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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 55 KB, 900x600, booking-Photographer[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7422341 No.7422341[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some /fa/ hobbies?

>just do wat u like and b urself

Just name some fucking /fa/ hobbies

>> No.7422351

photography, film etc

>> No.7422361
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collecting dragon dildos

>> No.7422363

I think of myself as fashionable although right now I haven't been able to dress how I'd like to. I find photography and art to be very fashionable. By art I mean drawing, painting, sketching, etc. Singing is also a fashionable hobby in my opinion. Crafts and putting things together I think to also be fashionable.

>> No.7422367


>> No.7422370
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>> No.7422376

This is actually /fa/.

>> No.7422402
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>> No.7422458

auto-erotic asphyxiation

>> No.7422500

being tortured perfectionist
i feel like photography is overplayed now unless it's legit your job

>> No.7422515
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I don't even get how you even DO photography

Like, how can it be a hobby? You just take pictures of shit right?

Or is most of it just photoshopping stuff?

>> No.7422519

get on my level

>> No.7422520

Going on 4chan
Making clothes
Having gay sex with twerk it

>> No.7422539

photography/ only with cool camera doe

>> No.7422547

is twerk it gay?

>> No.7422550

Things I do:

music production

And while this isn't a hobby, I should mention alterations. Altering your clothing for a perfect fit is pretty /fa/.

>> No.7422565
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capturing a single moment in time
remove yourself from instragram and selfies and such
look at like capturing a feeling. something you cant touch.
except now you can because you have it on film
it's beautiful really.

but yea, i guess i just go around taking pictures of shit

>> No.7422573

painting, production, and alterations here too.
Watchmaking seems like it could be p effay

>> No.7422575

damn thats shitty

>> No.7422583


what's a good cheap camera to get into photography with?

>> No.7422592


i have a pentax kx but idk why i never use it

>> No.7422601

just make a rectangle with your hands

>> No.7422615
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>> No.7422620
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>> No.7422761

canon 550d

>> No.7422772


Whatever you do, do not introduce yourself to the photography "community". Just don't. Run

>> No.7422816

No, Twerk is a girl.

>> No.7422845

shit I read that
>What are some /fa/ hobbits

>> No.7422848
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I have the same one, the technology in it is like ancient though compared to what they're selling today.

I need to get me a nice micro 4/3 or mirrorless camera. Anyone know anything about the OM-D?

>> No.7422857
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could this be a hobbit fashion thread now? pls

>> No.7422867

>not having indestructible foot soles
>still wearing shoes


>> No.7422879
File: 73 KB, 580x384, bilbo-baggins-2012-hobbit-pipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smoking a pipe is a pretty fun hobbit.


>> No.7422884


>> No.7423542

yeah it's pretty much perfect

unless u wanna be a filmmaker or u want soper bokies

but othert than that it's fuggen sikk

>> No.7423745
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>> No.7423976


>> No.7424034


>> No.7424077
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racing cars
racing motorcycles

>> No.7424182

Pen juggling


>> No.7424506
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>skateboarding is considered /fa/ now
Mfw all these dweebs

>> No.7424514

highschool nerd detected

>> No.7424530
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Skating is fucking cool.

>> No.7424539

that dude looks like he has absolutely no idea what hes doing at all

>> No.7424549

agreed (he probably doesn't), that was a really bad picture to post while trying to make a point.

>> No.7424555

Composition is usually where it's at.

Those epic photos that make it to "Best of" end of the year lists? Hard work getting them like that without filters, and even then.

It's all very subjective though, and arguable either way. Kinda like fashion, I guess.

>> No.7424569

Pls, they are helpful. And they are honest. They flat out tell you whatever reflex you can buy is good to go.

>> No.7424571

motorcycles in general
it's a hobby of mine which I don't really talk about but I guess it's pretty /fa/

>> No.7424885

I'm not very /fa/ but I'm into collecting cameras and going to estate sales and shit. Also taking pictures of shit.

>> No.7424917
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>> No.7424939

>estate sales

I really need to start doing this.
Where do you find out about them?

>> No.7424956

is graffiti fashionable? please say yes, i need this

>> No.7424969

make beats to play in background muted runway shows

>> No.7424973

What DAW do you use?

