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7688760 No.7688760 [Reply] [Original]

Would it be beneficial to get a little drunk before date?

>> No.7688770

she'll look prettier

>> No.7688765


>> No.7688773


I don't know what's hotter. That hoe or the fire behind her.

>> No.7688772

why not?

>> No.7688777

yeah do some shots of everclear, what can go wrong

>> No.7688786

yeah you'll be more confident, the chat will flow more and shit

>> No.7688784

it's not cool

>> No.7688790

the fire probably

>> No.7688789

and one more thing, is chewing gum on a date a big nono?

>> No.7688793

if you're the type to have a drink then maybe but you don't want to get drunk even a "little" on a first date. its almost always cool if you have a drink with dinner during a date. the time of day also plays into effect.

>> No.7688798

OR the more likely scenario is OP's date will notice he's slightly drunk and realise how pathetic he is

chew gum before your date
i mean everyone chews gum, it would just be kind of tacky to do it in the middle of your date

where are you going on this date anyway?

>> No.7688801

what do you mean? i want her to be my gf

i want to drink just a little bit to boost up my mood and relax slightly

>> No.7688807

seems kind of lame to turn up already a bit drunk, take her for a drink and drink then

>> No.7688808

well she's not going to want to be your gf when she finds out you have to be drunk to have confidence

sure, if you get drunk during the date TOGETHER it's fine
but DEFINITELY not before the date

why would you even need to ask this

>> No.7688819











>> No.7688823


you're a fucking autist, shut the fuck up please you're hurting my brain

op its fine.

>> No.7688842
File: 309 KB, 963x2186, 1362340727888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like to consider myself a very social guy.
i mean i'm not afraid of meeting new people and i really easily make friends with some complete strangers.

but fucking hell, first dates, man.
i don't know is it because i'm real into this bird on another level than some random people at a bar i get along well with
but i'm always super fucking nervous before the date.
i honestly have to down a glass or two of some cheap cognac or something and smoke like half a pack of smokes.

so yeah i guess it's okay to be a bit drunk.
atleast i've always been and i have always had atleast a second date.

>> No.7688848

Ok then i think ill do it

>> No.7688850
File: 390 KB, 601x601, 1371907290478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually thinks it's okay to get drunk before you go on a first date
>calls me the autist

sometimes i really hate this site

>> No.7688853


Just like masturbating before fucking.

You'll last longer.

>> No.7688857


you're a mongloid, dont post

>> No.7688862

log off
i really need to leave this site
being around this many pathetic dorks cant be good for me

>> No.7688866


>being around this many pathetic dorks cant be good for me

*tips fedora*

>> No.7688867

I love this chick

>> No.7688869


Now that you talk about it, /fa/ is bad for my health.

Because i have the tendecy to forgot that this board is full of white-niggers and teens under the age of 20.

>> No.7688882

> You'll last longer

seriously what the fuck, why do people have this problem. I've cum like 30% of the times that I've had sex (which is mostly drunken sex, I admit, but I don't find it hard to last long sober). Even though I don't always cum I enjoy sex very much, with the situational tension, so I don't think I'm gay

>> No.7688889

I have an affliction. When I fuck someone new I'll shoot off in the first 3 minutes. Every time after that is a struggle to get off. I think I'm fucked.

>> No.7688898


Who is that?

>> No.7688904

Whenever I meet someone new I produce quite excessive amounts of pre-ejaculate while making out which is very uncool. Seriously though, has anyone else this problem? It's annoying as hell.

>> No.7688924

That's lame, dude. If I get any pre-ejaculate the sex will suck, after my experience. Or, I just find the pre-sex tension so much more sexy than the actual sex.

Fuck, I need to have sober sex soon, it's almost been a year since I had sex at all. Two and a half years since sober sex

>> No.7688933

and i thought abo thug was the worst namefag on /fa/

>> No.7689015

Any more tips?

>> No.7689027

If you want to get drunk on the first date op you need to go to bars and get chicks there. No need to be inebriated with a person you're suppose to be comfortable with.

