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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 170 KB, 419x562, 1387123237195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7422001 No.7422001[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else find it strange how much changing the way you dress acutely affects the way in which people perceive you?

I'm in my second year of UK sixth form (recently 18) and while last year I dressed extremely normally, allsaints etc. since I've developed an interest in fashion and it's not unusual for me to wear Rick and Julius on a day to day basis, suddenly everyone in college knows who I am, and the assumptions made based on it are hilarious.

TL;DR: how do people react to the way you dress /fa/.

(pic pretty much unrelated, want this coat.)

>> No.7422005

they don't see me, I have achieved absolute urban stealth

>> No.7422002

>THAT guy always wearing black

>> No.7422009
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it's just that in the uk ppl are superficial and judge u based on ur fit

>> No.7422015

Lol this.

I don't know I don't dress in a way that separates myself from my social setting, I just dress slightly better than them.

My passion for clothing doesn't have to extend to how I dress myself, even though I love dressing up! Most of the time anything eccentric is a distraction, and I cannot afford that.

>> No.7422017

pretty much m8, but other than irritating 'lads' I'm essentially really popular, which is strange because I suffer from depression and i'm terrible at making friends / relationships
lel, should have used that pic for the thread
I'm sure you're right I just find it strange

>> No.7422018

Ive always been told I have my own style and dress well/they cant see anyone else they know dressing the way i do, meaning anyone else would look foolish while I look decent. Of course where I live plaid long sleeve shirts, Columbia half zip vests, 2.0 bowlcuts, bootcut jeans and sperrys are considered /fa/.

>> No.7422021
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>and the assumptions made based on it are hilarious
like what?

do they think youre gay

do they think youre a dandy boy

do they think youre a limp wristed flailer

but most importantly.. do you think you are??

>> No.7422023


post a fit m8y

maybe u jus deliosonal

>> No.7422024
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a standard fit for me would be zespys, rick or VTB top (yeah yeah i'm a fuccboi), a pair of national standard sneakers, and pic related

>> No.7422025
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>being in sixth form
>wearing rick and julius

I bet you stand outside of the gates smoking shittily hand rolled cigarettes that you rolled during general studies while sat at the back with your "cool" drug taking friends, atleast one of which wears, or atleast owns, a commes des fuck down hat. I bet you take something like Performance Studies, Philosophy or Fine Art and hang out with attractive, snooty looking girls and you probably have a fucking car.

Oh man you rile me up. I bet you have left wing political opinions.

>> No.7422029
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rarely anyone mentions it and i dress like the guy on the right

>anon you always dress like a designer

lmao @ intimidated plebs

>> No.7422031

People thing that I'm some sort of edgy, sexual, dark mysterious guy when I'm intact pretty boring, conscientious student + virgin
just gonna take a shower, will post in a minute if there's still any interest

>> No.7422032
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go easy on him

>> No.7422034


people think i dress nicely
can't remember any negative comment in the past four or five years

>> No.7422039

hilarious accurate in some regards, miles off in others, I smoke, I take Philosophy and maths and I'm into drugs, but pretty much everything else was wrong

>> No.7422041


I bet this fucking "oh im so dark and a virgin and sad and can't make friends" fuckfence has all sorts of tumblr having girls who wear camo jackets and doc martens and black leggings everyday crawling all over him.

Jesus christ, "im such a conscientious student" fuck you. I bet you don't even do Maths, never mind Further Maths. Jesus what a pleb.

>> No.7422042
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jesus that's my life
even the hand rolled cigarette thing wtf how do u no??

>> No.7422043

I don't get negative remarks, that's not it, people just have strange expectations of me

>> No.7422050

Its easy to watch people when you are alone a lot.

Maths and Further Maths or is it amateur hour over here?

>> No.7422047

Why would you spend your hard earned money on rick when you're 18. Get drunk or something you fag lol

>> No.7422049

>being this adamant with BS interpretation of clothing.

Massive social anxiety detected

>> No.7422052

So I had the same thing, went to sixth form and became a tumblrpleb but everyone loved it, two years later (now) I've taken /fa/ advice on Nikes and always wear black skinnies jeans or joggers, everyone loves it when I come in with a new pair of sneakers.

>> No.7422058

amateur hour m8, did A2 politics in first year because I did AS in school, as well as maths physics and philosophy, fucked up maths, dropped physics, 195/200 in philosophy so I'm doing AS+A2 maths this year and philosophy as well as an extended project

>> No.7422065
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I reserve loudly designed pieces to things like shoes and jackets

As for pants, shirts, t shirts, and hoodies etc i don't deviate much from mass marketed design. If a designer puts out standard cuts but adds their own little twist to it, I'm all game but for designers like Rick who are pretty "out there" so to speak, Id rather not wear any of it. I like Rick, but it does not fit my lifestyle.

