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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 115 KB, 500x750, 1385590175935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7370461 No.7370461[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>mom sees me browsing through model pics on the couch
>eww anon they look gross. they are all sick
>omg moooooooooooom you don't get it!!
>pic of knoch comes up
>he looks like a skeleton no girl would want that

>> No.7370468

more pics of those bitches please anon-kun

>> No.7370467
File: 417 KB, 500x700, groanzone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7370472

This isn't your personal blog. I bet you reposted that on tumblr too.

>> No.7370473

to be fair those girls are all ugly

>> No.7370471

>looking like a skeleton
>not like a manly Adonis

>> No.7370475
File: 155 KB, 760x760, tumblr_mhd8be0jZJ1s4ctsvo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7370478

>it's called gee-VON-chy, Dad!

>> No.7370496
File: 3 KB, 125x124, reet owns ruff samins what am drassed iin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7370497

i'm pretty sure that was the joke you retards

>> No.7370501
File: 2.85 MB, 445x247, 1376765893866.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yahoo finance
Every single time.

>> No.7370504
File: 39 KB, 333x662, sz autismal fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


epic joke

>> No.7370509
File: 119 KB, 344x204, smug mother fucker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yahoo finance
lmao every time

>> No.7370513
File: 67 KB, 1449x1218, lyl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat 420 flare

>> No.7370528

But your mother has seen you naked and had you circumcised.

>> No.7370536

what makes you think OP is a guy

>> No.7370541
File: 111 KB, 478x640, no mom it's called futa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7370543


What makes you think I think OP is a guy?

Ritual nick etc.

>> No.7370589

>tfw knoch has money, a gf, friends, fun @life
>tfw I just decay in my basement playing ssbb

thanks mom

>> No.7371084
File: 37 KB, 501x350, 1309118577001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those calves on delevingne

>> No.7371089

fucking same my sides fucking lel

>> No.7371093

>yahoo finance

>> No.7371103


>have pic as background
>be at diner
>friend asks to borrow phone
>sees background
>"Jesus Christ are they Fucking twelve!"
>surrounding tables all look in my direction
>can't finish breakfast without people mummering and staring

God I hate my friends.

>> No.7371108
File: 53 KB, 750x210, banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Father asks to borrow laptop for some work
>Finds my porn stash
>All girls with juicy asses and cute tits
>Tells me to hide my porn better

My father's face when his son turned out alright

>> No.7371109

hows your virginity?

>> No.7371110

tattoos cigs and in bathtub together yep that def. sound like shit 12 year old girls do was saying that sarcastically but fuck these days don't know smh lol

>> No.7371116


Present and accounted for.

>> No.7371184
File: 48 KB, 1000x1500, 1378058368927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had this pic as my background nd people thought I had an Asian fetish.

People suck.

>> No.7371213

Their proportions look like they are 12 though. And the woman in the back is their cool mum who allows them to smoke.

>> No.7371216

why do you have an ugly boring picture of some girl in a hat as your background if not for fetish reasons?

>> No.7371217

Yeah it crazy when women aren't overweight

>> No.7371219

what are you, a fucking american? my mother would never encourage obesity

>> No.7371224


Cuz streetwear-ish

>> No.7371230

It's even crazier if they have big old heads and skinny ass bodies.
If you can't see that they look childlike in that picture you need to get your brain checked.

>> No.7371242

Take an anatomy class and go outside everyone got a big head

>> No.7371243

literally fuck off you fat american scum

>> No.7371278

damn i never actually realized how skinny she is but its cool shes almost naked especially that angle but i want to see more.

wtf is the purpose of this pic besides looking hot?
is that the purpose?

also it makes me feel like taking adderall but then i have to fully commit to posting on 4chan for like six fucking hours.

>> No.7371280

dat slight kara pussy

>> No.7371341

i would suck that girls toes

That's fa right

>> No.7371384

Knoch looks good. Those bitches look awful.

>wtf is the purpose of this pic besides looking hot?
Looking trashy.

>> No.7371410

>Looking trashy.
ok but that still comes down to looking hot though.

i get that some people don't equate trashy to hot, but others do.

>> No.7371411

Who convinced you guys that being rail thin full-skelly mode was attractive? I don't know a single woman who would want a guy that looks like 12 year-old jailbait.

Seriously, skelly mode is almost as bad as being obese, the only difference is that in skelly mode you can just toss on a bunch of clothes and hide your shit body.

