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File: 383 KB, 1077x896, bez niebieskiego.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7435050 No.7435050[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I found this: www.wealthbadge.com
They are selling 5000$ metal "wealth badge" for rich people. Why they buy it? Because they can, later they post photos with that thing on the internet for others to get jealous.
I don't know what to think...

>> No.7435059

where to cop at?

>> No.7435062

5k aint shit

>> No.7435072

I'd buy it ironically.

>> No.7435093

like what

if it was like 50k then maybe i could understand it

>> No.7435096
File: 303 KB, 152x152, 1334737569557.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that gallery
>nothing but spoilt rich kids using daddies money to buy shit

>> No.7435107
File: 38 KB, 320x378, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>generic as fuck tumblr tattoo

>> No.7435127

You. I like you.

>> No.7435141

I bet based chinaman will sell this to me for 5 bucks and free shipping worldwide.

>> No.7435146

>tricking a bunch of rich cunts into giving you $5000 for an ugly piece of cheap metal
Holy fuck whoever though of this was a fucking genius. This guy is going to make the easiest half mil ever.

>> No.7435150
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>> No.7435162

you know it's the same thing with geobaskets. you don't seriously think people buy them because they like them do you.

>> No.7435189


> already made 200k

Smart guy, whoever's behind it.

>> No.7435200


i wonder what traumatic experience drove them to become such assholes...

>> No.7435230

/tg/ pls

>> No.7435229

grow up toy
best sneakers ever
best purchase ever
sometimes I just pick them up and sigh with love because they're so beautifully made and such a work of art
like sculptures for my feetsies
save up, toy, you can afford a pair

>> No.7435883
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>> No.7437452

I do this with all my designer shit

>> No.7437553
File: 16 KB, 338x179, lame as fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7438146

>implying i don't like them
>implying i didn't buy dreamboxes because i like the way they look

>> No.7438313

>implying the only reason you like the way they look isn't because you're an impressionable loser that takes his dress cues from 4chan

>> No.7440182
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That qt though

>> No.7440194
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>> No.7440197


This shit irks me more than pretty much anything else. When companies basically exploit a charity and give it part of their profits in order to make more money.

Fucking publicity. Ok, Red Cross gets some money from stupid shills, but it still pisses me off.

Apple's [red] shit. Fuck.

>> No.7440202

I was I had apostrophes for eyebrows

>> No.7440216

>yfw the luck owner's page is just a big "fuck you" for being pathetic enough to buy one of these

>> No.7440223

>soon it will be recognisable all over the world

>> No.7440227

Why don't I buy a solid gold badge instead for the same amount of money but does the job even better and actually appreciates.

>> No.7440243

buy a shit ton if you're rich and give them to homeless people, ruin the rich kids fun

>> No.7440255

fleecing rich people out of their money...I approve

>> No.7440261

>implying anybody's actually bought one yet

Here's what's probably happening. They make these badges, market them like smug assholes, then have their poor/average friends take pictures with them. They're hoping that it becomes a national outrage, at which point actually rich people will come in and start buying them to ride the wave of their popularity.

There's no way to prove any of those kids is actually rich, I'd guess they used the same Ferrari, Porsches aren't (extravagantly) priced, and guitars/segways/bubble baths aren't indicative of any high forms of wealth.

OP is actually, quite likely, one of the founders of the site. If that is the case, then if this pans out for you it's gonna be hilarious. Nice job.

>> No.7440272

I have no problem with people flaunting money they earned, but this 'my daddy buys me anything i want, therefore I'm better than you' really gets me. If I ever become rich I'll make my teenage children work in the soup kitchen two times a week and if I see them flaunting my money around I'll only buy them clothes at the GAP

>> No.7440273

Man, I fucking hate rich kids who dont realize how fortunate they are.

>> No.7440278
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>that segway picture

>> No.7440307

I make a lot of money that separates me from the 98.6%, which means I can buy one of the $5,000 badges.

If given the chance, hell no. I wouldn't spend that much money on something so silly. If I was vapid enough that I wanted to show off my wealth, I would choose something a little more flashy like designer clothing or a luxury watch.

I don't know if the photo gallery is legit, but those kids are just spending daddy's money.

>> No.7440315

lol. they do this shit for tax write offs

>> No.7440397

what he said

>> No.7440702

i agree with this guy

>> No.7440735


>> No.7441670

actually... why not?

>> No.7441701

If they want to, its their choice.

>> No.7441703

London is a funny place

>> No.7441832

I don't want to live amongst that kind of people

>> No.7441841



tehe you are a complete faggot

>> No.7441860

Must feel good to have created this...taking all that money from the most vulgar, nouveau riche tossers there are.

>> No.7441869

man needs a bax

>> No.7442033

find someone to make fakes and buy like 10 wear them all at once

>> No.7442039

buy 100!

>> No.7442207
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>> No.7442214

that is fucking great idea! :D

>> No.7442342

Man, props to whoever came up with it. They are probably lol'ing 24/7 at how much money they are making off gullible subhumans.

>> No.7442444

great business idea.

>> No.7442486

Why hasn't anyone made a 10k badge?

>> No.7442511

I doubt those people bought it. It's probably an initial selection of moderately attractive people dressing up in a fancy location and having a picture taken in the hopes that a business venture takes off.

>> No.7444781

I dont think so. You just underestimate them

>> No.7444886

This, wonder if he's actually sold single one.

Good idea though and he's making something if he finds even one idiot and this seems like it could actually take off with rich idiots.

>> No.7445288

what an amazing observation.

to be honest i don't think they even in the wildest fantasies dream of this thing sweeping the nation, more like making a quick 15-20k from a couple of 19-year olds who binked the lottery or something (and probably visit /fa/) splurging on a few ironically.

>> No.7446260
File: 56 KB, 578x498, wowsuchwealth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]