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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 308 KB, 1125x585, 1386551784936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7670398 No.7670398[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

let's see em

>> No.7670497
File: 56 KB, 352x720, Photo on 1-25-14 at 10.39 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7670514 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 1080x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-25 F degree wind-chill edition

>> No.7670518

wish hem width was .5inches shorter
looks good tho, close to /fa/ uniform

>> No.7670525

meant to quote this

>> No.7670526
File: 55 KB, 430x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7670541

silhouette of big coat + skinny legs looks retarded.

>> No.7670578
File: 301 KB, 371x642, photo (36).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7670597

The bucket hat is a little much

>> No.7670601

>silhouette of big coat + skinny legs looks retarded
I personally like it, opinions everywhere

>> No.7670607

can i see shoes?

>> No.7670618

wouldn't say so

>> No.7670622
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>> No.7670624
File: 1.95 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_2910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok dude
i bought it a month or so ago never planned on wearing it and then when i came home from the store i just put it on and i actually like it

there the diy converses i did around christmas
cant find the pic of just them on my comp, top left in pic related

>> No.7670628

fuckin nigger.

don't you have white people stalking to do with a bag of skittles? You fucking small minded criminal.

>> No.7670631

are the lunar fly 306 tts?

>> No.7670635

yes, perfect tts

>> No.7670643


fucking internet music.


>> No.7670644
File: 142 KB, 500x954, gym.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

went to the bank and then to the gym

>> No.7670653
File: 2.72 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_1219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7670654

Fat gook.

wtf, man. Multiculturalism bullshit thread.

>> No.7670661


>> No.7670663
File: 2.69 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_1220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7670664

a brvh needs skinnier jawnz mang

>> No.7670665

Oh I just realized that this is my birthday fit.

>> No.7670668


>> No.7670669
File: 67 KB, 1336x1738, fit6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with some black chelsea boots and petrol-blue jeans

>> No.7670670
File: 159 KB, 960x544, deathnoteinvert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone doesnt like bucket hats

happy bday m8

>> No.7670686

Thanks it's my 21st too :-)

>> No.7670690
File: 1.16 MB, 1537x3561, WHATS THE SCENARIO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I look like a cakeboy? too mfa?

>> No.7670722

is this a troll fit??

>> No.7670727


like it or not. Niggers are a menace. You fucking nappy hair having ape.

>> No.7670738


>> No.7670740


in trackpants? fitted trackpants is a trend creating by the faggots so they can ruin our nation more.

>> No.7670741

i think u should get back to /b/ man

>> No.7670744


looks like you had a decent idea but didnt have the pieces to do it so you just chose pieces that were generally the right colors/cuts but it turned out sloppy as shit. also gives off a dressed by the internet vibe

>> No.7670745

Damn someone just turned 15

>> No.7670747

whats wrong with it?

>> No.7670751


you look really good dude. people "into fashion" might not dig it but the average person would find you stylish as fuck

>> No.7670754


>nappy hair having ape

my fucking sides

>> No.7670756

no ur just dumb

>> No.7670758


lovely, why don't u keep ur sneaks clean? love the bucket hat. i have this camo fishing hat i got off karmaloop lol... idk if i can pull it off.

>> No.7670760


>> No.7670769


that sweater, 10/10 trole fit. too slavcore

>> No.7670763

Deal with harsh reality. You utopia minded fucking faggot loving liberal shit bags. New generation of retarded, "MUH FEELINGS" idiots.

So progressive. But I bet when walking home alone in the dark and faced with a nig nog walking toward you, in your mind, you're thinking..."fuck". Though, you'll never admit it.

>> No.7670775

>le be edgy 13 year old on /fa/
fuck off

>> No.7670778



>> No.7670779

whats wrong with the sweater?

>> No.7670782
File: 225 KB, 763x1024, niggaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7670784

criminal mindset, owe you a living piece of shit NIGGER

>> No.7670794

i don't know what you were trying to say but i assume you are retarded so that's okay

>> No.7670795

I call it more like a football hooligan core. not necessarily a bad thing.

>> No.7670805

do you make paypal payments in a suit or something

>> No.7670806


that shade of red is pretty out, it honestly ruins the entire fit (it's also just plain ugly/shitty menswear). you need a sweater in the same shade range as that brown coat/jacket you are wearing.

