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7510207 No.7510207 [Reply] [Original]

Going to Sydney in a week for a week w friends

What do I do where do I hit up while my friends get king hit at king cross

>> No.7510210

like shopping or chilling

>> No.7510213

chinatown all day erry day my brother

>> No.7510220

Both b

Will prob stay in cbd

>> No.7510222

if you come to chinatown i'll hang w/ u just look for the asian with a hy dressed in all black i'll take you for some yogurberry m8

>> No.7510234

for shopping try harrolds, assin. and supply
chilling depends on what u wanna do, just go pub imo that's what I usually do (or someone's house but obv. that's mostly out of the question for u)
if u wanna club go to goodgod

>> No.7510268

Yeah nice thanks ill hit it up

recommened any chill af bars?

>out of the question

Not if I find where u live

>> No.7510274

Ill post when I get down there see if nyone want to chill

>> No.7510275

ok just find the golden tree and vocalize the mating call of an eastern bristlebird i'll fly down to hang w/ you.

>> No.7510280

Ok now I'm reluctant

>> No.7510284

it's how we aussies do it u noe what they say

when in rome, polish the chrome.

>> No.7510298

I usually go abercrombie but anywhere that isn't full of drunk bogans is good
courthouse in newtown is good too
I won't be in sydney when u are

>> No.7510312
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iight cheers

oh:( where you going

>> No.7510310

go out 2 castle hill n have a bevvy with me n abo thug

>> No.7510316


>> No.7510320

spain and italy

>> No.7510321

y not m8

>> No.7510331

Oi fuck nice
I don't want to be seen in public w abo

>> No.7510340

how old are you guv? and what kinda places tickles your fancy with regard to bars?

Sydney has all sorts mate.

>> No.7510348

19 hence the chill bar otherwise ill be out of place

Idk I want to experience Sydney a lot incase I move there next year

>> No.7510351

19 is old enough to do anything here.

>> No.7510365
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>> No.7510366

where are you guys from originally?

>> No.7510370


Yeah but being 19 In a really upmarket bar sucks I just wanna chill w homies

>> No.7510373

Like uuuuhhhh said the Courty at Newtown is chillax to the motherfucker. Mostly Newtown kids who are as alternative and art school as you can get. Loads of lesbians... but young uni lesbians.

Newtown Hotel also on King St is decent. If you head down on king st you'll come across Duke's Joint which is like a old speak easy NYC style.

But you're better off sticking around Darlinghurst/Surry Hills where you have Chingalings, Commons, Tios for the grungy feel, Eau de vie and Baxters if you like your cocktails.

goto Oxford Arts factory for some free live music and general partying vibe. You'll find plenty of places on Oxford st.

In the CBD areas, go check out Uncle Mings and Stitch and Gilt lounge.

There are also Merivale venues but I'm not a fan of the clientele they attract.

Avoid the cross if you can, but otherwise check out Candys apartment, Hugos (you better be dressed to the nth or with girls. You will not get in otherwiese) Kit and Kaboodle and even though it's still technically darlinghrust The Passage is great too. Just 40 metres from the coke sign

>> No.7510374

nobody will give a shtit, not like you look much different from a 20 smething year old.

>> No.7510376
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>reading aussie threads

>> No.7510378

stop shitposting please.

>> No.7510379

who are you

>> No.7510382

sshhh doesnt matter

continue talking about the land of shitposting

>> No.7510384

>tfw sydneyfag
>all my friends only go to the cross (the club, world bar, soho)
>tfw no other friends to actually go to places with live music and whatnot

>> No.7510385

>tfw no friends at all

>> No.7510386

are there any HC sydney /fa/gs in here

>> No.7510388

whats HC

>> No.7510394

ah my man

thanks mif this was what i needed
def checking out court, dukes and surry hills bars

cheers friendo

how is any of this bad u little freak meep

>> No.7510395

>the club


the place that markets itself as classy yet has stripper poles where 4/10s clubrats shake their fat assets around

>> No.7510396


fuck off faggot.

>> No.7510397

Listen to this cunt m8.

