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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 73 KB, 720x720, 1389041083939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7630823 No.7630823 [Reply] [Original]

What are some of the worst dressed people you encounter on a regular basis? Describe a typical outfit they wear on a daily basis.

I'll start

> tall skinny white dude with acne
> skinny black cords that aren't quite long enough to stack, just sort of droop over his ankles
> typical cheap skate shoes, vans or whatever
> cheap belt studded with colored plastic squares
> metal band belt buckle
> wallet chain
> patterned dress shirt
> patterned tie
> either a cheap looking "fashionable" jacket with epaulets and patches and shit
> or a low quality faux leather jacket/hoodie from Tillys
> or a dumpy clingy sweater that looks like something you'd work out in
> always see him eating junk food and spaghetting out on ugly girls

I'll bump with a few other stories

>> No.7630834


>> No.7630840

Lol, I remember that guy from the facebook thread.
>inb4 lol

>> No.7630855

> best friend's brother
> fat ugly neckbeard
> tries to dress "classy"
> fedoras or flat caps every day
> cheap sack suits, plastic-y shirts, and wide ties from the thrift store
> shirt collars are always askew, shirts are very rarely tucked in
> fat chunky "dress" shoes from walmart
> a few of those "bowling" shirts with vertical stripes
> thigh length leather jacket that looks like something you'd wear while working with chemicals
> often carries an umbrella, despite years of drought in our city

Now for the kicker

> grey fedora
> has two playing cards spray painted on the side
> friend tells me that it's an anime reference
> he has an anime reference spraypainted on his fedora
> one day it rains, he didn't have his umbrella(lel)
> paint runs and spreads on his fedora
> blotchy white and red paint all over his hat

That guy has some issues.

>> No.7630858


>> No.7630862


>> No.7630873

omg you're lying I refuse to believe this is real>

>> No.7630900


>> No.7630903


He's the total epitome of fedorafag neckbeards everywhere. He brags about being a gentleman and "treating women right", but we've seen him grope unwilling women several times, and many other girls have accused him of the same. He also smokes cigars, shaves with a straight razor, and complains about "our generation". He's also really into dubstep and tries to sing the original songs from the Fallout games that are actually about being in the Fallout universe.

>> No.7630924


>> No.7630946

Can you post a pic from his facebook or some shit?

>> No.7630966
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He doesn't really have any pictures of his clothes, but here's his face, god bless.

>> No.7630969


>> No.7630975

>dark skin nigga from school
>wears a polo with a tie
>some cheap blazer
>loose jeans
>J's in really bright colours
Everything is ill-fitting
it ain't ralph though.

>> No.7630981


>> No.7630976

Please for the love of God this.

>> No.7630979
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>> No.7630990

Dubs for my lost sides

>> No.7631005


>> No.7631011


same fag

>> No.7631017
File: 56 KB, 375x637, zach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and yes, he is an edgy atheist

>> No.7631028


>> No.7631022

i thought he was sticking his tongue out but thats his lower lip

>> No.7631033

what's your safari zone?

>> No.7631040

his shaved face doesn't look so fucking retarded, but god it's like a nightmare

>> No.7631047

some dude at my uni who wears tard shoes, floral boardshorts, graphic t shirts with blazers and fedoras
he's also fat and everything ive ever heard him say in lectures has been entirely wrong

>> No.7631055

probably trunks

>> No.7631059


> boardshorts with a blazer


>> No.7631065

yeah i wish i knew his name so i could look him up on facebook. he also has greasy black hair and a mustache, it's fucking comical

like how do these people even exist, do they not use the internet or something

>> No.7631108

trunks for sure

>> No.7631136

samefagging intensifies

>> No.7631161


>> No.7631174


>> No.7631197
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Trunks probably.


>mfw the hairline on the guy in OP's pic

>> No.7631204

that is a shit fit

>> No.7631215

levi pls put your trip back on

>> No.7631223
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>> No.7631227

>overweight girl, no curves, upper half is like a long rectangle of fat, legs are strangely short and only a little chubby
>wears mismatched prints every day
>plastic shoes so she has constant blisters that are very visible
>buys all of her stuff from forever 21 or thrift shops
>wears expensive makeup but applies it terribly
>greasy, flat blonde hair
>acne on every part of her but her face
>leggings that show off her nonexistent ass
she'd be so pretty if she just put more effort into her appearance. and if someone else clothed her

>> No.7631244

>no curves
>upper half is like a long rectangle of fat
>legs are strangely short and only a little chubby

>she'd be so pretty if she just put more effort into her appearance.

