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/fa/ - Fashion

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7612895 No.7612895 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw somebody finds out i wear a 750 Euro parka with real coyote fur and gets mad over the price and fur is murder

>> No.7612909
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>wear $4k fit
>girl asks me if i'm poor because my tank has holes in it

>> No.7612905

id get mad bc u cant pull it off

>> No.7612918

>Wear trapper hat made with real rabbit fur
>People tell me they like my hat every time I go out.
>I take my hat off and tell them it's real rabbit fur and ask them to feel it
>Yet to have one person freak out at me over it

I just need one time. Just one

>> No.7612916
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>shots fired

>> No.7612930


then you woke up in your naked and famous denim and everlane oxford shirt

>> No.7612934

you wish fookubwah

>> No.7612942

Killing something just because "muh fashion"

Seems unecessary. You're not living in a hunter/gatherer tribe and rely on fur to survive.

>> No.7612947
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>can finally understand effay
>scan almost every person i see if possible
>tfw can tell the stupid idiot grills who act superior with their shitty fashion choices from the true patrician grills

>> No.7612962

more like and then he wakes up and remembers that no matter how much money he spends he can't compensate for his ugliness and lack of confidence

>> No.7612964


>> No.7612965

You never wore real fur before have you?
It's a lot more comfy. Plus most of the time they kill the animal for the meat and have the fur laying around

>> No.7612977

>tfw can tell the stupid idiot grills who act superior with their shitty fashion choices from the true patrician grills
You have never met a true patrician grill. Just fuccgurls who cater to your fuccboi taste. I mean it. Go ahead. Prove me wrong. Post what a true patrician girl looks like. I'd bet anything she looks basic as fuck or just like a hypebeast.

>> No.7612981

the trick is to get a boner while they feel it

>Plus most of the time they kill the animal for the meat and have the fur laying around
lol i like fur but you are completely wrong

>> No.7612980
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>tfw asked to model on the street 3 times
>tfw narcissist
everything is awesome about me

>> No.7612989

You don't have rabbit meat at your local supermarket?

>> No.7612990

I don't care if you paid 750 Euro for a parka when I've spent $200 for a sweater and $80 for a basic tee.

But killing animals for fashion is unethical.

>> No.7612992


I don't think it's ethically permissible to kill something because it makes your body feel good.

And even if it is sitting around, if companieshave continued support (reasons to kill animals) then they will continue to do so.

>> No.7612996

>tfw asked to model on the street 3 times
>he thinks this means anything
"Model" scouts are like PUAs. Will go after anything half decent because a lot of agencies profit by baiting naive newcomers into paying a ton of money for travel, portfolio padding, etc and the model comes out broke while the agency comes out richer.

>> No.7613000


To clarify, I'm not a radical animal righys activist or anything. I disagree with a lot of their points. But I do think it is unethical for people to eat/wear animals if they don't need to. If you have no other source (i.e. poor) then it is permissible. Humans have more worth than animals.

>> No.7612999

i'm still awesome :D

>> No.7613006

no but more importantly i thought we were talking about coyote fur and even more importantly the vast majority of rabbits are not killed for their meat sorry dude fur farms are a real thing in pretty much every continent

>> No.7613016

>dad dies
>inherit his £2000 Prada limited edition beaver fur jacket

24/7 swag #confirmed

>> No.7613018

Me and a friend where joking around saying the more you spend on a fit the more homeless you look

>> No.7613025
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>> No.7613024

>But killing animals for fashion is unethical.
Think outside the box. How many animals do you think are killed for the less obvious materials and services? Fur attracts hate because it's the most visible and therefore obvious mark, but you have absolutely no idea just how many animals are killed for fashion that seems ethical to you.

>> No.7613031

His clothes don't make him look homeless. Being slumped over on a street corner doesn't make you look homeless. You guys are stupid.

>> No.7613029
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>tfw no qt mori gf

>> No.7613030

Why the shit would I take pics of the few I actually see? I'd look like a complete autist, or maybe that's what you do? Sorry.

>> No.7613043
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he looks pretty homeless imo

>> No.7613058

Yeah, this is what I'm talking about. J fashion fuccgurls are not true patrician girls. For fuck's sake she's even got the worst chanel bag (probably a replica) in her "mori" fit.

>> No.7613064


I don't see many homeless people being able to afford quality leather. You only ever see them in surplus stuff that they get from shelters and whatnot.

>> No.7613065
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i've only seen one - you know it when it happens.

>> No.7613066
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this is a patrician girl

>> No.7613071


But killing animals for fashion, no matter how many die, is unethical.

