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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 98 KB, 645x773, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7532476 No.7532476[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw can't be /fa/ because I'm not white.

>> No.7532487

You can pull off high saturation colors better than white people. Congratulations.

>> No.7532501

You a nig? Because if you are don't give me that shit. Dem nigs can pull of anything.

>> No.7532519


I bet OP is Indian. Bunch of self-loathing fuckers

>> No.7532521


>> No.7532526

RIP in peace OP

>> No.7532527

OP is definitely asian of some sort

>> No.7532534

Oh well that sucks then. You are undoubtedly the least effay ethnicity.

>> No.7532549

I know.

>> No.7532554

Why do people say that? I get slated here all the time.

>> No.7532564
File: 197 KB, 1544x554, 1388580193848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw will never be glorious whiteboi ann d model
>tfw asian

>> No.7532565

lol? maybe because your fits suck?there's that dude who posts that's black and his fits are sick.

>> No.7532574


were from? whats your ethnicity? height/weight?

>> No.7532586

Same here nigga. Depending on your skin tone depends what you can rock. I am more of a milk light chocolate brown and so olive green and baby blue really look great on me. Just about finding what looks good.
But i guess it helps that I have prominent Spanish facial features.
Best of both

>> No.7532588

>ann d will never make u bone her in exchange for sick fits

>> No.7532594
File: 19 KB, 579x329, 1386289180807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adhering to aesthetic standards set by media/society
step up, senpai

>> No.7532634

>black people can wear anything and it'll look great
>except you because your clothes suck

Hurrr white people are so dumb...

>> No.7532674

I live in Carolina, Puerto Rico. I'm 5'7 and 145lbs. I've already scheduled a date to hang myself.

>> No.7532687

did you know that the person who said "black ppl can wear anything and look good" and i are two different people?

im 99% sure what he really meant was that black people can pull off more things than white people can because they'll just look corny. still doesn't void the possibility that a black person can dress really bad.

>> No.7532700

5'7 145 PR/Mexican here. Hold on brother.

>> No.7532853

is indian fa? im a light skinned indian who gets quite a lot of compliments

>> No.7532883

no indian is one of the least /fa/ races, next to mexican

>> No.7532892

>tfw when indian but fa
feels weird

>> No.7532897

And why is that? I'm Pakistani and I consider myself pretty /fa/

>> No.7532900

Thanks bro.

>> No.7532909


lel I'm Dominican, 6'3/185lbs and I get mad pussy here in Canada

Sucks to be you though, I hate the mentality of my fellow Dominicans (HURR DURRR WE AREN'T BLACK WE ARE INDIO/WHITE) and how pants on head retarded the social ladder is. I don't miss the country one bit and if I was you I'd get out of PR, because you faggots aren't any better

>> No.7532911

Then why did yoy ask? idiot.

>> No.7532915

>tfw Mexican and /fa/ as fuck
Hates gonna hate

>> No.7532924

>hating your people that bad

>> No.7532929

>not a rapist
pick one

>> No.7532934

i guess in most cases, but i prefer being indian then white because i stand out a lot more as an attractive person

>> No.7532938

post pic then faggots
the only /fa/ races are japanese and white

>> No.7532942

Well English with Paki parents anyway

>> No.7532947

at least you're not pinoy

>> No.7532946

Poor thing
Try waxing

>> No.7532948 [DELETED] 

I asked for the reason why Indians aren't /fa/,


>> No.7532950

It's really about the mestizo gene then being Mexican. Mexicans are known for their hideous mestizo genetics but if you're Mexicans with 0% mestizo, you're in the safe zone.

>> No.7532951

>implying I'm not an anomaly
most indians/pakis are very ugly and can't dress for shit
I'm just happy I decided to hangout with white kids and fuck trendy white girls or else I would have become a cricket jersey wearing rapist

>> No.7532958

Only white people can be effay. Japanese can honorary effay. Everybody else is pleb.

