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7409268 No.7409268[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw helium tank arrives tomorrow
Whats the most /fa/ outfit to wear on the way out?

>> No.7409287

Are you throwing a party?

>> No.7409307
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>> No.7409324
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>> No.7409355
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>> No.7409353
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>> No.7409359
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>> No.7409370
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>> No.7409363

hey man, i don't think you should go through with that

>> No.7409372

combat boots, khaki shorts, my little pony shirt, trenchcoat, spiked neck collar and fedora

>> No.7409377
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well played good sir
posting in epiq thread
screenshotted for /r/4chan

>> No.7409384
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>> No.7409391

Go ahead and do it faggot but stream it on cam

>> No.7409393
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>> No.7409398

dont do it OP
if u wanna talk let me know and i'll hit u up on skype

>> No.7409397
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>> No.7409421

i dont get it

>> No.7409423
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>the last sentence somebody ever hears before their life ends
think about working at a party store

some awkward guy shuffles up and wants to buy a helium tank

ask him "are you throwing a party?"

it doesn't hit you what he will use it for until after he leaves

>> No.7409435


>> No.7409431

"yea end of the year party"

>> No.7409445

Listen to this guy OP.

>> No.7409465

this guy knows
OP there's so much you haven't copped yet you can't quit now

>> No.7409466

W2c sweatshirt? always wondered

>> No.7409464

Op's german and has a few roomates in the back

>> No.7409530
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>> No.7409538

i don't know you op, but i'm also writing this for myself and i understand it's hard to live a life you haven't chosen. i understand that sometimes you feel too lazy to live.
you're better than so many people it's not even funny, and there are people who would be hurt if you left. sometimes you have to deal with this kind of shit and turn it around, so it's time to lay down who you want to be and reach that fucking goal. you have what it takes to reach the top, don't listen to 4chan. 50 push ups every morning, write down where you're headed; you aren't a pussy. write it down. think about it. improve yourself.
become who you want to be and the rest will follow.

>> No.7409546
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this is sad but im 90% sure OP wasnt serious

>> No.7409553

I knew someone who tried to kill himself with helium.
In the end his parents walked in on him halfway through and he said "I'm just in so much pain" and his voice came out all squeaky, so they just laughed at him.

My point is use something else.

>> No.7409560

I tried it myself.

I ended up ripping the mask off when I got lightheaded. Man, I was a fucking retard.

>> No.7409571
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Killing yourself isn't effay m8

>> No.7409572

OP I'm not gonna tell you not to kill yourself but if you're really thinking about doing it, why not go out doing something amazing? you cant be dead broke, if you have money go out and spend it all and do the most fun things you can do, give yourself 2 weeks to go ham let loose and actually enjoy life without caring what other people think go sky diving go climb a fucking mountain go to the club do some coke and start a fight with the biggest guy you see for a crazy ass adrenaline rush, if you're poor, go up to some random random people and try to make friends go to raves pop mollys and do drugs but give yourself 2 weeks JUST 2 FUCKING WEEKS if you haven't found a reason to live after that then go ahead and do it but you're only cheating yourself if you don't at least enjoy yourself a little bit before you die, even if it means pissing off other people, what difference does it make? you're at the end of your rope.

>> No.7409587

same fag

>> No.7409606

probably, but i don't think op is the only depressed or suicidal people on here. and even if it's a joke you always think about it a little

also, find what's dragging you down and leave it behind. just let it go, if it's you parents that are making you miserable leave, if it's your country, leave.

>> No.7409616

Please call this number if you are serious. Suicide is a bad choice all of the time. If you are in a position where you have an internet connection, your life is better than the lives of many people. I've included my personal e-mail, if you want to talk to me more about this. I'm here for you. Even if this is a joke, you can't be too careful with this stuff.

>> No.7409626

You're a really good person anon

>> No.7409625

mfw we help ppl here
i love u guys

>> No.7409631
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Nein, I agree some are, but there's a few, including me, that don't seem like it.
No one impersonates pedo-anon without getting beat over the head.

Doing push ups, nor working out will fix some peoples issues.
It can help, yes, I know, it did for me, but it's not a fixer-upper.

See above, plus internet =/= happiness.
Western society is more depressed than eastern society for a reason.

Technology isn't a good thing, if you have an internet connection but no friends or family your life isn't better than the poor Russian living in a cement box 3x3 who has a wife, a daughter, and goes to work and socializes nicely with his co-workers, making jokes, and coming home to a happy family.

>> No.7409632

>tfw you realize /fa/ is the nicest board on 4chan

>> No.7409636

I would agree with this guy.

I would also recommend doing some psychadelic drugs. They can help you to become spiritually enlightened. You can even have revelations.

A friend of mine was trying to kill himself and ate 8g of shrooms. He blew every dollar he had on every drug he could find, doing another every time he came off of the last one. After nearly overdosing on percocet, he took the 8g of shrooms and had some revelation. He said that he moved beyond his body. He went on to live with monks on a mountain in Japan. He still does to this day.

"It was not the one time I had eaten mushrooms. As a youth I ate them countless times before. Countless times I can have this awakening...countless times I had chosen to fall back asleep. Meditation and discipline are key. My all-important meaning of life. My answer to it all. The keys jingling on your key-ring will be far different than mine, but it is up to you to find them for yourself. Now, again I will climb atop this mountain, such as I have done countless times before, so that I can forget what I have just said and continue to live in ignorance, being happy until I die, only to begin again."