>> No.7631261

>implying working out, losing weight, inst putting effort into your appearance and wont solve all of her problems

>> No.7631258

that's the point you shitclown

>> No.7631263


>> No.7631273


>> No.7631331

every girl 2 years ago in So Cal

>short shorts and uggs combo

>> No.7631390

>long haired, bearded hippie
>dresses in regular hippie attire from waist down
>dress shirts, probably the same ones a waiter would wear
>wears a loose tie around his neck everyday with different ugly bright colours


>anyone who plays basketball on a daily basis

>> No.7631449


>> No.7631455

its like hes holding back from shitting his pants.

but hes young so he might have hope

>> No.7631463

fallout is cool...

>> No.7631465

>polo with a tie
>tfw when I did this in 6th grade

>> No.7631466


Fallout is cool, but it's also a staple of fedorafaggery

>> No.7631475


>> No.7631486
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>> No.7631488

I work at Whole Foods with a bunch of hippies in middle America....I think that says it all.

>> No.7631489


swear to god not samefagging just came in here to add on

>> No.7631490


>> No.7631500


>> No.7631502


>> No.7631512
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>> No.7631523


>> No.7631532
File: 38 KB, 498x801, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check this kid's dope fit

>> No.7631540
File: 603 KB, 862x502, 111111111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Style comes with a price

>> No.7631537


>> No.7631543


>> No.7631547
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>> No.7631553
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>> No.7631556

>that necklace
Is this 1997?

>> No.7631561


>> No.7631564
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>> No.7631571
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>> No.7631578

oh god, what abuot the puka shell necklaces

>> No.7631590


I can't remember ever seeing a picture of a fit.
So I requesting some to know what's it all about

>> No.7631592
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>> No.7631605
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>> No.7631621
File: 176 KB, 720x540, BASEDFAG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7631640

everyone is saying trunks

>> No.7631643

idk if youre still in here but its dark w/ cacturn and nuzleaf, idk the last dude

>> No.7631659 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 397x584, fookiebookie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soph in highschool (inb4 "UNDERAGE B&")
>fellow soph kid in my school
>we'll name him jimbo
>jimbo is an indian kid in my school who has a rich uncle who owns an oil company or something
>jimbo talks like he has a speech disorder (ex: he pronounces "concord" "concoid"
>jimbo has a shit ton of designer shit he gets from his uncle's money
>usually jimbo is just a plain dressing guy (nike tee, random jeans, vans)
>next day he comes in a pair of yeezy 2's
>gradually starts wearing more expensive shit
>one day he comes in a versace shirt, louboutin sneakers, and true religions
> ask him how the fuck he afforded all of that
>"my uncle is owner of oil company and hee giv me money"
> every single day he comes wearing a bunch of expensive shit and not knowing how to wear them
>for example: he came in with balenciaga arenas, green nike gym shorts, and a diamond supply co. hoodie
>another example: hood by air hoodie, some weird ass brand $5 jeans, and geo fucking baskets while carrying a bright ass green backpack

pic related, thats "jimbo"

>> No.7631662

>walk into starbucks for a coffee today
>chubby asian guy wearing blue jeans, a black polo with the collar popped (unfolded), and aviators ordering at the counter
>accidentally snicker aloud


>> No.7631667

he should of kept his hair.

>> No.7631678

>being this jelly
seems you're just mad jimbo stacks paper to the ceiling and rides on 24 inch chrome

>> No.7631709

Weird shit this guy on campus:
>fedora with gold print all over, really reflective in the sun. (this is Hawaii)
>floral print blazer over jeans and T
>shit all black sneakers

I see this guy wearing this fedora every single day. It is unbelievable really.

>> No.7631723


>> No.7631724

Looks like he woulda turned out fine if he been allowed to become trans around age 10. See alot of folks with facial structures like this and thats the route they need to go.

>> No.7631730

hes afraid of his balding

>> No.7631744

This shit still makes me laugh so hard... Making a garment from a woven with a pattern that doesn't open in any way. Fuckin ludicrous. Did he have to cut the thing off himself to get it off?

>> No.7631782


>> No.7631862

fucking everyone, at least the boots are getting "trendy" around here and making them cehaper so thats a plus for me

set 1
>football shoes as everyday shoes
>washed jeans
>football jerseys

set 2

>shitty skate shoes
>baggy jeans
>graphic hoodies

set 3
>riding boots
>stamped leggings
>oversized blouses

set 4
>mothercuking ugg boots
>motherfucking stamped leggings
>leather jackets

please kill me, i dont want to live anymore

>> No.7631869

> grey fedora
> has two playing cards spray painted on the side
fucking what? where do you live? in Rubbishville?