>> No.7371416


some people think being extremely skinny is attractive, some prefer obese people and some prefer something inbetween. how can the concept of differing preferences be so incredibly hard to get? how little social contact is necessary for a person to have trouble understanding this?

>> No.7371425

There are elitists on every board. the "/fa/ elitist" would be a skeleton, so people preach being rail thin.

also they are under the belief male models don't have any definition and that they should hold themselves to the standards of male models.

the truth is, being full skelly mode is actually gonna affect your testosterone too and end up making you act even MORE like the bitch you've already modeled yourself after.

and despite what people here will lead you to believe, you're right. women are not attracted to rail thin guys, and there is actually scientific evidence why.

a girl getting with a rail thin guy is possible, obviously. there are exceptions to every rule.
but at the same time, you have to question the mans OTHER merits because simply having a "good" body is not enough to be BF material.
she isn't with him because he's a skeleton, she's with him because of _______ and he happens to be a skeleton. maybe it's an additional turn on to her, but not the only.

Also a lot of guys here are straight up twink faggots who model themselves after women, so that explains a lot.


>> No.7371444

>how can the concept of differing preferences be so incredibly hard to get? how little social contact is necessary for a person to have trouble understanding this?
nobody can reasonably argue with you on this, but that isn't really the issue.

the issue is the idea that guys are striving for skeleton mode to appear more attractive and "interest" girls, which i'm sure you'll also agree is the wrong idea.

there are people who come here looking for self improvement and "basics"
they start seeing all this high fashion and end up going from Wrangler wearers to Rick Owens wearers with no in between.

that isn't your problem, but it is a problem.

a problem that would be easily solved if people would focus on gaining SELF confidence instead of believing their appearance is all that matters.

>> No.7371464

being skinny honestly just feels rly good

>> No.7371467


>> No.7371484

>the idea that guys are striving for skeleton mode to appear more attractive and "interest" girls


>> No.7371489


That is true - anything done purely to "attract girls/boys" will most likely fail, because a) "women" is not a large chunk of tits and vaginas you get to carve a piece out of if you fulfill certain criteria, b) if you leave out the "self" out of where you want to go, it's going to be half-assed and usually shows.

then again this issue is seen on every board, i recon - more than half of the peeps on /fit/ seem to be the whole "help me get a gf its the most important thing in the whole wide world"-package.

I just get extremely annoyed whenever someone decides that "people that look like/are X" are "wrong".


>> No.7371511

I love not eating

>> No.7371516

Starving your self so that you end up underweight is wrong. Plain and simple. And doing so for the reason of attaching the opposite sex is even more wrong. Not only is it wrong because it harms your self, but its also wrong in the sense that it wont attract the opposite sex.

>> No.7371515

it's not a projection, my good friend.

it isn't the case for ALL the people striving for skeleton mode, but it is for some.

and when i say some, i am guessing a larger amount than you realize.

it's clear if you pay attention to it.

>I just get extremely annoyed whenever someone decides that "people that look like/are X" are "wrong".

so do i.

one thing i realize is that, as sad as it is, a ton of guys here and IRL fit into this:
>help me get a gf its the most important thing in the whole wide world

a lot of guys base their entire lives around these dumb perceptions of what will attract girls, and end up doing stuff to increase their chances, believing a GF will solve all their problems.

so they end up doing dumb stuff like getting really buff, getting rail thin, and/or buying stupid ass clothes for all the wrong reasons.
that applies to far too many guys.

that is the sad truth.

>> No.7371520

and once your body is hidden it looks better than it would if you weren't skinny.

anyway, i'm asexual so i don't care how my body looks to girls. i like how i look as i am

>> No.7371524

but nobody thinks being rail thin will get you a gf

being rail thin makes you look better in clothes

>> No.7371531

which is what he was saying.

any guy with even a shred of sense knows that.

but at the same time, what someone else does is not your problem and you won't convince anyone any way.

>> No.7371527


>> No.7371535

Not everyone here is here trying go attract the opposite (or same) sex

>> No.7371545

>but nobody thinks being rail thin will get you a gf

now who is projecting?

haha i caught you!!!
damn i bet you feel ashamed...

but no, there are guys here who do believe that.
i've read it at least 20 times.

i know guys here and other places who make a choice to get skeleton instead of getting buff because they don't want to put in the work.
they believe it isn't as hard.

believe it or not, i know at least one person who chose the skeleton route over getting in shape because he didn't want to go a gym at all.

so these people are out there, and like i said, if you pay attention you'll notice.

i pay attention to shit like that because im really interested in that shit (as evident in my 100000 posts on these topics).

i can break down the thought process too, if you want.
it may explain why guys truly believe rail thin will lead to railing.