IMO, personal fashion sense is second to the womenswear of my favorite designers.
If I had I choose between being able to freely pick my clothes or being able to continue watching fashion shows, I think the answer would be obvious.

I love women in beautiful clothes, that's all that matters to me

>> No.7422074
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I'm not going to brag here, but if you got on my level it would be something incredible.

And what about the political opinions. Left of centre (a modern day eunuch) or right of centre (a tiger riding, differentiated man amongst the ruins)?

>> No.7422078
File: 28 KB, 483x441, 1386577363215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Anon buys his clothes on the internet, hahah!"
>"Hey anon, remember when I asked you where you got that and you said the internet? Hahahah"
>"You buy designer clothes on the internet you fucking faggot"
>"Hah, anon gets his sense of humor from the internet too"

>> No.7422088
File: 382 KB, 855x2520, IMG_0034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since I started being /fa/, well, my classmates call me a tryhard and a faggot but idc they are just children.
Mature people (for example my mom) appreciate my style and tell me I'm a handsome gentleman.

>> No.7422095

it's funny how you'd post this after the tons of comments giving testament to how accurate he was

>> No.7422094
File: 140 KB, 640x480, Avant Garde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow what a subtle troll, you're a master ruseman, so funny...

>> No.7422097
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Fucking hate shit like small cardigans on men. Ugh I am so glad that trend ended where I live.

Also you are not a man.
Also cardigans can look good

>> No.7422102


>mom tells me I'm a handsome gentleman

>> No.7422103

I wish I could dress like that, but it's too fucking hot in florida

>> No.7422109

threads never go the way you expect do they

ah well, interesting discussion nonetheless

>> No.7422114
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Everyday is summer wear day

>> No.7422117

It was literally 80 degrees yesterday

>> No.7422123

as for political opinions, left wing: anarchy would be best but not currently possible etc.

>> No.7422125

what is wrong with any of that?

>> No.7422127
File: 3 KB, 800x480, colombia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>you will never wear any of these cool looking winter fits

>> No.7422128


and u are whining? u wot m8?

>> No.7422137


>> No.7422140

Just read some Julius Evola or something. Its just a very base way to live. Certainly not the sort of thing you should be doing if you want to get anywhere close to transcendence.

Jeez louise.

>> No.7422147

Can you condense what you are talking about to a brief explanation please .
What do you mean by transcendence?

>> No.7422149

>i suffer from depression and i'm terrible at relationships
>i'm a boring virgin
then why dress in a way that yells for attention, serperate your interest with fashion and the internet with what's real

>> No.7422158

"Muh A-Levels"

>> No.7422156

The wikipedia article for Julius Evola and his books can better express it than I can.

>> No.7422163

I've always been pretty miserable and I have this weird complex about self improvement. For instance a constant need to be better at my hobbies, my work, etc and more recently fashion. I have a habit of taking hobbies on board and using them to forget about why I feel shit
when did anyone complain about A-levels?

>> No.7422159

this sounds massively /fa/
>you will never have this lifestyle

>> No.7422165

cop rick tank, yohji pants, vans slip ons

>> No.7422174

I read the article on wikipedia and it's miles of my mindset. While I enjoy fashion, which, yes, requires some money to execute, I am not motivated by money and materialism

>> No.7422178

Hi, sorry you probably don't know me. I'm a very prominent trip on /sp/, and have previously posted my A-Level module grades to show that I am superior to 99% of posters. In response, people usually say "muh A-Levels" and project their insecurities at me.

>> No.7422184

Oh I see, haha,just how well did you do then? I'm looking at A* A A overall, but I'm guessing you far surpassed that?

>> No.7422195

>pretty much m8, but other than irritating 'lads' I'm essentially really popular, which is strange because I suffer from depression and i'm terrible at making friends / relationships

so there's hope

>> No.7422202

No, I let myself down a lot in the end and only got A*AA. After getting 194/200, 190/200, 192/200 and 188/200 at AS. Where are you going uni m8

>> No.7422205

5x astar

>> No.7422209

yeah the problem for me is that I'm awful at expressing feeling towards people, which is why i'm solitary in the first place. There's been times in the past where girls have shown an obvious interest in me but I'm too awkward to do anything about it, even if I share the feelings.

