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7406709 No.7406709[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hi /fa/, how is your sex life?

>> No.7406712

better than sieg's

>> No.7406725

I fuck like 3 times a week with my gf
shes doing everything I want because she is afraid I get bored of her

>> No.7406743


>> No.7406747

pretty shit. qt last night was makin eyes at me but i was too pussy to approach her lel.

>> No.7406746


>> No.7406752

yeah everything but ass to mouth

>> No.7406758

every day with my girlfriend. sometimes twice--once in the morning once at night.

why do you ask?

>> No.7406757


>> No.7406760

post pics

>> No.7406767

>tfw rarely see fuck friend
generally go over for a weekend every couple of months and we fuck like rabbits

>> No.7406768


>> No.7406774

Don't have one.

>> No.7406782

My gf is prone to seizures. Sometimes I have to hold her down, with my dick still inside her, while she is convulsing. It is very exciting stuff.

>> No.7406785

It's great last time I had any sexual relations was practically a year ago!

>> No.7406790

Sorry, bro. The convulsing is still pleasurable, though, right?

>> No.7406793

ffs /fa/ don't reply to shit threads like this

>> No.7406792

y is this funny to me

>> No.7406794

This is literally a decent thread.

>> No.7406803

Sometimes, I get worried, but the shaking isn't that violent. . I cannot derive any pleasure from somebody's condition.

Wanna hear a funny story?

After we started dating for a while, we took our relationship to the next level. She invited me over for some tea, which lead to a makeout session, which led to full on sex. It was beautiful stuff. When coitus was reaching full climax, the girl started trembling.

In my head I was thinking, "Cool, I just gave the girl and orgasm. I am such a stud."

And the trembling continued still. . . At that moment I realized something was wrong.

Did I fuck a girl into retardation? Is she dying? I stood at the side of the bed with the phone in my hand waiting to call 911.

>> No.7406804

That is pretty hawt.
>Tfw no epileptic gf....

>> No.7406806

it isn't

>> No.7406811

Have a completely dickwhipped fuck buddy
It's prettygood, she likes dirty talk and rough sex

But she clearly likes me, and I've said twice I don't want a relationship but she clearly is playig some waiting game.
Keeps making excuses to be around me, keeps offering to help me withuni work.

Clingy and a bit irritating, want to get rid of her soon
Need to give up sex for the forseeable future which is hard

>> No.7406812


>> No.7406818

pretty nice, only have sex like once a week and a half,but if she's not completely into it then it's not worth it anyways

>> No.7406826

how long did it last.

>> No.7406830

Oh , let me finish da story.

I've never seen anything like this, so I was scared shitless. Butt naked with a semi-erection, I ran over to her roommate.

"Anon! There's something wrong with girl! W-what d-do I dooooo!?"
"What happened!? Tell me everything."
"I was having sex with her and she started having palpitations in the non-orgasmic way!"
"Anon, are you fucking STUPID!? She was having a seizure!"

The girl finished her shaking fit. I lost my erection. The qt roommate saw my dick. And now we all have an excellent story to share.

The legend of the galaxy turns a new page. . .

>> No.7406833

is her name sophie?

>> No.7406835

me too, lel

I feel bad for the rest of ya.

>> No.7406840

>she started having palpitations in the non-orgasmic way
*tips fedora*

>> No.7406842


I used to date a girl with similar issues, it wasn't like seizures though. She'd start trembling then throw a fit trying to hit herself and I'd have to pin her down as best I could. Freaky shit man.

>> No.7406864

>She'd start trembling then throw a fit trying to hit herself and I'd have to pin her down as best I could.
That's something else.

You know, orgasms are especially powerful for women. Us guys just get our rocks off. No problem, it's just shoot, shoot, shoot.

But for women, it's an extremely emotional experience for them (and also physical). They can experience a lot of emotional ups and downs. From my experience I've had a girl that couldn't stop giggling, and I've had a girl that broke into tears. Heck, I've had a girl who wouldn't shut the fuck up after having an orgasm.

My current gf usually cannot handle the sensory overload of an orgasm, so she ends up having a seizure.

But in your case, it sounds like that girl had some issues. :(

>> No.7406869

I haven't had sex in 4 months. It's whatever.

>> No.7406874


>> No.7406875


>> No.7406881

I don't understand this. Do you find other people unattractive or something?

I just cannot understand asexuality. It seems like an online phenomenon, like bisexuality, everybody is claiming to be bisexual.

I don't know. I just want an explanation.

>> No.7406886

Dave what r u doing on effay

>> No.7406891

dunno, like, i can tell if a girl is meant to be hot or not but i never feel like i want to have sex with them

>> No.7406892

I never understood how someone cant understand asexuality. There is just no sex drive. Its fucking simple as that how can you be this retarded. They can still love and find things beautiful, just not arousing

>> No.7406898

Fair enough.

