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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 23 KB, 400x300, marijuana-grower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7441490 No.7441490[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is growing ur own weed /fa/?

>> No.7441497


>> No.7441498

Not particularly, depends if your life revolves around smoking marijuana, maaaan.

>> No.7441501

Yes, without a doubt.

>> No.7441511

exactly what i wanted a say

>> No.7441518

Weed is never /fa/ you fucking idiot

>> No.7441515

yeah i blaze almost every day but growing myself would be pretty cool.

>> No.7441527

Take it to /b/ you child

>> No.7441529

dadcore nigger detected

>> No.7441539

yeah boy 6 plants on my balcony ;^)

>> No.7441552

nice post pic

>> No.7441564
File: 188 KB, 1000x750, marijuana-growing-tent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only if your lifestyle allows drugs(goofninja/heroin chic) and you have a /fa/ setup

>> No.7441574

lol i hate stoners so much but i grow weed (only to sell it)
i cant stop stoners being around so i might as well exploit them somehow

>> No.7441581

you must have a lot if you make a profit off of it

>> No.7441582

1) Weed is /fa/ because drugs are. If you don't think so, get the fuck out.

2) Growing your own weed is not /fa/.

>> No.7441594

you're the worst trip on /fa/

i see through your guise you fake graffiti writer ass toy, FOH.

>> No.7441592

I'm picturing an indoor oriental type garden that just happens to have a hydroponic weed set up in it. As well as a bunch of other psychotropic plants.

>> No.7441604

What's a gothninja lifestyle?

>> No.7441610

Post recent ups, fuccboi

>> No.7441612

Weed isn't a real drug, it's a bitch drug.
It's not effay.
Black market nootropics are effay.

>> No.7441616

Sit indoors all day posting ootds on forums

>> No.7441620

weed in general is not very /fa/.

whenever you're smoking weed it means that you're not smoking cigarettes and that is not /fa/ at all

>> No.7441621

underaged southern hick dealer detected

>> No.7441623

being that lonely guy dressed in all black with a cigarette in his hand standing around looking cool

>> No.7441624

It just seems too unrealistic. No one cool ever grows/sells weed.

>> No.7441630

i'm considering to stop smoking cigs and do weed instead

>> No.7441627

is sucking dick 4 coke fa

>> No.7441635

Drugs aren't inherently fashionable you twerp.

>MDMA (especially when referred to as "molly")

none of these are /fa/.

>> No.7441631

You just sound like an edgy piece of shit.

>> No.7441640

Ok, what? I mean, yeah, I have noticed that when I smoke weed I don't care about cigarettes as much, but like they aren't like swappable?

>> No.7441641

nootropics are for aspies

>> No.7441642

True this is more my fantasy if I had money. I'd think having my zen drug garden is cooler than having to deal with dealers.

>> No.7441647

Weed is the least /fa/ 'drug' there is.

>> No.7441644

>be depressed and very /fa/
>start smoking weed
>become happy
i feel like i'm less /fa/ now actually

>> No.7441646

switch "is" inplace of coke & "4"

>> No.7441651

remove coke and "4"

>> No.7441650

cigarettes don't do anything to me anymore tbh it's just a habit. weed actually gets you high

>> No.7441657
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>> No.7441653

Oh yeah? And why is that, huh? Because MDMA is a party/designer drug you fucking idiot. Weed isn't /fa/? Oh, so being able to change your perspective and care less and have fun isn't /fa/? Get the fuck out.

>inb4 having fun isn't /fa/

>> No.7441659
File: 40 KB, 352x259, 1387404579596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>arguing wether smoking something is /fa/ or not
im new here but what the fuck is this faggotry

>> No.7441660

is acid and e /fa/?

>> No.7441662

"sucking dick is fa"
i'm going to sleep,im slit eyed already

>> No.7441672

this is an important question to ask before doing something.

>> No.7441675

No, they're for making you an aspie, a genius, or an overly neuro typical. Aspies are naturally focused on their subject of study. They wouldn't need nootropics. I've got a 141 IQ, and I'm extremely neuro typical, so if I pick the right nootropic for the day I can seem like a cyborg with creativity.
It's generally a fun experience, and I would recommend you try it.