>> No.7670812


more accurate

>> No.7670816

yo stop shitting up the thread
if you have no interest in fashion please leave and go back to /pol/, or /b/

>> No.7670822


>making paypal payments

is that what you call going to the bank? alelled

>> No.7670825

>that shade of red pretty out
>shitty menswear
>you need a monochrome colour
I don't think any of these true since contrast is not a bad thing. Don't judge someone else because they don't dress in goofninja. I think thats a nice solid outfit kudos man!

>> No.7670827
File: 1.99 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_3023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7670831

idk man i just like beat up shoes, i think they look cool
im gonna keep my lunarflys clean tho bc they'd look weird dirty
thanks dude, post a pic of it?
i just checked out karmaloop and they have some decent buckets

k before there was a slight chance you were serious but now everyone knows you're just a troll

the example you gave is actually so dumb lmao have you seen too many movies or somethin

>> No.7670836
File: 31 KB, 460x276, 1390679100852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you look like a character out of Nick Love films bruw

>> No.7670838


dyeldavebased for mod 2015 hehe

>> No.7670841

well you go to the bank
and then you transfer money from your bank account to your paypal
and then you have money on your paypal

>> No.7670844


>works landscaping*

>still a skinny faggot


>> No.7670846

Looks pretty pleb tbh but you managed to spend a gorillion dollars on that

>> No.7670847

how did you make your af1's all beat up?

>> No.7670851

when did u get the cons
the way they're laced sorta looks like balenciaga arenas to me, cool

>> No.7670853


>> No.7670856

Man even if its snowing out and you dont wanna dirty your good shoes at least take pics with the decent ones and switch after

>> No.7670857



i ain't hatin' the playa. contrast has it's place, agreed. but dark brown and bright red in those textures? cmon man, it's yuck. I also didn't say monochrome, shade range is different brv. not judging, and i ain't a goofninja.

>> No.7670864

i wear them A LOT

>> No.7670867
File: 2.12 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_3020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


toque 30$
shoes 30$
henley 70$
jeans 100$
1v1 me irl faggot

>> No.7670869

would berry/10

>> No.7670871

>buying used clothing


>> No.7670875
File: 172 KB, 1280x1280, 1390679453920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best place to get af1's?

like the ones you have

can you just get them on the nike site?

>> No.7670878

w2c drkshdw toque for $30

>> No.7670881

because its about 1/4 the retail price and im not an autistic germ freak sperg who thinks every piece of clothing on ebay is covered in semen and anthrax
no i like these ones
what do you mean

>> No.7670882
File: 449 KB, 582x659, photo (15).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anywhere dude
p. sure they haven't changed at all

look on ebay, you can find them very cheap. if i was looking to get new ones i'd lurk ebay

but if you're in a rush, eastbay has them, or tresbien has them on sale but it's rape price

>> No.7670883

fuck that the bucket hat kills it

>> No.7670887


>> No.7670898


>well you put on proper pants
>and then you go to the bank
>and then you transfer money from your bank account to your paypal
>and then you have money on you i dont give a shit

designer trackpants, height of lel

>> No.7670902

eh whatever
i like it
looked better than a beanie did

>> No.7670905

says the /fa/ drones

>> No.7670910

but I don't even have to talk to anyone, it's literally just me walking into an empty bank where I scan in a piece of paper and the deed is done
it's a 2 minute process, anon!


>> No.7670919
File: 33 KB, 640x480, snapshot(3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I buttoned back the lapels on this huge old coat I have and I actually think it looks better than it buttoned up normally

I need to tighten the arms a lot but I might actually wear this OUTSIDE at some point

>> No.7670920

watch out this guy has a ~different~ opinion, that makes it better than everyone elses

>> No.7670921
File: 781 KB, 2048x1536, drkshdwxhofer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7670946
File: 1.18 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ann dem/bbs/guidi 788zs

>> No.7670953

no one can see shit

>> No.7670954

is that the bart parka?

>> No.7670963

please take a batter picture.

>> No.7670995

lighting in my place is shit for the next 2 hours, sorry (not sorry)

>> No.7671025

loving the yellowed sole
i am assuming it was white before?