>> No.7532962

m8 post pic
the only good indians are fat funny ones

>> No.7532968


I don't hate them, I still keep in contact with a few of my friends, but the social ladder, and by extension, their society is something that I don't want to be part of, not one bit.

>> No.7532966

What about Flippity mix? I'm partially Pinoy and I don't dress like a swagfag.

>> No.7532971

pinoy people are the shittest of shit tier
whats you're other part

>> No.7532978


what's wrong with being indian

>> No.7532986

indian or sand nigger probably.

>> No.7532990
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>> No.7532998

>being brainwashed by /fa/
fucking shut in fuck

>> No.7532999

das good my nig
you are the exception

>> No.7533005

Not me a guy I follow on instagram
>his fits are pretty dadcore tho

>> No.7533007

>being a self-hating bitch
Indians hate themselves so much. How can you call your people ugly like that lmfao

>> No.7533011


>> No.7533014

>the only /fa/ races are japanese and white
>the only /fa/ races
>the only /fa/
>only /fa/
are you mentally handicapped
or maybe you're just a shit tier race like indian or paki or mexican or pinoy

>> No.7533015
File: 90 KB, 500x667, 1383829149083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

French and Spanish

I can understand your sentiment towards the Flips. . . partially. But I cannot stoop so low as to hate them.

>> No.7533022

5'7 130lbs manlet brazilian in massachusetts

we're all gonna make it bruh bruh

>> No.7533016

I'm Indian, I love myself racist cockmunchers

>> No.7533019

Dude fuck you, I can only dream of moving to the Dominican Republic, The U.S. is so multicultural, crowded, and suffocating. I've seen the dark side of the DR but that's what makes it so much fun. Fuck you and your boring ass Canada.

>> No.7533027

it sounds like you're either really ugly or really good looking

>> No.7533030

exactly you stupid weaboo fuck no friends cunt

>> No.7533038

Jesus, what's with all of the Pinoy hate? Is it the recent swagfag trend?

>> No.7533046

>tfw widow's peak hairline
>tfw same hairline as jude law when he was my age
>tfw will probably recede like him

>> No.7533051



let me guess you like the beaches and omg the people r so nice?

Move in if you want, I don't care. But I gotta ask: whats your nationality?

>> No.7533052

pinoys have always been swagfags

>> No.7533064

>on 4chan
>not being a weaboo
>on /fa/
>getting so mad
lol if it makes you feel any better im chinese and my race is pretty bad but not as bad as pinoy or mexican

>> No.7533070

at least your not indian op.
>they look like literal shit
>buys a nice shirt
>he must be a doctor.

>> No.7533071

I'm a Britfag so I have no idea what a Pinoy is

>> No.7533080


a Filipino

>> No.7533088

. . . I'm attractive enough to get laid.

>> No.7533096
File: 644 KB, 1024x613, fineaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry about the gay smile
pls love me fa

>> No.7533094

yo what's your fucking skype nigga let's be friends are you ugly so no hahahaha

>> No.7533104

I'm more or less a paki (2nd gen) and my best mate is white and his gf for 3 years is half Filipino.
She's like a 7-8

>> No.7533109

I'm also Puerto Rican but I'm Caucasian, with all Slavic ugly red hair ginger white boy that was raised in a little hick town in Florida.

>> No.7533112

I fucking loved the sixth sense but signs was shit m8 what the fuck?

>> No.7533113

they are the mexicans of asia.

>> No.7533116

is your last name manniam or something of that sort

>> No.7533118

>tfw fa thinks im a lightskin filipino
>tfw actually white European
what the fuck fa why wont you believe me

im not posting face

>> No.7533121

Lol I work at a hospital
>domestic assistant part time

Great pay though, based NHS.
I might be the highest earning guy in my sixth form.

>> No.7533125

no it's putel

>> No.7533131

I fucking love looking
like M N. Shylaman
no it's not lol why?

