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/fa/ - Fashion

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7682478 No.7682478[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/fa/, I wore a rick owens jacket a couple of days ago.

>on a business trip in Seattle
>at Nordstroms
>very handsome african american man walks up to me
>he tell me he likes my peacoat and raw denims (yes, i was actually wearing this, yes i realize i was the poster boy for /fa/)
>say th-thanks
>realize he works there
>he asks me what my favorite designers are
>i say rick owens and raf simons, fuccboi pleb do you even poo
>he says he thinks they have some rick owens things in store, "let me go get you some"
>start shaking, he thinks i actually have that kind of money
>he comes back clothes. can't exactly see what it is, but i see the sweet drapes of rick owens
>he takes me to a booth to try the clothes out
>with hands shaking, i reach towards a leather jacket
>this is the first time i've touched anything made by rick owens, check the tag, see his signature. cry a little. jacket cost $4800
>be afraid that i'll drop the jacket and it will break and i'll never be able to pay that much money
>i put on the jacket. it feels like i'm being embraced by God
>wipe away my tears and take a couple of pictures with my phone
>he knocks on the booth door, quickly put phone in pocket
>tell him i didnt like the jacket that much and excuse myself, my friends are waiting on me

i wore a rick owens jacket /fa/
fuccboi no more

>> No.7682500

> i was the poster boy for /fa/
2010 /fa/ maybe

>> No.7682499

It was probably a dreambox jacket
>implying Rick Owens believe in such things like "stores" or "leather" or "black people"

>> No.7682562

it was real and it was glorious

>> No.7682567

dude probably knew you couldnt afford anything as soon as you walked into the store
relax bruh. it's no biggie

>> No.7682571

Post fit fuccboi.

>> No.7682574

hilarious, i'd prob react the same way m8 no worries

>> No.7682575

>yfw the sales associate was just giving with you because he knew you were poor

>> No.7682593

he knew you where poor, he was waiting for you to say that you couldn't afford it so he could say there are other forms of payment. Dude he was trying to fuck you, and for rick. you should of done it man.

>Hahah I know you can't afford it, but dw, I own the store, and anything goes here. Anything.

>> No.7682604
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>> No.7682611


>red pants
>pea coat

nah man you where poster for MFA man.

>> No.7682620
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>>very handsome african american man walks up to me

he wanted to give you the drkshdw

>> No.7682642

Nice dick

>> No.7682653
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you aren't wearing raw denim ?
I've already tried a few of rick's stuff in shops and yes it was glorious, also some really nice Lanvin, CDG and Undercover, luxury is sweet

>> No.7682672
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>Tfw go to top end designer store in disgusting cheap tracksuit, unkempt hair and K-Swiss trainers
>Tfw staff giving you funny looks like you can't afford anything and they want you to leave
>Tfw walk up to the counter with a couple of Dior jeans, Margiela shirts and Givenchy sweatshirt and watch their facial reaction as you slap a shit tonne of cash down on the desk

That feel. Every time. Pic is MMM reflective sneaks in flash.

>> No.7682676

nordstrom doesn't carry rick

>> No.7682694


>> No.7682696

We all knew the story was bullshit anyway.

>> No.7682697

And Tj Maxx doesn't carry high end handbags but you were posting them.

>> No.7682707

depends on the location. ive never seen rick at the chicago nordstrom. maybe its there in la and ny but ive never been

>> No.7682716

Was it the black dude with dreads and he is kinda built? I tried on a rick jacket there at seattle nordstrom.

>> No.7682725

>maybe its there in la

>> No.7682727

Also have ann d and slp for women but depends on the store, each is different and the larger downtown ones have better designer selection

>> No.7682731
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>> No.7682743



It's slightly-above average in construction and quality. You've never handled Undercover have you lel

>> No.7682760

So why the fuck do people buy it? It looks average too usually.