>> No.7671053
File: 73 KB, 720x960, hhi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7671054


>> No.7671055

yes there was a day and age when they were white and crisp

some dude on here posted a good idea if you wanna yellow your soles though, use a teabag

not sure if it works but maybe

best way is to just wear them and let it happen naturally
i have a bond with my af1s that will never be broken

>> No.7671062
File: 339 KB, 1152x1350, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Devils game last night

>> No.7671067

looks like a girl dressed in her boyfriend's clothing

>> No.7671068


>> No.7671077


>> No.7671078

nice w2c jacket

>> No.7671100

I like that jacket a lot, just not with that fit.

>> No.7671107


I like dat quilted bomber jacket

where 2 officer of the peace, cir?

>> No.7671122

thanks for the constructive criticism
its ancient i got it as a gift and cut the tag off lol but im pretty sure its topman

>> No.7671130
File: 329 KB, 1920x1080, jan25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stronghold medium weight straight leg denim
gitman bros button down printed oxford
wallace and barnes british moto jacket
luchesse cowboy boots
stetson rawhide leather belt
scarf stolen from some little girl at the park

>> No.7671137

literally the gayest thing i have ever seen

but decent fit

>> No.7671142
File: 699 KB, 1256x2828, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thrifted shirt

>No full size mirror

>> No.7671144

omg im dying what is this

>> No.7671148


>> No.7671150

Your fit is shit and why are you tripping?

>> No.7671155

Lose weight

>> No.7671174

thhat was a name this is trippping

that shirt retails 200 dollars
my boot retail 450 dollars
you dress like a dickhead go shop lift cashmere at fashionbug u knob what do you know :---)

>> No.7671183


>> No.7671186

stronghold denim retails 340 usd by the way so my outfit is the most expensive in this thread combimed with the 499 retail wallace and barnes jacket i win again take notes u sufu wannabee loses im going to teach you all how to dress

>> No.7671187


youre fucking hilarious please dont stop posting here

>> No.7671189

So why do you have a name/trip?

>> No.7671194

this is great bait

actually good bait m8

>> No.7671195

hhahahaha holy shit is this the real slater

i like ur fit but it does look super gay sorry if that offends u~

>> No.7671196

>you dress like a dickhead go shop lift cashmere at fashionbug u knob what do you know :---)
lmao #rekt

r u the real slater?

>> No.7671197

because hes funny

fuck off anon

>> No.7671202


I willingly swallow other men's semen and this is too gay for me.

>> No.7671221

Dope fit George!
nsdbg ;)

>> No.7671229
File: 764 KB, 1520x2688, IMAG1112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cold as fuck today got new baggier jeans and cleaned my AF1

>> No.7671259

hockey jerseys are corny but everything fits really well and your fit looks nice overall
this is awesome and i love you

>> No.7671266
File: 1.59 MB, 1080x1080, P1253241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7671270


>> No.7671271

>dan fit
I fucking love when dan posts a fit. It's like spotting a unicorn or something

>> No.7671277

your fits are so aggressively boring and shitty
I see tons of shit fits all the time but yours always stand out as particularly uninspired

>> No.7671279
File: 181 KB, 1061x820, Portrait_of_an_Orangutan_20122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7671280

y ou motherf ucer wh d you get the same shirt as me holy shit hah ah ahahah ahahahahahahhahahahahahah ah

>> No.7671281

>same shit
>slatercore is alive and well
I don't even know what to feel anymore

>> No.7671282

ayyy hows fleetwood ma nigga
burnaby's cold as fuck

>> No.7671283
File: 137 KB, 720x1184, 20140125095715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you all think of this colour combination?

>> No.7671285

details on sweater?

>> No.7671291

Come on, slater. You know we've got similar influences. I could I not cop a gitman buttondown with pinup cowgirls?

>> No.7671293

And yes, I'm actually on my way out for drinks with a few mates. Hopefully pick up a few qt's

>> No.7671294

way too heavy on the red dude
also a darker red would be better

>> No.7671295

gitman vintage owns ive bought 10 of the shirts in the last month

>> No.7671296

i like it actually
if that's the real slater he's been here 5x as long as you basic fuccbois

>> No.7671297

I can tell you're too young for that look.

>> No.7671304

Well, might be the rooms / cameras illumination, but the coat is quite deep red. Like borderline maroon

>> No.7671307


>> No.7671312

inspo right here
your contributions take up a huge portion of my inspo folder.. just thought i'd let you know.

