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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 101 KB, 640x426, Drunk-people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7523098 No.7523098[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So how /fa/ was your New Years?

>be partying at a friends house
>we then leave to go to the pier and watch the fireworks
>fireworks end
>walk aimlessly down Market St. for 2 hours waiting for a bus while avoiding drunks and homeless

>> No.7523103
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i wouldnt leave my house if i looked like this

>> No.7523102

not too good, i tried for 3 hours to give myself a blow job but coudlnt do it, im think ill get that rib surgery so i can do it though

>> No.7523110

that picture is from england so it makes sence

>> No.7523113

Pretty awful, drank far too much to try and redeem it.

>> No.7523114

slept until 6pm
got really drunk
jerked off a few times
don't talk shit about other people being fat if you aren't even flexible enough to blow yourself

>> No.7523119
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fuck, that was me

the one time i leave the fucking house, someone randomly takes a pic of me, posts it on the internet and makes fun of me :'(

you're just mad you can't afford those size 54 zegna jeans and that XXXL mugler shirt

>> No.7523135

>got prostatitis
>3'rd pack of antibiotics, sitting at home all the time
>didn't drank alcohol for 6 months
>bought one bottle of nice expensive champagne
>open it too early, because thirsty
>drunk as fuck after one bottle, literally as fuck
>22:00 already sleeping
>05:00 wake up, drink water, go sleep
>sleep until 13:00
>wake up with fucking headache
>write this post
Best NY in my life.

>> No.7523137

my best friend got that once

it literally made his dick vibrate

>> No.7523143


>american spelling

>> No.7523149
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Just with the family.
Fucked my girl in my room dropped her off while smoking a joint with her on the golden state freeway

Her assssss
What a sweet girl

Music to make love to your old lady

>> No.7523165

>expensive champagne

>> No.7523180

>got drunk, got high at a party.
>Somehow the grill catched fire, then half of the garage.
>run out, call firefighters
>watch fire fighters fighting fire for the rest of the night

decent I guess

>> No.7523185

>got drunk and stoned at a mates party
>went with a few friends and crashed a party in castle hill, saw a fat ginger there who might've been abo thug
>went to another party in the same area
>these parties are shit
>went back to my mates house
>passed out on his couch

terrible night

>> No.7523191

>party in town with about 700 people
>walk about 5 miles to another party
>railed speed and md the whole night
>4am someone pulls out fireworks
>tonne of fireworks wake everyone up
>police get phoned and arrive
>see the lines on the table
>just tell us to keep the noise down

>> No.7523194

>around 5pm decide im going to stay home for new years even though i got invited to multiple parties
>kinda bummed but not really
>play gtaV for about 3 hours and drink beers
>go on /fa/
>hang out with my dad, drink beers and talk shit till about 12:30
>go set off some fireworks on the beach
>come home, drink a bit more with my dad. showed him pavement, american football and cap'n jazz. he liked it
>go to bed around 3 am

in all seriousness probably the best new years ive had yet

>> No.7523197

where is this

>> No.7523198

>3'rd pack of antibiotics

>> No.7523204 [DELETED] 


>> No.7523210

great taste
still fat
damn you sieg, shape the fuck up. literally, get in shape.

>> No.7523241
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>browsing /fa/
>watching anime
>tfw no gf
>tfw no friends
>mfw drunkenly bought some geobaskets to fill the void

I need to cancel my order now

>> No.7523266
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are you serious? lmao

>> No.7523267

your car keys look suspiciously like mine.

>> No.7523275
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>£25 tickets to event
>crowd at the event ain't that fun
>start relapsing
>alone in a crowd
>loud music
>the sense of loneliness overwhelms me
>i realise if i were to die now it wouldnt actually matter
>look around and see couples
>find mates
>go home
>still lonely

>> No.7523284

at least you have m8s, m8.

>> No.7523289

>watching the worst arc
>on NYE

>> No.7523297
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>streaming anime

>> No.7523294

>streaming anime
fucking pleb

post receipt

>> No.7523303

> hosted dinner with friends, made epic shitt
> white Russians
> old friends i havent seen i like half a year
> at some point memory gets fuzzy
> wake up home somehow still morning drunk
> blood in my face, huge bumb om my forehead and lots of unreadable drunk texts to girlfriend

my brain is imploding

>> No.7523306


>> No.7523318


>go block party
>get there to early
>its ded as fuck
>take photos for le jerb and $$$
>get into all the cool clubs
>its getting more turnt by the hour
>kids still around
>wht kind of fucked up parent brings their kid to this shit
>meet other photogs
>lady says she likes my smile
>go get wings with my bro and get on the lightrail
>get on a plane to cali (30 mins away)
>turn up with my sister
>now im shitposting on /fa/
>my ass hurts cause my bike seat is a piece of shit.

