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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 53 KB, 498x642, 1390209275307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7638190 No.7638190[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw girl has been wanting my dick since high school
>tfw like her as a friend and don't want to mess it up
>now we're in our early 20s and she STILL wants my D
>see her post this on FB tonight
>tfw suddenly i want to fuck her harder than any girl i've ever fucked

let's give it up for sexy thing girls. the most /fa/ thing in the world

>> No.7638194

*sexy thin girls

but you get what i mean.

this girl has always been hot, but now i feel like i can connect with her on a much deeper level.

>> No.7638200

i just want that pic without the text

>> No.7638202

so why were you wanting to fuck prodigy? fat drug addict

>> No.7638204

for one, i have no issue with drug use and 2 she wasnt fat.

>> No.7638205

*isn't fat

>> No.7638218
File: 67 KB, 640x640, 1390210203229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and also i think it's important to note that i don't find anorexic girls sexy, imo.
but i love skinny girls, and what made me start this thread was because i love a girl who loves being thin enough to rub it in fat girls faces.

i realize that she is just as emotionally unstable as your typical female, but some girl under her on the feed posted the pic in this post.

every girl posts the pic in this post.
and no girls ever post shit about being proud to be skinny.
i'm very anti social justice, and even though in some ways her pic still is social justice, it really isn't.
i know this girl can appreciate beauty more than these disgusting fat fucks. plus she's wanted by dick since I was 16, and still does. that's loyalty right there.

i want to text her right now and tell her i'm home alone, she should come over and we can make sweet love and get married and have 100 skinny children, but i'll contain myself.

>> No.7638247

being skinny is a waste of time if ur not dressing like a model

>> No.7638256

in order of worst to best, it goes like this:
>disgusting fat piece of shit
>average "skinny fat"
>average "skinny fat" trying to dress nice
>thin girl
>thin girl who dresses good

i'm sure some will disagree with the placement of ano girls, but my point is it's better to have a thin girl who dresses bad that a non thin girl who dresses pro

>> No.7638259

skinny girls like this are for insecure skeletons.

>> No.7638276

people don't get called anorexic for just being skinny. people get called anorexic for giving half a shit about what they put into their stomachs though.
i don't care if people judge me for caring about my body, but 'anorexic' pisses me off.

>> No.7638286

imo kind of thin-skinnyfat(normal) and really self conscious/doubtful is about as good as your top one if they dress well
maybe i'm just insecure, but I love being able to make girls feel attractive or at least comfortable

>> No.7638291

lmao jealous fat girl detected
i can smell ur hamburger pussy from here
stay in ur containment zone >>>/cgl/

>> No.7638350

"i tell a bitch like this: 'you are not that fine'"
- Danny Brown

>> No.7638372

something is wrong with a 25 year old fucking 18-19 year olds/encouraging recreational drug use

>> No.7638393

but sieg, you haven't gotten laid in at least six months.

at least not by anyone even you find sexually attractive. also, you have an interesting way of comprehending written text.
>having no issue
that doesn't mean the same thing
>in early 20s

>> No.7638415

there is a big difference between the minset/thinking/mautirity of a 25 year old MAN and an 18 year old GIRL

do you see me dressing up like anime characters and playing Nintendo DS with stickers on it?

nope, im stressing over my mortguage every month, and wondering why time warner want's to bill me $300 month for the same shitty service I've been getting since 2009 rather than which cute pokemon I need

there is a huge problem with a 25 year old woman sitting there smoking weed/ talking about "stepped on crack/pills" and encouraging teenagers to use it

then have sex with said children each weekend

>> No.7638458

>all white


>> No.7638473

>there is a big difference between the minset/thinking/mautirity of a 25 year old MAN and an 18 year old GIRL
very true.

but when in the fuck was anybody talking about dating an 18 year old?

HOWEVER, i would be more than happy to talk about the age gap between men and women, sexual market value, etc but i actually WOULDN'T be happy to talk about it, since I already know about it, and in fact, I know you do as well.

I also know 25 year old guys who still do think about what cute pokemon they need.
I also know 25 year old guys who still do think about what cute pokemon they need AND have to worry about paying time warner.
I know 25 year old guys who haven't played video games since high school.

I don't see you dressing up like an anime character or playing your DS with stickers on it.
I don't see myself or anyone in my circle doing that either.

But is "sieg heil" the standard which we should all live by?
Would the world be a better place if everyone was like the brilliant 4chan tripfag sieg heil?

As for the subject of drugs, again, I don't see how it's relevant and I don't see how talking about drugs is the same as encouraging drug use.