>> No.7671313

>aspiring to dress like shit

>> No.7671317

hey hey hey i like his fits whats wrong with that

thanks onii chan

>> No.7671319

this lol
lovely's fits are always sleazy af
the hair doesn't help for once

>> No.7671326
File: 50 KB, 891x501, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got these ties though. What would you suggest instead of the red one? I'm not letting go of my sportscoat. Too comfy.

>> No.7671328

nah cya bud

>> No.7671331


>> No.7671361

ahahah denim dan has the same shirt

>> No.7671369

those are all really ugly dude
2 is the least offensive

>> No.7671384

thanks dude rly appreciate it

idk man
i try to give off a chill/lazier vibe in my fits, i don't really like dressing any other way
people seem to either like it or hate it
thanks for the hair compliment?? i guess lmao
it's getting real long though and i might have to cut it soon

thanks (same dude as before maybe)

>> No.7671383

>nig-nogging intensifies

>> No.7671387

Well.... Thanks... Fuck it. I'll let the social people decide ;)

>> No.7671397
File: 331 KB, 540x960, fitdvn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7671402

u drss like a fat fuckin lesbian that went 2 one of those labs and got pregnant by some JIGABOOS REPTOIDS JUNGLE JUICE

>> No.7671404

holy shit last year you still had some hair

>> No.7671405


interesting bringing back the old dave
u know i like this type of stuff dude
i actually think trainers would look btter

>> No.7671409

W2c pants

>> No.7671411

>I'll let the social people decide ;)
They will literally be guessing

>> No.7671418


Can't you do that online?

>> No.7671419

why does everyone hate on trunks? i like this

>> No.7671422
File: 45 KB, 517x511, 47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit palette
those are the coolest WTAPS skate his too
not even taking advantage of the green
I mean fuck your entire body is earth tone af and you're not doing shit with the cw
stop wearing blue

>> No.7671440

šit niga. Slovenija?

>> No.7671541
File: 1.22 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm drunk ^_____^

>> No.7671562

pls b in london

>> No.7671564

implyin das a grill

>> No.7671573

that wasn't implied

>> No.7671583

guy or grill still a qtpatootie

>> No.7671584

miley cyrus

>> No.7671598

you are very handsome

>> No.7671628

nice jacket drunkfag, where it from pls tell me

>> No.7671654
File: 1.28 MB, 2250x4000, DSC_0353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello friends

>> No.7671675

all your fits are pretty good but you really need to invest in the shoe game.

>> No.7671749

nice but that tear in the shirt is bad :(

>> No.7671787

postajališče Ježica 3:58 am

>> No.7671841

this is the worst waywt I've seen in a long time

>> No.7671915

post fit
make it better

>> No.7671929

yeah, i moslty wear vans, lol.

Im really wanting to buy a CP or somonething similiar, but in my country its kinda hard too and pretty expensive, with the taxes and so.

and i have to admit that i like Vans.

>> No.7671932

holes r cool

>> No.7671949

Nigga it's cold as shit everywhere but shitpoststraya and the weekend so nobody wants to leave the house anyways
Idk what you're expecting

>> No.7671957

no, it just looks like you're a poor idiot who can't take care of his clothes

>> No.7671962

holes r cool cry harder

>> No.7671970
File: 723 KB, 537x1005, 1390691245415~01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made the shirt myself, if you have me on snapfam then you already have seen the shirt

>> No.7671965
File: 283 KB, 1224x1632, photo (21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7671974
File: 85 KB, 692x791, 1390516804391~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7671976

holy fuck

>> No.7671985
File: 538 KB, 441x1016, 1390691333515~01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7672003
File: 929 KB, 657x1062, 1390691400819~01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7672015


looks pretty bad dude

>> No.7672024

Saint Laurent was crafted especially for you

>> No.7672025

get new kix

>> No.7672046


you would be in my nightmares

>> No.7672068

this thread is so awful that a fit with Vans is one of the better.

and ur cute tho

>> No.7672079

"it is time child, come starve with me"

"no but mr. skellington, i still have so much to bulk"

>> No.7672104

you look like a good person

>> No.7672144

motioning for a namechange to downsyndrome dan after this picture.