>> No.7523321

>chill with good uni mates i haven't seen in months
>celebrate new years at loft with friends of friends
>guy djing is fucking killing it, playing foreign tribal techno shit like i've never heard
>leave at 3:00 to go to nye techno party
>lots of coke; fun times with one of my best friends
>ditch after party at 7:00 to listen to music / sleep

>still vibing
>great night

sounds good man

happy new year /fa/!

>> No.7523341

Link, please.

>> No.7523349

slept through it

>> No.7523361

>the grill catched fire
thought you were talking about a girl for quite some time

fucking 4chan really does rot your brain

>> No.7523387

>got drunk on good quality vodka
>went to watch fireworks
>went to house party
>hit on this girl who wouldn't shut up about her boyfriend but was proper nice
>pissed off another girl with a superiority complex cause i kept takin the piss out of her lol
>went to different house party
>talked to some people there for a bit
>went home

all in all 6/10 was pretty good

>> No.7523401
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>be Aussie
>be in in Perth
>see A$AP at Origin festival
>know what I am going to wear
>r..raf simons rick owens u..usually what i'm dressed in
>want everyone to see my raf white holographic tricolor chained low-top velcro sneakers
>close to end of concert
>climb up rafters next to stage
>try to get close to A$AP rocky so he can appreciate my got my black rick owens high gloss basket swinger shorts
>mfw lose grip and miss the stage
>brake pelvis
>go to hospital
>find video and go on /fa/


>> No.7523419

i had a great evening and somehow ended up going to mcdonalds at 6am before they were closing.
I think i bought all the burgers that were still left, because i hated the asshole behind me in line. He then got kicked out for yelling at me

Fun times

>> No.7523422

It seems like a lot of people wanted you dead

>> No.7523425

>6pm, drive sister to party, drive home
>3am, pick sister up from said party, drive home
>decline neighbors' request to have beer with them

>> No.7523427

>go to house party
>take about half a gram of mandy
>drinking beers, dancing, people taking pictures with a polaroid
>walk on the street with two girl to go to the shop with no shirt on and just my backpack
>party goes on till like 4:30
>help tidy up the house
>sleep (surprisingly) till about 10:30


>> No.7523430

could you smell the dried semen off her?

>> No.7523431

fam was that really you?
fucking hell youre dumb

>> No.7523435

holy fuck
how did you get up there

>> No.7523437


do u see raf holos in that vid?

fuckin stupid cunts

>> No.7523455

Pretty shite. First NY in my life where i wasn't abroad.

Spend too much, used too much trying to make it fun. Bribed a fucking doorman, to get in a shit party where "like everyone is so cool here, regardless of how you look, we're like trying to have some fun ya now".

Went backstage, found a couch. Used a pile of coats as a blanket and took a nap to wake up 4 hours later next to a fat slag with her head on my shoulder stroking my leg.

>> No.7523458

Do want.

>> No.7523467

Started drinking at 12, took 4 pingas at 6, another 2 and some shard by accident at midnight, saw Gutter Gods, Leather Lickers at a house show.

>> No.7523470

you the same guy i was talking to about gutter gods the other day?

>> No.7523486

Yes. Been awake since tuesday it's getting so fucked.

>> No.7523488

>smoked a bunch of cigarettes in a row
>take a shit
>munt all over
>wipe, turn, and munt
>lay down, stand up and go to toilet to munt
>munt on shoes, acidic acid? wears glue from shoe
>no one to kiss
>go back to party
>all these guys crash it, they only talk to me
>pretty chill
>wake up the next morning and feel decent from munting/sleeping on a couch

it was good i guess, pissed about my shoes. who cares first new years party :^) im makin it

>> No.7523509

No shit, I read this fucking 10 times and tried to figure out how a girl can catch fire. I need to leave this place.

>> No.7523511

Oh fuck, asap was in town?

>> No.7523512

where do u live that's that close to the beach?

>> No.7523515

How do I get slags to come up to me? I want to fuck a white bish this year

>> No.7523516
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>> No.7523518


my sides
if you're /fa/ at all then you don't go to music festivals you retard, especially not boong and trash infested ones like origin

my nye sucked though to be fair
>worked till 10
>by the time I get home it would've been too late to get anywhere by 12
>decide fuck it I'll stay in
>have a few beers and watch lawrence of arabia
>have a nice wank
>go to bed

was alright, not the best not the worst.. my real nye was a few days ago trying DMT for the first time, fuuuck me.

>> No.7523523

did you break through? i didn't break through my first time

>> No.7523530

I did.. holy fuck I did.
halfway through I glimpsed out of it a little and saw my friends sitting around me fast forward, stop, rewind, and fast forward again.. and I thought I wasn't breathing.. it became a little much and I had to get my friend to talk me through the last of it, but fuck when it hit me.. it hit me hard

>> No.7523541
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>if you're /fa/ at all then you don't go to music festivals you retard,

hahaha sure. I went to bonnaroo last year and had the time of my fucking life. A$AP was there too on the last night and was insane and I dont even listen to him that much. whatever bro.