>> No.7510399

i fucking hate the cross... though i was in elizabeth bay for dinner and had to walk back to darlo through macleay... made eye contact with a few hookers and strippers...they ALL shyly smiled at me...

wished I could just hug them and make all the pain go away

>> No.7510401

>.they ALL shyly smiled at me

thats how they get customers

>> No.7510403

don't lie mif you wanted to drop a gram on them for a quick sucky sucky after a long night snorting coke during a coporate meeting.

>> No.7510404

>World Bar, SOHO and The Club

North Shore faggot detected. Your mates are shit and you probably all shop at General Pants and think you're sick cunts.

>> No.7510407

what's the best pub along the 438 route b/c the abercrombie is shutting down

>> No.7510409

projection much

>> No.7510411

I think the Argye is also a pretty chill place.

Whats your thoughts on the Baxter Inn Milf?

>> No.7510410

that feel when friends are going to Club pleb for nye

that feel when no parties

>> No.7510415

The Oxford Tavern (famous for its jelly wrestling and topless waitresses) just got bought out and renovated by the guys from the Abercrombie. It's pretty much Abercrombie 2.0. It's over in Petersham.

>> No.7510412

enjoy standing outside for about 3 hours before getting in

i had the misfortune (or stupidity) to go clubbing last nye, there were more people waiting outside to get in every single club

>> No.7510417

Nope, it's just that those are the only people who go to those places these days.

>> No.7510423

not even going to bother

will prob sit at home w xbox if there no parties
place will be seedy as fuck anyway

brisnerds hmu w party invite

>> No.7510424

well thats wrong because im not from the north shore and i know plenty of people who go there that dont live there either

>> No.7510427

No, I was clearly walking past them with a group of girls... actually you're probably right. Still, wish they had better chances.

I celebrated christmas with no snow by snorting a shit load of white.

We racked up lines to spell "Happy birthday Jesus" and took our turns.

Argyle is actually surprisingly decent. It's big enough that the dickheads get filtered out, fridays has a huge corporate after work crowd. But the weekends are usually decent too. You can pick up easy enough if you're not a scrub.

I'm a huge fan of whiskey but Baxters wasn't really my cup of tea. It's nice enough but Time Out has basically ruined every bar in Sydney by publishing them. There aren't any decent underground places anymore.

>> No.7510435

classic kasavin maneuver

>> No.7510432

Ah well, same shit people, different smell.
It's pretty much full of wankers that dress in the same clothing they got from General Pants, listen to Flume religiously thinking it will get them Triple J-tier hipster cred and love paying for overpriced drinks if it means they can stare at gross chicks munting hard.

>> No.7510438

i agree, but i dont identify myself as that, i just tag along because i have no other friends and i dont want to sit at home every night

>> No.7510436

I know the oxford but it's not on the 438 route

>> No.7510440

Those same guys do the Norfolk also worth checking out and Santa Barbara (right underneath the coke sign at the cross) where Piano room used to be.

>> No.7510439

>We racked up lines to spell "Happy birthday Jesus" and took our turns.

so edgy

>> No.7510443

Ah well, sorry if you took offence brah. Understandable. Why don't you hit up Oxford Art Factory or The Basement? They're both pretty good for live music and Good God Small Club occasionally get some alright acts in.

Maybe you need some new mates.

>> No.7510444

Oh man, i didnt realise it's been published. I've only been there a couple of times ages ago, but i really, really enjoyed it. Fucking loved the vibe.
I loved just wandering down a back alley then down this speakeasy's steps, same feel as finding Sneakerboy.

On a side-note, their sale is/was absolutely amazing, almost everything half price. Raf velcros for $250, pony hair geos for $600. spastic

>> No.7510445

>Maybe you need some new mates.

I don't get how you fags can say this. The crew I'm rolling with have been with me since high school, yet I'm to believe there's fuckers out there who dump and gain new friends so easily just like that?

>> No.7510446

Where are assin and supply?