>> No.7441677

you guys are worse than /b/

>> No.7441688

pls leave I bet u just came from /v/ or something after leaving /b/ bc u r no longer a child but a euphoric man

>> No.7441690

Being chronically ill, it kinda does...

>> No.7441691

>worse than /b/

>> No.7441699

>Still having a negative opinion the panacea that is cannabis.
There was a time in which people also thought tomatoes were poisonous and lobsters were good only for feeding prisoners and slaves.

>> No.7441702
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>> No.7441707

>tfw ate 10 cannabutter cookies in the past week
>tfw tolerance has skyrocketed
>smoked two bowls consecutively yesterday and didn't even feel a thing

>> No.7441714

yeah i hate this. i used to get high after a shot now it takes like 5 joints to feel something

>> No.7441715

>good for something other than slaves and prisoners
Pick one

>> No.7441739

yeah but mum wont let me

>> No.7441748

dubs name my bong

>> No.7441752

can any mans hook me up with a job i need money

>> No.7441751

>underdeveloped palate

>> No.7441755

"le ultimate cheetohs destroyer" xDDDDDd
oh man I m so High right now hahahahahaahhaahahahhaa

>> No.7441762

meant to say mancs

>> No.7441757
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>Smoking weed
yeah, nah.
enjoy reeking of weed all day

>> No.7441770

fite me irl
lol ok

>> No.7441771

thats why you vape

dang you did it but thats a shitty name

we dont even have cheetos in england

>> No.7441766

Raw weed smells great. Having a weed tree in your house would be like having a pine tree in there.

>> No.7441769

this is about growing weed

smoking it has been proven to be /fa/

>> No.7441773


>> No.7441781


>> No.7441812


>> No.7441818
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>> No.7441838

Asking if weed is /fa/ is like asking if 511s are /fa/. It's fine, but universal so not interesting.

>> No.7441846
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>> No.7441858

>caring about what people on the internet, esp. /fa/, think
I mean, take tips here and there and whatever, but don't fucking live your life by what anonymous strangers say on the internet. Very little is less "/fa/" then that.

>> No.7441867

Sky walker

>> No.7441865
File: 324 KB, 468x452, 1387406615559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

toy as fuck, check my can control hoe, circa 2008, u will never have superior can control

>> No.7441874

what's a toy?

>> No.7441882



smoking weed becomes uncool the second you or your apartment look like you're smoking weed (>buildings smoke)

>> No.7441895


>be happy
>start smoking weed
>become more introverted and unhappy

atleast I can laugh about it

>> No.7441910

you don't know what a toy is? Jesus

If I make a ghetto krink what can i use for the head?

>> No.7441913


been smoking every day/every second day the last year. if you make just like a few day break youll notice a big difference. if quit for a few weeks when I went to thailand (still smoked there n took some with me) but man getting high back at home was so fucking good. it'll also get significantly better if you can get quality shit. I can get all kinds of haze here and it bangs way more than just casual shit.

>> No.7441921


name her olga please


sometimes when its not 100% dry I put it next to my lappys venting and the room smells nicely :-)

>> No.7441922

use ur dick for the head :~)

>> No.7441935

muh nigga. Glad to see there's someone a bit more evolved in this thread.

>> No.7441941

jk use a kiwi shoe polish bottle, they have heads on them already
or you could use a bit of sponge, maybe a bit of velvet folded up
its up 2 u :~)

>> No.7441946

yessir glad to see another gentleman in this thread
*tips fedora*

>> No.7441966

Vapes are nice, convenient, healthier, stealthier. Why wouldn't you use one?

