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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 509 KB, 522x611, she brings the rain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7412924 No.7412924 [Reply] [Original]

can someone please explain to me what noirain does for a living to be able & vacation around the world eating gourmet meals every day and shopping at high fashion luxury boutiques in every major city?

>> No.7412930
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>> No.7412929

trust fund swag

>> No.7412932

man, I'm gay and I would pound that.

>> No.7412940

It's not gay if it's a three-way :)

>> No.7412935

Thom Browne?

>> No.7412938
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>> No.7412945
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who is this whore?

>> No.7412947
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>> No.7412958
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she has won the golden ticket in the game of life

>meals like this are a daily occurrence for her
i don't think she knows what microwave food tastes like

>> No.7412989


>> No.7412998

>Mfw just bought that jacket this week

Someone fuckin shoot me

>> No.7413000

>meals like this
a sandwich and a salad?

>> No.7413005
File: 422 KB, 550x637, noir 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i was literally just looking at her ig and wondering the same thing when i tabbed over

it's possible i'm confusing her with someone else, but i think she used to work as an SA and now is a buyer. she obviously comes from money and it's really not that hard to break into the boutique world if you're already a tiny asian female w/ an arte povera wardrobe ... there are plenty of rich kids, esp. in new york, who get into the scene early and then end up basically working in these relatively low-level positions (SA, assistant to the buyers or the fashion week teams) for the rest of their lives because it's such a good gig if you don't have to depend on your job to make a living income. i talked to some dude at atelier (asian guy, mid-twenties, manbun, hella w:m bling) who had worked there for four years, and said basically that all his friends also worked high-end retail in some capacity around the city and (besides hanging out at atelier from 11-7 every day) all he did was go to industry events and occasionally fly out to paris. i asked him what he thought he was going to be doing now and he said his friend had got him a position as assistant manager (or s/t) of retail operations for some tiny nyc-based brand, which meant he was dealing with showroom stuff during january and february and then coolin for the rest of the year. once you're in, you're in. then you also have these guys like alex kasavin and wei du who decide to start their own boutiques with such mystifyingly-unsustainable business models that you know they just want a place to hang out & for their friends to work at (and, of course, an in to shows.) they don't need the money; in fact, i would be surprised if graymarket has EVER turned a profit.

anyway, that's an outsider's opinion. ask /fa/scist. this is his game

>> No.7413010

>having wine at brunch

what a fucking pleb

>> No.7413008
File: 722 KB, 1022x603, 1386967653178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a salad with fuckin' gourmet shrimp in it + wine
are you trying to troll me?

>pic also related

>> No.7413013
File: 108 KB, 430x600, 5LBKE[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up with the coat hanger tattoo? Did she have a stillborn or an abortion or complications?

>> No.7413018

she's also got one of the drkshdw pentagram lmfao

>> No.7413019

its alongside the "cool boy internet fashion rep" that comes alongside the "she brings the rain" and "pyrex" and all that shit that would make absolutely zero sense out of context

>> No.7413023

lol? thats just korean bbq, i had that the other day

>> No.7413033
File: 774 KB, 1021x608, 1386967990434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself

>> No.7413045

oh wow oysters, so fancy

what do you eat anon, lunchables?

>> No.7413050

lmfao at being impressed by any of this
have you ever eaten at a non-fast food restaurant?

>> No.7413049


it's not thaaat fancy youre right

trust fund baby for sure though, probably art-liking parents who want some art critic daughter

>> No.7413053

Fucking anon dont be talking shit about my lunchable guy

>> No.7413065

i'm not your guy, friend

>> No.7413062
File: 1.09 MB, 500x350, 1376616516080.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this just in: shrimp makes things gourmet.

weather at 11.

>> No.7413067

give me an example of fine dining IYO

>> No.7413073

>w:m bling

>> No.7413076

if "fine dining" for you is just going out to eat at literally any bistro where you can order a sandwich and a salad with FUCKING shrimp in it, then you should probably get a job and move out from under your parent's roof.

>> No.7413079

There's really only one brand that could be.

>> No.7413089

for a sec i thought it was a subculture
it's being a ahem...hypebeast

>> No.7413090

rare meats
world renowned chefs
aged wines and cheeses
sharing that meal with yeezus

need at least 3 of the above to qualify as fine dining

>> No.7413106

>this is what the lower class actually believes
you will find almost none of these things at contemporary high-end restaurants.

>> No.7413109

I don't get it. None of the stuff she's eating are fancy. They're typical stuff that the plebain masses eat everyday. I get that she's small and cute and dresses cute.

>> No.7413112
File: 361 KB, 373x546, Picture 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yfw when you realize the shoes she has on in this picture

>> No.7413118

yeah theres definitely no rare meats, truffles, wines, cheeses, or good chefs at high end restaurants

>> No.7413123

>/fa/ talking about eating
do they come with a care label/instructions

>> No.7413131

she owns my grail....


>> No.7413166

>she brings the rain

look at actual collections instead of what gets retumblr'd eight thousand times and you might actually develop some taste

>> No.7413174

not sure if serious? was responding to the fact that she is wearing the hardest to find colorway of CCP drips...

>> No.7413184
File: 95 KB, 612x612, 1367738546177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she owns everyones grails

>> No.7413191
File: 2 KB, 285x156, 5LEhw[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never own Rick's friendship

>> No.7413205

Stupid fuck

>> No.7413218

can someone answer the god damn question

how does this asian bitch afford all this shit working literally zero days a year

>> No.7413233

most likely comes from a wealthy family its not that hard to figure out.

>> No.7413236
File: 143 KB, 600x646, 1262122532556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7413241


>> No.7413252

This appears to be insightful. Thx

>> No.7414174


>> No.7414193


Asian trust fund baby, as per usual. A guy I knew from my old high school is just like her - albeit with considerably less taste:


>> No.7414199
File: 79 KB, 640x640, 1386986337448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would bang

>> No.7414205

>not having wine at brunch and every meal except breakfast
sure are pleb, anon

>> No.7414209

she looks like a ghost, no patrick swazye

>> No.7414214

i fancy pale white /asian grills but this bitch is ghoulish

like shes got that straight out of the morgue look going

>> No.7414216


Incidentally, working in a high-end boutique doesn't usually work out if you don't already have a large amount of money to fall back on because you end up being forced to spend every dime you make on clothes to keep up appearances.

>> No.7414217


I'm pretty sure she is just super rich... I'm jealous of her lifestyle but since she is so rich fashion just seems like a game to her, like personally I would probably be happy with 3-4 solid outfits that I could wear all the time but have you seen this girl's wardrobe? She has like 20 shoes alone totalling up to like 20-30K... I'd imagine fashion to be really boring when you can cop everything you want but idk, I'm not rich as fuck so just my poor man's view on it

Like god damn I wish I just had 10K to put together 1 fcking sick outfit to wear for the rest of my life

>> No.7414229
File: 69 KB, 612x612, 1386986839139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never stroke her pussy

>> No.7414233


>She has like 20 shoes alone totalling up to like 20-30K

That's not an unreasonable amount for a younger person with a decent job and some expendable income to accumulate over a few years.

