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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 78 KB, 570x570, 1388967462520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7551640 No.7551640[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

so is Rick Owens some kind of running gag on /fa/?

what do you guys like about this dude? I'm not seeing it.

>> No.7551681

Really? I think his silhouette in that pic alone is amazing.

>> No.7551736

but he looks retarded.

>> No.7551763

it looks like hes shitting out his legs

>> No.7551978
File: 7 KB, 170x296, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are people on this board, right now, who think that looks good


>> No.7551991

you all have pretty shit taste in high fashion then. rick owens is literally revolutionary in the industry, who the fuck are you fuccbois?

>> No.7552020

I like his fashion when it comes to tops. And It's funny seeing his style for tops being copied by others.

The whole thing going on below? Nah.

>> No.7552058

i can't imagine anyone dressed as that getting pussy, girls probably put these guys in the same level as a fedora guy.

>> No.7552066

>dressing for anyone besides yourself
Hows high school going?

>> No.7552084
File: 25 KB, 386x386, blog_michele_lamy_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


rick is too busy copping sweet lamy poon to worry about basic bitches

>> No.7552075


Neither do I. There are far better designers.

>> No.7552090

Yeah, I'm sure you totally didn't get into fashion and nice clothes to impress other people when you walk down the street. Its all for your own satisfaction.

>> No.7552099

i knew i would get a reply like this made by some guy who got his feelings hurt.
dressing for yourself is always the most important thing, AS long as you don't look like some sort of freak, getting dressed by the internet and being an edgy kid by wearing black drappey shit on you doesn't make you any more special, as i said, you're on the same level as fedora or metal kids.
you truly believe you will get more people interested on you or girls attracted to you dressing like that?

>inb4 i dont care about pussy
>inb4 im gay
>inb4 edgy reply

>> No.7552101

he is, because hes fucking rich and famous, imagine any other dude trying to go to a party or club or bar dressed like that trying to impress women. He'd come off as a douchebag unless he was at a really hipster scene event where everyone is trying to out-tech eachother anyways.

>> No.7552103

how about saying something to back it up besides blind anger because they arent as stuck in the /fa/ bubble as you are?

>> No.7552106
File: 34 KB, 400x384, Rick-Owens-fall-winter-2009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

name them
explain what they do which rick lacks

>> No.7552111

>dressing for plebian girls
I'm beginning to think a lot of you do this?
also as much as I hate this boards circlejerking of Rick Owens there's no denying his credentials

>> No.7552122

this guy knows whats up

>> No.7552125

I've seen pictures of you, really not gonna bother responding.

>> No.7552139

>plebeian girls

so you're assuming that any girl who doesn't like ''gothninja'' fashion is a pleb?
you're fucking ridiculous

>> No.7552151

respond to me then, because i'm also curious who you think is better

>> No.7552157

you can't just take off the name and post as anon.

>> No.7552168


Personally I far prefer Ann Demeulemeester.

Im not saying i dont like Rick, I just dont get why /fa/ loves him SO much.

At the end of the day though it comes down to personal style. I like the rock and roll bohemian style Ann D plays on.

>> No.7552181

>>High fashion

Avant garde fashion should not be called fashion. It's performance art with funny costumes.

Fashion is about designing clothes that can actually be worn outside a mental institution.


>> No.7552182
File: 483 KB, 500x750, will this get me laid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i for one am going to drop a load of $$$ tomorrow on a jacket i dont expect most people to like, and i've got a gorgeous partner already

i "got into" fashion because i wear clothes everyday and it would be insane to skip out on something that is a huge part of your everyday life ya know? youve got the chance to look pretty much however you like

and i really want this jacket goddamn

>> No.7552246

yes, and looking the way you want and your outward appearance is all rooted in other peoples opinions of you, you want their attention, be it bad or good, you can't say you don't dress up for others, thats non existant, if that were so you'd dress in what was most comfortable for you, without a care for what others thought, or like a slob.

>> No.7552288

>the /fa/ bubble
this demonstrates beyond doubt that you know nothing about fashion; he's just as popular outside of this shitty little board. Fucking fuccbois.

