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/fa/ - Fashion

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7374476 No.7374476[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

im 5'8/9ish

should i get shoe height inserts for wearing a suit?

My shoe maker already makes me special shoes that give me a bit of height (about half an inch) but should i have him make me a pair so i can use inserts? are they really worth it?

>> No.7374483

>deceiving people

>> No.7374489

lmao insecure manlet
the second you take off your shoes everyone around you will realise and you'll feel shitty anyway because you're just a manlet with insoles
when someone finds out you'll be so fucked
dont do it

>> No.7374494

embrace your height stop being a fucking insecure baby

>> No.7374493

even just for work? i dont take my shoes off in a work environment ever.

>> No.7374499

i would suggest that you dont do it not only for the sake of being embarrassed
people can tell if you are wearing insoles and people will realise that you have gotten taller
the second someone finds out you will be crushed
stop being such an insecure manlet

>> No.7374644

Anything more then a inch is to much I think. But rock a inch who cares. I do myself. No shame in my game for it.

Again though id just go one inch cuz anything else is just to noticeable and probably will look strange. Good luck

>> No.7375276

5'9 isn't even that bad. i'm 5'9 but im asian, so im like average/a tiny bit over average height. justdealwithit.jpg

>> No.7375278

stop being so insecure you piece of shit

im 5'5 and you dont see me wearing platform insoles

pansy ass nigga

>> No.7375279

I'm 5'5" and even I don't bother with/consider them

>> No.7375375

What happens when you meet a qt and take that bish home

You fuck with your shoes on hommie?

>> No.7375380

I'm 6'2. Do you think I could get away with 2 inch lifts? Really want to hit 6'4 because I'm always getting towered over on at clubs.

>> No.7375382

yea you probably could but really
are you that insecure

>> No.7375389

i dunno i guess
usually i'm prety fine but when i see someone taller i feel like a little kid

if this is what short people live their lives like I'd probably end myself if i was under 6ft

>> No.7375403

they probably get used to it

>> No.7375447

holy shit dude might as well just end it now with that attitude

>> No.7375495

Not sure if I can comment cause I'm 5'10", but I wasn't insecure about my height until I came on here and /fit/, and I think it's stupid that I or anyone else lets it get to them because the only person that cares is yourself and other people hyper-aware of this insignificant detail.

>> No.7375504

I'm 5'7'', definitely didn't care until imageboards
>naturally muscular
And it's almost ruined because of my height

>> No.7375523

>if this is what short people live their lives like
it's not
only heard of sort of tall (~6') guys doing it

>> No.7375538

Aren't you short as well

Let's feel feels

>> No.7375590
File: 423 KB, 494x750, 1380462384207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'10" here. Although I would like to be taller, I've never really felt that disadvantaged due to my height. I'm well built and fairly attractive and have never had trouble with women. In fact, my current GF and previous GF are the same height as me and taller then me respectively.

In both cases I am/was the dominant one in the relationship and never felt as if I was less then them. I suppose if I was < 5'7" I would feel intimidated but I've come to find that so much of your self esteem stems from personality rather then superficial things such as height (they make it easier but it's not a sure deal).

Height is something you're not going to be a able to change so you may as well get over it. If you act like a bitch because you're short, you're going to be treated like a bitch. If you are perfectly comfortable and confidant in your height then you will be treated well.

Don't be fat though. That's disgusting.

>> No.7375742

You aren't even that short
/fa/ has fucked you up

>> No.7375750

This is what k-pop idols do bruh. It's both the weirdest thing and the saddest thing.

Just embrace who you are.

>> No.7375986

tfw turned 18 6 months ago and thought I'd stay 5'6" forever
however I measured myself yesterday and had legitimately grown one inch, feels good man
hope I'd grow another one next year ._.

>> No.7375996

How often do you meat qts at work and then take them home?

>> No.7376044

>tfw 24 and 5'7
i dont even care about being lonely anymore

>> No.7376061
File: 12 KB, 234x216, 1382543170304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's two types of people
eople who don't consider a number integral to their life, and then there's manlets or lanklets who try to disguise that number, or make it their sole defining feature.

>> No.7376065


fuck you

>> No.7376092

Do you get women

Don't take this as a cue to sidestep the question with a smart comment

>> No.7376101


>> No.7376105

>ever getting women

>> No.7376106

guys actually wear lifts in their shoes?

>> No.7376109

Lol sieg I didn't know you were a manlet.
Iktf tho.
18 and 5'6"

As for OP.
Nah. It'll be embarrassing if someone ever somehow finds out.

>> No.7376153

I swear you used you were 5ft 8 a few weeks ago.

And didn't you leave?

>> No.7376201
File: 208 KB, 853x480, riveridaho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no problem getting girls

seriously, only tall people seem to care about this. if you let it get to you, you probably deserve to be forever alone you insecure fakku. ever notice tall people always feel the need to compare their height to other tall people and get super asspained when they aren't the tallest person in the room?

>> No.7376205

you can never get a taller girl at that height, and taller girls have the best proportions
stay deluded though

>> No.7376224

It must suck being short. I know several men around 5'8~ and they all have little man syndrome.

I'm 6ft and whilst I'm taller than most at work I can go shopping and feel short at times.

>> No.7376231

If someone's insecure for wanting to be taller for picking up chicks then everyone is insecure about their hair if they do it up, or insecure about their bodies if they lift weights. It's just a loaded term that's pretty meaningless right now.

>> No.7376235

got nothing to do with it

>> No.7376237

Exceptions prove the rule.

