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/fa/ - Fashion

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7653630 No.7653630 [Reply] [Original]

What's it like to be above a 7/10? What's it like to be handsome? :(

>> No.7653667

girls smile at me in the subway.
sometimes, in bars they even buy me drinks.

>> No.7653743


seems to me that around 1% of the people in the world have any sense of aesthetics

being attractive is what matters, not being handsome

if youre a guy who can get a girl way way WAY out of your league so who cares

>> No.7653779
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having lost weight my appearance has gone from 5-6 to ~8 to me
feels fucking good man, face is all defined and shit and my abs are starting to show p well. genetically i'm nothing special but that's okay.
>goal body

>> No.7653783

I got cornered by old men 3 times in the last months :( I'm never taking the bus again

>> No.7653787

idk I don't really socialise so I just don't really know

apparently I get lots of looks from grills when I'm on the street but I never really notice that many. Usually just one or two when I'm walking to/from work

and I'm not that attractive tho. probably just scratching 7/10

>> No.7653795

what's it like being handsome? I get cute and adorable all the time and it's kinda getting old i'm not a fucking puppy

>> No.7653818

stop dressing so homo then

>> No.7653842

What do you mean when you say you "get looks"?

>> No.7653877

I only wear jeans and shirts of different monocolours

>> No.7653875

for example today walking home from work at the traffic lights I was stood next to a QT probably an art student because she was a bit tumblrcore but still wb

I was looking at my new shoes waiting for the light to go and when I looked up a bit I saw she was checking me out (she was looking at me before I knew she was)
so I smiled at her a little bit and she smiled for a little bit longer but obv turned away

that's usually how it goes

when I'm drunk I start winking for some reason LOL it's fkn stupid need to stop that

>> No.7653888

thanks for reading today's blog post

>> No.7653896
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why don't you look in the mirror and find out? #REKT #shotsfired #itsover #dickovens

>> No.7653898

i lold at the winking part
people staring at you and when you look back they quickly look away

>mfw one of my best mates told me i was fucking handsome and wanted to kiss me but im not sure if this happened cause i was drunk af and dont remember most things of last night

fuck i hope this wasnt real

>> No.7653904

this is why you're supposed to have no friends anon

>> No.7653907

getting checked out basically
it's not always a positive but it means you're doing something right to catch the attention

>> No.7653953

idk it could just be a weird dream
cause idk
i also had some laughing gas
do laughing gas and lots of wodka not go together or something

>> No.7654015

A few girls have said I'm handsome, and my mom

Live in brighton so when I go to a club there will always be one or two guys trying to hug me and talk so shit to my ear, I think those might be gay.

Apparently a gay guy had stared at me for 20 mins on the dancefloor

When I go out to the smoking area with my friends (I don't smoke) sometimes girls come up to me and ask for ciggies, when I say I don't smoke they don't believe me and say "I'll give you a kiss if you give me a ciggie" then they proceed to kiss me and want a ciggie, which I don't have.

Girls have slapped my ass a few times when I'm ordering drinks

>tfw too awkward and no gf

>> No.7654030
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>and my mom

>> No.7654050
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Glad you liked it, laughed to myself when I wrote it

>about to leave to drink a few beers at a bar
>mom sitting on the dining room table
>anon you're so handsome when are you going to get a girlfriend
>idk we'll see
leave the house like a greased lighting

>> No.7654052

this sounds like something out of an old british satire film

>> No.7654068

>idk we'll see

she probably thinks you're a fanuc and cries herself to sleep at night

>> No.7654072
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>see cute girl in train
>tfw I know that she is going to be disgusted if she notices me looking at her
>tfw not good looking
>tfw having to come with terms with the fact that I will die without ever having a gf or a girl ever liking me

you should thank god every day you are not like me

>> No.7654080


>A few girls have said I'm handsome, and my mom

no way nigga me too!

>> No.7654083
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at least you have your geobaskets

>> No.7654096

I don't bother with fashion actually because my proportions are all weird. But I still lurk here because I like looking at nice clothes.

>> No.7654097

>like a greased lighting

>> No.7654103

it's good, but it doesn't mean shit without confidence

>> No.7654105

I get looks and double takes, i have dated some really attractive girls and been the envy of a lot of males when it comes to my girlfriends. but i think its just my self esteem im confident around people but i really think i'm an ugly cunt

>> No.7654106

what's a fanuc
>the only girl I saw as gf material and asked out lives in another country
>tfw she said yes but I left the country a week later because of a surprise birthday trip
>haven't been in the same country since
then you can't be bad looking, unless an ugly girl said it

This thread just turned to a feels thread, oh well

>> No.7654107

you get to have tacky tattoos like "one love" and still get way more pussy than you need to be a happy well-adjusted person

>> No.7654120

thats way better than nothing, anonchan. i get cute/adorable all the time and i get pussy when im not in a state of depression

>> No.7654121

confidence seems to be the name of the game
thats why I have only hooked up with girls when i have been extremely drunk.

>> No.7654131

I'd like to think I'm attractive.

But I'm awful at reading other people and have anxiety. I just assume it's just a coincidence if any girl is looking in my direction

>> No.7654138

I went from 16-20 with crippling social anxiety, chubby and acne ridden. Now that I've lost physical ailments I get a lot of female attention. I don't know how to deal with it at all.

pretty much every night when I party
>get some liquor in me otherwise I'm a sweating plank
>sooner than later some qt will try talking to me, usually complimenting my clothing or saying "you must go to the gym" and asking why she hasn't seen me before (seriously how man fucking girls use "why haven't I seen you before?" as a sign)
>every time they realize I'm a total sperg without having said anything weird
>conversation peters out with me standing there sheepishly.

Fuck me I don't even care about hooking up with chicks. I just want some confidence.

>> No.7654145


idk man, people are so bad at judging faces

was a model who said i was handsome, she even told me i should model

then she took a pic of me and noticed people with poor symmetry aren't photogenic, felt bad man

i think i've got some decent features but im in no way handsome compared to models, but who cares girls aren't that into looks anyway and i wouldnt want to model

>> No.7654149

I have a really nice face and nice hair and i dress well but i'm also a super manlet so I guess it doesn't matter that much

>> No.7654155

I used to think this as well, still do but not to the extend that every time is a coincidence
>girl sat in the opposite booth at a bar
>she looks up at me and my friend once in a while for 1second
>decide that next time she looks wink at her
>wink and smile
>she starts talking
>ask her to our booth
>her friend come back from somewhere
>get pussy

>> No.7654159

people try to pander to you

you get recognized by people more often, this helps with building good relationships with my TAs

you turn heads

>> No.7654162

I can be around people and speak confidently and hold a conversation, i just have no idea how to pick up on when a girl is flirting with me or i just dont know how to make a move
>tfw "you're such a great guy anon, we should be friends"

Fuck me

Atleast i have the confidence to then just say "don't do that to me" and leave the conversation

>> No.7654177

It's stupid to compare yourself to a model, models get paid because it is so rare to be that handsome. I don't think that females care if you're a model or not, just that you're not fugly

Also you know your own flaws better than anyone, I think that my jaw is quite weak, because I compare it to male models, but girls have said that my jaw looks good and defined. Goes the other way as well, I have met girls that say they want a nose job even though their noses are fine

>> No.7654172

winking is such a weirdo creepy assburgers way of getting a womans attention. you probably gettin it solely because of your looks. i believe this is the general condition of /fa/. fucking weirdo creepy autists who cant interact but are too qt lookin to resist

>> No.7654189

I am an awkward fuck when sober, especially when talking to good looking girls. I don't drop spaghetti on ugly girls though because I'm not attracted to them in any way.