You sound like a smarmy bitch. How old are you by the way?

>> No.7406900
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Pic related.

But its because i choose to be, i swear. My gf thought i was because i didnt like her that much and i kinda felt like she thought i was gay so we sucked each other off and we still do almost everyday

>> No.7406911


>> No.7406905

theres two types:
one is that the person has no sexual arousal at all and will not have sex
two is that the person has a sex drive but considers all masturbation the result of needed release/ are just fantasy

im two but

>> No.7406906

In a long distance relationship, gf is over 9000 km away (seriously). Haven't had sex since July. Considering cheating since I need intimacy, self esteem has sort of gone to shit.

She pretty much lets me get away with anything I want when we're together. Considering asking her to let me piss in her mouth, or rimming me when we get back together.

>> No.7406907

why do you chose to?

>> No.7406909

You suck off your girlfriend? Hopefully its her clit?

>> No.7406918

i once slept with someone who talked dirty and i had to try my hardest not to burst out laughing

( ´_ゝ`)

>> No.7406924

>one is that the person has no sexual arousal at all and will not have sex
Now this is something I can understand. Their brains must have been wired differently.

>two is that the person has a sex drive but considers all masturbation the result of needed release/ are just fantasy
This explains every asexual person on 4chan.

>> No.7406928

its mostly because I cant see myself having sex at all, along with the fact I'd need a super emotional attachment to the person before considering it even

>> No.7406931

Good. I live with my gf and we fuck like 4-5 times a week.
She's submissive in bed and loves anal and rough sex. She also frequently surprises me with bj's outside of the bedroom.

>> No.7406941


Well my relationship is going quite well so we have sex just about every day. Granted before her I used to have sex with a different, slightly better looking girl every other day at least. But you trade better sex for better cooking and better care.

>> No.7406952

>Now this is something I can understand. Their brains must have been wired differently.
yeah, exactly. it can also be a result of a testosterone deficiency as well

>> No.7406963

At first it was because of religion but now that im not religious i like how im saving myself and tbh it feels good controlling myself at a bar when all i see is frat boys trying to get a one night stand

yea just her pussy no ass stuff

>> No.7406974

Virgin here.
Feelsbadman. Doing No-Fap, so maybe it'll help somehow

>> No.7406978

It probably wont. Its mostly a matter of putting yourself out there.

>> No.7406983

theres no point in saving yourself m8 fuck your girlfriend youre just missing out on the good stuff which really is best when youre young

>> No.7406997

I don't have one. I am really attracted to women physically, but I have no desire for sex. I think I'm kinda asexual, but then sometimes randomly my sexual drive will be through the roof and I attempt to fuck any decent woman that I can find. do I dunno what to make of that.

>> No.7406999

>She also frequently surprises me with bj's outside of the bedroom.

only thing i'm jealous of ITT

>> No.7407008

I'm the same way bruv

Are you depressed?

>> No.7407009

You have no idea how many people tell me that as soon as i tell them im a virgin, but no. I want to save myself

>> No.7407002

yeah that's the thing. I'm not a student yet so whenever I'd meet a student girl it would be weird saying: " uuuh..I'm not studying yet...."

>> No.7407010

it's been 3-4 years since
i get compliments fairly often and girls approach me and hit on me but i just shut them down even though i'd love some intimacy
i'm just messed up i guess

>> No.7407012

not him but i feel the same way and yes

>> No.7407022

being asexual is a result of having wiring in ur brain fucked up (which has to be pretty rare) or repressing ur sexual desires to the point where you deny having them so that you can fit into a label

>> No.7407049

This is a good thread /fa/.

>> No.7407050

you'd be generalizing, but i repress my desires without sayin i'm an asexual

>> No.7407056

I've stopped pursuing sex since it feels empty, as a result I have more dosh to drown my sorrows in pretty clothes. Now I want a qt to cuddle with, not just some skank off a club.

>> No.7407077
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low testosterone

they have no sex drive

so their genes will die off lol

>> No.7407103

oh snap dave u getting smited

>> No.7407117
File: 970 KB, 300x225, hahahahaha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i the only 1 who doesn't go out just to get laid
i'm content and happy when i'm out alone or with the #lads ,get monged and chow macdonalds l8r back orwake up to greasy foods w/e.
like if i start forcing myself (peer pressure in consideration too) to hit on chicks when i'm not in the mood it throws me off my game and end up not feeling swell.
dnw if it's a psychological condition or not just being weird but i'll be interested in girls only when i see a #grail level girly and we will have a good time 2gether or even more after
ty for listening

>> No.7407121

i tell them i'm on a gap year
leads to convo but it's sort of a lie

>> No.7407119

not him, but that mood changes freaking me out too

>> No.7407127

like comment subscribe

>> No.7407135

No, this just means you arent a desperate faggot.