>> No.7533134

my dad's white and my mom's indian

people ask me if I'm russian or greek all the time

>> No.7533137

I forgot my whole point of mentioning I work in a hospital.
I'm of paki heritage and I often get asked if I'm a doctor by patients,
Tfw I'm a 18 yo cleaner

>> No.7533138

Whities look like shit 90% of the time

Black master race is where it's at, nigga

>> No.7533143
File: 20 KB, 834x600, 1347152090919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't be /fa/ because I have gyno

>> No.7533144

Half-breeds are all ugly as fuck. Just like non-purebreed dogs. Racial purity creates real beauty. Let's get this straight, nothing stops the room like a pure white woman or a pure white man. A racially pure person is beautiful, but some races are more beautiful than others.

Attractive races, from most to least:
5)Native Americans

>> No.7533147

flips are shit

even im a flip

most flips i meet are just naive and so sensitive.

i hate their television, too. at least 90% of it is american shit

>> No.7533154

what's the pay

>> No.7533156


you racist sisterfucking cummuncher

>> No.7533158

>2) Hispanic
>putting filipinos and thai people and indonesian people above chinese people

>> No.7533173

another flip here who hates flips

-high fives-

>> No.7533174

>5)Native Americans
why are all native americans so fat? Every native american I've met is a total fatty

>> No.7533180

Ah, geeze. Another self-hating Flip. *yawn*

The Flips are usually nice people, and very hospitable. They are more accepting than cynical. Whatever, these are just some observations I made during my time there.

You are right about the TV, though. It is pure shit.

>> No.7533178

10/10 i laughed

dont make me curbstomp you with my rick dunks nigger

>> No.7533186

>ctrl+f "indian"
>1 of 16

>mfw i just realized 90% of /fa/ posters are curryfucks

>> No.7533189

£125 a week, work 10 hours.
Pretty good when you're 18 and have no real expenses

>> No.7533190

>tfw going on /fa/ more and more
>actually starting to like some of the weird fits that are posted here
>might start dressing strangely like that in real life
>afraid I'll be walking around thinking I look fashionable and great while everyone else is confused by my chunky new balances and tapered sweat pants

this place is no good for me

>> No.7533201
File: 7 KB, 251x234, 1386489974504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>generalizing this much
>not attributing on an individual scale like you should

>> No.7533204

if youre asian its okay. its youre asian in america then rip your life lol
i had to transform myself into being white as fuck to fit in

>tfw you sometimes wish you were born in japan instead of america

that being said i love america and the white bitches

>> No.7533195

ive got a noy friend and all he talks about is recent cops, whenever i go to his house i basically jjust sit there while he shows me all his shitty new t shirts he's got. all these cops and he still can't fit for shit though

plus he's a sneaky motherfucker with girls, he'll try to get with any girl bro... doesnt matter if they're a friend's ex of a week or nothing

i dont really hate noys i just have this one who really pisses me off

>> No.7533212

insert "beauty" between "attributing" and "on"

>> No.7533207


why are you friends then

>> No.7533217

Yeah I guessed as much, Asians are always beta nerds in American shows

>> No.7533218

dude, my grandpa in his nursing home wears tapered sweats and new balance shoes. if u think that is weird, u shouldve been here over the summer. /fa/ convinced me to go outside in dd pod shorts and rick combat boots

>> No.7533221

Let's face it. White people are more attractive than Hispanics, Asians, and blacks. This is the truth. Don't deny it. All of the porn you have fapped to involved white people mostly.

>> No.7533219

in the same group and into the same music, live like 5 minutes away from him
he's an alright guy i guess, as long as you keep him away from any girls you know

>> No.7533224

Yeah maybe but then again, the last facial aesthetics thread was 90% white 9% black and 1% Latino because I was the only Hispanic that posted. Unless the pinoys and sand-nigs are to ashamed of their faces to post.

>> No.7533226
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>> No.7533241
File: 178 KB, 500x282, don.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7533250

damn what do you do

>> No.7533248

>i had to transform myself into being white as fuck to fit in
This really bugs the shit out of me. How do you define Asian behavior? How do you define white behavior?

By wearing Sperrys and chinos like a WASPy frat boy, are you being more white? If you are really good at math and physics, are you being more Asian?

