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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 58 KB, 538x432, vertu-constellation-quest-gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7678347 No.7678347[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have £10,000 to burn on a /fa/ phone. Thinking of getting the Vertu constellation.

What do?

>> No.7678362
File: 159 KB, 500x375, didnt_mean_to_wake_ya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, a tacky Blackberry.

Great investment.

>> No.7678364

But a nice watch instead.

With the money you have left, buy a regular phone and a nice case. Droid, iPhone, HTC, whatever floats your boat.

>> No.7678367


You should probably commit suicide.

>> No.7678370

if he can drop 10k britabong dollars on a phone im sure he can afford a watch as well

also why would you buy a fucking watch if you have a phone in the first place, retard? dadcore kids are fucked in the head i swear

>> No.7678382

get those glasses that let you mirror your phone or your computer into them and use your hands to work on stuff. not google glasses but the other ones. they're cheap they're only like 3k

>> No.7678389

Op here.

I already have a few watches. No need to for a watch.

>> No.7678396

Because you can passive-aggressively brag about your watch in forums like this, unlike phones.

Plus, the ease of just turning to your wrist to check the time instead of having to pull your phone out of a pocket two layers down.

>> No.7678403

Sound like someone needs his diaper changed.

>> No.7678400

I notice you are interested in the Vertu Constellation instead of the superior Vertu Constellation Ti, with 24/7 concierge service through the special Concierge button.

What are you, some kind of peasant?

>> No.7678402

maybe if u like 2 lick buttholes lmao

>> No.7678407

so theyre for insecure and lazy pieces of shit

makes a lot of sense actually considering the watch threads on here

>> No.7678443

Well they aren't for poorfag hillbillys like yourself, that's for sure.

>> No.7678450

Pretty much, yeah.

Although I wouldn't categorize preferring to look at your wrist instead of digging through your pockets for your phone as "lazy".

>> No.7678460


Op here.

The quest has a dedicated button for the lifestyle and concierge service. I don't personally mind the Touch/TI. It's just that I'm not really into the whole touchscreen phones.

>> No.7678468

Don't spend that much money on a phone that's going to be obsolete in two years.

This is a troll thread though so whatever.

>> No.7678478

You can get used to a touchscreen pretty quickly. The only justification for having a phone with a physical keyboard is if you intend to send a lot of emails with it.

>> No.7678488
File: 66 KB, 500x700, shiggy4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't drop $16k annually for the latest luxury phone

How poor can you BE?

>> No.7678486

Invest in something, read stocks then when you make more stacks you can buy ten Vertu Constellations

>> No.7678500

>being the type of mannerless shithead to pull his phone out while having a conversation with someone to check the time

>> No.7678505


Op here.

Thanks for the tip. I will consider it.

>> No.7678503

>implying checking your phone is not equally obvious and impolite

>> No.7678513

holy shit dude its like youre living in some fantasy world where all your conversations are with billionaire CEOS who will sperg out and have you assasinated if you so much as reach in your pocket to check the time

but in reality youre a 16 year old with a casio that sits at home on anime messageboards who only checks his timex weekender to see what time his mum is going to pick him up from school

>> No.7678529

poorfag spotted

>> No.7678530

Checking your watch is just as impolite. It's even more so, because checking your phone sends a clear message that "No, I don't want to talk to you anymore." whereas checking your watch is just that sort of sub-conscious reaction polite people know to control.

>> No.7678527
File: 51 KB, 600x440, 1344652117001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have £10,000 to burn on a /fa/ phone. Thinking of getting the Vertu constellation.

>> No.7678533

buy a $50 nokia and save the rest

>> No.7678537
File: 3 KB, 210x230, 1339179160015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone actually looking at this phone? It has a button on it that instantly contacts a personal slave who gives you recommendations and sets up reservations for top shelf, not-open-to-peasants shit based on where you are.

>> No.7678538

>implying it isn't

>literally head-up-ass rude
exactly the type.

>> No.7678539
File: 93 KB, 629x548, 1327555472922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spending ten thousand fucking dollars on a phone that not only slower, weaker, less usable but also uglier than phones most people get for free

>> No.7678548

>>implying it isn't

So to phrase out what you just said:

>implying checking your phone is not not equally obvious and impolite as checking your watch

To which I say, yes, it is equally impolite and obvious to check your phone as it is to check your watch.

>> No.7678560

>glancing at your wrist
>fucking around with your pocket to pull a handheld device out, press a button and read the clock
how much am I being trolled right now

>> No.7678576


u cannot be this autistic

>> No.7678580

Your acquaintances can SEE you looking at your wrist, m8. They know what that gesture means. It is impolite and obvious.