The winking is creepy when you think about it. The girl said that I have beautiful eyes. I don't think they are anything special though

>> No.7654191


> I think that my jaw is quite weak, because I compare it to male models, but girls have said that my jaw looks good and defined

this is exactly what ive been through

>Also you know your own flaws better than anyone

yeah definitely, all i see when i look in the mirror is my flaws, unless its dark / im too high to realize im watching my own face, at those times i can see a pretty handsome motherfucker but it passes almost instantly

models are martyrs, I dont want ever want to know that feel female models experience when they get old and their looks fade

>> No.7654197

This is exactly me, except when everyone knows i have a fat fucking nose & jelous guy friends use it as an insult because they rely on cheap insults to defend themselves against my wit. It works too, gets me down man :(

>> No.7654208

Unless you're really above all men in terms of looks, it doesn't really mean shit. I've seen average to ugly dudes hook up with hot chicks, and beautiful dudes with meh girlfriends.

I don't think it really matters in the end, but I do think it helps in social interactions.

>> No.7654215

what if manlet? i used to think i'd do alright because i was pretty good looking but i guess even that doesn't matter

>> No.7654220

>I don't know how to deal with it at all.
oh god, happens the same to me
the only time i hooked up with a girl in a party was because we were both drunk and she looked at me and said ''give me a kiss'', i guess i looked attractive because i didn't even had a chance to talk

>> No.7654217

Atleast thats the only flaw thats prominant to others. Why do guys have to be douchebags to their friends when a decent looking girl is around?

>> No.7654226

I don't know, the one dude who banged all the girls in HS was 5'7, with a swimmer build. But he had a really nice face (broad head, massive chin and jaw, nice eyes, blonde hair), he was aspie as shit and not fun to be around though.

>> No.7654227

this was supposed to be a reply to

>> No.7654240

manlet doesn't matter either
have a friend who looks like the shorter guy from twilight and every time we went out he had 3 or 4 girls around him. He is also an extremely fun and positive guy so that might help.

>> No.7654236


dw dude ive seen manlet do great things

>> No.7654278

>tfw been told i look like a better looking verion of that guy, i get offended and say he's ugly girls say "dw its a compliment"
>tfw taller than him (6ft still feel like a manlet)
>tfw haven't gotten any pussy because of it :(

>> No.7654290

you haven't got pussy because you've been an aspie

the good thing is that you can fix that, you got the easy way with good looks but bad personality. Imagine bad looks but good personality

you can do it buddy

>> No.7654297

>Imagine bad looks but good personality
funny thing is the dudes I know that get laid the most and have the best """game""" are my slightly overweight manlet friends who are chill af

I never hear them complain about insecurities or how shit isn't fair or w/e fuccboi 1st world white boy complaints you sheltered niggas have

>> No.7654298


>i get offended and say he's ugly
u fucking wot m8 they literally told you you're good looking straight up, do the sex

>> No.7654318


having game has nothing to do with looks as long as you don't look repulsive

i think it might even help to be a little funny looking / on the heavy side / manlet

grills brains crash when they meet an insanely confident person who doesnt look like he should be confident

being a man slut help your game as well

>> No.7654330

I'm a good person i just don't like comparison when i say he's ugly and that i get offended i do it in a humorous manner, not like a dick bag. but hey i see where you're coming from cheers dude

Also been told i look like that freddie guy from skins, don't know how to take that

>> No.7654343

I think it's just his manlet status and association to that shitty franchise that makes me not see anything in him

>> No.7654344


i was told i looked like someone I'd never seen, but he was famous so i said thanks

>"its not a compliment"

>> No.7654349

>freddie guy from skins
Why aren't you fucking girls that were teenagers when that show aired? It's their fantasy to fuck that guy

>> No.7654362
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>tfw an indian girl said I looked like the tate from american horror story
>went home and checked
>don't see it

>> No.7654370

im 18 man, was 14 when the hype about him was around i did get a heap of girls complimenting me with the comparison and wanting to make out wth me at partys and shit. deliberately got the same haircut as him haha but no 16-18 year old wants to fuck a 14 year old :(

>> No.7654382

Embrace it man, chicks love him! just act all mysterious and brooding. You will be drowning in tang in no time

>> No.7654402
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>i think it might even help to be a little funny looking / on the heavy side / manlet

The lies fat manlets tell themselves.

>> No.7654407


Being handsome doesn't make you feel better.

I can't even say I'm handsome without feeling stupid, both because it looks vain and because I don't actually believe it. All I can say is "People say so".

>> No.7654412

Make yourself a manlier version of him and you're good to go

does being a quiet aspie count, I'm not very approachable and people say I look angry a lot of the times

>> No.7654427

yup you're pretty much there

>> No.7654461


look at tyler from RSD

>i think it might even help to be a little funny looking / on the heavy side / manlet

i should add that this only applies to picking up girls that aren't based, if you're perfect looking it only helps picking up other perfect looking people, people that are less beautiful than you may have hard time feeling relaxed and appreciated

girls like feeling relaxed and appreciated

oh and my height is perfect

>> No.7654495


Most women don't give a shit if you're a little chubby, just like most men don't.

>> No.7654533



being attractive in real life is completely different to being attractive in a picture

this is something people who never leave their parents basement can't understand

i mean jesus there are grills ive met who do nothing for me when i watch their pictures but they still get my dick hard in a real meet

>> No.7654563


not being bothered by your flaws gets you pussy my friend

>> No.7654601
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>The manlet brigade out in full force

>> No.7654605


>> No.7654606

tfw not handsome

>> No.7654612

so when are we posting faces?

>> No.7654614

Ah yes, the delusion that being attractive gets you anything in life besides a few more glances and some general friendliness.

Good looks are a great benefit if you have a personality, but don't do shit if you sound like an autist when you open your mouth.

>captcha: Cakface was
rather rude

>> No.7654624
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if i had enough motivation to stop being fat i think i'd be handsome

>> No.7654621

lmao kek

>> No.7654635
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>not realizing you're justifying your inability to get laid by blaming your height

>> No.7654631
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>mfw 6'2" 9/10 legit model

>> No.7654632

just stop eating

>> No.7654633

Easy girls.
Sometimes you have to find a confident one or she won't approach you or will be scared if you approach her.
People always nice to me
except ugly kids back in high school
Milfs try hitting on you ect

>> No.7654639


hope and anticipation are often better than reality, stay fat my friend

>> No.7654655

Became a model.
Work at a spa with hot girls / milfs
Milf asks me to sign her tits if I get famous
Her rack is unreal.

>> No.7654670
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>> No.7654666

fuck I try but it's hard when everyone else eat and I get hungry, I did it once for a week but the most now is about two days.