>> No.7689030

almost definitely fine as long as it's only one or two

probably go with mints over gum

when/where is the date?

>> No.7689032

Mall, coffee then maybe movies

>> No.7689033

im straight, but i honestly find sticking my dick in some random girl's muscus slathered hole isn't as satisfying or as riske' as sucking off a guy

it's like society expects you to stick it in the slime vent
i just don't think ectoplasm from some random whore on my dick is sexy, especially when society says you have to worship the ectoplasm generating device

plus dick just looks better ya know

>> No.7689037

Make sure you get completely plastered. It shows that you are a man living on the edge, and I can guarantee you that this is beneficial to your sex appeal. Whiskey and grain alcohol will make your breath smell, which is good because women will want to taste the alcohol on your tongue. You're thinking the right way, OP. Good on ya.

>> No.7689040

maybe don't drink then
i assumed you were going to a pub/bar b/c that's what me and my friends do

>> No.7689039

>im straight

>> No.7689051

I enjoy your posts dude, keep posting

>> No.7689055

yes, literally every single social situation you will ever be in, apart from where u might end up taking benzos/opiates/etc later on, will be improved by being a little big drunk

>> No.7689085

Have a drink, it'll make you less introverted and tense. Don't get "a little drunk", though. You'll just fuck it up.

Tiffany Thompson, I think. I enjoy her work.

>> No.7689116

What not to talk about?

>> No.7689122

She'll smell it on you

But if she's as pathetic as you go for it she probably won't mind

>> No.7689130

What i've found is the effects of "pre gaming" tend to only be good for an ACTIVE social event. A date, where you are sitting down and talking, isn't ideal for the "pre game."

I can see why you would want to, but from my experience it's made me more uncomfortable and self conscious. You need to work on your confidence, not use drinking as a crutch.
If you have a shitty, awkward date, be happy.
You got some experience and you'll do better next time.

Just keep your mouth shut as often as possible, but DO get some drinks when you are out with her. It's much different from "pre gaming" if you are drinking while on the date.

>> No.7689137

That would be such an insult to whoever you're taking out. Maybe a few shots, just to get less tense.

>> No.7689139

>She'll smell it on you
I've seen people address this concern on here before and I can't figure out why people seem to think it's an issue.

They have breathe mints, toothpaste, etc, not to mention on a FIRST DATE you won't be very close to her face until later on in the night and you'll both have been drinking most likely.

Has anyone who comments about bad alcohol breathe ever had to actually deal with it?

>> No.7689140

no, have 1 mg of etizolam

>> No.7689162

try phenibut

>> No.7689168

>not doing coke before date

>> No.7689170

enjoy stumbling over your words and anxiety

>> No.7689171

yessssssssssssssssssssssssss, do this

>> No.7689190

>booze in hand
ya know ya know ya know, i can't belive you actually said...yes

i had to get drunked for dis date hahaha

was like now way shes going say yes right
and you was all like yes
and here i am drunjk

>she is sitting there texting, thinking just pay for her meal and gtfo thats the only reason she went out with you

eww why the fuck is he wearing half a bottle of paco rabanne 1 million?

>> No.7689188

Where the ass go tho?

>> No.7689200

The best pre-date ritual is going to the gym, or just exercising.

Exercising also happens to be one of the most frustrating words to spell, as "autocorrect" seems to not have any idea.

Before a date I take a good shower, paying extra attention to my balls and taint area, play misogynistic rap while getting dressed and looking in the mirror.

I would have tried getting to the gym earlier that day.

>> No.7689203

lmao its like that ep of the inbetweeners when simon gets wankered before going to carly's house then vomits on her brother lol

>> No.7689846

>needing pre-date rituals

you will always be a beta

it's just meeting a girl

>> No.7689870


she has no ass, that's the only pic from the set where she doesn't look like a hungry skeleton

>> No.7689915

are there teens over 20 that i should know about?

>> No.7690246

I never used to like Tiffany Thompson because I found her face a bit too masculine, but the way she just stares up at a guy with those eyes while slobbering all over his sausage just makes you wanna bust a nut.