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/fa/ - Fashion

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7666915 No.7666915[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ok before you accuse me of trolling/shitthreading/anything, this thread is absolutely serious, ok? oh and it is related to fashion, and by fashion i mean hair, but let me start:

see, im a 20 yo virgin
ive finally decided to lose the v-burden to some hot escort (either azn qt or some brazilian or maybe just a british one)
there are many reasons im a virgin, mainly because ive always been a loner and im not really looking into having any relationships with people
my life is mostly work cops and smoking grass in my dark room at nigiht
but y'know, im a real human being (or so i think) and i do have animal instincts and my penis craves to get some action
ok ok, now to the fashion related part.

see, my hair is shit. like really, its fucking shit. i hate it when i get a buzz cut because i like having hair, but my hair looks like some fucking joke, if i dont put any product on it i look like a fucking greasy hobo with hair going in all directions and shit, really hard to describe but trust me you would avoid the shit out of me if you were to meet me irl because youd think im some fucking junkie ass pleb
so, i put product on
and then my hair looks oh so great
i really love my hair after i style it

the thing is, as far as i know escorts require their customers to go into the shower before sex
and what would that mean?
that would mean my hair would get fucking messed up
thats right, my hair would become a greasy pile of weirdly structured atoms causing me to lose all my confidence and making me want to cry
so, what should i do?
i really want to bang anyone but a vision of not having product with me and not styling my hair after leaving the shower is truly mortifying
WHAT DO I DO? should i just say 'i took a shower at home bb' or 'please dont wet my hair its hydrophobic' or what?

this is a serious issue, please dont laugh /fa/ers, im open to any ideas

>> No.7666929


>> No.7666957
File: 490 KB, 350x197, uuuh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, be an adult, get a fuck buddy, and use that escort money to talk to a professional hair stylist.

>> No.7666958


>> No.7666973

post pics

>> No.7666977

>get a fuck buddy
easier said than done and i dont really want to get involved in any longer-than-1-day relationship even if its just sex with anyone

>> No.7666989

get a one night stand, genius jfc

>> No.7666997

just say you're self-conscious about how it looks without product and ask if you have to wash your hair
in case you have to wash your hair, have product with you and put it on after the shower.

>> No.7667007

wear a shower cap and tell her you have a perm

>> No.7667011
File: 173 KB, 1280x720, 1389633274546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or alternatively tell her you have a hair gel fetish and bring some with you to put on after you shower. Picturing either scenario makes me laugh

>> No.7667012

i would anon but this thread is about fucking escorts and im really afraid of being stalked, i mean, i dont really have any effay friends but im a bit paranoid

in the world of self-consciousness and crippling introvertism one night stands are unfathomable

you think it would be okay? wouldnt the girl be weirded out? i want to have a fun time and i want her to have a, more or less, fun time too


>> No.7667010

post pictures fucker, or we can't help you.

>> No.7667021

>spend money on well fitting clothes and a nice haircut
>have sex with chix for free

>> No.7667026

>dressing for women and not yourself
worst trip of all time

>> No.7667027


anon it's a goddamn escort 'i would really like to gel my hair' is probably not the weirdest fucking thing she's had to put up with you underestimate weird sexual fetishes

>> No.7667030

>but trust me you would avoid the shit out of me if you were to meet me irl because youd think im some fucking junkie ass pleb
No wonder you're not getting laid with that attitude son.

>> No.7667034

cover your face with ms paint skillz

>> No.7667032
File: 33 KB, 299x134, ITSGENETICSISWEAR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok this is the best i can do imma remove the pic in a few minutes

>> No.7667042

Oh fuck me.
Being this kind of self-conscious, it's no wonder you don't get anything.
Work on this and you'll get a girl.

>> No.7667041
File: 20 KB, 450x369, 1390620328409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell her you're into cosplay

>> No.7667050

wtf am i looking at

>> No.7667047

this is in relevance to OPs thread you sub human

>> No.7667059

ok OP I was 24 before i lost my v-card

heres what you do

1. get a rope
2. get a stool
3. tie the rope to something sturdy
4. tie the rope around your neck
5. place the stool under the rope
6. stand on the stool
7. jump off

>> No.7667056

>getting trolled this easily
and a newfag too

>> No.7667061

They really make you fucking shower when they get there? Bullshit, what a waste of time. If they see you're pretty clean they're not gonna do that. And why can't you style your hair while she's there? She's getting paid for the time.

