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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 215 KB, 834x692, Sony-Xperia-Z-black-and-white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7667726 No.7667726 [Reply] [Original]

what's the most /fa/ phone?

>> No.7669725

the on screen buttons sucks during gaymen and the cam aint that nice
>condoms on screen and back because glass

>> No.7669728

The iphone.

I don't own one because i care more about function than form though.

>> No.7669731

the iphone was only cool when a select few people had them

>> No.7669753

iphone a shit now.
Feels slippery in my hand with those edges. It lacks curves and is more of a slab than anything else. 0/10 would not buy

On the other hand, the Moto X is pretty /fa/. Feels great, looks great, and has great functionality as a phone. Hoping Motorola makes the next Nexus, let me tell you hwhat.

>> No.7669767

iPhone 5s, what else

android is lame, but the moto x is good

>> No.7669778
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>> No.7669785

im gonna have 2 buy a moto g soon cuz poor
if I pull it off like its an anti-materialistic statement can it be /fa/

>> No.7669795
File: 40 KB, 344x423, Photo on 1-25-14 at 11.09 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My burner is so /fa/

You wish you had a phone like this

Not because it's so fucking sexy

But because of the implications of having it

>> No.7669850

do we really need this thread every fucking day?

>> No.7669888


>I want to look cooler than I really am
>maybe if I get this cheap shitty phone people will think I'm a drug dealer or a secret agent
>instead of a cheap bastard who can't be arsed to buy a proper phone

>> No.7669901

moto /g/!
love the nononsense feel and this thing is fucking quality

>> No.7670325


every fat american high schooler has one. it's not /fa/

>> No.7670482

>But because of the implications of having it

What might those be?

>> No.7671623

model number?
can I get it on a no contract plan in the US?

>> No.7671638

It's a great phone for the price. Just get the 16 gb version if you plan to save a lot of pics or music. 8gb are full really quickly and you can't put in a card.

>> No.7671673

green as fuck, whilst being totally elitist


>> No.7671679

whats the point of buying a $100 phone if it only works with verizon?
>paying more than $100 for a moto g

>> No.7671709

iPhone 5S gold / white
> nothing else
> all other comments invalid

>> No.7671726
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>> No.7671817

prada phone. just because.

>> No.7672294

Black iPhone 5. The 5s looks bad.

>> No.7672311
File: 767 KB, 473x632, S5vi1[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is having the same phone as 300 million obese, greasy, fat disgusting americans wearing uggs and DCs and meme hoodies and plastic manchild nike shoes /fa/?

>> No.7672375

having the same phone as a lot of people =/= not /fa/

I mean there's probably a ton of people with zero style who wear stuff that's usually considered /fa/. Givenchy cologne. NB shoes.

>> No.7672558

Still moto razr. Or slvr if you're a drug lord. no other

>> No.7672589


yeah, /fa/ only digs real non comformist brands like Northface or New Balances.

>> No.7672596

blackberry z10 looks bretty gud

>> No.7672616

xperia is really the only /fa/ brand. the phones themselves are decent but not top tier.

>> No.7673261

Fuck you mean? The camera is outstanding.

Way too fucking common. And now they make a gold one. Donald Trump probably loves his.

>> No.7673276

>something is common
>that makes it bad
kill yourself android poorfag

>> No.7673325

>angrily pounding the keyboard in the parents' basement

>> No.7673344

Kinda pricey for what it is though.

>> No.7673350
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>> No.7673379

looks cool, phone itself is shit to any other phone in the a 1st world country

>> No.7673389

>But because of the implications of having it
jam it up your butthole or something?

>> No.7673385
File: 112 KB, 1400x1060, 1390089693990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

duh... faggot

>> No.7673396


>> No.7673400

I don't think they sell them in the US yet, you'd probably have to get a proxy.

>> No.7673429
File: 13 KB, 250x250, 1390709410009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually pretty glad this thread is here. Guys I need serious fucking help here. First of all, I'm broke as fuck and I'm bound to verizon...but I can finally get a newer phone. Again, I'm seriously broke...so I'm looking for one of those free phone 2 year contract deals.

I'm sure you won't be too crazy about any of their stock, but from the ones that are available here, which one would you see is the best I should go with? You know, considering. Please help me out. Have pity on a nigga.


>> No.7673434
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>tfw in america
>only in europe

>> No.7673437

Moto X or Lg G2. But if you're broke, a smartphone isn't a good idea.

>> No.7673445

Bro if you're broke as fuck don't get a 2yr.
Get like a cheap Virgin Mobile or Boost phone and load it up with some minutes.