>> No.7376241

>tfw 5'8
>tfw have dated girls taller than me before because im not an insecure puss baby
feels pretty good

>> No.7376242

>self respecting well adjusted chick would date a shorter man

yup, this totally happened i believe it

>> No.7376243

Kind of related, but what are a good pair of boots (black) that are maybe 1 inch or 1.25 inch in the heel area, for wear with dark shirt and jeans? I thought about Red Wing Iron Rangers but I tried them on and they look too bulky. Please help /fa/!

>> No.7376245
File: 59 KB, 400x380, 1383458696423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the guy you're replying to, but I'm 5'8 on a good day and I've had girls who are taller than me. You must be a special kind of retard if you believe that you can't get a taller girl at that height, or any height for that matter.

>> No.7376247

sorry im not ugly buddy

>> No.7376249

You guys do realise that this doesn't mean shit, right? Obviously 5'8 guys still get laid but they're at a big disadvantage to someone who is let's say 6'2, and if they were that height they'd be much more successful and have it much easier. It has nothing to do with being an 'insecure puss baby', women just have height preferences.

>> No.7376251

being a manlet is like being a very ugly woman

>> No.7376253

everyone has preferences in everything but it wasn't really about that it was about the guys on here who frequently say they;d never date a woman taller

>> No.7376254

an attractive, tall girl would never get a shorter man because she can choose out of the thousants of 6+ men out there, you are the special kind of retard if you think someone actually believes your horseshit

>> No.7376256

There are anomalies and exceptions though. However, these tards act like it's normal and you're 'insecure' if you want to even the playing field with lifts.

>> No.7376261

I didn't see that on this thread.

>> No.7376266

Sure. I'd go for the 1 inch lifts though. You can't even notice when you do take your shoes off and the lifts stay in the show so nobody suspects anything.

Anything more than an inch in regular footwear becomes uncomfortable to wear and makes your footwear very tight.

They are definitely best worn in boots as normal shoes the fit is sometimes just too tight.

>> No.7376273

Not him but what are some FA approved non-bulky boots that could be worn with slim jeans?

>> No.7376276
File: 32 KB, 450x600, WP_00451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure it means something. It means that even shorter guys can pull taller women. And when it comes to preferences, women also prefer funny guys to boring ones, rich ones over poor ones, nicely dressed guys over those who look like hobos etc. There are a myriad of things women look for and being X in any of these doesn't guarantee anything. If you're a short guy and want tall women, just go for it.

You're a special kind of retard who hates women and thinks they are all superficial whores who only go for 6ft+, rich, ripped and intelligent guys with a fantastic personality because they avoid you like the plague.

Pic is of a woman I dated for a year when I was 19. She was 25 at the time, far more intelligent than I will ever be, rich, kind and overall just a fantastic person. And I was a 19 year old NEET with a BMI of 17.8 when we first met.

>> No.7376278

well judging by the shoulders it is a man so it technically doesnt count right?

>> No.7376288

>Sure it means something. It means that even shorter guys can pull taller women.
If they are lucky with other traits (effort and skill only goes so far).
>And when it comes to preferences, women also prefer funny guys to boring ones, rich ones over poor ones, nicely dressed guys over those who look like hobos etc.
And taller guys to shorter ones, which vastly supersedes all of those things put together.
>There are a myriad of things women look for and being X in any of these doesn't guarantee anything.
Yes, being tall and ugly is still not good. However, being tall and good looking does guarantee you will have it good with women, unless you try very hard not to.
>If you're a short guy and want tall women, just go for it.
Most will not be successful.

>> No.7376292

A regular style boot like a brogue boot can fit in a shoe lift. By the word "boot" it doesn't mean some big bulky construction worker boot.

Because giving specifics boots/brand/designers really depends on your style/age.

>> No.7376300

>You're a special kind of retard who hates women and thinks they are all superficial whores who only go for 6ft+, rich, ripped and intelligent guys with a fantastic personality because they avoid you like the plague.
You got all that from his one post? No, you're not a mind reader.
>Pic is of a woman I dated for a year when I was 19. She was 25 at the time, far more intelligent than I will ever be, rich, kind and overall just a fantastic person.
Which is kind of a contradiction to the whole preferring rich ones to poor ones stuff.
>And I was a 19 year old NEET with a BMI of 17.8 when we first met.
It doesn't matter, show a picture of yourself and then a picture of her including her face. Your statements are meaningless, you're picking the least relevant parts to make a point. Also, 25 is past a woman's prime so I don't know why you mentioned her age.

>> No.7376298

Man you guys are sad as fuck. Like worryingly sad.

I know ~5'5-6 guys who simply do not give a fuck and enjoy their lives, get regular sex and popularity.

>> No.7376309

Well my style wouldn't include brogue boots, I would be wearing this to a nightclub and I'd rather not wear something so formal, but I the outfit is too dressy for me to wear sneakers (it doesn't look right). What is something non-bulky but not so formal, and has a 1-1.25 inch heel?

>> No.7376313

See >>7376249

>> No.7376323

>Which is kind of a contradiction to the whole preferring rich ones to poor ones stuff.
No, you idiot. It means that even though women prefer X > Y, doesn't mean she'll always go for X.

I'll leave you guys to it.

>> No.7376346

>gullible idiot
>calls others idiots
My point seems to have gone over your head, which is that when it comes to how important things are to women, genetically determined factors like face and height completely dominate minor factors like being funny or rich. That's why it's so rare that short or ugly guys are successful. The variance between women is very low as well.

>> No.7376364

>genetically determined factors like face and height completely dominate minor factors like being funny or rich
>rare that short or ugly guys are successful
>variance between women is very low as well
holy shit, all this asspull

>> No.7376372

No asspull in the post you're quoting. You must be quoting the wrong post.

>> No.7376373

thats pretty accurate actually

>> No.7376506

Im 5'9
My two current friends that I hang the most with are 5'4 and 6'5.
We are all pretty beta.