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File: 184 KB, 1500x912, FACEPALM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7438644 No.7438644[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone born of a race that makes you feel like you are judged less than what you are? I'm referring to the males in this case, and speaking very stereotypically.

>Chinese male
>Athletic build
>7 inch cock
>Equally bilingual
>On my way to becoming an investment banker
>Amazing circle of friends
>Past few GFs have all been white (Quebecoi, Romanian, Canadian, French)

Then there's my people:

>No charisma/pride/masculinity/character/presence
>The small dick race
>Can't get laid without throwing a few Ks on gifts
>Act like submissive bitches to their GFs
>Never the alpha

I love my country but I hate my own people. So fucking pathetic.

>> No.7438658

now mi nigga, who had the best bubble butt??
the candian right!? yeaah buddy it was the canadian qt

>> No.7438690

I'm mixed Jamaican/White. I get mistaken for hispanic all the time (which is awesome because hispanic girls turn me on like nothing else). I actually feel like being mixed has stopped me from associating with any one race. I just identify as human since there aren't many people genetically similar to me.

>> No.7438693
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Nope, the French one :)

>> No.7438715


One of my friends are Chinese and he's the biggest fucking Alpha in history

>Fucked his highschool teacher
>Go to party with him
>Get a girl's number 10 minutes into conversation and set up date
>Has a fucking curtain set up in his living room for his fuck buddies / girls he brings home from clubs
>Semi fob and the biggest bro ever
>Says he hates his people and wants to write a book about how shitty China's image is to the rest of the world

>> No.7438737

OP here. I'd love to be an co-author to this book.
Please tell me you guys are in Toronto.

>> No.7438804

>I just identify as human
society would be so much better like this

>> No.7438802

>Chinese male
>Past few gfs all white.
You're the kind of white wash, race mixing faggot that's killing our race.

>> No.7438813
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>I just identify as human
My nigger.

>> No.7438814

dang son

>> No.7438821

I find this to be a major problem, however I wouldn't blame people like OP. The problem lies in the white people reproducing with nonwhites. They don't know what they are doing is a slight to their own race.

>> No.7438822

Leggings and laying on the stomach always makes the ass look bigger.
2/10 try harder.

>> No.7438848

dont be jelly

>> No.7438853

I'm more of a small tight butt fan.
But I admit I am a bit jelly.

>> No.7438855

Chinese guy here
I fucking hate Chinese people

>> No.7438861

self-hating asians are a dime/dozen though most have grown out of it by high school lol. you may think youre superior or unique but its simply not true.

>> No.7438868
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Have a bonus.

>> No.7438879
File: 275 KB, 938x607, Ann-F-Image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Born in England
>Live in USA, don't have accent anymore
>No thug at all
>Speak eloquently and properly just because I was raised that way by my white dad
>Live in an all white area
>People cross the road when I'm walking down the sidewalk
>Pretty sure people exclude me from the dating pool just because their parents would freak out and they'd get stared at
>Also a Folk Musician that writes my own songs, poetry and novels
>Dress in basics but wish I could dress like pic related all day erryday

I don't really ever feel aware of the fact that I'm half black or anything, I do get made aware of it at times by the folks I work with, etc. Shit doesn't make any sense to me.

>tfw got my first gf from work and she dumped me
>tfw she was a blonde that dyed her hair red and had mega blue eyes
>all them stares when at the mall

>> No.7438889


>> No.7438888

oh and people think I'm a faggot because I like fashion.
>I just identify as human
I also totally echo this

>> No.7438896
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You're lucky she's an ex and I feel no guilt

>> No.7438898

damn hell yeah. you're the truth

>> No.7438901


read Spinoza's Ethics

>> No.7438908
File: 2.11 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_2491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one. Damn I miss her body.

French girls ARE good lovers.

>> No.7438914

damn i didn't have to ask for that shit. you're the man

>> No.7438920

dang son

>> No.7438937

You know "your people" hate you too? OP you're exactly the kind of brainwashed canadian born chinese scum that lacks respect and knowledge for any sort of traditional chinese culture/values that needs to just stay the fuck away from Asia and just stay in canadia. You're so fucking ignorant it hurts. You're practically white.

>> No.7438958


Those who claim to "hate their people" are ultimately insecure about themselves and wish they were something else, in this case, white. A little pathetic, but to each their own. Hope you learn to embrace what you are and appreciate your race.

