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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 426 KB, 960x1280, ptffd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7381041 No.7381041[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How skinny is too skinny to be /fa/?

6ft 127lbs reporting in
(183cm 59kg)
>pic related

Or do I just get more /fa/ the thinner I become?

>> No.7381059

u looks like some1 put the body density slider all da way to 0 on dark souls lmao

>> No.7381067

u look good b

stay that way

>> No.7381070

Skinny while not looking starved - you look good. /fa/ body for sure.

>> No.7381074

lold hyard

>> No.7381078

175 cm 52kg

How'm I doin' /fa/?

>> No.7381081

Get taller.

>> No.7381087

You look great, no need to slim down further.

>> No.7381098

170cm 60kg
>inb4 fatass
a-atleast I look healthy

>> No.7381099

Cheers guys :-)

>> No.7381102

Jesus I am taller and weigh less and I look a lot healthier than you do.

>> No.7381105
File: 66 KB, 300x328, ngbbs4a81b2f074ce9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How will you defend yourself if this nigger comes up to you in a dark alley

>> No.7381115
File: 2.06 MB, 2880x1280, my-first-progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How tall and how heavy? Let's see a pic

I would avoid eye contact, react calm and least offensive I can be, if none of those work I run as fast as I can. I do alot of cardio so that won't be a problem at all.

But I also lift, so I could also fight him.

>> No.7381126

thank you hungry skeleton, also nice ding dong

>> No.7381132

dem early gains

reminds me of those old get ripped in six weeks ads

>> No.7381158
File: 597 KB, 2108x1492, 1377509109158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ related question
how did you gain so much on your torso/abs

been working out quite a bit since the beginning of the year, at ~10% bf, cycle ~40km a day, tho i neglected doing core exercises assuming it only had to do with bf.
plz help i want to impress my gf

>> No.7381161


>implying muscle mass means you know how to fight

>> No.7381169
File: 1.85 MB, 3264x2448, Yep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 6'2 and 55 kilos.

>> No.7381170

Cause people can't sloppily throw they weight around have you ever Ben in fight or you overconfident karate kid

>> No.7381237

thank you hungry king of skeletons

>> No.7381266

ur /fa/ at the moment. if ur finding it easy to lose weight then u might as well but u don't need to try too hadr

>> No.7381280

But I don't even mean to drop weight... I eat a shit tonne of food and I just can't put on weight.

>> No.7381315


lose tthe pants bb

>> No.7381346

wait arent u dutch

>> No.7381351

No you dont, actually measure how many calories you eat a day, it wont be that many

>> No.7381357


I'd stay where you are at the moment, looks good.

>> No.7381366

i find you extremely attractive. also good fit. can we make out plz

>> No.7381383

I'm not as skinny as OP but I look worse because I have a long pencil neck. Seriously it's ruining me. Is there any way to get a slightly thicker neck and if so how long would it take?

>> No.7381477

this can't be real
i'm 193cm, 90kg and look like a skelly, i can't imagine what you look like

>> No.7381977

yeah all those muscles dont mean shit if you bust out a hadouken

>> No.7381989

I find wearing clothing with hoods and collars tends to minimize the long neck look

>> No.7381993

6ft 160-165lb

I have long legs, slim waist and broad shoulders (not overly broad) so I fit clothes really well. Especially jumpers.

Wouldn't say no to an extra 1-2 inches on my height though. But then I might start to look lanky.

>> No.7382002

I know that short guys shouldn't really try to be fashionable but if a short guy does want to be fashionable, he should not go for the skinny elongated look. Seriously. It works for tall people because they're already tall and can make up for it. But a short skeleton just looks frail and fucking pathetic

>> No.7382003
File: 297 KB, 320x480, photo (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are non-aggressive babyfaces /fa/?