>> No.7672338

If the bucket hat didn't have that shitty pattern I'd approve

>> No.7672352

Take off the fuckin do-rag

>> No.7672364

worst colorway.

>> No.7672368

good except for AF1s

>> No.7672376

I like this but I wish the shirt wasn't see thru

>> No.7672378

dear god I hope you didn't go out in that outfit.

>> No.7672379


>> No.7672385
File: 176 KB, 720x540, BASEDFAG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7672388
File: 148 KB, 640x640, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im ugly i know, lets move past it somehow

>> No.7672389

why are you tripfagging?

>> No.7672402
File: 112 KB, 600x800, 022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7672396

also yes, i have a haircut booked for tomorrow

>> No.7672400

Is that rly u? nice

>> No.7672408

yes, and thanks:)

>> No.7672415

Kyle gtfo out of here.

and yes i'm serious
"how come girls don't want a niceguy" - Kyle

if you aren't Kyle, i know someone named Kyle who dresses the same and is just as thin. He's such a bitch retard hahaha

>> No.7672437

shit palette
middle heavy silhouette
place your camera higher before taking the photo next time

>> No.7672456

shit palette
don't tuck your tee in

>> No.7672459

not kyl

>> No.7672462

nice fit
you look obnoxious though

>> No.7672464

how to improve?
its just the photo.png
gf is short

going for workwear/outdoorsy look

>> No.7672477

can you suggest why? second time thats been said to me and I think it might just be my babyface, but I dont really know.

>> No.7672487

>going for workwear/outdoorsy look
no shit

>its just the photo.png
this is why MFA is shit
you fat fucks are so used to pandering that you start making excuses when you get criticized

like your entire post is about making you feel less bad about how bad you look

fuck you leave

>> No.7672499
File: 141 KB, 372x543, 1390697234929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I dont really know.
>I don't really know.
>I dont really know.
>I dont really know.


>> No.7672507

ask for constructive criticism, get called fat fuck.
tfw 5'10" 140lb

>> No.7672504

to me that doesnt scream obnoxious, just stupid pose, now I know though. thanks.

>> No.7672513
File: 186 KB, 523x1369, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7672516


Get 'em, pa

>> No.7672522

>v neck

>> No.7672543
File: 340 KB, 554x365, SM3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shirt doesn't go well with that jacket
like the boots and pants though

>> No.7672548
File: 460 KB, 1688x2322, waywt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7672561

very nice
boots and jeans?

>> No.7672584

levis 510s and some docs i bought a year ago. I can't find them on the site, they have a thin sole and black stiching and were like $280

>> No.7672624


g-get the fuck out of here please

>> No.7672813

blue feels a little out of place and i feel u could have done more w ur skin tone and the color of the sk8 his

>> No.7672818

prob only bc there are like 10 black ppl in my entire city

>> No.7672826

>implying white ppl are not entirely at fault for this

>> No.7672829

jacket obv 2 small for ur fat body

>> No.7672837

fuck off geek

>> No.7672866

nicest looking filthy room I've ever seen

>> No.7672868

one of the best WAYWTs in a while

>> No.7672874
File: 152 KB, 960x1280, IMG_20140125_180955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting from phone while shitting :3

>> No.7672894

but if you were still shitting while you posted it, how did you get the picture of the shit?

>> No.7672900

jk homie I like your sweater
shoes look so bland and disgusting but w/e
jacket looks nice
shirt's a fucking awful horrible trash garbage never let me see that again color

just ditch the shirt and this becomes a solid fit

shoes aren't offensive really but they just look so explicitly like generic UO trash that I'm inclined to look the other way

>> No.7672902

where did you get that jacket?

>> No.7672910
File: 200 KB, 852x1776, 1390702927240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boots 1

>> No.7672921
File: 460 KB, 2154x1824, wintercore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boots 2

>> No.7672917

i h8 ur sweaer, like beenie th

>> No.7672919
File: 875 KB, 600x600, virgin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dad saturday

sister in law's grad.
god bless

>> No.7672928
File: 318 KB, 1386x1836, credence clearwater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boots 3

>> No.7672930
File: 991 KB, 1520x2688, IMAG0388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7672936

i almost fell out of my chair when i saw your face - i love the fits

>> No.7672937

what the fuck are you doing?

