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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 272 KB, 1200x1600, reddfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7659786 No.7659786 [Reply] [Original]


reddit /mfa/'s top 100 fits of the year, what does effai think?

>> No.7659808

they look like dads and their ankles must be cold

>> No.7659818

many are boring but okay, a few are douchey as fuck, one or two are actually good

oh, and that gook with a tie bar that high should kill himself

>> No.7659836

#4 is pretty good

>> No.7659847
File: 170 KB, 533x800, WHY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7659844

Does MFA stand for knock knees?

>> No.7659852

30%+ of them are fucking retarded and seem like jokes
20% are pretty decent
50% are super boring pointless shit that everyone and anyone could be seen wearing

>> No.7659853

better than the average /fa/ waywt thread

>> No.7659858
File: 471 KB, 1081x2010, 4VaXwWe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7659867

w2c shoes

>> No.7659870

>whered my hair go?
>what do I do with my hands?
>i hope they dont notice my double chin and sausage fingers
>cargo pockets are in, and useful
>tfw no friends to float with

>> No.7659865

that's because it's their "best of"

if we compiled a top 100 waywt fits, it would be slightly better i think. not too much though

>> No.7659877

The majority are solid fits. Not "fashionable" but good looking.

>> No.7659884

please tell me this is a joke

>> No.7659917

Its actually better than most inspo threads. Id say 50% are good fits. I think its meant to be more for day to day wear than for nxtlvl high fashion stuff. I think its fine, give em a break.

There are some in there that do make you wonder though...

>> No.7659923
File: 59 KB, 394x1024, cBLycuz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's true

dead @ some of these though... it's funny to think people actually put effort into looking like this

>> No.7659932

>these though... it's funny to think people actually put effort into looking like this

that guy only loooks good because hes jacked as fuck. Replace that shirt with a plane white one and it would 2x as good. Also Sandals need to go.

>> No.7659935
File: 77 KB, 640x640, 0mzLdXL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fit is making me sad

all the tie bar fits are

do these morons not understand that tie bars are supposed to keep your fucking tie from fluttering?

>> No.7659952

ahh fuck this thread... again....

/fa is more for "high" fashion. Notice how if you post a thread saying "derp derp where to cop good chinos" you'll get laughed at? That's what mfA is about... ADVICE.

Their fits are for advice for the average fucking sidewalk pleb. Once you've realized clothes shouldn't be baggy as shit, you can move on to actually developing style.

Yes. Most the people on this board could don red wings/raw denim/jcrew oxford shirt and most likely make the top of that subreddit, but this board is way more than that.

Half the fits are dick jokes too (see kilt). We shouldn't compare a beginner's fashion board to one that is way more advanced, it's degrading to us.

>> No.7659967

You know what they are boi don't do that

>> No.7659972

no, if someone posted on a thread asking for good chinos, /fa/ would probably point them to unis or epaulet, good brands that most people don't know about

>way more advanced

this isn't sz, we're still at the bottom of the barrel here. most people here don't even look at runway shows

>> No.7659975


Probably trying to make it look "casual"

>> No.7659973

why does MFA love rolling shit up so much
rolled up pants
rolled up shirt
nigga would probably roll up short sleeves

>> No.7659981

This thread isn't for making fun of MFA
This thread is for looking at their best fits and saying what we think
So it's fine

>> No.7659983

>most people here don't even look at runway shows

>> No.7659984

it would be cool if we could have a more organised board so someone could actually make a top 100 fits of the year thing for /fa/

>> No.7660046

scour the archive for every waywt thread from 2013 do it boi

>> No.7660071

>muh selvedge

that's why i hate almost all denimheads i've met so far

>> No.7660090
File: 123 KB, 400x435, c81z6QM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best fit

>> No.7660093
File: 96 KB, 400x400, 2lfASHY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7660193
File: 556 KB, 479x620, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the most edgy bullshit i've ever seen

>> No.7660218

its so basic though

the only reason it stands out at all is because of muh preme and the jacket isnt even all that special

>> No.7660237

i rly like it i like the palette alot and ive always been a sucker for jackets like that

>> No.7660261

Jacket is good, palette is so basic, or well, it's what you see 200% of the time on /fa/, and I'm not a fan of the pants

