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/fa/ - Fashion

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7448612 No.7448612[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm in the Marines and I have a masculine and hairy body, strong jaw line, etc.

But I really like all different types of fashion.

Is dadcore the only thing I can pull off without looking out of place as fuck? Sometimes, I wanna wear what you skinny faggots wear (off duty ofc), but I feel like I would look like a retard.

>> No.7448618

try some slim (not tight) black chinos or cargos, and a navy or grey fitted tee shirt with some minimalist boots or black sneakers. would look more /fa and still be tough and not faggy

>> No.7448632
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That's mostly how I dress now. Minimalist, basic, well-fitting shit.

But I sometimes wanna wear some eccentric shit, but I don't look like the type of person who would.

>> No.7448640

so randumb pic xD

>> No.7448645

the pic is less sarcastic than your comment

>> No.7448651

Shut up diaper boy

>> No.7448659

hm add a vest to it, or a jacket if its cold enough. you can definitely get more high end "fashiony" pieces to upgrade your basics. most people go from dadcore cant dress for shit to over the top and faggy as they are learning and mix too many over designed pieces. the end goal is to blend in while looking better.. its a balance. if u wanna skip the faggy step i recommend just upgrading what you wear now with better quality/cut pieces.

>> No.7448743

I wonder about this too my fellow servicemen.

I'm in army and i never really had a great sense of style before i joined. Now that I'm older and spend more time off duty I don't really know what fits me.

Unlike you though I'm actually quite hairless (they give me shit in the showers) but still a good jaw line.

Most of the time i just end up saying fuck it and wear a white wife beater and some levi's with a generic belt.

Fashions harder then people make it seem

>> No.7448749
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>> No.7448763
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rick owens ofc

>> No.7448767

join me in spacecore it is your destiny

become the first space marine

the emperor wills it

>> No.7448772

11 bravo, you?

>> No.7448775

Lunarcore is perfect for built dudes, personal opinion, but otherwise you're asking the same question that everyone does when they come here, and that's not a question we can answer

you really gotta figure out all this fashion stuff on your own, for your own reasons. Gotta want it, etc etc

Start by upgrading the pieces you already do have. Example, get really nicely made high end wife beaters and upgrade those levis to Momotaros or Railcar. Get a nice leather belt made. Go from there.

Thank you for your service.

>> No.7448774
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I'd never wear high heels because they're unfunctional as fuck, but I like a lot of Rick.

>> No.7448778

ohh god, its like some kind of /v/idya crossover into /fa/.

run for your lives the fedoras are attacking, someone get /fit/

>> No.7448780

>implying big marines can't be /fa/

Its even easier if you're at pendleton. So close to all dat shopping in LA and SD. And all dat disposable income you're getting.

Most of the guys I knew in the mariens wore cowboy hats and cowboy boots because a lot of them are rednecks, a week after SOI and they were all wasting their money on new clothes, I'm surprised you didn't

>> No.7448784
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the function of high heels is to be fierce as fuck and they fulfill it like nothing else m8

>> No.7448785
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You wear wifebeaters in public much? I try not despite how comfy they are so as not to look like white trash. Under a hoodie, sure.

>> No.7448802
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>Lunarcore is perfect for built dudes
or just incorporate military shit into your daily wear

>> No.7448801

what exactly is a "high end" wife beater?

is it like an upgrade, so its a spouse abuse tank top?

what kind of brand would that be? and for that matter what is the next tier after that?

sleeveless domestic dispute shirts?

>> No.7448807

force or battalion?

>> No.7448813
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silk/viscose blends in perf fits

>> No.7448815

I wear them practically every day and mostly just the wife beater nothing else if I can help it. Sometimes if its a little brisk outside I'll throw on a cheap white dress shirt (all white) but I still leave it unbuttoned because I place comfort over everything else.

>> No.7448818

Top kek! Basically the upgrades are just so called 'wife-beaters' made out of better materials, different colors, etc.

>> No.7448823

what unit

>> No.7448819
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I already do the quality basics thing. My go-to looks something like this:

-Scotch & Soda slim tapered raws (tried N&F but don't like the fit)
-slim henley
-watch (I have a Daniel Wellington, a Vostok from WWI that was my great grandpa's and another from WWII that was my grandpa's)
-Leather belt (been lazy lately and gone beltless)
-Leather boots or sneakers
-Slim jacket if it's cold (I have a denim one, a leather one, and a dark purple Members Only that I like)


>> No.7448826

look, any basic garment like a tank top or underpants is made in all kinds of different grades for different price points.
If you like tank tops for whatever reason, look into really well made tank tops. Getting acquainted with quality is far more important for your personal evolution than making risky cops right away.

>> No.7448828

I don't know about the marine guy, but as for me

I generally don't like those kinds of looks, I spend enough time in them as it is and most of the guys I see wear that shit just. well they just look like tools. Not to trash a fellow service member but that's what it feels like to me.