I'm asking too many questions, I know. But it has always bothered me.

>> No.7533255
File: 356 KB, 572x380, 1388222210360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I don't deny that.

ty based god for white bitches.

>> No.7533268

Fuck you mother fucker, eat shit and drown on your own piss you fuccboii bitch. I'm gonna slit your fucking throat then pull your fucking tongue out your neck then I'm gonna take a spoon, scoop out your eyes then castrate you and put your nuts in you eye sockets and your eyes in your nut sack you piece of shit.

>> No.7533261
File: 21 KB, 355x480, 1386928547751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/fa/ - Fashion

>> No.7533270

Admit it, white people look like shit

>> No.7533280

post face shitskin

>> No.7533286
File: 215 KB, 1000x650, the-1st-annual-edgy-awards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7533284

white people do get an advantage , like if your a 4 out of 10 white person u have it better off than a 4 out of 10 black person, but if your good looking then your goodlooking, race is irrelevant

>> No.7533287

definitely and were viewed as so lame most of the time. i was bullied alot just cause i went to school where i was always the only asian kid
idk for example i mean i never told anyone i loved anime in high school and shit. i kind of pretended i like sports and whatever to connect with the general plebs that i was forced to be around

>> No.7533291

I have a ward where I have to 1. mop the floors of all bathrooms + stick toilet bleach down the pan
2.empty the bins on the ward
3.hoover and mop every bay
4. hoover and mop the corridor.

Nothing too bad, and I finish with about 2 hours to spare, in which I do my A2 coursework.

>> No.7533310

Did you just apply and get the job? What're you taking?

>> No.7533308

this is not /soc/, albinofuck

>> No.7533323

Yeah pretty much, I applied through a recruitment agency who are contracted by the hospital. The interview, if you can call it that, was simply coming in and signing a few forms.

My A Levels? History, Politics and ICT (yeah I know)

>> No.7533329


people who are mad at god for not making them white

>> No.7533349

You pretended to like sports? God, that's pretty fucking lame.

I hope for your own sake that you aren't still faking your personality. That is just pathetic. IF you're still doing that just to fit in, find a bottle of bleach and drink it.

At the end of the day, you are still Asian. You still have blood from the East in your veins. No matter how hard you may try to "act" like a white person, you will never be a white person. This isn't a bad thing. I'm not talking of any racial inferiority and superiority--fuck that shit. Instead of being whitewashed, why not try to be authentic?

>> No.7533382

what's politics like?

>> No.7533385
File: 17 KB, 400x449, 1384655432610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm mad at god for not making me kanye.

>> No.7533388

naw when i went to uni i completed stopped caring about what others think. idc about fitting in anymore lol im just living life as i want it. i dont even go to parties cuz thats not what i wanna do.

my mans thats real shit lol well said

>> No.7533397
File: 83 KB, 720x540, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here,
Pic is me.

>> No.7533403

>tfw mixed race
>tfw you will never belong to either cultures
Not saying where i'm from because i've had enough racism thrown at me and as much as I try to pretend it doesn't hurt it really does

>> No.7533407

Favourite class, its not a soft subject either.

It's probably most comparable to history.

>> No.7533417

Top kek, what a little bitch. Fuck you shitskin.

>> No.7533423


you must hang around with white people who treat you as a mug

i live in london and im mix raced people know not to dare say nigger even in a joke way, not that i care, im not ghetto or a street rat, it's just the principle of not being treated like some dick head mug

>> No.7533424

Real talk, man. It's REAL.

People have to be REAL regardless of ethnicity, gender, age, and creed. Fuck fakers.

>> No.7533427

Tell me where you're from alex
It's alright
It's okay

>> No.7533434

Didn't know it had a reputation as a soft subject?

>> No.7533446

I dunno my science and maths mates always give me stick for it aha

>> No.7533454

I say nigger in front of niggers all the time but niggers won't dare to say shit to me because I'm the big dick swinging white kong straight out of the U.S. Marines and I'm like 6'5 and look like Bane.