>> No.7654672

good luck trying to feel good about yourself when you can't fit even fit into petit standards

>> No.7654678


two days without food in a row is good, just keep at it until you develop an eating disorder

>> No.7654689




>> No.7654702

Gay men hitting on you
Old ladies smile at me like I was their grandson
Girls eye fucking me, even with my gf at my side
Awkward girls getting embarrassed when I catch them staring
Generally better treated, can talk my way into most things If I put on a smile and act polite

I've found that most girls are intimidated, especially if I'm dressed way better than the majority of non-threatening Hollister wearing bros that fill my campus. Maybe that's what ugly guys feel like when they want to talk to beautiful women.

>> No.7654694
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>> No.7654695

I say when I drop enough inches to wear pants with a belt I can eat.
>tfw when skinny fat
it's the worst kind

>> No.7654706

yeah like everyone seems to like me when i talk to them and i cant tell if that means i am attractive or if i am just really average and boring looking

>> No.7654705

you have what it takes

have you tried drugs?

>> No.7654719

not enough. haven't ventured past thc or dhp.

>> No.7654722


powering through the skinny fat phase is the hardest

keep it up bro

>> No.7654726

that shit's awful unless you combine it with dxm

which reminds me whenever i do a high dose of dxm i don't want to eat for the rest of the day so maybe look into that

>> No.7654728

Gay men stare at me all the time. I'm not even effay or boyish, but somehow I seem to attract them

>> No.7654731

See: >>7654678

>> No.7654735

>skinnyfat is the worst kind
Wrongo. At least skinnyfat can still look okay in clothes. Obesefat never looks good at any time.

>> No.7654740

Bitches 'mirin. But I don't take advantage of it because I'm a beta.

>> No.7654746

thanks for the motivation. Probably won't eat for a while now.
how high is the dose you take? dph is really annoying actually, I hate seeing tiny black dots and shit.

>> No.7654743

Not all fairies are attracted to fairies, you know. (Go look at /fit/.)

>> No.7654754


try mdma

>> No.7654760

8-12oz usually for me but that's because i really like to trip. you could probably do less

i would take capsules if i were you, though

>> No.7654768

>(Go look at /fit/.)

That's probably why they like me, I'm not huge or ripped, but low body fat and decent amount of muscle, imagine a boxer's body. Well, technically, I am a boxer, I guess...anyways

>> No.7654771

Been looking into that and shrooms but I have no way of obtaining.
what is the trip like?

>> No.7654772

This is my life too. that gay men part gets hilarious

>> No.7654773


where do u live

>> No.7654781

central ca

>> No.7654787


I'd advice against taking drugs for losing weight, having an eating disorter is a lot easier to manage than being a drug fiend to stay in shape

going 2-3 days without food takes no effort for me anymore, I like how i feel when I'm not eating. I even quit smoking and didn't notice any abstinence or increased appetite

>tfw it appears my body has given up asking for things

i have a manic personality though, could be why

>> No.7654784

I've found that men tend to have a better understanding than most women of the effort that goes into being in shape, too. Gay mirin' is more of a compliment.

>> No.7654793

>I've found that men tend to have a better understanding than most women of the effort that goes into being in shape, too. Gay mirin' is more of a compliment.

Feels creepy though. I'd rather get compliments by women, they give me looks all the time, but I'm to awkward to approach them, same with them probably

>> No.7654795


don't really know what's in nor, central, and so cal, but I'm assuming there's a beach and almost everyone smokes weed?
best place to start

>> No.7654801

well at lower doses it's like being crossfaded except better.

at high doses it's pretty weird. everything gets all redish when you close your eyes and i usually get strong feelings of divinity. i feel like my body moves upwards and floats to the left of me sort of. music is amazing but sometimes it's too intense. physically everything feels so weird i can't describe it. when i touch my face it feels like my hand goes through it, and my imagination gets a lot more tangible.

almost every time i feel my eyes move to the middle of my forehead. there's also very fluid closed eye visuals and the proportions of things are really crazy.

imo it's one of the best drugs ever. try combining it with weed and dph

>> No.7654804

get out of here

>> No.7654813

I started smoking too. Not too often though, maybe a few cigarettes every 2-3 days. I'm just trying to focus on not eating. I'm a t a point where I know I would feel fine if I don't eat but, hunger.
yeah we do, I should have said I don't know who to talk to to obtain, I know people around me have them.

>> No.7654830

ive hooked up with a lot of ridiculously good looking girls and banged a couple dimes but this was when i was happy

when im sad and angsty and gay no one looks twice as me

it sounds cheesy as fuck but as long as you're at least average or something you can pass for handsome

>> No.7654835

> tfw fit and well dressed and still only a 7/10 at best
> tfw I'll never be fat and lose weight and realize that I've been handsome all along

Damn face holding me back

>> No.7654888


dont blame ur face bro nothing good will come of it

>> No.7654957

Not one single fucking pic in this thread.

>> No.7655035


u start

>> No.7655072

/hm/ pls leave

>> No.7655124


posting a picture of yourself in a thread directed towards handsome people? i wonder how that would work out

>> No.7655131

>same with them probably
Girls don't approach because they aren't taught how, because girls are taught that being the pursuer is aberrant. It's not because they're awkward. Girls will almost never approach.

>> No.7655143

>Girls will almost never approach.

hm, I guess I'm fucked then. Either that, or I need to start getting drunk on a daily basis

>> No.7655148


i've been approached a few times, makes me suspicious af

like a few weeks ago this girl came up to me and started hitting on me randomly, only thing i could think was that she was out with some guy and she wanted to make him jealous

>> No.7655158

>having an eating disorter is a lot easier to manage than being a drug fiend to stay in shape
If you are "managing" your "eating disorder", you don't actually have one.

>> No.7655159


if you get the chance, befriend a girl. pref. a very pretty one, your problems will be solved

>> No.7655167

Or learn to grow a sack.

Yeah, sometimes the approach for shit reasons, or because they're aspie. Sometimes they just learned how, though.

>> No.7655168

I left all my friends behind when I moved to another town to study. I know I should be meeting new people (and I do), but somehow noone is interesting imo

>> No.7655170



what about someone managing pain?

>> No.7655187

You know perfectly well he wasn't using the word like that.

>> No.7655197


yeah, I sort of sit around hoping some cute girl will approach me but when it happens it just feels weird or i instantly lose attraction towards her

poor girls

>> No.7655242


it still down to semantics, i don't really buy into the whole eating disorder nonsense myself, but many people do, all I'm saying is that having to force yourself to eat when you dont want to and not eat when you do is preferable to having a drug addiction

for example some people think that you can be a sober alchoholic, some poeple don't think you should be considered an alchoholic if youre sober

>> No.7655269

People be talkin about u and say ur one of the handsome guy in class. Out of 300. Or strutting around drunk, getting numbers and kissing chicks.

>> No.7655278

can at least one of the people talking about their life as a handsome person post a picture of what they look like

this makes me sad

>> No.7655283
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>> No.7655291

people are gonna call me ugly tho

>> No.7655299


its ok im ugly and i support u

>> No.7655320

I don't even think I have any pictures on my laptop

>> No.7655345


ok bro

>> No.7655349

bro ok

>> No.7655366
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I'm usually the one to take pictures. Have one of my grandfather when he was young instead

>> No.7655371

god...that's not fucking fair. it's like life is 10000% easier. fuck this shit, guys :'
>dem ugly feelz

>> No.7655401
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i've had ppl tell me im p cute

>> No.7655402


how was his life anon? was his handsome friendly face appreciated in his time?

