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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 23 KB, 400x310, I1376997115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7360868 No.7360868[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do you wear skinny jeans if you already have long and thin legs? You can get the same affect from straight leg pants/jeans if your legs are already long and thin. It just looks like overkill to wear skinny jeans if you are already tall and thin.

Picture related.

>> No.7360869
File: 18 KB, 400x273, trend-clothing-styles-for-men-2011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More examples.

>> No.7360877
File: 61 KB, 614x369, ESQ-cadet-menswear-2012-xl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7360884
File: 38 KB, 472x711, corea-fashion-shitsuke-pants-men-straight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7360889
File: 11 KB, 250x250, 1375807153686-P-987582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7360899
File: 47 KB, 600x600, 1380234487774-P-1157407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7360908
File: 28 KB, 500x750, NcR9vEh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If any of these fits were posted in the WAYWT thread they would get laughed off.

>> No.7360916

But they all look infinitely more flattering on tall and thin men. I am of the belief that fashion is about making yourself look good while also looking stylish/interesting. If you just look ridiculous, then you don't look good, and you don't look stylish or interesting, you just look ridiculous.

>> No.7360925
File: 24 KB, 500x334, kSXkOEZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So fashion isn't about clothes its about being an anorexic twig?

>> No.7360934

Uhh, wat. That's pretty much the exact opposite of what I said, I'm the OP. Looking like an anorexic twig is looking ridiculous.

>> No.7360935


w2c pants

>> No.7360976


They have good feedback and measurements listed.

Another thing I never understood about this board, why are the men here so terrible at shopping? The things you buy I can find for infinitely cheaper somewhere else online. All you have to do is just make sure to check what the fabrics are and read the measurements, it's really easy to shop cheap online. I usually just measure clothes I own that are comfortable and go off those measurements. I'll never understand why you buy such overpriced pieces, I could buy like a hundred other pieces for the price of one and they all look the same quality wise and I have a bigger wardrobe to work with.

>> No.7361004
File: 388 KB, 850x638, boots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And also, these are some boots I bought off ebay from an Asian place for somewhere around ~$20-30, and they've lasted me for at least 3 years now with heavy use.

>> No.7361030

If you have long and thin legs, you should wear skinnies or at least slims fucktard.

Regular straights make people with long, thin legs look goofy. They're made for beefy people.

>> No.7361033

you've been wearing ugly women's boots for 3 years

im so sorry

>> No.7361091

Ikr, i don't want to look like some fuccboi with skinny jeans

>> No.7361133


>> No.7361231

Oh. Oh well. Three years is a long time

>> No.7361356

Well I'm a woman, so yeah.

>> No.7361369

Skinny or slim fit pants are for people with short legs, they are supposed to make your legs look thinner giving the illusion that they are longer. Straight leg jeans are better for tall and thin people because their legs are already tall and thin.

>> No.7361398

wait, what? you're a girl, right?

>> No.7361404


>> No.7361434
File: 243 KB, 750x500, skinnyvsstraightslim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a comparison of skinny vs slim/straight. The guy on the right is a lot more proportional to the guy on the left. When you wear skinny jeans or pants and you are already tall and thin, it makes your upper body look disproportional to your legs, and it also makes your feet look bigger and clown-like.

>> No.7361550

the guy on the right looks like he waddles with short penguin legs.

And feet are only made to look clown like if the shoes you're wearing is inappropriate for the pants you're wearing.

>> No.7361600

The only way I can see your feet not looking like clown shoes while being a tall and skinny man in skinny jeans is if you are wearing like, sandals. But I think that slim/straight leg pants and jeans look much better with sandals, personally.

Men's legs are not supposed to look that thin though, it just looks weird and disproportionate. It's the equivalent to a very large woman wearing leggings and a flowy shirt up top. It's going to accentuate their stomach and make their legs look slim but not their thighs will be enormous compared to their calves.

>> No.7361674

what defines tall? Above 6'?

>> No.7361672

>compares tall thin men to fat girls

I get it, you're jelly that some men have better legs than you.

>> No.7361682

What, no. I'm not fat and I have very thin legs as well, but I'm also extremely short. Skinny jeans or pants are supposed to make your legs look longer, but if you are already tall and thin, you don't need to make your legs look longer, so you can get the same affect from a slim or straight fit pant or jeans.

>> No.7361692

It depends on your height to weight ratio for what we are talking about more. For example, my boyfriend is only 5'10" but he is also only 120 lbs, so he would look ridiculous in skinny jeans. But if he was shorter and still around the same BMI I don't think it would look as weird. You have to think of it in terms of body proportions. If you are short and thin, elongating your legs more isn't going to look as weird, it will make them look less stubby. If you are tall and thin, elongating your legs more is just going to look overdone.

>> No.7361712
File: 111 KB, 333x500, 1365809575684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your opinions are pleb and no one cares about them

>> No.7361730

They're not opinions, if you take an art class about human body proportions they will tell you the same thing.

>> No.7361720

Sure, tall thin men can look good in slim and straight fit pants as long as the over all outfit allows for it, but They can also get away with wearing skinnies imo for the exact reason that they AREN'T accentuating anything up top like your hypothetical "very large woman" is.