Female friend of mine jokingly accused me of being scared of women the other day, but she was sadly true (although that's only part of it, i'm just scared of conflict and directly telling people how I feel about something)

>> No.7422214

ah fair enough, I'm thinking probably warwick or Edinburgh if grades allow, if not, Royal Holloway

>> No.7422225

If a good number of people are interested, why don't you just embrace their mysterious, sexual idea of you

What do you have to lose young man, a few casual encounters and better word of you around campus

>> No.7422223

You hate degenerates and modern culture?

>> No.7422232

Don't go to Warwick, shit nightlife, full of foreign (asian) students who do not integrate at all.

>> No.7422234

much of it, yes, is it so impossible to believe that someone who likes high fashion has this mindset, if not why are you here?
For instance a lot of the stoners at college like me but I can't stand lazy stoners (nothing against smoking cannabis, just don't unmotivated people)

>> No.7422246


te comprendo M8, colombia es una mierda para /fa

>> No.7422247

>female friend

Oh yeah, you so awkward and friendless and alone and dark and cool and mysterious and different.

You really aren't that different from the majority of people mate.

>> No.7422248

Edinburgh it is. Went to visit my brother there a while ago it was really nice
That's a large part of it, I have a mental block, or fear if you will, of casual sex, and I find most people really unattractive, not necessarily physically, just unlikeable

>> No.7422254

Where are you going hotshot
What are you doing at a-level

>> No.7422257

She's the only person in my college I'd consider a friend, she likes Rick Owens, so we got talking easily, other than that I have like two friends outside of college, one of which is suicidal

>> No.7422260

but also, THAT'S THE FUCKING POINT OF THIS THREAD. I'm not that different people just assume that I am.

>> No.7422258

Force yourself to continue conversation, try good man.

You're scared, but you don't say so. It would work for you if you feigned apathy and made it seem clear you are only interested in hooking up. Just like the sexual mysterious man that you are.

You just may become that

>> No.7422267

you're probably right man, I just don't find casual sex that appealing, I have no sex drive but I do crave intimacy, which I don't see as something casual sex can give me

>> No.7422269

I'm at Bristol, I did History/Econ/Philosophy/Maths

>> No.7422273

well good for you, because you're an asshole and people still like you

that's not uncommon either

>> No.7422274

And you're unlikeable as well, or so you say and don't you agree?

Go out and give and get. Give and get young man

>> No.7422286


>> No.7422293

I'd rather get got

>> No.7422298

Yeah that's the thing man, I know that you're completely right I just really struggle with it, but thank you for the kind words

>> No.7422334

This is what happens when you're entire personality is based upon what you wear I guess.

>she likes rick so we got talking easily

Jesus christ.

>> No.7422339

You misinterpret me there.
What I'm saying is that the only reason we got talking is because of a mutual interest, which she noticed and started talking to me about.

>> No.7422337

>"anon where did you get this?"
>i forgot
>it was a gift
>not much

>> No.7422342
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Has this gaylord even posted a fit yet?

>> No.7422350

But surely if you had wide and varied interests you would meet more people with mutual interests?

Although it is a double edged sword because you can become too patrician and isolating to talk to, regular plebs just bore you.

>> No.7422368

yeah but it's like, gymnastics, few people know i'm a gymnast, and when they do it's just "can u do a backflip", which is fucking annoying. Main other hobby is music, which does get me talking to people, but I'm not that passionate about music anymore

agree with the later part though, which is shit because I really don't like being judgemental

>> No.7422387
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Despite my harsh words, I feel like I may have met a kindred spirit today.

>> No.7422398

Good to hear sir.
To be honest if I saw this thread I would have responded a little like you did

>> No.7422412

No one has ever commented on how I dress. I wouldn't even want to know how people perceive me and my clothes.

>> No.7422464

people have always thouht i dressed well, even wen i didnt

i dress in practically basic fits but get complimemts

>> No.7422472
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>Anon you look fit.
>b-but muh clothes


>> No.7422527

that made literally no sense
"you look fit"
"but my clothes"

what the fuck?

>> No.7422544

we need a geologist

>> No.7422546

geologist here
i think he means he gets compliment on his looks but not his clothes and it annoys him
if not
fuck knows

>> No.7422595

yawn how were a-levels for you

>> No.7422603

err only did 2 a-levels before i got kicked out of 6th form lol
got a c in history and a c in english lit
thats y i went 2 culinary school
cant handle sitting down 4 ages and essays etc

>> No.7423236

>since i started being /fa

hahahahahahaha nigga so u spent a few dollars more than usual and u achieved the rank of fa yeah bruh did u know i watched that wes andersons movie and since then i've achieved zen

fuckin delusional

>> No.7423300

>anarchy would be best but not currently possible etc.
I used to feel the same way when I was younger, I realized it was intellectual dishonesty. You know what would be best but currently isn't possible? If everyone was a multi-millionaire. If your political opinions don't take into account what is or isn't actually possible and the way things actually are, you're being lazy and dishonest with yourself.