>> No.7678591

why does that phone have such a small screen and buttons?

>> No.7678604

They make a touchscreen version

>> No.7678614

He's spending 16600.00 dollars.
Pound =/= dollar.

>> No.7678609

Why are you getting so fucking butthurt about watches. They're convenient, and they look nice.

>> No.7678612
File: 242 KB, 808x535, 1390778555933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you think the concierge service would hook you up with drugs or escorts? i'd expect it if i spent 10k+ on a phone

>> No.7678620

>responding seriously

>> No.7678621

>also why would you buy a fucking watch if you have a phone in the first place, retard?

if you are not regularly in situations where you do not have access to a phone, i feel sorry for you. do you really just sit and fuck around on the internet all day?

>> No.7678634

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.7678641

why would i need my phone to go on the internet all day

if ur going hiking and not bringing ur phone go ahead and bring a 20$ timex to keep track of the time but wearing one every day? full on autistic

>> No.7678640
File: 778 KB, 316x243, 1389822784112.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7678646

Do u pull out ur phone at work? No, ofcourse you fucking dont because you dont even have a job you underage fuccboi

>> No.7678647


u cannot be this autistic

>> No.7678722

that phone looks like shit. regardless of the price tag, that is a fucking ugly piece of technology. it looks like a phone case a "steampunk enthusiast" would buy on etsy for his old blackberry.

now, regarding the price tag. i think that this post is probably a troll, because if it were not, you would somehow lack empathy to the extent of giving a business money that could hypothetically feed 330 children for a year in exchange for this p.o.s. phone, yet have enough empathy to not have already enough people to get your ass in jail.

if i saw someone with this phone in real life and they told me how much it cost, i would be absolutely disgusted. there is a thick line between an affinity for craftsmanship and an inhuman drive for waste in the name of opulence.

when i go to work, whether it be volunteerwork or my actual job, my phone goes in my bag and stays in my bag. having it out for any reason is extremely rude.

when i go to a show, whether it be a movie, a play, a musical, a concert, or whatever, my phone goes in my bag and stays in my bag. having it out for any reason is extremely rude.

when i'm at school...you get the point. when my phone runs out of battery, when i'm driving in my car, when i'm eating out with friends, when i'm taking a walk, my phone is not in constant use by me.

congratulations for having a life where you are sufficiently glued to screens, but judging others for not doing the same is just sad.

>> No.7678731

*have already killed enough people

>> No.7678734

lol dude you are fucking autistic

do u think ur community college teacher is going to give a fuck if u check the time or are you some sort of ocd sperglord who needs to know the exact minute of the day every 5 seconds?

>> No.7678762

>now, regarding the price tag. i think that this post is probably a troll, because if it were not, you would somehow lack empathy to the extent of giving a business money that could hypothetically feed 330 children for a year

woooooooooooow youre on a fucking fashion board about buying things you dont need and you bring up the "hurrrrrrr kids in afrika" shit?

kill yourself

i cant believe im wasting my time arguing with some 80iq 16 year old who gets his philosophy from his community college womens study course

seriously kill yourself you piece of human garbage

>> No.7678788
File: 3 KB, 160x159, kappa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>somehow lack empathy to the extent of giving a business money that could hypothetically feed 330 children for a year in exchange for this p.o.s. phone

Looks like someone hasn't looked up the phone and all the shit it does/what you get with the phone.

It's not about the technology, it's about the service. This is the difference between the upper classes and you, poorfag.

>> No.7678795

They actually do, you wouldn't know though so it's ok we forgive you. Yes, because i have a job,i got to school, basically because 60% of the time i actually have somewhere to be and at a certain time, but again you wouldn't know though so it's okay, we forgive you.

>> No.7678796

i go to MIT and you dress like shit, lol. you really think you have the capacity to change my mind about anything?

frankly, i'm not surprised that you think wasting exorbitant amounts of money is okay in the name of fashion. clearly, you derive your sense of style only from price tags.

>> No.7678804

Talk shit post fit

>> No.7678811


Op here.

It's a shame that no one actually bothered to look at the phones specification and services. As mentioned this phone isn't just about technology but more of a status symbol.

