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File: 81 KB, 612x612, 1384722510397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7498842 No.7498842[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Alright, so what are these dresses called, any certain brand that sells them etc.

>> No.7498845

american apparel

>> No.7498850
File: 167 KB, 1024x1024, 1384721953228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping with more.

>> No.7498871
File: 1.13 MB, 841x755, 1384722390697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck does one search for one of these online..

>> No.7498893
File: 65 KB, 405x960, fajzTHS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for loli

>> No.7498888

american apparel tit windows

>> No.7498891

they're called slut dresses

>> No.7498905
File: 53 KB, 749x644, 1383071445575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gloria V dress

>> No.7498909

This is what I was looking for, thank you.

>> No.7498918

how is she loli

>> No.7498913

They look so fucking trashy.
would not be attracted to / 10

>> No.7498920

>slut shaming
B^) ahah ur basic

>> No.7498960

looks 14 face-wise

>> No.7498977

Sluttiness is a social construct

It's perfectly acceptable for you fuccbois to want to fuck every attractive person you see

But if a girl fucks more than X number of guys (a number you pull out of your ass) then... slut!

>> No.7498979

Rest of 4Chan loli, not /a/ loli.

>> No.7498984

how is 14 loli

>> No.7498994


>> No.7498997

see >>7498979

>> No.7499003

if a key unlocks many locks etc etc

>> No.7499006

key and lock m8

>> No.7499045

I've heard this before, but can you say the whole thing i don't remember

>> No.7499076

oh lord gloria Vs make me want to rape and kill each of these girls except the loli whose gloria v doesnt fit right

>> No.7499069


>> No.7499072

Woman is like a lock, dudes are like keys.

A key that can open many locks is good. A lock that gets opened by many different keys is bad.

Basically though men will have sex with anything. The effort is put into the man, getting sex from a woman is marginally more difficult than it is for a woman to get sex. Basically women take the burden of slut shaming because men will have sex with anything

>> No.7499095


If a key unlocks many locks then it's a nifty-ass key
If a lock is unlocked by many keys then it's just a shitty lock

Of course this is just an analogy which doesn't relate to sex in any way, and is only told because it reinforces the perceived value of female chastity in society

>> No.7499097

>Implying its acceptable to womanize
Weak willed, man without a strong partner, exposed, etc.

Having 1 partner, who fulfils your desires, while remaining desirable to others, is much more admirable, and fulfilling.

>> No.7499102

>except the loli
>not wanting to tenderly love her

>> No.7499115

can you fuckers take your bullshit to /r9k/ ??

>> No.7499123
File: 851 KB, 841x755, wtfthisshitt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some weird/nasty looking bulge, what the FUCK is that?

>> No.7499131

>Woman is like a lock, dudes are like keys.
lmao is this 2008 facebook

>> No.7499140

thanks dear oldfag
what would we do without you

>> No.7499133


thats the mons pubis, jesus fa show your virginity a little more obvious plz

>> No.7499148

you mean she has a dick? I never fucked a trap before (im not gay) but ive seen traps before (this is 4chan afterall), so sftu

>> No.7499150

wtf what are you on about

>> No.7499147

If we stopped calling girls who get laid sluts and started calling them legends we'd all be getting laid a lot more

>> No.7499159

youre joking right

>> No.7499166


yes you are gay because youve never seen a woman naked before, christ alive

>> No.7499168



Mons pubis means the pubic mound.

Google it.

When your parents arent home.

>> No.7499187

ive banged girls before but ive never been with one that had a fucking GIANTT BULGY vagina man. And i probably wouldnt even date a girl that had a bigger bulge in her pants than me so drop it.

yeah, good one...

>> No.7499198
File: 495 KB, 194x172, 1370419887765.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this man is a genius

>> No.7499200



>> No.7499201


forgot to say that a bulgy vagina is still gross/weird, thats def not normal.

>> No.7499207


well you sound like a red blooded make

>> No.7499214

not even once

>> No.7499224

No he's an idiot. They'd just be banging 8/10 hunks more readily and openly.