>> No.7682767

>drug money

>> No.7682809

post a fit fuccboi

>> No.7682815

jesse pls

>> No.7682847
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spoilers should be implemented on /fa/ for this reason

>> No.7682857
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off-kilter designs and unique statements

some of their runway stuff is fantastic

>> No.7682936

looks siq other than ballet slippers

>> No.7682958

>fuccboi no more

we need spoiler so bad

>> No.7682967

Design, dicksucking. I like a lot of undercover but some of it especially the stuff with the text all over it is so fucking retarded.

>> No.7682968
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i like it cause it fits with the general theme

if you like these look up "undercover guruguru", a really good collection from fw06

>> No.7682987

>undercover guruguru
this is cool, reminds me a lot of silent hill and medicine men. both are really cool in terms of aesthetic.

>> No.7683011
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/fa/ in a nutshell

>> No.7683019

Nigga once you've bought a couple things from Maxfield's then you won't be a fuccboi, but until then..

>> No.7683030


yeah, i'm guilty of not being super into runway shows but this collection really caught my eye. you can see influences and similarities like you said but it's just so unique to me, you'll never see anything like it anywhere else

>> No.7683031

Yes it is.

>> No.7683065


>> No.7683079

You realize the only thing making you cream your pants like that was the price tag, right? Guaranteed if you saw that same thing for $100 in another store, you wouldn't have anywhere near the same reaction.

Holy shit, price tags are powerful. You goddamn well the the real value (in terms of cost to produce) is nowhere near $4800, right? It's just priced that way to create exclusivity so faggots like you can dream of owning it some day and the people who do own them can look down on you.

>> No.7683087

the exclusivity is from the price tag and the fact that you can't get the same thing anywhere else

if there was always the same exact thing for much less elsewhere designer fashion wouldn't exist

>> No.7683104
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>> No.7683108

He just wants to make the world goth
Forget about the pricetag

>> No.7683145

They work on commission at Nordstrom. One of the dudes at the Seattle store had me try on every Barbour coat on the rack when he saw the chore coat I was wearing. Later, another dude tried to get me to try them on again. I kinda chuckled and said that someone had beaten him to it.

>> No.7683167

you're just projecting your poorfag inability to recognize the quality and aesthetic gap between a burberry coat and an asos one
we're truly sorry

>> No.7683188

> the exclusivity is from the price tag and the fact that you can't get the same thing anywhere else

Yeah, designers go out of their way to limit supplies to maintain exclusivity. The point is that it's all artificial. There's nothing about the jacket itself that is great. It's the the exclusivity that excites stupid consumers.

> if there was always the same exact thing for much less elsewhere designer fashion wouldn't exist

And you faggots wouldn't have any way to waste your money.

>> No.7683195

>There's nothing about the jacket itself that is great.
lol no

>It's the the exclusivity that excites stupid consumers.
most rick jackets really aren't exclusive at all unless by exclusive you mean expensive

>> No.7683199

Welcome to haute couture: a land of extravagant shit with absurd price-tags. Just do your thing man, and let them do theirs. The great thing about being Anonymous is that you can just decide to leave the thread and go elsewhere without it following you.

>> No.7683231

> you're just projecting your poorfag inability to recognize the quality and aesthetic gap between a burberry coat and an asos one

You know what diminishing returns are, right? I will accept that the jacket is of higher quality than something you would pick up at Walmart, sure. But it's not $4750 better. No piece of clothing is. We're not talking about space age materials here. We're not talking about gold zippers. It's just a quality jacket that happens to have a popular label on it.

The gap is mostly in your head. You've been suckered by designers to dump (or dream of dumping) thousands of dollars on clothing that, if supply was not artificially limited and the price artificially inflated, would barely register above anything else out there.

Forget everything you know about fashion for a second.. do you sincerely believe that it cost the manufacturer anywhere near $4800 to make that jacket? The markup on that clothing astronomical.

>> No.7683254

I just wonder if they truly believe in the quality difference. Do they buy the stuff knowing that the price tag is absurd? If so, then cool, I can let it go. But if they actually believe there's $4700 of additional quality in the jacket, they should be made aware. I hate to see people suckered. Even wealthy people.