>> No.7552309

willing to provide whatever proof you deem necessary to show you im not twerk

>> No.7552329

well yeah, basically. I don't know why this is so hard to believe. Most people internally laugh at you for wearing anything close to avant garde fashion instead of being impressed. "lol your shirt is way too long anon" "man those nikes are fake and look way too big". You get more compliments wearing pleb stuff

>> No.7552335

whats most comfortable for me is high quality luxe fabrics with amazing cuts, sooo that's that. other people really is the least i care about when i decide what to wear, wether or not people on the street thinks it looks good or bad is, at most, an added plus. my comfort depends on a) how i feel 'inside', physically and mentally, and b) wether or not i look accordingly

not saying dressing for social reasons is bad or wrong, however, only a fool would claim otherwise, it just tends to make an outfit lackluster if there aint no soul in it, imo thats way more important

>> No.7552339


has any Dunk owner actually gotten the fake Nikes comment

i highly doubt it

>> No.7552342

fuccbois are the fucking people that buy rick shit.

YOU are the fuccboi.

>> No.7552351

really if the people you surround yourself with does shit like that you should step up your friend game

jokes are one thing, but dicks are always dicks

>> No.7552369

I'm guessing you're a virgin cause every girl around you is plebian

>> No.7552404

you people talk about rick owens like the man has only designed a single complete outfit

"i wear rick owens" doesnt say anything about what the person dresses like, other than where s/he buys their clothes

>> No.7552474

>in my opinion
Which is worth what?

If the fashion industry subscribed to your idea, we would all be dressed in corsets, waistcoats, and powdered wigs as anything else couldn't be worn outside a mental institution.

Avant-garde means ahead of the curve. Not every avant-garde designer knows exactly what fashion will end up looking like, that's what makes it fun.

>> No.7552501

ITT: y'all fucking angsty teenage losers

>> No.7552518

Today's high fashion is tomorrows mainstream. Just look at how suit's developed. You don't really think $300 dollar brands created the movement, right?

>> No.7552522

get out

>> No.7552550
File: 33 KB, 640x567, 321583647_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we aren't discussing me, we're discussing rick owens.

okay, but the question isn't and has nothing to do with who you like more.

>> No.7552682

Had some cool designs and a cool backstory
Got famous more and more
His stuff started to be more and more #nextlevel, turning from well thought out collections to shite that will still be loved due to his previous cred

_Julius is ahead imo, and still produces better stuff, Obscur is a bit tryhard and basically still looks like Rick around the 00s

He's the Bergmann/Pink Floyd/Valve of fashion, basically: Somewhat decent, but always overhyped by fags who're just getting into the scene.

>> No.7552738
File: 411 KB, 1848x2784, 1388975482410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

julius is run like a high fashion h&m, horikawa has several teams basically ghost designing a combination of his akira fanart and whatever rick sold a lot of last season.

>He's the Bergmann/Pink Floyd/Valve of fashion

actually, he's a very classical designer using the same technique and even design vocabulary established over a hundred years ago by the earliest couturiers and that itself reaches throughout the history of sartoria. he's evolutionary, he's novel, he's defining the moment, but he's firmly rooted in history. he's not a post-modernist, he's a neo-classicist.

>> No.7552742

>He's the Bergmann/Pink Floyd/Valve of fashion, basically: Somewhat decent, but always overhyped by fags who're just getting into the scene.
i don't think this is actually accurate

most people i know who get into fashion don't really get into people like Rick or Ann, they get into Tom Ford, Thom Browne, Alexander McQueen, that sort of shit.

Rick I think is entry level for people from /fa/ because he's so hyped here, but in general i don't think he's entry level at all.

