny kid who no one talks to; You're just shambling toward the grave while I'm living. So enjoy fitting /fa/'s aesthetic for beauty. Have fun with tfw no gf
> Anonymous 01/29/14(Wed)21:08 UTC+1 No.7696715

>> No.7696760

don't count but like a lot
6'1" 140lbs
#lazy life

>> No.7696768

I actually can go St to the source and can get it for cheep thanks to my meheecan homies and cousins but I don't

And meth is for poor trailer trash I'm sorry. Addies are for high school kids

>> No.7696771

>2 strawberry frosted donuts
>wrap with chicken and couscous
>noodles with bacon and egg

the fuck is wrong with me. studying for exams always wrecks me.

>> No.7696775
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ofcourse, i'm bulking
here's me when cut

>> No.7696827

how do i into cal-counting have checked websites but not found any good ones :ss anyone have links or tips?

>> No.7696873

must suck to still be fat when your cut cycle is done


>> No.7696899
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When I'm on my A-game, I aim for about 3500 or so... But with school and LSAT prep, I'm lucky if I can bring in 2500-2800 ;_;

>> No.7696935

It's not rocket science.

For breakfast I usually have three fried eggs, two pieces of toast and two cups of milk. One egg has 70 calories, one piece of toast has 90 calories and one cup of milk has 150 calories, so 3*70 + 2*90 + 2*150 = 690 calories.

It's harder for things that aren't labeled individually, e.g., I have a tub of Greek yogurt that has 4 servings per container, but I never eat a quarter of the tub at a time, so I just eyeball an eighth and count that.

A scale helps.

>> No.7696945

at 125 5 5 im pretty similar
usually water weed and coffee takes care of me
But ill have one pretty fat meal a day with sunflower seeds (no salt) all day

>> No.7696972

Somewhere between 1700-2500 depending on what I can get my hands on. I'm a training dancer and I'm just eating as much as possible now.

Just about 140 and 5'8. Was 134 about a month ago.

>> No.7696985

1,023 today

6'1 and 128 lbs

also went running for an hour so could minus some kcals off of there


>> No.7696988

shoot for 3k cals... fall at like 2.5k cals usually

5'7 135

>> No.7696990

>One egg has 70 calories, one piece of toast has 90 calories and one cup of milk has 150 calories
Are those accurate? Damn milk is fat. I figured eggs were much more calories.

>> No.7696994

5'11 170 lbs

1300 today.

>> No.7696996

I weigh 120-123 and I'm 5''7. I eat anything I want no more how "fattening" it may be. I have a very good metabolism and I also hardly sleep although I do rest a lot so I guess I'm always burning calories.

>> No.7697003

You're not even a man... You're probably plank flat which is good but that is girl weight especially at 6'1. You must have literally 0 lbs of muscle. Do some sit ups and push ups anything...

>> No.7697005

5'10 x 172

3200 today

>> No.7697026

yeah, i have literally 0 muscle. i look like a 10 yr old boy that has been stretched out. i don't mind it though. i spend most my life wearing clothes anyway and my cheekbones and jaw are killer

>> No.7697028
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Started lifting a few months ago. i want to get to A4.

>> No.7697034

oh, and i do 100 pushups and situps a day. it doesn't do much because i don't eat enough but i feel like if my body ever did, for some reason, have enough calories to either put on fat or muscle it would make it put on muscle instead :D

>> No.7697060

yeah this is me too. 6'2 140lbs eat whatever you want whenever you want to master race.

>> No.7697065

>bulking winter season
>eating roughly 3000 - 3800 calories
>189 pounds
>going to be cutting in a few months once the snow melts
>down to 175
>I'm now about 18% body fat, cutting to 8% in the summer

>> No.7697067


6ft 160. I think Ive made it to where I wanna be

>> No.7697087

5'10 115lbs
no idea how much i take a day i don't really give a shit i don't get fat :^)

>> No.7697088

Yup, those are exactly the calories listed on my food.

>Damn milk is fat.
Don't worry about how much fat is in your food (unless they're trans fats), the amount of fat on your body has much more to do with the amount of calories you're eating, not how much fat you're eating.

>> No.7697117

>1,023 today
I hope you mean 1,023 calories *so far* today. Eating that little calories for days on end is very unhealthy at your height and weight.

If you're happy with your current weight you just have to eat at maintenance, which I'd guess would be around 2400 for your height and weight.

>> No.7697122

>which I'd guess would be around 2400 for your height and weight *and exercise frequency.

>> No.7697151

I don't count, but probably around 2500

Currently 5'11", 150lbs @ 15% bodyfat

my goal for now is 160lbs at ~10%, so I'll probably have to start counting calories

>> No.7697180

About 3000, ~85kg.