>> No.7655407


i don't think that angle is doing you any favors man

>> No.7655414

its not fun sometimes cause one time i was really tired and i went to this groceries and literally everyone is following me around even when i went out the store. i dont have time for that.

>> No.7655425

>tfw anaface gives you 9
>know im only about an 8, but still 17% bf
>i know at about 12% ill have a god-tier jaw and facial structure
>easily have just relied on face to get girls throughout highschool, as i was an introverted shy beta kid that still rejected atleast 15 girls
>tfw no motivation to get girls, not gay, but turned down sex to play WoW
>i just keep waiting until that magical 12% bf to slay the poon as I want my pelvic fat to recide and jaw line to define itself so i can be that 10/10 sex

life sucks

>> No.7655437


doesn't anaface give everyone 8-9?

>i know at about 12% ill have a god-tier jaw and facial structure

have you had this in the past or are you hoping?

>> No.7655434

fuck hes handsome as hell

are you as good looking?

>> No.7655441

>i don't really buy into the whole eating disorder nonsense myself, but many people do

>having to force yourself to eat when you dont want to and not eat when you do is preferable to having a drug addiction
Naturally there will be differing opinions on this.

>> No.7655444


I think you need to take a visit to /fit/, jaw structure really only becomes apparent at about 9% and below.

>> No.7655447

As someone who's a legit 7/10 (I'd say I'm handsome, but not jaw-droppingly good looking) let me give my POV

I grew up fat and with acne, but got into /fit/ and /fa/ a few years ago. Changes I've noticed

-girls will hit on me at bars/parties
-job interviews/selling stuff is way easier, people just seem to trust me more
-people make more eye contact with me, it's pleasant
-easier for me to communicate with people because negative feedback is getting more and more uncommon

the only problem is my personality/people skills definitely haven't caught up with my looks. i still sperg out or drop the conversational ball a lot of the time, and i definitely dont have the confidence of someone who's been good looking their whole life. i'm also really insecure and i panic hard when 7/10 or 8/10 girls talk to me. i usually date down.

i guess the biggest thing i could tell you is that looks really are just a small part of the equation. i'd rather be a confident, charismatic 6/10 with a lot of friends than a 8/10 sperglord who spent all of his time at home on the pc

>> No.7655451
File: 1.60 MB, 2736x3648, fa3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty bad, he suffered from depression because he didn't deal well with moving to a different country when he married my grandmother, suffered from alcoholism and eventually died from cancer aged 63. I think he was 16 or 18 in that picture.
He was a fascinating dude though, used to invent all kinds of shit, built cool furniture and draw cool pictures. I wish I would've met him.

Pic related is a sketch of that one van Gogh painting, and pretty much how he must've felt in his later life.

I'm trying to find pictures on my harddrive atm, but no, I don't think so

>> No.7655458


big words for no pic

>> No.7655467

anaface is a load of shit

as are all of the 'face rating' websites

>> No.7655480

you need to lose weight

>> No.7655491

Its true that you get good service on stores and shit but sometimes, there are some who would treat you just the same and not find you attractive so it gets frustrating cause you're used to good service.

>> No.7655490



i just don't like the word, it's been misused to the point of no return

>Naturally there will be differing opinions on this.

sure, just voicing mine

>> No.7655498

anaface/face rating websites work off measurements and symmetry

while it is relevant in some terms (the golden ratio does exist to an extent), when it comes down to it attractiveness really cant be calculated by a measurement. it's largely a subjective thing

>> No.7655507


>he suffered from depression

sorry to hear that; he sounds like a cool guy

>> No.7655522


attraction is one thing, legitimate aesthetics is another

>> No.7655527
File: 180 KB, 677x479, ktui8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder anaface is retarded

>> No.7655547
File: 1.51 MB, 230x172, euphoria.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>legitimate aesthetics

>> No.7655555

they are co dependant


>legitimate aesthetics

what does this even mean

>> No.7655558

this lol
you look like a chill dude that would have a nice smile
i guess 'cute' could be an ok word if i was gay or gril

>> No.7655578
File: 520 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mt4tgtRmJS1qae5tao1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>hurr hurr there is no such thing as objective beauty

>> No.7655592

>LOL its fkn stupid
jesus christ marie

>> No.7655584

objective beauty is debatable
objective attraction is not a thing

>> No.7655588

of course there is

calling it 'legitimate aesthetics' is fucking euphoric

>> No.7655599


they are not, you're a retard, I'm sorry to be the one to tell y ou

>> No.7655617
File: 717 KB, 1280x800, geg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post one person better looking than this

>inb4 some freakishly ugly pseudo avant garde choice

>> No.7655641


>objective beauty is debatable


I'd say this is an example of objective beauty.

>objective attraction is not a thing

Agreed, most people seem to be so full of themselves they don't even realize there's a difference

>> No.7655651

I know, I went /fit/ and bulked to a really high bf% for me. And also it's in my genes, a mix of french from my fathers and white new zealand from my mothers. I have the stereotypical brown hair, eyebrows and narrow face, blue eyes and symmetrical face of the french models.

different genetics man, 12% is still ALOT better than 18%. I don't think I could cut to 9% without sacrificing a fair bit of muscle.
not /fa/ enough yet, maybe one day
probably, but even so mines pretty high compared to what ive seen posted
i agree, as it doesn't see the features in 3d.

>> No.7655652
File: 14 KB, 271x320, 1390449298913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like a less handsome de caprio
brad pitt primed in snatch imo, though I had to reconsider my sexuality in fight club too

>> No.7655659


Nah, brad pitts strength is how he looks cleaned up, theres a lot of guys who do rough/rugged better than pitt

>> No.7655666

>legitimate aesthetics
/mu/ pls go

>> No.7655668


"based on logical reasoning; reasonable"

"a particular theory of beauty"

>what does this even mean

if you can't put this together yourself there's nothing I can do for you little autist

>> No.7655677
File: 9 KB, 298x379, sigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>im really just as beautiful as everyone else bcus its subjectiff no really my mum told me so tfw enlightened by my mums intelligence

>> No.7655682

>i just don't like the word, it's been misused to the point of no return
"Eating Disorder" is definitely overuse by laypeople. There is a misunderstanding that food issues or body issues are synonymous with "eating disorder", which is incorrect and misleading as fuck.

Anorexia Nervosa is a neurological disorder and absolutely "exists", and is not actually cured by "eating when you don't want to", as it's been proven decades ago that force-feeding and weight restoration doesn't do squat.

>> No.7655687

all i have to say to this is lol

>> No.7655714

>sorry to hear that; he sounds like a cool guy

I'm sure he was, thanks.

Can't find any recent pictures, only older or blurry ones

>> No.7655717

Spindly piece of shit. Okay.

>> No.7655725


i completely agree, but I must argue that calling anorexia nervosa an eating disorder rather than calling it a neurological disorder as you did doesn't do the condition justice

eating disorder just sounds like a person who according to someones standard has a troubled or troubling relation to food, which really says nothing

>> No.7655766

i've lead a pretty similar life, except i've ran cross country for years so I was really skinny with acne.