>> No.7424982

Consuming other people's art is not a hobby. That just what civilized people do as a fact of life.

Unless you're writing, playing, and painting -- those are not hobbies.

>> No.7424988

lol most skaters are boring people though
source: ive been skating for like 5 years

>> No.7424998

define boring, it's a matter of perspective... they aren't boring to other skaters.

>> No.7425017

I've been trying my hand at sexual acrobatics. I just tried to stick multiple golf balls up my butt. So far I can only fit 5 in my rectum. My goal is to do 10. I can do this, you guys.

>> No.7425023

no ambitions other than to skate
i mean, that's cool when you're like 15
not when you're 22

also most of them seem to be a part of this hivemind of interets
like they all listen to the same music (whatever is used in skate vid soundtracks)

there are definitely cool guys out there who skate though

>> No.7425024
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Is $500 dollars seriously the minimum for photography?

I'm completely new to it and kinda interested in it, but don't know if I'm prepared to shell out $500

>> No.7425031

Ableton. Always have, always will.

Ableton Live 9 is great, by the way. It is worth the money, imo.

If you're using a DAW, I highly recommend the use of peripherals, namely the Akai APC20. It is the knees of the bee.

>> No.7425035

I'm in the US. I use Craigslist, estatesales.org, and estatesales.net. Also, check your local paper. A lot of sales are run by people that liquidate estates as a profession, and often have email lists to send out information on upcoming sales.

>> No.7425044

>paying for ableton
lol what

>> No.7425057

you won't get anything good for $500 really

get a cheap simple camera that lets you set aperture, shutter speed, iso etc so you can learn and see if photography is for you

then buy a better camera

if you buy a $500 rabal you'll grow out of it quickly and want to replace it

>> No.7425068

>pirating software
Come on, shelling out $249 isn't going to kill you or make you homeless. Plus, if you register your software, you are given free downloadable content--instruments, effects, etc.

>> No.7425069


buy one of those cheapshit 'faux' vintage filter cameras from urban outfitters
bitches all up on yo dick

>> No.7425079

what does a midi pad do that i cant already do with my computers keyboard, now u wont reply, cause they dont do anything, midi pads biggest scam of the 21st century by far

>> No.7425091

Buy a cheap film SLR like a Canon/Minolta/Olympus/Pentax and shoot color negative film and have it developed at Costco. Or, if you want a more modern camera, get an EOS mount film Canon or a Nikon Nxx SLR. It's a hell of a lot cheaper than buying a DSLR to find out whether or not you're into photography.

>> No.7425103

I'd only buy it if I had a professional studio. Which is I think all they can ask for considering the prices of some plug ins.

>> No.7425135

You could buy a decent film SLR or rangefinder and develop yourself or at walgreens or smthn

>> No.7425140

>have it developed at Costco
lol nope. not if you're buying good film. their machines are a) shit & calibrated by someone making $7/hr and b) might not even be able to develop what you're shooting with.

It's not cheaper at all to shoot with film. development costs and film costs are extremely high. digital is worth the investment. the lens is more important than the body anyway.

>> No.7425162

Abo, you are an idiot. The level of stupidity that you display cannot isn't healthy. Tone that shit down.

I bet you bought an APC thinking that it was a synth.

>> No.7425181

Lenses for old film SLRs are way cheaper than DSLR lenses, and almost always have larger apertures.
If he just wants to find out if he like photography film is fine. A whatever slr and a few rolls is like 60 max

>> No.7425193

kek y do u need cameras when there is iphoens

>> No.7425528


Do you really think that will be an issue with a complete beginner's first couple rolls?
I have good enough luck with develop only at Costco using Portra/Ektar. Most of the ones near me have late-model Frontier and Noritsu equipment. So for pictures of friends/family/silly shit it's fine; who shoots anything serious on 35mm anyways?

Film isn't cheaper long-term, but it would be a hell of a lot cheaper to buy a film SLR and shoot a few rolls and then decide whether or not photography is for you than it would be to buy a DSLR bundle.

>> No.7426536

recommendations for a cheap SLR?