I really don't see any way to justify using an animal as a means unless it's necessary. Humans are more valuable, sure, but to say that humans are more valuable because they are rational and therefore we should completely disregard every life that is irrational would be like saying we should harvest the severely mentally retarded for organs or use infants for medical research (which, by the way, most of the ways in which animals are killed for research is not to test life saving vaccines, but instead, various consumer products)

>> No.7613073

Let me show you Derelicte. It is a fashion, a way of life inspired by the very homeless, the vagrants, the crack whores that make this wonderful city so unique.

>> No.7613069

no one sees someone who is obviously trying to look stylish in a bunch of black shit with leather boots and a leather jacket and leather gloves and thinks "wow, this guy must be homeless"
they think "wow, this guy must be an autist"
i say this as someone who likes julius etc

>> No.7613081

laughing so hard at this

>> No.7613084

>Why the shit would I take pics of the few I actually see?
Lol. I was't talking about the ones you've actually seen IRL. I'm talking about the ones you look at on your computer screen all day.

>hey guise im wearin LE MONOCHROME XDD complete with SUPER RECOGNIZABLE rick biker am i patrician yet???
No. Freja's look is fine but it's not patrician, it's just basic bitch with $$$.

>> No.7613092

>But killing animals for fashion, no matter how many die, is unethical.
That's not what I'm arguing. You completely missed my point. Take a moment to think about how many animals have died for something less obvious than fur in fashion. Think about how many animals die for the things we consume and the things we do regarding fashion and other things. Animals are used for way more than just fur and leather. It's an inevitably that goes along with every other facet of our existence as it is, so why get upset about fur just because it's the most obvious record of those animals' deaths?

>> No.7613093
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and rosenrot?

>> No.7613096

>no one sees someone who is obviously trying to look stylish in a bunch of black shit with leather boots and a leather jacket and leather gloves and thinks "wow, this guy must be homeless"
>they think "wow, this guy must be an autist"

>> No.7613109

Her wardrobe is great. Her styling isn't. Unfortunately her chunky tall body, huge feet, and....face are not complimented by any of her clothes. She's a lot like that troll looking filipino guy who owns a bunch of yohji. Wouldn't call her a true patrician but I respect her somewhat.

>> No.7613131


the clothing is pretty flattering on her - everything seems styled nicely for her body. but regardless of that. it's whether she's intelligent or has a personality that makes her a "patrician" (hate using this word)

she likely is intelligent anyway

>> No.7613124

lamy is patrician

>> No.7613126
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what about mbd and interest1?

>> No.7613132

interest is just weird

but sooooo hot fuuuuuuuuuuuck

>> No.7613147

I'm getting seriously tired of your fucking attitude. Its time for you to post a) one of your fits b) a 'patrician' fit and earn some credential.

>> No.7613183

>I'm getting seriously tired of your fucking attitude.
this post is fucking killing me for days omggggg

>> No.7613188
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>I'm getting seriously tired of your fucking attitude

>> No.7613191

I saw one linked one time and it said it was humanely sourced coyote fur. If it's the same one point that out. Otherwise stop murdering animals you scumbag.

>> No.7613224

I wouldn't get mad, but I'd laugh at you for spending 750e on a shit Canada Goose parka when there are better, less expensive alternatives out there.

>> No.7613334

He is right though, there is not a fit in the world that could satisfy that guy. He would just say le,describe it and dismiss it. And also act like a pompous faggot while doing so

>> No.7613376

Interest1 definitely though that fit isn't a great example, I wish she posted some of her more elaborate stuff. MBD no. Again, can't style for her life.


>she likely is intelligent anyway
You'd think so but just about everytime I see her post on SZ I lose faith.

You literally posted 3 fits and then say no fit in the world cold satisfy me?

>> No.7613408

>I'm getting seriously tired of your fucking attitude

>> No.7613425
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>the attention feeds my narcissism, effectively alienating anyone I'd like to have a meaningful relationship with.

You've got it made, bruh. So jealous.

>> No.7613456

>canada goose

U best be joking nigga

>> No.7613471

A fair guess for a parka with coyote fur for 750+

>> No.7613500

its propably woolrich

>> No.7614232

Don't worry bro the guy is a troll he will say everything is un patrician it's probably some ft fuck behind the computer who likes disagreeing

>> No.7614256

I own a hat made of real rabbit fur too. its fun to let vegan people touch it and admire it and then break the news to them that it is made out of many fluffy rabbits.

>> No.7614267

>killing something just because "muh taste"

>> No.7614364

>I don't think
>ethically permissible

well that's unfortunate because I don't really care what you think. I eat meat every day and will buy fur whenever I want.