>> No.7655790

No arguments there.

Unfortunately when anorexia was "discovered" it was assumed to be intentional on the part of spoiled girls who were trying to rebel from their wealthy white parents. And then in the 90's anorexia was viewed, and still is, as a desperate attempt of vain teens who are too stupid and shallow to realize that starving is bad. But now that psychology is trying to treat itself like a real Science, they're doing brain research on mental illnesses, and brain scans imply Anorexia is something you are born with.


Anyway, regressing: it is totally possible to have an unhealthy diet to stay skinny and not have an actual eating disorder, the same as varieties of fat people. On /fit/ there's lots of DYELs who have the exact same delusion as overweigth folks - they can't figure out why they aren't gaining/losing weight, because they eat SO MUCH/SO LITTLE, and it always always turns out they're too clueless to count calories right.

>> No.7655798

totally agree with this, having been there as well as talking to people who are fucking themselves up because of it. I remember being given some pizza, and with every bite feeling dizzy and absolutely disgusting.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysb7J5nnY9M how does this make you feel?

>> No.7655823

What did you just say about MC Hot n Spicy?

>> No.7655834

just a bit of muscle over a low bf% body
I wouldn't say ride is spindly, he looks strong af

>> No.7655838


fuck, that shit about people telling her she's skinny but her wanting to see it herself really got me

w2c objective self image?

>> No.7655841

A recent interesting study: they took sick AN patients and weight-restored AN patients and compared them to healthy people, and people diagnosed with Depression or Anxiety. They put them on thousand-calorie diets. They found that starving actually physically relieved anxiety in the AN folks, whereas starving obviously makes everyone else miserable.

Random fun-fact there.

>> No.7655851
File: 74 KB, 300x378, 300full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he looks strong af

yeah, people who look like they've done shit in their life are the most attractive people imo

looking like arnold does in this pic looks unhealthy af to me. impressive, but not healthy

>> No.7655871

>looking like arnold does in this pic looks unhealthy af to me
That's because you're not used to seeing low BFP. If we all lived like Vikings, muscle would be normal.

Displeased that fat has been normalized so quickly.

>> No.7655868


relieves anxiety for me as well, sort of the same feeling as i get if I think i've had a very productive day

>> No.7655873

i'd much rather have a body like MC ride's where it looks like i've got to that point by working hard in life than have a perfectly toned body like schwarzenegger

>> No.7655880

Yeah, exactly.

I at least can "see" that I'm thin, but apparently I vastly overestimate my size. When I was just hitting 17.5 BMI I thought I was "starting to look good" though people were starting to worry.

>> No.7655881

mc ride looks like he's had to work in labour just to get by, only just affording the bare essentials of food, obviously vegan, damn bruh that is mad effay and i can relate

i cant relate to a dude who looks like he's been given everything in life

>> No.7655901

>i cant relate to a dude who looks like he's been given everything in life
That's some heavy anti-fit bias you got, yo.

>> No.7655897

nigger if you eat moderately and do any semi-regular exercise at all you will look like mc ride body
it's not exactly hard
I'm not saying you have to get beefy like arnold but if you really think his took less work then god dam

>> No.7655899


>Displeased that fat has been normalized so quickly.

yep, muh curves etc.

i think models and mc ride look as healthy as can be, in fact anyone who doesn't have low BFP look unheathy to me.

I just think that muscles that big make you look like youre working yourself way too hard. I've hard that body builders cant run for cardio when they get too big because their body can't handle the strain of bouncing all that heavy muscle, not sure if true though but it would make sense

>If we all lived like Vikings, muscle would be normal.

i seriously doubt any viking looked like arnold lol, that would make no sense, I think hollywood has gotten to you son

>> No.7655910

im not saying his work took less, it just doesnt look real to me. looks like he had everything there infront of him to get to that point and all he had to do was take what he was given if ya feel

>> No.7655913

Jesus you guys have weird ideas.
Ride looks like he's "done shit in life" compared to fucking Arnold? Ride looks like he got to "that point" by "working hard in life?"
I guess if by "working hard" and "doing shit" you mean "being not entirely sedentary" and "not constantly stuffing your face," then yeah, Ride's pretty fit.

>> No.7655927

>muscles that big make you look like youre working yourself way too hard
It does take extra effort. Personally I consider bodybuilders like any other "bodmod". Just because I don't like, say, piercings, doesn't mean another person can't like it.

>I've hard that body builders cant run for cardio when they get too big because their body can't handle the strain of bouncing all that heavy muscle
Not exactly true, no. Some bodybuilders seriously neglect cardio and can't run because their heart sucks balls. Also, some bodybuilders hurt their joints prematurely. But sprinters do better with a beefier top, and think of it this way: they got that muscle by carrying around stuff much heavier than their bodyweight, so of course their body can carry itself.

>i seriously doubt any viking looked like arnold
Vikings were pretty ripped, actually. No, not like Arnold, ofc. But that's a whole 'nother discussion.

>> No.7655928


>but apparently I vastly overestimate my size

i know this notion, I can't trust my friends and family because they started telling me im too skinny as early as < 22 BMI lol (IDEL)

i've got a model friend who's fucking awesome though, it's nice to have someone talk to for real about weight loss

>> No.7655944


i mean that ride looks like a dude who has been living a life, not someone who's been spending a lot of time in the gym

>> No.7655946

>I can't trust my friends and family because they started telling me im too skinny as early as < 22 BMI lol
Oh no, other people are dumb as fuck. I lost 50 lbs before I was even underweight, and people were worried after the first 20. Idiots.

Weight loss is really easy if you count calories. You don't even need to starve or skip meals or anything. You just eat a few hundred less than what you eat now. I never understood why people have difficulty grasping that.

>> No.7655954


i realize how retarded this looks, let me clarify

mc ride looks like someone who has been given a body that he didn't aim to get, he simply got it because his life resulted in being fit

arnold looks like a guy who has worked his ass off to get as big as possible

>> No.7655967

>he simply got it because his life resulted in being fit

His body does not look fit in the slightest, he has low body fat, that's all

>> No.7655966

yeah I agree. rough edges/imperfections are dope, they make people look more than just external.
Ride's philosophy and passion is part of what makes him seem so fierce, whereas body builders are pure physical awareness so it's hard to be anything more than proud/impressed.
this is kind of why I don't like gyms

>> No.7655981


yeah whenever some fat guy i know complain about not losing weight even though they eat less calories than they burn i get really fucking annoyed



>tfw people tell me it's a "yo-yo diet" when I dont eat for two days

>> No.7655983

I get that feeling too
i've made myself start eating again though because I don't know that I have the mental stability to fuck my brain up further
now I eat healthily and do exercise, good feels at the end of the day
I have the metabolism of a skinny teenager so I don't think it matters all that much physically, I just really enjoy it.

>> No.7655987

>body builders are pure physical awareness
More /fit/-hate, boo. You do realize some of us have degrees lives and thoughts and feelings and stuff, right? Not every lifter is a meathead.

>> No.7656001

Exactly. That's the "metabolism" thing people just don't fucking get. If you're fat because you metabolism is "slow", the answer is still "then you're eating too much".