I'm not really one to give fitness advice but what I did was buy two dumbells with multiple weights and do full body workouts with them regularly (found a nice video on Youtube), and eat alot of oats. I guess it also helped that I have to do cardio for work, and I'm sure the lighting and posture were slightly deceptive in before and after lifting (I was flexing in after but not in before). I didn't see ab definition at first though, but the absense of fat around that part makes it really easy to gain definition.

Damn. Well good on you, atleast you look pretty healthy. According to google you are quite "underweight" though.

I am

Thank you
>can we make out plz
Maybe, grill or guy? I wouldn't mind losing my virginity sometime soon.
>tfw 21

Things like headbanging can excersize the neck muscles if I'm correct. So if you want to gain mass around those parts, try that?

>> No.7382092

A-atleast you are fat

>> No.7382113
File: 1.42 MB, 631x2044, rgrgrgrg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's my height and weight?

>> No.7382125

>6ft 127lbs reporting in
top kek i'm 5'7 130lbs 11% body fat

>> No.7382129

fuarrkkk are you me?!


>tfw manlet

>> No.7382134

we're all gonna make it bruh bruh

>> No.7382139

aww :')

are you lifting?

>> No.7382141

>185 cm 70 kg

>> No.7382153

I'm 6ft 120lbs.
Our body type is pretty much the most /fa/ body type you can acquire naturally
Best bodytype overall is ottermode, but that's not that hard for people like us to achieve

>> No.7382157

are you kidding me

confirmed Auschwitz mode

>> No.7382162

6ft 135lbs here, working my way down

>> No.7382168

Yeah, that is stupidly skinny.

Most of the top models are 6ft-6'4 and anywhere between 145-175

>> No.7382169

I am


>> No.7382180
File: 117 KB, 720x757, c68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7382186


>> No.7382189


what's your goal weight bb?
also what routine/program?

>> No.7382194
File: 9 KB, 249x253, 138236000786479s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these manelts

>> No.7382197

Thank you skeleton

>> No.7382202

>those lines under your eyes

wtf is that? I have it too and believe me, it's not from not sleeping enough.

>> No.7382203

Thank you skeleton

>> No.7382205

Thank you skeleton!m

>> No.7382208

absolutely disgusting, why don't you just become a trap you effeminate /fa/g

>> No.7382221

I want to be 135 and a little aesthetic :^)

Squat 4x6
Leg Curl 3x6
Leg Press 3x10
Seated Calf 2x10

Flat Bench 4x6
Row 4x6
Incline Bench 2x10
Pulldown 2x10
Curls 2x12
Dips 2xF


>> No.7382225

p sure its genetic. I had them my whole life - even when I had good sleeping habits - now they are just exaggerated

>> No.7382241


w2c jacket?

>> No.7382255


>TFW doing SS and thighs are getting thick ;_;

I want to be 150 though.

We'll get ther bb

>> No.7382260

How can you live with being so fat?

:) Sweet.

Is 6ft manlet?

>why don't you just become a trap
..Do you think I have potential?

Zara from last season

Yeah I was about to say this exact same thing.

>> No.7382268

>..Do you think I have potential?
too ugly

you're not that ugly though im sure you'll find a fatty to settle down with

>> No.7382274

180 cm and 60 here
I feel way too skinny

>> No.7382277

Do you think I can get rid of my ugliness once I workout intensely for a long time, tan, go outdoors more, quit malnutrition and get rid of crippling anxiety?

I don't want to be ugly

>> No.7382284

thank you skeleton Hanna porngo

>> No.7382313
File: 76 KB, 700x467, 642512737_6_NSUT_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please answer
Trying to become more realistic about my expectations & the future

And what is it that makes me too ugly?

>> No.7382335

Why are you so insecure? Don't you realise that posts like >>7382268 >>7382208 are written by some ugly retards who want to make you feel bad? The only thing about you that might be ugly is your insecurity. Stay focused bruh

>> No.7382340

Nothing special. Just be confident.