>b-but the animals are sad because they die

seriously what is wrong with people these days I'm really getting tired of these left wing retards imposing their no fun allowed bullshit on everyone else because it's what "they think" like that makes it any more important than what anyone else thinks.

>> No.7614398


>everything is relative
>nothing matters
>m-m-muh fun

U a dumb nigha huh?

>> No.7614410


>upsetting ppl is funni

You're like an IRL master troll dude! CmxD

>> No.7614411

it is literally the complete opposite of this

>> No.7614431


I wasn't targetting fur specifically. And it's not inevitable. If you continue to support industries that results in animal death, animals will continue to die. It's the same apathetic bullshit people use to justify not voting.

>> No.7614880
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Yo here's the dilly on the fur industry (speaking only for Canada)

1. More animals are killed in one month on Canadian highways than are killed by the fur industry in an entire year. If you really wanted to save animals there are much better targets than the fur industry which is tiny in the grand scheme of things.

2. The fur industry provides jobs for trappers, these are people who generally live in the most remote and impoverished parts of the country. When it comes to fur people talk about the value of human life vs animal life and generally see a finished product costing animal life and a customer buying it who could survive without it, thus costing no human life. What you don't see is all the human lives that would be seriously harmed if you banned the fur industry and took away these jobs from people who desperately need them.

3. Animal culling is now a permanent reality of continued human expansion. 50 years ago you could make a case against it but today due to humans utilizing more resources and taking over more habitats the wilderness that we have left needs to be carefully managed by people in order for the animals within to survive and prosper. The fur industry naturally integrates into government culling and management policies. Ecologists survey and study natural areas and then calculate the amount of culling necessary, trappers are given very strict guidelines for exactly how many animals they need to trap and face steep fines and having their licenses revoked if they go against this. If you really wanted to get rid of the fur industry this ecological management and culling would still happen regardless except you would lose jobs, economic stimulation, and all the other benefits the fur industry provides.

>> No.7614889

dude! I've been trying to find your mediafire link but it doesn't show up b/c it gets cut off when you put it in your name in the archive can you link it to me pls

>> No.7614888
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4. The fur industry is of immense historical importance to Canada. It was the industry that first drove the settlement of this country and radically shaped how we exist today. It could be considered something of a national treasure. You might find it personally not to your taste but to deny it's existence is to forcefully remove one of the original factors that made this country so great and to destroy one of the few industries that Canada is #1 in. Canadian fur is exported and immensely appreciated all over the world. Once again even if not to your taste, this is a storied craft and it would be a serious shame to see it disappear.

5. Canadian furriers are artisans through and through. This is a craft, one that takes a lifetime of dedication and skill. The true masters are artists. Touching on the last point again I feel it would be a serious blow against not just artisanship but liberty and freedom to deny these people the ability to practice their craft. You might think with this industry that transforming a corpse into a coat is a simple matter but I assure you it's anything but. Canadian furriers could be considered to be on the same level of practicing courtier's in France. Imagine if you were calling for the end of the means for them to practice their craft. Don't just think of the jobs but also the artistry that would be lost, the legacy that would be ended.

>> No.7614893
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6. Fur itself is one of the most ecologically friendly materials for use in clothing. It's been utilized since pre-civilization and is 100% renewable. In today's world there are very few materials that even come close to matching it in these regards. Not only is it sustainable and friendly to the environment but when properly cared for it also can last for decades. The end result of this is of course reducing the need for further garment production. Look at this this way, you could buy one fur coat that would last you 30 years, or a new nylon parka every 5-10 years. When you do the math it's very easy to see how positive fur can be for reducing consumption.

7. Fur, and luxury goods in general represent an important role in a capitalist society. In a large way they are the desirable end result that pushes people to be productive. You might find this rather cynical or distasteful but it's the truth. People work harder and better when they have something to strive for, an end goal. For a lot of people this can be something like a Louis Vuitton bag or fur coat. When you remove these sorts of luxuries you also remove a lot of the drive people have to better themselves and their economic situation.

8. Regarding that last point, try ending the fur industry, and people will still want and strive for the product it produces. Right now the industry is highly regulated and monitored, if you want to ban or outlaw it you will have poachers and they will cause more damage than you could ever imagine. One of the reasons poaching rates are so low in Canada is because most of the country is safeguarded by trappers who keep watch over the area they've been assigned. If someone starts poaching on their land their livelihood becomes at risk. If you were really concerned about the welfare of animal populations you would realize that trappers are actually vital to protecting them for reasons like this and others I've mentioned above.