>> No.7552756


I don't like goofninja, or most "high fashion" at all but that is a weak as fuck argument. I live in a city full of plebs were not dressing in Affliction+washed Jeans+Monster cap+ Sk8r shoes makes most people question your sexuality

>> No.7552750

who would be a postmodernist designer


>> No.7552777

Guess it should be Death Grips/Dark Souls/Begotten then or something

>tfw I enjoy all of those

>> No.7552769

nope. i don't even dress in 'high fashion'
im just saying dress how you feel and enjoy what you're wearing. stop caring so much about what girls think. chances are you'll attract the right girl in the end anyway.

>> No.7552772

he is /b/'s lil b

>> No.7552785
File: 234 KB, 461x700, 1388975805856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bernhard willhelm

>> No.7552814

i think that's changed a lot recently though but you're still somewhat right.
irl and even other online boards RO doesn't get his dick sucked nearly as much as here

>> No.7552834

If you dress like that, and the vast majority of people think you look like a goof, but a very small amount of 'high fashion' snobs think you look cool, guess what, you look like a fucking goof.

Its the exact same principle behind fedora wearers thinking other fedora wearers are classy, distinguished gentleman and everyone else thinking they look like an autistic sperglord.

>> No.7552857

do you live in the south or new jersey?

>> No.7552889


>> No.7552944

>tfw south jersey
>tfw girl asked if my rafdidas lit up
>tfw she's fat and wears hunting jackets casually

>> No.7553092
File: 385 KB, 1120x1775, 1388263666421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. But unlike fedoras, you can wear Rick stuff without looking retarded.

>> No.7553106

pic unrelated?

>> No.7553135
File: 141 KB, 450x600, 1388263819292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with the fit, fuccboi?

>> No.7553140

looks like a little girl goth bitch faggt

>> No.7553146

post a fit

>> No.7553159

>yfw the same guy posting the rick hate threads is also the guy posting the dreambasket trolls

>> No.7553167

>Bergmann/Pink Floyd/Valve
>tfw im a fuccboi and love them all

>> No.7553193

you poor fuccbois thinking just can't afford rick owens. I myself have that precious alligator jacket. Get on my level cheapskates.

PS all the japanese whores ive banged were wearing nothing but geobaskets

>> No.7553224

that latest dreambox thread actually made me angry. cant even reply in there

>> No.7553229

At first I thought that looked like a really ugly nylon coat until I realized the cross/square effect was a filter over the whole photo

Looks good mayne.

>> No.7553241

geos arent even expensive poorfag

>> No.7553268

my alligator ones are cheapy mccheapskate

>> No.7553274
File: 72 KB, 640x480, two ends of the spectrum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't owe these bumbling idiots a second of your time. what they have to say has nothing to do with your money.

>> No.7553448
File: 113 KB, 670x885, itsfashionlookitup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont really like his designs,
some of his boots are sick and he seems like a really nice guy though.

each to his own.

>> No.7554055

wtc jacket, pantaloons and shoes
fit looks fucking good.

>> No.7554062

taobao.com search "dreambox"

>> No.7554098


Who is twerk it and why the fuck do you care?

>> No.7554275

drkshdw gimp hoodie
rick owens geobaskets

jeans idk ask teddy

>> No.7554375

What a waste of fabric.

>> No.7554412

didn't he have gay dudes piss on him before tho

>> No.7554429

the full picture is of him pissing on himself

>> No.7554448

he used to fuck males for money bro
he was a prostitute, even if it wasn't on camera

>> No.7554512

i never really understood the attention that rick gets. i mean yeah, i think his stuff is cool but its nothing i would go out of my way to buy.

i like damir doma (inb4 hurr durr post 2011 dd sucks) a lot better. goth ninja meets menswear designed for the young 20 something with disposable income.

rick said it himself, his stuff is for like 40 year olds, not hi skoolers in yung lean tees, apc petit whatever, and a HY.

>> No.7554524

too bad those are the only people who care about appearances enough to wear his garbage. no one is going to wear that in a business place (obviously), but no one with a well-paying job is going to wear that shit casually either.