Stop being retarded OP. Scared of being judged by a hooker you will never see again? Holy autism.

>> No.7667072

well id rather pay, have sex, leave and go back to my own life than experience a day/night of overwhelming stress
also my libido isnt high enough to need sex that much, i fap to relieve my sexual tension and im good, i just want to have sex with someone good at it to see if i like it enough to change my stable and lazy life

>> No.7667086

you has aspergers. that's why you're a virgin.

and people don't want to fuck you because you don't shower enough.

>> No.7667094

so you'd rather try and hide all evidence that you actually had sex?

please die

>> No.7667099

wear a gimp mask or a ninja mask

>> No.7667113

For God's sake, get your shit together. You're never be even slightly happy if you keep obsessing with your hair. It's not even about having sex, you'll still feel the same after. And given your self confidence, I suspect you'll feel bad for having lost your virginity to a hooker.

>> No.7667109

haha oh shit

im not into masochism

i shower every single day

most escorts want to take a shower with you first from what i know

what? whatchukno bout social anxiety

>> No.7667124

>most escorts want to take a shower with you first from what i know

Jesus Christ you don't know shit. Where the hell did you learn this, porn?

>> No.7667128

punternet and the like

>> No.7667141

anon, im working on it ok? lets say that tapping some booty is one of the steps im going to take to overcome my social anxiety and shit, and i dont think ill feel any bad, ill have a chance to put my penis into a hot chick im attracted to

>> No.7667154


>> No.7667161

this is stupid but another idea for you could be to look into one of those "happy ending" massages. they're actually real and some of them let you have sex, though for a high price

>> No.7667175






>> No.7667531

dude i lost my virginty at 15 and im not even attractive or that confident you dont need a hooker

>> No.7667542

Paying for sex is like paying someone to unlock achievements on a 360 game.

Yea, you got them, but you actually didn't.

Your life is no better, and now you're left wondering why you even cared so much in the first place. You'll just want more.

>> No.7667551

and oh yea can someone tell me what Lil B song this quote is from

"and I can give a fuck how you dress to be honest,
unless your bank account got 15 commas,
try to fuck with me and catch knuckles like sonic"

>> No.7667566

paying for sex wont do shit for your social anxiety.

You don't lose your virginity and walk away a better person. You are exactly the same, except you can post about how you had sex on 4chan.
except you can't.
you can post about how you paid a hooker.

just read Book of Pook and work on some confidence.
Confidence is something you give to yourself, it isn't based on what others do.
If you need a girl to make you fell confident you are doing it wrong, and you'll only feel worse.

>> No.7667592

>This fucking autist who's probably euphoric is paying for sex

Listen you fucking imbecile. Go out and meet some real women you god damn chode

>> No.7667716


>> No.7667722

what age you lose your virginity mario

>> No.7667727


truth. dr. m is spot on. virginity is a social construct, and therefor only has shallow, societal value. think of it like a 21st birthday: yes, it's supposed to be special, but when the day arrives you feel the same way you always do. that's because these events are nothing more than ideals; cultural milestones.

as for the bit about confidence. that's also true. self-confidence needs to be a very personal ambition with standards you set yourself. if you measure yourself by the standards of society, or other people you've already set yourself up for failure, because you can't please everyone. and the moment you're meet with critique your shaky foundation crumbles. when you measure yourself simply by your own standards: doing things you enjoy because you enjoy them, meeting personal goals you'll find that you stop hearing the judgmental voices of those around you, and you only hear your voice.

idk if i'm making sense, op, sorry

tl;dr you are always in your own company so you better enjoy it

>> No.7667736

mario usaid i was gay like a month ago and i forgot

why ami gay

>> No.7667754


i said certain things about how you post make you seem gay.
but i was probably joking.
idk, did it bring up some hidden feelings?

>> No.7667842

200 + your 50 massage. you cum, you done scrub. diving into a pool of high percent of genital warts

>> No.7667845


i want to bone ur sweet butt hole dr starfux

>> No.7667856

mario for samefag, aggressive post count lord

>> No.7667868

oh damn i didn't even notice.
i was posting on a differnet board and forgot to put my trip on.

but i post as anon a lot.
not to samefag, but for cool fun.

>> No.7668116

lel now I'm just picturing you as the spastic retard brother in malcolm in the middle