>> No.7426660

Did you teach yourself music theory. I was thinking of starting bit I don't know where to start and where to learn how to use ableton. A friend gave it to me years ago and it's just been sitting on my PC. I have a couple of idea but no know-how. Any and all tip would highly be appreciated anon

>> No.7426671

depends, do you do it as an artsy thing, like drawing pieces on paper, or just tagging

either way post handstyle

>> No.7426697
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is drawing/painting effay? is this watercolor effay?

what's the most effay art period

>> No.7426704

guys I am learning piano can you recommend me some reading/intermediate pieces as well as some chords/general theory?

I have this "First lessons in Bach I & II" but I feel like I need something to supplement this

>> No.7426720

learning chords and musical theory is for fucc niggas

>> No.7426730

Yo I'm the next banksy dawg thug gin
Stenciln my 'hood

Fuckin sk8n

Coppin geos and rick

Laying bitches at the club

Rick raf rick raf if you ain't wearing it you riffraff to me

>> No.7426739

The piano lessons that I took when I was 8 went a long way. I've learned basic music reading, scales, arpeggios, etc. etc. Basic music theory. I don't know how to teach basic music theory, so try to find a tutorial on YouTube.

I got into music production around high school. I worked a variety of odd-jobs, saved up my money, and spent that money on a synthesizer, a sequencer, and a drum machine. That cheap setup really gave me the hands-on experience on music production. I tweaked around with various rhythms. I plinked with some chord progressions, house style. The more I messed around, the better my grasp of music theory became.

The reason why I use DAWs is because they are nice and compact. It involves less wires, and requires fewer equipment. Between the two, in terms of sound, I would go with actual instruments.

As for getting started:
1) Learn music theory somehow. Find a tutorial. Learn online.
2) Tweak around with the program. Going back to point 1, you can find tutorials on how to make ____genre tracks. Look it up.
2a) The more you mess around with the program, the more familiar it will become. Be familiar with the program.
3) Point-and-click programming is limiting and it sounds awfully chintzy. Aboriginal_Thug argued against the use of peripherals, but fuck him, he doesn't know shit. In live performance, or in-home recording peripherals can make a track sound more "live".
3a) You will start out with point-and-click programming, but you must grow out of that. Most songs programmed that way will end up sounding like a MIDI track. Find a mixing console, find a keyboard, plug and play.
4) A great deal of time is spent on editing the track, and not so much composing. You want your tracks to sound finished, and in this time you will find yourself tweaking around audio effects, etc. A good remastering session can make a track sound polished.

>> No.7426745

Did you make that? I like it.

>> No.7426762

I'm learning Christmas Time Is Here and The Christmas Song by Vince Guaraldi on the piano

>> No.7426765
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Goddamn anon. I appreciate this man. What's your soundcloud? Also in return here is a drawing

>> No.7426939

Wire sculpture

None of that is /fa/, which is exactly what makes it /fa/

>> No.7427483
File: 1.28 MB, 1164x5000, Mystery Flavor Guide-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a thing i made for /mu/ with a begginer intro to music making by mysteryflavor.

>> No.7427492

have you ever used on of those on yourself?

>> No.7427500

its crazy how people pick up a hobbie and wanna flex on there info, like u see these elitist niggas in every hobbie info flexing tryna test u n shit, like 'bruh u dont even know what velocity sensitivity is, bruh you dont count your calories and protein intake, bruh you cant take pics on that shutter setting ' shut the fuck up homo, fuck your opinion

>> No.7427504

you can't put bass on yo beats

>> No.7427505

>3) Point-and-click programming is limiting and it sounds awfully chintzy. Aboriginal_Thug argued against the use of peripherals, but fuck him, he doesn't know shit. In live performance, or in-home recording peripherals can make a track sound more "live".
Lol this. The more hardware you have the better it will sound and the easier it will be to make it.