>> No.7414242

how much you get it for, sell me it, is it sz 2

>> No.7414250
File: 50 KB, 613x267, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm interested. Whose daughter could she be?

>> No.7414251


My point wasn't really how expensive her shit was but the amount of pieces

Like having 20 shoes... 2 fucking 0... Like who needs that many? I can't imagine myself having or even wanting that many expensive shoes...

>> No.7414253

nah. i'd put her shoe collection closer to 40k retail, and that's pretty fucking insane.

>> No.7414258

haha what
are you aware that this is a fashion board?

>> No.7414261


I'm pretty sure many of use have at least half that amount. I have around fifteen pairs...

>> No.7414267

It's called having a rich daddy. Like every other e-famous tumblr / instagram faggot.

>> No.7414273


I have around that many. I'm a single dude who makes a pretty decent living off university tutoring, research grants and RA work.

>> No.7414278


Yes, and obviously we have different approaches to fashion, with mine being more complex than yours. I like the idea of clothing having a personal relationship to the wearer, so I would be content with just a few pairs that I really love and could wear for many years. I dislike mindless consumerism which you have suggested fashion is "about", proving what a dumbass you are.

Please educate yourself before posting

>> No.7414289

>Like having 20 shoes... 2 fucking 0... Like who needs that many? I can't imagine myself having or even wanting that many expensive shoes...
That's a small number of shoes for a grill.

>> No.7414293

you just sound upset b/c you can't cop 20 pairs of designer sneakers tbh

>> No.7414298
File: 50 KB, 600x569, 1386988025458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't stop laughing at this post rn

>> No.7414304

Sold a jacket to mike once - cool guy

>> No.7414307

probably some bureaucrat. Government ppl have a lot of money in China

>> No.7414308

>this post was made by a chronic mfa ledditor

>> No.7414318

I actually agree with him, and not samefaggin. Does ricky only wear one sneaker at a time?

Anyways everyone is different, nothing wrong with having a huge shoe collection.

>> No.7414321


See this is the exact type of mindless consumerism mentality I dislike about mainstream fashion. Everyone wants more, more, more and is never content and never pays attention to what they're actually accumulating.

And to the guys who own lots of shoes, can I ask, how many of those get regular wear - how many do you truly love and feel great wearing? I have a friend who dresses extremely well from being into fashion since a very early age. He owns like 30 shoes, but most were just "in the moment" purchases, and over time as his taste also changed, many of his shoes were never worn. He told me that he regrets buying that many, and wishes he would have invested the money into a few solid shoes he really liked.

And in our occasional shoe collection threads I see people with a very incoherent set of shoes, many of them that are probably years old and purchased before they were into fashion / just getting into fashion. It seemed like they just keep them for the sake of adding an extra number to their "collection".

Idk, I just personally like having a very concise, refined, personal wardrobe.

>> No.7414341


Wow those are some very intellectual, insightful posts. If you don't mind, please elaborate and tell me about your opinion.

Like >>7414318 said, there is nothing "wrong" about having lots of shoes or lots of clothes, I've stated already that I *PERSONALLY* don't like it and couldn't see myself with such a wardrobe

But nevermind the guy who made valid points and shared his opinion, let's just call him a jealous faggot and post le memes because he has a different idea lel

>> No.7414355

instagram flexing is so nouveau riche smh

>> No.7414373

lol it really is. 2 of the wealthiest kids i know that come from old money dont flex at all

>> No.7414397
File: 28 KB, 440x351, page42_blog_entry93_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish people would stop idolizing these fucking instagramers. It's like no one realizes that the lives they live are inspired by the lives we live. Not the other way around. These people have no character at all.

>> No.7414391

I think she is just another rich asian, the only difference is that she actually posts on social media about her lifestyle so to us it all seems very exclusive. There are lots of people like her that we just don't know about, she is not very special in that sense.

Like there is a boutique in my city geared towards extremely rich chinese people, they sell Rick Damir CdG Guidi Undercover Mastermind Jil Raf Balmain Julius and 15 year old kids will literally just walk in and walk out an hour later with 10K worth of random shit they just tried on

>> No.7414393


>> No.7414398

>rare meats
like what? lion? fugu? kobe? shark? any meat with high enough demand isn't going to be that hard to obtain, that shit's for angry asian bankers
if it's expensive, it must be fine dining, huh
>yfw my grandma cooks with truffles
>world renowned chefs
if a chef is world-renowned, he's probably in his kitchen experimenting, not cooking your shit. besides making the menu (which can be reproduced), that world-renowned chef probably didn't have much to do with your meal
>aged wines and cheeses
where the fuck are you from that you eat non-aged wine and cheese? do you understand how these foods work

>> No.7414413


You're pathetic, can't believe I wasted time actually typing out my posts when retards like you can only respond with "autism" "lol trole" "lol samefeg!!!"

>> No.7414428

how long have you been here?

>> No.7414433

those types tends to be very involved and more active in moving with the times brah. growing technology and data

>> No.7414436


>> No.7414447

instagram flexer detected every teenager, regardless of daddies income level, is on instagram who are you trying to kid fuccboi

>> No.7414442
File: 24 KB, 430x629, 65492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we get it dude

>> No.7414445
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>> No.7414448

true but 2deep4 the average american population under control

>> No.7414450
File: 96 KB, 944x712, xvYrFVv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this nigger

>> No.7414451


About 2 years, why?

Just because we're on 4chan doesn't mean we have to accept MUH BORD CULTURE and all act like retards and idiots

>> No.7414452

i was agreeing bro

>> No.7414460

you should really know what to expect by now

>> No.7414474

>confirmed for fresh from leddit

>> No.7414478


Like I said, just because there's lots of retards here who can only respond with reaction faces and single word insults doesn't mean I have to be ok with that

Their loss really, they can learn but they choose not to because "omg im offended how dare this guy prove me wrong guess i'll dismiss him and call him a faggot"

>> No.7414491


this is why most of the good users left for greener pastures. its just how 4chan is. occasionally you'll get an interesting thread that isnt derailed by shitposting but thats certainly a rarity.

>> No.7414512

>Their loss really, they can learn but they choose not to because "omg im offended how dare this guy prove me wrong guess i'll dismiss him and call him a faggot"
Pretty sure they're doing it to get a rise out of you, you really must be new here m8

>> No.7414523


while yeah, there's a point when it becomes flexing

Wooster's posts don't give off that flex vibe

Bai's do

>> No.7414535


Nah I think it's more like "shit i don't have anything to say so i'll call him a faggot" at first, then they subconsciously give up and keep "trolling" to convince themselves they were never serious about the point of discussion anyway and are simply "trolling" for "fun" like >>7414436

It's a really elementary defense mechanism, you see it alot here and I used to do it too when I got rekt in an argument. I'd just drop the argument and start shitty trolling to "laugh it off"

>> No.7414543

I hate this girl but I'm still following her.