>> No.7442002

yeah dude got the MFLB and an essential vaap


>> No.7442005

Thanks, I think I'm using a bingo marker

>> No.7442007

because the high is weak/shit

>> No.7442020


bong high is best high out of all smoking methods


>> No.7442036
File: 253 KB, 1004x753, piece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because vaping is lame af nancy boy shit

I either take bong hits smoke out of a piece or roll spliffs/joints/blunts. Pretty much everything but the vape

>implying I care about convenience, health, or stealth

>> No.7442044

yeah no worries

>> No.7442082

>nancy boy shit
ah i see yr smoking to be hardcore

>> No.7442135


>> No.7442167

vaping is cool as long as you're not being a fag and vaping oils or concentrates/juices

>> No.7442169

joints are the only /fa/ way to smoke weed. you cant look fashionable smoking out of a pipe thats shaped like a dick or a big ass glass bong

>> No.7442174

hitting my bong rn

only cos my mflb is busted

>> No.7442190
File: 57 KB, 799x497, waterfall bong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make a gravity bong

>> No.7442194

ITT: teenagers

>> No.7442202

matt could u recommend some good porn vids

>> No.7442206

eyebrows put your trip back on

>> No.7442209
File: 74 KB, 756x488, 1387410757231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit tier gravity bong imo
i used to have one in this style made out of two different sized wine bottles, hard ripper and cheap af

>> No.7442217


>hitting my bong rn

me3 m8

>> No.7442228

I make a new bong out of a bottle every week. I used to have a glass bong but that shit would reek like fuck after short time even if I got it 100% clean. Been doing this for months now and really likin it more.

>> No.7442236

post a pic of your bong mate

>> No.7442248
File: 141 KB, 458x493, 1385866989918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

matt dont your parents care about you smoking in your room?

do they care?

didnt know you smoked bb

yeah grav bongs give the best highs

>> No.7442252

all the edgy teenagers are on /b/, which is apparently where you belong too

>> No.7442271

its this http://www.everyonedoesit.co.uk/online_headshop/Art_Glass_Bong__2Piece_Fold_Back_188.cfm

barely ever use it, clear glass ones probably arent the best cause they really show the grime
they cant really justify getting pissed off at me for it cause they know it wont do any harm, so they dont mind unless i stink the house up (another reason why vaping is goat, i can smoke downstairs and watch tv and shit, no smell)

my mum jokes about it and just said she hopes i dont turn into 'one of those weed people'
so i put a bob marley poster up in my room

plus my mum is from some ghetto ass estate, so shes probably used to seeing kids sniffing glue and stuff

i want to get stoned with my mum actually, shed probably be down for it

>> No.7442287

lol nice man

really chill family

how does your sister take it?

i know this family that smokes with their kids and have been since like 9th grrade and the two brothers and the chillest and coolest dudes alive

>> No.7442294

How much would it cost to have a little garden like that? How much would it produce?

>> No.7442295

>i want to get stoned with my mum actually, shed probably be down for it
lol i smoked /w my dad the other day i showed him pen & pixel album covers and he was blown away and wanted to get them to do his covers and website

>> No.7442303

>defending your board
Yeah you faggots are definitely worse than /b/. Biggest no-no on 4chan is defending your board. Unless you're /pol/.

>> No.7442308

pics of your dad. unless he's a minority.

>> No.7442310

>Biggest no-no on 4chan
lol u sound like such a nerd

>> No.7442313

from behind

>> No.7442315

can u teach me more 4chan rules

>> No.7442317

>pics of your dad
> unless he's a minority.
why would that make a difference

>> No.7442319

post pics next time

does your sister care you smoke?
how about your dad?

>> No.7442324

no and not really

if i smoke i do it when theyre in bed though, i really only vape during the day

>> No.7442326

it means you take your board seriously. you couldn't possibly fail harder.
I'm only attracted to white men. older white men in particular.

>> No.7442334
File: 29 KB, 370x195, logoff2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no i failed at 4chan guess i better leave

>> No.7442366
File: 139 KB, 640x480, 1376762790397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

matt i just want to read something about you

just write some posts about you life or some insights you have or something

ill bump a few times with kewl pics of you

>> No.7442378

nah it gives you a nice mellow high. I have my card, i smoke a lot, and I prefer the vape high to any other. It's the most social high, for me at least. Second favorite is joint, then gravity bong(gets you the most fucked up by far imo), and then bong, etc. Smoking hash is still the best bang for your buck ($10/g and a g will last me all week.)