>> No.7523545

>go to m8s
>wait for people
>drink a little there
>walk to party
>walk in
>talk to some people
>give another m8 a tenner for my half of the drone
>go do some
>walk around, talk to people, smoke
>start dancing a lot
>smoke a joint
>dance more, do more drone
>smoke another joint
>finish off the drone
>dance and talk and have fun until midnight
>don't kiss anyone at midnight bc girl i'm with not there
>everyone hugs and stuff
>other girl i used to talk to text me saying happy new year and she misses me and that she cut that morning because she was so unhappy without me
>dance until 2am and smoke
>sleep at m8s, watch some 3am tv, eat by myself whilst the other 2 sleep
>fall asleep
>wake up with a cat watching me

>> No.7523554

Went to a party with my family and neighbors. Got drunk and danced a lot. Pulled some girl. No idea who she was.

>> No.7523558

I got so drunk that I wet myself and pooped a little in my panties. I'm surprised I was able to drive back home. :/

>> No.7523560 [DELETED] 
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>zim zammed to multiple parties
>original party was raided before we got there
>none of them had a vibe i was looking for
>went to town concert
>it was okay ended up getting bored at 1am though
>suddenly have an anxiety attack,phone ran out,frens nowhere to be found
>regroup ,we go to a ghetto streetbash
>people getting stabbed,fighting, im grabbing ass
>go home and sleep
>wake up & qt3.14 sent me a message yesterday at 8pm saying "keep safe <3 xx"

somehow felt lonelier and sadder than any other new years idk what im doing with my life anymore to be honest
and 4chan knows more about me than friends ever will

>> No.7523577
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>zim zammed to multiple parties
>original party was raided before we got there
>none of them had a vibe i was looking for
>went to town concert
>it was okay ended up getting bored at 1am though
>suddenly have an anxiety attack,phone ran out,frens nowhere to be found
>regroup ,we go to a ghetto streetbash
>people getting stabbed,fighting, im grabbing ass
>go home earlier than the m8s and sleep
>wake up & qt3.14 sent me a message yesterday at 8pm saying "keep safe <3 xx"

defo gonna do ny diff. from now

>> No.7523584

>black out drunk on sambuca
>barely remember midnight
>all my drinks were stolen
>there was a fight
>took a cab home at 7am

I think I had fun

>> No.7523598

>recently moved to another city
>Go to some place
>Have to wait for entry
>Smoke four cigarettes
>Girl wants to walk by me, but looks at me and quickly changes her path
>Go inside, pay my entry fee
>Get drunk
>At 00:00 they stop the music briefly
>Get more drunk
>Walk home
>When I see the new years wishes on my phone I realize that even if I'm lonely right now I still have friends who care about me and talk to me
>Eat a kebab
>Fall asleep

>> No.7523616
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>Watch countdown on my own
>Play Pokemon Emerald till 5am
>Stalk crush on facebook
>Fall asleep crying

>> No.7523631

by. do both of u listen to lovage

>> No.7523649
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>party at friend’s hill cabin
>drunk as hell the whole time
>killed Yeezy's Dark Fantasy at karaoke
>counted down and did the toast at midnight
>watched fireworks
>called qt
>smoked and drank whiskey in the bathtub
>slept in bed with 5 other people

>> No.7523657
File: 814 KB, 450x201, SHAKE IT UP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At house party in London
>First opportunity to wear my new cops
>Looked slick
>None of us drink, so we just chilled
>Played Articulate
>Counted Down
>Sang really loud for no reason
>Watched shitty movies while like, five people were asleep
>Drove home at four in the morning
>Woke up at 12:15

>> No.7523679

> missed countdown in a car
> reached party said high to everyone
> only girl there
> drank whiskey shots. chainsmoked
> someone passed a joint
> started to get fucked. puked in sink. cleans mess up
> didnt contribute to much conversation
> roadblockseverywhere.jpg
> cramps 6 people into small room
> bf's bestfriend rubbing my leg
> okay.jpg
> makes out for 2 hours with bf
> wakes everyone up for mcdonalds
> bf tells friend i think hes retarded
>smokes on the roof
> bf sends me home from first ny party

>> No.7523717

>party at girl's house, only really know 4-5 guest but whatever
>really nice house with fireplace and shit like that, comfy as fuck
>a lot of people get hammered as fuck before midnight
>light rockets in their hands and act like fools in general
>friends that gave you a ride desperately tries to get with this kinda chubby annoying chick
>mood gets worse and worse with each passing hour because I'm not drunk enough and tired as hell
>smoke some shitty weed
>decide to walk home alone (took two hours, but it was quite relaxing because the streets were empty and the sun was rising already)
>friend texts me why I "abandoned" him and acts like a bitch, because the slut ditched him

