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File: 164 KB, 690x900, 1389820356284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7612223 No.7612223[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is it like being attractive? It sounds nice.

>> No.7612299

people take pictures of you in public

>> No.7612619

It's nice.
yesterday I went to a quiet cafe/bar and got a beer and started reading at the end of the bar. I made awkward eye contact with ~8 girls who were just staring at me when they went up to the bar. All of them blushed and smiled when I smiled at them, and several of them sat down by themselves and kept looking at me, maybe hoping I would come over to them.
3 of them approached me and tried to strike up a conversation. One asked what I was reading, another asked me what beer I was drinking and how I liked it, and the third asked me if I smoked. I didn't try to keep talking with the first two, but I had a cigarette outside with the third girl and then bought another drink for both of us. I got her number but don't plan on calling her b/c I'm in between grad school programs and deeply ashamed of the fact that I'm living with my parents until I start a PhD in May.

Everything at the bar happened within 40 minutes and I didn't make much progress on my book about image processing. This happens every time I go to a bar and I just do this as an ego boost when I don't really want to accomplish anything.

>> No.7612634

it gets weird when you know everyone is looking at you, walk into places feel like meat with everyone looking at you. feels man... feels...

>> No.7612642

its only really great if you have a personality to back it up, otherwise its suffering.

I don't like to toot my own horn but a lot of women have very blatantly hit on me in class and bars and have tried approaching or talking to me but I'm always messing it up by being too quiet or shy and coming off awkward. Makes me feel like shit because I know I'm worth more but I don't have the self-confidence to back it up.

I'd want to know what its like being more confident and self-assured.

>> No.7612643
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> implying I know. (ʃ⌣́,⌣́ƪ)
bullshit, post pics

>> No.7612655


>> No.7612657

it helps

>> No.7612663

this, it sucks when your good looking but cant do much because your personality sucks. that or everyone elses does, but i doubt its the latter.

>> No.7612668

It's never perfect weather.

>> No.7612686

it's p nice. good to know that every girl u speak to probably is into you and if not will at least see that youre hot and treat you better

>> No.7612692
File: 151 KB, 500x327, 1369681450094.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then you're a lying ugly.

>> No.7612698

i mean yeah, its easy and i know people thing im good looking. i get plenty of looks, but its just knowing that after they talk to you they wont like you that sucks, complete confidence killer

>> No.7612721

this didn't happen. Nice bait though m8

>> No.7612731

It's an advantage on a superficial level, but in the rare occasion that I'm vying for something more equal, I feel like I either have to try very much or I don't have to try at all, ya dig?

>> No.7612762


It was once.
On a warm summer night.
Sky was orange with only a few clouds, none blocking the beautiful sunset.
And she was there.
The most amazing girl in the world.
She was there, right next to you, holding your hand.

The weather was perfect.

>> No.7612948

it's scary

people try to talk to me a lot
also the way people look at me when they first see me is scary

I dont like it

>> No.7612994
File: 93 KB, 300x287, 1378749103183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw there's only been about 1% of anons in these kind of threads who actually are attractive because they actually posted proof
And then there's all of you fucking sperglords
>"post pic"
What, you think someone is going to internet hack you and that the consequences will never be the same?

>> No.7613003

I'm just not very photogenic

>> No.7613010

I'm sorry to break it to you mate, but you're probably hideous.

>> No.7613021
File: 19 KB, 320x215, 1378852467395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Then you might just be really ugly and people look at you because of that instead of attraction.
2. You think you look ugly on photos because your head is fucked. No, really, it's because of how you perceive yourself in a mirror and photos; it's different and because of that it can feel odd to see a pic of yourself. Some people don't even notice it and others can't stand the difference.

Post pic

>> No.7613026


>> No.7613041

i used to think my nose looked fucking horrible in pictures last year, like huge
everybody would tell me they didn't even notice it

looked at the same pictures today and my nose looked way smaller than i remember it being

crazy shit man

>> No.7613056
File: 640 KB, 1400x2100, 2122_59ae93de24-rtail-big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in conjunction with dressing in an interesting fashion, you are easily recognizable. that has its perks

>> No.7613074

Camera's can highlight bad features, especially at higher resolutions. Photos tend to make a couple acne scars (just a light redish mark) pop. It's pretty annoying to see because I hardly notice it otherwise.

