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/fa/ - Fashion

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7502718 No.7502718[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What have you eaten today /fa/?

>1 coffee
>a delicious beef burger
>a turkish delight
>a juice box
>a cup of earl grey
>currently 5:20 in the afternoon

>inb4 fatty

>> No.7502744

Milk with chocolate whey
Two pieces of chicken breast
Another glass of milk and chocolate whey
And that's it.
More coffee

That reminds me I need to eat! The days almost done

Tbh I'm pretty drunk and have no appetite though

>> No.7502755

leftover pizza
pasta with smoked salmon

went for a long run tho

>> No.7502751

Also would fuck Winona Ryder

I thought that was her but I think that's Hathaway

Hathaway looks like awkward white girl
Winona would probably ride me like a little coke bunny
Fuck ahe got caught shop lifting so hot
Would fuck

>> No.7502753

1 tomato, 1 plum and a coffee

>> No.7502765
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winona is the best

>> No.7502769

>Bowl of cereal for breakfast
>Chicken strips for lunch
>some ethiopian food
>bout to eat a pomegranate

>> No.7502770

Im fairly sure thats Anne Hathaway, shes fine as fuck tho
weird bc usually i eat heaps, but the past few days ive hardly eaten any solids ( that burger was the biggest thing ive eaten, probably wont eat dinner) but I dont feel hungry at all.
Any ideas?

>> No.7502775

>some ethiopian food
So nothing?

>> No.7502778



>> No.7502785
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Not from me my friend
I eat lots of meat everyday
I believe in having a huge appetite, it's the best way to tackle life IMO

>> No.7502790

i have such an irregular eating pattern
i dont starve myself or anything but i only eat when i feel like it and thats at random times

in the past two days ive drank 12 water bottles and have eaten 4 cookies and a sandwich

sometimes i eat the whole 3 meals a day things like a normal person
idk im just hungry usually whats my problem

am i pregnant

>> No.7502797

arizona green tea
a bowl of frosted flakes
some edamame
cheese and crackers
brown rice & stir fried chicken and green beans
chocolate pudding pie

about to cook up a tombstone pizza and drink some yuengling

feels average, man

>> No.7502801

I bet you weigh 120 pda

>> No.7502804

chicken tikka masala
garlic naan
onion bhaji

feels good man

>> No.7502817

what are you doing drunk posting on fa, natalie

>> No.7502815

i weigh about 130 at 5'10

>> No.7502824

i don't eat out much because shit's usually so greasy but indian food is so good

>> No.7502826

vietnamese iced coffee
went yum cha and ate heaps
went to visit grandparents grave and had an apple
went home and ate two hot dogs
went yum cha again and ate heaps
here i am now
5'10 125lbs
fun tiems

>> No.7502827

OP hurr
I weigh 150 pounds at 5'10

>> No.7502834

>vietnamese iced coffee
Dalat hot coffee is fucking incredible

>> No.7502844

Steak in the morning
Got two burger's after workout (threw out buns).
Chicken salad for dinner
Some beef jerky my grandma made
Half an oat bar

Gotta hit up an indian buffet for a refeed day soon.

>> No.7502847
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g-good one anon

>> No.7502859
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Waiting for these girls to send me pcs because I can't drive ATM

>> No.7502864
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Chicken fried rice


Teriyaki bowl

I should probably workout too. Still skinnyfat

>> No.7502896

>around 10 glasses of water
>plate of pasta

I'm having kidney issues and am not sure what to consume besides a lot of water.

>> No.7502913

homemade bb

>> No.7502922

What an unusually terrible day, nothing I ate was good.
>homemade breadsticks
>iced coffee (tasted good, but upset my stomach)
>peanut butter toast

>> No.7502925

i'd cut meat out of lunch if you're looking to slim down
and have a bigger breakfast if you feel like you're needing to eat a lot for lunch/dinner
you can lose weight just from walking if you're not eating much

>> No.7502926

>whatever the fuck i want because ive still got bomb ass metabolism

>> No.7502930
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Fucking christmas sweets

>> No.7502929

is it noticeably better/different to decent regular coffee?

>> No.7502935

>chicken burger w/ french fries for lunch
>a corn based thing called "pamonha"

Fuck im getting fat

>> No.7502948

>have skinny family all on mums side
>never worry about what I eat bc fast metabolism
>get severe food poisoning
>loose HEAPS of weigh really quickly
>i remember looking down and being able to fit 3 fingers, vertically, in the gap between my hips and abdominal mucles and pants
>get better
>pack on weight
>fast metabolism gone and now have to worry about weight alot


>> No.7502945

i thought that too until i stopped eating junk shit and within a few weeks was visibly skinnier
i don't even feel like eating shit anymore

>> No.7502999

greek yoghurt and bananas fr b/f

french toast for lunch

a ciggie

two long blacks

ill skip dinner

>> No.7503018
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bowl of white rice
some strawberries and blueberries

>> No.7503040

Nothing. Being depressed fucking sucks.

>> No.7503047

bunch of chicken wings (honey)
shitload of water
little cube of fudge from co-worker
1 candy cane (strawberry)

feel full as fuck even though my only actual meal was ~12 hours ago I love fried chicken

>> No.7503106

Whats wrong anon?

>> No.7503115

>white rice
stop that

>> No.7503151

what's wrong bro?

>> No.7503319

Hmm.. lets see..

Woke up - 1/4 bottle vitamin water
No lunch
Dinner - Two slices of roast beef and steamed kale
Desert - Cup of hot chocolate, no sugar

..More vitamin water

>> No.7503325

>2 slices of pizza hut
>In-N-Out double-double with fries
>2 tamales
Gotta eat more if I want to get bigger.

>> No.7503881

65g of muesli
50ml 3.5% milk
120g yogurt
9g of chocolate

Its 2PM

>> No.7503909

1 Orange Lucozade..


>> No.7503943

some cashews
glass of water

>> No.7503945


its 1:30pm what should i eat

>> No.7503947


>> No.7503976

egg n cress sandwich

next meal gunna b vegtable soup

not gunna eat anythin else throughout the day so pissed

put on a couple pounds over xmas

so pissed

im still hungry skeleton at 9 and ahalf stone but m8 im so pissed

>> No.7503981

>egg n cress sandwich

swaggy im gonna go make one

>> No.7503983

you can't loose weight from walking
if an hours walking puts you -100 you'd have to do like 3 hours a day to make a difference fuck u

>> No.7503990

oat with semi skimmed milk
protein shake

beef and rice
2 milkyway bars

almost 2pm

>> No.7503992

some oats + milk
beans on toast

>> No.7503999

5:48 AM reporting in. Nothing so far. Debating if I should finally go to bed, which I won't.

>> No.7504007


>> No.7504059

200g oats + 400 ml oat drink
1 egg
3 apples
250g salmon + 100g brown rice + lettuce
1 banana
200g chicken

>tfw when cutting

>> No.7504139

>cup of tea
>full English

>its 2:35

>> No.7504172

If you're eating coffee I think you're making it wrong.

>> No.7505400

yea hopefully you're working out too and not just eating big or else you'll get fat..

>> No.7505420

2 coffees
eggs benedict
half a pancake