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/fa/ - Fashion

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7525292 No.7525292[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If you're under 5'10, why haven't you killed yourself yet?

>> No.7525306

If you're creating these threads over and over again, why haven't you killed yourself yet?

>> No.7525319
File: 297 KB, 1146x1799, ingresnapoleonI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'6" here. masterrace. more highly evolved brain. don't need to be tall to get my way

>> No.7525322

because im too scared to commit suicide

>> No.7525325

>more highly evolved brain

>> No.7525333

Taller people actually earn more and are generally smarter. Every 5'6 guy I knew was a lowly janitor or trucker or something who barely attained a high school diploma. And they're usually stubby.

>> No.7525330

shouldn't you be with your gf OP?

owait, you don't have on.

>> No.7525341
File: 225 KB, 1116x1799, davidnapoleoninstudy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>generally smarter.

lol. source you dumb faggot.

the reason is because you are a poor piece of shit trash that associates with poor trash. i only know investment bankers, doctors, lawyers, and business owners. stay pleb

>> No.7525345

Napoleon was short by today's standards because of improved nutrition, but in his dead he was considered average height.

>> No.7525350
File: 2.95 MB, 360x240, rj swag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw a taller, more ottermode-er dude with thicker hair near you

>> No.7525354

manlet is a term that exists on this board only. girls could really give a fuck if you're short unless they're extremely superficial. in that case, who the fuck would want her anyway.

height only matters if you are excessively short. in reality, all you need to get laid is charisma and be funny.

Gee, I bet you really feel better about your few extra inches on us all. Too bad your height won't compensate for your fucked up face.

5'9" here, and i have probably boned more women in the past year than you will ever in your whole life.
And I've been getting older pussy since I was 16 and 5'4", no one gives a fuck about height.

Doing a backflip nowdays will get a chick asking you to finger her.

Grow the fuck up, kid

>> No.7525352

Is it bad his bulge gave me a little crotch tingle?
w2c Highwaisted White Capris like in pic?

>> No.7525362

He was taller than Wellesley

>> No.7525372 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 247x247, 1386305438025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Angry Manlet detected
/fit/ uses manlet not just this /fa/ggot board.

>> No.7525378
File: 36 KB, 247x247, 1386305438025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Angry Manlet detected
/fit/ also uses manlet not just this /fa/ggot board.

>> No.7525385

>investment bankers, doctors, lawyers, and business owners.

All those types are generally over 5'10. 90% of CEOs are over 6'0.

>> No.7525386

Wow this thread sure has a lot to do with Fashion.

>> No.7525391
File: 348 KB, 484x443, e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 6 foot since I was 17

>> No.7525398

>says the 5'9 manlet


>> No.7525410

If it's true that height doesn't matter why did you make most of your post trying to project yourself as some alpha womanizer that has sex every day just to prove a point?

>> No.7525407
File: 74 KB, 390x326, whydidyoudothat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7525414

>tfw 6'1 since I was 16

>> No.7525418

im korean so 5'9 isnt really short

>> No.7525421

I always thought any taller than I was at that age was too tall, and I was the perfect height. Not sure if that was me being insecure or jealous of taller people but I can say I'm sincerely happy with my height right now.

>> No.7525426
File: 247 KB, 795x594, MrFfDV8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


god i love how you dumb pieces of shit couch blantant falsities by following them with weak general knowledge. let me educate you fucks with each post.

Ceos are over 6 because they are all white males from certain families. irrelevant. there is no way you or anyone you know will be a ceo in a successful company. stfu and dont ever step up you shit.

>> No.7525435

I actually am pretty sure the only people who use "manlet" on /fa/ are /fit/floaters.

>> No.7525432

>tfw 5'11 at age 15
>tfw that was 10 years ago
>tfw never broke 6 foot

>> No.7525440

Nah, 6'0 is average/nothing special. 6'1 - 6'2 is perfect.

>> No.7525449

>tfw idktf

>> No.7525480
File: 232 KB, 1080x1920, old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn man, that's tough...
Yeah, pretty sure I've grown since then but I actually haven't checked for a while, I think it's safe to say I'm somewhere between 6'1 - 6'2 now, I just thought it was weird to be that tall when under 18 but I do think it's a perfect height afterwards.

>> No.7525506

everyone ITT has a napoleon complex, no matter how tall or short you are

>> No.7525510
File: 480 KB, 2400x1790, zYz43sS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gtfo manlet

>> No.7525527

this chart may be accurate for manlet us, in europe people are a lot taller

>> No.7525530

>6.0 is the sweet spot here
Huh, where is this information coming from? Not gonna lie it's kinda nice to know I'm at 96.1% according to an internet image but how does this information even get surveyed?

>> No.7525532

>Growing past 17

Uhh, sorry bro. You're a manlet.