I need new friends

>> No.7523729

>go to dinner with gfs family
>she gets pissed off at them
>take her to her friends house to party
>she wants to leave before either of us drink
>tells me she might move away
0/10 worst new years ever

>> No.7523758

>Go to friends
>Vidya and beer
>Couple other friends come over
>Get bored
>Crash a party
>Steal their alcohol and leave without too many problems
>Go to bar
>Kiss a random grill at midnight
>Go back 2 friends and crash
Kinda boring tbh

>> No.7523776

why do so much people kissing random girls on nye
is this some kind of tradition in america

>> No.7523784

nah, it's so everyone gets herpes early
kind of like chicken pox

i had to lick this one girls cold sores in middle school (everyone in the class had to)

>> No.7523787
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most people have herpes and don't know it

>> No.7523798






>> No.7523808

>played arkham horror with some m8s in the afternoon
>went to a party
>didnt want to drink cause i still have a headache from a few days ago
>everyones boring af
>go to another m8 and play some smash bros
>return to party
>at least a few more girls showed up
>smoke a blunt, start chugging drinks
>start smashing stuff, talking shit, wrestling some m8s, no homo
>go watch fireworks
>2-3 hours blackout
>go home lighting up fireworks i found on the streets
it was fun though i'm a bit disappointed i didn't get laid
fuck it 2013 was best year anyways

>> No.7523860
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>stay at parents till 00:30
>group of friends coming over
>biking to p big party in an old factory
>already smashed at this point
>proceed to drink more
>nice moment when my ex kinda gets mad and she tells a good lady friend of mine 'Anon is so in love with me but I'm not anymore' and my friend's like 'lol hell no, remember he hasn't replied to your last three texts and wants nothing to do with you and he's dating someone else right now'
>ex left really early
>got grills phone number written on my arm, but it's not readable due to beer being spilt
>almost make out with qt friend of mine who's like a little sister to me
>ball pen right in the fucking middle of the dance floor, fly as fuck
>throw plastic balls at people
>suppressing the urge to vomit at this point
>memory is a blur after 5am
>wake up 6 hours later
>get doner sandwich

p good nye I think
p good

>> No.7523864

Napping apparently does the trick.

>> No.7523892
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Alone with a cig in my mouth.

>> No.7523910
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>walked 5 km to a house party
>carrying a 24-pack of beer
>everybody tells me how weird it is that I brought drink for others
>talk with other people at the party
>keep drinking
>go outside for a smoke, blow up some firecrackers
>10 pm
>wake up next morning from the laundry room downstairs in the basement
>walls covered in throw-up
>blacked out, no clue as to what happened
>see a couple going around cleaning
>apparently the girl threw up everywhere around the house
>every floor is sticky
>nice place too, shame
>feel shitty, pop some painkillers
watch TV with 20 other people, everybody hung over
>somebody rolls up a spliff
>smoke up a little, order pizza
>apparently I fucked some chick in the host's bedroom
>was wondering why my condoms were gone
>starting to feel much better
>get a ride home from friend, the one that invited me to the party
>go home, watch Futurama and Freaks and Geeks for the rest of the day

Feeling right swell.

>> No.7523964
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>out with friends
>everyone is paired with a new grill
>hit the club up
>eh, it gets boring after a while
>my friend spots a homeless man sleeping and says we should wake him up
>girls protest and say no leave him alone!!
> I grab a beer and pour it on him as I say, "new yers moherfucker!!"
> he wakes up freaking the fuck out
> i knocked his ass out with a right punch to the chin.
> starts spasing out and everyone freaks out but me.
>drive the grill home but not before we fuck in my car. She was so wet mang!!

I think I was super impulsive that day because not only have I been on no fap for 3 months, but I also went to the gym and did coke right before and after the club.

Bet new years ever I would say.

>> No.7524014
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>I grab a beer and pour it on him
>i knocked his ass out with a right punch to the chin

>> No.7524030

We don't spell it that way.

>> No.7524043

>get asked to go to a party
>only know one person at the party ( the one who invited me )
>decide to stay home because i dont like meeting new people
>sit alone in my room and drink / play bf4
>fall asleep at 10

happy new year

>> No.7524039
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>Not a single friend in town
>No plans
>Make a first date with a grill
>Dress /fa/ #menswear because I want to take her downtown later
>Meet her at a bar, she's 30 min late and brought a friend
>Have drinks for about 45 min, Im keeping up conversation well enough, we're laughing
>She gets a phone call, she has to leave to go to her work because the alarm went off
>she says it isnt that far away but no telling when she can make it back
>wait at bar texting her for TWO hours
>drive to my shitty 90 sq ft barracks room, pick up bottle of cheap champagne on the way
>Only NYE celebration I attend is on my AC: New Leaf
>Watch half of The Departed while drinking the sparkling wine then go to sleep

I really feel like the biggest loser in the world. I've never wanted anti-depressants more in my life.