>> No.7510449

>kasavin maneuver
That's lost on me i'm afraid

If I knew you cunts better i'd organised a /fa/ NYE party at the family waterfront mansion but instead it's just a NYE party for friends.

especially since 3 of us are Jewish

>> No.7510451
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>at the family waterfront mansion

>mfw this rich fuck

>> No.7510452

That's not exactly what I meant. It just means you can keep those friends and expand your friend circle so you can have different groups that you hang with that suit your tastes so you're not stuck doing the same thing all the time or talking about the same shit. It's not like there's a limit on how many friends you can have.

>> No.7510454

>mif is jewish


>> No.7510455

exact same situation shit sucks

hopefully it works out

>> No.7510457

I always bring this shit up when we've got a sydney thread going, but fuck there should be a sydney meetup sometime

>> No.7510456

Are you in Vaucluse?
I'm over that way for a party tomorrow night.

>> No.7510458

let's exclude mif i don't want an old looking asian dude with fuck w/ us, bad for appearances you know.

>> No.7510459

whats cool 2 do tomorrow 4 nye last day i'm here and no one wants 2 do things smh :~(

>> No.7510461

people change a lot when they leave high school

you'll find that out in 5 years

>> No.7510462

personally i'm looking for work which i should've done before xmas now all the positions are closed i'm a stupid fuck.

>> No.7510460

You're not dumping them as friends, rather finding new friends to do certain activities with. Having more than one circle of friends is a possibility, you know.

>> No.7510463

ill make a thread when im theer nerds if u want to hang

id def chill w mif doubt hed want tothough

>> No.7510464

It'd be cool if everyone was laid back and not dicks.
I can imagine half the people here would be going
>doesn't exclusively tricky ricky
despite it being 35 degree weather.

>> No.7510465
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>implying that wasn't obvious

>> No.7510469

Excluding people is p mean, anon. Eapecially since Mif is one of the most chill people to hang with.

>> No.7510470

if you didn't change w/ your friends, they weren't ur friends.

>> No.7510471

okay tell him to shave his fucking gross beard and i'll consider it.

>> No.7510475

jog on freak

>> No.7510477


stop bragging about your coke habit gramps its so fucking cringe

>> No.7510478

>must not wear any colour
>must be dressed in at least one tricky rick piece
>must smoke
>must drink
>height limit 5'11 for guys, 5'8 for grills
>must possess either a HY or manbun
>must be bisexual or have homosexual tendencies at the MINIMUM

what else is there to add?

>> No.7510480

The inability for you to grow facial hair is nothing to be jealous over, anon.

>> No.7510481


>implying friends are just a collective and not made up of individuals with individual thoughts and experience

>> No.7510482

>only lunarcore discussion is allowed

>> No.7510484

bitch i fucking shave every day.

fucking ena erry thread you dickride mif like you shot him out of your cunt yourself.

>> No.7510488


brother and sister

gooks stick together regardless

like sticky rice u know how it is

>> No.7510490

they aren't siblings

i think gf/bf or w/e.

>> No.7510494
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Sydney thread?

I'll take you guys to see the Yoko Ono exhib it's cool trust me b's :) :) went there for boxing day lotsa fun.

>> No.7510493

He seems like a chill dude. But he wouldn't come, someone would snap a pic of him and post it on the 4chins.
>hurr this is what mif looks like!!

I'd like to think everyone would be nice and chill. There would be a fair bit of judgement, but also lots of love for eachothers kit.

I guess I'll just have to dress as a grill
>tfw 5'9

>> No.7510495

i wonder why mif is so scared of being photographed?

are you an abo mif? do you believe they take away a piece of your soul?

>> No.7510499

lel i'm 5'8 bruv, will probably have to wear roshes on top of doc martens.

>> No.7510500

Shaving everyday can be damaging to the skin if you don't shave properly. I hopes you're using a moisturiser afterward.

>> No.7510502

what are you my mom go to bed.

>> No.7510506

I'm 6'3". For a pack of Peter Stuyvesant I'll let you sit on my shoulders. Supply enough slick rick cops and we'll look like an /fa/ giant

>> No.7510509

I may or not not get a hardon. Is that okay with you?

>> No.7510511

>tfw my boxing day cops were postponed delivery until thursday

why god why

>> No.7510512

ena are you autistic you type like an autistic person.