>> No.7697268

Im trying to gain some weight so I ate
- french fries
- three slices of pizza,
- some national dish made from butter and cottage cheese for breakfast
- a hamburger,
- few smokes

still at 182 cm, 69 kgs, no more than 12% i want to make it at least 73-4

>> No.7697388

I havent counted the calories but
bowl of cheerios
about a handful of nilla wafers
a sandwich
and 2 popsicles

ill probably have a protien bar,yogurt,protien shake, eggs during my workout and get a have fruits and pizza/noodles later

>> No.7697448

Just reached 70 kg's. 6"4.

I eat 3500 to 4500 calories a day, just barely gaining weight.

>> No.7697459

why are you trying to just put on weight? All that food will be metabolized in excess and you'll just store extra fat. Eat some real clean food in man-sized portions.

>> No.7697473

Normally just one meal a day at about 900 cal, the rest is cigarettes and alcohol, and who knows how many calories I drink.

6'1", 137 lbs.

>> No.7697503


Mostly shitty food. You'll probably gain weight after a while but you'll end up looking skinnyfat.

>> No.7697514

Over 3 thousand. I should really cut that shit out

5 foot 11
145 lbs.

>> No.7697519

I'm 5'9 and did that for about a year... gained a solid 30lb of fat.

would not recommend.

>> No.7697537

between 8000 and 9000.

>tfw on clen

Lel goodbye humanity

>> No.7697548

such is life as a natty

>> No.7697566


funny thing being i''ve been eating this for a year or so, and i still look mostly same, so i dont get how those guys who eat only an apple a day or such keep their weight

>> No.7697567
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Been doing it three years, I feel fine.

>> No.7697597

>that stomach crease
nasty dawg

>> No.7697593

fucking fat 6'2" and like ~~187

>> No.7697611

Agreed, but leaning forward feels good.

>> No.7697618

i read that while leaning forward
u got me man

>> No.7697657

>I'm 5'9 and did that for about a year... gained a solid 30lb of fat.
Your body thinks – what the fuck this nigga is doing?, then you go to a party, eat pizzas, some cake, drink beer'n'shit and your body – well thats better, i need to store some fat, because this nigga will die if he will start eating like a bird again. And you repeat that process lots of time and gain lots of fat. You have 2 option, don't be idiot and eat well, or eat 900 cal or whatever ALL THE TIME.

>> No.7697667


6'1 200lbs

>> No.7697705

>Eat 900 cal or whatever ALL THE TIME.
This guy gets it.

>> No.7697709



>> No.7698032

6'2 130ish

i havent eaten all day, just got home and my dad wants to order me some Dominos (my fucking weakness) wat do?

(skinnyfat btw)

>> No.7698075

Today i ate

Frosted Flakes
1 taco bell 5 layer burrito
1 wendys hamburger
A thing of fries, another burger, and a shake from steak and shake
Some Bubble Tea
Cop of hot tea

6 Foot Tall -- Not even skinny fat, just skinny. Guess im lucky

>> No.7698117

2500. 6'0, 89 kg.

I'll go back on a calorie surplus when I've dropped to about 84 kg.

>Being a skinny weakling

>> No.7698139

1600-1700 daily
5'4" and 109lbs

>> No.7698181
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1100-1200 a day eh

>> No.7698191

so are u a fat female or an average male?

>> No.7698195

you might not actually be on a calorie deficit

>> No.7698241

>making fun of other peoples weights

its not even like youre 6'5 or something, youre fucking fat dude

>> No.7698249

5'10, 205lb

>> No.7698262


Am underweight

>> No.7698279

> calls others fat

Trunks you're fat as shit and don't have the body to pull off any thing you wear because it doesn't drape properly also you're balding

>> No.7698293

>eats twice as many calories as hes supposed to
>wonders why hes obese with no gf

>> No.7698294

i dont even know how many calories i take in daily
but i'm 6'1 - 66kg (145 lbs)

>> No.7698316

My fave trip pls go run over abbot

>> No.7698326

500-800 cals
5'7, 120 lbs

>> No.7698349

u feelin ok bro?

>> No.7698356

It's just trunks projecting dw

>> No.7698368


>tdee of an athlete in ttraining
>obese w no gf


>> No.7698369
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183 lbs

Pic is my goal body & style. Probably gonna bulk up to 200 and see how that looks.

>> No.7698382
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body battle me fat shit

>> No.7698400


> 200 lbs
> must be fat
> muscle doesn't weigh anything
> hurr durr why does everyone hate me

>> No.7698396

135 lbs

So far today, I've had:
>chicken tamale
>two Double-Doubles from In-N-Out

Trying to gain more weight.