>> No.7674519


>> No.7675441
File: 106 KB, 1024x683, 1390744956642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bound to verizon
>wants to sign a 2 year contract

>> No.7675466
File: 48 KB, 276x312, s4xx9Qv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It lacks cruves

>> No.7675477


the most /fa/ phone is the iphone, it's the only phone i've seen that isnt designed by a 15 year old

also caring about the technical details and comparing hardware is absurd and nerdy and any phone chosen because it has the better processor or whatever is inherently un/fa/

>> No.7675483

iPhone 5S Black
HTC One Black

Every other answer is wrong. My words are fact.

Metal > plastic. That's all you need to know.

You keep being selective about the materials used in your clothes, why not your cellphone ?

Remember kids, METAL >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PLASTIC

>> No.7675496

I'm guessing your shoes have a swoosh on them and your shirt bears an embroidered horse.

>> No.7675504

This, Blackberry is the only /fa/ smartphone

>> No.7675507

>not knowing what "fact" means
well shit let's all listen to this commoner

>> No.7675505


>m-m-muh exclusivity :(
>everyone has an iPhone now !

Yup. Because it's one of the best phone on the market. One of the best looking one, too.

If you are retarded enough to buy a shitty plastic cellphone just because everyone else own an iPhone you should really get your head checked.

>> No.7675516

>One of the best looking
>Thinking all phones besides the iPhone are plastic
Nah. Compared to something like the Experia Z it's just smaller, shittier, and you have one because you made your parents buy you the same one as all the other children in your school so you wouldn't feel left out.

>> No.7675525

Q10 > Z10

>> No.7675536

I own an iphone and I dislike it, lack so much customability.

>> No.7675544

Is any nokia effay or samsong?

>> No.7675539
File: 71 KB, 600x460, swag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hold on, are you telling me my shirt isn't fa? how will people know i paid top dollar for a shirt if there isnt a logo on it? retard

>> No.7675554


>Thinking all phones besides the iPhone are plastic

95 % of them are though.

>Experia Z

Looks bad. Even worse considering the huge ass " SONY " on top of it. The only cool thing about is good resistance against water.

>it's just smaller

How is this a bad thing ? A cellphone is supposed to be subtle and reasonably sized. Unless you have a very specific use for them ( notes with pen, games and all that kind of stupid shit ) these " tablet " cellphones are downright retarded.

>and you have one because you made your parents buy you the same one as all the other children in your school so you wouldn't feel left out

Now you are just lacking arguments an plain projecting my friend. Stop that. I'm sure you can produce something better.

>> No.7675555

Nnnnnope. Technically capable but not /fa/.

>> No.7675566
File: 39 KB, 379x391, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Regular buissniess-type Nokia for phonecalls and texts
>iPod classic for music
>iPad mini or some other small tablet for surfing

>> No.7675565

a black lumia isnt fa?

>> No.7675572

It's made of polycarbonite. The same cheap shit as the craptacular iPhone 5C.

>> No.7675586

this is the correct answer. Nokia E71/E51.

Technically a smartphone. Thinner than almost every smartphone released these days. Not recognized by AT&T as a smartphone so you can get $10/mo unlimited data from AT&T. And it will make a wifi hotspot using it.

And its sexy as can be

>> No.7675587

>carrying 3 things when you could carry 1
not /fa/

>> No.7675599

The problem is that you demonstrate a lot of traits common to iphone enthusiasts

>If you are retarded enough to buy a shitty plastic cellphone just because everyone else own an iPhone
>Thinking all phones besides the iPhone are plastic
>95 % of them are though.

So are some iPhones. Don't buy a shitty plastic phone from any manufacturer. Duh.

>Looks bad

That's the peak of your design assessment. Sleek, minimalist and beautiful "looks bad".

>Even worse considering the huge ass " SONY " on top of it.

That big gay Apple logo is so much better.

>it's just smaller
>How is this a bad thing
>these " tablet " cellphones are downright retarded.

Right, there's no middle ground between the dated little screen on an i5 and a tablet.

You see what I mean by Apple logic? Almost every "iPhone is duh best hurr durr" post is predicated on easily dispensed logical fallacies. I've heard enough.

>> No.7675610

enjoy carrying all that stuff with you then

>> No.7675611


>That big gay Apple logo is so much better.


Because not only it is on the BACK of the phone, you know, the place covered by your hand 99 % of the time, but it's not as contrasted as a huge ass white SONY on a black cellphone.

>That's the peak of your design assessment. Sleek, minimalist and beautiful "looks bad".


>Right, there's no middle ground between the dated little screen on an i5 and a tablet.

There's. And the Experia Z is certainly not one of them.

>> No.7675629

>what is bag?
Carrying three higher quality items instead of one where the features are compromized for the sake of mobility. I don't surf or write if I don't sit down and I want a big screen. The sound quality of smartphones don't come near an classic.
Not saying this is the best solution for everyone, but these three items satisfy all my everyday needs on a level that no smartphone will.

