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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 147 KB, 620x387, city_2582567b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7493178 No.7493178[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Make it happen, London /fa/ggots!

>> No.7493195

I'm scared.

>> No.7493191


>> No.7493205
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Abbey Wood / Waterloo East station commuter represent

>> No.7493212

Let us witness this thread's inevitable death.

Londoners are pussies.

>> No.7493228

Anything artsy/effay happening in London next weekend?

>> No.7493226

Im down

>> No.7493232
File: 76 KB, 687x1000, excellent formal attire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm an american staying in london for a few months, and i will glady attend any event hosted while i am here. perhaps the fashionable citizens (technically you're subjects, but let's not get semantic, chums) of this fine nation appreciate class more than the swagfags of america due to their history and the incredible dignity of the british empire. hope to see you guys soon.

>> No.7493236

>not swagfags
*tips fedora*

>> No.7493245


I won't be in London before the 31st of January though. I'm currently in Scandinavia.

Something about your text smells rotten. Are you living in the Paris Garden building?

>> No.7493246

birmingham here
might b in london

>> No.7493259

I would be quite interested in debating the existence of what pleb calls 'god' my dear sir.

>> No.7493280

lets just meet up and take drugs n go to fabric or boiler room

boiler room would b sick

>> No.7493281

I guess it's enough time to think about the meetup and maybe choose some event most of us would like to attend.

>> No.7493297
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>tfw living in the fashion deadzone that is Norwich
>tfw I can afford to buy a really nice place in London, but I can't justify it atm

this aint a feel i want to be feelin son

>> No.7493304

you can buy me a studio anon
I will say good things about your fits

>> No.7493315
File: 406 KB, 500x750, tumblr_m6vfkcxFAW1qiaenuo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lewisham guy here, Bo ningen are playing at cafe OTO on tuesday, both as /fa/ as fuck. Was thinking about going. Also would anyone be up for hitting up shops around carnaby/oxford street?

>> No.7493331

I wish I could m8 but i need all my money for my racing career atm

>> No.7493337

Just curious which zones are all of you from.


>> No.7493334

Yeah I guess you're right.
I'd love to go man, but then again read>>7493245

Flight has been booked already

>> No.7493338

boiler room is invite only i think fucciboy

but I fucking love house music so would b down

>> No.7493346

Greenwich here, I wish I had the balls to come. I saw Xaviers play not long ago and had tickets for Bo Ningen at Scala but didn't go.

>> No.7493347


u can get tickets

>> No.7493350
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Ministry of Sound
I fucking love the Deep House they once played in the main room. Greatest night ever

>> No.7493356

Im in. W2c your numbr

>> No.7493361

Has anyone got Whatsapp or Viber?

Don't have UK sim card on me

>> No.7493363



>> No.7493378

New Yorker here, honestly want to see how will this end up. :^)

>> No.7493379

post pics of previous london meetups

>> No.7493415
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>> No.7493412

imagine burial at boiler room tripping on mdma


>> No.7493420

As far as I know there has been none. I'm a newfag though.

>> No.7493421
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>> No.7493424

Is this real???

>> No.7493431

Nah, it's a reddit meetup at London, Ontario. Not even the London in UK.

>> No.7493440

lol 2010 was a good one
this one is pretty old now, 2008 not a great year but we all had a good time

>> No.7493444

Whts ur number ill msg you tomorrow

>> No.7493435
File: 104 KB, 716x960, tfw no gf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7493436

remember youre on 4chan
its people like that all around here

>> No.7493448

wow, epik troll! XD

>> No.7493484
File: 83 KB, 765x1024, BTbOO15IMAAjgzU.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill make a whatsapp group if u gay lords post ur numbers

>> No.7493487


>> No.7493501

I swear, atleast one person has to show up with full ninja goof , geobaskets etc. If noone does im would be fucing sad.

>> No.7493521

yhhhh might install whatsapp again just 4 this

>> No.7493541

>what's app
only in london, lmao

>> No.7493550

>this no name namefag from buttfuck nowhere

>> No.7493553


>> No.7493563

I-is anyone paki here?

