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File: 82 KB, 768x1024, cCJ2w5bh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7466409 No.7466409[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7466419

oh my god.
might as well get rid of it all

>> No.7466424

Shave it off. You'd look fine as long as you grow your facial hair out a little more

>> No.7466426

be thankful for your skull shape and just get rid of it all

>> No.7466430

shave that facial hair mang, it's gonna take a few years for that to look good

>> No.7466438

yea thats past the point of no return man. u should have started minoxidil and proscar regiment once u noticed u were receding. its game over for ur hair now..

>> No.7466443

>minoxidil and proscar

Is that a real thing?

>> No.7466444

you look like a mii

>> No.7466448

jesus christ thank goodness i don't know that feel

>> No.7466449


>> No.7466453

idk why but I find this dude really enchanting

>> No.7466461

yea 5% minoxidil u can get from walmart or wherever for like $50 a year supply. proscar need a prescription. that combo together will at the very least halt ur hairloss and in many cases grow some of it back

>> No.7466458

that is not OP, picture has been posted many times before

>> No.7466465

Ah this picture again.
I used to feel the same way. Then I got a shorter haircut and it turned out it was all un my mind

>> No.7466777
File: 269 KB, 464x700, Takanoyama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you considered becoming a sumo wrestler?

>> No.7466785

Looks like the alchemist from Holy Mountain.

>> No.7466786

thats a weeaboo

>> No.7466809
File: 32 KB, 595x488, raymond_duncan_at_80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love this

>> No.7466807

whats up shakespeare

>> No.7466883
File: 182 KB, 1024x683, 2012-09-15-sumo-48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah he's really committing to the look

>> No.7466887

it looks fine

>> No.7467764

>5star forehead,not even balding
>have same hair line as op
>have huge head
>fat face

at least you look good compared to me

>> No.7467913

same here, but i've solved this pertty well.
get rid of the hair on the side.
and comb the top hair to a side.
works well for me. would post a picture but kind of impossible now.

>> No.7467917

pretty well*
sorry i'm a language retard today

>> No.7467984

dope as fuck

>> No.7468106

Not OP but in a similar position. I'm still early and not as far as him but I never considered using Minox/Propecia due to 2 factors:
1. If you use Rogaine/Minox, you have to keep using it forever which is expensive and if you stop all of a sudden then hair loss will intensify.

2. While it is a rare side effect some men become permanently impotent. And my catch phrase is I'd rather be bald and fap alone rather than get a full head of locks and can't get it up for a girl.

So far my only idea is just to enjoy the good years now and suffer later. Anyone else mind sharing their experiences with the meds?

>> No.7468119
File: 1.75 MB, 1024x1024, Mug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That balding feel

>> No.7468136

That's just a combover mate.

>> No.7468138


Doesn't propecia make your dick smaller?

Anyways, I myself just shaved my head because of premature balding. Now I'll never look like a cute teenager again.

>> No.7468155

you look like a cartoon character.

>> No.7468167

I haven't heard about that, just that it just kills your libido.

>> No.7468170

Is that the deak?

>> No.7468259



And plenty of talk in the forums.

Just remember to measure your dick regularly if you're going to use it.

>> No.7468323
File: 149 KB, 718x763, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were attractive, it wouldn't matter if you're bald.

If you were confident, it would't matter if you were average looking.

Stop trying to hold onto your youth. Dress like a man, look like you have you shit together and a job, and you'll do just fine with the ladies.

>> No.7468336

Fishbowl effect of taking photos too close. Have someone take a photo from like 10 feet away, and you'll be able to at least see the sides of you head. This shot makes you look ever more receded than you already are.

>> No.7468479

Is that Roose Bolton?

>> No.7468644

Well at least you have beautiful eyes. Just shave your head and when you're older grow a beard

>> No.7469373

Wisdom right here. Worrying about baldness is the problem, not the baldness itself.

>> No.7469389


you look like a member of the inbetweener's

>> No.7470080

Aye. Started losing my hair at 19, stopped giving a shit about 20. I'm 22 now and do fine with the ladies. Keep fit and in good shape, and look after your skin. You will figure out what hair to do on the way, and once you get to shaving it/buzz cut some styles work much better than others.

>> No.7470086

can we get a side view?

>> No.7470113

Women dont give a crap about hair, is height what matters.

>> No.7470221

Why the long face?

>> No.7470294
File: 69 KB, 848x650, 1367091590438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw see scalp through hair in hard light
>tfw receeding as fuck
>be 20
>thanks for the shit genes mom
>dad has thick hair and astma
>tfw i'd prefer that over this shit
>there is no cure
>every young 'hot' guy has extremely thick perfect hair
>No amount of lifting or fashion will stop me from looking like an old man or cancer victim

Fuck my life

>> No.7470598
File: 357 KB, 618x469, hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw thick as fug hair, thanks dad
>dad is 55, barely starting a bald spot on the topish of his head
>can do manbuns
I'm ok with these feels

>> No.7471157

Shave it.

>> No.7471164

You have to dress/be manly as fuck, but young guys with shaved heads can look 10/10.

>> No.7471174

>thinking you get the balding gene from your dad

>> No.7471219

I doubt it, you don't see any "hot" bald celebs under 25. Now the Picards, Strahams etc can work but the problem is once you go bald and "manly" say goodbye to girls under 29. You never hear them fawning over bald men, just the moist post-menopausal soccer moms.

>> No.7471300

the idea that you get balding gene from your mother is pure broscience

>> No.7471315
File: 88 KB, 614x383, pmc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the event I go bald, I'm growing a beard and becoming a PMC.

>> No.7471320

*tips fedora*

>> No.7471362
File: 42 KB, 405x720, IMG_131137722778935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7472524

lel, that was my first thought

>> No.7472714
File: 85 KB, 639x546, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bald

>> No.7472757

Looks fine, could just be the mature hairline that some get when finishing puberty. Don't sweat it.

>> No.7473654

make sure you split the proscar in 4x

you need 1mg finasteride per day, not 5m

>> No.7474972


I somewhat know that feel. But then again I'm dark skinned so being bald isn't an issue.


>> No.7475019

I tried the whole finasteride and minoxidil thing. It works, but the finasteride killed my sex drive. So I stopped it, shaved my head, and hit the gym.

I'm much happier now than I was with long hair.

Still use Nizoral though, as it's supposed to have shown some signs of slowing hairloss, and though I would consider going back to minox, I'm never going near finaster/propecia again.

>> No.7475030
File: 41 KB, 400x520, bald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always had a BIG forehead, but fuck, because of all this thread i'm scared

a-am i balding ?

>> No.7475039

check a 2-3 year old picture.
If you look the same, you're not balding.

>> No.7475122

tfw girl and hairline is receding
help what do i do

>> No.7475159

post pics