>> No.7438975

yup this.
i used to really hate my people, now i realize a lot of people would probably feel the same about me if i said the exact same thing
its all about perspectives man

>> No.7438983



op, stay the fuck in Canada, and never set foot in China ever.

>> No.7438990

I have some friends like you.. but not as bad. They go on about how their beliefs are more white and how their lifestyles are more white.

Like get over yourself.. No body fucking cares lol. Man I just hope your amazing circle of friends are as judgmental as you are, that would be lame

>> No.7439018


pretty much. inferiority complex much OP? need some white validation?

sorry buddy, ur not white and you never will be.

and im not trying to be a dick. stop hating, no one gives a fuck, im sure ur asian peoples are trying to be alpha and cool like u too

>> No.7439044


>> No.7439153

Idktf but thts mad fucked up yo. If you were my friend I would spook white people all day with you, promise.

>> No.7439184


oh my


>> No.7439205

Chink please don't poast unless Japanese or Korean

>> No.7439236
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This is going to like samefag but OP seriously read these guys posts.

I knew few guys like you back in highschool.

They were really insecure about it and never talked about their family and actively avoided their own race. They tried so hard to fit in with white people and it felt so sad to watch him try and make fun of other Asians with them.

I mean at least they didn't have as many self loathing jokes as those fat guys in the popular group but still it was very sad to see.

>> No.7439240

get out bragwhore

>> No.7439281

overcompensation top kek

>> No.7440127
File: 1.44 MB, 300x208, 1381348386256.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>50% Black, 25% white and 25% big mystery?

>Raised in bad part of the city & still life there
>Fashion = getting dem new j's and snapback 99% of the time here for people

>I can only limit myself to streetwear / Basics and never go raf simons gothninja our other shit.
>people would look at me weird if i did


> White people always ask me if i'm mixed and are always asking me if i'm halfblood

>Will never find a effay Black / Mixed girl who doesn't wear only Snapback, Jordans , Leggings and isn't a $wag yolo drake lover.
>will never even find a TumblrCore blackgirl

>white bitches that are always attracted to me are always white trash Rock bottom Bitches that has been raised as a black girl and is a $wag yolo drake lover.

>will never find a girl that has the same taste as me.

i need to lower my standards the whole time to like girls and after dating for a month our 2 i always realize that i hate her.

Also wanna cop Black mono doc's and that is already a big thing cause im not sure how people will receive it when i war them. ;_;

>you will never know this feel

>> No.7440200

>>Chinese male
stopped reading there

>> No.7440210

i blame white people for fucking everything up to this point

>> No.7440219

Just cop them doc's man. Dont' give a shit about how other people will react. It's your choice not theirs. I know some black dudes who rock them and they look pretty dope.

>> No.7440248

Have pride OP, your people are actively promoting eugenics and there are multiple billions of people like you that can breed and create a race of super asians.

White people, on the other hand, are busy self flagellating and dwindling their influence in their own countries because they feel guilty.

>> No.7440249
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>tfw dirty somali

>> No.7440258
File: 70 KB, 500x336, white-guilt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i blame white people for fucking everything up to this point
What a refreshing point of view. lol libtards

>> No.7440259

You mean you blame white people for being so superior, correct?
Lel, all this blatant buttmad envy.

>> No.7440266

>People cross the road when I'm walking down the sidewalk
When you consider the facts, it's actually a pretty wise decision on white people's part.

I'm sure it hurts since 90% of you aren't like that, but as that image says "just in case".

>> No.7440279

hahah yeah rotterdam. and i will if i find a good place to get them. Dem mono's look awesome

>> No.7440295

Was meant for

>> No.7440300

Damn son, prayin4u

>> No.7440313

>canuck chink with superiority complex
everything you listed paints you as an unlikable individual. I'd prefer my geeky chink gook friends to "alphas" like you
guess what the white man side don't want you either because you sound like you'd sell your family and friends just to be on the next winning team
you're stuck in between lol

>> No.7440322

Opposite for me, I am half black and expected to suck at school, be amazing at sports, really tall, and have an amazing dick.

I had an avg gpa of 3.5 in high. I suck at sports and am more civilized then most white people. My dick is 6" and I'm only 5'11".

>> No.7440323

Yo OP, are you from Montréal, my nigga ?