>> No.7613101
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>> No.7613111

>acne scars

ok m8

>> No.7613114

>tfw ugly
>tfw shitty personality

>> No.7613127
File: 85 KB, 653x527, 1362541292468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I don't find myself to particularly handsome
>tfw girls pay attention to me and stare at me
Either the girls whom pay attention to me have low standards, or there's something wrong with me.

>> No.7613138


People don't notice because they're not actually watching. They're just evaluating the overall thing in a very vague and primarial way.

They're not analyzing it in detail. They don't truly know how what they're seeing is. They just have a simplified version on their minds.

Ask a guy to draw a dog. Most of them will draw 4 sticks, an ellipse being the body, a circle being the head and a couple of ears and a tail at most. That's about the image of a dog they've got on their heads.

Even if you put a dog in front of them and ask them to portray it, they will do a shitty drawing because they're not actually seeing the dog, they're not paying attention.

A good drawer does not only dominate the technique, but more importantly know to the ultimate detail what he's drawing. Every proportion, every muscle, every shape, every volume, every shadow droped by this or that object under certain light coming in this or that direction.

They get to know human anatomy even better than doctors.

There are things you can only get to know when you draw. Maybe in the image editing, fashion and other aesthetic related worlds as well.

And when you have BDD or some similar shit this knowledge only fucks your mind up even more.

>> No.7613148

no matter how attractive a girl will never approach you unless she's fucking disgusting

>> No.7613153

>They're not analyzing it in detail. They don't truly know how what they're seeing is. They just have a simplified version on their minds.
oh i'd agree with you if i hadn't shown this to a bunch of judgemental BDD fucks on tumblr
i wouldn't even bother asking regular people for their opinion on this shit bc i know they don't look at it like we do and even if they did they would try to be nice

>> No.7613160

>Ask a guy to draw a dog. Most of them will draw 4 sticks, an ellipse being the body, a circle being the head and a couple of ears and a tail at most. That's about the image of a dog they've got on their heads.
While some of your post is absolutely right, some if it is absolutely wrong. They don't draw the simplified dog because that's how they remember and see it in their mind. They draw it like that because they can't fucking draw and would rather keep it within their skill set than try to get fancy.

>> No.7613161

I am a spot on 7.5

I am an asian, but not typical looking.
I am 5'11, and that gets me some looks because that's on the taller side in most areas of my city.
Some angles I am a truly a 6 because I am not entirely proportioned on my face. Other angles, like my profile, I am an 8.
Sometimes I get looks but that also might be because I'm awkward.
My favourite looks are from white girls because it's like we live in 2 different worlds when we trade glances, but we still look at each other.

My bonus is that I have a deceptively cute face and I have a very happy smile that looks like ^__^

>> No.7613212


sure is /r9k/ + /fit/ in here

>> No.7613214


Well yeah, I exaggerated. What I meant is that they don't know shit about how large their legs are, how wide are them, if the cross section would look more like a circle, an oval or an ellipse, how high is the knee inside the leg, if the leg curves backwards below it, how many fingers does it have or how do they look like...

And even if you put a dog in front of them they won't notice these things, because they don't even know how to look at something to be able to draw it, and they don't care.

English is not my native language and I was just throwing thoughts so don't expect it to be a well elaborated and flawless essay.

>> No.7613242
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I dont really consider myself super attractive, but last night I was at a diner with a qt and when I got up to pay for the check, one girl who was sitting at a table with 3 female friends motioned to check me out, and her to another until they were all doing it.

Felt pretty neat, I guess. I take it as a huge compliment.

>> No.7613257

You never know if qts like you because you're cool or if it's because you're qt

Doesn't matter doe it is nice

>> No.7613278

it's good if you don't have social anxiety or low self esteem


>> No.7613295
File: 20 KB, 300x410, 1369192260803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>halfheatedly chatting to a grill
>not really paying attention to her because I'm in the middle of reading
>make a joke about us having a rap battle for no particular reason
>say something about us high fiving at the end
>she says "or we could hug, if you wanted"
>I awkwardly brush it off and pretend it didn't happen

>> No.7613305

ryan isn't attractive tho

>> No.7613309
File: 33 KB, 464x462, 1372043792799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take that back right now

>> No.7613314

he is undeniably attractive
he might not be beautiful though

>> No.7613321

idk mang I wount g o gey for him

>> No.7613323
File: 56 KB, 350x420, 1386463657956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're trying really hard to not look gay on the Internet, aren't you?