I'm "recovered", and I've found certain "tricks" like keeping my BFP low and eating lowish-carb keeps me healthy and sane while appeasing the disorder enough to leave me alone.

Exercize is awesome and feels awesome and everyone should do it.

>> No.7655999
File: 416 KB, 405x546, ride.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>His body does not look fit in the slightest, he has low body fat, that's all

yeah ok i see what you mean this man is clearly not fit im sorry

jesus have you even seen how fucking weak skinny people can look

>> No.7656004

I think it comes down to your personality more than anything. Ride looks like he has a complete lack of physical self-consciousness and insecurity which makes me think he doesn't give a fuck how he is perceived. To me that's way more attractive than someone who has worked purposefully to achieve a physical goal, be it definite or not, and is now proud/ comfortable enough to show it.

>> No.7656006

fuck you spell check, I corrected that

>> No.7656011

Just look at his fucking forearms. He has abs, and visible muscle definition. If you live a normal life, you would not need to visit a gym to look like that

>> No.7656013


not the guy you replied to but I appreciate you lifters bro, the dedication is impressive

though from an aesthetic standpoint i think people very often get too big

>> No.7656015

I don't disagree that personality take priority, but I do disagree with the assumptions about a bodybuilder's personality. There's a ton of different types of folks who lift.

>> No.7656031


No arguments about aesthetics. Getting real big is deff a personal aesthetic preference. I just wish folks recognized that more instead of creating with weird reactive fit-hate, it sounds like REAL WOMYN HAVE CURVES SKINNY BITCHES ARE GROSS. Lol. I don't except everyone to like blondes, either.

>> No.7656038
File: 398 KB, 1536x2048, Day 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what a very low bf% skinny guy looks like. same definition, but not even close on the size.
idk how tall Ride is and that would obviously play a part, but he's pretty fkn muscular for someone who doesn't openly lift.

>> No.7656044


>Ride looks like he has a complete lack of physical self-consciousness and insecurity which makes me think he doesn't give a fuck how he is perceived.

yeah i think this is part of the reason i find it so attractive well put


>Just look at his fucking forearms

by the gods you're so fucking stupid it's physically hurting me

in what walk of life do you end up having larger forearms than that without specifically training towards it or having a ridiculous line of work?

>> No.7656052

>in what walk of life do you end up having larger forearms than that without specifically training towards it or having a ridiculous line of work?

Carrying groceries every now and then helps

>> No.7656056
File: 592 KB, 1405x1498, 1387601577829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just re-read this and I think I've had too much to drink and should go to bed, because I can't type for shit.

Wasn't this thread about being a 7/10?

Here's some /fit/fags as a goodbye present. I don't know what else to give.

>> No.7656057

Yeah, I avoid carbs and unnecessary fat on the whole. Veges/fruit/lean meat/cereals are great for having an amazing body and keeping mental sanity if you exercise.

>> No.7656070


oh wow man ur hard u must b such beast irl damn where u cop ur groceries i carry mine i want arms like u bro teach me fit

>> No.7656071

>9/10 in mirror
>7/10 in pictures

im not sure /fa/

im not sure.

>> No.7656073

me too, mate, me too

>> No.7656078

I was asked for pictures to turn into AP by a AP district manager.

I'm really worried about this.

>> No.7656087


whenever i see myself in pictures it's like a fucking freak show

seriously i get that people are generally asymmetric BUT WHAT THE FUCK

>> No.7656093


oh my god, this so much

>> No.7656098

I don't hate you guys at all man. I think that there's a difference between someone who works through their life to get to a position, and someone who finds themselves in a position because of their life. Like the latter is just less likely to acknowledge how impressive their body is. That probably comes off as really over-analytical and fedora. Also it's a generalization, obviously not everyone who works on their body fits into any group.
ditto the first line of this
second is just subjective

>> No.7656114

iktf haha
I want to believe cameras have shit lighting and that other people see me as a horizontally flipped version of how I see myself but i'm probably wrong lol
I think i'm going to go ridemode and feign zero insecurity

>> No.7656124

hahaha fuckin this
try using a webcam and having it horizontally flipped so that you're actually seeing yourself as how you look
it might be a disappointment but it will make pictures less wtf

>> No.7656138

damn that chick has one hell of a belt for a female

>> No.7656166

dead at /fit/ getting so angry in this thread... what kind of opinion did you expect from /fa/ you knobheads

>> No.7656192


i feel like webcams are rather accurate when they're horizontally flipped. whenever i'm unsure of how i look, it's the first thing i go to

>> No.7656195


i just deleted half my face on a picture I just took, if only this was how my face looked

>at least i dont need makeup to go to a halloween party as two-face

>> No.7656219


does it really make a difference after you flip it?

>> No.7656238

i feel you
my jaw sits ever so slightly to the left or something, like it's probably only 1mm out at most but whenever i see photos i feel like it just looks weird. it's probably just me who notices it though

i've gotten into the habit of keeping my jaw centered as well so that's pretty handy

>> No.7656249

you will either look better or worse because you're not used to seeing yourself like that

for me it makes me look better :~)

>> No.7656255

yeah me too
try getting yourself to look nice and posed one way and then flipping it, I find I look really awkward lmao

>> No.7656261


i'm fine with my shitty hair and weird nose

just give me flawless symmetry so i can tell the world what it's like to be above 7/10

>> No.7656290

try having a mole type thing on one cheek
I'd be super happy with my face if I could get my cheek redness and moles to fuck off
apple cider vinegar is in the process of working on the cheek one but not yet the others

>> No.7656301


i tried flipping, then I tried to mirror both sides of my face against eachother. i fucking hate the right side of my face.

i should never have done this


>> No.7656320

I guess im 7+ but im too oblivious to capitalize on it

>at party with friends drinkin
>chick i know comes up to me
>anon you look really cute tonight
>yeah thanks whatever
>wanna go to my house?
>no, we just got here
>but you're the only one who hasn't seen my puppy
>so? i don't care
>oh ok well im going to my house bye!
>walk in the party house and see her
>it's been 5 minutes since we talked
>think "wow that's weird"
>keep partying

Realized the next day. It's a hard life but somebody has to got to live it.

>> No.7656329

Oh man, I'm the same.

>Realized the next day.

Worst moment ever.

>> No.7656331

I cringed. Hard.

>> No.7656339



I could probably tell worse stories, but I'm short on time

>> No.7656346

In my defense we really had been there for like 15 minutes when she asked. I wanted to stay and drink with my friends.

>> No.7656353

totally fucked up by not moving on a girl I fell for hard
yeah she came to my house and snuggled up to me and shit multiple times, obviously signs she would have run away and screamed if i'd moved in for a kiss
y'live and y'learn~

>> No.7656362


>y'live and y'learn~

tell me when i will learn anon i've done this too many times

if i could only go back just once

>> No.7656404


>hey asokone do you want to catch a cab back to my house with me?
>uhhh nah i got no money and i wanna get maccas

>another girl who i was basically in love with for a year
>we went to a gig together and i gave her a lift home
>i park outside her house and we talk (flirt) for ages
>she stops talking and leans over a bit and just stares into my eyes
>me: you feeling alright?

god i hate my former self
these were all like a year ago and im a hundred times better with girls now

>> No.7656418

you can only learn from experience and signals and shit differ person to person anyway
my advice is to move quick rather than (too) slow, don't push sex though unless they're really blatantly after it.
I need to learn how to initiate shit. Girls seem to like me but i'm too much of an idiot to meet anyone directly. Being a reclusive /fa/ggot has its advantages tho.

