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/fa/ - Fashion

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7430294 No.7430294[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/pol/ is trying to talk about fashion.

>> No.7430337
File: 230 KB, 1092x1608, ohmy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Standard men's outfit should consist of the following:

Shirt - Dress shirt, denim, plaid, etc. Versitile, if it's hot outside you can roll the sleeves up, if it's cold wear them down. If it's too cold you wear a t-shirt underneath and a pea coat or blazer over it.

Pants - Slim (not skinny) Chinos, jeans, khakis, etc.

Shoes / Belt - Shoes and belt should match. NOT sneakers or tennis shoes. Wear something that is nice, but not too dressy. Suede or leather shoes are fine.

pic related, how I dress on an average day.

Seriously, what you wear makes a huge difference, not only in your own self confidence, but also the way that other people look at you. Women respect a man that dresses well.

>> No.7430347

this post killed me

>> No.7430409

sounds like /fa/ circa 2008

>> No.7430418

tbh he is dressed better than most of the fuccbois on here

>> No.7430450

orange pants anon
orange pants blue shirt

>> No.7430456

okay so what's wrong with wearing complimentary colors? Please tell me...

retard, you don't need to be dressed in "le monochrome XDDD" all the time

>> No.7430463
File: 69 KB, 616x462, 1387232574358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4got pic

>> No.7430472

>not being in monochrome all the time

>> No.7430484

yeah kid you look cool in your black uniqlo tee black 511s and black converse

I'll have you know I regularly wear all-black with black shoes (sometimes with white velcros) but I don't do it every day.

get wrecked nerd

>> No.7430486

>not grey everything

>> No.7430496

who actually uses the colour wheel?
srsly i'd rather claw my eyes out than wear purple and yellow

>> No.7430515

muted colours can look aight
ofc you don't want to be as bright as a traffic light
but the right combination will look pretty right

>> No.7430512

idc what you dress in loser

idk, that's not the point. I was just asking what the problem is with complementary colors. That kid was just whining because it wasn't black/white/grey

>> No.7430732

Oh you made a thread about us?

Here are my posts from that thread.

These two
were related to

These are also my posts:

>> No.7430776
File: 47 KB, 400x510, image1xl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


-Never tuck a shirt in your pants, unless you are wearing a suit of course. The shirt you're wearing in the pic is not worn like that unless you're a pensioner.
-Never wear bright colored pants. A man should always wear dark colored pants. Black, dark blue, khaki (nice color for cargo pants), or blue jeans (not too dark, not too bright or bleached).
You are good looking (not fag) but you have a bad taste. I'm not saying it to insult you. Just trying to help out.
My favorite combo is black pants with pink shirt, and black shoes/belt.

You are also thin, so you should try a slim-fit shirt that will look nice un-tucked. You shouldn't wear long shirts. A good way to measure a shirt is this:
The bottom button should be a tiny bit lower than your belt buckle. Another way is to wear the shirt, tuck it in, then stretch your arms straight above your head. If the shirt comes completely off, then you need a bigger size.
Never wear anything denim from the waist up. No denim shirts, hats, jackets, other accessories etc.
Denim=pants and nothing else.
There is one exception: It is ok to wear a denim jacket only if you work in a farm or in a warehouse, because it's durable and cheap.

>> No.7430787
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These are my casual boots (comfy so I can wear them every day)

>> No.7430797
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These are my formal boots.

>> No.7430800

who is genghis

he does not have good taste

>> No.7430803
File: 2.31 MB, 390x277, here comes the laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a life you scumbag

>> No.7430811
File: 103 KB, 640x426, 1387236405922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wearing those as casual boots

>> No.7430806

is for

>> No.7430817

>implying i was actually posting inspo

chill bruh i posted like 1 fit i actually liked the rest was b8 i just looked for the most flamboyant/edgy looking stuff to bother /pol/ with

>> No.7430821

>I was just pretending to be a fuccboi

>> No.7430823

post fit

>> No.7430847

fit battle?