>> No.7524054

forgot my trip

>> No.7524064

one of the worst new years in recent memory. went to a restaurant/club in a group of 10, 6 guys, 4 girls. 4 couples and me and my best m8y. got pissed drunk, fell asleep on a chair in the back, woke up to realize my friends couldn't find me for the last 2 hours, like a dozen missed calls on my cellphone. took a bus back home. chatting with a qt3.14 rn, arranging a date with her in the next few days, so i guess new years day is p. good so far.

>> No.7524075

>brought a friend
>wait at bar
Poor naive boy.

>> No.7524089

It was literally the only plan I had. If I went straight home I would just fuck off on my phone there anyway.

I know it's utterly pathetic and normally I wouldn't stand for it I just had NOTHING else to do.

>> No.7524090

>mate had 8 guys round to his house
>everyone looking /fa/ as fuck which is all that matters
>I got that dank
>mates got that laughing gas
>trip balls for the whole night doing bong hits mixed with laughing gas
>bring in the new year tripping the fuck out laughing my dick off
>get munchies and crash eventually at about 4am

Pretty good new years around my best mates

>> No.7524094

>homeless man sleeping
>grab a beer and pour it on him
>i knocked his ass out with a right punch to the chin
Wow, you're pathetic. I hope you get the shit kicked out of you.

You sound like the type of guy who's constantly seeking validation from the group.

>> No.7524096

Nitrous oxide doesn't make you trip mate. It just causes you to partially lose consciousness

>> No.7524095


As soon as i read she brought a friend, it was pretty much done for. What could have saved it was you bringing a friend to deal with this cockblock friend of hers. Also the fact that you still texted her for.two hours must have emasculated you in her eyes too. Pretty pathetic. Man up, brah.

>> No.7524099

>I know it's utterly pathetic and normally
She saw that, so she brought a friend and i bet that she didn't go to work.

>> No.7524100

She was supposed to come back as soon as the "cops were done" at her work.

I just dgaf and like I said I had nothing else to do. Not contacting her anymore.

>> No.7524101

You are a pretty bad person, wow.

>> No.7524105

It was actually her idea to go out, so I think she let her friend come because girls are fucking stupid

>> No.7524106
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>not knowing impulsive behaviour is secretly admired by men and yearn for by women.

No fucking joke, i talked to the girl i banged yesterday and she kept saying how the others girls liked my confidence.

Which is a bullshit female excuse reall when yku think about it. These bitches were digging my violent disposition at the time but they wont ever admit to it.

>> No.7524112

>Work till 11:30
>Finish, get changed in bathroom at woprk, rippd skinnies, Acne tee, boots Jack Daniels
>Get to house party with ten minutes to spare, my arrival prompts multiple girls deciding to stay instead of going into town.
>Cocaine, yes please.
>Spend time setting fireworks off drunkenly and squeezing girl friends arses.
>walk best friends girl into town, go to club get more wasted.
>Walk back to mine with good friend and sit and listen to Neutral Milk hotel till 6 in the morning.

>> No.7524116

on its own it doesnt no but when mixed with other drugs such as weed you do, believe me you see and feel stuff I honestly cant explain

>> No.7524117

Attractive impulsive behavior =/= Pouring beer on a sleeping homeless man and knocking him out with a punch

That's just really shitty man. Especially just to impress women.

>> No.7524121

>went to a abr with my sister
>both of our local groups of friends are there
>~50 people we know
>hitting on one of my sister's friends
>bout 30 seconds to midnight I ask her who she's kissing at midnight
>runs away giggling
>vault over a big booth and land in the next booth over with an Egyptian girl I know
>make out for a minute
>sister's friend sees and gets jealous b/c I didn't chase after her
>end up in nasty dance bar with girl who ran away
>hands all over her, she's grabbing my dick
>wants to leave to her house
>in comes her fat faggot friend
>rips her away from me sobbing b/c his faggot boyfriend dumped his faggot ass on new years and how he doesn't have a faggot dick to suck
>make half-assed effort to push away the faggot and get her into a taxi
>girl can't get away from faggot
>see sister driving by
>fuck it; initiate brad pitt
>vault into the passenger seat of my sister's drop top BMW
>leave faggot and sister's friend fighting by a cab
>cooking egg rolls with sister now

>> No.7524125

You're such a faggot.