>> No.7631921

dude! i am eating over here, keep your digusting shit for another time

>> No.7631944

>brothers gf
>literally the most disgusting creature on this whole entire planet
>gets "sacred geometry" tattoos cause she's a "Buddhist"
>tells me all tattoos should have a reason behind them and that they all need to have special meaning despite having a 5 dollar tattoo from a 10 cent artist.
>Wears a black studded fedora
>acts like she's super patrician and has goat taste in music
>literally listening to Nickelback in a Black tank top while talking about Chakra to my brother.
>she makes her life seem way harder than it is.
>she smokes marijuana and cigarettes
>is a total pleb.
>acts like the clothes she wears is expensive
>literally get drunk every time she's over and pretend no one exist.
>She has had a crush on me for 4 years and basically has my brother a slave.
>I will never acknowledge a pleb

I hate that bitch so much.

>> No.7631966


>> No.7631984

but would u fuck her?

>> No.7631986

take ur bro to a strip club

>> No.7632038

underage b&
see you in a couple of years.

>> No.7632045


>> No.7632050

>smokes marijuana and cigarettes
straightedge, pls

>> No.7632075

B-b-but I shave with a straight razor and smoke cigars...

>> No.7632082

definitely trunks.

>> No.7632093


>> No.7632097

They probably decided to make their own style to be contrary on purpose. They're like hipsters but the difference is they have no idea what colour or style composition is.

>> No.7632101

Sounds like you're just jelly of his mad stacks

>> No.7632108

honestly? trunks

>> No.7632867

awh he looks like a decent friendly guy here

>> No.7633021

On campus:
>skinny tall white guy with long metal hair
>he washes and maintains it but it's never styled or anything
>he doesn't like dadcore
>he likes grandpacore
>intentionally matches well-fitting vests with loose shirts to get some sort of puffy sleeve look
>ties, slacks, oxfords (often wingtips)
>he would be a solid7/10 if he lifted, cut his hair, and stopped dressing like a cosplayer

At least the hats are real. Fur felt with steam presses.

>> No.7633088

>average sized white guy
>always wears a bunch of "classy" clothing like vests, dress shoes, ties, garbage like that
>always mismatches the colors like fuck
>wears jeans and vests constantly
>jeans are regular straight fit, not slim at all, not even raws
>has his hair spiked straight up; it looks like a horrible combination of a really thick mohawk and a faux hawk, but transitions into a horribly bad and poorly faded undercut at the back and sides
>wears really jarring and ugly scarves with all of this
>has extremely awful skin and facial hair, and looks like a typical hipster with a shit eating grin on all the time

The worst thing is that he actually thinks he must look good. It makes me gag every single time I see the guy.

>> No.7633096

>not even raws

>> No.7633102
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>style comes with a price, cody

>> No.7633104


at least it fits

>> No.7633114

>thought you were describing me until you got to the vests


>> No.7633115

nothing wrong with this, he is still pretty young

>> No.7633135

Ridding Boots
Oversized shirts
printed legging
black motocycle jacket
urban outfitter shirt

>> No.7633159

shit yeah I'm nervous reading this thread thinking someone's gonna describe me

>> No.7633164

Middle schoolers wearing Jordans, snapbacks, long hair curled up at the end, drawstring bags, and sports team hoodies. Not even saying something like "i hate swagfags" but middle schoolers get to me because they're trying to emulate a style that doesn't fit them for the sake of being "cool".

>> No.7633224

guy I know

>slim fit chinos
>uniqlo ocbd

all day errday

nigga don't know how 2 dress so he goes 2 da internet for advice lmao

>> No.7633293

cauz them chinese rpgs are so much cooler

>> No.7633325

I hope he makes it someday

>> No.7633357

implying everyone here isnt on the internet for advice

>> No.7633386

i'm just her to shitpost. I already know I look #trill

>> No.7633398


>> No.7634554

ITT: The aristocracy of /f/ashion. As if anyone in this forum knows specifically MORE or LESS than anyone else attempting to create style.

>implying you really aren't just the same as some gossiping ass bitch that talks about how others dress.

>> No.7635026
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>$153 outfit
how is this shit supposed to be impressive most peoples every day fits reach £300-400 if you add it all up.
thats without all the accessories and shit people have on them that can easily push that to £1000.

