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7684373 No.7684373[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how does one get to see a fashion show live?

is there a ticket procedure? or?

>> No.7684383

Probably need to be high up in the fashion industry or get a pass as a photog for a big company.

Why would you want to go to one in person really if you weren't there for work. It might be fun for like 10 minutes but you probably can't even drink or talk during them.

>> No.7684395

ask tinfoil. dat babbyface was at rick

>> No.7684401

i just feel like it would be a cool experience watching the work up close. I feel like its really boring on TV. i imagine it to be more intimate and sensual

>> No.7684417

>i imagine it to be more intimate and sensual
calm down

>> No.7684418

Pleb tier shows will sell tickets

Big / relevant names like at Oaris Fashion Week are invite only, only certain people get tickets

Depends on the show. People who work in fashion such as buyers for retailers or boutiques or photographers etc. can request tickets or are invited if they have attended before

Some brands give out tickets if you ask at their flagship stores if you are a loyal "friend" / custoner of the brand eg. Yohji

So yeah you gotta work in fashion or be relevant / have connections.

>> No.7684422

>intimate and sensual
easy now

>> No.7684433



He's completely right though, stop trying to force your mundane view of fashion onto other people

The Fashion Show can be a beautiful experience itself and viewing it in real life is incomparable to watching on your computer at home.

>> No.7684436

if you got links to whichever pr company is doing the show then you can get invites

my gf worked at this crappy local magazine but has managed to get invites for various shows at london fw for the past like four years or whatever, i went one week a couple of years ago

they're only like ten/fifteen minutes long anyway
you don't really talk during them, plus there's loud music

fashion parties with free booze are great though

>> No.7684448

what are you expecting? regardless of whether you see it on video or in person, you're still sitting there just watching the models walk back and forth. sure, in person you get HD vision to see movement and texture, but that's about it

>> No.7684450


Stop samefagging and go watch Tim Blanks's interview at Antwerp Fashion Talks last year

Fashion shows are without a doubt intimate and sensual. If I can watch a CdG show or a McQueen show on youtube and have tears well up then the people attending these shows would have experienced emotions much, much greater. People cry at fashion shows, why do you think so?

>> No.7684460


Are you seriously disregarding, uh, you know, the CLOTHES, that the fashion show is meant to present

Posts like this really depress me I can't believe there are people on /fa/ who actually think this

>> No.7684468

completely wrong, you get to experience the atmosphere, the music, the spirit, the lighting, and the details of the show. stop being so narrow minded and giving your misinformed opinion of things when you clearly have no interest in fashion

>> No.7684469

are you getting this mad about us laughing at the fact that you're about to pop a boner at a runway show

>> No.7684477

just contact the press office or have a connection with the group somewhere along the line

>> No.7684484

apparently they are fairly generous when there's a lot of open seating. Tinfoil just talked to rick through e-mail and rick's really nice so he hooked him up

>> No.7684488

Seeing clothes in person is great, but unless you can get into the showroom, you're going to get a better impression from HD videos and photos online. It wasn't this way several years ago when the only videos around were shitty, the photos were low res, and photographers usually didn't even release detail shots.

>If I can watch a CdG show or a McQueen show on youtube and have tears well up
Oh god, lol. This is the kind of thing you keep to yourself. You are not deep. You are not informed. You're just a wreck.

>> No.7684489


Just like I expected, a shallow /b/ tier response with no actual substance

You have nothing to say so stop posting itt

blah blah blah quack quack oink oink

>> No.7684496

>a shallow /b/ tier response with no actual substance
>muh super srs fashun discussion omg bout to cry guise
dude i'm sorry that you're on your period but your posts are hilarious

>> No.7684505


>Completely ignore all other valid points and intiate tunnel vision and attack the point he made about getting emotional over fashion shows!!! Haha what a faggot he must think he's so deep and informed hahaha!!!

lol k

my point still stands regardless of what kind of fantasies you'd like to imagine about what kind of person I am

>> No.7684502


I think you should screencap your posts in this thread, send them to the designer whose shows you wish to see, and see what they think.

BONUS: post the results on /fa/.