>> No.7414551

>thinking too deeply into 4chan's trolling mechanics

>> No.7414552

how did the wooster start out?

>> No.7414559


His LinkedIn profile is public.


>> No.7414568

>debate me faget
Why don't I believe you when you say you've been here 2 years?

>> No.7414570

wow he did so much shit

>> No.7414573

What shoes does she have on?

>> No.7414610
File: 45 KB, 640x640, 1386991367887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the woo aged gracefully well into his 50s now, he's made and settled. bai's young and one of millions riding this technology expansion >>7414355 he's still young and excusable.

as for the noi gal, it's not hard to grasp. she's from wealthy heritage, therefore not as limited to expression through consumerism.

>> No.7414620
File: 114 KB, 640x640, 1386991448213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and she's still a young whippersnapper as well

>> No.7414637

That's unreasonable for an old person with a very high income. You're fucking delusional.

>> No.7414650

impractical sure. unreasonable? well, consumerism for one. because they can, two.

>> No.7414658


This is not the sort of industry where you get a job and stay there for forever.

>> No.7414662

lol no its not u fucking idiot

u really think an old ceo or some shit cant afford a 40k car instead of a 10k one?

its a lot of money to spend on shoes to u cause ur a pleb fuck, but its not a lot when it comes to disposable income

"omg u have 2k worth of shoes???? fucking idiot spend that on something productive and worthwhile" - sent from my 2000$ gayming pc

>> No.7414668

i see that now lol

>> No.7414675

god youre such a pretentious faggot why havent i filtered you yet

>> No.7414679


sent from my nokia 3310

>> No.7414680

there's a pretty big difference between $2k and $40k. for a young girl in her 20's, no matter your income bracket, i'd say $40k worth of shoes is a lot of shoes, especially considering that it doesn't seem unlikely that she paid full retail for most or all of them. that's not a value judgment -- just a quantitative one

>> No.7414696

the topic is fleeting and very trivial, please levi stop. i'm cringing when i read you saying, "u fucking idiot"

time to stop posting

>> No.7414699

yeah its defs a lot but its rlly no different/no more unreasonable than her parents buying her a bmw for her sweet 16 or some shit like that, rich kids having lots of stuff shouldnt come as a shock for everyone, its stupid to throw a fit over 20k worth of shoes when he wouldnt bat an eyeleash over some rich asian kid owning a 100k yacht or some shit like that, people always get more pissed at luxury clothes than luxury anything else

>> No.7414704

your posts are long winded juvenile rants
honestly read what u fucking type >>7414278

>> No.7414706

timber, i'm very sure income bracket does matter

>> No.7414723

I'm not talking about Lebron or Miley Cyrus income levels. I'm talking about "normal" high income earners.

The top 1.5% highest earning households in America earn $250,000. Even at that income, you can't spend $30,000 on shoes alone.

>> No.7414733

if u have a passion for it u can
maybe u will forego a nicer car or travel but if u love it I don't see why u wouldn't

>> No.7414728


Not really wading into this, but isn't that only assuming that they were bought at retail? And what about the fact that they might have been bought at different times? On sale? Etc.?

Gonna go ahead and hide the thread, but just didn't know if those facets had been brought up.

>> No.7414729

no one is "throwing a fit." $40,000 is a damn lot of money, whether you make it in an hour or in ten years. i'm not having this argument.

>> No.7414741

gaming pc's retain their value though

i7-960 with a cooler master v8 that was popular in 2009ish still can play very hefty games

performance with little regard to power usage or size
which could be used everyday

back on my early days of /fa/ a popular shoe was the raf simons dress shoe with the colored strap over the toe box $1200 retail yoox later had in 2011 for around $560

today you couldn't give those shoes away if you wore them everyday

ann d combat boots that were popular back then, if worn everyday would be sniped by you for $29 shipped

>> No.7414745
File: 38 KB, 487x222, errol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is correct.

>> No.7414753

Those digits sound very well in their means. Do not want to dive in to this either, it's her personal interest in how she applies her money.

trunks is throwing fits, no literally have you seen the waywt?

>> No.7414781

trunks are you like a gardener? lol

>> No.7414784

I believe she can afford what she spends. I also believe it's entirely unreasonable for her to spend that way, even after taking into account non-retail pricing and spending over time. Judging by how much traveling she does, she spends a lot all. the. time.

>> No.7414792

Go to her Instagram. Michelin star restaurants all over it. From all over the world.

>> No.7414799

>her money
top lel

>> No.7414805

if u can afford a 50k car u can afford 30k on shoes

>> No.7414826

dad or mom or grandpa-yeye supplements her allowance and credit

>> No.7414835


Wow quality 5 star post man you sure got me there oh boy

>> No.7414854

consumerism is a buzzword

>> No.7414857

protip: clothing is a chapter 7 exemption, that cannot be repossessed by the trustee and auctioned

apply for a khols card, getaccepted at 30%, slide that bitch in more neiman marcus credit slots

only thing you have to do is wear everything you buy, stuff NWT will be repo'd

drawback-> can't apply for a new car loan or a mortagauge for 5-7 years

bet lets be serious here, in this economy in america, what are the chances that college graduates in 2013 will have high enough paying jobs within 5 years to buy new cars or houses?

last i checked you need a bachelor's degree to be a cashier at mcdonald's


why not live your life at your paren'ts house drapped in high fashion?

>> No.7414860

buzzword is a buzzword

>> No.7414877


Ok then what about "buying a lot of things with little thought"

Are you seriously trying to argue semantics

>> No.7414887

but how does buying 20+ pairs of shoes equal to "buying a lot of things with little thought"
I own a lot of patrik ervell but it's not like I just mindlessly buy it

>> No.7414882

double double tip
screw the rich, fuck america
this nation is a shit hole

sign up for the army reserves, get the sign up bonus then desert, mcdonalds doesn't care if you have a master's in cyber security from westpoint and a few dozen AWOL's on your background check, and a dishonorable discharge or 5

then apply for welfare, food stamps
after that runs dry, join MS-13 or los zetas moving drugs part-time like every other red blooded american

>> No.7414912

anyone who buys ervell is mindless
and you bought it so...

>> No.7414921


I'm not delusional at all. I know because I am capable of spending that much. Money goes a long way when you don't have a family or kids.

>> No.7414922

lol owned

>> No.7414925

ok captain rag & bone

>> No.7414933
File: 246 KB, 1190x1632, tripsoffa53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on another note. anyone know how this guy affords his clothes too? I see him post here a couple times.