>> No.7660279
File: 87 KB, 400x986, IoifO40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck

>> No.7660281

Oh fucking god I can only imagine the verbose ramblings about how the grittiness of the security cam contributes to the aesthetic of the fit fuck

>> No.7660300

he is wearing all undercover u fucking pleb

>> No.7660293

fair enough then, i understand where you're coming from

>> No.7660296
File: 173 KB, 1200x571, xkqqOZp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7660304
File: 1.80 MB, 768x1024, fWFRTH3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7660311

I do that in the summer

>> No.7660314
File: 28 KB, 375x375, 1381545473903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7660388

he really is tho

>> No.7660395

how does that make it good though

>> No.7660418

lmao @ these niggas trying WAY too hard

>> No.7660419

it doesnt but i did get dubs >>7660388

>> No.7660439

oh ok

>> No.7660449

fuck i wish i had a boat

fuck i wish i had somewhere to use a boat

fuck phoenix holy shit

>> No.7660469


It's a joke fit because someone said he looks depressed in all his pictures

>> No.7660520
File: 519 KB, 2448x3672, 1390525419627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well isn't this cute! They're trying to dress like us!

>> No.7660547

yeah i feel like some of these were just lifted from here

>> No.7660565

Just kill yourself if you think /fa/ owns Rick Owens
like seriously
I've never been so disgusted by another /fa/ poster

>> No.7660562

watch out niggerdicks is going to come over here and sperg out again

>> No.7660569

do u rlly think /fa/ invented wearing geobaskets you stupid fuck

>> No.7660575

yes : )

>> No.7660576

wow this is actually pretty cute.

>> No.7660586

ya until he takes his hand off his face #gotem

>> No.7660578


>> No.7660601


I know we joke around about redditers dressing like dads, but this is literally the outfit the dad wore in Little Miss Sunshine


They advise that you wear them like that in GQ, which I think is what inspires a lot of redditers. I honestly think it looks better that way, and it's not like /fa/ is into dressing practical anyways.

>> No.7660602

lmao trunks noone fucking cares, your fits are garbage too

>> No.7660623

i thought you had died

>> No.7660624


rolling up short sleeve shirts and shorts have been around a lot longer than mfa

>> No.7660661


>> No.7660669

i'm not against rolling up shirts but rolling up pants looks stupid like 95% of the time

>> No.7660685

are those dreamboxes?

>> No.7660682

oh god I'm just noticing the pink shoes now

>> No.7660738
File: 524 KB, 2826x4238, VmDlBcE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this kid went to my HS, His name was Siraj Sindhu and was valedictorian and got best dressed for the yearbook

>> No.7660747

What he doing now?

>> No.7660755

Well both his parents are doctors so I think thats what hes going into. Its odd because I knew he went to reddit but he was alway more of the yellow sweater vest w/ yellow bowtie and yellow shorts guy

>> No.7660757

Trendhoppin loser in HS, trendhoppin loser later.

>> No.7660758

w2c jacket tho

>> No.7660773

>Siraj Sindhu
Are you from Watertown?

>> No.7660770

>hide your face in one picture
>show it in the other

well that made a lot of sense

>> No.7660780

Yes are you?

>> No.7660788

What year did you graduate?

>> No.7660782

I don't find these people interesting
They live normal ass lives being boring as fuck but wear rick owen because internet
Good for him though if he becomes a doctor

>> No.7660783

Yeah, I went to WHS.

>> No.7660797

2009, my name's Dan.

>> No.7660802

>mom can u pls buy me these new geo baskets? theyre only 1200$
>son why dont u dress like a gentleman like u used to? ill buy them for u but only if u eat ur cury baby

>> No.7660808
File: 191 KB, 720x960, 1390528145272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to rain on your parade but I don't think triggerdisk is the same person as "Siraj Sindhu." Do a quick fb search for yourselves

>> No.7660809

good for him. he's /fa/ as fuck

>> No.7660811

You still live with your mommy and daddy

>> No.7660822

i visit my mom on the weekends yeah :)

>> No.7660825


trunks tryin soooo hard tonite

>> No.7660829
File: 110 KB, 538x627, 1379824508612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>tfw no friends to float with
this thread gon be good

>> No.7660874

what do you do now?