>> No.7442391
File: 425 KB, 637x357, post a fit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really dont nemore, 2 xpensive and im focusin on skool and werq
kinda thinkin about gettin sum trim 2 have butter on deck tho c or n

>> No.7442398
File: 41 KB, 235x236, 1385858466348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>matt i just want to read something about you
>just write some posts about you life or some insights you have or something
>ill bump a few times with kewl pics of you

>> No.7442400
File: 1.44 MB, 2448x3264, bud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grew two strains this semester,
Grand Daddy Purple x AK47
and Atomic Northern lights
Got like 40 grams and about 4g of dab.
pic related is the GDPAK47

>> No.7442407


vaping gets me a pure high without the anxiety and paranoia

bongs get me fucked up and hating myself usually

>> No.7442414

damn mangy didnt know you smoked

you seem like a cool bro
i liked the party pics you posted
anymore like that or cool stories?

you party often?

>> No.7442408

not sure what to write dude

cool mate what vape you got

>> No.7442409

It's totally /fa/ if you totally don't seem like the kind of person who would be growing weed. If you're an asshole stoner and people aren't surprised, i think it's just scummy.

>> No.7442419


a magic launch box


pretty! i have 2 grams of GDP on me but it's not purple :(

>> No.7442420
File: 110 KB, 640x480, 1376747440115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just write about some cool thoughts or anything interesting that has happened to you in the past month

>matt bewbs

>> No.7442426

I think i greened out a few days ago

and i was really upset and liek crying inside my body and wanted the high to end but physically nothing happened

how do i prevent this in the future

only time it happened to me

>> No.7442433

How do I grow without too much work or enegy or money?

damn thats nice
how did you grow that?

>> No.7442438

heroin chic isn't /fa/ anymore

>> No.7442441
File: 1.02 MB, 1800x1215, R1-05667-000A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah man i have a baggillion pics and stories

high school and college are fun

pic related is my model friend blasted/ my desk

>> No.7442442

make sure you have something to do next time you smoke like see a show or go to a party i guess

>> No.7442443


>> No.7442451

lol your the guys with that desk

nice man

how do i get the most out of high school?
tell some good stories?
im bored right now

>> No.7442457

if i saw you in real life i would mistake you for a giant asteroid

like ur head is so mangled lol it fucking looks like a fucking piece of my dogs shit, but you know when dogs strain shit and its all bumpy and black, thats what u look like

its just truly sickening i honestly have no other words to describe ur unfortunate looks

lol actually that was a lie

i do have more words to describe ur unfortunate looks

ur head looks like it was effected by the radiation at the chernobyl nuclear explosion

have u seen the hills have eyes? u remember the scene when that fat headed mutant is sitting on the chair laughing and the dude smashes his head with a baseball bat, well u look like that fucking mutant

i mean, it must be hard surviving chernobyl explosion i was always interested in the and the affects it had on the wild life, the wild life being you, you fucking dog, lol, fucking ugly bitch

how unfortunately that you was born, actually, was you a test tube baby? was half of your lopsided head spilling out of the test tube or what?

>> No.7442458

are you doing anything with your life other than partying?

>> No.7442461
File: 592 KB, 519x682, Screenshot 2013-12-18 19.46.48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spent $220 total on everything
3.5 months
Basically followed online instructions to the t and picked up some clones from the dispensary down the street.
Totally worth it and will be trying to do new strains this coming semester

>> No.7442472

Smoke less. Don't drink before you smoke. Have lots of water on hand. make some tea/coffee though sometimes it's hard to get down.

I've only greened out 7 or 8 times, but I feel uncomfortably high maybe one in every 30 or so times i smoke and thats usually what helps me.

>> No.7442473

lol dude
that was too funny

you're being too funny and giving away the fact you write these posts for fun not out of hate

>> No.7442478

you sell it?

if so how much did you make?

>> No.7442481


definitely smoke less ofc, but be with friends and doing something social. I get negative when I'm by myself and just dwelling on thoughts

>> No.7442488


this is me haha

>> No.7442497

damn am i the only dude whos never had ANY bad feels from smoking weed

or any drug that ive had... except salvia

>> No.7442498

Just go to all of the parties you can with your closest friends invited or not. Itll be way funner if you do this and dgaf about what others think/ no girl is out of your league in HS, theyre all just pretentious sluts.
Cmon now I go to UC Berkeley dude. I can only go out on weekends/breaks

>> No.7442504

cromagnon mike?