>> No.7678818

>frankly, i'm not surprised that you think wasting exorbitant amounts of money is okay in the name of fashion.

you shouldnt be seeing as were on a fucking FASHION BOARD you literal retard

if you dont like spending money on clothes why are you here you fucking downs syndrome cunt

>> No.7678816

>i think that this post is probably a troll, because if it were not, you would somehow lack empathy to the extent of giving a business money that could hypothetically feed 330 children for a year in exchange for this p.o.s. phone, yet have enough empathy to not have already enough people to get your ass in jail.

I think Vertu phones are trash, but now I kind of want one just to anger you

>> No.7678822

no, i've read a lot about this phone series before. not out of interest, but because it's a joke on other forums i read.

if you can afford the phone but you don't have the capacity to fulfill the "services" with your regular phone and/or an assistant, you will be looked down upon by all of the "inner circles" you're now a part of.

>> No.7678830

What other forums, /r/atheism?

>> No.7678837

It's 4am, you've been shitposting on fa all night
>yo Jeeves, send in the hookers

>> No.7678908

you cant be sieg stop trying

>> No.7678947
File: 149 KB, 1500x999, Const.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you understand. The constellation is not the one in the picture on the OP.
Here's the constellation.
I'm sure he isn't going to get one of the loud colors.

>> No.7678954

Still waiting for OP's rebuttal to this

>> No.7678990

I'd guess every forum and reasonable person anywhere, including /fa/. You're the only one who doesn't get the joke

>> No.7678998

The only joke I see in this thread is that there are people on /fa/ who can't afford high fashion.

>> No.7679007

that's some gay shit

>> No.7679111

>buying something purely as a status symbol
what are you, some sort of poorfag?

that is some juvenile shit right there

>> No.7679162
File: 329 KB, 475x476, Picture 19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you want to know about it?

i love mine..

>> No.7679205

(not op)
What have you used the concierge button for?

>> No.7679253

time stamp or didn't happen

>> No.7679267 [DELETED] 


Op here.

1. How is the concierge service where you live?
2. Is the placement of the concierge botton convenient?
3. What's verison of Symbian are you running?

>> No.7679279


Op here.

1. How is the concierge service where you live?
2. Is the placement of the concierge botton convenient?
3. What version of Symbian are you running?

>> No.7679301

do you also own an iphone and use it more often than that phone?

>> No.7679485

sup lavish, you fucking paki

>> No.7679590

spend it on clothes instead not that pos obsolete phone

>> No.7679738

Just get a gold iphone like Luscious or whoever it was that pisses in perrier. The brown kid.

>> No.7679765

>pisses in perrier


>> No.7679791

can you gift my paypal?

>> No.7679794


unless you're a saudi prince just get an iphone dude

>> No.7679795


>> No.7679849
File: 184 KB, 631x529, lolol3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All those salty proletariats in the comments

>> No.7679874

>all that money
>only just Louis Vuitton and a pair of yeezys
/fa/ said rich people were ornate in CCP,rick and raf what the fuck

>> No.7679881
File: 47 KB, 327x313, trollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kid is awesome. I am glad he's doing something fun with his money.

>> No.7679883
File: 838 KB, 686x667, 1390792649355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7679899

Money is /fa/

>> No.7679934

>his money

about that

Regardless, yeah, I think he's one of the greatest things. We should make him a card.

>> No.7679964


Sorry Trunks, but I'm going to be a little autistic here. Your sentence has numerous breaks in logic that make you sound pretty silly.


Why is the "S" capitalized?

>a 16 year old with a casio
>who only checks his timex weekender

Does he have two watches? Which brand is it, if he only has one? Is there a watch on either arm? Clearly, consistency is key in any insult.

>that sits at home on anime messageboards
>to see what time his mum is going to pick him up from school

Where is he, home or school? Seriously, the burn doesn't make sense if you switch the setting halfway through.

>> No.7680002
File: 665 KB, 220x238, 1387333402294.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He has so much money he's just giving it away

>> No.7680012

all that money and he still looks like a nerdy indian dude ;_;

>> No.7680020
File: 1.98 MB, 254x209, making it rain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Arabs and their oil money man.

>> No.7680033


he's actually Indian, iirc, and his mother is an executive officer of one of the world's largest banks

>> No.7680052

dude, judging by your latest string of posting I'm convinced you're either autistic or have some kind of severe personality disorder

or you're still going through an im-so-edgy 14 year old phase and doing it "for the lolz"

adjusted minds don't post like you do

>> No.7680053
File: 2.69 MB, 500x281, stop this.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7680060

lmao mommas boy

>> No.7680057

>projecting your inbred downs syndrome onto others

>> No.7680061
File: 32 KB, 701x395, mon_visage_quand2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poorfags getting upset and defensive

>> No.7680213

Still made in china. And besides, if you're that wealthy the you already have access to such a service, probably a better one at that.