>> No.7683267

Do you sincerely not believe that a painting could be worth millions of dollars? It is a flat rectangle with colors on it. Google economics and do some reading fuccboi. The value of an object has more than just basic functionality.

>> No.7683266
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>> No.7683294


>> No.7683314

hi James Holden, you should be able to afford that

>> No.7683344

> Do you sincerely not believe that a painting could be worth millions of dollars?

That's different because it's a one of a kind. The supply is not artificially limited. Now if you paid millions of dollars for a print of said painting, yes, you'd be a sucker. I don't believe that a print could ever be worth that much money.

> . Google economics and do some reading

I'm quite familiar with the concept of artificial scarcity. Are you? No, clearly not if you want to compare a one-of-a-kind painting to a jacket that could be produced indefinitely to supply a demand, but instead the price is inflated to produce a sense of exclusivity and maximize profits on individual sales without having to actually produce make more jackets. It's a perversion of supply and demand economics. It's the same shit the De Beers cartel did with diamonds. Diamonds are nearly as rare as they want you to believe. They artificially controlled the supply to keep prices high. It should piss you off. But it doesn't because you actually get a kick out of spending all that money. The more the merrier. Because you're a sucker.

>> No.7683351

exclusivity is operative but it isn't everything. there is aesthetic work going on that likely eludes your grasp.

the most basic and understandable instance is one where a person starts a thread here asking "i like this [garment], but its too expensive. does anyone know where i could find something similar for cheap?"


it is often the case that no or few such garment exists for cheap, depending on the person's perception of what 'cheap' means.

its a supply/demand dynamic. there are issues on both sides that contribute to the MSRP. one important example to keep in mind is how massive retailers are able to exploit (in both economic and labor sense of the term) their variable costs. niche designers have to raise their prices because they can't produce as much volume in the same amount of time, but have to cover the (proportionally) same fixed costs.

another important example is that massive retailers often keep their styling and design as bland as possible. this is to avoid alienating and appeal to the lowest common denominator of consumers. its the same with cars where manufacturers like toyota or honda produce cars styled blandly relative to the design of sports cars. ok, sure, there is some aerodynamics in sports cars at play here but there are also lots of open aesthetic choices to be made by sports car manufacturers aside from performance, otherwise all sports cars would look the same, or approach the same body styling-look.

please note that what i said does not touch on the subject of aesthetics in and of themselves. that's another huge topic.

>> No.7683359
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forgot pic

>> No.7683440

>here lies anon, this thread killed him through asphyxiation from laughter

>> No.7683465

>the most basic and understandable instance is one where a person starts a thread here asking "i like this [garment], but its too expensive. does anyone know where i could find something similar for cheap?"

The problem is that this is not happening enough and people mainly just see the label and the price tag. OP is a perfect example.

If supply and demand was such a big factor, then there'd be a MUCH bigger problem with knockoffs. And rather than cheap knockoffs, you'd have much higher quality knockoffs, which would bring the price down due to competition, but in the end, the label matters more than anything else. Even if you went out with the best knockoff available of a Rick Owens jacket, the minute someone figures out it's not a genuine Rick Owens, you're screwed.

Yeah, I get that designers don't have the cheap labor and volume that massive retailers have, but there's no way that could come close to justifying a $4700 difference.

>> No.7683502

Fashion is a very peculiar market. The higher the price, the more demand.

>> No.7683616

>this is not happening enough

what's not happening, how much is enough? i dont understand what you're saying. it happens all the time, look at all the threads started here i linked to, and those are just threads. those questions "where can i get [x] for cheap" pop up constantly in small-questions threads.

second, how do you know people are just "seeing the label and price tag"? are you inside their head?

third, according to your logic, the more expensive the price of an item is, the more it would be present and desired on this board. so why don't designers who are charging more for their products getting posted here? hermes, balmain, the elder statesman, loro piana, saint laurent, etro, and bottega veneta all have retail points higher than rick owens but are rarely posted here. further, designers with similar price points to rick would be just as frequently posted and desired here if your analysis is correct. but we dont see people posting dsquared, dolce & gabanna, givenchy, lanvin, margiela, prorsum, and on and on nearly as much as rick. there is something else going on and it has to do with aesthetics, styling, design, etc.