>> No.7660917

>all of these Red Wing Iron Rangers

I thought /fa/ was kidding. I'm almost embarrassed to wear them now

>> No.7660958

If he's going to wear a skirt he should at least find one that is a barf covered hammy down

>> No.7661079

This was literally one of the first threads on /fa/ as soon as it became 2014.

Still, w2c shit like in the OP pic?

>> No.7661124

Shutup trunks. Nobody even likes you.

>> No.7661136
File: 1.48 MB, 682x1023, eL5XQAL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this a lot

>> No.7661150

im pretty sure that some dude just threw that up on mfa and it's not really him. ive seen that picture a lot

>> No.7661148

w2c brown/burgundy button down

>> No.7661158

they're all overweight

>> No.7661177
File: 178 KB, 400x800, eriXeU6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few of these are really good but some are just plain awful. Maybe its just a MFA inside joke im not getting...

pic related

>> No.7661199

i felt so angry when i first saw this...

>> No.7661207

Most of them actually look much better than me or any of you

>> No.7661229
File: 8 KB, 265x265, 1390532811048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this guy. Like, his fits are ok, I guess, but man, something on his face is just, damn.

>> No.7661252
File: 92 KB, 478x863, HHZoRpD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is p cool

>> No.7661254

so much this

>> No.7661270

There's like five fits with the same gradient shirt in this list

>> No.7661310

tite meme

>> No.7661325

Fuck with you. Your boy is on facebook, dude.

>> No.7661327

dope saved

>> No.7661353

it's reddit user tttigre I believe

idk why fa thinks they know more about high fashion or some bullshit

most of you would get fucking torn apart harder than trunk does in sufu

mfa has at least 5 people that started off in mfa and now roll around in 40+ rep everything they post a waywt to sufu

>> No.7661355

Couldnt find him

>> No.7661372

I mean the dude you named off earlier. I just read Watertown from his profile and figured Dan was a pretty generic name.

Almost asked you if you were from Bomass, since it says the dude lives in the area now.

>> No.7661379

oh, I guess I'm pretty gullible then.

>> No.7661395

It's okay, trusting people is a good trait. Just stay away from alleys.

>> No.7661410

I''ll be cautious, thanks man.

>> No.7661416

Stay away from Ali's, too. They're gonna try to sell you shady knockoff merchandise.

>> No.7661425

Alleys and Ali's. Don't forget Allies, worst relationship ever man.

>> No.7661466

Most are average, some are good, some are bad, and with this one >>7659847 I leaned back a bit in my chair and thought "Holy god that's terrible.".

>> No.7661469

>balding middle aged mechanic tries to look like he's in college again.png

>> No.7661480

I'm not a fan of tie bars in general.
Cool tie though.
Hell, I COULD LIVE with the pants being rolled up if he fixed the fucking shoes.
Okay I'm stretching it, those pants being rolled up that far is absolutely disgusting.

>> No.7661502

this du goes on effay

>> No.7661717

there are a few decent fits but for the most part this is exactly what I imagined reddit-tier faggits would look like, no balls

>> No.7661763

I giggled

>> No.7661821

for pants, i only do it if im wearing boots and want to show my spiffy ass socks (usually a solid color matching something on my upper). i roll up my sleeves to help control my temperature, if someone thinks it bad, well huge ass sweat stains look worse.

>> No.7661825

that's a sick af fit tho you fucking plen

>> No.7661846

is that true? the whole point of a tie bar is to stop it flappy flappy. but if you wear it too high, it still flappy flappy. if you are wearing a vest or something and you it just peeks out (with a low neck line (im not sure if its a neck line still at that point)) then thats one thing. but now this faggot looks like he has no idea what its there for. especially in that pic to the bottom right. what a fucker. he also cuffed his pants way to high. so maybe its just at normal height, but hes short, being asian and all.

>> No.7661867

those shoes look fucking comfy as all fuck. worn in like a glove.

>> No.7661878

shut the fuck up trunks god damnit. you fucking annoying useless piece of shit.

>> No.7661885

trunks you fuck piece of shit. you are a worthless pathetic human being.

>> No.7661889

go the fuck away you shitposting whore.

>> No.7661899

what the fuck trunks.