>> No.7493572

paki aren't effay

>> No.7493573

remove kebab

>> No.7493580

pls shower

>> No.7493583

are u gonna punch me for drinking alcohol
if not we are cool but otherwise jog on

>> No.7493587


do it phaggot

>> No.7493602

I-i swear I am effay. I wear geobaskets and skinny jeans ;_;

I'm clean I swear. I shower twice a day and use deodorant.

No sir. In fact I drink when I'm not with my family.

>> No.7493621

>No sir. In fact I drink when I'm not with my family.

what part of ldn?

>> No.7493622

are you going to kill everybody because theyre homosexual?

>> No.7493628

are you ok /w women's rights?

>> No.7493633

hopefully no women turn up

>> No.7493639

I'll be in London tomorrow! with my mum

>> No.7493641

le this
would be a vibe killer

>> No.7493640

Why. Do you carry spaghetti in your pockets?

>> No.7493647

yes because you couldn't epically rail against feminism and call girls sluts

can u not talk to women little autist boy?

>> No.7493651

I went to uni in norwich, it's not that unfashionable, there's plenty of students there. i'm in york at the moment and it's basically the same. the locals are terrible in norwich though.

>> No.7493652

what's your problem
i don't hate women and shit like that
but all men meetup would be the best meetup
are you insecure about something

>> No.7493655

>but all men meetup would be the best meetup

>> No.7493656

Aah yeah I guess you're right

>> No.7493657

changes the group dynamic for the worse
stop projecting your strawman or go back to tumblr

>> No.7493653


no because theres always certain faggots who will start acting obnoxious and extra loud to get the girls attention

>> No.7493659

because >>7493653

>> No.7493660

*tips fedora*

>> No.7493658

this, it always happens and is always super obvious

>> No.7493663

Are people exchanging numbers/whatsapp? Just installed whatsapp again

>> No.7493665

>go back to tumblr
epic !

>> No.7493672

Well I gave out mine: >>7493487
And wrote down >>7493363

>> No.7493670

epic rebuttal sir
*flips trilby*

>> No.7493673

my diamonds yellow like jackie chan
my ring yellow like jackie chan

>> No.7493676

I can see my work in OP's pic. anywhere in the City is good for me.

>> No.7493682

w-we can go to the winter wonderland g-guys

>> No.7493680


London is the fedora of big ass cities

>> No.7493685




>> No.7493686

in what way?

>> No.7493687


yeah i made a group post your number


i texted you but you never responded

>> No.7493705
File: 22 KB, 949x400, michaelmoonswag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you want invite to whats app group text me on


i am not organizing anything though just making a group don't rely on me

>> No.7493706

your work?

>> No.7493709

I didn't receive anything? try my temporal danish number instead:

+45 60168041

>> No.7493719

Texted you

>> No.7493717


>> No.7493747

I'm scared to go to a meetup with fellow anons. Convince me please.

>> No.7493754

Same here, I'd spill spaghetti everywhere and couldn't lurk /fa/ anymore because of the shameful display

>> No.7493765

Our knives aren't that sharp. And we'll use drugs to numb the pain.

Nah don't worry dude just drink a bit before kek

>> No.7493770
File: 9 KB, 300x75, 1383768767716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've requested a whatsapp invite

I reckon I'd prefer this over the snapfam, don't really get to know anyone from snapchat

>> No.7493789
File: 1.65 MB, 3920x2940, DSC_0348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you the one who invited me? What's your name mate?

>> No.7493795

Work for a high profile German investment bank so I think not. A load of kids in fedoras waiting outside would not look good, you'd be mistaken for the Occupy movement. Anywhere near is good though, lots of great bars if you don't mind the somewhat exorbitant prices.