>> No.7684519


Ok thanks please stop posting

>> No.7684522

my take is that it is a show for a reason. i mean besides the obvious garment displays theres an architectural aspect too.. stage, lighting, etc. sometimes location plays a part too.

its really art in motion

>> No.7684523

>Completely ignore all other valid points
You mean your suggestion to go watch an interview and your mentions of other people crying? Those aren't valid points. The best part is that you think you even need to make "valid points" when all that's happening is people are poking fun at you. If you're so in touch with your emotions then maybe you can get in touch with your sense of humor.

>what kind of fantasies you'd like to imagine about what kind of person I am
Bro, nobody needs to fantasize. You've laid it out for us.

>> No.7684531

rick does seem like an exceptionally nice person. I've never seen a photo of him where he didn't have a huge grin on his face

>> No.7684539

ok thanks please stop PMSing

>stage, lighting, etc. sometimes location plays a part too.
i dont normally care about chanel but the 2010 fw rtw scene was fuckin awesome

>> No.7684540

the pic of him with the cake

>> No.7684548


>I was only pretending to be retarded lole troll!!! get a sense of humor ur on 4chan epic memes!!!

Whatever, if you're so offended at the truth that you blind yourself from learning anything it's fine with me, your loss.

The interview with Tim Blanks who has worked in the industry for decades and attended thousands of shows involves him describing what makes an in person experience of the fashion show special and incomparable

My points were completely valid, you being in denial and simply saying "THEY'RE NOT VALID K" doesn't change anything maybe in the future you'd like to actually post something worth reading instead of baseless personal attacks?

>> No.7684549

>You are not deep.
The stick up his ass is in there pretty deep


I saw Rick Owens in a grocery store in Paris yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn't want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, "Oh, like you're doing now?"

I was taken aback, and all I could say was "Huh?" but he kept cutting me off and going "huh? huh? huh?" and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw Rick trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like "Sir, you need to pay for those first." At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually "to prevent any electrical infetterence," and then turned around and winked at me. I don't even think that's a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.7684554


haha nice meme /b/ro!

>> No.7684563

>the truth
Dude, are you really going to sit here and try to tell us that using the words "intimate" and "sensual" to describe live shows is objectively truthful? Take a chill pill.

>I was only pretending to be retarded lole troll!!! get a sense of humor ur on 4chan epic memes!!!
No one is "pretending to be retarded". No one is being retarded but you. Laughing are your dramatics isn't retarded, but your dramatics are.

>My points were completely valid, you being in denial and simply saying "THEY'RE NOT VALID K"
Yes, that's why you'll explain why they're valid. Oh, wait. I'll explain why they aren't valid though. They're stemming from your need to defend your ego on an anonymous imageboard and rely entirely on "they did it too!".

>maybe in the future you'd like to actually post something worth reading instead of baseless personal attacks?
Yeah, maybe in the future we can all treat /fa/ as our tampon.

>> No.7684585

>maybe in the future we can all treat /fa/ as our tampon.
>implying I don't already do this

>> No.7684600


I'm begging you to do this >>7684502. Why aren't you doing this right now?

>> No.7684605 [DELETED] 


These models could be an intense, dramatic experience, unprecedented in the history of theatre. The controversial early Comme des Garcons shows received a standing ovation from one half of the audience and a loud booing from the other. I still clearly remember the shock as if it were yesterday.

The models just looked straight ahead and walked back and forth. There was no artistic performance, no plastic smiles or kittenish demeanour, let alone singing, dancing or acting. It was a rendering of non-rendering, quite unlike anything seen in conventional theatre. A fashion show is essentially a business situation for buyers and the press, but there emerged previously unseen beauty that even a great stage director, a star dancer or an opera masterpiece could never accomplish.

The beauty I experienced at the Comme des Garcons show cannot be explained in terms of that found in a flower or a sunset, Botticelli's Venus or ancient Greek sculpture. The beauty was total, encompassing the entire space and time. It was pure and abstract, alluding to the ultimate experience that theatre has been trying to attain by trial and error for thousands of years. Even noh, the traditional Japanese drama known for its pared-down mise - en - scene, contains song, dance and speech. The total beauty I experienced at that show, in which in a sense nothing happened, was so compelling it became my obsession. Ever since that moment, 30 years ago, I have been involved in fashion shows.


>> No.7684614


These shows could be an intense, dramatic experience, unprecedented in the history of theatre. The controversial early Comme des Garcons shows received a standing ovation from one half of the audience and a loud booing from the other. I still clearly remember the shock as if it were yesterday.