>> No.7407137

There's two girls into me right now and they both have boyfriends.
It's my morals vs my libido.

Still I'm going out with some english qt's today, could pan out ok.

>> No.7407153

It's ok, not currently in a relationship, but I had sex with a friend of mine who was visiting the area for a few days last week. She lives in Maine now, and I'm down in the Boston area. We've known each other for years and occasionally fuck like crazy when we happen to be in the same place at the same time. I can tell she is kind of infatuated with me, and I think she's super cool, but I'm just not that attracted to her physically. She's not really my type and has put on a few extra pounds lately, so the sex was not fantastic.

Other than that I haven't been getting laid a lot. It's not that I couldn't, I'm just not trying. I feel like my sex drive is pretty low lately. Possibly due to my on-again-off-again drug problem being sort of on-again at the moment. I just got back on adderall, and I have a tendency to abuse opiates for a few weeks and then clean up for a while, then repeat... Being jammed on dope makes you stop caring about sex.

>> No.7407196

Not really, I have bad anxiety though. I used to be some what depressed, but then changed my life & body (started working out, not like a sex change) made some great friends and started getting a lot more female attention. Yet still I've never had a need or craving for pussy. I'd take it if it's there but she's gotta be really worth it and no emotional attachment. So I coasted thru college with that mentality, then two years ago I got extremely addicted to opiates. That killed any of the remaining sexual drive I had. Now I'm a year clean but I still don't crave it, unless it's a 10/10 and I'm in that "mood". It almost seems like a chore to fuck, but maybe if I get emotionally attached to a woman it will change. That's why I'm not 100% sure if I'm asexual or just lazy.

>> No.7407188

>girl shows interest in me
>has guys into her left and right
>talk to her
>treads me like a friend
she's pretty interesting but i don't want to look like another beta or creepy desperate virgin

>> No.7407244

my gf does anything I want (but anal) as a result, I've become bored.

>> No.7407286

>have sex with different partners regularly
>fuck anyone that is a 6/10+
>have no self-respect
>lonely as fuck

>> No.7407293


>> No.7407315

gf decided she wanted to get into light bondage
kinda excited, gonna smash it with handcuffs on tomorrow

>> No.7407320
File: 97 KB, 253x245, amirite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dry spell
>start dressing a lot better
>had 3 gay people make moves on me this semester
Shit sucks, I haven't gotten laid in fucking forever. I landed a lot more pussy when I was "slightly ripped" (in the words of an acquaintance) and wore American Eagle shirts a size too small.

>> No.7407327

everthing but anal is nothing

>> No.7407361

this is probably the greatest quote I've ever read on 4chan

>> No.7407373

saved this quote, might use it in the play I'm writing

>> No.7407378
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I'm one, and I fucked my girlfriend about three weeks ago.
Didn't cum, obviously, just had a random boner and put it in her. Didn't feel anything, and it's the same when I fap.
She thought it was ok, but I didn't like it at all, hurt my dick way too much.
ANyways, we just don't like sex. We like girls or guys or whatever but just for the attention.

>> No.7407383

I'm asexual, I just don't ever feel the need to have sex. It's like if you never got hungry.

That said I have fairly regular sex with my girlfriend, like once a week or twice a day the week before her period.

>> No.7407400

>not doing ass to mouth
you should leave her breh

>> No.7407403


>> No.7407407

Tell me about it bro, I suspect she may have been subject to a late night visit or two from a creepy uncle...

>> No.7407409

Dry for a couple of years now.
Some girls at school showing some interest in me, but i have incredibly shitty game and social anxiety.

>> No.7407422

Fuck morals, smash both.

>> No.7407470

"I fucks wit da booty not de booty watah"

>> No.7407489

Okay. Her brother probably won't be my friend anymore, but when will I ever see them again?

>> No.7407508

I used to have sex with prostitutes on the regular and had occasional one night stands.
I stopped paying for sex because it was getting too expensive after my parents cut me off.
And after my accident my face is too fucked up to atract woman.
I think its about 9 months since I last touched a woman.

>> No.7407521

i never touched a woman in 18 years mate.

>> No.7407541


wut happened m8, how bad is it

>> No.7407555

I've done the friends sister thing. If he's a decent guy and you're not a total dick about it you'll move past it.