>> No.7510513

>tfw boxing day cops wont come till 3rd of jan

>> No.7510514

Just leave you freak

>thinks they're siblings
>thinks Mif is Asian

>> No.7510519

i bet mif looks hispanic since he's like half portuguese or something.

>> No.7510520



>> No.7510521

The 's' on the end of hope was changed by autocorrect, and something I didn't see as I don't proofread my posts.

>> No.7510523

i mean just the way you punctuate and shit and how flat you come off. If not autistic then a cold-ass bitch at the least.

>> No.7510525

Pre-drink at home man or find the best happy hour special going in your area
Bar Century used to be $3 drinks, then they upped it to $4. Worst feels. It's not like anyone went there for the lovely decor, scents or friendly bar staff.

But you're right. It's all about being in either of those places for 20 minutes, getting as fucked up as you can and leaving.

>> No.7510527

It's the latter.

>> No.7510530
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>mfw thanks to snapchat, tripfagging and general /fa/ threads I at least know what a bunch of you faggots look like if this meetup is ever going to happen

>> No.7510531
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Strong trend.
It's gona catch.

>> No.7510532

Fine by me, I don't wear underpants because it's uncomfortable, but if you do it'd be sweet, do the waistband tuck and you can have all the stiffys you like.

>> No.7510534

did you do that just for me?


>> No.7510537

why are so cold? can i warm you up bae?

>> No.7510538
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Fuck I miss snapchat. I'm getting a new iphone on wednesday. I'd like to re-add all you nerds.
Pc related: my phone at the moment, the "Egg"

>> No.7510539



>> No.7510540

Time out like to think they're on top of everything that's cool. But those cunts ruin all the nice places. I actually called the editor in chief a fuckwit at a party after I found out who he was. I was laughing whilst I did it, but seriously fuck him.

That sale was ridiculous. by 8am all the Geos had gone hahaha. Chris told me that he's placed the largest Adidas x Rick O order in the world apparently lol.

I got some ramones and was tempted by the Givenchy high tops... but they just ripped of DBSS and Jordans.

...still have one day to decide if I should go back for KVAs.


I've posted of my old mans place before.

would be nice, but there seem to be a fair share of wankers on /fa/ from Sydney, I would totally host one though since people are different on the internet after all.

Would have let TL stay at my place but after those few weeks where he was going bat shit insane, I'm not so sure anymore.

>>actually thinks I did coke on Christmas.

she's waaaay too good to be my gf

I'd be up for it.

hhaha I wish I was an Abo, then I'd have had all my education/health/everything paid for
>>did that come across as racist?

>> No.7510542


>> No.7510545

Let's face it mif, ena has a huge crush on you and you two should fuk already

>> No.7510546


>> No.7510566


Tbh as a suburban middle class guy I'm too intimidated to hang with you and your mansions and huge parties and rich drinks and runway models and shit.

>> No.7510567

I make a mean sangria.



I totally have a crush on her. I mean you've see her fits. she's pretty much waifu #1 on /fa/

I feel sorry for you, like when you see a dead cockroach swarmed by ants.

>> No.7510573

yeah but tbh for me face+personality>clothes.

ena seems like a boring person.

>> No.7510576

I know you're taking the piss since middle class suburban is me to a T.

>>mansion aint mine
>>parties are though
>>rich drinks? Is that a thing?
>>runway models ... i only hand with people that like going out for a good meal

>> No.7510577
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Really? Man that's pretty rad you know all these poeple. Do you think the rick adidas will sell well? When do they come out?
Fuck I want some Ramones, but I just want the canvas DRKSHDW ones

I was thinking long and hard about getting those Y-3's, pic related, but they didnt go on sale.

>> No.7510581

>>ena seems like a boring person.
seems weird you'd make that assumption without knowing much about her.

she isn't, I don't actually think you can be /fa/ without the personality part, like as in your outfits tend to be a reflection of who you are in someways.

She has a pretty face. Seriously pretty face.

>> No.7510584

I've seen you post m8, I don't think you know the definition of middle class.

