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7402805 No.7402805[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I go by obtaining shit like xanax and adderrall? Like, can I get them through a doctor or some sort?

>> No.7402817

Go to doctor tell him you have the symptoms of whichever drug


Find people who will give or sell it

>> No.7402826


>> No.7402835



>> No.7402878

In the US it's pretty fucking easy I heard, in Europe not so much

>> No.7403069

if you live in the US it's fuking easy
other than that legit go to clubs around town and ask shady looking people.
or try a deep web site

>> No.7403082

you don't want that it will fuck you up long term
one of the easiest prescriptions to get besides medical marijuana

>> No.7403095

If you have any sort of mental illness diagnosis they don't prescribe addictive drugs very easily :(

>> No.7403129

Buy prescriptions from crooked doctors...really common in socal

>> No.7403140
File: 52 KB, 466x700, Freja Beha Erichsen (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just did this, it's pretty easy but is kind of expensive and time consuming to begin.
I went to a psychiatrist that was in my network, but was expensive until i was reimbursed. I think the first appointment was like $250. I said I had stress symptoms and she asked me a bunch of questions about family history, depression, my school load at the moment. Never outright say what drug you want - they have to believe it was their idea to prescribe it to you. You're already a suspect if you're college age to be trying to get these drugs. I steered every question to include a degree of low focus and therefore stress. Initially I got Wellbutrin, which many docs give because it is nonaddictive and can help with depression and focus. I never filled the script but called back saying it gave me headaches. Then I got Prozac. Never filled, called back saying it made my leg purple. I was just Googling side effects. Then I had to come back into see her, spent another $125 or so on an appointment. She asked about ADHD, and I answered with EXPERIENCES, not symptoms. People with ADHD have a hard time keeping their eyes on the road, so I said I accidentally cut off a cop but was let go without a ticket, and I almost drifted into the highway divider. In class I said I had a hard time hearing the end of sentences, and in conversation made people frustrated because I would ask them to repeat. She asked if I had ever taken Concerta or Adderall, before. I said I used a Concerta to study once, and it worked. I got a script. I called back when it was done saying it made my mind foggy after an hour or two of alertness. I got some Adderall. After two bottles, I called saying it's wearing off quickly, and I got an additional afternoon dose. It's an easy thing to do if you rehearse a bit and have good insurance to pay for the appointments and pills.

>> No.7403149

google "guide to getting adderrall prescription"
it's really easy

>> No.7403159

u made a mistake by telling them that you took Rx drugs illegally, but otherwise, great.

>> No.7403172

Thank you
>being enough of an attention whore to get diagnosed

>> No.7403195
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They way I told her made it seem like a positive experience, which is why she gave the Concerta at that point rather than Adderall. She wanted to give me one I knew was effective. If I had said Adderall, she would have given it. But yeah, that step is not recommended.

>> No.7403264
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got me some adderrall for my christmas party this weekend but never tried any. ive tried speed and mdma though, is it comparable? they are 25 mg should I take one or two?

>> No.7403293

Tell ur doctor that u r having trouble paying attention and it's been that way u just never mentioned it mention some symptons of adhd u read on the internet and suggest maybe u have it he will probably recommend u 2 a specialist they have u take a test & u can just lie and bam u r prescribed adderral or at least something like Vyvanse

>> No.7403299

Vyvanse beats all these other medications by a longshot

>> No.7403301

Take two. I've never done speed or MDMA, but Adderall is amphetamines, so I'm sure it's comparable. You'll definitely be up all night, that much is the same as speed.

>> No.7403306

Open and crush beads of one

I say 1 because 2 would make me want to kill myself srs it's better if you have something for the comedown

>> No.7403317

Real talk, vyvanse is a way better engineered amphetamine for medicinal use. For recreational adderall still has it beat tho.

>> No.7403315

>being enough of an attention whore to get diagnosed
now that's what I call edgy. anxiety disorders actually exist, shocking I know.

>> No.7403316

if you're in the bay or sacramento area hit me up with an email and we'll work something out.

i got adderall on deck.

>> No.7403320

Take 2. It's kind of perfect if you have weed to level you out

>> No.7403322

>take 2
2 is 50mg lol that's too much

>> No.7403327
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dont worry about me m8

>> No.7403339
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>Open and crush beads of one
Insufflating 25 will last like 30 minutes if you're lucky.
Thanks for the addition help! 25 is weak though.

If you're worried about taking 50, you can take one and parachute the other half. Maybe it's me, but 25 wouldn't be enough for me.

>> No.7403343


>> No.7403355
File: 381 KB, 685x503, 1386808258870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo my nig. good tips

i wrote out a similar guide too but with a few differences. i'll summarize my methods since you already broke it down.

>meet with psysciatrist
>"yo my nig i got issues in school/work. when i was young the doc recomended some ADD medicince but i said 'naw fuck that' but now im thinking of trying some."
>basically, know the symptoms and name them
>the doc will say "aight ma nig, heres some faggoty ass Wellbutrin which won't do shit. let me know in a month."
>pick up Wellbutrin, throw away
>in a month go in for follow up
>"sup Doc, mane idk about that Wellbutrin, it kind of {insert negative side effects you read online}."
>"ok young pimp, heres some Concerta lets meet in a month"
>Concerta isn't that bad, because it's Ritalin once you peel the top white shell off. try it if you want.
>up next should be Adderall

>basically, make the doc think it's HIS idea.

also, if you are in CA and go to Kaiser I will share my secrets to get HUGE amounts of Adderall.