>> No.7448825

beta 547

>> No.7448829
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>> No.7448833

ok I'll keep that in mind I guess. Most of the time the only brand I've found that sells a wife beater I'm comfortable in is Hanes, any brand suggestions?

>> No.7448853

Here is somewhere you can look to get a feel for tank tops at a higher price point -- find something you like and you can investigate with your own taste in mind.

>> No.7448850

which battalion?

>> No.7448857

Try high end designer stuff just once. Feel the difference. Try a cotton/cashmere tank top. feel the difference.
I suggest majestic homme.

>> No.7448859

Forgot link: http://www.ssense.com/men/designers/all/tank_tops

>> No.7448879

you in NC? Fucking fight me in the squad bay fuccboi.

>> No.7448903

OK I will be the man in high rick owens heels.
you may have to take a number

>> No.7448907

I am lawling all over this right now as I can imagine to /fa/ manlets in cammo fighting eachother

>> No.7448913

thanks for the suggestions /fa/.. what is your nicknames again?

>> No.7448953

No nickname man. I'm not a trip or anything. You can think of me as David Lynch, if you like.

>> No.7448955
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with chiseled jaws do

>> No.7448997

i'm inclined to believe that its possible to make it look good and that it just has to be done tastefully

>> No.7449017

no i mean like /fa/ nickname, you know how /k/ is kommando

>> No.7449019

take a guess

>> No.7449020

lel, /fa/ggots

>> No.7449033

You do you, kiddo.

>> No.7449029

I was honestly hopping it wasn't that, I would hope that I could refer to those who helped me in a better light.

how about /fa/me, /fa/me works for me

>> No.7449036

its /af/icionados

so /fa/ that we do it backwards

>> No.7449038

there's /fa/shionistas but thats arguably worse than /fa/ggots

>> No.7449047


>> No.7449052


>> No.7449062

i've also heard /fa/scists but it's not really relevant

/fa/rtheads? /fa/ppers? m/fa/?

>> No.7449079

>be me
>be infantry
>leave barracks to go eat
>be wearing dreamboxes
>mfw someone asks what kind of converse those are
>mfw they ask why my jeans are so tight

>> No.7449101

i lawled, thats good I like that

I'm feeling bad for you, if only their was someone who who appreciated your taste

>> No.7449107

its sad that i would be so happy if someone called out my dreamboxes then i would at least know there is a kindred spirit

>> No.7449116

I would know, stay /fa/mous comrade. Their will be one some day

>> No.7449200

Why ARE your jeans so tight? Wear fitted shit, not tight shit. fag

>> No.7449217

>Ctrl+f techwear
Oh come on, it's made for #nxtlevel military. OP if you don't mind spending extra $$$ on quality pieces for total practicality that it gets somewhat impractical, and have some #nxtlevel aesthetics, get some techwear shit.

Nigga he's a marine not a jedi, though albeit I wouldn't mind seeing some lunarcore marines.
It'd be like muh cowadoody, but less gay.
Or more, depends I guess.

>> No.7449244
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Come OP join us!

>> No.7449249
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Fuck these bitches and fuck dying for Israel, check my dubs.

>> No.7449257
File: 546 KB, 800x536, haha fukc da systm brah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To make it simpler, check out this thread OP

>> No.7449266
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This shit is cool as fuck. Where do I cop?

>> No.7449274
File: 299 KB, 1965x1403, 1383025846186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this!

>> No.7449285

r u ok

>> No.7449292

Nice dobs.
Idk it varies, I would just lurk techwear threads or maybe start one, but definitely go through the archives for old techwear threads and look for links to stuff that look neat to you, that's how I find some of my favorite cops.

The archives being: fuuka.warosu.org/fa/

>> No.7449299

*found some

Also parka and bomber jackets are always nice for military folks, and they aren't always techwear.
Parka threads are almost daily, and bomber jackets are pretty damn common.

>> No.7449313
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I have a bomb parka.
I've always wanted an over the top Bane style bomber jacket.

I have this Soviet WWII coat that my grandpa gave me. It's the same material and fur-lined with a fur collar, but it's longer and the collar doesn't fold up like on a bomber.

>> No.7449316

why the fuck are you in the marines and wearing skinny jeans? i didnt know they let in manlets

>> No.7449327

I've always hated the belt that goes around, it makes me think it's a woman's jacket, otherwise it would be pretty decent.

>I have this Soviet WWII coat that my grandpa gave me. It's the same material and fur-lined with a fur collar, but it's longer and the collar doesn't fold up like on a bomber.
Sounds dope, I wish my grandfather had a hand-me-down military jacket when he served in nam, but I wouldn't wear it as I would not deserve to.

>> No.7449345
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It's not military issue. He just got it during WWII in the Soviet Union.

I just bought a bottle of Bacardi Select thinking I had Coke at home.

All I have is apple cider.

This will either taste terrible or amazing!