>> No.7661905

>states (correctly) that fa didn't invent wearing geobastards
>gets called retarded waste of life

You anons need to calm down

>> No.7661909

omg trunks you are a huge faggot. dont pull that shit.

>> No.7661935

how autistic do u have to be, really

what is the purpose jesus gave u in life? to reply to every trunks post u see on /fa/? no i think u should be in africa, taking care of kids with aids

>> No.7661950

im not calling out trunks because of what he said in that post. im calling out trunks because, in general, he is an annoying shitposting faggot. see all my samefagging.

trunks actually just replied to them sooo...

>> No.7661955


>> No.7661958

I think you should be buried 6 feet under ground m

>> No.7661961
File: 94 KB, 240x293, Dan-Aykroyd-Blues-Brothers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck would i waste my time on africans with aids. im on a mission from god here trunks.

>> No.7661982

lmao get more mad

>> No.7661989

and actually. sometimes i do see your comments when im scrolling the front page, and just call you a faggot without ever even going into the thread.
but now you know trunks. im not going to stop until your gone. or until im gone. either way, your still a huge fucking faggot. how do you sleep at night?

>> No.7662001

if u think u r doing n e thing here b sides wasting ur time, u r mistaken

>butthurt reply to every post i make
>calls other people mad

kek kek

>> No.7662004

that one actually looks good

>> No.7662013

trunks you fucking imbecile. that wasnt even me. that guy isnt the guy thats replying to all your posts.

what do you honestly think im samefagging every single reply?

>> No.7662008

i like you trunks

>> No.7662011

im on 4chan to waste time m8. you think you're being productive? stay salty

>> No.7662019

>sometimes i do see your comments when im scrolling the front page, and just call you a faggot without ever even going into the thread.

take a step back and think about how autistic that is

im not mad, i just feel sorry for you

you know that guy that wrote a 100 page essay on an /sp/ trip he didnt like?

that could be u in a month or two if u dont reevaluate ur life

>> No.7662033

I'm not trunks and I think so
Everyone else does to

All the anons spamming his posts have the same stupid shit to say so it's probably just (You)

>> No.7662035

dude naw. you dont deserve that much effort. i might call you a faggot enough times to fill up a 100 page essay, but that will take a long time.

also, i didnt know about that, thanks for telling me. faggot.

>> No.7662049

there is at least one other person, since we are all anonymous i cant say exactly. but you can sleep soundly at night knowing there are at least two people, or one person getting trolled by another person, that doesnt like trunks.

and calling someone a faggot is a pretty universal language. ill try to change it up next time, though.

>> No.7662059

Levy projects so much it's scary

>> No.7662068


>> No.7662134

just shut up bro

>> No.7662141

Why do so many people wear shoes without socks? How do you not get sweaty/stinky feat?

>> No.7662154

a lot of people wear really short/thin/skin colored socks. once, i asked a guy, and he tried to tell me sweating was your bodies way of getting rid of toxins, and socks trapped them against your skin, and it can make you sick.

but at least you can wash/change your socks.

>> No.7662179

Yeah sweating releases a miniscule amount of "toxins", so that guy was a fool.

>> No.7662187

guess i just picked a bad guy to ask. he always seemed kind of smart so i was really taken aback.

>> No.7662236

Calm down

He is an ass just ignore him.

Not responding to him will hurt more than pointing out his obvious ignorance

>> No.7662287
File: 198 KB, 641x960, 1390110219704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao so hard at this dude, going to the same ( prolly a pain in the ass to get to) cliched place to take pics of his outfits just to get mad fun of

Just let that sink in for a moment

>> No.7662288

my feet only get sweaty and stinky when they're mummified in socks and entombed in nonbreathable boots.

going sockless in some light shoes gets plenty of air down there and keeps my feet fresh.

>> No.7662296

>pain in the ass to get to
Are you fat? its not hard to walk up some stairs to a roof.

>> No.7662326

> replies three times to one post
> calls guy he's constantly spamming replies to mad


>> No.7662327
File: 180 KB, 400x800, basedbearmode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude's pretty based for not letting himself be tied down to one style

>> No.7662328

kill yourself, every thread is for making fun of MFA. now fuck off


>> No.7662342
File: 170 KB, 659x1856, bestfit2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7662346

dude really?
Do you really lack the self awareness to understand how much more successful he is than you in probably every regard?