>> No.7656427


>> No.7656449

i think the easiest way to initiate shit is just to be assertive

like if you want to go out on a date just say, 'Hey, let's go to the movies tonight. What do you want to see?' or, 'Let's go out for dinner tonight, where do you want to eat?'

or if you want to get with them just kiss them, obviously wait for the right time (alone, not in a public place etc) and just do it

>> No.7656496

it was just me, mostly.

and about 1/3 of /fa/ likes fit, 1/3 sneer, and the rest are indifferent.

Delusional if you think there isn't an /fa/fit/ crossover.

>> No.7656786

- People turn around to look at you
- At partys girls circle you
- Guys and girls tell you that you look good
- Girls pinch your ass when they are drunk
- Girls want to fuck you
- Some girls are intimidated when you look back or talk to them
- You can see that some guys want to be you (have your look)
- People are more friendly to you
- People want to get to know you
- People recognize you from other places (usually I have no clue who they are)
- ...

>> No.7656955
File: 30 KB, 280x415, 1390472227647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga plz

>> No.7657110

you need to know them somewhat to get to that stage though
i'm not good at meeting new people

>> No.7657168

His core looks great

>> No.7657476

Girls try sneak pictures of you in public/on the bus/at work to send to their friends

I love catching them by looking straight into the camera

>on the bus
>group of girls standing in front, laughing and whispering
>here the word "model" tossed around
>I don't want to deal with this right now
>I'll just accept the compliment
>wait until they get off the bus
>one of the girl tells me I should model
>"thanks, you t-too"

Too bad I hate myself, I'm so deep in the void of subjectivity that I'm pretty much a solipsist and I can't observe my face objectively

>> No.7657526

not that i believe your story, im still interested to see how you look like
would you midn posting a pic?

>> No.7657555

tfw 9/10 face, 140 iq
tfw turned 25 and still in uni and became an unmotivated sack of shit, a lifeless, always tired, useless fucker. kill me please, i am just wasting away all that potential. i think since i am in a relationship and have access to stable pussy all my motivation in life went away. maybe i should be single again.

>> No.7657563

post pic

>> No.7657564

relationships really stagnate that personal growth, ya know?
sorry for your situation, bro

>> No.7657577

you want to become a nigger? lol okay

>> No.7657593

>tfw probs around 7/10 but slightly lazy eye makes me 4/10
i dont want these feels :(

at least im getting it fixed in march :')

>> No.7657599

Became a solid 7.5 now in the final stages of puberty

Had quite a few one night stands by just at some pointturning to a girl and kissing them
all of them wanted to go again afterwards

Ended up with a 7 fuckbuddy by accident, she keeps going on about how hot I am and keeps asking to try new sexual things cause aparantly im just that sexy
Took her anal virginity recently and I suggesyed a threesome yesterday and she's down.

Helps that im british living in the netherlands I think, being foreign is always good.

>> No.7657612

how tall u and how old u

>> No.7657627

Im 20 and 5'10
Preparing for manlet comments

>> No.7657886
File: 208 KB, 1366x768, effay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Anaface lies

>> No.7657901


these things have all happened to me, and i've been told i'm attractive, but I still have no confidence. when I see myself in pictures i look really ugly. bad skin, dark eye circles, w/e. i'm not comfortable with myself so I don't feel comfortable getting wet. :(

>> No.7657906
File: 14 KB, 232x218, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your nose is too wide for your face width

>> No.7657913

dw 90% of the peopel are ugly

>> No.7657924

yeah. it also helps living in the south where dressing in anything other than camouflage means you dress "weird"

>> No.7657927

My mom says i'm beautiful and that's the only thing that matters to me.

Fuck all of you.

>> No.7657932
File: 64 KB, 262x255, 1390495102437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've posted here before, but I'm curious where I stand. long overdue for a haircut, bad pale skin and dark circles. low confidence and I avoid most pictures

>> No.7657937
File: 45 KB, 820x720, toplelnigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your nose is too wide for your face width

>> No.7657947



You look average at best.

And why are pulling that expression, it makes you look like Snoopy or some shit.

>> No.7657950



>> No.7657952


you have the face of a chino wanker

>> No.7657965

i dunno, it's just the way I look I guess. :\


>> No.7657994

I can tell you wanna grow up to be just like your daddy
>shame your not the son he wants

>> No.7657999

>tfw nose, jaw and skin fuck up your aesthetics

Is there anything I can do?
I've thought about BB/CC cream to even out my skin tone, and a rhinoplasty isn't that expensive so I could get it.
But apart from jaw surgery which costs upwards of 20k, is there anything I can do to make it more defined?

I'm eighteen and hit puberty really late, is there still any chance that my jaw will become manlier when I reach my twenties?

>> No.7658000


how uggers were you during puberty

>> No.7658025

anaface says I have an 8.5 male face but its really feminine
protip, anaface lies ;_;

>> No.7658030

we same age and height
i personally wouldnt move to NL cos all the fuckers the are like 6'2 minimum

>> No.7658064

I got told by a female co-worker that I looked like prince eric from the little mermaid, I had no clue how to take that.

>> No.7658106

get on her little mermaid nahmean

>> No.7658125

dw m8
average male height is between 5'11 and 6;0
but most dutch people have cheeseheads so if youre hot u can get every blonde girl u want

>> No.7658362

what is cheesehead?

>> No.7658999

Females all look at me and would like to fuck me, but the second they find out I have kooky brain problems and had an insanely violent childhood, they run for the hills.

Looks are good for a one night stand, but that gets lonely. I just want a stable, loving relationship with someone who doesn't care that I have PTSD.
Girls are dicks.

>> No.7659064

Why is it I never believe it when people post IQs? Smart enough to score a 140, but too dumb to know that referencing one's IQ is socially aberrant? Come on.

>> No.7659078

its good. everyone treats you better. people want to be around you, look up to you etc. you don't really need to work hard to be smart, have skills, accomplishments, or anything. people will still like you and treat you well just by looking nice.

>> No.7659112

You might just have bad taste.

My last bf had PTSD from the mil, and my hubs was abused as a child, and neither of these things bothers me a whit.

>> No.7659114
File: 147 KB, 661x377, stable pussy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


how dull a person do you have to be where your only goal in life is getting laid

>> No.7659123

sure is gay up in here

>> No.7659135

you have bad taste. why would you want to be with someone who has panic attacks and can't get over their past?

>> No.7659167

I feel u tho. Grills sit next to me on the bus even tho there are free seats, check me out, keep eyecontact when I talk and laugh when I make jokes. I wouldn't rate myself super high tho because I think I look horrible.
But self awareness is fa as fuck

>> No.7659171

We're on /fa/, how new are you?

Nice bait mate.

>> No.7659277

Maybe it's my age. I'm fairly young (20) and have been considered my many to be very mature. Maybe it's just the girls I've been with are all still too immature to really kind of grasp it? I haven't exactly had a "normal" life.

Or maybe you're right and I have shit taste.