>> No.7614905
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I can't speak for other countries but in Canada the fur industry works with a real reverence for the animals it utilizes. While you may find it ironic, there is almost no one who cares about these animals more than the people who base their livelihood on them and who are dedicated to preserving this industry and tradition. I don't even personally wear fur myself, I just think it's important to look logically at the big picture. Ask yourself if you really want to destroy everything I've mentioned because it makes you feel a slight discomfort before you return to one of the myriad of other modern civilized activities I'm sure you partake in that cause infinitely more harm to people, animals, and the environment.

>> No.7614913

tragedy of the commons, yo

>> No.7614916

Fantastic. Thank you.

>> No.7614942


Oh sorry, here it is:


>> No.7614977

Is it possible to be /fa/ without being insanely depressed and rich? /fa/ people never look happy where I am at. They always have the same cold, hard stare about them. The women they date are mentally frightening.

>> No.7616268

>people freak out that your sweater costs 700€
Why do they care about the way I spend my money? I dont tell them that buying coffee at Starbucks is the most stupid thing you could do.

>> No.7616357

>tfw I have a fur blanket and mantle

>> No.7616387

*tip feodra*

>> No.7616399

>I dont tell them that buying coffee at Starbucks is the most stupid thing you could do.
well its not really is it

>> No.7616402
File: 187 KB, 480x480, eheheheh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ist das in der U2 aufgenommen?

>> No.7616492

Hey man I've seen you talking about canada goose saying that they were the best outerwear producers around, I got one recently because winter etc and I get fluffs and shit on the cuffs. Models from previous years do not.

So what's the deal, has there been a drop in quality due to the increasing popularity of the jackets?
Since there's a lifetime guarantee can I just ask for it to be fixed?

Asking you 'cause you seem knowledgeable about that shit

>> No.7616837

Jetzt wo du es sagst: Das ist definitiv HVV

>> No.7616990


While I agree (mostly) with your first three points, I have a problem with points 4 and 5.

The slave trade was of immense historical importance to the Southern United States. Their entire culture was rooted in the normalization of slavery and when slavery was prohibited there was a huge cultural shift in the south that those states are still recovering from today. There were particular slave traders and task masters who made a profession out of the slave trade. To them, it could've been considered a craft.

Despite all of this, slavery is deemed intrinsically unethical. The cultural relativists may argue against this, however, I (and many others) propose that ethical theories have a grounded basis and that we can test (some) ethical theories much like we can test scientific theories. Humans are naturally sympathetic and we naturally value human life, and because we value human life, we can safely argue that slavery devalues human life and autonomy.

Why not extend this same treatment towards animals? While I do agree that animals do not deserve the same consideration as rational human beings, they do deserve consideration nonetheless. Though we may subject children or the severely mentally retarded to paternalism because they are not fully rational humans, it is still unethical to treat them as merely means to an end.

Animals are hardly different, the only major one I can think of is that in the cases of the infant and the mentally retarded, we recognize that they possess the capacity to become rational or may have been rational at one point; a capacity that animals do not have. This justifies the claim that human life is more valuable, sure, but not that we should disregard the well being of animals completely.

>> No.7616997


Animals demonstrate preference. If you kick a rock on the street, you have not harmed it in any way because it has no preference. Animals have at least one preference - to survive. In situations of survival, I agree that since human life is more valuable it is then ethically permissible to kill an animal to preserve human life. However, if there are alternatives to ensure human survival, we should take those alternatives as opposed to needlessly causing animal suffering.

I also have a huge problem with your 7th point. You are assuming that humans are inherently driven by luxury, which is not the truth. Capitalistic societies breeds this sort of culture and reinforces it, which is why it's particularly dangerous. I agree with this - no economic system produces wealth as efficiently as capitalism does. However, I think the environmental, philosophical, and socio-economic costs are too great to justify purely Capitalistic models for society.

Other than those few points, you make a strong case and I would have to look into the topic more to continue arguing further. Cheers.

>> No.7617004


may be lots of typos because I'm typing from a phone, but I hope you can extract the core of my argument from what I've typed.

>> No.7617012


It's funny. I see a lot of people on /fa/ rationalize their hatred for fat people because they are disgusted by sloth and indulgence. However, they neglect to think that vanity and wastefulness (I guess, another case of indulgence) is considered disgusting to most other people and is something intrinsic to buying expensive clothing.

just a thought

>> No.7617204
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>> No.7617279

just want to say ive personally trapped and.skinned coyotes, rabbits, and wild cats and its awesome and all of you are faggots.

>> No.7617295

have u ever fought one