>muh mansions
>muh coke lines
>muh models
>muh business meetings
>muh stock rates


>> No.7510585

I'd befriend you, you seem pretty level headed. What do you do with yourself?

>> No.7510587
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>She has a pretty face. Seriously pretty face.

Are you gaining something out of these meaningless complements?

>> No.7510588


>> No.7510589

They wouldn't have. They're the new drop... kinda hilaruous that ever other Y-3s went on sale but... no one is buying

The Rick x Adi will sell like fucking hot cakes. Simply because of the price point. Ricks name will overwhelm any criticisms about adi or build quality or whatever. They're arriving mid Jan. I don't know them per se on a personal level... well sort of... but mainly as a customer. I'm really sociable and like talking to people, cause sometimes if can turn a shitty day for a salesperson into a better one if a nicer customer comes along.

Another note, those Y-3s fit really close to true size... and every person that works in Harrolds and Sneakerboy seems to have a pair.

>> No.7510592

>She has a pretty face. Seriously pretty face.
post her face nerd

>> No.7510593
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>> No.7510598
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hey mif you've talked about paul harnden before
you've got the guap
how come you don't cop?

>> No.7510603

I like you Mif. Are you handsome?

>> No.7510604

I don't think you have.

>>coke lines... did you miss the part where I was taking the piss?
>>models... huh? I have beautiful friends. Sure.
>>meetings... you don't have meetings at your job?
>>stock rates ... what?

Hustle bruv. Making sure that time isn't wasted.

Yes, the satisfaction of telling it as it is.

You don't deserve to see it.

>> No.7510607

ok your dad has a fucking beach side mansion or some shit.

how is that fucking middle class. i bet you went to trinity or sydney boys high too.

>> No.7510611

Yeah, the dude at sneakerboy was decked out in all HBA etc with the Y-3's. he looked dope as fuck

>> No.7510612

Because I've never held any pieces in person. No one has them in Aus nor have I seen them in any place where I've travelled for work or leisure.

I get similar turn of the century tailoring pieces from Ann D and Yohji. Yohji's last AW collections have had coats and jackets that are along the same aesthetics that PH goes for.

Think of the opposite of handsome. That's me. But my awesome mum used to tell me I have a great personality.

>> No.7510619
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Eastern Market in Melbourne stocks him though - CCP and M.A+ too. You'll have to rock up in person though: I called, they don't take phone orders.
They stopped stocking Yohji this season ;_;

>> No.7510622

Well for one the class system doesn't exist in Australia as it does say in the UK. Also Middle class as a defined term encompasses a huge section of the Australian population. If you're talking about the segregation within that class due to something like financial circumstance then you're not really discussing class but a perceived inequality in our society.

>>trinity of sydney boys

... are you not from Sydney? Those two are very very different schools.

jesus yeah they stock HBA at SB.. that guy is actually pretty chilled... but I'd be lying if I said I liked what he wore. I'm just not into that whole HBA, Pigalle etc etc

>> No.7510625

lol look at you trying to argue you're not middle class via semantics.

also I said trinity's or sydney boys, not trinity of sydney boys.

>> No.7510628

I actually had no idea ANYONE in Aus stocked Yohji... I can tell you that no one in Sydney did... I've never heard of that store you mentioned cause I'm usually hanging with friends when I'm in Melbs.

How is the price point? I'm going to London in April and might pick up something there. I have a feeling as with most things here it'd be waaaaaay too high.

>> No.7510630

>sydney boys hs
>higher class
top lel.

>> No.7510634


come talk to me when your school isn't even in the top 100 atars.

until then us ACTUAL middle classers will hang.

>> No.7510638

Going to a selective highschool is different to attending a private highschool such as PLC. Selective schools are entered through a test, not money.

>> No.7510639

are you poor? it's ok to be poor. no i'm kidding, it's really not. envy is ugly.

>> No.7510640

if i see u im going to kiss u in 6 places

>> No.7510644

if you're smart and going to a sandstone/old school, you're upper class.

>> No.7510645

It's not semantics when you haven't stated a definition or we have not decided on one.

>>also I said trinity's or sydney boys, not trinity of sydney boys.
That was a typo.