>> No.7525539

people stop growing somewhere around 21/22

>> No.7525545


keep tellin yourself that

>> No.7525549

How exactly does growth past 17 make me shorter again?

>> No.7525550

insecure manlets
you will never be in the sweet spot of 6'2 - 6'5

>> No.7525551

>Being a 6'0 manlet

Sorry man. >Tfw 6'2 master race

>> No.7525555

>No such thing as too tall
I'm perfectly happy with my height, I'm taller than most people anyway.

>> No.7525558

>Mfw I'm 6'2

Stay manlet, bro.

>> No.7525561

bullshit, north europe here
6'0 and tower over approximately 3/4 of people

feels good to be part of the masterrace

>> No.7525562

Pretty sure I'm 6'2 right now, I just said I was 6'0 at 17. I don't see how this is such a hard thing to believe, you really think I'm in denial trying to prove something to you? Then again I guess outside of the internet you can't really do much showing off about your height so I'll let you have it actually.

>> No.7525575

People can stop growing from 17 all the way to 25, the kid's no exception.

>> No.7525581

I stopped growing at 21. But then again I'm a late bloomer.

>tfw started puberty at 15 1/2

>> No.7525583

In height that is, just to clarify. I'd hate to see someone pick apart the reply cause other parts of the body still grow.

>> No.7525593


>> No.7525600

I've caught up to my 6'2 friends and I'm considered the exact same height as them from other people when it was brought up, but I have no centimetre measure. Did that clear it up? I didn't think I'd have to detail it this much.

>> No.7525639

>exaggerated all-caps greentext reply starting with hurr/durr/derp

How do you think this makes you look from someone else who can only judge you solely on these posts?

>> No.7525640

lmfao manlet its not standards there were many people taller then him years before him rofl

>> No.7525661

He's right though, 5'7 was almost average back then in the 1800's. In comparison to this generation, there's no doubt people are taller now.

>> No.7525678

>tfw 6'3" at 15

honestly it was excessive at that point

>> No.7525672

You project yourself very aggressively and dumb with these kinda posts, don't think you're getting baited if people call you mad if you do this again.

>> No.7525691

I think that would definitely be too tall for that age, not nearly as bad now but yeah, too tall is real.

>> No.7525707

eh, it was really annoying every relative spending about 5 minutes marvelling at how much i had grown, every fucking time i spoke to them. although i remember every girl being all over that shit. definately better than the alternative

>> No.7525717

>it was really annoying every relative spending about 5 minutes marvelling at how much i had grown, every fucking time i spoke to them.

Oh god this, so much this. and I was only fucking 6 foot back then

>> No.7525720

Napoleon wasn't short for his era, in fact, at 5'7" he was taller than the average at the time.

Moreover, he was taller than you are now at a time when average height was significantly lower.

>> No.7525734
File: 18 KB, 240x249, YallN1ggazPostinInATrollThread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This may be one of the easiest boards to troll in.

>> No.7525757

>argue misinformed opinions that make you look generally dumb
>get away with it because "trolling"

>> No.7525777

I think I still have 1 - 2 of growth left but I'm still short as fuck, should I see about getting some HGH prescribed?
If I stay this short I'm going to end up moving to some asian country where this is the average I swear.

>> No.7525781
File: 1.69 MB, 328x182, ikIWY.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep trying

>> No.7525829

>reading butthurt manlet replies
>tfw 6'5 god-height

>> No.7525848

because i just want a hot guy who likes my small frame :3

>> No.7525933

>all these fuccbois caring about height


>> No.7525974

I want to be a little boy forever; will probably kill myself when I become 26+ years old, maybe.

>> No.7526264

would that mean 5'10-6'3 is masterace and everyone else are just disgusting mutations?

>> No.7526279

does this mean 5'10-6'3 is masterace and everyone else are just disgusting mutations?

>> No.7526285

are we going to pretend clothes DON'T look better on thin tall people

>> No.7526286

tall people like to think being tall alone makes them attractive but once you get past 6'2" youre entering nasty lanky territory

>> No.7526315


imo it's past 6'3

thank god i'm 6'1

>> No.7526310
File: 28 KB, 500x318, 1381454408373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 5'11"

>> No.7526337

oh hey manlet
7'0 master race reporting in

>> No.7526360


feels good to be king.

>> No.7526403

cus im asian and it's perfectly normal to be a manlet

>> No.7526419

i'm 5"6

>> No.7526416

nigga being 5'3 aint normal even for an asian

>> No.7526511

what can you do? lol

>> No.7526548

5'10 is the king of manlets, and the manlet of kings.

6'2 master race.

>> No.7526728

yes, exactly.

I am king of manlets. On my manlet throne, with high-heeled shoes and insoles. With my knight Robert Downey Jr and the court jester Tom Cruise.