>> No.7442505
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pls matt

>> No.7442507


hi mike

>> No.7442509
File: 663 KB, 1056x4830, salvia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7442515


how is your new major?

>> No.7442512

damn if you dont mind me asking what was your gpa, extra circulars, high school class strength etc you needed to get into uc berkley?

dream school right there

ok dude advice taken

>> No.7442519

>damn am i the only dude whos never had ANY bad feels from smoking weed
Nah my one friend is like that. Just wondering how healthy are you? Mentally (don't need many details) and physically(do you lift/cardio etc). I used to get a lot of bad feels from weed but started running and seeing a psych and they've pretty much all gone away.

>> No.7442525

how do i make the most out of a party?

what shit should i do to make it really fun?

>> No.7442528

I hated the fact that I felt like I was on stage performing for my friends when I tried salvia

>> No.7442532

this might be why so many salvia trips become bad

do people act really weird though?
also is it suggested to have sober people?

>> No.7442534

GPA was a 3.78 but I got in via sports recruiting. 1970 SAT, but honestly don't think I would've gotten in. The people here are ridiculously smart
Shit is cash, I just got an externship (essentially a 10 day internship) for early January at a fixed income trading co so I'm super excited about it.
(not to mention putting this thom browne suit to use)

>> No.7442548

My friends wanted me to freak out and have a bad trip because it's funny. It's good to have a sober friend around but not if they're just smoking weed and watching you like you're about to perform.

>> No.7442550
File: 542 KB, 761x588, Screenshot 2013-12-18 19.59.57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What we would always do is pre game first. everytime.
Parties are about ENJOYING yourself, why bother if youre going to go in there and just mope the whole time?
When you get there pound a couple of more shots and start dancing with the girls of your preference

>> No.7442554
File: 100 KB, 960x1280, CAM02485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


does this actually happen on a trip

i only smoke weed 3 times but i never trip

this is the only weed i have smoked by myself in my life, i left uni so have no dealer but im going to start smoking again when i return with my new student loan

>> No.7442565

that weed stinks

>> No.7442569


that comic is about salvia

weed can definitely get you tripping but it's usually more grounded and not crazy psychedelic

>> No.7442570

being on acid isn't effay but having took acid is. MDMA isn't /fa/ at all

>> No.7442573

holy shit this so much

are you one of my friends? Jon? Ryan? hahaha

i felt like i was in a circus though

>> No.7442577

Confirm. Cocaine is /fa/ but acting like you're on cocaine and pressuring people to do cocaine is not.

>> No.7442586

I look like such a goon when I dance I usually just don't. I (usually) have a great time at parties though. Just hang out, chat/get to know people, smoke cigs and drink beers. I like more lowkey parties but when it comes down to it you just have to go to parties where you feel comfortable.

>> No.7442587

was nothing like that

it felt like i was being raped by a plant

it was creeping into my vision, like in the corner of my eyes and brain

shit was fucking horrible

im getting some dmt to use before i extract my own, thats more like pic related and felt amazing

yeah mentally i think im very healthy, probably more than i should be. nothing bad thats deepseated or repressed. theres some sad/bad shit that has happened to me in the past couple of years but nothing that i havent addressed, and i pretty much never feel depressed (even though a lot of people leading my life probably would)

i had my existential crisis when i was 13 and honestly think i had some of the realisations that people have when they do mind altering drugs which are terrifying but also life chaging then

if i was on stage.... holy shit i would have puked. infact a jahovahs witness old lady (like late 80s) came to my door around when the trip was finishing and i pretty much told her to fuck off
i was on my own

>> No.7442605

this too, but i find this happening more in college by comparison to high school

>> No.7442611

my m8's dealer had an orgasm on dmt it was that euphoric

>> No.7442622

are you shure he's not just telling you that to sell you dmt

>> No.7442621


i aint fucking mike you idiot get that into your skull, who the fuck is mike, i came up with cro magnon

>> No.7442630

post pics of fresh thom browne suit

>> No.7442639

(itll be here monday)

>> No.7442646

what was in your existential lcrisis?

what sparked it?

what did you realize during it?