fourth, fakes are not present when the design sought in rick filters down in garments that are cheaper but not fake. COS, all saints, voidthebrand, and fabrixsquare are all as popular here as straight fakes like the dreambox. how many fakes have to be sold and posted (and there have been a LOT of dreambox threads) before you recognize it as a "problem"?

fifth, you are not taking into account sale season, which is when a significant share of the product leaves the shelf. discounts often go up to 50% off or more (mr porter has stock going at 80% off now), so when you look at the retail $4700 other people are waiting for it to sell for $1400

this lead me to another assumption of yours which is clearly incorrect relative to the OP. the statement "i want a jacket that costs $4700" does not imply "i believe the jacket is worth $4700"

>> No.7683652

>The problem is that this is not happening enough
it happens way too often
there are so many replica threads and posts on here i don't even know where to begin

>> No.7683661

>And rather than cheap knockoffs, you'd have much higher quality knockoffs, which would bring the price down due to competition, but in the end, the label matters more than anything else.
There are high quality knock offs. Relative to knock offs. Dreamboxes are actually pretty decent quality. For knock offs. If dreamboxes were to cost any more to make they wouldn't even be viable as knock offs at that point because they'd cost too much. People would just rather buy the real thing, and believe me, there is a visible difference between the knock off and the real thing.

I'm not sure why you're so butthurt about the fact that rick's jackets have several distinctive qualities and that they cost more than the leather jackets at your local mall.

>> No.7683684

>but there's no way that could come close to justifying a $4700 difference.
You have absolutely no idea what goes into a garment. You think, hey! All I should have to do is pay for materials and throw a few bucks at the person who made it! It's not that easy. There are prototypes. Do you think they pull the first idea that comes out of their ass, and it's just perfect as it is? Developing a design is costly. Moving around expensive products is more expensive than moving around cheap products. The markup is a lot more when it comes to just numbers, but it's not disproportionate. Sure, you can buy something that was $10 to produce and pay $100 for it. You can also buy something that was $100 to produce and pay $1000 for it. People will ALWAYS complain more about the second because it's so much more money even if the markup isn't disproportionate.

It's not even just the garment. It IS brand, but not like you think it is. Do you have any idea how much it costs to put on a runway show?

>> No.7683711

>The gap is mostly in your head.
i think theres a gap in your head where your brain should be
>>7683684 gets it, its about proportions
if you honestly think the ppl who make these clothes available should be getting paid the same amount as the ppl who make fast fashion available then idk what to even say

>But it doesn't because you actually get a kick out of spending all that money.

if they liked spending money they'd just want brands to release stuff over and over again (what you advocate)

ppl like exclusivity because without exclusivity you see every nouveau riche faggot wearing trainwrecks of iconic pieces

>> No.7683716


>That's different because it's a one of a kind.

you know nothing about art. it's not the fact that it's just there once (think andy warhol for a second..), it's the though that has been put into it. if a designer spends years figuring out the perfect colourway that's work, too.

>> No.7683840

Basically it comes down to the price is equal to the amount that people are willing to pay. Both rick and top shop make a lot of money from their clothing, the difference is that top shop sells a higher quantity while rick sell a lower quantity. In the end top shop is making much more money even though each item is a lower price. They have completely different means of production.

The brand itself is important but there is some economic justification for it. Brands are economic signals, so you know what quality you are getting, or the philosophy behind the brand. And yes, part of it could be image.

Then you have price discrimination in the form of sales. Everyone has a difference in willingness to spend, some will gladly pay full retail for rick. Still, both fast fashion and rick are maximizing profit by setting their price and quantities.

>> No.7684246

It's actually a completely plain black sweatshirt... Though I would've picked up the X-Ray one if they had it in my size.

The Margiela store staff didn't gibe me funny looks last time I went but I think that's because I was holding a Dior shopping bag.