The models just looked straight ahead and walked back and forth. There was no artistic performance, no plastic smiles or kittenish demeanour, let alone singing, dancing or acting. It was a rendering of non-rendering, quite unlike anything seen in conventional theatre. A fashion show is essentially a business situation for buyers and the press, but there emerged previously unseen beauty that even a great stage director, a star dancer or an opera masterpiece could never accomplish.

The beauty I experienced at the Comme des Garcons show cannot be explained in terms of that found in a flower or a sunset, Botticelli's Venus or ancient Greek sculpture. The beauty was total, encompassing the entire space and time. It was pure and abstract, alluding to the ultimate experience that theatre has been trying to attain by trial and error for thousands of years. Even noh, the traditional Japanese drama known for its pared-down mise - en - scene, contains song, dance and speech. The total beauty I experienced at that show, in which in a sense nothing happened, was so compelling it became my obsession. Ever since that moment, 30 years ago, I have been involved in fashion shows.


>> No.7684634

>These shows could be an intense, dramatic experience, unprecedented in the history of theatre.
>unprecedented in the history of theatre.
Uh huh. I think the keyword here is "could".

>Ever since that moment, 30 years ago, I have been involved in fashion shows.
Stay involved in SZ because your mental masturbation isn't going to be appreciated anywhere else.

>> No.7684639

Why see a band in person? You already know all the songs and can watch the show on youtube later anyway.

>> No.7684658
File: 714 KB, 1536x2303, o-ANNA-GUNN-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tinfoil just talked to rick through e-mail and rick's really nice so he hooked him up
I'm not sure if this will work for anyone else. Tin had a previous (albeit brief and unsubstantial) correspondence with Rick prior to asking for a ticket.

...here we go.
What bothers me most about art criticism is how it reminds of new age metaphysical ramblings and other such nonsense.

>> No.7684667


Let me lay this out for you

>OP says he imagines Fashion Shows to be much more intimate and sensual experienced in person
>You respond with "Calm down" "Easy now"
>I say that there isn't really any reason for him to "Calm down" as he's right, they can be beautiful experiences, and to go listen to the interview of a respected and reliable figure in the fashion industry who describes the experience of the fashion show, and that people (including me) can have emotions evoked by the manner in which the collection is presented
>You respond that "seeing clothing irl is great, but photos will give you a better representation unless you can get up close and personal with them"
>Completely disregarding the atmosphere, time, place, music, lighting, spirit of the show, you are implying that the only thing there is to experience is the visual examination of the clothing
>You also make a personal attack that I'm a faggot for appreciating and being emotional over beautiful bodies of work
>More personal attacks, "get a sense of humor faggot"


>are you really going to sit here and try to tell us that using the words "intimate" and "sensual" to describe live shows is objectively truthful?

Nobody ever said anything about it being objectively truthful, only that it can be in some instances. You, on the other hand, have been implying that it cannot be under any circumstances. Somewhat of a strawman

>More personal attacks, stop being dramatic faggot etc.

>"they did it too!"

While you'd like to think this isn't actually valid reasoning, it is. lol so everyone who has appreciated and felt the beauty of a fashion show irl must all be pmsing faggots right? haha who cries after looking at CLOTHES?

>More personal attacks

I don't really feel the need to continue this, I've said what I needed to and all you've done is shown that you aren't capable of sustaining proper dialogue without branching off to "wel fuk u fagot"

c ya

>> No.7684686

i said calm down, not easy now

regardless of what kind of fantasies you'd like to imagine :^)

>> No.7684695


That exerpt is written by Masao Nihei, lighting director and artist who has worked in fashion since the Japanese revolution of the 80s for over 3 decades. Do you honestly, HONESTLY believe that you guys, posting on /fa/, can claim that 30 years of experience in working with some of the most innovative names and eras of fashion is "mental masturbation", "metaphysical ramblings"? Lmao, log off.

>> No.7684701

>lol so everyone who has appreciated and felt the beauty of a fashion show irl must all be pmsing faggots right?
Ask yourself if those people would respond to >>7684417 or >>7684422 as you have. My bet is they wouldn't.

>> No.7684705


lol wow u r very clever anon ha ha made me laugh here's a sticker well done


? not sure what point you're trying to make but I don't really want to waste my time trying to convince a pleb like you of my opinions. Your attempt at whatever you're trying to do is laughable.