>> No.7635137

Wow Thank's For Noticing : )

>> No.7635324


>that brown feel when

>> No.7635407

oh god he has that eye thing real bad

>> No.7635419

stfu nerd
i bet u got described in this thread u trash bag dressed piece of shit lmAO

>> No.7635439

probably trunks. his ugly ass face, his hairline, his goofy clothes

>> No.7635459

"eye thing" ?

>> No.7635472


Let me guess.

You are trunks.

>> No.7635513


Don't remind me.

The worse part about all of it, is when they were wearing the same boot color and the same short short combo.

The look they gave each other.

>> No.7635568

ITT describe yourself and hope for 0 replies ;O

>> No.7635574

Yeah that's the joke
I easily reach 1k+ euro's when I go outside and I'm not even dressed expensive

>> No.7635633


this could literally have been me in october/november/december

>> No.7635688
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>complains about not stacking
It looks like shit. It looks like someone took a dump on your ankles.

>> No.7635704
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saw this guy in university,
i can't fucking believe mlp fans really exist and that in germany

>> No.7635820

Which city?

>> No.7635835
File: 168 KB, 939x2048, 1390176415405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7635845


>> No.7635847


one of the more disgusting bodies i've seen lately

>> No.7635897

>accidentally snicker aloud
I've caught myself doing this a lot lately at random people who just have no idea of what they're doing.

>> No.7635975

So what, shit is basic and fine. Are you so much better because you wear CPs/ego baskets/rafcros every day?

>> No.7635984

he looks like the child of jonah hill and michael cera

>> No.7636142

that got me2

>> No.7636162

>>accidentally snicker aloud
>snicker aloud

fuck i kinda want a snickers bar now.

gdamn i'm hungover

>> No.7636288

just remembered a couple great ones:

year 12, 2 years ago, girl in one of my classes:
>riding boots or sandals
>blue flare jeans
>swaps between an N7 mass effect hoodie, ill-fitting, short-sleeved button ups, or childish graphic tees, sometimes throwing a vest in there
>tightly braided hair into one single braid at the nape of her neck, stuck out kinda stiff
>topped of with her signature fedora

girl in my course at uni:
>loose, flimsy reddy-purple riding boots
>brightly coloured skinny jeans (usually teal or pink) that always look a bit too loose or saggy
>similarly brightly coloured zip up hoodies
>always has a plastic flower in her purple, shoulder length hair
>always carries a rainbow umbrella
she's a real sweet girl though.

>> No.7636311
File: 351 KB, 578x626, 1390181291090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats with the riding boots? you from like texas or some shit?

>> No.7636326

i live in australia. in a major city, too. i really don't know what the deal is.

>> No.7636349

Just want to add that this kid looks pretty good.
And he's right about style coming with a price.

>> No.7636494

what r riding boots? cowboy boots?

>> No.7636501
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usually of the Forever21 variety

>> No.7636504
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>> No.7636506

>19-25 yo white male
>Skinny/average, tall
>Cargo shorts
>Flip flops
>Dollar store wayfarers

>> No.7636530

cant talk bad about t swift
shes down with tricky ricky

>> No.7636534
File: 42 KB, 387x594, 1390184082431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah sure but who knows, she could just be a product of her stylists

>> No.7636536

jesus the guy in OPs picture is such a fuccboi

>> No.7636543

guarantee that she is.

they heard that this "goth ninja" thing was becoming cool, so they wen't out and got her some clothes.

>> No.7636555

yea maybe but you must think about how many other celebrities have stylists dressing them in designer clothes

>> No.7636562
File: 117 KB, 635x829, 1390184491423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


true as that may be, i try not to get inspiration from famous people.

people that work for their wardrobes and style are a lot more inspirational, ya feel

>> No.7636568

You fags really think the world revolves around little words you make-up? Fuckin' aye.

>> No.7636574

Chicks like Taylor Swift or Monica Bellucci, do they ever fart in front of their bf?

>> No.7637239


>square-toed shoes
>square-toed shoes
>square-toed shoes
>square-toed shoes

>> No.7637251

>thinking anyone outside of the /fa/-shitty tumblr sphere even knows these buzzwords

>> No.7637253

stop complaining that other people don't care about your interests
coming here doesn't give you worldwide superiority you self-entitled fucks

>> No.7637336

so, the girls dress like that everywhere? damn i thought i was alone in this hell

>> No.7637351


>> No.7637357
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>b-but its from da earth

>> No.7637382

never been to mfa or reddit in general
you're kidding yourself if you feel your outfit makes you a better person that a random stranger who doesn't give a shit about what they're wearing
it's all subjective

>> No.7637447

post fit or fuck off

>> No.7637465

i bet you think ugg boots are cool and snapbacks ok

fuck off plebian

>> No.7637476

High school senior here, you just described half the kids at my school on "fancy friday".