>> No.7524132
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guy at starbucks gave me free coffee
went to paterson to hang out in friend's empty pet store for two hours
then we watched a guy's house burn down on the way back home
then looked at nyc from a cliff behind a church

would have preferred to hu with a chick at a party oh well

does anyone have any experience with kratom/

>> No.7524136

I've taken nitrous oxide on cannabis, MDMA, cocaine, research chemicals and LSD. I'm not denying that it has a very strong effect, and amplifies whatever drugs you're on, but it's not a hallucinogenic, it simply causes the brain to be starved of oxygen

>> No.7524131

>get asked to go to a party
>only know one person at the party (a friend of the host)
>decide to go because why the fuck not
>meet tonnes of new people, take some md / make out with qt

You should have just gone out man. That was my resolution for the year, to stop making excuses not to go out.
>stumble home at8am

>> No.7524146

Wow sorry that fat faggot ruined the night for you. I like the way you handled it lmao

>> No.7524148

>get Chinese food at 8pm, eat by self.
>meet 2 m8s at bar at 9:30pm
>bad music, crowded
>shots shots shots shots
>puke over shoes
>get home at 1am
>throw shoes in bin, sleep

>> No.7524150

Women know exactly what they're doing. She brought out the other friend to gain feedback to see of you were worthy of pursuing any further. They either must of had a meeting at the restroom that went like, "nah, dont fuck him. He's weird ass fuck and not fun." "OMG, thank you bff i kmew i could count on you'" or they texted each other on it. Either way, you lost man. Cut contact and move forward.

>> No.7524251
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got drunk and sucked my friends dick

im straight and so is he

>> No.7524253
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I made out with a girl for the first time last night.

>> No.7524270

i'm proud of u bby

>> No.7524273

It was great, actually. I didn't expect that much but i met some cool people and i'm having a good-vibes wednesday

>> No.7524277

What shoes?

>> No.7524296
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With /soc. Met up with anon, went to the /soc party. Inside
>/fit trap
>/fit landwhale
>that metallhead guy with mustache and long hair
>everyone's in blackberry mode
>go see fireworks
>only asians and kebabs spending NY eve outside
>s-see you guys, I think we shall go
>anon calls up his friend
>go to my place
>drink wine and watch blue streak
It was better than alone. But I'm still devastated by "friends" fucking me up. Frankly I on't want to see anyone of them anymore. And I don't want new friends cos I'm tired of the whole process of getting to know each other, getting to the point where you feel comfortable together, sharing the same stories etc. Time to adopt a loner lifestyle. I think I'll be like Ghost Dog or something, I guess propper solitude is alright to if you are not a complete loser.

>> No.7524391

just get some pidgeons to take care of mate

>> No.7524457
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>Booked VIP table with 7 lads at a club.
>Finished all 20 litres of drinks
>Moved on to a nightclub.
>Talked to qt 3.14
>Made out for like half an hour
>Exchanged facebooks and numbers

>> No.7524468


they were clarks navy suede oxfords, dont remember exactly. They were a few years old anyway.

>> No.7524543

>just browsing 4chan expecting to spend another NYE home
>get invited to a get together
>fuck yeah
>get drunk with m80s
>someone says "Dude I think this is my first NYE out"
>"Dude me too!"
>tfw all bros spending our first NYE out together
>light fireworks at midnight
>nearly blow hand off 'cause too drunk to let firework go
>drunkenly confess crush on qt to bros
>tfw friend reveals he made out with her first
>fall asleep
>arrive home at 6:00am
>sleep until 12:00pm
>no hangover

Nothing like spending a NYE drinking with all your bros.

>> No.7524559

>made out

what are you fucking 12

>> No.7524574
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>ghost dog

>> No.7524582

Sorry for my poor vocabulary? English isn't my mothertongue

>> No.7524600

>plan a really nice night with this really attractive broad
>she bails on it call up my mates they're playing D&D
>go to the party and just hang out with coworkers and ppl
>broad texts me her address and then says nevermind
>coulda got my dick wet but was too retarded as usual

>> No.7524690

>party at friend's boyfriend's house
>keg, two gigantic bottles (like 3 or 4 handles worth) of johnny walker and bacardi, assorted bottles, jello shots
>smoke oil and weed, smoke hookah
>chain smoke cigarettes with some people
>with some of my best high school friends, having the best time
>get trashed with everyone
>as ball drops, start making out with my neighbor
>kiss her a few more times throughout the night
>too trashed to go home with her
>eat dyson chicken nuggets at 3 am
>get depressed because of a friend who died the day after christmas in a car accident
>friend picks me up and drives me home at around 3:30

probably the best/worst new years. regretting kissing my neighbor but probably the most fun i've had since coming home for winter break

>> No.7524724

it's not even poor vocabulary, he's just disagrees with how you phrased it

>> No.7524824

>went to a house party, it was kinda lame
>got drunk
>celebrated New Year, still lame
>left at about 3 hours after midnight
>meet some Russians on my way home
>think they are going to stab and rob me
>for some reason, I decide to take them to my flat
>we drink, they start freestyling and turn out as total bros
>they decide do clean my flat because they spilled something
>literally my entire flat
>they leave after a couple of hours of drinking

