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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 40 KB, 500x390, 1387667862721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7458426 No.7458426[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

holla holla 40 dolla

>> No.7458434

saged, reported, sent to the canadian police

>> No.7458441
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fck they gonna ride me down

>> No.7458435


>> No.7458450


>> No.7458454

there is tons of fakes on ebay for CDG X Converse
someone posted a pair they bought for like 60 bucks off ebay that were obvious fakes.

>> No.7458462
File: 41 KB, 446x362, 1387270848796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trunks is stupid enough to buy fakes thinking they're genuine
feel bad for the guy

>> No.7458465

nah theyre just used and ogre size

>> No.7458474

>these shoes that u bought that i havent seen a pic of are certified 100% fake

oh man anon sure got me what do i do now

>> No.7458478

yo yo yo

>> No.7458493

u know what Trunks, a few months ago I used to think you were a total twat, but it's got to the point where the people hating on you are more annoying than you, and I don't think you annoy me any more

>> No.7458505
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all my haterz are ugly and dress like shit so idc about them

pic related

>> No.7458510

Who is tht lol

>> No.7458516


an0s fits are even worse

>> No.7458518

Trunks is a retard with poor taste in EVERYTHING, but he will defend his shitty opinions whilst insinuating you are a retard for disagreeing.

>> No.7458523


that's chinesegold? topkek

>> No.7458526

ill ask u to post fit

u wont post fit

ill assume ur fits are worse than an0s

i wont care about ur opinion

neither will anyone else

anons talking shit are like mosquitos, kind of annoying but no one really cares about them

>> No.7458532
File: 322 KB, 960x1280, 1385546264389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats the only good thing about sufu, when someone talks shit u can confirm that theyre just some asian twink looking awful in cdg and n(n) instead of just assuming theyre some fat nerd in asos

>> No.7458646

>why is there a love heart on those converse anon? r u gay m8?

>> No.7458679

chinesegold is a cool guy tho :)

>> No.7458681
File: 98 KB, 640x640, aquarium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not that anon but ur a shitposter. you are the definition of tripfag circle jerking and being dressed by the internet. like 80% of ur posts are more suitable for facebook or /soc/ than /fa/. like why the fuck is a blue collar faggot who earns $12/hr and wastes it on fake creepers trying to talk shit to anyone. anyone else would have posted this in the fuccboi general or cop or not or someshit, but you have the arrogance to think an online chinese porn forum cares about you enough to make your own thread.

you try to form this psuedo above-the-rest-of-us character like you encompass everything /fa/, so everything you post must be /fa/-related. if youre really this great please fuck off to sz or sufu with the other pretentious cunts.

fit attached not gr8 but good enough to call you a shitposter

>> No.7458691

>online Chinese porn forum

nailed it.

>> No.7458763


trunks ether general

>> No.7458984

>fa in a nutshell
some guy calls another guy an arrogant pretentious asshole whilst posting a shitty fit to seem better than him

>> No.7459015

completely agree with this post, i know this in itself is a shitpost but i just want trunks to see that you're not the only person who thinks he is a faggot for shit like this

>> No.7459026

youve been posting this pic for so fucking long man, yeah hes a fucking faggot but you too!

boy i sure am glad im not a faggot that posts pictures of how he dressed himself on the internet. possibly the least /fa/ thing you can do

>> No.7459033

your argument would've been better if you had not posted that fit

>> No.7459035
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nigga went in

rip trunks

>> No.7459045

if i didnt it would have just been 'talk shit post fit'

we all know it so dont pretend like im being more pretentious by posting the fit. i had no option.