>> No.7414938

for real, i don't understand how people can't afford to live with a min wage job. shits not hard unless you messed up (kid or debt).

>> No.7414943

he works

>> No.7414950

clothes aren't expensive as a single expense.

>> No.7414955

You're in high school, right?

>> No.7414957


He has a good job of some description? I know it may be difficult to understand if you're still working minimum wage jobs but plenty of people in their early 20s earn 70-100k.

>> No.7414963

>working to pay the rent

most people that make minwage in california

rent = $2500/month + util

10-20 hours a week

>go to college

everyone that works min wage positions in claifornia have college degrees, i shit you not

>get your masters
does nothing for you in california job market

the best thing to do in california is to pick up a skill and overcharge for it

like pick up plumbing, then charge $300-500/hr to repair shit

>> No.7414976

if u move out when ur only making American minimum wage then u only have urself to blame

>> No.7414979
File: 385 KB, 1120x1775, thearmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats the arm, he's a person trainer or some shit

>> No.7414988


Ok, we are all part of consumerism, but it's different from "mindless" consumerism. You know, the girl that gives herself "retail therapy", etc. That was the type of shit I was referring to, didn't mean to sound like I was grouping everyone with lots of x into "CONSUMERIST PIGS"

My original comment about "mindless consumerism" was in response to some anon saying that 20 shoes is not alot for a girl, and when you picture that you think of basic girls who shop every weekend, not someone who curates and builds up alot of something over time

>> No.7414990

>person trainer

>> No.7414992

Can vouch for this. Live in San Diego, best friends wife can't find teaching job and has masters degree and college level teaching experience. Works at dollar tree with masters.

>> No.7414993

I wouldn't go that far. Making 70k+ in your early 20s most definitely puts you into a minority group. (in the US)

but, like some other poster said; money goes a long way without a family. I make 40k and I can pretty much buy any piece of clothing I wanted if I really wanted to, but I have other priorities.

>> No.7415005

>but plenty of people in their early 20s earn 70-100k.


everyone in big law makes nowhere near that
and if they do they're in their 30's working 80+ hours a week

my dad left that behind after only 6 months and now chooses his own hours, and warned me of the same fate.

cautionary tales of not accepting jobs below me that pay "horseshit because college means nothing to most people today"

my dad keeps pushing me to start my own import/export business utilizing my families established corporations in osaka and yokohama respectively

but im too stupid to figure it out so i sit at home alone at stare at the celing for 5 hours a day

>> No.7415015
File: 606 KB, 758x1193, 46n7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is teddy, this is the arm you fucking idiot

>> No.7415019


Between tutoring and marking fees, grants and RA work, I earn about that as a post-doc.

>> No.7415024

completely unrelated but maaaan, that image is so misused
that scene is sad as fuck

>> No.7415026


the computer scientists and the ones with PhDs in math, although the latter makes closer to $300K starting

>> No.7415034
File: 64 KB, 659x1024, 1386996089614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see the difference?

>> No.7415070

>business utilizing established corporations

>im too stupid to figure it out so i sit at home alone at stare at the celing for 5 hours a day

you got to keep busy, try to get up and out of that sedimentary lifestyle. if you desire, respectively

>> No.7415075

this looked like a krogan from the thumbnail

can someone pleas shop this as a krogan

>> No.7415077

>muh starting pay
confirmed for freshman in college

also comp sci majors rarely make 70k out of school. most of them dont even get jobs. once you get some experience in the real world then yeah 70k is np if you are good, but having the degree means fuck all.

engineers can make 70k+ out of school but they are also working 70+ hour weeks (srs) fuck that.

>> No.7415083

phd in math?

last time i saw one of those was in community college teaching me calc 1 part time.

also computer science is a different major course on it's own

with everyone lying about income, you guys may think $100kyearly is the norm.

did you know that in reality that if you actually made that amount of money you're in the top 10 percentile in the united states?

300k for a comp sci major is not only greater than the yearly earnings of 10 employees comp sci grad employees, it's also about the salary of a fill time employee doing that work. which isn't offered to most fresh graduates.

>> No.7415089

people in their early 20s dont have phds my dude

>> No.7415105

now you just sound like my dad.

>you have a master's in supply chain management, and family in japan, your uncle works in electronics distribution and asked you no less than 5 times to work with him.

but what the fuck, they didn't teach me what to do in college, they didn't say sieg this is how you make a million dollars with nothing.

it was more like hey, look at these books and look at what these people did and what failed

>go outside and do something

like what?
seriously? my dad says this all the fucking time

go outside and do what?

watch people shop for gifts....there isn't shit to do in the world, it's already established, it needs to be torn down and rebuilt from the ground up. there isn't room in it for someone like me

>> No.7415109
File: 314 KB, 500x500, eddy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ffs I was joking around, you guys have never heard the >phd in math >any job I want >$300K starting thing from /sci/ before?

>> No.7415111

dont worry man, I got it

>> No.7415112

ok flowerfagpants

>> No.7415114

nah never been. that's legit what most college students believe though especially in stem.

>> No.7415126

>there isn't room in it for someone like me

hey man youre not that fat dont let fa get to you

>> No.7415129

i heard the STEM major crap

i saw a job posting for a CPA, part time work, 10 hours a da, 9.50/hour private pre-school

now you see that in college and think, who the fuck would take that job. a fucking CPA for a private school part time? my professor just told me i can make $300k with my undergrad tommorrow

but then you start to realize, wait a min, my professor drives a kia, and he has a phd in the course subject i am getting an undergrad in, why doesn't he get this 1%-er job he pushes? if he tells me i can walk into any place anywhere and get a half million dollars after a few years yearly, why is he driving a car in worse condition than i am? a student!

then you realize, it's a scam
you just got scammed.

as you apply for that $9.50/hour job, with that CPA you spent 5 years of your live attending you assume you have the job already

then you walk into the interview waiting room, not only do you see several hundred people, you see your ex-professor......you then take your resume, and you ask if mcdonalds is hiring, nope

so you're fucked.....you were guaranteed millions of dollars, whats the catchall now "degree holders earn a million dollars more over the course of their lifetime"

fucking really? really what a deal!!!!! I have only seen claims like this made by the guy on the sham-wow commercials

wait a minute, that sham-wow didn't work for shit

let me think about this for a minute

>> No.7415137

lol nope.

i live in california and flunked out of college. its easy to live here if you know your shit, i live in the city and my rent is only 500. not the best space but i am never home except to sleep so...

>> No.7415139

just graduated (undergrad), two best friends make 70k (ee, 5 year masters program) and 100k (cs), normal hours

>> No.7415140 [DELETED] 


No, History, believe it or not. I get $180-220 per tutorial + a fee for essay and exam marking. I take 5 tutorials a week 32 weeks out of every year, plus I get a 30k grant from the government for my particular research project, plus a regular salary for my RA position.