>> No.7533453

I-it's ok Yawn. I still think you're based as fuck.

>> No.7533463

Nah all my friends are white and they're great friends
But I talk to my cousins and I can't relate and neither can my white friends
At least I can drink as well as my fellow irishmen
cough my nigga
where do you keep popping up from
actually means a lot to me m8
thank you

>> No.7533464

Nothing, but since being dominated by a horde of lighter skinned people that moved down from the Caucasus mountains(Think big migrations like goths, Visigoths, etc...), there's been institutionalized Stockholm syndrome for their invaders. If I'm not mistaken, that's where Hinduism comes from and that is something wrong with being Indian, because there are still people like the untouchables around.

Or the horrible smog and pollution their developing industry and high population has caused them? And do you have any fucking idea how they treat their women over there? There is a fucking literal rape culture, and more~. Look it up.

There is nothing wrong with being an Indian, but Indian culture is disgusting and toxic and is thankfully changing.

>> No.7533468

Oops forgot my name lol
not that matters but still

>> No.7533475



comeone tell what you're mixed with

I'm Irish/Guyanese/Jamican/English

>> No.7533479


>> No.7533497

get HY, you should be fine

>> No.7533508


also never use polo shirts plz

>> No.7533518

I was the only asian in high school too. I lived in rural Midwest though. People were racist, but it never came up in public. I swear the Midwest has the most two faced people ever.

>> No.7533511

>internet tough guy
Navy SEALs copypasta, etc. etc.

>> No.7533522
File: 106 KB, 720x540, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saved your picture for some reason a long time ago, shitskin. Should've kept your curls.

>> No.7533519

you're my favourite poster I dunno
I barely put my name on too

>> No.7533534

It doesn't matter the color. There's /fa/ people in every color, bro.

Cheer up and gain some self-respect.

>> No.7533537

>tfw my weight will never be as low as my self esteem

>> No.7533545
File: 18 KB, 633x758, 1383110775847.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twf every comeback from a white person was that you had a little dick

which wasnt true in my case my jawn is like 6 inches. but like what is another male consider with someones dick size. god i hate/miss high school

>> No.7533551


I honestly feel so fucking sorry for Asian/Somalian/Ginger people.

The amount of insults they got in school was ridiculous. I mean Asians didn't get it that bad it was just the generic shit but Somalians and Gingers god damn

>> No.7533573

A somalian going to school in London experiences about as much abuse as possible. gingers didn't seem to get very much

>> No.7533576

I'm Dominican too but 5'9'' 160 lbs. Fuck you and your genetic luck!

>> No.7533590


>A somalian going to school in London experiences about as much abuse as possible

so true man, i felt sorry for them

"you fucking somalian" was said so many times

>> No.7533596

I know that feel, anon.

I need to lose 40 lbs lel

>> No.7533592

Somalian is an awfully specific place to be from, living in america. Or is it?

How does the kind of stupid that'd make fun of the kids for being from there even figure out? How would they know that it's a country on the map?

>> No.7533609


somalians are very distinctive looking

in london, you can tell who is somalian

>> No.7533619

even the generic remarks were bad lol i was so depressed and still am. it sucks being the only asian person in everything i do whether its school/work/social events outside family like my gf is white and i am the only nonwhitey at those jawns.

>> No.7533616

What is your bmi? Mine's 18, need to lose at least 20 lbs.

>> No.7533618

>tfw never be Dominican
Dominicans is such a respectable race.

>> No.7533623

Well your posts always cheer me up
Anyway I don't think i'll say anything racist again even if it is just for #banter with the ladz
This thread has made me realise just how big of a deal race can be even if we try to hide that fact in our current society

>> No.7533627

Now you know the secret of us white people, we're all racist but we won't be public about it. But honestly, how the hell do asians get to the midwest? They typically accumulate on the coasts.

>> No.7533686


>tfw abandoned at 0

>> No.7533712

umm... lel k, why did you save that pic?