>> No.7442651

yeah everyone thought it was cool and subversive to smoke weed in highschool and you had to do bucket hits to be HxC or some shit. You're an adult now, do your drugs in a way that minimizes harm to your body.

>> No.7442677

Being the guy to break out a bag will make you loved, /fa/ or not though.

>> No.7442690

I was a dealer at college for a couple semesters. I have so many fucking fake friends now it's so depressing. Only break out a bag for girls and best bros.

>> No.7442740

>I was a dealer at college for a couple semesters
>I have so many fucking fake friends now it's so depressing.
Is there a way to fix this?

>> No.7442746

yeah, you only bust out a bag in a small get together or if you know the host and have access to a private room where you can chill with some friends

busting out drugs in the middle of a crowded room is an easy way to loose a dickload of money on drugs

>> No.7442753

stop dealing drugs?

>> No.7442754

stop dealing

>> No.7442758
File: 935 KB, 2688x1520, IMAG0283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your a fagget stoner it's not effay. If you keep it clean and only smoke jays I suppose a little.

>weed will never be as /fa/ as cigarettes.

>> No.7442793

weed is so hit and miss for me (more often miss)
last might I choofed and didn't feel high at all, just panicked and dry heaved

>> No.7442797


>> No.7442801

I know right people think weed just grows on trees or something

>> No.7442803

My drug dealer rn is one of the coolest dudes i've ever met. He delivers great sacks which is great, and every time he comes over we talk about hockey or how bad the walking dead is and school and what not. The best part though, is that he always hangs around for the perfect amount of time. He always seems to know when the conversation might hit a lull and dips before that, it's pretty incredible.

>> No.7442805

I stopped but they still think I got white

>> No.7442810

I was a faggot. I would supply senior frat boys with Os of blow on a weekly basis and I spilled my spaghetti and left my phone in the frat house and other gay shit.

>> No.7442818

Weed is probably my favorite drug because I can do it every day and not go broke or become a junkie. Plus I can roll spliffs and get high at work and no one notices which is nice. Alternativly I used to work 3rd shift at a grocery store stocking shelves and. I would do coke in the bathroom and my managers would always compliment me on how fast got my work done lol

>> No.7442821

>coke at work
such a good guilty pleasure to do the rest of a bag from the night before in the bathroom god dam

>> No.7442823

sounds cool
how to cop that timing?

>> No.7442834

I would guess you just pretend to be bros with a lot of people and leave as soon as there's a break in conversation

>> No.7442858
File: 1.90 MB, 1320x1252, 1387074554837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grandfather owns warehouses in a 72 plant city
>one of his tenents grows
>grandpa is encouraging me to grow
Me growing for profit in 2014 is pretty much a done deal

>grower had some russian club slut living with him and tending the nursery
>I'll probably get some of the same
Except I'm going to put her ass on the internet

Is pimping effay?

>> No.7442866

pimping is extremely /fa/

Controlling the uncontrollable

>> No.7442883
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how much should I expect to pay for some mdma in london?
only done it once on holiday

>> No.7442888

Supporting a girl that workers for me. I have anger issues
I'm counting on my tendencies to (emotionally) break her down so I can pimp

It ain't easy, I hear

>> No.7442890

shitty street price is 20/.1 in america

>> No.7442892


srsly wtf The Walking Dead suxx

>> No.7442898

Yeah you break her down and make her subconsciously live to impress you. I'm probably too beta for it but it's not as hard as most think.

>> No.7442908

my one roommate watches it. It's kinda laughably bad. I just get stoned and browse /fa/ while I watch it. It's funny seeing D and the other big black dude (who owns the boxing gym) from the wire on there.

>> No.7442934
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>panicked and dry heaved
hahaha what

>> No.7442964

bunch of fucking degenerates

why not get high on life

>> No.7442990

what is drugs without life.
what is life without drugs.