>> No.7698397


>> No.7698409


that's a new low for you

>> No.7698406

The Machinist

>> No.7698411

weird arms proportions

>> No.7698412


>> No.7698415

I should add that it's almost 6pm.

>> No.7698416

>w2c shower curtain

>> No.7698419
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yeah, he's a total curlbro in this movie

>> No.7698421

how long did i take for you to be happy with the face you were making

>> No.7698422

his confidence is damaged from swedish qt

>> No.7698430

what happened

>> No.7698431



>> No.7698441


>> No.7698460

Swedish qt started tripfagging and making polos look great, trunks cries about him getting too much attention for his effortless good looks 'what's all the fuss about wahh'. Mirror body pics/ calling girls fat happens.

>> No.7698455

raf simons x mr. porter

>> No.7698456


>> No.7698472

are you fucking retarded dude? thats not my trip

>> No.7698479

Basically we were all admiring swede qt because he is swede qt and then trunks came in and started complaining that people were paying swede qt too much attention and saying that swede qt was nothing special. Trunks got pretty jealous I think....

>> No.7698486


>> No.7698490

>being this angry/stupid

somebodys fit got shit on :(

>> No.7698507

>anon gets his fit shit on
>impersonates me with fake trip bcuz hes mad



nope try again

>> No.7698522

>uses a diff password and pretends to impersonate himself, fucking moron


>> No.7698539

>girl not guy
>hasn't posted fit, simply watched you progressively post more after swedish qt got attention
>stay mad

>> No.7698542

5'11, 172

I am an alcoholic so I consume 1000+ calories in beer a day. I work out to make up for it, though.

Vicious circle.

>> No.7698564
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>tfw skinny
>tfw not skinny enough

>> No.7698587

fuck off u fat autistic slut

>> No.7698600

trunks it really shows how you tick... Swede qt gets attention and then you get angry....sad really

>> No.7698602

it'll all get better soon bb the anger will pass

>> No.7698617

when was the last time you had an orgasm

>> No.7698647

when was the last time you reached orgasm without it being accompanied by your hand? xD

p.s Swede qt is here to stay and his word is law for everyone who admires him which is well everyone... :^)

>> No.7698653

Did you photoshop your face? Also, lol skinnyfat. Thanks for making me feel better though, I'm used to being the smallest guy in the room.

>> No.7698692

i don't think he's even masturbated by the way he's acting

>> No.7698715

i bet swede qt achieves orgasm fairly frequently :^)

>> No.7698726

with his various attractive sexual partners

notice how we've now forgotten about trunks and are focusing on swede qt

>> No.7698757

i don't know who swede qt is

>> No.7698766


>> No.7698778


>> No.7698812

it's obvio u faked the trip..
u just want attention..

>> No.7698828

omg I can tell u like 100% i am not the swede qt
also he wasn't erm noticed through his fit.
this thread he made the other day about being in some magzine idk and we asked him to post his face..so now he has a //fa/groupie bc he's so qt

also he doesn't reply to half the people I highly doubt he would samefag..

>> No.7698845

you know why eevryone loves the swede qt so much
bc he's so NICE compared to u faggot..

>> No.7698853

he is not qt not swwede

>> No.7698872

not qt inside or out

>> No.7698868
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his 1st pic was super qt
and this pic looks super qt with context-

>> No.7700268

this thread is full of faggots

>> No.7700388

5'11" 165

>> No.7700437

2000Cal today
6'2" 185lbs at 13%bf

2 Eggs with Salsa

Kyoto Bowl Shrimp and Broccoli

Odwalla Juice

Tai Pei Bourbon Chicken
Broccoli and Cauliflower
Odwalla Juice


Shoulders and Chest day today.

>> No.7700446


Even aside from all of that other nonsense, and you Kohls shirt, nigga how much tren are you injecting?

>> No.7700908

post dick

>> No.7700915

yeah, ended up just over 1,200 before going to bed

and no, i'm not happy with my current weight. i can always be skinnier

>> No.7702126
File: 286 KB, 599x539, 1386697177885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That face
>That skinnyfat body
>That small dick
>That garbage bag curtain

>> No.7702138

please trunks, don't post your dick. please.

>> No.7702182

he isn't skinny...

>> No.7702255
File: 97 KB, 474x550, 1390876036208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is he for real or is this a character?

>> No.7702274

if you're weight's not changing then you're not on a calorie deficit

>> No.7702279

Yes he is skinny.

You meant to say "he's not anorexic like me".=

>> No.7702283

usually 1000-1200cal
6'1", 135lbs

>> No.7702295

2x Donuts
1x Coffee

10:38 AM

>> No.7702757

i'm 182 and 64kg skinny errything
except for my fucking hips
i've stopped drinking soda 3 weeks ago but no changes

any advice?