>> No.7499226

epic edge
go watch amazing atheist nerd

>> No.7499227

ahah u never seen a girl naked huh

>> No.7499231 [DELETED] 
File: 1.20 MB, 500x281, 1377017686685.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao this is the consumer base 4 bucket hats rite here lmao ahahahahahah weak
My gf is 13 and even she agrees bucket hats r lamesauce

>> No.7499239


>> No.7499240

yeah thats stupid
its arbitrary whether a vagina is a key or a lock
did you ever even consider this stupid-as-fuck argument?

>> No.7499252

>My gf is 13 and even she agrees bucket hats r lamesauce
>my gf is 13

feggot pls

>> No.7499264

ew gross ))): a fat-protected pelvic bone ))): disgusting diet that thing )): ugh girl don't touch me with ur vageen

>> No.7499318

yeah totally fat girl response, "im fat but i cant help it , its natural and healthy", even though ur vagina looks like you have a dick tucked into ur ass. Loose weight cause thats really freaky looking.bye

>> No.7499484

>ive banged girls before

no you have not

>> No.7499496

So you've only been with anorexics?

>> No.7499511

ok fine, i've never banged a girl before. that bulge just looks weird

>> No.7499521


thank you. and yes you dont expect it to be there but literally every girl has one.

>> No.7499529

i just find that so hard to believe. in all the pornos that ive seen, there isn't a trace of a bulge or anything there.

>> No.7499536

>having no grasp of evolution


>> No.7499593


Evolution is hardly a defence for placing women in some position where they shouldn't have sex. Evolution doesnt account for contraception.

>> No.7499833

Yeah it doesn't have anything to do with keys going into locks like dicks go into pussies, it's more that society percieves female sexuality as much more valuable than male sexuality. It's guys' goal to have sex with as many girls as possible and girls' goal to save themselves, so that's where an "unlocking" analogy works.

>> No.7499939

It's not that they can't have sex.

It's that getting sex is nothing praise worthy for a woman because it's too fucking easy since everyone wants to fuck you.

For men they actually have to take risks and work for it, so it is considered an achievement.

A woman just has to look somewhat presentable and spread her legs. Not admirable at the slightest. In fact having too much sex works against them as it just means they are easy whores who will sleep with anything.

>> No.7500270


oh man... my sides...

this guy hahahahahaha

>> No.7500295

I wonder if it takes girls time to perfectly position their tits in these.

>> No.7500302

oh definitely. Was out with a girl who wore this once. They have to tape over their nipples first (because if they stretch their arms left or right...nip slip hello) and they hollywood tape it cause no bra.

Even if a girl had perfect perky titties, they'd still need to tape the nipples

>> No.7500307


women shouldn't be considered the permissive party in consensual sex tho

females as being "keepers of the key" is a pretty unhealthy gender role in general.

inb4 feminist

>> No.7500308

Is this a meme now?

>> No.7500317

>want to fuck

>> No.7500328

How the fuck is that an unhealthy gender role. It's the gender role they've played since existence.

>> No.7500339


it encourages dudes to be unhealthily trying to coerce a girl into having sex

it encourages the #thirst and rape, as well as overly traditional sense of masculinity

i fuckin hate the terms "rape culture" and "slut shaming" but there is truth to what they're saying

>> No.7500337

yeah but women have had a bit of a fucked time for most of historu

>> No.7500338

m8 we aren't hunter-gatherers any more

>> No.7500340


>> No.7500349

reminds me of this lel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTn3eJG87IQ

>> No.7500355

girl on the right in >>7499123 is wearing a bra. not perfectly, but i think it could be done subtly enough to look good.

>> No.7500371


you're never going to get laid if you're this bitter and have all this unwarranted hatred towards women.

ps-if all girls are sluts how come none of them are slutty enough to fuck you?