>> No.7415144

>$500 rent

how many roomates do you have, section 8?
where do you live.

>never home except to sleep
where are you now?

>> No.7415147

not saying this is the norm,
just providing an example,
it does happen

>> No.7415156

oh my lol i miss that pasta

>> No.7415163

i live in the richmond district of sf with two roommates. people who complain about rent have to have a nice loft or some bullshit.

>> No.7415160


Yes they do. I'm not entirely sure how the American system works, but at European and Australian universities, if you start university at 17 you can devote 3 years to undergrad, 1 year to honours and another 3 to a PhD (or another 2 at some UK universities).

>> No.7415169

if you got a phd in say aeronautical engineering in the US it would probably take you till you were 26

>> No.7415174

cool story bro.
you probably smoke a lot of weed, and love the frat you're in

EB-5 visa's exist and are utilised for a reason, it's so engineering firms don't have to pay $70k/year for experienced engineers

it's actually closer to $25k/yearly with shit benefits for a college graduate

the inland empire is where most electircal engineers go to get work, due to the current solar and wind power bubble. and listings prove that what you say is highly unlikely


>> No.7415185

4 for a Bachelor's
2-3 for a master's
phd- depends on program/research. very hard to get into very expensive

NOTE: in america M.D = medical doctorate, and J.D = juris doctorate

different than phd

>> No.7415195


I'm well aware of what they mean. We have the same qualifications. And I'm talking about the most efficient way you could possibly do it. Most people probably end up doing some variation (depending on the field) of undergrad - honours - MA - PhD. Which takes you until about the age of 26-27 to complete.

And are you seriously charged to do a PhD? Around here it's completely covered by the government and, in most cases they pay out large grants for anyone taking one on.

>> No.7415200
File: 423 KB, 851x606, 1386998514745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone explain to me what this "she brings the rain" quote means?

why is it plastered everywhere like its the fucking pyrex of the sufu crowd

>> No.7415208

you cannot be more full of shit

I all the engineers I know (diff disciplines) that have graduated were all making 70k + out of college some of them only had a bachelors

>> No.7415216

you could have googled that dude

>> No.7415212


>> No.7415215

no, phds are covered in the US. masters programs are not, though.

>> No.7415217

Monster Movie is the best Can album though.

>> No.7415225

here lmfgtfy

>> No.7415226

you are charged to do everything

ROUGH estimates of what i paid for one of my undergrads over the course of 4 years is nearing $70k

factor in my master's program and i could have bought a nice house in california cash

a phd program is more than a master's and undergrad combined

eb-5 visas benefit companies in several ways

1: the company pays less for qualified american educated engineering students

2: federally mandated kick back for each eb-5 visa compleated anually

3: lifelong employee working for 20-30k doing what an american won't do for less than 70

>> No.7415236

yeah engineers at the place I work get hired right out of school (bs degree, structural engineering) for 80k. but they work them like chinese factory children.

>> No.7415237

Everyone knows that.

>> No.7415231

mooney did the vocals on that track so it still counts as best can.

>> No.7415238

doesn;t explain why its on a jacket or why its so popular

oh wow a song lyric on a jacket GET HYPE EVERYONE GET HYPE

>> No.7415242
File: 606 KB, 600x800, uc3_zps3a2a0976[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

except when you google that you get pictures of clothes

or where you too fucking stupid to put the two and two together?

>> No.7415243


That seems utterly crazy to me. Your education system screws you hard, Jesus. I paid a grand total of about 25k for my undergrad + honours, I was PAID 28k p/a in scholarship money for my MA.

>> No.7415247

>listening to can
lmao niggas is faggots here have something worth listening to.


>> No.7415251

the song got popular for whatever wide variety of reasons generates popularity
the lyric was extracted and became representative of both the song and its meaning within the social context, as well as having its own meaning as a single sentence
the lyric was plastered on to everything that people thought would be fitting
this is why it is on a jacket

>> No.7415255

nigga that's not the money store

>> No.7415262

how about not shit

>> No.7415257
File: 66 KB, 327x234, matlablogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really. Im about to graduate in ME and will prob average about 90k-120k after a few years if i find a good job.

Honestly I just like to build shit, I didnt do it for the money. I'm not better than anyone or some psych major, I honestly just like machines and numerical analysis.

My major is full of a bunch of self righteous nerds that only go on about engineering though

>> No.7415260

My school costs 25k a year (undergrad, UCSD)

You're right it's a fucking joke.

>> No.7415270

They should put the lyrics to Ivixor B on a t-shirt, I'd cop that.

>> No.7415275

in addition to this
monies owed due to a student loan, are exempt from any/all bankruptcies most of the time.

the only time where this is not true is if you owe in excess of usually 1.5million dollars and have no assets or form of employment.

most college graduates in america, graduate owing money (about as much as an entry level luxury car, $35k, yet are having trouble finding employment and if they do make less than high school students.


long story short i regret everyday of college
i don't owe anything, and the only job i can get is at my dad's place, not funeverytime he gives me money he bitches about how i turned out

>> No.7415276

mate wtf is this nerd shit. we are talking about the 60s here. If you think hendrix is shit you're are legitimately a moron and don't know anything about music. cheers.

>> No.7415278

.01% of america is still 3 million people
it might not be a majority but it's still a sizeable amount
plenty seems like a perfectly fitting word, evoking a significant population but hardly anything major in comparison to everything. Minority group is a terrible phrase to use here though, people call 10% of american pop a minority group.

>> No.7415282
File: 26 KB, 175x175, 624-scooby-fitness[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>.01% of america is still 3 million people

>> No.7415285

we aint in the 60s no more context changes quality
hendrix of the 60s aint hendrix of 2ks stupid to think it is tbh
hendrix no good for the 2ks

>> No.7415286

Dude fuck working for your dad. Hit up your fucking Uncle and start running shit for him. You can figure things out as you go if you make an effort. Gets dear old pa off your back and you can even start your own import / export after once you get experience with the Uncle. Then you could run an import / export for fashion between like Asia and the EU / NA. Fucking get your shit together Sieg, I know you can do this.