>> No.7459061

why is a retard attention whore trip who constantly posts in snapchat threads looking for internet friends and has never posted a fit trying to talk shit

>> No.7459068



>> No.7459069

>has never posted a fit
point proven

>> No.7459086

everybody on /fa/ is stupid as fuck and doesn't know how to dress

>fa in a nutshell

>> No.7459108


>> No.7459120

>buying fakes of $100 sneakers

>> No.7459145

>trunks hasn't responded

>> No.7459592

holy shit diaperboi gets rekt

>> No.7459628

ooooooohhhhh sssshhhhhieeetttttt

>> No.7459748
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>> No.7459768


pretty weak ether tbh

>> No.7459822

>fake creepers

u don't even know anything bout trunks why are u trynna start shit

u posted an ugly fit and then failed to back it up by posting some bullshit that's not true

>> No.7459853

talk shit post fit faggot

>> No.7459857

thanks trunks

>> No.7459868


this anon > trunks > other anons hating on this anon who didn't even post fits < me hating on other anons who didn't post fits and also didn't post a fit

dude what

>> No.7459885


> Thursday, March 17, 2011, by Danica Lo

>Fake Ugly Shoes

>So, those Prada platform brogues have already sold out (why). Luckily, Refinery29 has found a cheaper, knock-off alternative. "Check out these Holly Shoes Lace-Up Wedge Oxfords at YesStyle. You can order them right now and, at only $92 a pair, you'll also be able to do things like make your rent and eat, never mind the fact that anyone discerning enough to recognize the shoe will be able to tell that they're definitely not the real thing."

>> No.7459890
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>> No.7459898

why are you so fat sieg heil

>> No.7459923

I've posted fits many times, you're an ugly retard who isn't liked by anybody. I doubt you have real friends because you walk around wearing pseudo-blouses and diapers out of context. I have had to put up with you for a long time. Every time you challenge someone to post fit you rip into them even though your own ones are the worst on the site. You often try and fail to pull off designer fits because you don't understand what goes together. Your taste in fashion is shit, your taste in music is shit, you just try to follow the herd but are always lagging behind like the elephant with the crippled leg.

Your posts are unconstructive garbage where you try to trick yourself into believing you're superior.

>> No.7459927

>shit fit
>"dressed by the internet" while wearing the same brands i do
>"fake creepers"
>ridiculous amount of samefagging
>isnt even the guy i was calling out in the first place

fucking lol

>> No.7459936

>shit fit
>wearing the same brands i do

>> No.7459943

ur the CLT of /fa/

but you're shit

>> No.7459939

Still better than seig heil

>> No.7459945

my life is filled with bad decisions, food choices being one of the lesser ones i make on a constant basis

i continue to make such bad life choices because i am not an intelligent person in the slightest

>> No.7459958

stop being fat

being fat isn't /fa/ and you know it

fat fuck

>> No.7459952


That was pretty forced trunks

forced as in that uneasy smile your mum gives you as she remembers the day you were queefed out of her miserable cunt as the doctor cried

>> No.7459954

Yes he also calls good looking anons who disagree with him ugly. He is the ugliest poster here. Only Squids and Natalie are worse and they're fat so thrir true aesthetics are hidden.

>> No.7459960
File: 34 KB, 422x424, Boro, boro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking lol

good response bruh. you got em

>> No.7459963

trunks should have been a crust spot in one of his dad's socks

>> No.7459964

He's better than you at dressing and it's not close.

>> No.7459972

that post is gonna lead to trunks' suicide

>> No.7459973

Agreed, excellent post by Sieg

>> No.7459974

There is zero appeal to those cdg's
You're literaly paying for kiddie branding on an out of fashion shoe

>> No.7459983

the end of trunks

>> No.7459987


>> No.7459989

Good fit but ugly downy Trunks still insults it. Someone post Trunks looking sharp in his diaper.

>> No.7459990

literally the worst damage control i've ever seen,
pack your bags big boy

>> No.7459992

You're pathetic dude. You spend all your time and money dressing up to take pictures around your house for anonymous strangers on some website and shit talking people who are probably better than you in everyconceivable way. Dressing up and posting pictures of yourself is the only thing you have going for you, and you even find a way to fail at that.