>> No.7407571

I feel like I'm really bad at sex
Not because it's short
Or I don't go through the motions
But I don't really get into it
Like My face is stern all the way
Don't really make noises
I try compensating by being really close
Kissing, etc.
But idk, I'm just not THAT into sex to make an effort to make noises and faces
I talk sometimes, like most casual of conversations with a consistent hook up or gf during.
Probably why I don't cum too often :/

>> No.7407590
File: 38 KB, 360x450, Deal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white gf
>says i go to deep last night
>have to switch positions

>That black feel

>> No.7407607
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I cannot tell you, it's confidential.

>> No.7407632

we're gonna make it bruv

>> No.7407663


Was run over by a car. I blacked out from the shock and didnt remember anything.
Had a mild concusion, broken eyesocket, road rash and lost severel teeth.
I have a small scar next to my left eye, I cover up the rest with facial hair, which makes me look like shit tbh.
They did some surgery to reconstruct my mouth, my jaw has like 3 metal screws in it now. Those screws take a while to grow in with the bone, so ive been waiting for that to get new teeth.
Ive been running around with a big gaping hole in my mouth for about 8 months now, the soonest I can get new teeth is late januari.
I think ive spend a litle over 2000 euro fixing my face so far.

>> No.7407671

is that why ur trip is splat cat
u got splat by the car

>> No.7407672

yep :[

>> No.7407682

holy fucking shit dude


>> No.7407686


Haha, no the trip is from way before, but it is kinda fitting now.

>> No.7407711


I didnt take pics myself, but I think a friend has some pics of me in the hospital.
Ill ask if he still has them, hold up.

>> No.7407817
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Not too bad.
Had 1 fuck in 2008, and didn't get laid again until 10 months ago.

10 months ago was when I started to step up my /fa/ game. Slept with 9 women in a span of 10 months, some of them multiple times.

Had a serious relationship with a stunner for 4 months.

I'm still going strong. Kissed with 3 girls this weekend. Was completely twisted though.

Pic is OC - My ex

>> No.7407875

nonexsistant, went from 220 to 105 in a year so I have no idea how to talk to males/females ;_; and sex looks painful anyway. ntyy


>> No.7407883

sieg has laid more woman pound for pound than this entire board

>> No.7407899


Keep it up anon

>> No.7407910

Is she called Imogen?

>> No.7407918



>> No.7407928

I'm attractive, but nowhere near where I want to be
I'm literally a virgin by choice because of this

>> No.7407961

Current fuck buddy does this and wants me too all the time
So did my ex
It's so fucking annoying and I can barely keep a straight face when I have to do it, and it just feels wrong me saying it

>> No.7408016

bretty gud.

i fuck my gf a lot & she likes it super rough which is cool too.

i was fucking her doggy and made her pass out once. that was a shining moment.


>> No.7408097
File: 281 KB, 1188x1222, 1386878809634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my gf has severe endometeosis
>been together 10 months
>have a 7 inch cock
>used to fuck every day
>now fuck a few times a month at most
>last time i fucked her was november 18th
>she has an extremely low sex drive from what i can tell, or maybe she's just afraid of the pain that comes with sex for her
>getting fed up with always having to initiate sex
>getting fed up with sex sans climax
>getting fed up with her clear lack of understanding that 23 year old men need sex
>bored sexually
>dont wanna cheat on her
>decided i'll see how long i can go without fucking her
>almost a month in and i doubt she has noticed in the slightest that we haven't had sex.
>determined to make her feel horny

Is it normal for a girl of 21 to have this little sex drive?

>> No.7408112


>> No.7408122

I had sex with my gf three times today. Twice vaginal, once anal. She loves it in the ass

>> No.7408133


yes it's normal

most lesbians in committed relationships stop having sex after like 6 months, it's the guy who keeps the sex going most of the time

>> No.7408142


also holding out to try and make her horny isn't going to work, she's just going to shut down more because she's going to think you aren't attracted to her

you're approaching this as if you're with another dude

>> No.7408147

Sounds like the future is pussyless with her my friend. Either bring up a conversation about an open relationship or break up if you don't like that idea, she might say she'd try harder but that shit only lasts a few months at most and then she'll revert.

>> No.7408172

Well what choice do I have? I dont wanna break up with her, we get along great. Its just that the sexual aspect of our lives... its dropped like a stone.
Last time I talked to her about it (after a night of failed sex, in which she curled up into a ball after 10 minutes of penetration, clutching her stomach in agony) she started crying.
I told her to see the Dr. and a few months ago she had stomach pains so severe she couldn't go to work. She went to the Dr. who gave her pain killers and wants her to come back for an ovarian evaluation, to make sure she doesn't have ovarian cysts or something. She has yet to go back.

>> No.7408184

Your choices seem to be break up with her, stay with her and get no pussy or get pussy from other places (with her permission or otherwise).