>> No.7440332

>Wow. You totally don't act black at all!

>> No.7440343

Everyone always adds 3 inches online.

>> No.7440355

>7in cock
why worry about anything
if ur fucking fellow asian that converts to like 12in

>> No.7440357

I used to be like this in middle school/high school then I learned to embrace my culture.

I bet OP thinks he's dim sum sucks.

>> No.7440361

>> White people always ask me if i'm mixed and are always asking me if i'm halfblood
i know that feel even tho i'm 100% black i'm lighter skinned than most.

>> No.7440368
File: 17 KB, 828x746, maybe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>People cross the road when I'm walking down the sidewalk
Everyone creates a single file line for me, just me. I genuinely feel like a king kek

>> No.7441708

>have perfect teeth

>> No.7442517

>last year
>be Scottish
>applied to Oxford
>go down to an open day
>couple of lectures and staff and the likes are just chilling
>one of them approaches me while i'm looking at books and brochures that have been set out
>as soon as I open my mouth
>"oh you're far from home aren't you, still, nothing wrong with that, so this must be pretty overwhelming for you then"
>starts asking shit ton of questions about my education and occupational background out of nowhere
>proceeds to introduce me to any lecturer as "this is anon, he's Scottish"
>one old fuck even responds with "well an especial "good luck" to you, "laddie"
>force a smirk while a gaggle of these pretentious fuckers cackle like hyenas

Is this a common elsewhere or is it just ageing english people who think we're all fuck ups?

>> No.7442688

That's just the upper english superiority complex. Had an ex from old money and it got to the point I'd start openly acting like a cunt to certain members of her family.

Damn I wanted that inheritance though...

>> No.7442732
File: 66 KB, 480x480, 1387416808517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you op
embrace your culture and who you rearly are.
I'd prefer to date a mainland chinese girl than some whitewashed slag

>> No.7442773

So you feel the need to talk about the length of your pecker in an anonymous fashion board?

How's that whole insecurity deal going for you, OP?

>> No.7442779

how 2 find old english/old scottish money qts? i go to a russell group uni but all the students are just upper upper upper middle class

>> No.7442785

She looks like Momma Dod

>> No.7442817
File: 39 KB, 510x525, 1387417723364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so are we posting sex pics in this thread now?

cause here's one of Sieg

>> No.7442828

>Then there's my people
Why are you perpetuating the negative stereotypes of Chinese people?

You're actually the problem

>> No.7442857

i want to know this too
is it even possible if ur not rich

>> No.7442878
File: 1.44 MB, 1332x2004, civil1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw negro

God damn, I always feel like people are staring down my back. Feel awkward in certain places. That insecurity.

>> No.7442891

chances are they're gonna go for you unless you're equally monied... or at the very least from blue blood stock too.

>> No.7442900

Unless I mean.

Cambridge had it's fair share and they'll chat to, but getting romantic had a little more politics involved.

>> No.7442904

Fashionable blacks win tbh
They just unbeatable

>> No.7442928

damn son where'd ya find this

>> No.7442989

>East African living in states
>tfw my sister is light skinned and has soft hair
>tfw dark skinned and shit hairline
>tfw have mean resting face
>tfw people have preconceived notions about me
>tfw people throw me in the "African American" category even though I identify as African And can't relate to American blacks.

At least I speak "like white people" as people describe it.

6'2, decent jawline, and ability to pull off the bald look are only redeeming factors.

Is being able to write in two languages/alphabets effay?

>> No.7443020

>1/4 chinese
>1/4 austrian
>1/4 dutch
>1/4 scottish

sometimes i wish i had a race i could actually identify with

>> No.7443027

Like Poet said, Human.

>> No.7443033

>50% white, 25% hispanic and 25% native American
>Quarter blood qualifies me for tribe registration
>Want to road trip to Arizona, the land of my people
>Dad doesn't want me on account of bad family relations and it's probably a shitty thing to exploit the genocide of an entire culture so I can go to college for free
>Would probably have to live on the reservation in order to maintain membership anyway
>Reservation won't like a functional white boy trying to assimilate
>Don't have the money for traveling anyway

You faggots will never know these feels. Being "1/32 Cherokee" doesn't count.