>> No.7415291

i was thinking 1% i don't know why i said .01
im sry scubby

>> No.7415304

try that again stem major

313.9 million (2012)
United States of America, Population

the top 3 million people in america earn 100k or more yearly...roughly...1%

>> No.7415310
File: 128 KB, 1000x1000, 1376017155092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to college and get an associates degree

>go to university and get a bachelors degree

>universities are overcrowded with asian and indian immigrants children, making it harder than ever to get in
>if you do manage to get in you still won't get a job and will be tens of thousands of dollars in debt
>rent is literally impossible without a job that pays at least $20+ an hour

sound about right? fuck my life (i live in california)

>> No.7415311

>being this fucking dense

>> No.7415313

I live in SF, lets hang bro

>> No.7415315


Move to eastern europe. They pay you to not be a slav

>> No.7415324

if you use a condom correctly, and have sex one time in your life with a woman.

there is a bigger chance of getting a woman pregnant than you making $100,000/year just for one year in your working life if you had done everything correctly in college up until your master's

>> No.7415329
File: 151 KB, 302x302, 11344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being forced to move out of the country my grandparents are from because of curry eating sand niggers and fish eyed gooks


>> No.7415330

bro, i just live with my dad. im in socal also. hes out on business most of the time and he's basically my best friend so hes a chill house mate. if anyone actually gave me shit about living with pops id just laugh, enjoy being poor i guess? fuck paying $1400 month for a shitty apartment.

>> No.7415331

I literally feel ill now.

>> No.7415334

Chinese noveau riche trash.

>> No.7415348


Is it true that debt collectors start harassing you if you don't pay up? Over here we don't pay anything back until we reach a certain salary threshold - and then it's capped out at only 10% of your salary.

>> No.7415349

sieg i jUST PUT 2 and 2 TOGether, why don't you use your family money and get liposuction!!!

>> No.7415353

sure but that's an averaged chance rangin from the american-mexicans to the super-rich
hell if you just pulled out those who had parents with enough money that the kiddo even attends a college the chance gets boosted up significantly
and even further if its only those who aren't in a bahamas quality college

and regardless of the .01% accident
3 mils plenty of peeps
fuck majority majority misleadin

>> No.7415365

here ya go:

let the jelly flow through you and get her deported to the PRC

>report that she takes alot of images near populas areas and national tressures, which are located near military bases

PRC nationalist

>> No.7415372


Soundtrack to this post / thread

As someone else mentioned noirain is fucking small time, there's a million nouveau riche Asians just like her. Also before you shit talk these people they're propping up all the designers you love.

The person who is really passionate and studies the philosophy of the designer but saves up and buys something on sale at 30-50% off maybe once a season or once every other season is NOT keeping these designers alive. This applies doubly for people who buy second hand.

As a designer I seriously don't give a fuck. Money is money and you need it to keep playing the game. I will take some dude buying $10k of my clothes as a joke and burning them on Youtube for laughs over someone who really gives a shit about me but has never bought more than one or two things from me at half off. Sure in public I will say every customer is special to me no matter how small their purchase but the reality is fuck that.

The most passionate people are usually the most broke and that's the truth. We all dream of the eccentric billionaire who truly understands our tortured souls but the reality is if you make luxury goods you will spend most of your time selling to human garbage.

Noirain is moneyed mainland Chinese and gauche as fuck too which means there's a 99% chance she's the daughter of a corrupt government official or someone who regularly bribes corrupt government officials. Legit blood money. Think about that for a minute before you put her up on a pedestal to be worshipped.

However I'm stuck in this predicament too because you better believe I'd grovel at her feet to get her to rock my shit and post on insty about it.

tldr; shit is fucked and it's never getting better

>> No.7415378

is that you anorak my brother?

>> No.7415393

yes debt collectors start harassing you, it's usually ex-inmates with violent history making vague threats. but you can sue the GUY not the company making threats, if he makes a credible death threat. threats against your family/friends excluded, and you have to prove they're credible, we get a lot of cases from people wanting to sue debt collectors threatening them. Can't help them, it's legal.

there is a practice of selling/buying debts, by certain agencies who collect with less than legal-grey area manners. but they operate pretty much above the law in certain circumstances, because people can't afford to sue them.
yes a judge can garnish your wages, and make you pay your student loan debt.

but chances are, if you have a lot of debt and aren't paying it, it's because you can't

so you can't really garnish $0/wages

>> No.7415396

i love pulp


>> No.7415400
File: 625 KB, 220x220, 1370989621145.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey sieg if you know all this shit why are you still such a fucking fat loser?

>> No.7415403

can't change what i was born as

>> No.7415412

smells like geoffrey b. small
smells just like his designs look


>> No.7415415

i understand every single word she wrote in her ig. God, she sounds stupid

>> No.7415416

>so you can't really garnish $0/wages
And this my friends is why the great recession happened.

>Hey I know, lets give floating interest rate mortgages to rednecks who work at walmart for 0% down!

>hey, let's sell that debt to someone else and call it AAA

>hey those rednecks can't pay but if we don't try to collect it looks like we're still in the black they just "owe us" so our investment still has value

>oh shit, those rednecks will never ever be able to pay back that money

>oh shit, this house is worth less the money we lent them to buy it

>oh shit we have no way of tracing or know what proportion of the debt we've bought is bad

>oh shit we've just devalued our entire banking system

Meanwhile in Canada:

>You want a loan??? With *that* job? For zero percent down? Fuck off.

>> No.7415418

give example

>> No.7415421

Oh please share. This has the potential to be a comedy goldmine.

>> No.7415425


Hey Sieg, I know it's off-topic for this thread but, since you're here, I was wondering if you had any experience with Paul Harnden clothing. I ran across some pieces the other day and they seemed kind of interesting.

>> No.7415427


>> No.7415430

you're blaming the people who don't have money.

think about it for a second, america is a trap, no way to make more than min wage, houses are skyrocketing in cost

you figure, this loan is the only one i can get, but check this bitch out, i'll just defualt on it so im not homless.

which makes me not homeless for 5 years, i'd take those odds

the rest of it is a scam goldman-sachs thought up of and ripped off other agencies

does the guy working min wage with a family assit these guys in scamming other nation-states and banks? nope

also, giving a student loan is like getting an "thanks bra, i owe you one" from your loser, stoner friend

>> No.7415433

If you're still here, I'm curious what kind of life you live
>live in warehouse in oakland (my grandfather owns it = free rent)
>just got my first job at mickey d's
It feels good to know I can live in the city while being a loser

>> No.7415437

i love art!!!!! *banksy di faced tenner @phillips d pury selfie*
in an unrelated note

>> No.7415441

Yeah, I know. But the answer isn't *more* regulation.

It's enforcement of existing legislation preventing shit like, you know, FRAUD.

Or deceiving poor idiots by telling them they can afford floating interest rate mortgages forever.

>> No.7415449

aside from seeing his name on sz a few years ago not much, not really my sense of style.

marcus used to talk about him a lot way back when, think he had a blazer or some shit

>> No.7415456


He doesn't know anything, don't be fooled.