>Don't you realise that posts like >>7382268 (You) >>7382208 are written by some ugly retards who want to make you feel bad? The only thing about you that might be ugly is your insecurity. Stay focused bruh

Truth hurts matey, do you just want to him lie? Lying helps nobody.

>> No.7382347

5'11'' 145 masterrace reporting in. Any thinner and I wouldn't be strong enough to throw people around in bed.

>> No.7382358

Let me see who's rating m8, seriously. There's nothing ugly about his appearance.

>> No.7382360

Run. That's how I avoid getting mugged all the time unless they have a gun and there aren't any corners nearby but that's only happened once.

>> No.7382371

Why not carry a gas spray to save breath?

>> No.7382367

What the fuck is wrong with your legs? They look deformed at the top. Do some fucking squats man.

>> No.7382380

Yeah, I have some problems with my confidence. I realize it's a very unattractive trait, working on it
>posts like >>7382268 >>7382208 are written by some ugly retards who want to make you feel bad? The only thing about you that might be ugly is your insecurity. Stay focused bruh
Yeah you could be right, other possibility would be they do genuinely think I look repulsive in a way, and maybe that comes down to personal taste I don't know.

I really appreciate your post(s) though, thanks

Alright, cheers

>> No.7382386

you look like a mii

>> No.7382387

And it couldn't hurt to hear people's opinions to become more aware of your pluses and minuses to be more real with yourself, which can in turn be a help to your confidence

>> No.7382391
File: 21 KB, 702x508, 1337065723845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Around 110lbs last I checked

I'm working on gaining a bit of weight but my metabolism is just too damn fast. Probably doesn't help that I'm basically addicted to coffee. I'm always seeing how hard it is for other people to lose weight and I feel like I should be thankful that I'm like this but damn, clothes could fit better. Dunno why /fa/ favors being so skinny most of the time...

>> No.7382404

178.5cm (5'10")
65kg (143lbs)

Should I lose more weight? I'm skinny fat so I have just a sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight belly.

>> No.7382405

ur just not eating enough
I'm even a little bit skinnier than u

>> No.7382406

Just the way the pic is I think. Left one looks fine. Maybe I was stretching the other I dunno.

>> No.7382412


>> No.7382421
File: 12 KB, 245x205, 19003468772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i'm the same height and weight
keep it up skelly-bro

>> No.7382424



read the /fit/ sticky

>> No.7382599


Lol, op you look hilarious. Keep it up dood

>> No.7382674

>look hilarious
what do you mean

>> No.7382790
File: 1.24 MB, 640x1136, IMG_1651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have been visited by the

>> No.7382808

p sure that's just very skinny
if u want skinnyfat come visit my body
bring a vomit bag

>> No.7382822

Nah bby, I'm skinnyfat. Not lean enough to be "skinny" and not chubby enough to be "fat" so here i is.

And I will not visit your body you might have germs.

>> No.7382830

no man you're lean enough to be skinny, but not enough to be gaunt like the hungry skeleton

>> No.7382829
File: 7 KB, 194x259, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7382846

Well I'm not convinced, but I'm tryna get fitter, so maybe you'll be right someday.
What's this from?

>> No.7382859

trap potential 10/10

>> No.7382866

>he doesn't know The Machinist
>he thinks he can be effay

>> No.7382877

Too boyish to be a trap but ideal twink material

>> No.7382882


You do not know The Machinist. You do not belong in /fa/.

The Machinist is the best thinspiration ever.

>> No.7382890
File: 156 KB, 761x754, 1373157046726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friends would make fun of me if I shaved my legs tho.
I'm sorry sir, it's been added to the list of stuff I need to watch.
Fuck reznor tho.
I'll take that.
My "thinspiration" is just not wanting to be fat bb.

>> No.7382910


You look like a fucking child. How old are you, 15?

>> No.7382920

Nope, 21

>> No.7382923

I'd say you've maxed out. You could do with some bulk in your shoulders. They're looking mighty girlish.