>> No.7443034

>identifying yourself based on the past achievements of people unrelated to you
>"______ m-m-master race, look at what my ancestors did"

>> No.7443061


Too many faggots on this site in general do this. What bothers me is that I don't know if they're serious or not.

>> No.7443062
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There are like 3 black kids at my School.

I'm Irish. But I have a mixed English/Irish/American accent. People allways ask where i'm from. Doesn't help I have a speech impediment and social anxiety. People must think i'm retarded. I can feel that others pity me. Fuck even talking to my crush. I keep everything short and content to avoid spaghetti. She thinks i'm cold and distant. Her friends think i'm challenged. Well probably think that anyways. This sucks. I think of my self as a pretty smart guy. But I can never really express my self because I fuck up talking.

So how's your life guys?

>> No.7443070

african american is such a blanket ass term.

i prefer "melanin enriched".

>> No.7443068

I know it's fucking annoying how these fuccbois will cling onto the success of others and act elitist about something they didn't have a part of

In the words of that black guy from Death Grips

Fuck where you're from
Fuck where you're going
It's all about where you're at

>> No.7443081
File: 170 KB, 1024x768, 1372907417448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be of Spanish, French, and Flip heritage
>have "exotic" looks
>people always ask about my ethnicity
>I don't look entirely Asian, Spanish, nor French
>and people always point this out

I'm not insecure about my ethnicity like OP, but sometimes it gets annoying when it is brought into question. I mean, is race the primary defining factor for people or something? Am I being judged initially based on ethnicity? Since I look very ethnically ambiguous, I guess some people have a hard time judging me.

Also. . .
>be at party
>flirt with some tumblr-level girl
>have a few drinks, dance with her a lot, flirt, make out, flirt some more
>she asks for a ride home
>on the ride home she says, "Sorry Anon, I won't have sex with you because you don't have an ethnic identity. I don't know how I feel about that."
>"W-what? Well let's say I'm Asian. I am Asian."
>"No, you are just making that up. Goodbye, Anon."

Some people are very weird.

>> No.7443107

She was a racist.

>> No.7443115

No, she just wanted to ride a dick with any ethnic identity. She was baffled by my lack of identification.

>> No.7443141

I'm mixed with hispanic and white. I've been called "white boy" a lot but my nose shows that I'm hispanic
If I was in anywhere other than california people would mistake me italian or maybe greek but I hate being lumped in with spics

>> No.7443147


It's funny you don't realize that self-hating is a very Chinese/Asian thin and you fall right into the category that your people are. You just happen to be lucky that your outer appearance is an outlier from the norm. Nothing is different other than how you look lel

>> No.7443151

>100% black as far as I know
>lighter skinned than most mixed raced people
>always dated light skin black or asian girls
>always state I'm black when asked routinely
>people, mainly girls, seem almost disappointed when i answer
>white guilt
/fa/ is the worst

>> No.7443176

It's because you act autistic and aren't attractive enough to make up for it
I'm spanish, french, columbian and hawaiian and I've never had anything like that happen

>> No.7443190

>It's because you act autistic
Really? Is that the smartest thing you can say?

Anyways, this was the only time that has happened to me. Thank god, I hate awkward moments.

>> No.7443211

>Spanish, French, and Flip heritage
you must be very ugly
>Spaniards are gross
>French are pasty
>Filipinos are chink and beaner mixes = ugly
do the world a favor and kill ursefl pls

>> No.7443232
File: 51 KB, 500x274, 1387422923733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Be White Northern English
> Descended from Celts, Saxons and Scandinavians
> Had an Empire that stretched around the world, the largest empire to ever exist on Earth
> Led the Industrial Revolution, and pulled humanity forwards with fire and steel.
> Never gave up in the face of two world wars, we were never conquered, never surrendered, never stopped fighting.
> Invading forces haven't taken these Isles for almost one thousand years.
> We are an ancient and powerful nation, and we have burned our mark on to this planet.

Flash Forward.

> The country is becoming known as a police state.
> Seen as a soft and weak willed nation
> Seen as losing our culture to immigrants and gypsies
> Seen as a people who are soft enough to work ourselves to death in order to pay for the lives of people who have never worked, whose families havent worked for three generations.
> Political correctness, immigration, and benefits gone mad.

> To top it off, foreigners think we're all pasty, soft, posh people.

Why did this happen?