Vertu phones scream nouveau riche louder than any tacky rolex can. It's no wonder that the only things I see buying them are russians and arabs.

>> No.7680258

poorfags are mad that the iphone isn't considered luxury items or whatever autism crap samsung comes out with

>> No.7680273

I think it's the opposite. Faux riche and the aspirants can't understand why others don't see their smartphone as impressive http://edition.cnn.com/2013/02/13/business/10000-dollar-vertu-smartphone/

>> No.7680282


wow, you should commit sudoku after this one

>> No.7680292

shut up trunks
you buy second hand clothing

>> No.7680293

meh not really /fa/ ack in the day was fine with wearing bespoke clothing/loro piana opposed to lower level supreme

to me a guy wearing an hermes tie, oxxford suit with a patek on his wrist calling people on a subdued colorway vertu phone (titanium/black version)

does not care about all the noise the kid with an iphone, supreme shirt, acne pants and rolex is making......like a different class of person one is immature chasing skirts

>> No.7680300

>Can't wait to start using these babies. Louis Vuitton, True Religion, Ralph Lauren, and Apple here I come!

it's the dude's family's money, and i respect that, but damn is he tasteless as fuck

>> No.7680319

>Louis Vuitton, True Religion, Ralph Lauren, and Apple here I come!

thats what it's like going to high school in socal

>> No.7680357

I don't think you're thinking of the right target for the phone

it's specifically for those oil kiddies and whatever who have too much money to spend

it's the gold decked out awfully dressed in versace and d n g type people

the dude in bespoke has enough taste not to get a phone that's actually pretty inferior to your standard iphone besides the concierge button

i mean you can pay for a similar service for less

>> No.7680418
File: 118 KB, 579x527, 1352243336693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7680426

This. Like i said, only arabs and russians. Lots of money, absolutely no taste.

No serious person buys these things.

>> No.7680497
File: 200 KB, 492x341, 1296590849728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw he got in a twitter war with rihanna awhile back and called her a broke ass bitch

>> No.7680535

>thinks there is more money in dancing on stage yelling yolo and licensing her name to fragrances sold at kmart than there is in opressing a whole nation of people and profiting off of natural resources in demand all around the world

>> No.7680584


>shitty pop star slut with the intelligence of a chain restaurant waitress in charge of understanding how the world works

>> No.7680644

i like a phone with a keyboard because i like to type without looking

>> No.7681157


>> No.7683203
File: 80 KB, 332x196, 1390846697381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off.

>> No.7683220

Does anybody have a picture of trunks?

>> No.7683313

>nouveau riche

just read the great gatsby B^)) lil shits not like old money is a thing
>b-but what about landed gentry?
fuck that on the decline bullshit idea anyway America loves the newly rich

>> No.7683437
File: 29 KB, 480x390, tumblr_mzekefSjEe1s851jvo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hah. Keep it going dickhead. Did you really just call someone that prefers to go the logical and easier way to look at the time, "lazy"? There is this guy in every thread. I dont understand. Where the fuck does this totally random and unreasonable hate come from. If you dont like watches, don't wear em. Its not like they really STICK OUT like UGGS or some shit. Just Leave it yeah.

>> No.7683451

What? What are you fucking DR.Phil or some shit? ERR DERR i perfectly know the etiquette of LIFE. They can be equally impolite depending on the situation, but there is no denying that looking at a watch takes less effort. You might not always have your phone with you.

>> No.7683470
File: 137 KB, 332x335, 1324335877091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAH. I just now noticed that it was Trunks that was talking shit. I'd now like to say that you are the last fucking person id take fashion advice from you cunt. Fuck off /fa/ you pretentious shit

>> No.7683503

What does money have to do with anything? Why am i even asking this? Its obvious that you are one of those dressed by the internet faggots who think a high price tag means "fashion". I just saw you wearing a skirt you fucking "literal retard". I swear...i hope you get a good bump from karma soon, thinking that you are the epitomy of fashion and you are the one that should call others retards for not having the same opinion that you have.

>> No.7683512


>> No.7683546

>calls everyone peasants
>that anger in the comments

this guy is a hero, love all the "ignore the haters, you're amazing" comments from girls too

>> No.7683772

Hes a fake...
Hes been debunked countless times

>> No.7684474

Its made in England I think?

>> No.7684498

Yeah I hate not having a watch on, having to fumble around in pockets. Nah fuck that.