>> No.7613329

you are trying hard not to be gay
no you are
lel they're distracted now its time to be gey
welcome to 4cjhan

>> No.7613340

i've realised this to be pretty true recently. one of the really attractive trips over at /fit/ was talking about it. the only times he's approached by girls is when they're <6/10.

>> No.7613341

but a trip hasn't even replied to the chain yet

>> No.7613347

notice how that wasn't part of the chain

>> No.7613354

It sucks.
you can't talk to girls one on one without them trying to appease you in some way.
Some don't care, which is nice since they value you for your brains.

Its just than they look at you or glance frequently. you get used to it though. I don't even dress that fancily, just jeans and a sweater.

>> No.7613350
File: 227 KB, 2048x1536, phone 015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it cool cause i can wear comfy, baggy hoodys at 1am and still look effay as fuck

>> No.7613351

you are trying hard not be be gay

>> No.7613358

good thing it's working so well huh or otherwise you would have tried to fuck me buy now huh?

>> No.7613356

nice lips, I'd like to see em wrapped around my cock moneyboi

>> No.7613363

free stuff is probably the best perk of being attractive
sometimes when i've gone up to buy stuff like a snack or some gum the cashier will just tell me to not worry about paying and tell me to take it
free drinks at the bar and on a couple of occasions my waiter has just brought me a desert and told me it's on the house

other than that, it's betas trying to have deep and meaningful conversation with you when you're trying to listen to the lecture in class

>> No.7613365


being attractive doesn't make you fashionable

>> No.7613366

what kind of file naming convention is that?

>> No.7613367

r u a grill?

>> No.7613371

>what are genes

>> No.7613378


that doesn't mean anything

>> No.7613391
File: 185 KB, 1024x1024, 1389833752381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7613394

Are you retarded?

>> No.7613399


you have high cheekbones and a good jaw, but for some reason, you're not that attractive

can't really put my finger on it
almost like downs, but not

>> No.7613415

get high/drunk and ask people out

when they yes you'll feel more confident sober

>> No.7613429

can someone give me an honest opinion on the george foreman grill?
is it worth the money

>> No.7613421

>last few jobs I've worked predominantly with girls
>shit is on easy mode
>except for the fact that they get crushes and my boss feels up my arms and back
>girl customers are bashful and laugh at whatever I say
>gf always trying hard, eyeing me up and shit
>her friends met me and asked if I was a model
I'm actually probably just a narcissistic 7.

>> No.7613436

post pic

>> No.7613441


>blue eyes
>dick-sucking lips
>defined cheekbones (though technically anyone can have these at low enough bf%)
>shapely jaw

>weird, droopy/slanty eyes
>thin, weak eyebrows
>blob of a nose
>boring hairstyle/colour
>weird, pointy ears
>strawberry head (though it might be the haircut)

sorry m8, you're not strikingly attractive. you're the kind where if it comes up in conversation, people might realise it, but you don't come across as attractive.

>> No.7613443

you don't mean that

>> No.7613447

Depends, do you eat a lot of food that can be grilled? If so, yeah. Otherwise it'll end up being another useless appliance in the kitchen. I use that shit for my chicken to get them lean gains.

>> No.7613462
File: 473 KB, 400x227, warai.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah! Post pic so we can all gang up on you!

>inb4 I don't want to show my face online~

Does not apply for narcissists as they feed off of attention.

>> No.7613464

yeah mane I eat a lot of chicken/discount salmon

>> No.7613472

Well shit, go get one then. Makes girllin so much easier.

>> No.7613473

my nose looks pretty from a portrait/side view cause its dead straight, but apart from that i can agree with your analysis

>> No.7613514


stop bein thirsty

>> No.7613527 [DELETED] 

i'm the opposite. i'd consider myself way more attractive if i had a straighter nose.

>tfw european genetics
>tfw nose is slightly curved

could be worse

>> No.7613556

im not model tier on anything but im pretty good looking. im really shy and have social anxiety though so its mostly wasted on me. im a really fun happy person once i get to know people though and i have a work persona that i can switch on that is really damn charismatic and confident.

the only benefits i have are at work. i work at a library that is predominantly staffed by middle aged women, and they always tell me how good looking and fun i am. they always look after me and buy me coffees/bring me stuff theyve baked, and randomly give me like back rubs and stuff. a few of them always bring up their daughters that are my age lol. its a really great place to work.

so in conclusion, it mostly feels like shit if youre a shy awkward person.