>> No.7493865

so... you're all talking on whats app or is it just this thread that is dead

>> No.7493896
File: 383 KB, 328x592, thanks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

paging carebear
paging carebear
carebear wer r u

needs 2 b at least 1 guaranteed cute boi ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ

>> No.7493902


carebear wouldnt go because he cant keep up his fake epersona in actual real life

>> No.7493918
File: 161 KB, 500x279, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute bois dun need to front (ง ´︶` )ว

>> No.7493921


same reason u wouldnt go to a meet up aswell

>> No.7493933
File: 1.35 MB, 1360x768, hit it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r we pretending i havent got drank w/ anons (ง ͠° ل͜ °)ง

>> No.7493956


turnleft its fucking well known that you samefag conversations with yourself

ive seen it so many times., u havent met up with anyone lmao

>> No.7493962

>tfw live in london.
>tfw staying at parents until im back on work on the 6th jan
>tfw wouldnt go to london /fa/ meetup anyway
>tfw pleb and don't have any money to spend on clothes.

>> No.7494017
File: 16 KB, 686x526, skitz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know if that's true
i do suspect i am a skitz tho so mayb

check out this elaborate email system i have were i email myself to ask if i want drinks w/ myself •ᴥ•

>> No.7494121

m-me too

>> No.7494136

same lol

>> No.7494138

>tfw searching these peoples numbers on Facebook


>> No.7494158

I went to London for the first time a few weeks ago and went into COS and pretty sure I saw at least two guys from /fa/ in there (they were wearing the uniform).

>> No.7494166

>search one of them
>he is actually wearing a fedora in his pp

Fucking ell

>> No.7494181

post them

>> No.7494183
File: 27 KB, 839x706, 1382742945586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Search my number
>No results

>> No.7494192

and I almost wanted to meet up

>> No.7494206

It only works if they have their number on their profile. I would stay up and lel but its fucking 2:26

>> No.7494224

>tfw really want to go to a Fashion meetup, but still fat and progress is too slow for me to face seeing effay minded people irl

>> No.7494232

anon im fat too and i dont care
i dont want to be a model

>> No.7494692

i know that feel except replace fashion meet up with 'outside'

>> No.7496850

You faggots know if there's anything happening in London today?

>> No.7496870

yo guys if youre going boiler room i rly wanna go

only got a couple /fa/ friends but i mainly wanna go to find a /fa/ qt grill to fuck

also i sell drugs so if u want weed or mandy can sort that

>> No.7496938

>all this talk about boiler room, no idea about london clubs


>> No.7496946

Nah, nothing going on today.

>> No.7496964

im this guy

i dont live in london m8 been livin in bournemouth fr 3 years

what are the cool clubs in london? please dont say fabric or xoyo

>> No.7497000

how much for drugs

>> No.7497010

this is a bit bait rly

but if this goes ahead i might come and ill say then

>> No.7497062

any idea if this is day/night
I work nights but I would genuinely get time off to go boiler room and take md with you faggots

>> No.7497067

I'm not from london but would be interested in doing this

>> No.7497075

as long as you fags are only slightly weird and not full on creeps

>> No.7497082

me again gunna use a trip for this thread cos it might be needed

how old are most of you? 22 here

>> No.7497105


>> No.7497260

im fat
can i come?

>> No.7497292

fucking knew i cant ;((

>> No.7497300

How to find a qt to marry to get a citizenship if you are NOT in London?

>> No.7497304

kebab go away

>> No.7497308

i'm white

>> No.7497341

>tfw not back in London til uni on Jan 13th

H-have fun guys

>> No.7497348

hold tight the abbey wood mandem,
belvedere where you @

>> No.7497364

Any LSE fuccbois up in here?

>> No.7497451

In Denmark lol
e-mail me your number though. i'll text you on whatsapp or viber, for when I come back in Feb.

>> No.7497453



aslong if ur not fat and loud

>> No.7497470

don't have either yung homie
sorry to stunt on your parade

>> No.7497495

do you know someone called lorena

or anna

>> No.7497503


i no someone called Anna in my halls but she is probs a different one, I'm first year m80

is she qt tho?