Your life might suck right now, OP, but you don't get to toss the dice again just yet. You must play out this hand which you have been dealt until the end of the round. Who knows? You might end up with a royal flush.

>> No.7409651

it's not only about working out.
it's about turning your life around by putting in periodical effort to get out of the fucking pits. a concrete action helps when you need to get into the right mindset

>> No.7409695
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>8g of shrooms

>> No.7409716

people love you OP. I don't even know you and I love you

Don't do it

>> No.7409749

Having an internet connection means you have opportunities.

>> No.7409755

go out kurt cobain style pussy

that is if youre dead set on doing this
dont do this man

>> No.7409769
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>> No.7409786

Listen op im sure youre feeling really bad right now and as cliche and high school assembly-esque this sounds, suicide is permanent solution to a temporary problem, or whatever the saying is.

dont do it man if you want to talk to someone im here for you. Im not giving you my number tho so like lmk if you need to talk ill make a kik or something.

>> No.7409784

this came to mind too

>> No.7409780
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Opportunities =/= Happiness
As I said, the poor Russian family is happier. Odds are without internet and the culture we have in western society, most of us wouldn't be such, well, depressed sad miserable people.

>> No.7409789

top kek

>> No.7409790

Is that not correct?

I don't know anything about drugs. I thought he told me eight.

>> No.7409796

do lsd just once before you kill yourself and then tell me if you really wanna do it

trust me you got nothing to lose right?

>> No.7409812

I'd be sad if you died op, I like my friends alive.

>> No.7409814

Have you read Notes from Underground? Russians are depressed as fuck.

>> No.7410001

>In the end his parents walked in on him halfway through and he said "I'm just in so much pain" and his voice came out all squeaky, so they just laughed at him.

That's really depressing. Jesus.

>> No.7410008

You meant an eighth?

>> No.7410012

Oh yeah that was probably it.

>> No.7410016

...This is copypasta

come on, man. I thought you were cool

>> No.7410040
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lol yeah I understand why he wanted to become a monk with 8g
>mfw I took 3g

>> No.7410089

endura or santhara is the only way to go

>> No.7410112

you're an idiot. impoverished people aren't more fulfilled due to their deprivation. there are plenty of people in poor countries who are depressed and have no friends and all these other problems, just as there are in the west. Just as I have an internet connection and still manage to have friends and a partner and a good life.
>technology isnt a good thing
have fun dying in a gutter at 35 with rotten teeth

>> No.7410127

agree with this, however i think it's easier to isolate yourself when you have the internet, just take a look at /r9k/

>> No.7410394

No it really did happen to a guy I knew. Is there a story or something?

>> No.7410413

>tfw take a huge dose of lorazepam
>put bag over head
>doesn't work
>roommate finds me unconscious
>arrive to hospital
>life has been more shit ever since
use a gun, don't do pussy shit like I did.

>> No.7410426

So do we know if OP is a troll or not, I sort of kept this thread open hoping he was.

>> No.7410550
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>> No.7410642

8g is doable, especialy for someone who's got nothing to lose

>> No.7410664
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Whatever you say faggot

>> No.7411255

>go out kurt cobain style pussy

Not judging here, but if OP is going for healium tank approach and is on 4chan I don't think he has a wife to murder him

>> No.7411273

fuck off back to reddit, edgelord

>> No.7411299

>accusing others of coming from reddit

Okay then matey :^)

>> No.7411373

damn that's pretty fa...

>> No.7411399

>he said "I'm just in so much pain" and his voice came out all squeaky

>> No.7411466

Not OP, but thanks man. I had a shitty day: this quarter's tuition is 2/3 wasted. Taking next quarter off to collect myself, hopefully.

>> No.7411508

>paying for education, which is considered a basic human right un the civilised world

>> No.7411515

What do I have to buy for the kit? There's an infograph somewhere I think

>> No.7411517
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>> No.7411519
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>being yuropean

>> No.7411538

Unfortunately, there is little precedence for something like that here. Also, I find it a bit odd to have a right over other's for them to offer you an education.

I've been having doubts about formal education, but no one will give me the time of day if I don't collect a piece of paper that says that I routinely attended the same institution for 4 (probably more) years and that I took certain classes and passed them, regardless of whether I actually learned anything.

>> No.7411599

>working at a party store

>ask him "are you throwing a party?"

u retard m8

>> No.7411600
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>> No.7411604

>dont look that bad
>fit (not beefcake but decent build)
>completely eschewed by all girls that are somewhat attractive
>piss-ugly girls won't leave me the fuck alone

w2c helium op

>> No.7411623

nope, there are seriously people this stupid

>> No.7411626


10/10 great quote

>> No.7411632

lmao seems like every dude sweats girls until they start getting some from ones they find attractive, then realize how little females actually matter. kinda reminds me of how someone in a class of mine once pointed out that romeo and juliet was not a love story, it was a three day relationship between two teens that caused 6 deaths.

bitches aint shit, so dont use them as a metric of self worth.

>> No.7411655

Every time I see that image, it makes me want to cry.

He looks so unhappy under that smile.

>> No.7411668

i would go into more detail, but the culture of the country im in is pretty different from the west (where i too am originally from), so people would get the wrong ideas

>> No.7411671

Holy shit.