>> No.7443236

I was really shallow and anti-social but then I smoked a little pot and I'm quite sociable. I'm not saying you have to do drugs but people are a lot more accepting than you think.

>> No.7443243

>police state
Oh stop being so melodramatic. The police here are too cowardly to act out a police state.

>> No.7443245

>5'7 average hue manlet
>visible gains
>not shitskin nor nigger tier
>shit circle of friends
>never gf

my people:

>hardworking mother fuckers
>lots of charisma, very friendly
>we speak spanish according to the average amerilard

>> No.7443253


I'm stating what people think of us, not what we are. Though most of it is true, to some extent.

>> No.7443256

as a fellow brazillian being tagged as "latino" in the usa, i vouch for all that. regular ameritards dont know jack shit about the world, and even the "informed" ones tend to be pretty insular (they know there are other countries and people out there, but that sort of knowledge doesnt go too far).

another funny thing is how people care so much about "race" and "heritage" here. and in europe too. i dunno what's with you anglos and your obsessive need to track down lineages.

>> No.7443261

Don't forget all that French and Italian blood that runs through roughly half of the country.

>> No.7443263

exactly, in brazil people don't really give a fuck about their ancestors except for them >MUH SULISTAS

>> No.7443269

i find it entertaining to see people talk about MUH PRIDE, MUH ANCESTORS, MUH HERITAGE. as if that'd make your shitty life any better, boasting about how your race did something oh so long ago.

just stinks of autism, to me

>> No.7443270


The Normans were Scandinavians, they were just given lands in France.


>> No.7443277

A bit further back, brah....

>> No.7443288


>> No.7443289


Oh aye, I was really confused for a minute.

Italians, Albanians, Spaniards and every other part of Europe. Roman Legions were drawn from all over. Mind you, they didn't make up a any large portion of the population.

>> No.7443296

Haha my thoughts exactly. also i never thought i'd see another hue on /fa/

>> No.7443326

maybe if you would stop with your self fulfilling prophecies of "ameritards" you would actually meet a well informed American.

>> No.7443332

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. You can relay your message without sounding like such a cunt.

>> No.7443357

tambem, muito inesperado isso. de que estado?

how is this self-fulfilling? if anything, it would only serve to lower my standards when meeting new people. plus, i live in a very, very cosmopolitan area, and people are still very ignorant about the world, even though they probably ate the ethnic foods of 5 different continents over the past week.

>> No.7443359

>I just identify as human
hell yeah

>> No.7443373

back to stormfront you degenerate

>> No.7443377

massachusetts, you?

>> No.7443379

>You can relay your message without sounding like such a cunt.
Why? These cunts hate their own race, why should anyone else treat them as anything but cunts.

>> No.7443386

new york

makes sense for us both to be living here, it'd be frankly very, very hard to be effay in brazil

>> No.7443389

Sao Paulo is ok but everything else is straight trash.

>> No.7443387

but hes right tho

>> No.7443396

nah, even sao paulo. you know theres something wrong when after living there for your entire life, you come here and think uggs+leggings+generic parka are acceptable. standards are non-existing there.

>> No.7443416

I don't like speaking on behalf of all the people on the board, but I would I'd like to believe that the people here don't hate their own race but just like other races more than their own. I don't know how to explain this in a non autistic way but it would go something like this. There is a baker who likes baking and let's say he had no choice but to become a baker. After seeing a mechanic he becomes infatuated by them and wishes to quit being a baker and just become a mechanic. But he is unable to do so, this creates the idea that he hates being a baker because being a mechanic is very cool. However he liked being a baker before and wasn't so self conscious and probably took pride in being a baker before.


>> No.7443417

yeah you're right.

>> No.7443421

>tfw mexican

>tfw my people are short, cheaters and not trusted around these parts
>tfw everyone expects my name to be jose or some shit
>tfw it's Edward

I think my dad might be one of the few legal, hard working dudes in this country. He's kinda tall too, so I turned out alright.

It's pretty cool pulling out the beaner card when it suites me. Made college acceptances a lot easier when you place higher than ninety something percent of your demographic.. Haha.

>> No.7443461

I can't even wear white tees because it contrast to much with my complection.