>> No.7672938

looks good man

>> No.7672955
File: 1.57 MB, 2204x3920, 1390703449375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7672950

nice looks real good

>> No.7672958


is that henley from H&M? I think I just bought it a few hours ago.

>> No.7672971

What boots are they mate?, they look great.

>> No.7672967


>> No.7672977
File: 2.27 MB, 2204x3920, 1390703719712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7672982

The picture makes it look like the shirt is just one solid color, but its just because of the phone camera.

>> No.7672997

yep, got it like a month ago too, probably the same one
chippewa apache lace ups in chocolate

>> No.7673007

Pants not tight enough.
Can't see wang.

>> No.7673005


w2c jacket

>> No.7673024

How long are your bangs to tie it like that?

>> No.7673034
File: 194 KB, 304x537, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

graphic tee from uniclo
jeans from H&M side line or whatever
shoes from loake

>> No.7673048


colors dont match, pants are too skinny, and dress shoes don't belong on this outfit. I still sort of like it for some reason though.

>> No.7673069


What t-shirt?

>> No.7673078

my hair is down to my.chin

>> No.7673084

nice cameltoe

>> No.7673131

you fucking dweeb slater has been here since the start

>> No.7673137

shut the fuck up

>> No.7673147

w2c jeans

>> No.7673157

pretty basic nothing that good can be said or anything bad really

>> No.7673173


>> No.7673168

i always heard this about my fits .-.

>> No.7673178

>people say absolutely nothing about mine

complete cyber stealth 8)

>> No.7673182

Well it's true.

>> No.7673189

haha, try wearing more interesting things. more layers i guess? also i hate vans but yeah

>> No.7673202

trunks r u like 7 feet tall

>> No.7673206
File: 233 KB, 1080x1920, pants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new one

>> No.7673215

how did u get those scars

>> No.7673239

w2c jeans?

>> No.7673244

weirdly basic but cool

>> No.7673252

i like it

>> No.7673264

hey that qt guy is back
keep on posting

>> No.7673282

eww eww eww turning me straight

>> No.7673343


>> No.7673368

I took too many cocks at once

>> No.7673412

probably petit standards?

>> No.7673424

apc petit standard

>> No.7673449

Let me lick you down papi

>> No.7673517
File: 34 KB, 398x436, 1389763947576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao fucking pooped on

>> No.7673553
File: 129 KB, 459x816, asdfasdfafds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only good fit itt

>> No.7673582
File: 767 KB, 1536x2048, winter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wore this stuff

>> No.7673599


The gingham is too loud alongside the red pants, I'd recommend a solid shirt. Cardigans look kind of stupid unbuttoned, so fix that. Also, the pants are too long. Get them tailored so they don't pile up on your shoes.

>> No.7673785

lose the jacket and it'd look better

>> No.7673793

post more af1 fit pics. im starting to warm up to them seeing how nice they age

>> No.7673791

Touch my butt

>> No.7673806

thats a human not
a banana

>> No.7673812
File: 8 KB, 300x250, dave butt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7673823
File: 78 KB, 768x602, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7673830

The fact that I made this for /vg/ and it's actually being used here is hilarious.

>> No.7673837

The image, I mean.

>> No.7673839

can you start tripping so i can block you?

>> No.7673855

thats not wat u wore today tho

>> No.7673857


>> No.7673861

It's too cold in Chicago to go out.
I just wore a sweater and sweatpants all day.

>> No.7673867

ok i understand friend-o

>> No.7673864

yeah dude mad hilarious overwhelmingly funny my innards are bursting out of my sides
jk it's a good image lol it was a on google images a few pages down searching "waywt"
nice 1 m8 ~.~

>> No.7673871

Fucking qt as fuck

>> No.7673887
File: 57 KB, 586x623, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want it to be warm again so I can wear dresses.

>> No.7673919


>> No.7673933
File: 55 KB, 540x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daddy please

>> No.7673941

I'll stop now

>> No.7673955

Proper colour contrast
Shape looks a tad bit odd though

>> No.7674020

you look like a big bang theory character

>> No.7675407

You should consider making your own bussines
A landscaping/gigolo hybrid.
Rake in that dosh b
might not need to buy secondhand then

>> No.7676427

Shit posture
Retarded tourist-tier shirt
30 year old virgin core facial hair
premature balding
shit facial aesthetics