>> No.7554592

lol i don't even dress goof but i find the mad as evidenced by dozens of threads like this every day pretty amusing
i mean i hate h&m fuccbois but i don't go on lookbook to spam about their shit, actually i need to be paid to do that
but these losers lol, it's like they think spamming will relive them of their insecurity and in the future their oh so mature fits will eventually get praised

and then there's the dress to get pussy armchair-female-expert-slash-virgin logic
it's like listening to teens preaching whatever they read on the local tabloid's how to get girls section

>> No.7557153

I like his stuff. Mostly the shoes and the jeans.
About him as a person... I think he looks like hell.

>> No.7557185
File: 141 KB, 870x1110, image1xxl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just preached what I thought.
Thank you based anon.

>> No.7557208

>inb4 you give me a reply proving me wrong

fixed that for you, friend

>> No.7557214
File: 22 KB, 240x360, 100002429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

re-read the post for comprehension

>> No.7557211

>Julius is like h&m
You did not just go there

>> No.7557238

lmao reaching hard

ahahahah fool

>> No.7557255

I don't completely agree with twerk but Julius is like the effeminate, elegant version of RO.

>> No.7557261
File: 81 KB, 570x480, 1389037148328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was a next level pun, since willhelm is all about zero-waste patterning

>> No.7557268

shoes aren't bad

>> No.7557283

>being a better designer has nothing to do with what you or I like.

>> No.7557284
File: 198 KB, 1080x1620, pleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol you claim every fucking designer is a rick/ccp ripoff, fanboy harder

>> No.7557305

RO found his niche and is just doing what he wants to do which is cool but once you've evolved and acquire better taste you realize there much more intricate designers now. Take Daniel Andresen for example -- he is doing much more interesting things to me than RO.

>> No.7557318
File: 327 KB, 740x555, 1389037659186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no i don't. /fa/ just has a really myopic vision, partially because all anyone seems to talk about is the same designers they ever talk about on sz, many of whom really are just pallid imitations of rick, of carol, or of the sartoria dynasty.



>> No.7557315
File: 30 KB, 400x600, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the effeminate, elegant version of RO.

haha what? its all heavy leather, oiled/waxed denim, hardcore militaristic shit

>> No.7557325
File: 46 KB, 200x400, juliusms0901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont forget tiny shorts and bare twink chests.

>> No.7557332

Your fucking delusional to actually even have this mindset m*

>> No.7557341

You just fucked yourself, what justifies what I get to wear? And are you that empty inside that you need to feel better about yourself when shit on others based on taste? Jesus, you really can't get more close minded than this

>> No.7557348
File: 284 KB, 558x790, 1389037944252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where'd you get that idea? i think maybe the word you're looking for is homoerotic, not effeminate. maybe.

tatsuro is very open about the fact that he riffs on/straight-up reproduces garments from helmut lang, otomo katsuhiro, et al. rick influence is a constant -- he recognizes what sells. this isn't an issue of personal opinion or really even comparable to the bbs/ccp thing at all. it's something that the designer himself cops to & something that anyone with any amount of experience with the brand is familiar with.

there's a bunch of really cool articles out there written by all sorts of people trying to get a handle on tatsuro. here's an indispensable one (not immediately relevant):

>> No.7557351
File: 73 KB, 445x665, lenny kravitz in heels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you claim every fucking designer is a rick/ccp ripoff
>no i dont
>the same designers they ever talk about on sz, many of whom really are just pallid imitations of rick, of carol

fucking lol
nuuu~ julius is manlier than rick!

>> No.7557353

I can only imagine androgynous dude's pulling julius off. show me someone who's not and making this stuff work. the cuts are very effeminate and hard to pull off if you have a slight masculine build. Have you handled Julius?

>> No.7557365
File: 1.60 MB, 1500x2256, 1389038139812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>julius more homoerotic than rick
hmmmm idk here timber

sit down trunks, seriously.

the fat dude in that resevoir dogs sz pic

>> No.7557372

This. If you have shoulders don't get a Julius jacket.

>> No.7557379

>the fat dude in that resevoir dogs sz pic
was laughable at best. just felt awkward and embarrassed for that dude :<

>> No.7557377

why are male heels a thing again

>> No.7557386

everyone takes designs from someone, dont see how its any different than rick making charles james jackets. at least hes open about it. you could say any designer is "h&m"

>> No.7557403

Lol me
but my athlete friends are autistic.

