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/fa/ - Fashion

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7406145 No.7406145[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ what's the difference between a leather jacket like this and the really expensive one's that get posted here? I have a jacket like this that has been in my family for twenty years and still looks basically brand new, and is completely undamaged. I looked it up and it's only a couple hundred dollars for first run lambskin. So what's so particularly special about the 2 and 3000$ jackets posted here? I really don't get it but I'm hoping you all can explain

>> No.7406146

1 is rick owens or julius
1 is not

>> No.7406164

but what makes it worth that money?

>> No.7406167


>> No.7406170

And brand name

>> No.7406171

factors under luxury

>> No.7406179

That a stretch but aight

>> No.7406184

I guess I can understand the design and style elements to some degree, but ifboth materials are lamb, both are soft, and both can hold up for years of heavy use. Then how much are you really paying just for the name?

>> No.7406188

one looks like shit (your one)
the other doesn't

>> No.7406194

One is treated with good chemicals to get better softness and hold up for years

the other one isn't

>> No.7406195

One is meant for poor people.
The other is meant for fuccbois who wait for sales.
And the other is for people with disposable incomes.

>> No.7406199

Anon basically laid out for you but for sake argument say there varying qualities lamb (like there "better" quality cotton than Hanes 4 example) cotton + not being made in sweatshop factors that will signif. Drive up price

>> No.7406200

It's held up for twenty years completely flawlessly. How long could one expect a rick owens or julius piece to hold up? also could anyone actually explain the difference in chemical processing?

>> No.7406202

>hasn't even seen a fit says something looks bad
post a fit op

>> No.7406210

OP, just wear what you think looks good. This board will drive you nuts with insecure kids trying to overcompensate by buying 3,000 jackets and shit. If you have a badass jacket that's been passed down 20 years and think it looks cool then rock it.

>> No.7406209

Thanks now we're getting somewhere. The anon just stated factors that contribute to quality not what went into those factors that actually made a difference.

>> No.7406212
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>> No.7406213

Also leather jacket for sake argument has less sophisticated pattern work stitching so on than something more costly but really at end of day overall quality (catch all term) is really only so much better and that stuff for people with disposable incomes if you can find jacket $200 last you twenty years + you like it more power to you

>> No.7406217

Longer processing = costs more = better quality

fast sweatshop processing in some hole in india = fast = costs less = worse quality

you can read up on tanning yourself I'm too lazy and too rich to explain poor people why they can't have nice things

>> No.7406220

I appreciate the sentiment of this post and I'm definitely going to continue wearing the jacket regardless. I;just want to understand the actual thought process behind buying this type of stuff, and what actually makes these pieces of clothing special besides price and brand name

>> No.7406225

> the actual thought process behind buying this type of stuff

You like it? Yes?
Do you have the money? Yes?
Buy it.

>actually makes these pieces of clothing special besides price and brand name

There, you are now a human being with an understanding of how the world works.

>> No.7406230

why does /fa/ always assume people who don't spend a lot of money on clothes don't have money? the guy probably wouldn't be interested if he didn't think he could get it

>> No.7406234

So 2 sum up yo jacket not made from highest quality lamb skin more likely made sweatshop from generic pattern - $3,000 one made with best lamb skin possible hand made Italy (or whatev) by renowned designer one kind pattern + additional legit. Factors b4 brand name

>> No.7406235

If he had money it would just be a matter of taste and not "durrr how can you pay that much money on this"

>> No.7406238

People on /fa/ aren't very bright so they spend money on status symbols with no thought about fuctionality. They're the grown up version of the little wigger mama's boys who always had ten pairs of jordans and never did anything because they were afraid of getting them dirty

>> No.7406243
File: 159 KB, 476x345, 1386529438661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know a single thing about tanning but I can make a classist comment as a thought terminating cliche

>> No.7406246

I actually know a whole lot about tanning, but as I said I am too lazy and rich to teach you. All I'll say is that your chrome or azzo colored shit jacket is not worth more than a naturally tanned one.

>> No.7406248

Thanks helpful trip
It would be a little over half a months salary to me to buy a jacket like that I consider myself middle class
that just sounds fox grapes-y

>> No.7406250

lol looks like some poor fuccboi passing by got butthurt
you're foaming rage out of your mouth all over the place

>> No.7406255

the comment you responded to was not op

>> No.7406258

>answers accusations of a thought terminating cliche with a thought terminating cliche

>> No.7406261

I don't care. The 'your' was used to describe the jacket that's been talked about in this thread.

>> No.7406265

My MMM 5 zip is nice enough, thank you. I just don't need to play richboy on an anime forum to justify purchasing it

>> No.7406267
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luxury fashion, before it hits hermes levels, is a bit of a weird zone. Anyone have a link to that study that linked barneys tier spending with pretty low annual incomes? there's a weird compensation factor that I think comes from unrecognized want for upward class mobility.

I never really understood the quality argument either; even if mii wasn't just a buzzword to maximize returns off of near sweat shop conditions in southern italy, quality is not a linear curve. As a function piece of clothing there's only so much you can do to the thing before you're just adding superfluous detailing.