You're not obviously not from Sydney if you're comparing Trinity and Sydney boys... or you didn't goto a school in the CAS or a GPS system... especially when you called it "trinity's"

I'm basically saying your assumption of middle class is flawed and we'd need to come up with a definition before we blabber on about it.

>> No.7510647

okay mif, mif.

ur dad owns a beachside mansion.

you are upper class. end of story.

>> No.7510649

>10/10 reference

>> No.7510651

>>you're upper class.

don't do that.

That's just fucking bullshit. It's rich cunts with money and power who are perpetuating this idea that an UPPER CLASS exists in Australia. It fucking doesn't. We're one of the most egalitarian societies in the western world. We're not perfect but saying dumb shit like that instead of fighting against is laying down your weapons.

I am no better than someone on an average income in a postcode with a lower median housing price. I am no better than someone who went to a state public school. Money doesn't make you classier nor does it imply than you can't be a member of society without money.

>> No.7510655

i dont no what its froim i saw it spray painted on edward street one time and burst out laughing

>> No.7510658
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mif mif mif.

you can talk like that when you no longer own a beachside mansion. if anything it's the rich cunts with money and power perpetuating that australia is an egalitarian society while you guys fuck models and drink expensive champagne out of golden toilets, nevermind the poor sods who live in government housings.

>> No.7510659

Were you CAS or GPS Mif?
I was CAS, my school got pumped at everything. You can probably guess where I went from that detail alone.

>> No.7510660

id muchrather have your mone than my money

>> No.7510661


see this >>7510651

I think we're done since I don't believe through those few comments you understand the implications about what you're suggesting.

FYI i went to a selective non government school.

Envy is ugly, but being "rich" isn't either.

>> No.7510666


shut up you cow

seriously never seen you contribute anything to this board but naff remarks

>> No.7510668


says the guy who's probably never been 10km south of sydney for anything other than business.

>> No.7510672

This just disgusts me. It's offensive on so many levels. I don't care if you're taking the piss.

So i'll leave that here.

hahah were you Waverley or Barker? It's been a while since I've been at school and I was GPS so never really competed against you lot aside from the odd tournament of the minds and inter debating bullshit.

I'd much rather that our definitions of happiness weren't financially related.

>> No.7510676

nah I went south in 2005 for a barbe and beers with mates.

We ended up having a bit of a yarn with a few middle eastern fellas.

>> No.7510683


>we ended up having a yarn with a few middle eastern fellas

wow truly hilarious mifune you've outdone yourself

>> No.7510686

Haha, some clever bastard! Still top lel reference though
GOAT Aussie pub rock band, fyi:

>Nevermind the poor sods who live in government housings
Actually, I think the main problem with those people is that Australia seems to have created a(n) - admittedly small, but still - group of people who exist to perpetually take advantage of the system, long-term (including government housing, concessions, dole etc.) with no desire to move on or better themselves or contribute to society in any meaningful way at all
I feel more for those people who do work and contribute, but can never earn enough to really free themselves from debt - working poor?

>never contribute to this board
>Apart from waywts
>And discussions related and unrelated to fashion
>And being one of the slim % of posters who actually help people who need it with anything other than invective
>top kek mate

>> No.7510685

>>confirmed for lebo scum

>> No.7510687

bro when are you going to stop trying so hard to be the """cool""" one here? all your snaps are all about how ""rich"" you are how "cool" your life is?the sad truth is that you are trying so so so hard to impress a bunch of 18 year old nerds that go to 4chan (because to be serious those are the only kind of people you would be able to impress irl with your "coolness").
If you are rich you definitely act like a noveau rich which imo are the trashiest and worst kind.

>> No.7510691

>my sides
>fuck leb cunts

fuck you that shit was funny

>> No.7510693

Cranbrook lad

>> No.7510717

He was obviously joking to lighten the mood
I'm actual middle class california, and this is just funny to watch
>self hating richboi
>envious poorfags/middleclass
eat the rich, right m8 croikey

>> No.7510719


>> No.7510721

i was talking about his attitude general.
hes what, in his middle or late 20s and yet trying so hard to impress a bunch of nerds here? pretty sad in my opinion

>> No.7510724

i think he's like 30.