>> No.7613564
File: 99 KB, 690x344, Snapshot_20140116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm the opposite. i'd consider myself way more attractive if i had a straighter nose from the side, but it looks good from the front.

>tfw european genetics
>tfw nose is slightly curved
>tfw hate my portrait

could be worse

>> No.7613590

>people more generous and helpful
>always cutting you some slack
>your assertiveness works
>not to mention being center of attention
yay handsome privilege!

>> No.7613591
File: 508 KB, 2592x3872, 1357406714991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> o-one night in a club, a cute italian girl asked me if we could take a photo together

That doesn't mean shit, but at least I had a self esteem boost and the feel that the manbun could look good
(it was only the product of summer, tanning and a manbun)

>> No.7613596

whats it like working at a library?

>> No.7613625

its incredible. if we don't need to serve anyone, we just sit around chatting or doing whatever we want on the internet (i go on /fa/ sometimes). its a really casual environment too, we can go get coffee/food whenever, dress code is black top requirement but otherwise complete freedom. the pay rate and benefits are great too.

its a uni library though so i dont know how different that is from a regular library.

>> No.7613648

>received zero attention in high school
>fix clothes, acne, facial hair, work out a little bit
>go to college
>multiple girls tell me I'm the most attractive man on campus
>still have terrible social skills
>never make any moves
>ignore booty calls due to fear
>still haven't had sex after three semesters
>smoke too much weed to deal with sexual frustration

i'm getting better, though. i flirted with a redhead qt at the bookstore last week yay

>> No.7613656

So you don't take time to actually make use of the humongous depository of knowledge that you work in? What the fuck man.

>> No.7613675

we all read daily but were not gonna spend 8 hours a day reading man

plus, modern libraries have a majority of their resources online

>> No.7613685

Dude, can't go wrong with the stacks of physical media you have at your disposal. Hell, even the most mediocre libraries have more books than you could read in years.

>> No.7613737

Everyone says I'm attractive and dress well. I have tick all the boxes of an attractive stereotype, I mean my mother used to be a professional model, I modeled until my teens, a lot of girls tell me they liked me and I get stares all the time I hang out in places with people of my age, I'm a half decent musician and producer, yet I still have no gf and have never had one either.

My personality is shit, as in I'm a bit strange and have a weird sense of humor, but I'm just shy and have anxiety(non-social) and depression alongside adhd which obviously influences. People say I always look angry and wrong at everyone, like I'm always disgusted.

I don't know what to believe anymore, but I really do need help with my mental health. I've started to literally feel pain in my body from how crazy I feel I'm going, if that makes any sense.

>> No.7613750


get help man - i know your feels

i had my first consultation with a therapist over my recently declining mental health and it helps to have somebody to bounce ideas off of.

i don't get to go weekly (it's the university's services, so not many time slots) but i'm looking forward to my next visit

>> No.7613746

god damn that's me

>> No.7613761

>still get reject for my pos boring personality
>probably still not attractive enough
>still working on it i guess

>> No.7613759
File: 28 KB, 332x495, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course I am attractive, I am as one ANON described: a miracle of the universe.

I hate shy people though. Not hate really but I feel emotions like self pity, shyness, and etc are a luxury of modern man and should be eliminated through cognitive therapy.


Every moment is a chance to seize life.
I don't like spoiled brats.

Actually I do I love girls who always have to get their way.

This is mostly targeted to the men in this thread who are like " I have social anxiety! I'm shy!"

And all that bullshit.
If you were being chased in the wild by beasts every day, you wouldn't have the time to be stuck in these disgusting cycles.

Modern man disgusts me.

>> No.7613768

If I say this I know I'll lose all my credibility, but I'm not officially diagnosed, but I relate to about 95% of all the symptoms I've read of what I said I have, and I've read a lot of forums and stories and they feel just like me, so surely there's got to be some truth in it.

Lately, thinking about the most trivial things makes me stress so much. I go to bed at 5am and sometimes I'll wake up within 4 hours physically exhausted but with my brain rushing at a thousand thoughts per second and this feeling of lots of energy inside me. I've always got this sad feeling in my chest, like when you're crying.

I could go on so much, but really what is the point, I do need help.

>> No.7613775


>> No.7613778
File: 369 KB, 849x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm maybe you should seek professional help.
Try working out to that seems to be a good outlet for people.
Also meditation clear your mind (◡‿◡✿)

>> No.7613784
File: 51 KB, 500x341, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have time to have autism.
I already spend enough time pretending to be someone I'm not.