Oh, and she really shouldn't hold off on things like that, I'm sure you've heard enough stories about 'if they'd known what she had sooner they could have saved her'.

>> No.7408189


Is she depressed? Is she on medication?

birth control can increase or decrease sex drive, so if she's on it she could try swapping to another method and if she's not she could try getting on it

>> No.7408221
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When will it be my turn for sex?

>> No.7408251
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Yeah, I know. I told her about the risks of being infertile, and having permenently scarred ovaries. Then I realized that I wasn't reiterating perviously known knowledge, I was explaining something she never knew before. She knows she has endometeosis because it runs in her family. She has never done any research (or shown any interest in researching) its symptoms or anything else about it.
She is, as far as I can tell, the most cheerful person I've ever met. If she was moody and surly I wouldn't have stayed with her. She is always laughing, always being snarky, and always being (almost too) kind. I suggested birth control several times -- not as a defense against the pain -- but as pregnancy protection (the heightened sex drive, and possibility that it could stop her stomach pains was a secret I was hoping she would find out herself).

She showed no interest in them, and told me to either use condoms or the pull out method. I feel some times like I'm talking to a child when I'm with her. The thing is, I don't want to come off as the asshole bf who pesters his girl for sex, and has their relationship hinge on whether he's getting laid or not.

Maybe I should reside myself to a sexless life.

>tfw remembering how my parents NEVER had sex.
>tfw remembering how their annaversarie was always an exciting day for my dad
>tfw i'm only now understanding why?

>> No.7408294


Sex is important for a relationship, you shouldn't need to settle.

I say this as a female who has gone through periods of zero sex drive. However I was very concerned about this as well and did everything I could to try and resolve it. She does not seem to understand that this is an issue and as such is unwilling to make changes in an attempt to fix it, this is more of an issue than anything else.

>> No.7408351
File: 68 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2013-12-12-02-05-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw gf has unlimited sex drive

she has an app in her phone that keeps track of her period, when she's ovulation and menstruating, and when we've had sex. We had sex close to around 100 times in November


I've been doing kegels and my sexual performances have never been better

>> No.7408359


>> No.7408378
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How do I approach her?

I'm so jealous.

>> No.7408381

that seems like too much

more than like 3 times a day wtf

i dont even fap more than once a week or two

>> No.7408391


sounds like my ex

it was great at first

turns out she was sexually abused and bipolar, fuck that woman was so goddamn insane

not fucking worth it

>> No.7408398

watch out bro if you can't give it to her and she's that horny all the time the chances of her cheating on you just multiplied tenfold

you can't have the good without the bad

>> No.7408419


it sounds like you already have approached her

I'd start by assessing whether or not you're really all that interested in continuing the relationship in general

>> No.7408425


Most women with ridiculous sex drives are fucking nuts. I've had the same experience with multiple women, lots of sexual abuse history too. Not sure why that charges them up sexually but it certainly seems to.

Life isn't fair.

>> No.7408461

>first time was... I don't want to remember, ever again
>my japanese girlfriend and me have several problems
>but we get along great, just sometimes the distance sucks
>we're not rich
>living the melancholic live until we meet each other for two months
>she is a hikikomori and soon my wife
>we both have a lot of sex, but in a more gentle and kind way

I love her.

>> No.7408475
File: 94 KB, 500x706, i have failed my famiry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seppuku yourself

>> No.7408499

not gonna happen

>> No.7408502

>have gf
>don't enjoy the sex at all but love her
>only sex I enjoy is abusing hookers and doing shit tons of blow with them

I am a shit person

>> No.7408532

eeeehh its okay I guess, I have a girl that worships me but she lives across the country for school, she comes back on breaks and I get to fuck her as much as I want for a day or two. Other than that I dont get much actual sex. Im a 7-7.5 so I have to make an effort to get girls to like me. I live in my rents basement and Im embarrassed about taking girls there so I usually never try. Moving out in the new year though, things will pick up. Meanwhile I have my christmas conjugal visit coming which will break a 3 month stint without....

Prior to that I had a Gf from age 18 till 23 which totally fucked up my ability to hit on girls. while other guys were busy learning the art of attraction I was pump fucking the shit out of my gf. We broke up (pretty mutual) so we could get out of our rut and, as I said, I came to realize how much of a fucking noob I was.

My response was to get a bit /fa/ and a bit /fit/ and work on my appearance overall. Since the breakup (1 year) ive fucked 3 different gals and gotten down with maybe 4 or 5 others....