>inb4 "haha man idc" apathetic badass response

>> No.7459998
File: 79 KB, 321x384, 1376277318201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rip trunks

>> No.7460000


>> No.7460009
File: 27 KB, 515x480, qgyae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah man i paid so much extra for the cdg logo, practically cost me 2 paycheques

>> No.7460017

why are you even still posting

>> No.7460022

So fucking accurate, might as well get a gay pride flag on ur shoes

>> No.7460032

only a teenager would be insulted by that

>> No.7460027


>> No.7460059

Your blue collar coworkers are going to beat the shit out of you for wearing them

>> No.7460071


lmaoooo wait there r ppl who actually care abt being called gay??????

while postin on an internet fashion board???????
go back 2 /b/ u fuken lil bitch

>> No.7460094


>> No.7460097


>> No.7460118

I'm saying the logo shits up an aready crappy shoe. Paying extra only adds to the stupidity

>> No.7460120

fuck off trunks

>> No.7460122

>paying extra

you cannot be this retarded

>> No.7460130

I think he is referring to everyone else who has to pay ~100

>> No.7460134


>> No.7460140

how is that relevant

>> No.7460143

Because he is shitting on the shoe, not your purchase?

>> No.7460151


>> No.7460153

but i purchased that shoe

>> No.7460154

u cant purchase a gf though

>> No.7460166

>Enjoys ripped dudes calling him a faggot and women asking him if he's gay

Try to have at least SOME social common sense m8. I wear pretty loud/unique pieces very often and can deal with the comments and social pressure but looking overtly homosexual is something I avoid.

The heart on t-shirts or sweaters etc isn't bad for some reason but those sneakers are gay. Like women's shoes.

>> No.7460163

Correct, but most 4chan threads about a recent cop evolve into discussion over said item, rather than if it was a good cop.
For 40 dollars, fantastic cop. Doesn't get much better than that when it comes to bargain shopping.

>> No.7460167
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>> No.7460173

dude i have like 2mil in rs i could buy a gf if i wanted
if u can get it for 40$ why does it matter whether or not its a good cop for 100$

>> No.7460177

idk where u live if bitches would think ur gay for having a heart on ur shoes (bible belt?) but if theyre that inbred and simpleminded im sure theyre not gf material anyways

>> No.7460184

Not taking sides with anyone but...

Same brands =\= same quality fits

>> No.7460188

Converse are out of style and that logo only adds 'tasteless fuccboi' to it
It's a bad cop, period

>> No.7460197

dude, to be honest, you're such an idiot they have to be fake.

>> No.7460198

great argument fagtron you sure convinced me with those hot opinions

>> No.7460202

southern california

but i live in a part of the state that isn't too educated only 40% of the residents have a bachelor's degree, about 20% have a masters compared to new york

san diego, through orange county ish is pretty much like "the south"

religious, mormon, chiristian or cathiloic day laborer based peoples

thats why driving through socal is like

dior balmain, neiman marcus, burberry


neiman marcus
saks 5th avenue

salvation army

>> No.7460207
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>> No.7460210

oh seig

>> No.7460238


>> No.7460242

>dude i have like 2mil in rs i could buy a gf if i wanted
literally why are you still posting
get off this board, you've been ethered

>> No.7460247

I went to barneys and paid full price sakku mai dikku faggotsu

>> No.7460325
File: 12 KB, 296x222, 1312435171171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7460358

What is the point? White converse looks better in nearly every way and costs half as much. Is it just to own a converse that everyone else is too smart to buy, therefore making you unique (and stupid)?

>> No.7460368
File: 327 KB, 521x426, 1383047257031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude i have like 2mil in rs i could buy a gf if i wanted

>> No.7460398

>White converse looks better in nearly every way and costs half as much.

they look horrible and cost 15$ more

>> No.7460548


>> No.7460621

what the fuck are you retarded? ive had two pairs of chucks, both were under 40 bucks, and neither had that dumbass fucking heart shitting up the shoe. honestly, paying 40 bucks for any converse is just too much. unless these have seriously better build quality, i mean, what can you expect for that price, but still.

>> No.7460632

>get all white custom chucks
>draw retarded little gook-eyed heart with fabric paint

>> No.7461795

this is art

>> No.7462560

Ooooh #killem
Kill him, anon. Kill trunkz.

>> No.7462575

/fa/ ether game slightly getting better

>> No.7462609

trunks, i think it's time for you to use "anonymous" when u are posting

>> No.7462619

i h8 trunks
an i h8 sieg
but i h8 all anonymous basic beetches way more ganging up pusshoeles scratching at dem, obessed,cunts,fuck,u pricks.


trips in center

u nigga chinks in crowd

now we talking rektingballs