>> No.7500415
File: 5 KB, 222x196, 1296716023213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because they're also bitches

>> No.7500457

even though im a virgin, i still wouldnt fuck this girl. even if she approached me for sex, i still wouldnt take the chance. she looks like she smells like booze and piss, and that she has the IQ of .6

>> No.7500465

>unwarranted assumptions-the post

>> No.7500476

ur a bitchboi m80
How the fuck is oppressing gay people unhealthy we did it ages ago
How the fuck is leaving the african plains healthy, we've been here ages
How come y'all wanna leave our cave we've been here as far as we can remember
fuq u

>> No.7500481

I like u
sluts who'll fuck anyone but bitches who won't fuck you (was this a joke? sorry if it was)

>> No.7500486

Yes you would

Right now you're just tipping ur fedora

>> No.7500494

are you trying to fucking reincarnate sieg heil?
fuck ass nigga

>> No.7500508

actually I'm kinda thinking she wouldn't fuck you, not that you wouldn't fuck her
dumbo, you're failing

>> No.7500509

she's wearng a bra cause they're obviously in a change room and trying something on.

But you're right. I'm sure you could wear a bra that could work with it. I've only ever seen someone wear this IRL once... and the looks she copped from the public bhaha.

>> No.7501109

This is my fetish.

>> No.7501371

Is it weird that I became more sexist after I started getting laid?

>> No.7501517

*tipping intensifies*

>> No.7501539

>implying you're a virgin by choice.

>> No.7501608

this reminds me of mai wifu kuroneko~~

>> No.7501653


>> No.7501664


>> No.7501674

>being this much of a virgin

>> No.7501679

>even if she approached me for sex
woah m8 don't get ahead of yourself

>> No.7501680

WIll I fuck a girl who has sex with a lot of guys? Yes. Dating her is another story.

>> No.7501884


Nope. You don't discover women's deviousness until after they've infested you with eggsacs.

>> No.7501910

bottom line is having a lot of sex is pretty lame, male or female.

idk personally I only wanna share shit like that with people I really care about

call me gay or whatever but you gotta draw the line somewhere. i guess I just like placing value in some things

nothing better than sex with someone you are connected with

>> No.7501922

sounds like low testosterone

>> No.7501923

i feel this
>tfw could have had sex with 20+ girls but chose to only have sex with 3 because i value sex as an emotional connection, not just a release

>> No.7501928

>idk personally I only wanna share shit like that with people I really care about

>> No.7501930



tfw never had sex with a girl i've felt for

tfw haven't felt for a girl since i was 15

>> No.7501963
File: 99 KB, 461x713, 1384646388958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh dick

>> No.7501977


she wants me

>> No.7501982

fuck that anime
anime writers always seem to find a way to ruin things
I learned to like the show only to be fucked in the ass by the ending

>> No.7501986

Feel the same way

I was fwb with a girl, hadn't had sex in years. Even though she was calling me up all the time for a fuck after about a month I didn't even want it anymore. It just felt weird to blow your load and just leave. At least it wasn't worth the 30 minute drive to her place.

I havent had sex in a year and I'd probably wouldn't really work for it if it was just some random ho

>> No.7501998

>anime writers
It was based off of a light novel. The anime people had no say in the ending.

>> No.7502257

and reading this thread about these girls? I'd go after both them, even if they did have dicks.
maybe more so

>> No.7502278


good point m8 I forgot how the fact that a key is somewhat phallic makes the key and lock analogy not a giant piece of shit. now I'm gonna go not get laid just like you

>> No.7502312

Gloria V suits my nigga

>all these images make my dick twitch

>> No.7502336

wanna be gay together anon?

>> No.7503129
File: 147 KB, 600x1028, 1388305467039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking casuals

>> No.7503140

#SwagIsForBoys #ClassIsForGentlemen

>> No.7503169

>decent amount of vagina visible

do people wear these outside?

>> No.7503175


yeah i see them all the time

>> No.7503179

Is anyone else all boned up from all this talk of bulging vaginas?

>> No.7503412

insert mesh dresses or leotards, try to search it

>> No.7503430

I am hella horned up

>> No.7503432

that dress is hid ee us

>> No.7503724

But that only explains society's hypocritical attitude to sluttiness but doesn't excuse it.