>> No.7427506

you bought a midi pad and cant even name its purpose, no one can, it has no purpose

>> No.7427511

Correcting someone who you notice is giving bad information when you actually know what you're talking about isn't flexing. it's crazy how people create these internet personas on a anonymous image board u see these nerdy ass wannabes in every thread shut the fuck up you homo fuck your opinion

>> No.7427516

i really wish midi pads did shit though, they look cool as fuck, i have always wanted one even before i started producing, but they actually dont do anything, like they literally dont do a thing you cant already do, theyre garbo and it blows my mind how many people own them not even realising they dont do anything, like theirs kids right now with 1000$ midi pads that dont even realise they dont do anything, lol its crazy

>> No.7427524


Can't get much more /fa/ than that

>> No.7427520

even using it as a controller it's superior than the mouse and keyboard and you suggested not even getting a proper keyboard..

link your soundcloud / bandcamp

>> No.7427527
File: 113 KB, 850x638, Arragements.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here is a good quiek look how the typical arragements looks like, im not saying you need to stick with it but its good for 'Traditional' arrangments and for basics.

also /mu/ has from time to time a general music production thread so check that out to, But be warry of that jbe something shitfag

>> No.7427532

i got a mpd18 atm which i use instead of a MPC cause a mpc cost way much more, Also i like the feel of using hardware cause it doesn't sound quantized / robot like.


>> No.7427541
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>> No.7427543

name a reason its superior to using mouse and keyboard. you cant

>> No.7427544
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dear god

>> No.7427561

It's a lot easier, it's a lot more precise (the biggest reason), it's a lot faster, you can do it while playing, it's a lot less robotic than programmed envelopes, actual velocity and pitch control, just the reasons I can think of off the top of my head.

if you're bad at production a midi controller or a keyboard isn't going to make you better. well, a keyboard might, but they do have their benefits, obviously.

>> No.7427567
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theirs people in this thread who didnt realise until right now that theyre 200$ midi pad has no use, you payed 200$ for a colourful plastic brick

>> No.7427581

that's like saying a car has no use because you own a bike.

>> No.7427593

>more precise
Unless you using Atari st don't talk midi input accuracy it gone be no dif. Programming keys keyboard if you have se controller make beats sound organic that sorry shit

>> No.7427599
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Producing/DJing music especially House, Nu Disco and Future Garage.

>> No.7427601

theyre definately not faster if thats what your trying to say, theyre literally exactly the same, theyre just basically an exact replica of whats already infront of you except you have to 200$ and plug it in and play around with programming every time u wanna use it.

>> No.7427605

Not saying don't use but superfluous and 4 show

>> No.7427616
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this is the jawn i copped on sale today

>> No.7427622

I liked cleaning my flat. Do it once a day.
Movies/TV shows go without saying.

>> No.7427624


im in syd this week rap battle me

>> No.7427628


pls film

>> No.7427634

it's more precise because you aren't using a fucking mouse movement to turn a circular knob. it's more intuitive and easier. like yeah it's more precise to add in my own parameters on the midi roll, but to do that for every track and post recording rather than during the recording is time consuming, ruins the whole flow of jamming

moving your hand to your mouse, finding the right knob on your screen, or maximizing the plug in window and finding the knob, is wayslower than moving your hand 2 inches to have an actual knob to control.

whether or not it's worth $200 to you is subjective.

like yeah a pad is pretty worthless I'll agree with you, I sold mine years ago, but for sure an actual midi keyboard with controller is a solid investment in my opinion. just for the fact that a keyboard doesn't even have a two octave range and the sharps and flats are by default in the wrong place.

>> No.7427673
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computer programming

>> No.7427680


fucking nerd

>> No.7427697
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>> No.7427699

dope midi pad

>> No.7427704
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>mfw stimulate your mind and solve problems
>mfw can turn hobby into profitable career

>can even wear cool hat

>> No.7427712

Fuck need reevaluate life that hat dope font game on point

>> No.7427713


>> No.7427716


>> No.7429349


That is funny.

>> No.7429355

This hat is actually really sick

>> No.7429372

yes as long as it's not banksy-tier stencils or lame ass paste up poster shit.

>> No.7429557

Go to thrift stores and garage sales. I'm partial to Nikon, but lenses are more expensive because they work on higher end digital Nikons. Look for whatever has a prime lens and is say under $50. Some budget favorites are the Canon AE-1 and AE-1 Program, the Olympus OM series, whatever Minolta was making during that period, and assorted Pentax cameras like the K1000/Spotmatic/ME Super. For a first camera, you can't go wrong with pretty much any name brand camera in decent condition.

>> No.7429570

yea, beyond /fa/ this shit is fun
i used to just chill in the freight yard near my house with friends, lookin at all the tags and full cars. dam if the coolest mofuckers arent crusty ass freight tagger punks.
i'd tag more if i wasn't suck a pussy.