>> No.7510733

I come here so I can feel like I have friends.

>> No.7510730

I think a lot of us are co dependant to this site in our way
Which is pathetic, yea

>> No.7510744

Wat you write dog

>> No.7510745

Sneakerboy has pretty great things. If you can stand the lux ballinciaga crowd though.

>> No.7510750
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>> No.7510776

There is A LOT of projecting here. Are your mom and dad really poor or didn't they give you what you wanted to Christmas? You sound like a little bitch complaining about how the rest of the world isn't down in the gutter with you.

Have you seen Mif's snapchats or are you talking out of your ass? They're hilarious and mostly him doing impressions of black ladies whilst taking a dump, a little disturbing sure but they're fun as heck. Why are you receiving his snapchats only to complain about them? Remove him, you seem like such a douchebag.

You're so much edgy with this emo bullshit. Grow up.

Let's hold hands

Who is sneakerboy?

>> No.7510780


that's a great Aussie rock band right there.

You just seem angry at the world. Why else would you be making judgment calls on people you don't know and things you don't understand?

Are you actually on my snapchat? Because you sound like you're talking complete shit since you haven't gone into specifics. But if you are, hey try this. Delete yourself from my friends list.

There we go mate. Problem solved. Sometimes, you can provide a solution for yourself.

Stop bitching about supposed "rich" people if you have no idea what it's like to be "rich", you're above that jealousy.

Jesus... have cranbrook gone down that bad? I just fucking checked the sports pages... Barker has won almost everything... WHEN THE FUCK DID THAT HAPPEN? Back in my day those cunts were just great at drama and nothing else.

Some of my closest friends were cranbrook boys.

It's sad that you feel so strongly about this yet can't choose to ignore it.

>> No.7510782

It's a store. They recently opened their doors in Sidney.

>> No.7510784

we cool.

and Sneakerboy is an online store with physical outlets... but you can't buy from the stores, you can try shit on but you have to order that shit online... so potentially you could like a pair of shoes in store and on your way to order someone else on the otherside of the world could purchase them and you end up with nothing.

... basically what happened with me and a pair or Ramones.


>> No.7510804

what a lovely thread

>> No.7510818

Mif sure attracts love and hate

>guy tries to give good advice on bars
>people are suddenly FUCK YOU RICH GUY
>top kek

>> No.7510821

Oooooooh well. I probably do take the bait too much.


report back when you've hit up some of the bars and tell me which ones you liked, I'll recommend you more based on your experiences.

>> No.7510831

tbh i dont see people hating him for being rich but for showing it off

>> No.7510849

yeah calling him upper class and laughing at himself for saying middle class has tiers and is a problematic term is all about him showing off. Pretending not to be hater is just sad.

>> No.7510854

God forbid people enjoy their money.

For the record Mif, i like your snapchats and you don't seem like a show off AT ALL. Thanks for adding me again.

>> No.7510858

>>but for showing it off
Don't parrot other people's crap please.

>> No.7510866

Since he started posting here, the only pics he has posted on /fa/ (and some on snapchat and yes I had him before) are pics of him showing off and also he has talked a LOT about how rich he is, how he goes to AMAZING PARTAYS where "obviously someone like you wouldnt even dream of being invited to" (i remembered him saying this to some anon once) amongst other things that truly shows how insecure and pathetic he really is

>> No.7510867

Fuck, haven't listened to those guys in ages, cheers mate
The Nips Are Getting Bigger best song though, so many late nights on rage

>Also Hunnaz reunion tour fuck yeah

>> No.7510891

hahaha I'm glad you have such a memory. I feel flattered.

I'm sensing soooo much jelly here.

I like how you crap on about how you had me on snapchat yet don't mention specifics and crap I never did like mention money ahah oh man.

Seriously, I'm glad you pay so much attention to what I write on a anime board. It shows that you're the opposite of insecure and pathetic.

top job mate.

>> No.7510900

I wish we appreciated out music legends more... it's like we don't give a fuck about them unless they've made it overseas.