>> No.7415465

>deflecting blame this hard
i feel sorry for you bb

>> No.7415470
File: 6 KB, 194x259, rainmaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao you wish u could cop too stop lying

Go listen to Can you fuckin pleb

Or have a look at UC's Underman and Open Strings collection

>> No.7415472


can't tell if you're just trying to get a rise out of me

geoffrey b small is one of the only exceptions to the rule.

he sells in 5~ stores world wide and turns down all other offers. he does not allow his clothes to be sold online. he refuses to advertise or pander to celebrities and turns down all offers from stylists to use his clothes. he pretty much shoves away opportunities for money or expansion at every chance he gets.

his clientele really is almost exclusively eccentric millionaires who understand what he's all about, that and actual industry people.

likewise with designers like paul hardnen on that second note, almost everyone i've ever heard of that wears his clothes is an industry person. he's seriously built a career as a designer selling to other designers because those are the only people who understand him. galliano has bought entire collections from him and for a long time he made all the shoes for rei kawakubo's runway shows.

another person of note is maurizio altieri, he doesn't even design anymore because he drove away every person he's ever worked with due to his crazy demands and insane drive for perfection.

none of these people are supported by nouveau riche assholes and all of them have gone broke multiple times or sold at a loss for years because of it, but they're 0.01% of designers.

>> No.7415502

A girlfriend isn't part of your personal therapy regimen.

>> No.7415516

You could also make your own with a Goodwill trip, duct tape, and a mailbox lettering kit from the Home Depot.

>> No.7415532


pls dont drop your trip

>> No.7415546

geoffrey b. small in the pants

midge dick

>> No.7415554

Good luck finding someone else making sweat-leather riders as good as Undercover's

>> No.7415561

>Good luck finding someone else making sweat-leather riders as good as Undercover's

>> No.7415567

Wow that sounds so amazing. I admire those two men.

>> No.7415588

>they're propping up all the designers you love.

Haven't got any.

>> No.7415608

he brings the lame

>> No.7415637

but the leather on UC jackets sucks

>> No.7415653

geoffrey b small is also borderline crazy

i'm friends with him on facebook and he's always on about those borderline conspiracy theories - it's all he posts about.

>> No.7415662

>thanks so much Vaz for your kind words and support. Without getting into Karl's photo style, (the models really should have been black guys-see the story on our site) we were really suprised and respectful that he found us and did the piece. As for the radar, years ago I had to make a choice: serve the product and customer or serve the system. I made my choice, for better or worse, and remain, god willing, 120% dedicated to my customers, my work and my family. None of which is possible with the radar. thanks again for your kindness...

>> No.7415672
File: 586 KB, 570x466, typical vaz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7415675

>Copping full-on UC leather jackets

Whatchu doing nigga

The clothes that are the mating of two different garments in an awesome way and then with added perfecto styleing are dope.

>wouldn't cop a full-on UC leather jacket dough :^)

>> No.7415683

the time u spend worryin about other peoples money is time u can get gettin money too.

>> No.7415684

>coping any internet UC pieces

whatchu think you doing fb

>> No.7415696

>coppin ma+, sruli or other fuckin homeless man shit like paul harnden

Go to bed dad, your incredibly constructed homeless man clothing aint fooring no one

>> No.7415717

geoffrey b small, and those designers like him make a living off of a lie. constant sanctimonious talk, and deceitful imagery, and constant attacks on those whom do not consume their ill-designed goods FRANLY JUST HAVE UNDER DEVELOPED AESTHETIC TASTES!

i alluded to this with my comment earlier about geoffrey b small in the pants as a quip i hope you guys would pick up on but i guess not.

>> No.7415730


Sieg, are you Hermit Thrush on twitter? Be honest

>> No.7415733

i really wouldnt put harnden up there next to gbs or altieri tbh

but what i know from harnden is pretty much exclusively gleaned from magazines, interview and internet forum .___.
a lot of people hype harnden even though he refuses to sell online

iirc didnt altieri kind of become disillusioned w/ the market (people buying his stuff) and his peers for kind of not seeing his vision (on top of crazy demands etc etc
something something altieri arrived in paris(?) via train with nothing more than a briefcase full of shoes ~~!~!~the hustle is real!!!~!~!~ spent nights in the subway somethign something

>> No.7415738

nigga cant even see straight why should i take him seriously in fashion.

shits so not fash

>> No.7415741

perhaps spend a bit of time reading about gbs?
he's kind of a nut but insanely dedicated to his craft

>> No.7415744
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>> No.7415748


>> No.7415752

it's because calling someone a newfag or faggot is a thought terminating cliche that is the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears

>> No.7415765

levi i think you can make some good posts but you're a real slave to consumerism

i mean we all are to a degree on here but cmon, stop sucking the luxurious dick

you live in the middle of BC and wear milsurp, youre 10x more expressive than a richstagram trust fund bby

>> No.7415770

i can't stand their attitudes towards the ideological "masses" the all gather to hate, i have seen the man's posts on SZ, i wholeheartedly disagree with him on nearly every subject down to his cuisine choices. And i dislike the attitudes of his "followers" as if it were, who spend their days carefully crafting an ideological effigy of the "mainstream public" and tearing it down. These "men" as they like to call themselves, dress in what was once traditionally women's clothing cuts, and fabrics treated in a manner to appear raggedy and will use traditionalist french fashion terms like "avant garde" in the wrong context, in thinly veiled and rather pathetic attempt to convince others they are better people for wearing that trash.

>> No.7415783


I intend to pick up a couple of pieces during the next few days. One of the boutiques in my city stocks his stuff. I might post a few pictures up when I get around to it.

>> No.7415785

I seriously hope you don't think this.
it's one thing to eat out like this once or twice a week, it's another to eat out like this twice or three times a day.

>> No.7415788

>tfw no trust fund gf

>> No.7415792

and i invite people who subscribe to these "philosophies" (god they're so pretentious aren't they?) to sit down and discuss with me, and im sure several other 4chan users who agree with my disapproval of that aesthetic, in a serious discourse, using proper adult vocabulary on why they find the works of this minority to be the epitome of fashion, the end all be all of high fashion as so many of you claim.

Berry, i know you lurk, lets hear some thoughts. Serious discourse rather than the high school mindset of UHH idk i like it becuase i look good in it lol and i stand out in crowds and like the attention hurrr

you're a self proclaimed, tumblr user who represents a small faction of the website who take that aesthetic seriously, write something worth reading...

>> No.7415794

you must be very intellects

>> No.7415796
File: 548 KB, 3000x2123, lolno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre reading to deep and fabricating a dialogue which simply doesnt exist or maybe missing the purpose entirely(?)
>mindless h8

turn off your 'i h8 anything affiliated w/ sz' pretense and re-read

> traditionally women's clothing cuts

>fabrics treated in a manner to appear raggedy and will use traditionalist french
what is yy?
what is cdg?

good post thoo, mich impes

>> No.7415804

I really hope you're being ironic and are trolling the shit out of these people

>> No.7415802


I might be able to take you seriously if even a single one of your posts was not a garbled mess of run-on sentences.