>> No.7429659

Teenage girl-core.

>> No.7429666
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tv and vidya

>> No.7429678

singing, rock climbing, yoga

>> No.7429695

Multiple sensitivity buttons, mappable knobs/pads to control different parameters that would not able to be fluidly controlled by a keyboard, and weighted keys in some cases(if you don't understand why this is a good thing then you shouldn't be bothering yourself with making music). Just a few concrete reasons to use a midi controller.

>> No.7429726

oh god yea I can attest to this. film student here, and I skeptically borrowed my producer friend's usb midi controller to mix & master my project. holy shit was my workflow so much faster just by having that dedicated peripheral device. I probably shaved a good two hours off my mix, and I won't go back to keyboard/mouse workflow again.

>> No.7429818

>Not recommanding him to buy whatever first-price DSLR there is

Anon pls.

>> No.7429873

record collecting
amateur photography

>> No.7429903

attending wagner's ring cycle
clay molding
racket ball
exercise ie waking up early and running omg so good
making an okcupid acc with a model as the pic, going through quickmatch and 5 starring every girl, and lay witness to the shitstorm that follows (not that I do this)
web development

>> No.7429921


>> No.7429992

Attend live music shows

>> No.7430014

Browsing /fa/ is pretty /fa/

>> No.7430024

chess dot com app anyone?

>> No.7430154

Nope, can't drag everybody through a comb.
I skate and used to longboard(not the mainstream kind of carrying it everywhere, actually bombing hills and freeriding.), and skating is not the only hobby. Most of my friends do ton of shit media related. Couple of my buddies work at a media production company where they are like 8 people who skate. When they aren't taking pics and shooting music videos and commercials, they take trips to skateparks and end nights with couple of beers. Pretty cool after work I'd say.
Other friends who skateboard are into music, one produces underground style hiphop, and two others produce electro music, and have played some pretty good gigs.
It might sound like I'm excluding myself, I also go on skate trips with those friends, go to nice parties together, and I personally like programing and setting up events. Be it skateboarding events or parties, I like doing shit like this.
I don't know a single skater who is only devouted to skateboarding all the time. If your friends were, then I'm sorry you couldn't help think of shit you guys could do together.

>> No.7430166

im not sure if its /fa/ but i look quite good, 187cm, 89kg and when i say that i am chess IM they look at me with curiosity

>> No.7430180

chess is really cool if youre a cool guy and its really fucking retarded if youre some kind of nerd.
like theres no inbetween

>> No.7430196

this. growing up skating made me a better person. its very social, it's subculture, teaches you to push yourself and become technically and stylishly better at something. always parties, traveling to different cities for skate spots, always having fun together, athletic, builds confidence.

i haven't really skated since I was 20, Im 25 now, real job and such, but a few of my friends are on a team I won't mention, one is a filmer, some other friends do music, one went to stanford after deciding he wanted to go to community college and do something with his life, the whole scene is pretty interesting. not boring to me at all. lots of different forms of art and media.

>> No.7430272

Yeah I totally agree with what you're saying!
It builds you up. My friends who'd film and edit skateboarding now work for companies, doing what they loved then and still do, filming and editing. Although I have that one friend who doesn't do much, the one I mentioned that produces underground style hiphop. He basically just sits at home and smokes bud and produces his beats and writes lyrics. The few times he goes out he does so to go skating, and when he goes out more regularly it's because of gigs he does with his friend.
Getting more attached to work and other stuff really takes a toll on free time, which basically means less skateboarding. My oldest friend who skates turned 48 this summer, I mostly hang out with his son though, who also is a skater hah.

>> No.7430419

I agree very much with you. You defiantly one of my favorite trips.

>> No.7430432

you're herby af what do you know about other than pretending to be a thug on an anime forum?

>> No.7430653

firsthand canons EOS1100D

or second hand rebel, anything 400d and later
or second hand EOS x0D, anything 40d and later
or second hand pentax slr, anything 2008 and later

plus flea market m42 lenses or ebay- bought my 28mm f2.8 for 50 bucks. beautiful lens for the price. plus an m42 adapter. dont bother with kit lenses, ever.