>> No.7660288

Well, let's see.

Usually it's just constantly having eyes on you when you're out in public. But even that you get used to and it just seems normal, and you don't think about it as you being attractive.

Then there will be the day were you notice more than one girl literally double take at you or locking eyes and just blatantly eye fucking you. The most obvious ones are when you get a literal stagger. There have been times (often with waitresses, and I think it's because there is the added pressure that they are actually going to have to talk to you) where a girl is walking up to you and she physically stops in her tracks for a second. You see her look up, notice you, start to look at whoever your sitting with or something, and then their eyes dart back to you. Then there is this little stutter step and an intake a breath.

I don't know, it's kinda hard to explain. Then they come to their senses and continue about their business. If it's a waitress she'll come over to the table and start taking your orders. Even if you're at a table with 4 other people her eyes will keep coming back to you.

There's a lot of hair fixing and preening when you're around.

All of this is just the general stuff. Then there is of course the day to day advantages. People treat you better than those around you, give you more attention, respect, better deals and shit. And it's just obvious, particularly when you see how they interact with the other people around.

All of this sounds great, probably, and it really is advantageous, but just how much so depends on the person. I'm a pretty big introvert so, with girls for example, even when a girl is lavishing attention on me or literally telling me how handsome I am, if they don't make the explicit first move it will never go anywhere.

Frankly, I think I'm getting even more handsome now that I'm approaching 35. Girls always think I'm 25, so I guess I was more "cute hot" when I was actually 25.


>> No.7660307

1. Despite being a pretty big introvert who *never* hits on women, I still often get laid by the hottest girl I am in constant contact with. Hottest girl at work? I end up banging her. Hottest waitress at the bar and grill I watch UFC? I end up banging her. Hottest girl in class? I end up banging her. Hottest girl in [whatever place/group/job/situation where there is consistent interaction that bypasses introversion via necessary social interaction], I bang her.

Literally the ONLY thing that's gotten me laid by dozens of different women was that they initiated the shit. And this would NOT have happened if not for my looks.

2. I get away with shit good looking people don't. By that I mean, let's say I'm annoyed by people talking about their stupid ass religious shit at work. And I chime in out loud, "hahaha, ohhh, you people and your invisible wizards."

Normal to shit-tier looking guy probably get's challenged, argued with, becomes a caricature of the Fedora Tipping Neckbeard Autist in everyone's mind. The Angry Aspie Atheist.

When I do it everyone chuckles, kind of nods their head. It's fucking Tony Stark, the witty playboy just being himself... so honest and fearless. Pls b my friend Tony.

I literally feel the privileges I have. People pay attention to me more, they trust me more, I get better results. It's insane. I honestly don't know if there is a bigger advantage than being good looking. And it crosses races and genders.

Just to illustrate it weirdly: if you saw the guy who plays the new superman on the street, dressed and in a place that makes it obvious he's homeless... the first thought wouldn't be, "oh, that poor guy" or, "look at that piece of shit bum" it would be, "Holy fuck that homeless guy is good looking. Htf is he homeless, lol?"

It is by default an advantage.

>> No.7660519


Jesus christ. rofl.

Forearms are genetic, and the ONLY way to effectively increase their size is to isolate them with stupid, useless grip exercises or some shit. You're a fucking moron.

>> No.7660531


No. That's skinnyfat. You clearly don't know what bf PERCENTAGE means.

Just being skinny does not mean low bodyfat PERCENTAGE.

That kid has fucking love handles at 90 fucking pounds. He's like 20% bodyfat.

Having "not much fat" != low bodyfat PERCENTAGE.


>> No.7660573


HAHAHA. I've had so many of these.

I'm god tier aes so I've been with like 40 chicks, but there are so many opportunities I didn't realize till later because I'm half aspie and a huge introvert.

One huge one that stands out is I was playing pool with some dudes from my unit when I was on a training trip in the military. We were all staying at a hotel.

There was this super sexy chick that was there training, but she was with the FBI or something. Anyway, we're playing pool and the girl takes me aside and says, "hey, let's go watch a movie in my room".

I'm like, "I'm in the middle of a pool game, it'd be rude to leave right now."

She looks me dead in the face and says, "lets. go. watch. a. movie".

I'm seriously like, "why are you tripping out, let me finish this game real quick? It's not like the tv will break in your room."

She straight walked away and left.

Later that night I was like, HOLY SHIT SHE WANTED TO FUCK! HOW DID I MISS THAT?!

And I had been wanting to fuck her from the first time I saw her...

Ahh, aspie life.

>> No.7660686


I can't even tell you how many times, after hooking up with a girl after never making a move for literally months... a girl has said the eqiuvolent of, "I wanted you to grab me and push me up against a way and kiss me since... forever."

And how many have said they were intimated. I can't even fathom how many girls I've thought were fucking hot as shit that I've missed out on fucking because I *never* make the first move.

>> No.7660702


>look like brad pitts younger, less manly brother
>have 1/10th the fame of brad pitt
>be "better looking"



>> No.7660870


yeah, the double-take stagger thing. i fucking love that. one of the girls i hooked up with who did that the first time she saw me was fucking shaking - literally trembling - when we were about to have sex.

"you ok?"

"i can't believe i'm about to have sex with you. *legs shaking like crazy, whole body shivering*"

"uhh, like, you don't want to, it's too soon or something?"

"n-no, no, you're just... just the hottest guy i've ever seen."

that feeling when you cause superstar levels of nervousness and excitement without even being famous.

can't complain

>> No.7661530

>have 1/10th the fame of brad pitt

this has nothing to do with how good looking you are

>> No.7661601


>both in occupations that rely heavily on appearance
>nothing to do with how good looking you are
>Pitt voted sexiest man alive
>other guy voted who the fuck is this kid?


>> No.7661829

It's weird.

Some people have deemed me a 10, others a 7. I've had other guys who think I'm ugly, but they were straight and if you took one look at them you'd say they hadn't the slightest clue about aesthetics.

I'll also never have the slightest idea what it feels like to nab a girl that's out of my league completely. You know? There isn't ever a challenge. All I do is walk over, smile a little, "Hi. What's your name?" and they're there.

Sometimes you even get compliments from people who'd have no business being the bed with you. On sundays I go to the old folks' home and wait tables. Usually it's the old woman saying "Oh my, the waiters here are so taaallll and handsome ahahah" or the nine year old granddaughter making eyes at you.

You also get away with a lot more. In high school? I was a shithead. I wasn't exactly drowning in poon, but I got a few knocked out here and there. The main thing is, in high school, we had to buy parking passes to park in the school lot. Passes were $300 and my parents could barely afford the $3000 for my 99 corolla. You know what I did? Every day, the security guard would say "anon you need to buy a parking pass in order to park here." and I'd say "That isn't happening." he gave up after a week and I parked for free for the next two years.

You also have to learn to reject the ugly girls. In middle school, I didn't want to be mean and dated a really ugly girl (not THAT ugly but just not particularly attractive in the slightest) and I paid for it with "hahaha hey anon didn't you date lizz" and that never gets any easier.

It's not a burden, though. Ugly people just find other ways to be happy. Looks aren't everything, I'm a huge tool.

>> No.7661848

Holy fucking shit this