>> No.7443475
File: 33 KB, 251x242, 1372557549161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be racist american
>assume all blacks are like this around the world
>spend a year in cameroon
>realize that it's just american blacks that are so bad
>realize america will always have these idiots

>> No.7443484

american blacks truly are awful

>> No.7443492

americans in general are shitty

i'd sell this country out faster than snowden for a Russian snow cone (snow +piss + vodka)

>> No.7443543

hi edwards hair

>> No.7443549

bet you regret making them slaves now

>> No.7443552

it was a bad long term decision, yes.

>> No.7443561

Eduardo, maybe? It depends on your last name and how it sounds.

Mexican here, I remember going to UK
with some friends, all of them were asked where they were from except for me, kinda felt jelly.
6ft and not overweight.

Being honest and trustable in this country fucks you up, man.

>> No.7443590

you blame white people for bringing modern technology to the world?

>> No.7443605

i'm mexican and I constantly get asked what country I am from

>> No.7443625

what school do you go to that youre so sure youre on your way to becoming an investment banker?

>> No.7443636

no capital no gain banking .org street wear t shirts


>> No.7443638

it's not the school you go to
it's the people you know

while you were at home studying every night like a nerd I was making friends and getting connections

>> No.7443649

lel actually believing this
>hurrr idc if you went to Wharton and i went to Rutgers im gonna get into finance cuz i met a banker once in a bar!!! he was so cool he said he'll email me some time! this was 2 years ago but im sure hell get around to it!

>> No.7443669

you're going to start an investing firm with 30 of your closest alcoholic debt ridden fresh college grad buddies?

none of which hold positions in their respective majors, only mange to get entry level jobs and 30% of whom are not employed?

>> No.7443716

i swear these finance grads are so naive

you'll be lucky to get an analyst position right out of college (you wont since youre too embarrassed to even share your alma mater)

its ok youll end up just fine (mediocre) like the rest of the finance majors at your mediocre school. You'll probably be an accountant making 70k a year and living a mediocre life, in a mediocre suburbia, with a wife that you hate and kids that hate you.

This wouldn't necessarily have to be so if you were more like the studious people you made fun of...

I wish you luck on your investment banking quest, you're gonna need it fuccboi.

>> No.7443724

>You'll probably be an accountant making 70k a year

he doesn't have a CPA

can't get an accouting job in the united states unless he lays out some serious cash

>> No.7443733

Yeah true but you get my point

>> No.7443738

he will be working at subway
alternating shifts between 30 and 50 hour work weeks so he legally doesn't have to get any benefits

and will be let go if a high school chick offered to work there

>> No.7443744


>> No.7443749

I don't feel rekt if anything he's agreeing with me..

unless youre referring to OP

>> No.7443755

>I feel no guilt

fucking chinks man

>> No.7443758

IB has to be the go-to field when you want to appear obnoxious, uninteresting, fuccboish, and naive, but trying really hard to pass an image of success.

Seriously, every little fuccboi in every single business school in this country seems to have wet dreams about working as an "arbitrageur" on Wall Street, when IRL most of these "jobs" are being replaced by computerized algorithms.

>> No.7443760

plz tel me I sruli rekt him on that one

>> No.7443769

i think op left already, referring to whoever was mouthing off about the importance of connections

regardless, networking is so overrated. end of the day, you end up with 3 rolodexes full of cards, bunch of known inter-changeable faces and no idea of what you'll do next.

>> No.7443778

I'd have to disagree with you on part of that one
>IB has to be the go-to field when you want to appear obnoxious, uninteresting, fuccboish, and naive, but trying really hard to pass an image of success.

>most of these "jobs" are being replaced by computerized algorithms.

possible but they aren't after those jobs in the long run anyway. Nobody wants to be an analyst working 90 hours a week for the rest of their lives, they're all trying to move up, preferably to private equity, venture capital, hedge funds, etc. That stuff cant be replaced by machines

>> No.7443786

couldn't have said it better myself

networking is useful but to a certain extent, kind of liek when you're applying to college, clubs and extracurriculars are great, but if you have a shit GPA and test scores (go to a shit college) it wont get you anywhere

>> No.7443801

Well, most trading in the traditional sense can (the sort of stuff impressionable fuccbois see in movies, e.g.: the usual master of the universe type work being replaced by computers, most hedge funds), but you're right about private equity in general.

>> No.7443828

Christ, you guys just don't get it, do you?

A degree by itself is useless, but a degree backed up by a year or two of experience relevant to the field is priceless. It doesn't matter what degree you get, be it in engineering or in business, you need that work experience under your belt.