This is a really boring post. haha

>> No.7408538

She's definitely bizarre, but I wouldn't call her crazy. At least not in the crazy gf sort of way. She's unbelievably loyal and affectionate. She's just a big nerd.

oh yeah and she takes all sorts of pyschiatric medication like mood stabilizers, antidepressants, and ADHD pills. But none of that seems to interfere with her behavior I wonder what she'd be like without it

>> No.7408548

wow that sounds ridiculously like me between the ages of 18-20. like eerily similar.


ah well, at least I got t lose it to a virgin

>> No.7408551


>I wouldn't call her crazy
>oh yeah and she takes all sorts of psychiatric medication


>> No.7408564

me too bro. Did you find that your pimp game was totally fucked by having a long term girl throughout your late teens early 20's?

>> No.7408605

I've been fucking a friend of mine for a few weeks now and it's not terrible. I don't really want anything to come from it but he's getting a little to close and clingy so I'm not replying to his texts today to see if it'll cool things down a bit. I think I'm just into it because of his qt accent, and the fact that another friend of mine was totally into him and I kind of stole him from her? I'm a terrible person but at least I'm getting off on the reg I guess

>> No.7408633

>am i the only one

nigga u just echoed 70 % of the thread

>> No.7408675

>>have a 7 inch cock

>tfw 13 cm cock, feelsbadman.jpg

>> No.7408701

Everything from bondage to pissing on her chest at least 5 times a week
feels good B)

>> No.7408709
File: 405 KB, 1900x1052, col-hans-landa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Casually fucking a Tumblr core girl with 60k twitter followers, is this sin or win?

>> No.7408720

post tweets or gtfo

>> No.7408728

sounds kinda like youre a bit of a cunt sorry

like maybe he wants a relationship and so does yr mate

u could be totally cool abt it tho like, have a threesome then let those two get together after!

totes kewl

>> No.7408729

20 and virg


>> No.7408736

Not on this shithole of a website that I can't stop frequenting

>> No.7408740

>not reply to his texts

you buffoon. if you aren't interested, TELL HIM. not responding and hiding like a 14 year old is probably the worst thing you can do in this situation

>> No.7408741

man its not /b/ cmon dont be a wanker

>> No.7408765

Sadly no, but still on the information I've given, do I keep this up or find a nice qt3.14 gf with a more mature fashion sense?

>> No.7408776

idk man, depends what kinda tumblr bitch she is

i fucked one on a night out recently and she was so annoying in the morning i just sent her home and never spoke to her again

in fact actually told her to shut the fuck up during

im an artist and have a tumblr for that and she started following me and she always posts nudies and wierd anime shit i think she was abused or just really likes going for the damaged goods look

anyway theres loads of serious qts that have tumblr fame

if she has blonde hair with pink dip dye and a cute face and a good body then keep it and dont let it go or give it to me that shits my weakness

but idk what shes like

>> No.7408778
File: 8 KB, 219x233, 1359937868278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be seeing a grill for about 2 months now every weekend
>tfw on SSRIs and can't finish
>only finished once
>she finishes like twice every time we have sex
>she says she never usually finishes during sex
>tfw only ~5.5inch dick
>tfw she says i have a dig bick
>tfw won't see her for a month now as she's gone back home for xmas break
>genuinley like her and would definitely make her my qt gf
>additional green text bullet point: tfw her feet are horrible

i-is this how relationships start? i've never had one before lyl

>> No.7408788

i have a fwb and it's coo

>> No.7408792

youre going to be disappointed with this in the long run sorry homie

>> No.7408802

fat white bitches r horrible m8

not verrie effay

>> No.7408803


although it makes me realize how much i want a gf

i wanna be corny with a qt /fa/ girl but yeah who doesn't

>> No.7408805
File: 40 KB, 570x533, 1303494503719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why's that ? :9

>> No.7408823

you like her because you're insecure but she's like feeding your ego a little so you feel better about yourself

you should try to not develop a dependancy on that

apart from that you should be golden

except the feet thing gross feet succ

>> No.7408867

>implying there are any feet that are not horrible

>> No.7408871
File: 59 KB, 807x800, 1363373998539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you like her because you're insecure but she's like feeding your ego a little so you feel better about yourself

she's the first girl i've had sex with but i'm kinda cocky and shit so she thinks i've had sex with loads
idk what you mean by dependent but i do really like being with her and i kinda wanna be with her :\

>> No.7408892

Very /fa/

If you consider virginity /fa/


>> No.7408900

U in London?
w2c damaged tunblr bitches

>> No.7409014

tumblr. I've never tried it but it's worked for some dudes but idk seems desperate

>> No.7409063

its only desperate if you make it seem like that.

ive gotten some tumblr pussy. 1st one was a vegan tumblrcore bit. met up with her while i was out in california. ate shitty vegan food then we fucked on the rooftop of my friends place in Hollywood. shit was so cash.