>> No.7431116

magic the gathering

>> No.7431134

not a more wrong post in this thread. Reading literature is an exploration of which you are guided by the authors. Art is open to wide array of personal interpretation. Music can be listened to and collected in so many ways. I have such a huge vinyl collection that collecting itself is one of my favorite hobbies.

Of course, I play guitar and write a bit myself as well...but to discount consuming other peoples work as a hobby is so false

>> No.7431161

hobbies are not a fashion accessory. this thread is bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.7431192

dude he tries to get everyone mad and "troll", there is not a single post he makes that is serious

just don't reply to him, he'll go away

>> No.7431199
File: 191 KB, 800x591, jacquesvievillec1650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I collect tarot cards, kind of a weird one. Obviously I don't believe in that stuff but I've always loved tarot cards from being a young child and the history of them is really interesting.

Also bitches like it when you read their tarot even if it is bullshit.

pic is one of my fav decks

>> No.7431219

Watercolor color is very effay.
Mucha regains the grandmaster of watercolors.
Ergo, the most effacy art period is the art nouveau movement.

>> No.7431224

oh god i spent 50€ on this shit recently
kinda fun with friends but i almost feel bad cause it's so nerdy and some time ago a girl said to me "pls don't play magic or i won't come to ur party"
yugioh is way edgier and i'd rather play that but in the end these tcgs are even worse scams than designer clothing

>> No.7431230

that's an interesting one

also casual origami is pretty cool, wouldn't commit myself to it that much though

>> No.7431233

hop off my dick

>> No.7431243
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I always thought tarot cards were pretty cool. I still regret not picking up Dave Mckean's tarot set when it was available.

>> No.7431240

you 2 lil bitch

>> No.7431281
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I much prefer the medieval and Victorian decks to modern ones, I absolutely hate those themed ones aimed at fat middle aged women and teenage goth girls.

Although Thoth is easily one of the greatest Tarot decks.

>> No.7431297

ooh ooh ooh

do you recognize the card here, and what deck it's from?


>> No.7431382


Origami is way too fucking hard, fuck origami.

I can't even make a fucking swan, can't even do the first fucking fold.

Fuck origami dude

>> No.7431393

It's the death card from a Swiss 1JJ tarot deck.

>> No.7431409

I do printmaking i.e woodblocks, pronto plates, linocuts, zinc/copper plate etching on to archival paper.

I am also learning from my uncle how to make actually make paper. Recently I made paper out of banana peels.

I enjoy it but it can get expensive sometimes. I'm looking to sell some of my prints sometime soon as well.

>> No.7431415


how the fuck do you make one of those little birds anyway

it really pisses me off fuck origami

>> No.7431435

buying a film camera is the worst possible piece of advice you could give someone for starting with photography

>> No.7433144

yeah digital is good first for playing with av tv manual iso etc and seeing changes instantly. once you get technicalities down film is good for learning to compose and use restraint when shooting, i need to shoot film more. 100+ photos from one day is not a good habit

>> No.7433737




>> No.7433740

Eating pussy as hobby lel put that on resume

>> No.7433853
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Rick himself said you cannot be /fa/ unless you lift.

>> No.7433857
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>> No.7433880

>autism intensifis

>> No.7433915
File: 2.68 MB, 255x191, dance club.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>musical instrumenting

Heck yeah.

>> No.7433932
File: 48 KB, 224x223, 1387279817242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Road Cycling
Music production (Sort of)

But main hobby is my work.

>> No.7433942

hiking/camping in the summer

that's pretty much it for me... I'm a total homebody though. Don't really have too many friends or go out, like at all except maybe once a month for socializing.

p lame.

>> No.7433946

oh and I'm a runner as well, but I never really think of it as a hobby, as it's not really something I discuss or w/eq

>> No.7434015


I really need more to do, don't I?

>> No.7434020

>smoking and collecting pipes
>mens dress shoes
>safety razors and other classic shaving equipment
>Ayn Rands literature

>> No.7434031

>Ayn Rand

I've never read anything outside of The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged... what do you recommend?

>> No.7434034

p gr8 b8 m8

>> No.7435332

are you me ?

>> No.7436741

Music, the enjoying and making of it
Cooking (actual cooking, not some greasy bbq garbage)

Athleticism (track (^: )


>> No.7436748

a noose around your neck