Ideally, a college student should graduate with:
1) a degree (what you know)
2) a network (who you know)
3) work experience (what you did)

All three elements should be relevant to your desired career. If OP wants to be an investment banker, he needs a degree in finance, connections with a manager from a previous internship, and past experience with an investment firm.

It's just sad to see fresh graduates with only one or two of these elements. They are going to struggle, and they are going to feel like failures. But then it pisses me off to see bullshit talk like this:

Holy shit, I'm flustered. I need to go to bed.

>> No.7443834

u dont need work experience if u have a 3.8 gpa like me

>> No.7443840

>year of experience

matters little when you have MBA's working at mcdonalds that would take anything in their field

nobody asks your GPA on a job app

half of the ones I filled out don't even have room for my masters

>> No.7443867

you missed the crucial factor of your school prestige...

Is it possible to get into banking from an OK state school? sure

Is it probable? Of course not

My family friend went to BU, had 3 internships, 2 in finance, and networked pretty sufficiently, graduated a year ago and is still looking for a job

Second cousin went to Stern, had 2 internships, but didn't put much effort into networking and got an analyst position offered to him before graduation.

Mostly because banks recruit at top schools on shit schools

>> No.7443875

Sometimes people need a holdover job, something temporary until they can find better prospects. Personally, I wouldn't work at a McD, but I did work a meat-grinder account manager position with a firm. I did this for 9 months.

Working this job for 9 months looks better on your resume than doing nothing and living in your parents' basement.

When job prospects were looking low, I still wanted to be active, and I wanted to earn pay.

Idleness breeds idleness, you guys. If you are going to sit on your ass all day, you will end up sitting on your ass all day and earning no money. Work, goddammit. WORK.

>> No.7443872

GPA's were similair

about 3.65 at BU
about 3.6 at Stern

>> No.7443876

>Mostly because banks recruit at top schools on shit schools

not* shit schools

>> No.7443897

Well, then that is reality graduates have to face.

It's a jungle out there, and grads like your family friend need to work their way up. He would do well by working an entry-level position in whatever company he wants to work for. A person with his experience should be able to handle the environment better than most.

>> No.7443907

recruitment is low in this economy

it really surprises me how many people buy into myths, and perpetuate them

"I heard this" and I heard that

this is the same myth going on in the south
>bounty for pest animals

so go out and shoot some animals drag their carcus to the stairs of city hall

and it's a myth the whole time!!!

everyone without a degree speaks in absolutes about how a bachelor's degree in woman's studies at Harvard will make them a millionaire due to "recruitment"

the only recruitment going on at universities is for the OCS officer candidate school for the army and marines ONLY

OCS, candidates recruited that way are excluded from air force, navy and their respective special operations divisions. Army spec ops (rangers, delta, medvac, gb) also do not let OCS candidates in meaning you make shit pay in the army if you're on officer with a degree and no combat exp.

people talk about holding positions in finance that haven't been filled or desired since the 1980's

>> No.7443932

Recruiting is almost insignificant in the grand scheme of employment. Top schools love to boast about which major firms "recruit" every year, on campus, but the reality usually is much different.

Just think, how many new posts for quants are opened every year at a bank? Very few.
How many of these posts can't be filled with time tested MBAs that are flooding us with applications? Even fewer, almost none.
How many elite colleges do we recruit at? Many.

Just do the math.

>> No.7443950

I'm talking about analyst positions of which there are every year

They dont hire analysts with MBA's they're considered overqualfied

65% or so of Wharton graduates end up in finance, there was another satistic about how many went to Goldman, I think about 15% of all students... coincidence that Goldman recruits heavily at Wharton?

>> No.7443955
File: 308 KB, 496x278, 6254-goku-thumbs-up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a cultural clusterfuck. My skin is light, my features are dark, my accent is different things to different people (I've been pegged as anything from Argie to British to to Slav). My mom is a European lady and my dad is an Amerindian, yet in the last <200 years of my family tree there's everything from French royalty, Mexican revolutionaries, Spanish explorers, German cattle ranchers, Mestizo farmers, and Zapotec tribals.