Would you encourage a 30 year old to do drugs but not an 18 year old?
Do you see the point in me asking you this question?

I understand your anger, and I understand your bitterness. I understand why i'm pro, and I even understand how our views on certain topics are similar.

sieg heil fucks morbidly obese women and there is photographic evidence to prove it.
sieg heil loves calling people fat and hating on fat people when he is one of the heaviest posters posting on /fa/

sieg heil loves knowing he never has to be accountable for a word he posts because his trip is "shared" but hates knowing he is the person he is deep down.

>> No.7638482


>> No.7638517


Stop generalizing you massive cunt. People don't go through the same life experiences at the same times.

>> No.7638522

this is a board for fashion not minorities fuck off

>> No.7638538
File: 42 KB, 1024x683, blackface plz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jim crow pls

>> No.7638557

I don't see a single "beautiful body" there in that picture, you fucking disgusting fat cunts get on the fucking treadmill if you want to be beautiful. As a man I have to work hard to keep myself in shape to appear attractive, why is it any different from you? You fucking Princess Fiona looking sluts. Equality equality equality until it suits you.

>> No.7638578

so a desirable mate to you is a racist, woman-child, who is judgmental as shit, insults the internet, frequent narcotic abuse, casual sex with children nearing the level of pedophilia?

a 25 year old fucking teeangers is akin to your 19 year old self exclusively having sexual relations with 13-14 year olds

>> No.7638595

>your 19 year old self exclusively having sexual relations with 13-14 year olds
hah wow

reporting in

>> No.7638604


dat shadowboxing

>> No.7638611
File: 27 KB, 300x292, 1386202455396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw I'm in 19 and one very fucking qt3.14 13 year old has crush on me

>> No.7638685

go for it, at least make out or something if you're too afraid to go all the way

14 is legal where i live so I can do my questionable deeds without fear

>> No.7638784

bad advice

>> No.7638787

whats the appeal about such yung girls

>> No.7638794


>> No.7638797

dunno, just a sexual preference like any other

no way to really explain it tbh

>> No.7639028

sieg is the hero this board needs

>> No.7639048

13 is when females peak, go after dat prime pussy.

>> No.7639078

>sieg heil being the voice of reason
/fa/ has met some truly dark times

>> No.7639085

>I also know 25 year old guys who still do think about what cute pokemon they need.
so ur sayin ur mentally on par with 12 yr olds lol

>> No.7639112

how about a 25 year old man fucking an 18 year old woman?
People mature at different ages and I can surely say that girls who are 13-14 years old are less prepared for a relationship with an older guy than most 18 year olds.

>> No.7639116

>Adults never play games.

>> No.7639133

They're at very different stages of life. Most parents would be rightfully wary of their 18 year old doing that just as most parents of the 25 year old would be rightfully embarrassed.

>> No.7639314

I think the point he's trying to make is that there are people who grow up faster (or are forced to). Case in point, my dad got kicked out of his parents when he was 16 so whilst we might have been worrying about exam results or whether the qt in class likes us, he was fretting about work and doing his best to not be homeless.

Personally I don't think an 18 and 25 year old dating is inherently inappropriate it's just that 9 times out of 10 it probably is.


>so a desirable mate to you is a racist, woman-child, who is judgmental as shit, insults the internet, frequent narcotic abuse, casual sex with children nearing the level of pedophilia?
>insults the internet


but seriously Sieg you sound mentally ill when you go on about tripfags.

>> No.7640313

>would be rightfully embarrassed.
I'm 100% sure my parents wouldn't give a single fuck

>> No.7640348

Can I get an advice, /fa/?
>23 yo kissless virgin
>started working on my physique and fashion several months ago
>made some good progress, I'd say I'm around 6,5-7/10 overall
>still no gf and no idea how to get one
>long story short, get to meet 5/10 girl through a new friend of mine
>she is kinda weird, very into anime and a bit of a shut in
>she is eyefucking me hard every time she sees me
>friend knows of my virgin status and says I should totally go for it so I can get some sex experience
>I'm slightly disgusted by this whole situation but I know I will fuck up if I meet a girl I'd actually like

What do

>> No.7640373

the sex experience is probably worth it
if you go for a 6/10 or below just make sure she has a body you can get hard to

Protip: most girls gain a solid 3 points when they are bending over in front of you

don't be fucked up and even suggest you have any sort of attachment to her
shivers man

>> No.7640384

5/10 is worth a squirt if you really want to lose your virginity and you have nothing else on

>> No.7640446

Well, thing is, I don't really so much damn about virginity. And I've also had very low libido over the last week. Maybe it is because of my strict diet. I'll better start thinking about girls when I manage to get rid the last drops of fat.