>inb4 underage

>> No.7637486

I think that >reddit is more about the oversimplified attitude of "everyone does what they want okay there's no wrong so stop believing they are wrong or bad and you are better" as if we will all suddenly be enlightened to not believe that it's possible to be more fashionable than another person (it is) or that we will think that poor dress is not a reflection of poor self-awareness (it is) or that, in general, your terrible comment will change anyone's' philosophy on fashion (it won't)

In general, I think that there is plenty of reason to be suspicious of criticism and posturing on /fa/, but that you have the wrong approach and your view is kinda juvenile, and that your conclusion (that anybody ITT really believes better fashion is completely equivalent with better personhood) is totally wrong and not even implied by anyone ITT.

>> No.7637488

>timberlands in the three fits
my fucking sides

>> No.7637495

remember when those actually looked good? damn 2001 was pretty cool

>> No.7637501

most of this board is underage, I mean just look at askone

>> No.7637511

mfa, b2 reddit

>> No.7637521
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>if we will all suddenly be enlightened
that was close

>> No.7637539

>oversized black suit
>cheap plastic looking red tie
>creased white shirt
>bad hygiene, greasy hair, blotchy skin

See this guy wearing the exact same thing every day at uni

>> No.7637566

Hey bro, you implied it, not me.

>> No.7637588

chick, probably early 20's
comes up to me wearing my margiela knit, grbs at the pick stiching

"you know you're supposed to cut these off when you buy this right?"

....n-no i-it's margiela.....:(


>> No.7637679
File: 17 KB, 400x300, 1389921225360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend is pretty bad

>faded black band shirt
>faded ripped black jeans
>faded all black running shoes
>greasy flakey hair
>bowl cut
>bad acne

>wrinkled blue oxford
>ripped faded stained blue jeans
>running shoes
>flakey half assed parted hair.

Tfw he gives advice on where to buy my clothes.

>> No.7637782

At least it sounds like he's not trying to be fashionable

>> No.7637874

But she's right. It was Margiela's intention to let people remove all branding from his clothing as easily as possible. He didn't even like the idea of having to brand his clothing.

>> No.7637892

inb4 snickers viral ad campaign

>> No.7637982

>faded black band shirt
>faded ripped black jeans
>faded all black running shoes
was good this far

>> No.7638025
File: 122 KB, 837x960, 3109441_lookbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm studying animation at university, and I can safely say that by far the worst dressers, and generally repulsive to all the senses are students studying anything to do with video games.

I actually know a few genuinely good looking, washed ones, but they still have even sub-pleb dress sense.

>pic unrelated

>> No.7638031


Trust me it don't look good. They're like oversized wrangler jeans and heavy metal shirts.

>> No.7638084

my step brother

>fox motorsports hat
>when not wearing the hat, fox motorsports t shirt with huge monster logo
>with jack daniels snapback
>cargo shorts or faded buckle jeans
>$20 buckle watch
>made fun of my Guess watch after buying that watch
>sometimes wears lacrosse jersey or t shirt saying something retarded like "I would cuddle you so hard"
>he is extremely ugly

>> No.7638088

why do people need to cuff everything?

>> No.7638112
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>> No.7638310


>> No.7638315

>dc sneakers
>odd colored belts: white, red, etc.

Really angers me.

>> No.7638345


> kinda short dude
> greasy hair
> chin line beard
> ugly shirts (hardcore bands, astro boy etc)
> trackpants
> reeboks
> kinda buitlfat. strong tho


> tall skinnyfat
> skinny jeans from Jay Jays every day
> adventure time shirts
> converses every day
> short sleeve button up over tee shirt


> female, blonde
> jelly sandals
> patterned playsuits
> 10~ kg overweight
> hair pulled back way too hard
> bucket hats


>> No.7638386

>fat people
>wearing skinny jeans
jesus fucking christ i cringe so fucking hard every single time
they look like fucking funnels

>> No.7638399

I hate that jelly sandals went so mainstream so quick. Shit was rad as fuck when they first came out and were pretty selective, but now that places like Rubi Shoes have them I can hardly bare seeing my gf wear hers

>> No.7638408


there's a shop near me that sells them for literally two dollars

i hate them so much. I get the idea but I think they're gross pedo bate

>> No.7639137

Should Have, for Christ's sake. Where did you people take this "of" from.