>> No.7371549

>being rail thin makes you look better in clothes

and yea, that's true and a lot of guys believe looking better in clothes will get them laid.

so it goes hand in hand with getting thin to attract women.

it's really undeniable guys think like this.
not EVERYONE, maybe not the majority, but definitely enough to comment about it.

>> No.7371561

im not the same du you were replying to but w/e

but im also rail thin and i fuck bitches so idm what u think lol

>> No.7371563


I feel you're brushing off this extremely widespread and downright dangerous phenomenon that an eating disorder is, as "the person doing X to their own body is at fault", like it isn't more than just a person thinking destroying their body because it will get them laid.


starving yourself the way a lot of people do is far from easy, though, don't undermine that.

>> No.7371574

Why are those three girls sharing a bath? Can't they take turns? I've been in the bathing industry for over forty years and I know for certain that they don't have ample space for a quality bathe.

>> No.7371576

>starving yourself the way a lot of people do is far from easy, though, don't undermine that.
i know that which is why i wrote "they believe it isn't as hard"
keyword being believe.

as usual, beta guys will look for the easy solution instead of pushing themselves to be better.

>but im also rail thin and i fuck bitches so idm what u think lol

>a girl getting with a rail thin guy is possible, obviously. there are exceptions to every rule.
but at the same time, you have to question the mans OTHER merits because simply having a "good" body is not enough to be BF material.
she isn't with him because he's a skeleton, she's with him because of _______ and he happens to be a skeleton. maybe it's an additional turn on to her, but not the only.

i know rail thin guys can get laid.
but i also know that being rail thin isn't a solution to some losers girl problems.

im sure you agree with this.

>> No.7371584

because theyre poor so it makes sense obviously.

if you cant see that i guess you arent as good at bathing as you imply.

they can't afford water.
instead of one person taking a bath and getting the water dirty for the next person, they all get it dirty together.

and as for "quality" they have quantity which in bathing terms is actually a fine substitute since they can help each other out.

>> No.7371586

yea i dont think becoming rail thin is a way to get girls and i also think most people share that view

its more common to hear a du say 'i want to get fuckin huge ill get so many girls' than 'i want to work out a little bit cut my body fat do a lot of cardio so i can get skinny and get girls'

being skinny is satisfying and if you work at it a little you can basically eat whatever you want while maintaining a size/weight or w/e

it helps that im moderately handsome and wear dick everywhere

>> No.7371597

nothing tastes as good as skinny feels :3

>> No.7371601

i prefer 'i eat delicious nourishing food and then work out to maintain my sick body'

>> No.7371603


>> No.7371606


Honestly, I agree with what you say, BUT I do not agree with the wording, possibly because i know more people fighting the urge to eat than I do people struggling to eat more. I personally believe the terms beta/alpha has zero place in modern society, for example, and seeing as a majority of the people in relationships are unfit, underweight, "skinnyfat", chubby or overweight, I don't believe a skinny man having a partner is an exception to the rule.

>> No.7371646

>I personally believe the terms beta/alpha has zero place in modern society
me either personally, mostly because they are misunderstood and misused.

but i use them sometimes, mostly "beta" because it gets the job done.

"beta" is an umbrella term for a number of words like, pathetic, mentally weak, etc.

that isn't it's actual meaning, but that's what it means to most people so that's how/why i use it.

>I don't believe a skinny man having a partner is an exception to the rule.
good point.
the "exception" i meant was the extreme examples people will cite as "proof"

this girl hooked up with this guy and he's rail thin which proves girls are attracted to skeletons therefore i need to be skeleton.

it's weak minded, but it happens.

and like i said, it happens more than you may think if you actually pay attention to it.

this example i've only seen once IRL (guy happens to be a huge white knight woman "saver") but on 4chan it's more common due to the amount of "losers" looking for an easy fix.

>> No.7371743

what are the names of these girls and where can i find more

>> No.7371754

r u new m8?

>> No.7371761

y-yes. plz help a horny faggot like me

>> No.7371767

shes in GTA V which is a cool game and you get cool cars.