>> No.7640561
File: 232 KB, 640x480, 1386404778574.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Similar situation.

>20 kissless virgin
>Depresso last few month
>friend reintroduces me to 5-6/10
>know i can do better but I gotta get out of my slump
>friends tell me she's wanted the d from me since highschool

Should I /fa/?

>> No.7640572

do it if she isn't friends with anyone you want to / can fuck because she'll tell everyone and you don't want to disgust your target

>> No.7640585

Rubbing being thin in a fat person's face is a dick thing to do, regardless of gender. Everyone has that one really fit friend who shows off nonstop and rubs it in everyone's face that they're better, don't become that person or encourage other people to become that person.

>> No.7640610

I'm in a relationship like this. I agree with what you're saying. The age difference is odd, but it works. We're on the same page. Due to my hobbies, I've been around mostly 20 year olds since I was 14, which must've aged me faster mentally.
So I'm just saying that while it's unusual, I agree that certain situations can allow it to be a healthy relationship.

>> No.7640617

OP....one of my friends posted that too. ARE WE FRIENDS WITH THE SAME CHICK!?

>> No.7640637

is that ugly skinnyfat chick meant to represent really skinny girls lol
only one i'd touch is far left

>> No.7640668

girls are gross and a waste of time/money, i prefer being euphoric

>> No.7640664

>Rubbing being thin in a fat person's face is a dick thing to do

i love doing this
i will not allow #fat acceptance to breach the tumblrsphere

>> No.7640680

I like doing it irl
I didn't realize how skinny I was until I stepped outside and looked at my reflection vs. everyone else lol
young women especially are pretty gross

>> No.7640688

Don't get me wrong, fat people definitely aren't great to look at, especially since they brought it on themselves, but rubbing anything in anyone's face is obnoxious.

>> No.7640723

not necessarily
you can make people crazy jealous just by existing as your physical self, which is obviously not obnoxious
and when you've put effort into being skinny you kinda deserve to feel good about it

>> No.7640746


Don't be an asshole man, i mean try it, but you know how is to feel like shit dont make the circle countinue.

>> No.7640752

>tfw no cool friends that introduce me to girls
>tfw lots of cool friends that don't introduce me to girls

i don't know

>> No.7640761

ya i meant irl same with wearing all black
whenever i see someone else on that steeze its so striking and stands out instantly but on me it just looks whatever because im so used to wearing it

>> No.7640790

you could be a me clone
>tfw handsome 6'3 lank wizard wearing black skinnies in public
feels gr8 man
considering wearing tank tops to show my mad collarbones and chest ribs but i dunno

>> No.7640913

You couldn't prove his argument wrong so you try to show that he is unfit to make any argument at all...wow, never seen that before

>> No.7640983

what exactly was his "argument?"

that's what i really can't understand.

>> No.7640979

so new
it's cute

>> No.7641027

Here is what typically happens to guys in your situation:
you follow your dick and lose your precious virginity. you then realize losing your virginity isn't as big of a deal as you first thought.

HOWEVER, you will be confused/desperate about the strong feelings you now feel towards the girl. you'll want to fuck again, but you'll also want more.
even if you don't intend for that right now, it will happen due to your already insecure standing.

so now you have a GF you weren't even attracted to, but your feelings will make her more attractive to you.
like you did with her looks, you'll start to look past her other flaws as well and develop strong oneitis.
you'll become attached, lose "control" and probably will ENJOY that.
NOT a position you want to be in.

realistically though, we all know you are still going to fuck her, regardless.
if you don't it's only because you are pussy who can't make any moves (or expect her or your friends to do it).

Kind of a shitty situation, but i'm only being realistic. You used an anime pic in your fucking post man....

what I would RECCOMEND in an ideal world, is to fuck and GTFO, don't look back. Be ready for the "what are we?" tests, and be ready to pass them. Then use what you've learned to guide you towards hotter girls.

of course, you'll probably be too emotional to pull it off.

>> No.7641365

same but without the tats obviously.
you couldn't actually put a hot girl in the pic because that's disrespectful to women.

>> No.7642682

I've been here since 2008

>> No.7642790

honestly idgaf about the size of girls provided they're healthy and comfortable with themselves, but the idea that nobody is allowed to pay attention to external appearance is fucking ridiculous.
>i'm not happy with how i look but everyone else should think i'm beautiful
also the two on either side of the middle are so fat it's physically unhealthy