>> No.7675687
File: 111 KB, 635x510, lenovo-k900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only phone that has ever tempted me besides the iphone is the lelnovo k900.

But lets be real, the iPhone is clearly the best. I just such a huge kick over how Android are one upping each over tiny increases in PPI, and fucking >FHD on a phone these days. And then you think back to how it was based apple that was the first a large pixel density screen on a phone. No other manufacturer has any idea what they fuck they're doing. Xperia Z and K900 both have butt ugly interfaces. And yes, I know you can fuck around with those, but like come on guys, if the manufacturer can't have the /fa/sense to not fuck up their UI when even an end user can fix it... they have no idea wtf they are doing and don't deserve my cashdollars

>> No.7675965

>caring about the technical details and comparing hardware is absurd and nerdy and any phone chosen because it has the better processor or whatever
I can tell this is an ebin trole but fuck off anyway

>> No.7676001

The Bold 9930 is the most /fa/ phone.
That shit doesn't speak "fun, happy, positive".
It radiates confidence, and a no bullshit attitude that spells out "No Fun Allowed".

>> No.7676104

iphone 3gs

>> No.7676112

>But lets be real, the iPhone is clearly the best.

spoken like a true know nothing.

>> No.7676569


>> No.7676575

The iphone is anti-/fa/

>> No.7676773

I don't trust huawei's build quality.

>> No.7677664

Thin bezels + rectangular form factor is /fa/

>> No.7677772


>> No.7678176

spoken like a male who prefers sexual intercourse with other males

>> No.7678213


>> No.7678221

If we're gonna be homophobic, you should be aware that the only phone with a homosexual stereotype is the iPhone.

Also, don't samefag.

>> No.7678928
File: 71 KB, 640x450, 1390781532120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Z1 Compact is probably going to be my next phone purchase.

Wish it had a smaller bezel. Also Sony actually used a good panel on their phone for once.

>> No.7678938

iphone 5s for sure

>> No.7678963

nexus 5

>> No.7678988

The z came in white and it's super sexy. Does the Z1 have a white model?

>> No.7679047
File: 30 KB, 618x437, 1390782942270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's this promotional image showing some of the color models including a white one, haven't seen it in a video yet though.

>> No.7679055

Yeah buddy that sounds great. What's the dif between Z1s and Z1 compact?

>tfw live in the US and Sony doesn't really market/explain their phones to us

>> No.7679106

I didn't like how all of the modern cell phones look. So I got a pleather flip case for mine.

>> No.7679110

Z1S is pretty much the Z1 but it's a T-Mobile exclusive. The only things they changed were the default storage (32gb) and some software and camera tweaks.

ZI compact is exactly like the Z1 inside, it's just smaller.

>> No.7679184

iphone is the uggs/northface of cell phones.

>> No.7679203

At least there are going to be two lines of iphones now.

>> No.7679202

no iphones are just iphones

fuck, no one cares what fucking phone you have, just buy whichever one offers what you want.

>> No.7679215



>> No.7679222

Well, uggs are also just shoes, no one cares what shoes you use to keep your feet warm, right?

>> No.7679239

uggs are actually slippers but if you want to look retarded go ahead

I'm saying there's minimal aesthetic difference between smartphones now considering they all pretty much copied the iphone's minimalist/aluminium case/unibody design and no bitch is going to fuck you just because you have a windows phone

>> No.7679240
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i want a moto x but i can't decide on a color


probably will just get bamboo???

>> No.7679345


>> No.7679343
File: 16 KB, 200x200, 1388356839001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uggs are boots m8

>> No.7679350
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>> No.7679384

they're slippers m8, only bogans and teenage girls wear them outside

>> No.7679392
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>> No.7679404

>implying boots cannot also be slippers
are you like american or something

>yet in Australia they are worn predominantly as slippers and often associated with "daggy" fashion sense, and "bogan" culture.

>tfw america culturally appropriates you

>> No.7679416
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>> No.7679443

I have an old banged up flip-phone like that. What are the implications, exactly?

>> No.7679453

that you sell drugs or are involved in some sort of organised crime

>> No.7679472

Ohhh. Well damn, that suddenly makes peoples' reactions to seeing it seem a lot more sensible. Guess my assumptions were pretty fucking off.

>> No.7680444

I got mine in royal blue w/ a white face. Looks sexy. The wine color is the best warm color, and concrete looks cool with orange. Bamboo is dumb with a regular face.

>> No.7680550

Definitely not iPhone. That's fuccboi as fuck.

>> No.7680610

I have a shitty burner that doesn't have practical web access.

The reason it's /fa/ is because it implies that I actually talk to people on the phone and because I'm mot constantly glued to the screen texting/surfing the web.

It makes me more approachable and social and as such I have a better social life.

>> No.7681201

seriously, the gold iphone is a huge gimmick, but still the most beautiful phone ever created.