>> No.7533718




Go live in NY and find out how respectable they are


>> No.7533724

hey think of it this way, fuck your old parents they were fucking cunts. at least you got parents who actually wanted you

>> No.7533725

are you Filipino? Those are the only asians I ever hear of people adopting around here.

>> No.7533763

Are you a paki?

>> No.7533766

True, thanks lemons. :)

I came from southern Russia area. I actually haven't bothered looking at my actual ethnicity, but everyone asks me if I'm Filipino so maybe.

>> No.7533807

same guy here

lol ya right. though i'll give it to you that i've met a lot of nice ones- still it's like they don't let a spec of anything that seems "negative" to them. at least from the population i've met

if anything, only the white washed flips are decent enough

swagfag pinoys are shit...my god. i got a cousin in chicago who thinks he's the shit because he was born there. i mean i was too but lol we didn't live where hoodrats were

>> No.7534286

post arm

>> No.7534308

post a pic i never quite understand what people are talking about when they mention gyno

>> No.7534315

If you came from southern russia you're either a mongol or a kazakh, something like that.

>> No.7534326
File: 2.65 MB, 4272x2848, 13831366732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

black people can be very /fa/ posting black inspo

>> No.7534334
File: 1.08 MB, 1920x2560, CAM00100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7534338

the whole point is to do it so someone can get a good grasp of your skin colour.
doing it with a light shining on your arm defeats the purpose.

>> No.7534355

There was 2 pictures of me posted though: >>7533397 and >>7533522.

>> No.7534384


Fuck you look so fucking puertorrican....the stupid ass haircut, that shit in your neck, the "lemme holla at cha" mouth....I bet you're one of those filthy pr's that walk around with disgustin Hollister shirt (gigantic logo obv), washed out bootcut jeans and white sneakers

>> No.7534396

no homo but my friend is indian and he has top tier facial features.

he pretty much get any girl he wants but he is a little fucked in the head. also terrible at talking to girls.

>> No.7534401

what if you're just tan

>> No.7534410

feather or dot?

either way i don't like 'em

>> No.7534429

dot. he has very Caucasian features. but both his parents are indian. he is also someone that would post on /fit/ if he ever went on 4chan. "bro feel my biceps".

although native americans are beautiful people.

nice hair too

>> No.7534443
File: 54 KB, 530x702, gxZbtkV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


was he born there or is he a immigrant?

Because ALL Indian immigrants I've met are completely fucked up in the head when it comes to acquiring western qt3.14s. I've heard that a combination of sexual repression and Bollywood movies full of stereotypes towards Westerners are to blame

>> No.7534462

just becuase he says "my friend" after every sentence while chatting you up at his part time job at 7-11 does not actually mean he is your friend

>> No.7534477


>> No.7534482


Yeah, nah.

This just won't work for you.

>> No.7534483

born here.

he had a qt white girlfriend when he was in school. after they broke up tho he just lost his game or something.

lmao i chuckled

>> No.7534670
File: 1.05 MB, 2560x1920, CAM00108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ I haven't laughed that hard in a while.
8/10 for making me go through my closet for my old Hollister shirt but now that you made me realize that's a common Puerto Rican stereotype, I'm set this shirt on fire.

Also I talk fine, I don't talk like those ghetto Americanized Puerto Ricans from NY with the fucked up grammar and vocabulary. As for my hair, I'm going for a HY.

>> No.7535219
File: 42 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20130209_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fucked up is my race, /fa/? ;_;

>> No.7535229
File: 46 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20131224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other pic
Yes, I'm holding a spanish for dummies book.

>> No.7535272


p gud otherwise. how tall are u?

>> No.7535280

You look fine. If your hispanic then you strike me as one of those Argentineans or one of those collage hispanics from south America.

>> No.7535296

I'm 5'8'' but a mexican living in Mexico, so I have no problems with height.
Mexican but more french that spanish mix

>> No.7535344

/fit/ Indian, kind of /fa/ here ( is it stupid if I get a HY haircut btw?). This is the truth, the Indian culture is super gross and autistic. I got lucky and my family grew up in Murrica, but most brown guys who aren't funny/americanized are beyond autistic.