I'm drunk as shit by that point and pass out in my bed. Fun night after all
Just copy/pasted this from /fit/, too lazy to type it all out again

>> No.7524855

best story so far
haven't expanded the thread though
you're a cool guy for inviting them to your flat

>> No.7524862

>Family get together at house
>We sit and have a meal together
>We play Articulate for 2 hours
>Welcome the New Year
>Go to bed at 1:30

>> No.7524896

At first I was really afraid that they would beat me up and rob me once we got there, so I vaguely remember telling them that my place has nothing to offer, so I kept telling them how I don't have a tv or any fancy stuff. I was drunk as fuck.

>> No.7524899

>alone in my room, browsing /fa/, watching Doctor Who
>fall asleep at 21:00
>wake up at 23:45
>go downstairs, wish my parents a happy new year
>go to bed again at 0:10

new year is depressing, I'm glad it's over.

>> No.7524898

ummmm they probably stole ur geos

>> No.7524913

>went to a party in a warehouse conversion lived in by media typea
>hipsters, hipsters everywhere...

>> No.7524908

they know where you live and what type of lock your door has, that's all they needed besides your credit card photo

>> No.7524909

nah, I kept an eye on them and went through my stuff once they left. I thought they stole my camera, but it turned out I left it at my friends place

>> No.7526188
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>> No.7526695


>> No.7527997
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>tfw gf
>tfw made out on New Year's Eve
>tfw feel really nervous about some stupid shit I said

>> No.7528025

>Wake up at 10pm
>Sit around gambling
>Forgot it was New Years
>Not a single text message
>Looked effay as fuck the entire time

I'd give it a 7/10

>> No.7528380

>went to a shitty house party and got smashed off tequila
>made out with sluts I went to school with
>m8 passes out on couch next to me and slut trying to fuck
>he's burping and gurgling and making all sorts of fucked up boner killing noises
>go home because fuck that
>drunkenly go paint at 4am
>wake up this morning hands covered in black paint

>> No.7528851

Were you in AZ?

>> No.7529040
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>woke up at 10am
>watched an episode of The Wire
>showered/ate breakfast
>watched The Wolf on Wall Street by myself since its only 6 bucks on tuesdays.
>went home and fapped for the last time in twentythriteen
>had dinner with the family & some from my stepdads side while watching 2001: A Space Odyssey


>> No.7529070

>hardcore band vs. metal band
>everyone wearing monochrome fits
>mosh pit
>balls deep in a qt's booty
>hardcore band beat the shit out of the metal kids after
>drunk as fuck
>titty pic snapchats all night

probably not /fa/ but still great

>> No.7529089
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sounds pretty fun tbh. i want to attend a hardcore and/or metal show.

>> No.7529131


lmao what is this real life

>> No.7529144

u in sf bruv?

>> No.7529149


>> No.7529160

>get off work
>change into a more /fa/ outfit
>buy a gas station burrito and starbucks iced mocha
>wander over to some train statue, crawl inside, light up a few cigarettes and enjoy my burrito as I listen to fireworks go off in the distance
>go home and browse 4chan till I pass out

>> No.7529176


"Real Hardcore" shows are not fun at all.

>everybody acts all tough guy
>everybody's talking shit behind everybody's back
>band starts, the crowdbashing starts
>camo and beanies, camoe and beanies fucking everywhere

Hardcore is like highschool but even more clique-ish. Stay away, they'll call you out as a poser anyway.

>> No.7529182

>get off work at department store at 9:30
>look at chocolate bar indian guy bought for me while I was cashiering but don't eat it (he wanted the d)
>drive to dennys and drink coffee and eat a mushroom swiss burger alone
>drive home and drink alone while watching futurama
>text gf happy new year (she's in another state on vacation)
>pass out

>> No.7529185

>got off work at 1am
>went next door and hung out with friend's qt co-workers for a while
>went home

Same old shit. I'm sick almost every year so it's never really special or anything.

>> No.7529216

call me a poser cos i dont have tattoos and/or smell like hot garbage?

im ok wit dat. i can deal with tough guys.

>> No.7529237

>Go to friend of my gf's house party
>Shitton of alchohol there
>Not really /fa/
>Get drunk and high
>Sold some coke
>Gf is sick so early sleaping and no sex

>> No.7529241
File: 36 KB, 500x332, Hoax++Live.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isnt a 'real hardcore' show
keep listening to mall-tier hardcore you pleb
pic related, an actual hc show

>> No.7529248


looks faggy as fuck.

seriously. Look at all those faggots in your picture.