>> No.7409069


just so everyone knows that nig with an e30 talks the most bullshit after matt helders

>> No.7409071

Had sex an hour ago. Together for 6 months now. She's pretty /fa/.

>> No.7409109
File: 1.04 MB, 1195x1600, tumblrcore vegan heux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol ok breh.

>> No.7409167
File: 246 KB, 1000x730, 1385415299955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>found out this girl i like think i am attractive
>have the possibility to get her to like me

i know i am gonna fuck this up

how do i not fuck this up?

>> No.7409176
File: 693 KB, 2136x1640, juggz sfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have what it takes to be her bf?

>> No.7409177

i am a 18 YO virgin
so, pretty bad, I suppose.

I keep my standards way too high, but that's my own problem!

>> No.7409222

anon she's looking for FREINDS ok??
and i don't like video games

>> No.7409226

remember that she's just another human being and treat her as such.
remember that if she really is interested in you, she's willing to handle a bit of awkwardness to spend time w/ you

i believe in you

>> No.7409229

thats not a problem trust

get laid tho

btw a lotta girls look like shit naked even if they look nice in clothes

dont act surprised

>> No.7409233
File: 25 KB, 500x300, 1325634130118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh standards

>> No.7409247
File: 647 KB, 2048x1536, 1370452595671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My gf is dtf 24/7 which makes me not want it.

Also I'm going to break up with her soon so I can get some strange.

>> No.7409275

Fucking terrible I got with a fat chick last night.

>> No.7409286

>25 years old
>associates degree
>box dyed hair
>part time VA

sounds like a real winner

>> No.7409316
File: 115 KB, 490x308, tumblr_lh2zntWF7y1qzcm07o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

;__; thanks man

i got this

>> No.7409317
File: 467 KB, 300x280, 1385250834219.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 21 year old virgin
>had 2 chances to fuck hot 26 year old redhead

kill me

>> No.7409369

21yo virgin
no sex drive due to depression

>> No.7409436
File: 50 KB, 337x404, 1265492648086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wait is the censored nude shot part of the profile pictures? If so then her profile is a giant fucking contradiction.

>> No.7409450
File: 238 KB, 900x1505, 135170873633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, I saved her pictures and google searched them and found her nudes

>> No.7409457

nice. got a hot girlfriend who really is into blowing and cumshots!

>> No.7409468
File: 86 KB, 480x640, Almost_Vintage_by_MzJuGGz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMFAO I just found her DeviantArt page

looks like she finds all the best angles to hide her shnoz

>> No.7409491

she looks like a mix between linda fiorentino (fucking beautiful woman) and debi mazaar (cute jersey accent)

would smash
but too short and ugly
also fetish for taller women general

>> No.7409522

I'm the opposite I like short girls. I had a gf with long legs once which was nice, but I shorter girls are more "cute" IMO

>> No.7409524

non-existent now i'm a catholic.

>> No.7409539

>tfw addicted to masturbating and have a gf

wat do

>> No.7409605

bash 1 out on her 4hed

>> No.7409638

>tfw 19 year old virgin
>at a school where I should be getting it every weekend
>not a quiet nerd, but also not a frat douche
>in this weird middle ground
>always feel a slight bit awk at parties, even though I have fun
>"how to talk to girls at crazier parties?"
>everyone tells me that I'm such a likable person
>how to take it to the next level?

>> No.7409649
File: 160 KB, 611x500, 1386895871144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It used to be good, had a perfect year-long relationship that ended in september
probably had sex over 600 times

anyway since my last relationship it has been terrible, only had sex once and I'm in college... This first semester has been a mess with no gf, no friends, and social anxiety. Can't tell if I'm attractive anymore. Oh well.

>> No.7409704
File: 117 KB, 640x480, maze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got dumped by my girlfriend from a little over a year long relationship 2 months ago. Sex was fairly regular, every other day usually. I didn't really find her attractive so it sucked because sometimes I just couldn't get it up. She would do anal though and had a decent butt.

I've since been fucking my female supervisor. She's like 10 years older than me but sex is fun and she's drama free. The only issue is people at work are asking about it, so we cut it off a few days ago.

>> No.7409732

I haven't even lost my virginity yet

I've pissed away every opportunity that's come my way.

I turned down like 10 girls because I had a girlfriend already (Stupid decision. I should have left her the second that the better girl came along, which is what she did to me) whom I was certain I'd lose my virginity to...

Oh well. I'm young. There's still time.

>> No.7409733

lost virginity at 16 with 18yo boy at party, never speak with him again lol
>being fucking with same guy since almost 2 years ago
>tfw i'm like in a second puberty and want to fuck like every guy i see
>tfw fapping 3 times a day even when fucking every weekend
>tfw so horny it hurts
help me not becoming a slut /fa/ ;_;

>> No.7409743

w2c crazy sex drive

I feel like there's something wrong with me.