>> No.7403365

whats your email mean?
and where do you live?

>> No.7403366

I started with 2
It definitely won't be "too much", esp if you're used to ups

>> No.7403374

and btw, it has to be Kaiser because that's all I know and i think it may be the only time this "loophole" works.
it also needs to be CA.

>> No.7403390

50 mg of amphetamine isn't shit though, a typical speed night would be like half a gram

>> No.7403388

What's the secret?
Inside joke for the person I made it for
I live in da town :^)

>> No.7403421

I think 50mg is a lot, tbh.

definitely not a good place to start.

>> No.7403428

sent 8{)

>> No.7403454
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>I will share my secrets
Email in field, hmu.

>> No.7403476

hey i read it wrong i thought you were offering to share YOUR secrets, but i'll send a new one explaining mine.

first at least tell me how you get yours.

>> No.7403502

emails, really?
It was literally pointless for you to offer

>> No.7403523

Xanax is fucked, and while adderall is less fucked it is still fucked. If you want upper just bump a little coke or drink coca tea. Chew qat maybe?

>> No.7403536

coke is cardiotoxic which is definitely more risky than adderall which is arguably slightly neurotoxic when used in excess.

>> No.7403539

adderall is just as bad as xanax. the only difference being xanax withdrawals can kill you, but xanax isn't as addicting imo.

>> No.7403545
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That's retarded. Coke is much more expensive than a prescription if you have insurance, is much more illegal, lasts a fraction of the time, and can be cut with disgusting stuff.

>> No.7403555

no it's coo, i'll post here.
that's why i got confused.

i guess that poster just wanted to be extra cautious.

If you are a Kaiser member you are good at all Kaisers, but your info will be different between Norcal and Socal. It's all tied to a different account number, and your record isn't passed between the two.

So if you are bouncing between LA and SF, for example, you can very easily set up appointments with doctors in Norcal and Socal.

Once you go through the initial bullshit and get a script, it's as easy as setting up an appointment, getting the signature, and getting a refill.

It isn't as practical if you have to drive six hours just to do it, but if you are in the area anyway, it's pretty simple.

>> No.7403556

yeah, any coke you fuckbois would be getting is stepped on multiple times.

>> No.7403570


>> No.7403571

oh yea and the reason this is important, in case it isn't obvious, is because you can get twice as many pills.

for example your NorCal doc will give you, say, 200 pills for 3 months. Don't even bother trying to get a refill until three months after.

But your SoCal doc will also give you 200 pills for 3 months, since he has no idea you already are prescribed them in NorCal.

>> No.7403579

you know you're posting anonymously right? you have no epeen to protect lmao.

>> No.7403613

Only in high dosages, hence a little. Also as someone who took adderall regularly for 6 years, take it from me it is not any less risky. I took maybe 33% more than what I was taking on a daily basis and my heart nearly gave out. Though I will agree that at high doses adderall is a little less dangerous. But more addictive at any dosage.

>much more illegal
>implying tricking a psych for drugs isn't also
>implying it isn't easy as shit to tell if coke is pure
>implying it isn't more expensive to make impure coke look pure than to just make pure coke
>lasts a fraction of the time
Nigga you need to being flying high for days? Then there are things besides fucking addys man.

>> No.7403636

in my opinion, "much more illegal" doesn't even mean shit.
BOTH drugs are illegal, and both can get you fucked.
i'm not thinking "one drug is a six year sentence, one drug is fifteen. i better be safe and go with six years"
i'm thinking i don't want to see jail or trial at all.

the one thing is coke is illegal, period.
adderall is legal, assuming you got it legally.

i'm not worried about getting busted for possession with adderall, only for selling it.

i can get pulled over with adderall and be fine.
if i got pulled over with coke i'd be fucked.

>> No.7403662

Both adderall and cocaine are schedule II drugs and carry similar sentences for sale depending on jurisdiction.

But I get where youre coming from. I personally don't much care about the legality of a substance because the government has no right to restrict something that isn't a risk to public safety, and muh civil disobedience.

Also addys can fuck you WAAAAAY more than coke. Amphets and their analogues in general are like that.

>> No.7403692
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>>much more illegal
>>implying tricking a psych for drugs isn't also
No one can prove that. ADHD symptoms are applicable to anyone.

>> No.7403707

>the government has no right to restrict something that isn't a risk to public safety
i don't disagree, but that still doesn't make me feel any better walking around with a couple years jail time in my pocket.

realistically for a first offense i'm sure most (white) people get off, but i couldn't even afford the lawyer fees.

it hasn't stopped me, but i'm very careful and i think of it all the time.

>> No.7403957
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I kind of want to try addy to write an essay or so, but i worry that I will never be able to write an essay again without it because it will be so easy

>> No.7403982


You'll have plenty of energy, but I find that unless you actually have ADHD, it's relatively difficult to focus on just one thing.

>> No.7404016

anyone can buy xanax if you buy it online i'm pretty sure

>> No.7404042

sounds legit