>> No.7662354

>mfa has at least 5 people that started off in mfa and now roll around in 40+ rep everything they post a waywt to sufu
...so does /fa/?

>> No.7662444

Most of them are pretty solid, some a good, some i saved to my inspo folder, some I already had in my inspo folder. Some are fucking abhorrent though.

Overall pretty solid, few snowflakes, a few lumps of coal.
>that ginger with the moustache is fucking disgusting
>beanboots are awful
>that guy who took a picture of the security camera tv lmao
>>7661252 is my fave fit out of them all

>> No.7662464

It's totally him if you check out his post history. Source for the pic is in the top100 link so unless his whole account is a massive troll you're just retarded

>> No.7662470

>Holy shit this kid went to my HS, His name was Siraj Sindhu and was valedictorian and got best dressed for the yearbook

LOL what, you're a fucking idiot, I know him and that's definitely not his name

Yall are straight autistic

>> No.7662474

w2c jacket?

>> No.7662476


He's Spanish and it's a traditional outfit for a festival

I'm cringing at how dumb /fa/ is

>> No.7662479

The vast majority are what people wore out on an average day. The forum's more focused on looking "good" consistently (however you define that) then crazy experimenting or avant garde, though they don't necessarily oppose that

>> No.7662483


Think he said it was Raf when it was posted

>> No.7662491

this is dope as fuck though

>> No.7662493


I mean if you can't understand that this is for some traditional Scottish event and not daily wear then, eh, you should probably shoot yourself before you reproduce

>> No.7662496


It's not tttigre, it's pollen

>> No.7662503

Without socks, in temperate weather and shoes that breathe fine, it really is fine. Use some gold bond and you're set. Or you can get no-show loafer socks that are like tights for your feet to really minimize sweat or chafing, but if your shoes are broken in and fit right and it's the right weather for them there's honestly no harm at all. No reason to wear socks and get sweaty feet from them when it's hot out

>> No.7662508

Yeah he has some cool semi-avant stuff, julius, etc. and pulls it off well but experiments with some different styles with no fear

>> No.7662514

Both the kilt fits were for proms/weddings from a dude of Scottish descent, or a Scottish event. So yeah /fa/ use your hate wisely.

>> No.7662523
File: 315 KB, 720x841, IMG_20140124_181655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7662529

>having a Tumblr in a flyover state

>> No.7662588

If I roll my pant legs up, won't people immediately know I'm from 4chan?

>> No.7662600
File: 65 KB, 1027x607, w2c a life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What am I doing with my life, anons.

>> No.7662605
File: 607 KB, 2154x3420, wurryGu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this one because he's fat and so am I.

>> No.7662618

why do they always wear those fucking wingtips with the coloured soles

>> No.7662621

Because simplicity is looked down upon when trying to look like a faggot.

>> No.7662651

I don't get it. I mean, some of these are good. Some of these I'd wear. Most of these are just guys in suits. Like, how is that your best? I'll admit that their suits tend to fit pretty well, but that is literally where the compliments end.

>> No.7662659

Maybe /fit/ has fucked with my standards but that guy doesn't look even remotely jacked to me

>> No.7662660

Redditors cant into creativity

>> No.7662666

>implying /fa/gs excel anymore in this department

>> No.7662672

I bet /fa/ predates MFA

>> No.7662688

I don't see what's wrong with it... The dude is chill as fuck and doesn't give any shits, plus it fits well. Take a look at his house, he seems to be in/from a place where this fits in fine.

Plus, what the fuck? It's like you people think goth ninja and lunarcore aren't fucking retarded on anyone in real life. Not to mention the hypocrisy of a fucking sherpacore thread that this dude would fit right into.