>> No.7536010
File: 198 KB, 640x1136, IMG_0321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for the shitty facial hair it was a lazy week
can I model

>> No.7536034


pls come to my house (im gril)

>> No.7536050

>complains he can never be white
>is asian
fuck off. asians are /fa/ as fuck when the feel like it

>> No.7536061

hello pls respond

>> No.7536091


>> No.7536403
File: 44 KB, 580x386, usain-bolt_107111k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not realizing blacks are true master race

>> No.7536435

I'm Indian, Chinese and Samoan. Is being a mutt /fa/. I actually turned out looking middle eastern I don't know how

>> No.7536430

>Masters of race
>Master race
Pick one

>> No.7536562

Christ, this thread reminds me of what I was like 3 years ago.

Just do you baby

>> No.7537941

it was over when i saw asians and chinese in two different categories

>> No.7537975

>Hispanic above asian
Spic detected
>Chinese aren't asian
Spic confirmed

>> No.7537995

Indians are pretty much the worst looking race besides abos and eskimos tho

>> No.7538030

It's cool if you're one of those romantic latinos from the Caribbean or those classic business latinos from Argentina or Spain but if your one of those mestizo shitskin drug peddling hispanics from Mexico or central America then yeah, go kill yourself.

>> No.7538171

I'm Indian. I don't look that bad.

>> No.7538426

if you guys go outside and look around, white people dont look like the people on the runway.
whether or not you are beautiful depends on your facial structure, not your race

>> No.7539084

True. There are some ugly as fuck white people everywhere I live.

>> No.7539249

pick one

>> No.7539619

all races can be fa. well, except indian, both of them cant.

and sandnigger ofc, also southeast asian.

>> No.7539689

South Americans and Blacks can be kind of /fa/ sometimes.

>> No.7539699

Only female asians can be /fa/. Asian men can never.

>> No.7539861

lurk more then.

>> No.7539888

Italians aren't white and they're pretty effay

>> No.7539899

White people are too mean for my taste.

>> No.7540006

one direction tier

>> No.7540360

lurk moar fuccboi

>> No.7541077

anon knows his shit.

>> No.7541112
File: 20 KB, 232x310, IMG_1451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ thought i was black..im actually puerto rican and i tried growing my hair out, but didn't work

>> No.7541249

dude my porn is half and half east asians and white people

it's not because any race is more inherently attractive, it's because nations wealthy enough to have robust porn industries are either European, American, or East Asian.

In other words, I don't think people from fucking Cameroon are ugly, they just didn't invent Playboy. l2logic and gtfo back to /pol/ you fucking waste of sperm

>> No.7541270

dark skin nigga checking in, yall niggas are gay as fuck

>> No.7541300

yeah i agree w/ this

>> No.7541415

> aboriginal_thug
>typing slang
Tyrone... please leave.

>> No.7541419 [DELETED] 

can be brazillian/itallian be fa...

>> No.7541428

and just like that, all the Australians on this post automatically hates you

>> No.7541436

the fuck.

you're some aussiefag who drinks cheap beer

>> No.7541441

fuck off cracker

>> No.7541443

can brazillian/itallian be fa, i aint uglY . also wasnt born at either places

>> No.7541454

i gotta 1/4 aboriginal friend and hes pretty fa and ALL the bitches love him

>> No.7541455

tfw white
tfw male
tfw average height
tfw average looks

>> No.7541463

being an average white person sucks, so boring lookin

>> No.7541473

lel how's it feel to be the most inferior race on earth, burnt shit skin nigger?

>> No.7541480

lmao white devil gettin mad. sorry your mommas mad for that bbc

>> No.7541484

>not knowing trunks is a palefag

you must be new

>> No.7544180


>> No.7544187

>tfw you can't be anything but dadcore or #sadboy because you're too white

>> No.7544255

Is that top tier?