>> No.7557408


Get out. You regurgitate everything you read on sufu/sz without knowing what your taking about or stating opinons that actually came from you. I swear name droppers like you who spew other peoples thoughts and ideas should be permabanned. Why do you even trip here?

>> No.7557409

mango you said you hadd like 40+ shoes

care to post all of them?

also do you have a instagram?

>> No.7557415

yeah i got a skirt, a hoodie, some shirts, and jeans in the mail

>> No.7557416

In regard to rick I love his outerwear shoes and drop crotch pants (although I can't wear them)

His sheer shirts are pure garbage though.
I tried one on for the first time at DSM yesterday and I swear the tag almost ripped a hole through the shirt.
I get the deconstruction thing but Ill be honest a towel from bed bath and beyond will last 1000000000000000x longer.
I could see the shirt falling apart within hours. $320 for basically a piece of cloth, even I couldnt justify it
14' Vicious btw

Other than that. I like rick.

>> No.7557421
File: 1.05 MB, 350x191, dis gon b gud.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7557427

I am new to this board, but OP and all other images of Owens clothes, including yesterdays Porter Robinson etc. + those cheap looking converse knockoff shoes with white laces (I dunno how you people call them)... well... I am not gonna be long here, if that's, how dressing good for MEN should look like.

>13 year old goth
Select all options


>> No.7557423


aren't you like 5'7? what size ricks did you rock? i imagined they'd swallow a little dude like you up but I could be wrong.

>> No.7557425

I do have an insta although its personal and is connected with fb and twitter so I don't want to have it around here
I can post them although most are from my hypebeast era days (the shoes here on the east coast) with the more /fa/ standard shoes (cp,dunks,etc) at my room on the west coast.
Ill be back west this weekend

>> No.7557431

>13 year old

i uh

i dont


>> No.7557432
File: 479 KB, 1169x3054, 83113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they do swallow me if I don't OD tighten the laces.
I could never wear them how rick has them on now without them making me look absolutely ridiculous. Heres a photo

>> No.7557428
File: 95 KB, 545x363, Bernhard-Willhelm-1-545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

strongest fit in the pic, he was magnificent. like baron harkonen.

the design process at julius is wholly different from the design process at rick owens, with horikawa being more of a creative director than a designer like owens. i liked it to h&m because... it's kind of identical to h&m, honestly; he has multiple wholly separate crews that work independently of one another and leverages the same sort of contracted production that h&m does. it's of a higher quality and design quotient, sure.

lmao where are you people getting this shit
ive never had any problems with my sheer rick ts. i always think this is the viewpoint of some dudebro coming to rick from a world of hanes beefy tshirts.
like no, a sheer tshirt will not ever be "durable" but if you tore a rick t just trying it on you need to apologize to the sa for lying about your size

>> No.7557434

thoughtso. lemme know how you actually feel once you've handled that shit. also I can expect you'll posts fits as usual here and on sufu right? love me some trunks fits. promise I won't neg.

>> No.7557438
File: 247 KB, 500x707, 1389038905452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you? with the exception of the most fetishistic skinny jeans, julius pants are cut veeeeeeeeeery generously through the waist and thighs, not to mention the enormous variety of loose knits & ramie cotton sarouel pants et al. the raglan shoulder construction on the longsleeves are such that they'll actually be uncomfortable to wear if you're not packing delts & lats. jackets are MAYBE the exception but i think that's really only the blazers and fencing leathers, and then they've only really become kind of fascist in that respect in recent seasons.

you didn't really read my post. rick is referential, but tatsuro does repro. this is coming from someone who adores julius. come on dude: it seems like you dig the brand, so why are you so reluctant to do even the tiniest amount of research?

>> No.7557444

wang sheer is probably 20x more durable and I own 3, also 4x less expensive.

>> No.7557454
File: 909 KB, 608x604, 1389039052390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did u know he has insane beef with shui?