>> No.7662695

>because our shitty board was made earlier we have more creativity

>> No.7662728

>Not to mention the hypocrisy of a fucking sherpacore thread that this dude would fit right into.
Sherpacore poster here
I think it's a cool fit 8)
really nice palette and it's arranged well
those sweatshorts look comfy af

only thing I don't like is the DBs because their connoted social baggage is so heavy that it really shatters the whole aesthetic

>> No.7662757


>> No.7662761

it's a bit of a hivemind but the board at least tends to go more than one direction with its taste. I mean most WAYWT is pretty awful but I would assume most of the counterpart threads on mfa are as bad (or worse considering that some completely cringeworthy shit made it to the top 100).
I don't know how the list was compiled though so it could just be that some awful fits got upvoted for reasons not relevant to how good they looked

>> No.7662765
File: 95 KB, 400x1137, cUuX2Iv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7662768

Yeah I'm not saying one's better than the other, and any fashion forum will have 96% chaff. The list was compiled based on the 100 most upvoted so yeah some users get by on reputation and if anything halfway decent breaks the mold it's upvoted to hell and praised as interesting even if it's ridiculous.

>> No.7662772


You realize you just said that in the form of a meme right

Do you realize how ironic this is

>> No.7662776

What they should have done is take the top 500 and then put in a voting system to separate the good fits from the random bullshit

>> No.7662856

Trunks is a faggot.

>> No.7662868

Looks so homosexual tho. When your fat like that you need to give off a bit of an air like you could put a beat on someone. Baggier pants and different shoes i think.

>> No.7662896

>When your fat like that you need to give off a bit of an air like you could put a beat on someone
this guy gets it
nobody wants a dough boy

>> No.7663770

Holy fuck trunks it's seriously time to go to bed. You're not even trying anymore. Just fucking stop.

>> No.7663803

Where can I get a bomber like that?!

>> No.7663807


>> No.7663821

I meant that exact one.

The asos one looks pretty shitty.
I want a bomber thats not too puffy like Alpha Industries but at the same time not puffyless like asos

>> No.7663839

shut up dude /fa/ doesn't own rick and /fa/ isn't influential on anyone

this is coming from someone who hates /r/mfa

>> No.7663851

i'd say he's trying to dress more like sufu

and /fa/ tries to dress like sufu

since you know...there's only about 3 people on /fa/ who look vaguely similar to that the rest are mallfuccbois

>> No.7663852

I've got an asos bomber on right now, perfect 'puffyness'.

>> No.7663854

please post fit
is it this one?

>> No.7663861

>I'm cringing at how dumb /fa/ is
I sometimes find myself in a permacringe mode when reading people's posts

Like part of me wants to think that it's an elaborate troll but then I wise up and realize nope, people are just *that* stupid

>> No.7663868

>Siraj Sindhu
and isn't he always trying to claim that he isn't a paki and is spanish or cuban or some shit. LMFAOOOOOOOOO

>> No.7663870

welcome to /fa/

>> No.7663871


>> No.7663873

He may be a paki but he's obviously /fa/

bitches be mirin

more than can be said for you fuccboi

>> No.7663879
File: 1.67 MB, 1644x2652, IMG_0841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

similar but mine is blue

>> No.7663883

shut up, "trigger discipline"

>> No.7663900

It's a toj suiting wool ma1 dude

>> No.7664103

cheers bro

>> No.7664108

Fits main attributes is cool, but no color matches. Doesn't look gay, but heavy effay

>> No.7664199

you might want to look at rick one too, very similar

>> No.7664224
File: 374 KB, 1654x1654, QOwBbzW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people underestimate simplicity
>one of the best fits on the list

>> No.7664247

>mfw only 8 of these are bad.

>> No.7664248


this guy is the biggest poof on mfa

>wearing blue and green

fucking clown

>> No.7664261

this would look fedora as fuck if this guy wasnt so handsome

>> No.7664300


As goes with 90% of shit people wear on Tumblr that people like. You do know half of being able to pull some shit off is natural good looks right?

>> No.7664318

applause fuccboi thats exactly what i said

>> No.7664348

>walking around town and getting your friend to take pictures of crypto-posing
if you do this then just kill yourself

>> No.7664367


these mfa faggots spend so much time taking these pictures it really crosses a line

>> No.7664370

i saw a couple of tumblr dudes doing it once

was p. surreal

>> No.7664391
File: 711 KB, 547x800, vFrEw4J.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these fuccbois will never be as /fa/ as me

>> No.7664414


>> No.7664436

i saw some black #trill streetwear guys taking pictures when I was in new york. it was pretty funny... there was a parked firetruck, so the "model" ran up next to the tire, posed, the other guys snapped a pic, and then they ran off laughing.