I'm not saying this to be a jack-ass, I was just in the exact same situation as you.

>> No.7423341


Sounds like a cool guy

>> No.7423382


Masterfully put. Anarchy is such a pleb position.

>> No.7423409

>"Anon you're always dressed so precisely."
>"Those are very nice shoes anon."
>"Your coat looks so well fitted on you, can I try it on?"

All these were said while wearing not a single item of clothing over £100.

>> No.7423414

>tfw U.S will never shift into a glorious post-scarcity machine driven nation of extreme luxury for everyone

>> No.7423438

I'm blond, 6'2", fairly muscular, and dress goosecore. Everyone trusts me and people I don't know strike up conversations a lot. I'm dating a girl who dresses tumblrgoth and she tells me I'm plain but good looking. She wants me to get a tattoo or piercing with her so bad.

>> No.7423487


>> No.7423530

Ryan Gosling core?

>> No.7423561

Oh. Well, now I feel like an idiot.

>> No.7423571

Yeah that's kind of what I meant by saying that it's not possible, I think it would be good, but I suppose that's partly because it's apolitical, and I don't really agree with any political positions

>> No.7423585

Heck, it was a guess on my part.

>> No.7423623

Since I started spending a little more on clothes I'm the "hipster" (at least for my old friends).
They still love me tho.

>> No.7423639
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It's just basic bitch while having a good body with some pieces of flair like necklaces, gloves, or glasses. Also good hair and be at least 6/10, blond or brunet.

>> No.7423868

Thats it.

>anon, do you own any colored clothes?

>> No.7425535
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>I bet you have left wing political opinions
piss off cunt

>> No.7428393

>be 23
>dress like Catherine Zeta Jones pretty much
>hate shopping
clothes are usually picked out for me by two ladies or the bf

>friends from high school try to hang out with me, but they're tryhards
They still act like high schoolers, immature, "I don't do drama but omg dramahhhh"
>younger clients tend to ignore me as much as possible, talking as little as possible
>other clients stare at me but don't say anything
>middle aged, wealthy clients tend to be awesome as hell like we've known each other for years

I wish I also had well-read, well dressed friends that are my age, but they're intimidated. That's okay though. I'm content with older friends. I like self-made rich people anyways. They also have lovely events every month.
We just went to my bf's group charity Christmas event last week. We're going to a private New Years hotel party soon and by private, I mean invite only for dancing, drinking, fucking, sucking complete with body guards FUCKYES

I will never go back to younger friends if they keep their immature shit up

>> No.7428405

>hurrrr I wanna be Sylvia Plath
>4chan is my personal blog

>> No.7428408

I feel like I can wear anything and it look nice.
>tossed old wallet away because I dropped it on the filthy ground
>buy a blue and red wallet with a bird face on it FROM WALMART as a temporary replacement until weekly weekend shopping trip
>"omg I love your wallet. It's so Asian."

Btw, I'm azn

>> No.7428410

Are you new?

>> No.7428417

... fuck

>> No.7428419

feels like most of this is a lie

>> No.7428562

Why? Because your life is Internet based?

>> No.7428952

probably like a fatty who wears too small clothes ;_;

>> No.7428959

This makes me want to get /fa/. I just stick to plain fitted tshirts, skinny jeans and a hoodie or 2. Have no idea where to begin.

>> No.7428966

uh, this is, like, the goal in life

>> No.7429005

was a nerdy loser with just a bunch of shit m8s that i'd been stuck with for ages, didn't really like and only hung out with because i didn't have anyone else

started smoking and starving myself, dropping stacks on designer clothes (most Raf, Undercover and a bit of Comme). bumped into a couple of proper "cool kidz" (both at CSM now) that i went to school with one day and now hang around in their "fash pack" tearing around london, constant parties, doing drugs, going to members clubs and art galleries, hanging out with artists, film makers, models, etc. living in a sweet converted warehouse in Dalston

life is great now

>> No.7429008

raf simmons rick owens jilli salander

>> No.7429035

you made it
we're all gonna make it

>> No.7429050

>raf simmons
alot of this stuff looks horrible

>> No.7429064

please leave

>> No.7429139


>> No.7429173


>> No.7429200

>tfw dress basic as fuck in GAP shit
>tfw get compliments
poorfag blues
all I want to be is the full embodiment of Ann Demeulemeester menswear