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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 19 KB, 300x400, bikinibridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7548154 No.7548154[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>On 4chan right now instead of getting slim so you can rock a bikini bridge this summer

Explain yourselves fellow women of /fa/.

>> No.7548161

>being this skinny

>> No.7548172

>being this skinny

>> No.7548186


im not as skinny as the girl in the pic but no need to be jealous

>> No.7548202


>mfw this shit trending on twitter

is this the new gap?

>> No.7548217

oh fuck i knew a dutch girl that had one of these in her jeans and i always wanted to stick my hand down it but she moved back to holland before i got the chance

>> No.7548229


so you're a jealous landwhale?

>> No.7548233

>being this gross
its pretty slutty though

>> No.7548236

>bikini bridge
lmfaooooo this is the new thigh gap, the new bullshit anatomical concern that some people have and some people don't but no one cares about
i can't wait to see people bullying each other over this stupidity

>> No.7548237

the bikini bridge.

>> No.7548247


nice samefag

are you overweight or just obese?

>> No.7548250

wow that is even more disgusting than forced thigh gaps

6'3 135lbs model here btw im all for slp thin qts to compliment my genetic perfection but it has to be natural

>> No.7548255

holy shit lol people on /b/ were discussing what absurd thing to push to make fatties angry, didn't know they were actually going through with it

>> No.7548261

slim people have it and fat people don't, unless you're some degenrate. I don't see what's wrong with using it as an objective measurement.

>> No.7548262


>implying you don't wish you had this OR the thigh gap because they're considered sexy
>implying people don't care about something that's trending on twitter

its only a bullshit concern when you don't have one

>> No.7548271


>not thinking that /b/ could get the new object of sex appeal popular

>> No.7548266

>implying getting slim requires anything other than not eating
so yeah I'm here

>> No.7548278

>biking bridge
I've never heard of this thing. It's pretty hot, I have to check if my gf has one.

>> No.7548284

is this the new thigh gap?

>> No.7548294

>someone disagrees with my fat-apologism
>must be from /b/


>> No.7548296

last thread went bye bye

here is what the previos OP posted
Welcome to Operation Bikini Bridge.

Phase 1:
The premise is simple. Create propaganda parading the "bikini bridge" to be the next big thing(pic related). Circulate it throughout the internet. Simultaneously, we create reverse propaganda, denouncing the bikini bridge as an unhealthy obsession. This, too, we circulate throughout the internet.

Phase 2:
After a fair amount of circulation has been accomplished, we circulate the images throughout parts of the internet known to be biased on the subject of weight (i.e. thin privilege, fat shaming, etc). This should cause large enough of a stir to snowball into a fairly big subject.

What you can do to help:
Text font is called "little days" and works well with a shadow effect.
Remember quality, artsy pictures that really showcase the bikini bridge for pro bikini bridge propaganda. Weird, odd, or pictures showcasing the lack of a bikini bridge for anti bridge propaganda.
>Fake Facebook, Twitter and other social accounts
To help circulate the propaganda. The more friends, the better.
>Good slogans/text suggestions
If youre feeling lazy.


>> No.7548302

How fucking dumb are you feeling now buddy? :)

>> No.7548314


>> No.7548308


/b/ is for fucken geeks but im ok w this

tumblrs #fat acceptance needs to be destroyed asap

>> No.7548317


the fuck? why are you making up pasta?

>> No.7548326

is this some sort of weird reverse troll i dont get it

>> No.7548335
File: 31 KB, 640x480, sljkhfsklhfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>115 pounds
>still skinny fat
>stretchmarks on hips from awkward fat stage in highschool
>3/10 would not be seen in bikini

hnng i need to work out more thanks for the inspiration OP.

>> No.7548336


me neither

why are /b/tards trying to make it look like were up to something

>> No.7548337

No, he's just dumb.

>> No.7548346

this is p hilarious

>> No.7548351


For once, /b/ is doing something right. Plus, I'm sure a /b/-tard came here just to post this.

They're getting smarter.

>> No.7548354
File: 91 KB, 267x274, 1388136310312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7548353
File: 10 KB, 429x410, 1372690061894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7548356

ayyyyy gurl id c u in a bikini any day B^)

ps fuck griffith, last time i ever trust a white person, shifty fucking backstabbing cracker

>> No.7548370

>wear tight bikinis
well shit that's it

>> No.7548367

i know. i know. thanks this honesty will make me get my shit together.

>> No.7548378

What are you talking about? All bikinis are tight, moron. Otherwise they'd slip off.

>> No.7548387

hey I have enough of your shit today already ok?
just fuck off

>> No.7548390

o trunks t-touch me plz.

>> No.7548399

rnt u whyte trunks

>> No.7548400

playing league of legends and sending selfies on snapchat

i'm qt enough already fuccboi

>> No.7548411
File: 33 KB, 554x205, angrywhale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it seems to be working

>> No.7548413

ew computer games so unfash get out

>> No.7548419

This bikinibridge thing is the cure. Let the tears flow fatties

>> No.7548417


>> No.7548418


No problem fellow femanon. Just doing God's work.

>> No.7548420


let us know how that works for you when you're 25

>> No.7548421

Send to me

>> No.7548422

fat shaming makes me rage being /fit/ is admirable as fuck.

>> No.7548425

(~‿◕✿) i gotchu bb

>> No.7548424

Hamplanet, pls go

>> No.7548429
File: 15 KB, 254x244, 1316229396284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just looking at her profile she describes herself as a strong independent feminist.

>> No.7548430

femanon here~

i can't wait to see all the thinspo for this ahaha

>> No.7548436

This. You can't just suddenly decide and change what people find sexually attractive for centuries

>> No.7548447

Please tell me she's a fatty

>> No.7548445

What a surprise...

Unfortunately she isn't smart enough that her comment just helps spread awareness

>> No.7548486

No pictures on her profile. But it's highly likely.

>> No.7548494

juvenile mediocre troll at best
trend will die within 12 hours
>inb4 hurr durr your fat
>inb4 landwhale detected

>> No.7548497
File: 387 KB, 685x1024, 1359903055714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also that generic retort that beauty is subjective and old renaissance paintings thought fat people were beautiful

worst anti argument ever holy shit.

>> No.7548516

>change what people find sexually attractive for centuries
i sorta wonder which side is doing that

"centuries" is laughable

>> No.7548517

>can force a sexual trend into the mainstream
>can't even have consensual sex

>> No.7548628

lmao that /b/ thread is so cringe tho

fucking nerds

its 2014 do ppl seriously still use 2005 memes as insults