I nominally identify as White Hispanic or just Hispanic since Spanish was my first language, but overall I don't associate with any community or lend much thought to cultural matters, such distinctions will probably be obsolete within the next century or two anyway. I am a human. I associate with anyone who shares my values and is useful to me. It feels good to outgrow genetics and define oneself memetically.

>> No.7443974


not right now, no such thing

that's like you walking into a dealership and saying

that's a Ferrari? for $2500?
i am looking for a kia though, i'll pass it's too expensive for me

>> No.7443977

what was her name? marie?

>> No.7443983

For once, Sieg, I agree with you.

If I owned a fedora, I would tip it so hard right now.

>> No.7444002

Except they do. Usually the reason why a company wouldn't hire someone who's "overqualified" is because these people would have a negatively impacted performance because of the perceived gap between what they should be doing/getting paid for, and what they're actually doing. That sort of thing, however, only happens when times are good and opportunities exist.

When the economy is in the collective shitter, people are happy to get whatever they can. HR people know that very well, and so will just be doing their job: getting the most qualified applicant possible, for the lowest cost possible.

And the fact that Masters factories are churning more and more new model grads doesn't help ease the saturation.

>> No.7444028

You're in U of T?

>> No.7444044

hating your people is pathetic, you're not the only one. the majority of all races are losers, at the top you wont find people who hate their race, you'll find people who hold themselves above losers of every ethnicity

>> No.7444045

its ok man some ppl r scared of me too and im a white boy

>> No.7444056

>goes to clubs
pick one

>> No.7444059

It doesn't happen all of the time, it's usually just like this>>7440368
Sometimes even I cross the road when people are walking toward me, it's usually because they have a stroller or some shit though.

>> No.7444065
File: 30 KB, 398x241, girls_laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anonymous dick measuring

I've never seen a thread so rife with insecurity

>> No.7444096

have you ever been to /fit/?

>> No.7444941

I think we can all agree that OP is a huge faggot who's overcompensating

>> No.7445131

I met her on a chat room years ago. Real talk though, old money makes for some serious mental problems.

>> No.7445163

>heheh, at least we're not like those guys
/fit/ is often the butt of jokes but I'd imagine that it is the most productive board. But then again, I guess all boards are productive in a sense that they further their own interests, even /b/.

I should really start lifting.

>> No.7445305
File: 106 KB, 922x882, 1380968302671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 50% Peruvian 50%Britfag

Bone structure of a Peruvian with the skin, eyes and hair of a white person.

>> No.7445327

>hard working
>respect their parents, polite and understand family authority
>go to high class universities and get good grades
>pride of their family, constantly talked to in gatherings

>80% chinese and 20% other asian
>kinda smart
>shit grades, mediocre university
>hate maths/finance etc. and prefer the arts and music
>rude to my parents
>cynical and distant
>parents refrain from talking about me

Gee, not being a stereotype sure is great!

>> No.7445339

>responsible for almost everything of value in modern pop culture

stay jelly cacs

>> No.7445346

U think maybe was intentional facilitation black culture to mainstream media c u at /pol/

>> No.7446101

God I know these feels so well, I also have a speech impediment and social anxiety. I literally sound retarded, fuck my life. People ask me to repeat what I say because I always talk dropping my spaguetti + speech impediment.

I'm also pretty talented at what I do but can't make good impressions or socialize with people in my field, sucks so much.

>> No.7446119

>half black, rest is greek and irish
>not black enough for the blackies
>not white enough for the whities

having a mulatto butt is not fun.

>> No.7446130

i'm pretty sure it's the record companys you're slaves to that are pushing that in the media

best producers/djs/whatever are white and you guys are still slaves to the jew record labels telling you what music to make

>> No.7446133

Damn I wish I knew about my family tree as much as you do, I barely know about my grandparents and where they're from and that's all

>> No.7446184

>not being a stereotype
You don't actually think this do you?
Most second gen immigrants are like this. Hell, I'm like this.

>> No.7446615

I'm mixed with two pretty extreme races like that, and it hasn't been positive like that at all. Fucking isolating man. It's funny you talk about looking Hispanic though and being attracted to Hispanics because I feel that same way.

>> No.7446657
File: 27 KB, 631x300, comedian-George-Lopez-631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the truth

>> No.7446671

Upload the whole set OP you fucking faggot.

>> No.7446687

You are the worst kinda person. You must be ugly as shit. I'm glad you are not representative of my race.

>> No.7446726

nordic master race