>> No.7382948
File: 33 KB, 344x1100, harrypotter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You should go for the "suicidal apathetic teenager" look it's so IN right now

>> No.7382956

185cm 63kg skinnyfat here

>> No.7382972

Doesn't P3 take place in 2009
That's not really "right now"

>> No.7382973

That's not skinnyfat, that's just fat. And even obese in /fa/ terms.

>> No.7382979


>captcha: womanVb water

>> No.7382980
File: 106 KB, 1024x1269, 4632350505_2_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is your jacket this one?

also you're very attractive

>> No.7382981


Are you fucking high

>> No.7382985

Yeah that's the one, and thanks

>> No.7382990

6'2 136lbs

>> No.7382992

Hey /fa/ what is the most /fa/ waist measurement?

Is 30'' acceptable?

>> No.7382993

6'3" 143lbs

>> No.7383000
File: 34 KB, 500x375, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 112 pounds and 6 ft but i'm starting at the gym this week

>> No.7383011


Nice to know that there are skeletons out there that want to change their body.

>> No.7383013
File: 91 KB, 522x522, 1385485516128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw try to be attractive not /fa/

>> No.7383018

You're so skinnyfat dude. Might even have gyno. At least you're trying to change it.

Also nice trips.

>> No.7383015



>> No.7383016


that's a good body to start from for the gym to be honest.

>> No.7383028


dude scrunch YOUR body up really tight and look in a mirror

>> No.7383039

High? No.

Don't be deluded, just keep cutting on calories and you'll make it

>> No.7383035


>Might even have gyno.

don't make me worried about these things anon

>> No.7383050
File: 126 KB, 556x876, Ronnie_Coleman_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't know what %bf is


>> No.7383085


the shadow on of your arm makes you look deformed

>> No.7383145

what's the best routine for an fa body?

>> No.7383160
File: 1.35 MB, 640x1136, IMG_1322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starve yourself and smoke

that was a joke don't do that.

idk do cardio and eat right bitchboi

>> No.7383177

I doubt that is true because I'm your height and 160 and look not much bigger than you.

>> No.7383191


>that shaved hairless baby of a man

what the fuck dude

>> No.7383198

I prefer boi, but I'll let you off just this once.

>> No.7383226

youre really calling someone a bitch? you couldnt even fight off a crippled old man you piece of shit, whats the point in existing if youre so weak

>> No.7383232

i could break you in half like a twig fuccboi

>> No.7383244
File: 1.39 MB, 640x1136, IMG_1525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have no sense of irony
Do it with your dick~

>> No.7383245

>whats the point in existing if youre so weak

not even a hungry skeleton, but that's full retarded

>> No.7383947

You look fine. Dont compare yourself to others. Everyones different

>> No.7384104

You kinda have my bod but slightly skinnier. I'm 5'10 and 128lbs

>> No.7384262

that's actually super qt. would wear irl if i was still 15.

is that supposed to be an e-cig around his neck?

>> No.7384267

Where can I cop that coat

>> No.7384284


Is your jacket a small?
What size?

>> No.7384746
File: 77 KB, 500x500, gybe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


6'1 195 12%bf here

Anything under 150 is disgusting.

>> No.7384782
File: 12 KB, 440x330, sonny.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's a discontinued line of sony mp3 players, the Sony NW-S205F

Yes I was sad when I found out it was discontinued

>> No.7384789
File: 15 KB, 400x400, knockoffsonny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you can still buy 1gb china knock off lol

>> No.7384831

Auschwitz mode is most /fa/

along with listening to john mayer and sucking dick so you can afford geobaskets

>> No.7384828
File: 241 KB, 483x299, austria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>wearing an e cig around your neck on a lanyard

that actually sounds like it could be pretty /fa/

What does /fa/ think, are e-cigs /fa/?

>> No.7384925
File: 758 KB, 1500x1000, 1385950270916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7384973

It seems pretty trendy, dunno if it's necessarily /fa/ but I guess it could be. I know one or two people who always do it.