>> No.7684721


I responded,

>The Fashion Show can be a beautiful experience itself and viewing it in real life is incomparable to watching on your computer at home.

You are saying that other people who have cried at the beauty of a fashion show wouldn't respond that fashion shows can be beautiful and are incomparable to watching it on the computer?

Lol what?


Are you retarded?

Can you read?

Can you think?

I don't even need to say anything you just completely destroyed yourself lel

>> No.7684736
File: 594 KB, 1536x2304, o-ANNA-GUNN-facebook (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>? not sure what point you're trying to make

Point? I'm telling you to share your ideas with them and see what they think because I want to know what these people think of them. Why won't you do it?

>> No.7684747

>You are saying that other people who have cried at the beauty of a fashion show wouldn't respond that fashion shows can be beautiful and are incomparable to watching it on the computer?
I'm saying that other people who have cried at the beauty of a fashion show wouldn't throw a tantrum in response to digital jest. They probably wouldn't claim to leave countless times before returning to drop more juvenile antics either.

>> No.7684760


I hate using this word but you are truly autistic

I've already given you enough evidence eg. Tim Blanks interview, Masao Nihei excerpt from Yohji Yamamoto Victoria & Albert Museum Exhibition book

And here you are, seemingly so confident that nobody agrees with me, completely in denial, making completely ridiculous suggestions that you know I won't do because you're so confident in your belief that you suggest something you know nobody would do

It's disturbing, really. Why are you so confident? Have you read the posts at all?

Whatever, you've already proven yourself to be a fucking retard many posts above over and over again so why am I even wasting time responding to you

1/10 for making me respond

>> No.7684771

I thought the same thing. If you're into fashion you shouldn't be bored watching shows live. The whole point is that you see how it moves when you're right there, and you get to see the detail in the designs.

>> No.7684779


>digital jest

>i was only pretending 2 b retarded

you handicapped idiots weren't "joking", read your own posts above and stop trying to play it off as "lol y r u so serious this is 4chan therefore u must shitpost like the rest of us"

and yeah i came back because i had to make sure i annihilated your retarded asses

christ go read a book or something

>> No.7684797


Why won't you share your posts in this thread with them? Will they not appreciate your posts? I just don't understand why you won't do it if you're so confident.
I know you won't do it. I just don't understand why. That's what I'm waiting for you to tell me.

>> No.7684812


you're right anon i'm actually not confident at all of my posts that i've backed with many examples with i was wrong will u plz forgive me

because everyone knows that u have to email designers and people in the fashion industry your opinions to have them validated right regardless of people in the fashion industry like tim blanks or masao nihei who have already agreed with my points right yeah fuck them lets completely ignore them their opinions dont matter at all

lol i am legit arguing with a 12 year old with downs

>> No.7684813

>Do you honestly, HONESTLY believe that you guys, posting on /fa/, can claim that 30 years of experience in working with some of the most innovative names and eras of fashion is "mental masturbation"
I just said art criticism bothers me. Why wouldn't I? Why would you think I wouldn't after what I just said? That should make it obvious I won't bend over for anyone with prestige. Do you honestly, HONESTLY believe that any amount of experience can spare someone from falling victim to flowery nonsense? Do you just buy anything as long as it makes you feel fuzzy and is associated with a reputable figure? The metaphysical bit was a comparison, not a description.

Skylar in Rick is my thing, asshole.

>I hate using this word but you are truly autistic
Nothing like seeing people who cry about memes go on to call people autistic plebs in a typical 4chan fashion. I don't think you hate using the word. I think you just hate being called autistic because I imagine it happens often.

I'm guessing they're referring to the 2 word posts that began your descent, and I do think it's safe to say those were not a super serious and vicious attack, but you are known to blown things out of proportion.

>> No.7684822

ur parroting what he said back to him this is one of the most autistic things ive seen here 4 real lol do u know how to read and think about what u read and respond accordingly?holy shit u should seriously get checked for autism

>> No.7684829

>you're right anon

No, no. I'm asking for an answer to my questions.

>who have already agreed with my points

I'm trying to figure out what they would think of you if they saw the way you've behaved in the thread. What do you think they would think of you?

>> No.7684840
File: 94 KB, 1091x481, 1384001955431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

christ go look at blobs of fabric and cry :^)

do u think using ur and u is going to disguse ur samefagging :^)

>> No.7685410
File: 119 KB, 247x268, ZdSclFR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate people like you.