>> No.7497510


she is first year

what about a kid called joey chong

>> No.7497527


Anna geatrell? She is v non qt

Joey sounds familiar but that's probs just cause Asian name lel. I'd probs only no them if they were in my halls (passfield)/classes tbh

>> No.7497721

Why study in chinatown?

>> No.7497740


b/c prestige and banking money

>> No.7497762

Oxbridge breh

>> No.7497867


Don't do my course.

Also who'd want to live in Oxford/Cambridge when u can live in London

>> No.7497869

Might be down for Boiler room or fabric, get @ me on kik.

>> No.7497943
File: 91 KB, 600x849, MCDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best night of the year.

>> No.7498270

the whatsapp group is pretty trill

>> No.7498413

who /imperial college/ here

also fug, if you guys are going boiler oo mmmm get me on the guest list and i'll supply all the drugs you want

tfw no whatsapp

>> No.7498427

if this does happen would anyone want to calvin klein it with me? way too much md chat in this thread and my serotonin is at 0%

>> No.7498434


download it ufucking mongrol

>> No.7498452

>calvin klein it
what does that mean

>> No.7498493

Doesn't boiler room only last for as long as one DJ's set?

>> No.7498514

Imperial is like the least effay uni in London. Huge STEM saugasefest.

>> No.7498526
File: 40 KB, 634x346, ew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this really happening? Can't imagine hanging out with a bunch of autists.

>> No.7498538

he wants to have gay sex

>> No.7498550

UEL/Greenwich dunce detected

>> No.7498565


im at university east london study golf management very good

>> No.7498887


how does it feel to not go to LSE sub-human scum :^)

>> No.7498935

How does it feel like to not go to UCL? :^)

>> No.7498969


lel u must be aving a laff m80 as if i would want to go anywhere near that poly shithole

>> No.7498973

How does it feel to not go to Royal Holloway? :^)

Kill me.

>> No.7498995
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rumpel dumpling goes there

>> No.7499008
File: 23 KB, 385x325, 1363969855516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Royal Holloway

>> No.7499014


How does it feel like to not share a uni with Christopher Nolan?

>> No.7499019

let me suck your toes

>> No.7499029

I want to study at Royal Holloway now.

>> No.7499030


How does it feel like to not share a uni with JFK?

>> No.7499042


pick one

>> No.7499043


>not effay

>> No.7499285

the whatsapp group is actually jokes

>> No.7499393

This thread is long and i can't be arsed.

Catch me up guys.
When is the meeting?
Where exactly in london?
Is there wassapp group already?
20 y/o reporting in

>> No.7499518

>Funny story

I'm the guy that posted about holloway, and I 'made' (cropped from some daily mail photo of a fat women and posted on a different board) the pic you just posted to mock me.

>> No.7499545

Coke x Ketamine. Don't recommend it tbh

>> No.7499757

so does anyone even know how to get on boiler room guest list

i thought it was invite only like, friends of the artist and shit

the person in the know needs to post a date/night to go to itt

then we can go from there

>> No.7499933


>britfags trying this hard
>Copying anything the arctic monkeys wear

>> No.7500099


so there's a boiler room coming up in london next month. benji b deviation thing with zomby and his label cult soundsystem

i'm on the guestlist and i could probably get 2 people in with me if there's anyone that wants to come with me and my gf..

>> No.7500124

how exclusive is it man? how did you get on gl?

id go and giv you and your honey some droogs

>> No.7500129

Ket with a stimulant is fun

I find ket by itself to just chill me out

>> No.7500130

i think that a fedora would look excellent with your taste in fine jackets and blue jeans good sir.

>> No.7500128


get all of us in u bender

>> No.7500175

i used to go school with one of the guys on zombys label (prayer)

he got me a +3

i think it'll be fairly exclus as zomby doesn't do gigs often and this is the first time his label is doing something

>> No.7500181

B^) jealous isn't /fa/

>> No.7500182

obviously fancy dress, think they're going for the 'Grease' T-birds.

>> No.7500239

p-post screenies

>> No.7500737

sounds p dope man you know a date?

>> No.7501008

lol i was lying breh

made you believe xD stay mad faggot