>> No.7664442

>people who wear scarfs like that

>> No.7664475

do you even browse /fa/?
cross poster go back to our own board
>implying the only two styles are goof and mallcore

>> No.7664484


wish he would do a shirtless fit

>> No.7664492

At least they (mostly) know how to take a picture

>> No.7664497

/fa/ has a lot of posters on sufu
sufu is shit anyway, I've seen the waywts, why do you care who's getting 40+ rep? not to say /fa/ is better though

>> No.7664510

that sounds so cute

whenever i see people doing it I always imagine it like a day-trip together the same way lolitas and cosplayers do

>> No.7664506

Mister Anderson...

>> No.7664659

texture/palette game stronk despite the punchable face and likely disgusting personality

>> No.7664681

Welcome to Earth

>> No.7664698

that's 4chan in general, and these dumb posts like
>hurrr welcome to ___ we are always this stupid get used to it XDDD
is the reason why you're all virgin losers

>> No.7664710

lmao, i'm sure a high-strung insecure faggot like you is a bomb at parties

>> No.7664721

people love me at parties you don't even know

then again I don't go to parties where there are 4channers like you present

>> No.7664730



>> No.7664780

i'm guessing they love making fun of your aspergers while you're clueless and think they actually accept you

wrong, fuccboi, no one likes people with giant rods up their ass 24/7
have a good day

>> No.7664851

the shoes tho, meh

>> No.7665054


>im not going to stop until your gone. or until im gone. either way, your still a huge fucking faggot

Good job in showing everyone who's the bigger aspie. You're actually embarrassing yourself.

>> No.7665537

erase the head and the scarf and this fit is actually pretty nice

>> No.7665741

idgi. dude looks good.

>> No.7667313
File: 102 KB, 380x993, 1385923134586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is p cool

>> No.7668720

me too

>> No.7669233

looks good, height/weight and what size did you get?

>> No.7669243



>> No.7669272

Ugh, that sort of puts me off wanting to buy a pair of velcros now.

>> No.7669275

I don't think you get it.
It's a traditional outfit...
But with a black shirt. Because he needs that extra edge.

It's the formal scottish equivalent of black suit black tie black shirt. "Even though I'm dressed up... I'm still a rebel!"
Which is lame.
I remember seeing some classical musicians, formally dressed, but they had replaced their suit jackets with denim jackets. To emphasise how laid back they really were, honest, wearing farm clothes so casually, wow look at us. Lame.

>> No.7669310

so many of these are just hunky-looking dudes wearing any fucking thing ever

like that black guy in the navy suit. that fucker would look money in anything

>> No.7669323

Nah runway shows are rly awesome, i think even ppl who dont care too much about fashion would actually enjoy it

>> No.7669619

the best curry farter i have ever known

>> No.7669649

Fit is good but holy shit police that moustache.

>> No.7669672

Femanons of /fa/, dress like this.

>> No.7669684

Is that ugly bunad one of mfs top fits?

>> No.7670157

Most of you guys cant dress for shit either, so i dont see why you're making fun of people on reddit.

>> No.7670890

w2c pants

>> No.7670909

>implying there are more than like 6 people on this board who can into coordinating colors

>> No.7670945

why would the sandals need to go? I agree with the white shirt, but it looks like summer/beach attire. sandals fit fine, especially if he has a matching belt

>> No.7670959

most people DONT look at runways shows. yeah.

the populace of this board is teenagers and early 20somethings who think dressing trendy will get them girls. when in reality they're just super insecure and need validation from an anime imageboard

>> No.7670973

they look fine retard

>> No.7670997

as much of a douche that he looks like, he pulls off the style kinda well. I wish his boots werent clarks tho.

>> No.7671532
File: 15 KB, 296x333, badfitm8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying /fa/ owns this look

you niggas are some straight up autists.

>> No.7671538

dw man they're new
in /fa/ defense they got verbally shat on p quick

>> No.7671545

pls don't pretend SZ is at the top just because they love to overanalyse shit

>> No.7672300

This is actually fire

>> No.7672502
File: 109 KB, 640x640, 1390697258666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant handle all this qt


>> No.7673590
File: 678 KB, 1659x2489, x8xDcL3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite

>> No.7673620

Accessorizing with squirrels is best.