>> No.7415808

Rick owens alone has several articles of clothing sold as menswear, which are just upsized women's apperal

racer back tees,tanktops, one shoulder tank tops, skirts, heels, several belted at the waist coats and outwear.

infact, many of the stockists that carry rick owens incorrectly label menswear as womenswear on several occasions every year.

>> No.7415809

Sieg gets it. Its why people think you're an asshole Turnleft
>Oh I'm better than the fuckin plebs around me
>Lmao look at this drkshdw girl trynna look down on me. Fuck this bitch. Doesn't she know about my massive ego and how I spend up to 12 hrs a day doing nothing else than masturbating to designers on SZ?
>My homeless man rags r 2 deep and intellectual for everyone else....wait, y is that chick crossing the street to avoid me like I look....homeless?
>I'm such an empty shell and I lack personal ideals that I would gladly eat up the nearest edgy nonsense some designer shits out instead of seeing if it resonates with my own thoughts and standings
>tfw no qtgf but at least I'm avant garde

>> No.7415816

thanks for the rick noledge
thot we tlkin boud gbs?

uhh...i feel very....enlightened

thank god you preped that w/ 'turnleft'
making my fuuka searches that much more entertaining B)

>> No.7415824

>tfw trust fund gf

>not /fa/ t all

she's pretty tumblr tho and one of most caring people i've ever met

>> No.7415819

i guess that's why we all have had syntax/simple grammatical error proof readers available to us at the university library then

>> No.7415822


accept my fb add anorak(???)

>> No.7415825

go read the "how sieg trolls" picture for godssake you've been here long enough you should know better than to respond let alone try to reason with it

>> No.7415829


I just read several of his posts on SZ.

To be honest, he seems like a pretentious cunt.

>> No.7415830

let me make this simple

GBS is an asshole, so are most of the people that post on SZ (lookin @ you zamb)

they can feel free to come

fite me irl

>> No.7415832
File: 988 KB, 947x745, daz hawt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lukin 4 bst n evry1

>> No.7415837


No, Harnden. I don't know much about his stuff so I'm curious.

>> No.7415843
File: 321 KB, 1272x483, 1376879702727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how people forgot about this.

>> No.7415844

Lemme guess, instead of providing any constructive counter-points you're simply going to childishly avoid the accusations levelled at you.

>Y r u even here?

/fa/ has seen through your lies and moved on from rick owens to undercover

>u ain't impressing anyone no more

I suggest u go to unwoven and stop tripping here. Ur done 4 old-man B)

>> No.7415851
File: 21 KB, 400x400, 1387009557176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that kids face every time

>tfw you work a 8.50 job + community college
>tfw you see people like this girl

>> No.7415847

gbs is easily one of the most, if not the most realist nigga in the industry
read more about him

or read the post above explaining how he kind of denys any opportunity that might feed a pretty wide consumer culture despite how lucrative.

>> No.7415858


>or read the post above explaining how he kind of denys any opportunity that might feed a pretty wide consumer culture despite how lucrative.

Okay. Is that supposed to improve my opinion of him? At the end of the day he makes fucking clothes. He isn't an academic and acting like he's fulfilling some higher purpose just makes him seem like a prick.

>> No.7415859

>spending time searching for posts on yourself on /fa/

>being this narcissistic


>> No.7415867

was this directed at me
hell fuggin yeh im going to duck n weave these
muhamed-ali here buddy

there's a p.comprehensive bit of talk about him sz, Brad Pitt is always seen in it, he operates out of the oldest(?) wool mill in the world or maybe the last???
apparently super dedicated to the process of production, picking the individual threads composing the weave etc etc (friend told me, p.sure it's bs tho)
here's a weird video he made

he hates asians *i think
i have a unedited interview of him somewhere on my HD i think ~_^

>> No.7415871

you said he was pretentious

i honestly dno't care that much about your opinion but like...you're dead wrong.
but im really impressed w/ your design philosophy tho, keep at it

>> No.7415880

>thread on qt asian
>/fa/ devolves into a massive mess on song lyrics, personal fights, ragged clothes and weirdo looking dudes

Never change ya shithole

>> No.7415881

i don't care to read about the man, i have conversed with the man through that forum on several occasions. while i admired what he did with some of his early footwear designs, i don't like his attitude. i don't like the community he represents. I don't like the insults he loosely throws around, and i refuse to support that mindset, fiscally or ideologically. I view it as a form of discrimination.

>> No.7415897


It's still leagues better than a couple of years ago when no one talked about fashion at all and the entire board consisted of tripfag circlejerking, spam and general trolling.

>> No.7415909


>Geoffrey, Its always brings me great joy as I read and you continue to educate many about the true substance contained in this metier that we do...........that it isnt about flash and hype but pushing the craft of garment making to the highest level of Art that can be realized in it.

Come on, how the fuck can you take GBS and his lackeys seriously when they post shit like that? Talk about a circlejerk, Christ.

>> No.7415939

>people genuinely liking things
>thinks gbs's fanbase is demonstrated by this single cherry picked post
much intellect

i mean...go ahead and not like things but at least keep your dumb opinions to yourself(?)
for the sake of /fa/ perhaps?

>> No.7415947


>thinks gbs's fanbase is demonstrated by this single cherry picked post

...to which GBS replies with a post that basically implies that there are few talented designers other than himself and that the industry is full of 'fakers'.

Classy shit.

>> No.7415950

>implying that's not /fa/ now

>> No.7415961

again, i don't think you get that people are different?
i mean...like...just look at anything he's written or even a glimpse at his fb and you'd realise he's obv. a hundid pasent uncompromising to these really ambitious (?) values
it's no suprise he makes bold comments and has very strong opinions
he's crazy polite and approachable from what i've read though
post the link instead of the little cherry picked 'faker' comment.

keep it real tho anon, nis

>> No.7415978



The final few posts in the thread.

>> No.7415992

>With all the talk about artisans out there, talk is pretty cheap these days. And the fakers are running rampant and multiplying like bunnies. Real practitioners you can now count on your fingers.

aside from the lip service for zam can you disagree with this?
if it's too hard to pop a few labels which work more on aping than R&D then i understand.
>all saints, a1923 (imo), demoblaza, religion, vanvaart, obscur (imo), bbs etc etc
idk there are a lot, i dont give them too much attention but they are kind of exponentially growing

>> No.7416000


Are you really lumping in A1923 with the rest of those? I'd like to hear your reasoning.

>> No.7416011
File: 590 KB, 976x554, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read the a1923 thread

i think nowadays it's better but least to say Cicchetto owes a lot to ccp
but even then definitely not comparable to all saints but in my eyes still kind of in vein w/ 'fakers' or w/e

having said that cicchetto was in carpe diem etc etc but yeah...a lot of the ideas are derivative to say the least...(???)

>> No.7416066

can i still be peacful mancore nrd

>> No.7416232

>that's the joke

>> No.7416401

this is how i justify stealing from rich people