>> No.7557456

at that angle everything looks good. acne tee? what are the pants?

>strongest fit in the pic, he was magnificent.
except only not.

srs shit was sad.

>> No.7557470

the line between "derivative design" and "homage" is "whether i like the designer or not"

>> No.7557466

wang t before he fixed the proportions I think its from 2010-11
Nudie thin finn waxed

>> No.7557474
File: 122 KB, 422x563, DU14S7262F09_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a prole.

so many people do, it's just this reflexive hatred of what they perceive as chinese new money stepping on their toes without really being, you know, "authentic"

>> No.7557481
File: 20 KB, 731x791, sit down.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're basically throwing a temper tantrum at this point.

>> No.7557487

sorry i dont like rick ts
absolute waste of money.

>> No.7557485

idk why youd buy sheer tees for the durability dude

tbh i want to get more holes in my rick tees but not to the point of putting in fake ones myself, they look way better worn in for years and years
nah i feel you, i wasnt talking about julius in particular, just the whole ripoff/homage thing in general, youre right

>> No.7557510

sz is fucked in the head, like they seem like normal middle aged dudes at first but then you go in the off topic threads and theres just pages of butthurt about kanye west videos and shit, like what the fuck, youre grown men who watch deep french films and shit, why do you care about justin beiber and miley cyrus

>> No.7557507


you do understand that to some people it isn't 'being into fashion' but just buying stuff they like and look/feel good in for their own sake?..

just sayin, my nigga.

>> No.7557522

yeah dude if you want post your hypebeast shoes

damn would love to see your insta ;__;

>> No.7557536
File: 1.42 MB, 3072x1728, 1371676829175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh b/w dunks are so great, but they would pull more attention than i would want i think.

saving up for some pure black ones

also mango you dress nicely, very simple. kind of how i dress also

>> No.7557671

mango i would love to see all your shoes also

>> No.7557731

Is he mad bc shuit isn't fat and his rick actually looks good on him bc he isn't fat?

>> No.7557748

Actually I find the raglan cuts to be the most forgiving than anything else. Even so being 6'1 150 almost all the jackets from Julius are cropped like on me and totally fuck up my proportions. I own 3 pair of julius pants in cotton knit denim, denim, and waxed denim. All 3 are very slim almost skin tight. I'm aware they have more relaxed fits but these last few seasons have been rather boring imo.

>> No.7557784
File: 295 KB, 500x750, 1389042229619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not wearing cropped jackets

>> No.7557814

w2c fake geos? live in Europe

>> No.7557838

I have a few from EKAM, I'm over it really. Did you go to the hlorenzo sale on Sunday? Mad good stuff to be had there.

>> No.7558040

bernhard willhelm x camper

>> No.7558662

>got drunk last night and spent at least 1,000$ on sale shit and went under my minimum deposit
fuck fuck fuck fuck. I feel like I just came off heroin.

>> No.7559594 [DELETED] 

All these fits are terrible, try harder.


>> No.7559790

This shit is so 2011.

I wonder if any of you edgydark shitplebs like Gareth Pugh.

>> No.7559819
File: 45 KB, 332x400, 1297898494050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so obscure

>> No.7559820

Why does he look like Trent Reznor and why is he wearing his own edgy JRPG shit? He's an old fart, it looks beyond laughable.

>> No.7559859

Isn't that like every male fashion designer ever? High fashion is a giant gay orgy.

>> No.7560878

Shit, they still make dunks?

>> No.7561897


OP I think it's some kind of secret in-joke with /fa

They all pretend to like him and that makes people think that rick owens is relevant when really he dresses like a giant turd and any real man who went out into public like that would get his ass beat down, even in some faggot city like san francisco

one more thing
>his shoes are for niggers


pick one /fa

>> No.7561926
File: 16 KB, 400x400, 1337080253936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it started out as a joke then some fuccbois took it seriously and now it's a real thing because A$AP
>mfw spending money on something this stupid
>inb4 b-but m-muh silhouette