I am the little girl.


>> No.7613790

PROTIP: people do not choose to be shy. If you want me to stop being shy you'll have to supply me with a lot of benzos, ket, and molly.

>> No.7613799

Seek help. If you're studying, just go to your counselling centre. This sort of problem is very, very common.

Oh yeah, and try to do it via your uni. You don't want to be paying the rates therapists charge, believe me.

>> No.7613797

need any qualifications?
how did u get the job?

>> No.7613801
File: 44 KB, 160x250, 1351170568258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like taking a huge shit, the biggest most satisfying shit of your life, every second of every day.

And it never gets old.

>> No.7613807
File: 75 KB, 683x1024, balanciagaga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shout out to that one cute nigga thats been hittin' me up on twitter no homo

>> No.7613813
File: 78 KB, 400x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PROTIP: the mind is a powerful thing.
I hate to sound like the baby's first evolutionary psychology but it is my opinion that people need to tackle modern life with primitive instincts

Of you do not go out and get your food, I will eat it.
If you do not go out and get your women, I will get them.
If you do not go out and take the fruits of life, I will take them.

Of course I do not push these ideals on anyone in real life because that is rude and no one is asking me to.

But it makes things easier to me, I have an appetite for life.

Do not just stand by! Like I said cognitive therapy may work wonders. Start asking "why?" Take risks

If not

It does take its toll though. There is a reason I drink. But I haven't recently
A week strong baby!

>> No.7613823

I'm neet and don't have the courage to tell my mother because I know she'll make a huge deal out of it and... I don't even know.

I'm not going to lie to you, like with everything I've planned in the last 4 years of my life, I'll say "I will get round to doing it in a few months or something" and suddenly a year's gone by and I'm worse off and haven't done shit.

I don't understand myself. I need help, I'm 50/50 on whether I actually want help, but I wont get myself to actually go through with it. It's a mix of laziness, not caring in some sense, and also thinking nothing will help me.

>> No.7613825

that's messed up. I have a very similar face structure.

>> No.7613861

Don't call it laziness. Really, it's been one of my biggest problems. It makes you feel terrible about yourself, and only encourages you to stay in this vicious cycle.

But really, talk to your mum. She'll have to understand (hell, you're her son), I don't know how she'll react but just do it. These sorts of things you need to solve as soon as you can, or else you just dig yourself deeper.

I grappled with this crap for barely over a year, and I'm already a train wreck in university who ruined his prospects of an absurdly bright future. Any time longer and I have no idea what would have happened to me.

>> No.7613901

depends what role you want to do, libraries have a range of jobs ranging from no qualifications necessary to university qualifications.

>> No.7613908

I meant like stalker-like photos to send to friends and shit, on the bus/subway

>> No.7613985

>tfw no idea if I am attractive or ugly

I get a few lools when out clubbing but think nothing of it really and I am shit at initiating chat with/approaching girls but If it is like a friend of a friend for example I can slowly work up like enough to get at least a kiss off girls I thi are attractive but nothing special. My friends think a lot of them are v good looking though so I dont get it.

Maybe my perception of attraction is fucked. I tend to go after the girls with unconventionally attractive physical traits that I like for whatever reason

>> No.7613995

i go through phases of feeling attractive, but the truth is that im average at best. i used to always catch girls checking me out when i was in college, and my close friends told me that i was attractive, but when i really evaluate my social encounters it just doesnt click.

this became especially evident after i moved to nyc. half the people out here are taller than me, better dressed, and objectively more handsome. that puts me at dead average.

feels pretty bad, especially because i once thought i was better looking than i am.

>> No.7614023

>be 5'6" asian
>girls think I'm cute or adorable and never take me seriously

Why couldn't I be taller

>> No.7614055

im sorry bro. my thai friend is 5'4
if you're jap/korean/chingese you can pull weab girls 8)

>> No.7614271

people take pictures of me in public. I am not attractive. you wouldn't believe the amount of people that see someone with a Mohawk and immediately reach for a camera.

>> No.7614565

Girls always seem to stare at me when I'm out, and I'm not sure if it is because I'm handsome, ugly or semi-tall (6'3)

>> No.7614684

i feel more comfortable when i tell myself it's the latter.