>> No.7409758

I don't fap, that's the problem.

>> No.7409754


stop fapping


>> No.7409768

its different for all of us. to me that sex drive is becoming annoying. also started to work out and that shit has my hormones going craaazy, i think thats the cause now that i think about it

>> No.7409770

That's something you're going to have to do on your own, although its unlikely it'll ever happen. After all, your decision to become gay was obviously a cry for help and a sign of a desire for attention from others, so getting fucked by others is naturally an extension of your desire to be wanted.

>> No.7409771

ugh, i hate sex now

got a pleb girl preggers like 2 months ago because condoms are so un-effay

before that i was fucking a very effay 32yo (10 yrs my senior) iranian girl who was into all sorts of crazy shit, that was the best relaitionship i ever had (ps. she was married too). fucked her once w/o a condom and she told me i was the only one besides her husband she had gone bareback with

>tfw no lovechild raised by my fuckbuddy and her naive husband
>tfw gonna be paying child support to some cokehead pleb grill for the next 18 yrs of my life


>> No.7409778
File: 62 KB, 362x332, 1375568887816.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After all, your decision to become gay was obviously a cry for help and a sign of a desire for attention from others, so getting fucked by others is naturally an extension of your desire to be wanted.
lol k

>> No.7409779


I was hoping someone would make this reference!!

>> No.7409783

Wow, you're a real piece of shit.

>> No.7409792

If you're under the age of 25 that isn't that big of a deal.

If you're like 16 then don't even sweat it.

>> No.7409802

That's hot

>> No.7409810

yeah, and the girl i got pregnant is only 18, which is six yrs younger than i am. she later told me that she already had a kid before that she gave up for adoption.

she told me she was on birth control

protip: never trust a grill when it comes to their contraceptive choices

>> No.7409819

if dubs i'll get laid this weekend

>> No.7409873

>mfw this is exactly what I thought of when I saw this thread
>mfw I have no face

>> No.7409884

>been at uni for 4 months
>haven't got laid

>> No.7409905

>4 months
5 years, get on my level.

>> No.7409938

Are you me? Im in the same situation but instead of guys all over her she has a BF.

>> No.7409960


>been at uni 2months
>haven't got laid

>> No.7409974

child support aint /fa/ son thats comin outta ur clothes budget

give the kid some geos as a momento and b done with it

>32yo (10 yrs my senior)
>18, which is six yrs younger than i am

make up ur mind

>> No.7410013

Protip use a condom if you're fucking randoms.

Pregnancy aside, it's called STI's m8

>> No.7410027

pretty much non existent cos my girlfriend of 9 months wont try having sex with me

>> No.7410036

>degenerate plebs getting degenerate plebs pregnant to have degenerate pleb children
what a tragedy

>> No.7410042

>protip: never trust a grill when it comes to their contraceptive choices
Contraceptives fail, this is a known fact. Maybe you shouldn't trust yourself to slut around.

>> No.7410052


>> No.7410065
File: 1.41 MB, 500x281, 8483_ca25_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be teenage me
>Haven't had sex in like two years
>So horny
>Obese 16yr old I know is dtf
>Get her to come to my house
>Not meeting in public incase anyone sees us
>She tells me she's on the pill but is pretty vague about it but idgaf because so desperate for clunge
>Slip it in
>Come in seconds it's been so long
>About two months later she tells me she's pregnant
>It's either mine or some other guys
>wtf bitch you said you were on birth control
>Makes up some excuse
>Bitch was trying to trap me, contemplating suicide as opposed to life with this fat disgusting stupid girl
>So unbeliavably happy when she has a miscarriage because fat
>Fuck her a few more times anyway

Fuck the worst thing was our parents knew each other, the shame I'd face if I had to raise a kid with that bitch.

>> No.7410104

>So unbeliavably happy when she has a miscarriage because fat


always use a condom w fatties fam

thats what u get for bein thirsty

>> No.7410115
File: 157 KB, 471x500, 1379946419847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am sorry
dat autism

no jelly here

you have an autist for a gf lmao

>> No.7410122

Haven't fucked in like 2 months. Been chatting some qts, might fuck this saturday.

>> No.7410121

nonexistent. i've never actively sought a relationship, and have no desires. i've distanced myself from the few girls who've tried to get remotely close to me. depression sucks.

>> No.7410230

Cool you posted a pic of a girl. Thats proof!

>> No.7410269

Start work next month will have hella bitches once sniff out my money

>> No.7410271

>you have an autist for a gf lmao
He has himself for a gf, so yeah.

>> No.7410276

thats the girl and the rooftop in hollywood. but of course you wont believe me.