I had the sudden idea to create a combination e-cig/mp3 player. I have a feeling someone's already beaten me to it.

>> No.7385344

dawg there's no way you're 6ft and 127 because I'm 5'11 and 130 and I'm way skinnier than that.

>> No.7385791

How much do you bench OP?

>> No.7385972

45/45/45/ x 12

>> No.7386169

danke schön

>> No.7387003
File: 58 KB, 900x862, 1356654118746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, its depressing when it's the other way around tho, you never realize just how much you stuff your face till you count each calorie

>> No.7387078

Are you the guy that posted those manbun pictures a few days ago? You look so much better now.

>> No.7387090

170 cm, 47 kgs

>> No.7387430

w2c that parka op
i really want one

>> No.7387441

holy shit i'm 173cm and 55kgs

eat something faggot

>> No.7387446
File: 271 KB, 1848x712, 1322820241502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

even knochensack isn't as skinny as half the people on /fa/

>> No.7387452

his nipples look like fiery meteorites flying in opposite directions

>> No.7387465

When I graduated High School I was 6'0 and 130lbs. Now I'm 170lbs at 10% bodyfat.
I used to be like you guys, thinking that the skinnier you are, the more fashionable. It's almost the opposite. Fashion is about looking aesthetically pleasing, how are you achieving that if every time you take off your shirt, someone tells you to eat a sandwich? I will always have a special place in my heart for the anorexic looking kids because naturally, I am one but goddam you'll all look better if you start lifting.

>> No.7387467

this is literally what keeps me up at night

>> No.7387478
File: 67 KB, 595x360, 1377598713498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hairy nipples
>hairy anything

>> No.7387485

ur fucking stupid

>> No.7387486

damn i want his shirt

>> No.7387489

>being a hairless homosexual fuccboi

>> No.7387492

So eating two ham and cheese toasted sandwiches for breakfast, two chicken, spinach and mayonnaise sandwiches for lunch and then having a full roast dinner (potatoes, pumpkin, lamb, the works) along with a few bars of chocolate a day isn't that much?

>> No.7387494

thanks sleketor

>> No.7387499

Master Race German genetics.

>> No.7387501

Thank you skeleton

>> No.7387543

how many calories do you guys eat a day on average? I usually aim to have about 1,950 - I try and cut back on days when I'm drinking alcohol and fit in 20 mins or so extra cardio

Lately I've been getting really hungry, I've stepped up my cardio to make sure I don't get skinnyfat or at least slow down weight gain. I'm only 18 so dunno if it's a last ditch growth spurt or wot

>> No.7387567


I eat less than 1500 but I have anorexia I think. I think a got a small boil from the malnutrition. Anyway if you want muscle eat protein. If you want to be thin eat way less calories. Low carb is best.

>> No.7387589

My diet is pretty shit. I eat a lot of carbs and chocolate etc. but I'm still only 128-131 lbs depending how much/ how well I have eaten for the week

I eat chicken and fish as well as baeans most days though so get protein from that

>> No.7387638

Yeah, the size is small. Fits me perfectly but I wish it was slightly less tall


Yeah I just gave that a try for a week, don't know what I was thinking lol.. also got rid of the movember pubes. And nice to hear, ty

>> No.7387925

so to wax your slightly hairy chest is most effay?

>> No.7387959

No? Are you retarded?

>> No.7387985

well I don't feel confident in in my patchy-haired upper body. waxing it makes me so smooth and youthful

>> No.7387990

>Stars thread about body image
>Responds to other questions about pic

Well done man, ya done good

>> No.7387998

well then fuck off you non-confident homosexual fuccboi

>> No.7388011

some looks worse in hairy chest-mode so they better wax it.

>> No.7388009
File: 5 KB, 204x333, sparky-cjaq1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

merci beaucoup squellette a faim

>> No.7388658

There were no other questions to answer and it would be insincere to disregard if they want the jacket aswell