>> No.7614709

probably handsome
girls avert their eyes from dudes they don't want to acknowledge

>> No.7614828

I think its tallness. If you're over 6'2 you can get girls like mad, at least in theory.

I was at the gym today and this 6'4 dude was with this qt Mexican 5'5 girl. He was ugly and gangly as fuck.

eh. I wouldn't say I'm very attractive but I think im ok. Girls will look at me, when I look back and smile they look down and stare at my shoes. Other girls tell me I'm just really intimidating. But older women seem to give me the eye fuck.

Some lady said I look like a homeless Pakistani Tom Cruise. I think im just old style handsome so I dont do well with girls my age.

>> No.7614897
File: 384 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People on rate threads often put me at average but girls tend to check me out and flirt with me. One drunk girl called me straight up hot. But then again I live in Maine and there's not many guys around that look good and take care of themselves so it kinda helps.

>> No.7614906

alcohol and being drunk tends to make people look a lot more attractive

you're avg m8

>> No.7614918

Yeah but most girls who hit on me tend to not be drunk. I feel I'm prob around a 7 or a 7.5 and the average male who lives around here is about a 6. Plus I'm pretty charismatic which helps. I feel like if I moved to a big city it would kill my ego.

>> No.7614930

well since you're attention whoring and fishing for compliments from strangers you know you're nothing special

+ your idea of getting hit on is probably "omg that girl smiled at me she def wants to fuck"

>> No.7614938

I consider being hit on when they flirt and ask me for my number and ask me to hang out with them, I'm not fishing for shit I literally said I agree I'm fairly average. Chill it bro.

>> No.7614940

>been trill

i really hope this is just a picture of some random herb from instagram

>> No.7614946

idont wanna be cocky or narcissistic or whatever, but yo im beautiful, im pretty, im sexy, im cute, im handsome all at the same dam time, im hotter than you, fact.

>> No.7614970

i'm tired of you newtrips trying to be the next famous thing.

abo thug was a faggot, ur a faggot.

>> No.7614984
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>> No.7615015

I dont really know. I couldn't really say how attractive I am. I think I look great sometimes, other times I feel that Im ugly. I dont get approached by women but people say Im a good looking guy. Ive had girls blatantly hit on me when they are drunk but they are never the ones I would sleep with (all 6 or worse). Im pretty good at talking to girls so if I think a girl is attractive and were in a social setting ill approach them and strike up a convo.

I think im just a type. Im fit, fairly tall, and blonde but my features arent great and my jawline could be better. I dont feel like its my looks that hold me back though...

Im fucking a 9/10 right now and she tells me im gorgeous but really I know shes objectively way more attractive than me

>> No.7615022
File: 2 KB, 179x139, 1371045096171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>abo thug was a faggot, ur a faggot.


>> No.7615160

lol everyone thinks they're a 7.5

>> No.7615182

Wow, coincidence that I decided to check this thread again.

I know the rating system is a subjective one yadayadayada, but I'm legit a 7.5. Nothing too far off from that.

Most people think they're a 7 actually.

>> No.7615219

I think I'm decent looking but unfortunately I'm a manlet (5'8) so it doesn't matter.

>> No.7615450


The only way this would've happened is if you pulled up with a sports car and were walking around in a suit with the swagger of someone like Ryan Goseling.

I'm not saying this out of jealousy, but you're full of shit. The biggest dead giveaway is that you claim a girl gave a shit about what you're reading. Even an attractive female author wouldn't come up to you if you were in actuality Goseling.

>> No.7615460

>I'm legit a 7.5
Only one way to be sure, pics faget

>> No.7615462

it's okay, i think. i get lots of looks and girls staring at me on the train and stuff. i've never had much success with girls though. this gay friend that i've got says that girls say i'm "intimidating" so they never approach or talk to me so i've got to make more effort to talk to them. the problem is i'm a complete and utter, socially inept, beta so i can never work up the courage to do it. on the rare occasion i do manage to talk to girls it works out p well tho

>> No.7615537

and even in that case it would only happen if you had the status of gosling which means that the girls that approach you are actually fans and not just approaching you because of your looks (seeing as goslings looks aren't that special, whereas his status easily raises him 2-3 points higher for women)
Think about this: Would you approach a really hot girl (an objective 9)? I doubt it, and in real life it is still the 6-8s that get the most attention from males because they're not intimidated. Now apply this theory on females who are even more self-conscious. I guess we all fell for b8 m8.

>> No.7615541

I kinda like your nose.