>> No.7529251
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spoiler: nothing really happens

>woke up at 11:00
>stumbled into the bathroom, dizzy as fuck from a night of drinking
>did my whole face routine
>got some breakfast
>puke it out in the toilet 10 minutes after
>go lie in bed some more
>take 15 minutes to eat a cracker
>perk up a bit after some food got in and stayed in
>15:00 I finally feel ready to face the day
>bike to some (3) friends to go carbidschieten (pic related, you build pressure up in a tube (milk churn typically) with gas which is formed with carbid and water and then light the fucker)
>we had some shit planned for that night, but two of my friends are eating somewhere else
>go to another friends house (we all know eachother from high school, which ended 5 years ago, pretty close group), he has a little party-crêpe-plate or something and we all make little pancakes.
>crack open the first beer at 19:00, best friend leaves at 19:15 to go somewhere else:
Tricky situation, that friend (Q) had a gf for five years but recently broke up with her to get with another girl.
They both wen to that little eatery-party thing and then that gf left, Q had a party planned somewhere else because he knew she was going to be there. Long story short, they still ended up at the same party in a different town. Now that doesn't matter, but what does matter is that this situation fucked up the whole group dynamic for the rest of the night.

>heavy drinking ensues, friends that ate somewhere else got back with us
>some other friends arrive and party seems to really be going now
>light up some fireworks, generally dick around for a while but all leave anyway at 01:30 or something like that

That situation with Q did fuck up the dynamic and mood enough to leave the party mostly dead. So, the day itself wasn't bad, but the lingering feeling that these long friendships might erode to the point of cracking one day is dreadful.

>> No.7529256

so in summary:
I woke up hungover
fucked around with explosives
felt that a friendgroup is falling apart if we don't do something soon
went home

not really /fa/

>> No.7529259
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smh lol

>> No.7529260

damn, i guess we should all quit going to shows because of some anon who probably listens to lost prophets

>> No.7529268

fuck man
you just reminded me that i should listen to Lone again soon
such a heavy album

>> No.7529279
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>in mexico
>stay at home until new year countdown and the first two hours
>change and go to a street filled with clubs to meet up some friends
>friends nowhere to be found, hang out with other group of friends at a house party
>get high and drunk
>6am leave party and get fucked by sunlight
>go to boulevard and see random people getting drunk all around while drinking
>go back to house and smoke some more
>arrive home at 10am

it was fun i guess

>how i ended up

>> No.7529280


I hate you so fucking much because you're a raging faggot and a scum human being.

But you're right in that most women do get turned on/attracted to guys that are assholes and do "bad boy" stuff.

I know several girls, all qts, that admit to dating assholes like you and skip the decent guys.

>> No.7529286

Hardcore is ruined by fans who dismiss others for listening to "mall tier hardcore" or whatever that shit is or is not

Stop dividing the scene and just go to fucking shows

>> No.7529287


are you in HS?

>> No.7529293

>6am leave party and get fucked by sunlight

aye, that shit fucking hurts and it's actually depressing to see the sun in the morning after partying.

Also are you 12? Only High Schoolers smoke weed errrday heheeehehe

>> No.7529302

i only got into hardcore in time to see their last ever show but it was fun

at the time i dont think i appreciated how hard it is to find pv that isnt crossed out and isnt boring as fuck

>> No.7529305


Don't even know who lost prophets is, but you do so you kinda contradict yourself m8.

Also I wasn't hating on the music, just the demographic in that picture.

Cry harder fagglet.

>still being a fagglet

that'll do pig, that'll do

>> No.7529309

haha lucky man, i never saw them at all
i feel you though dude, a lot of pv bands are just boring ass infest/crossed out rip offs. no hate on those bands but the style is way overdone now
you into shackles?

>> No.7529317

>American humour

>> No.7529333
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It's alright brothers, you'll see the light sooner or later. I wish you both a speedy recovery from true hardcore.

>> No.7529334

I love you and your story anon

>> No.7529337

havent listened but i've seen that name crop up a bit, cant think where.. posters? patches maybe?

>> No.7529375

>Get at friends house, start toking it up and drinking the nice alcoholic beverages.
> Friends get super wasted and drugged up on molly and speed.
> Friends do weird bullshit like throwing firework arrows into the fire can, Run for dear life.
>Almost hits passerby's.
>Fuck sleep, sister of the guy (17) we are staying at starts hitting on everyone (ages 20/23, im 23)
>I feel like shes too young so i ignore her.
>at the end of the night she throws herself at my lap, constantly craving my attention.
>chilling till the next evening with her on my lap.
>Go back to hometown, chill more at friends house.
Decide to not go for the girl, value friendship more then sex
>Wake up today at 8 not realising i still havnt gotten home.
>Go home, write long story on /fa/ still drunk and stoned.

>Most epic new year of all time