>> No.7510906

>being this autistic and admitting to it

>> No.7510912

>dat damage control

>> No.7510915


Immature too, I see

>> No.7510919

I don't think you understand what damage control means. hahaha.

I'm gonna call someone out on their bullshit.

sounds like you're clawing back cause you realised you're too far up my arse.

>> No.7510933

mif wats ur snapchat?

>> No.7510935


But you're obviously the paragon of maturity that this board needed. haha ahh goodnight buddy.

Hope your choices take you somewhere you want to be.

Don't be this >>7510593

>> No.7510936


who cares you big gay fag, the only reason it elicits this reaction is because whatever hes doing makes u feel negatively about yourself.

>> No.7510954

yea thats cool i like that stuff

>> No.7510947

You probably wouldn't be interested. It's full of me showing off with yacht mansions and champagne models and me and famous people eating gold caviar served by public school kids.

>> No.7510957

I don't think he's going to get it since he actually thinks the problem is external.

>> No.7510977

srsly bruv

i want u inside my phone.

>> No.7510972

hahaha you're gonna be disappointed. It's mostly me posting stupid shit that will make you question my IQ.

>> No.7510982

Agreed, it's kinda sad that most people these days hear bands like Powderfinger, Silverchair, Birds of Tokyo etc. and haven't got a clue what old Aussie rock is
I mean, everyone knows the big 'international' acts, INXS, Cold Chisel, Icehouse AC/DC but you're right, apart from one or two songs people might recognise nobody gives a fuck about our music heritage

I mean, Hunnaz, Mental as Anything, The Church, Painters & Dockers, Hoodoo Gurus, TISM, Aussie Crawl, Split Enz + the Crowdies, the Easybeats, Dragon, Nick Cave, Paul Kelly, Midnight Oil (some of the best lyricists ever imo)
Fuck we're lucky to have such good music history

>This infomercial for all you Aussie fuccbois lurking who mightn't've heard any of this before

>> No.7510988

I'd catch the train down from newcastle for this.

>> No.7510998

I'll come down with you. awkward train bant for 2.5hrs

>> No.7511021

every single fucking australia thread

its like the annual new york riot in the seventies during summer
yall bunch of angry nerds

>> No.7511029

fair dinkum

>> No.7511026
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We can talk about fits and which trips are plebs.

>> No.7511051


Hot Damn on a Thursday night goes off

>> No.7511053

>Only Australian threads are like that

Cheers for reading m8

>> No.7511080

>hot damn

10/10 i chuckled

where the CBR boiz at

>> No.7511076

Come castle towers and go for darts with me and my mates.

>> No.7511089


>> No.7511092

what y'all doing for nye

>> No.7511096

2154 family right here

>> No.7511099

aboriginal thug
is that you?

>> No.7511100

I'm gonna goto Mif's point piper mansion and smooth talk my way through security

>> No.7511105

pre drinking than home probably, not goingto clubs w friends

what has my life become


>> No.7511107

Nope, but if you go to castle hill I probably know you. First name?

>> No.7511108

going to someone's house then going out wherever afterwards
can't charge on though I have to fly on wednesday

>> No.7511122

nah im from god's country (ACT)

>> No.7511125

i hope ur checking out portofino and the cinque terra or whatever in italy

its like a different time

>> No.7511128

tatlers - patrician club

>> No.7511129

No one lives there...

>> No.7511134

im so sorry

>> No.7511142
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>> No.7511154

idek no which hotel to stay in

whats good

surry hils or cbd or what

>> No.7511153


having a bbq at a mate's place and catching up with a bunch of friends i haven't seen in a while

should be fun

>> No.7511156

been there before
if u really want to experience a different time try living in my village in sicily

>> No.7511173

stay at the central station YHA

>> No.7511176

My girlfriend and I went there a weekend this year, all we did was root.

>> No.7511195

super funny

>> No.7511208

if you're only staying there for a night and don't have too much baggage it's a good option. i've stayed there like 5 times and every time there's some sort of party going on, it's fun as fuck
plus it's like $30 a night and i think you can get student discounts
also in v convenient location