Not to mention neither MMM or rick, who are oft mentioned, are very good quality.

Also, nobody here is rich.

>> No.7406268

Then let me explain to you why chrome tanning is bad:

Chrome tanned leather is used in a LOT of things, and about the only things you shouldn't use it on is jackets with zippers, any kind of metal buttons or anything that'll be in contact with oxidizable (rustable) metal.
The reason is that chrome tanned leather is made using chromium salts. Those salts are still present in small amounts even in the finished product and can damage the finish on metal. So, for something like a very nice leatherjacket, or a custom satchel, it'd be a bad thing to have it eat the metal.
Also, chrome tanned leather does not mold, carve, stamp, etc. as well. As in: It doesn't age nicely. It'll look like shit in 20 years.

Now fuck off poor nigger

>> No.7406270


>> No.7406271

>mmm5 zip


>> No.7406273

>gets told
>booohoooo go away

kill yourself nigger kike jew paki whore fag

>> No.7406276
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>falling for a redpill

>> No.7406277

>le edgy buzzwords

0/10 would not reblog

>> No.7406280

I just didn't want to seem like I turned to attacking what other people said when I didn't like the answers I was getting

>> No.7406287

To be completely fair to him, tanning is a rather irritating process to describe.

>implying wanting luxury on a fashion board is a sign of insecurity

When it comes to design, materials, and limited runs, the cost makes sense on an objective level. In terms of what that means to you on personal level is irrelevant. Twenty years ago, someone in OP's family bought a jacket that was "overpriced" at the time. Twenty years ago, someone called them an "insecure kid". Guess what, though? That jacket is still around, and so will a Rick jacket or even a Schott piece in twenty years. Leather jackets, shoes, and most leather pieces in general are investments, not just purchases.

>> No.7406307

So if the zippers are still in tact now it probably wasn't chrome tanned

>> No.7406310

If the zippers are treated and chromed themselves, then even chrome tanned couldnt harm them. Basically any metal that wont rust

>> No.7406311 [DELETED] 

same look better price? go for it bro.

>> No.7406321


>> No.7406324

this is /fa/ being sensible is not allowed

>> No.7406331

Alright guys thanks for the help OP out.

>> No.7406372
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>implying it's the "same" thing

There are few things worse in the internet fashion world than the constant self-justification of purchasing cheaper goods with similar/copied styling. If you want to buy cheaper goods, you're more than free to do so. Don't attempt to justify it by saying it's the "same", though.

>> No.7406374

More than decades the leathers people buy here are from 2009'...meaning they were new when I started posting here and still look new

>> No.7406380
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>20 years

but how many wears? i could leave a garment in the closet and it would last until the sun annihilates earth, but what good would that do anyone?

>> No.7406401
File: 84 KB, 1109x370, blah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take the sleeves in enough to constrict the brachial artery
>sell under Twerk Buddhist Rachael
>make mad dosh

couldn't find that cracked pair of derbies made of leather left out far2long in sun

>> No.7406403

and that fucker trying to flip them for 500 quid or some shit

>> No.7406406

Op will easily pay $1500'for early access google glass though

>> No.7406415


>> No.7406631

how much do they go for?

>> No.7406643

ex's family was white trash, they spent all of their money at the apple store and at coach

really low annual income, i was helping ex fill out fafsa for loans becuase she was an idiot. and their income for a family of 6 was $69,970 pre-tax

>> No.7406655

>barneys tier spending with pretty low annual incomes

also i think when you have less money coming in, you don't want to "waste it" on stuff like h&m or forwever 21 or lower quality not so long lasting/hardwearing items

if i were of low income, which i would be if my dad didn;t give me this saftey net. i'd view everything at walmart as expensive as fuck

which is what middle-upper middle class tend to do, or buy weird things like android tablets that aren't so useful after a year when you can just trade in an apple product for a discount.

>> No.7406735

OP is back my uncle hiked the Appalachian trail wearing the jacket, and I wear it almost everyday in the winter

>> No.7406776

Leather quality is blatantly obvious even to plebs.
You could have skipped making this shit thread and gone to a shit tier shop to compare yours with the jackets there, and followed up with a trip to the nicest shop in your locality to see.

>> No.7406788

about 600$

>> No.7406800

If I close my eyes and feel my jacket vs a boutique jacket they feel the same to me. The seams are both similar to my eyes, and the insulation and zippers on mine were more functional. That's what set this whole thing off I was in there to pick up a vest, and as I waited I checked out their other stuff

>> No.7406934

You might be forgetting inflation etc.
You're jacket might have been hella expensive these days.
So you get the same quality, but not with the design of a well known designer. Cause that's also a reason why the charge you up the butt, the can because they have the monopoly on that particular design.

>> No.7407114
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> to me

who are you and what do you know about garment construction

>> No.7407425

I'm a lawyer and not much that's why I asked. I just noticed the strings were similar and the stitch started and ended the same way