>> No.7361746

I'm sorry but I've never seen a tall and thin man wearing skinnies that looks good, it always just makes them look like "hungry skeletons" to me. If you're into that anorexic twig look, then I guess. But to me, I think at least keeping your body proportional is more flattering generally.

>> No.7361747

le forced meme face

>> No.7361741

please fucking explain the te thing

>> No.7361767
File: 106 KB, 682x1023, 1365831145255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are indeed opinions and they are shit

tall skinny people are really the only people that should wear skinny jeans

skinny jeans on fat people looks fucking retarded

skinny jeans on short people isnt really that bad but it makes them look even smaller usually
>But to me, I think at least keeping your body proportional is more flattering generally.

this is where your shitty, pleb opinions come in

this is a fashion board

were not trying to look plain, boring, and average

>> No.7361784


>> No.7361804
File: 153 KB, 448x700, 1385153925207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fugen fat ppl smh

>> No.7361810

Yes, but fashion is about looking good. There is a reason models are all around the same measurements, it's because those are usually perfect proportions of the body to aim for. If you're not that size, then you try to achieve that by wearing clothes that give off the illusion that you are while still being fashionable.

It doesn't matter what you are wearing, if you look short and stumpy, or fat in the wrong places, you look bad.

>> No.7361818

w2c shoes on guy on the right

>> No.7361834

>tfw grim tims fit me like skinnies

well it's mainly in the calf area but still how do people even fit into the 5 skinnier cuts

>> No.7361833

because having long and thin legs + skinny skinny jeans make your legs look even longer.

>> No.7361842

Why do you want to make your legs look longer if they already look really long though?

>> No.7361844


>> No.7361858


>> No.7361859


because i like the look, im also really short

5'5 and 30 inch inseam, really short torso

>> No.7361860

>Yes, but fashion is about looking good.

to who

some pleb bitch telling me i should wear dad jeans?

or myself


>There is a reason models are all around the same measurements

they are around the same measurements so that you dont have to worry about tailoring, measuring, fucking around with 10 different sizes of clothing, etc.

>it's because those are usually perfect proportions of the body to aim for.

most people do not find runway models at all attractive

do u really think the average guy is going to go for a 6' tall 100lb 15 year old with a cups

>If you're not that size, then you try to achieve that by wearing clothes that give off the illusion that you are while still being fashionable.

so fat people should just squeeze into clothes too small for them to try to dress like skinny people?

and meanwhile skinny people shouldnt even dress skinny, they should wear relaxed fit jeans and baggy shit?

that doesnt even make sense

>It doesn't matter what you are wearing, if you look short and stumpy, or fat in the wrong places, you look bad.

u rlly dont know what ur talking about and should probably leave

>> No.7361871
File: 146 KB, 500x700, tumblr_lzcnkpYDju1qc8zlgo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why wouldnt u?

>> No.7361889

Slim/straight jeans are not "Dad jeans". Scroll up and view all the images I posted.

Because if your legs already look long, you don't need to make them look longer.


I'm 5 ft and I wear skinny jeans/pants as well.

>> No.7361899

lol those patches are so entry level

>> No.7362058


Why do you care what tall people wear you fat midget? No matter what tall people wear they'll look more attractive than you. Fucking pointless topic wow

>> No.7362120

>DK and Burzum patches together

Uh, no.

>> No.7362140

>Slim/straight jeans are not "Dad jeans". Scroll up and view all the images I posted.

the images you posted are awful, generic, disgustingly boring and insipid h&m looking piles of shit

>Because if your legs already look long, you don't need to make them look longer.

i dont "need" to do anything

if i want to its my choice and i dont give a fuck whether you think its a good one or not

seriously, just leave, youre trying to lecture us on something you know nothing about

>> No.7362142

>those patch choices
hmm quite the strange assortment
>the Ghost Inside
when did #posicore bands start doing patches?? must be DIY or something.

>> No.7362192

>to who

Not the guy you're talking to, but it's more correct to use whom.

If you write out the entire sentence and then rearrange it to the most correct form (Question word beginning the question clause) then that puts "fashion" in the subject and "whom" as the ambiguous direct object. Therefore it is in the accusative and the accusative form of "who" (whom) should be used.

Whom is fashion about looking good to?

"w2c knowledge about own language"

>> No.7362209

cool i dont fuckign care at all tho

>> No.7362232

Burzum has been explicitly explained to not be political music tho. If it's a genre thing then you're just retarded.

>> No.7362234

i wasn't talking to you you stupid faggot.

>> No.7362247
File: 746 KB, 933x595, 1385607531681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's that fauxhawk?

>> No.7362250

idk i havent had one for at least a year

>> No.7362254

>has racialist lyrics
>whole album about "the white god"
I love Burzum, I don't mind racism, really, but his music does have a very clear slant to it.

DK sucks, though.

>> No.7362262

>ever having a fauxhawk

>> No.7362264

>Facebook chirps
that's low

>> No.7362258

> I don't care what other people think
> now leave because you disagree with me

You are such a shitty trip. Not the guy you're responding to.

>> No.7362268

these must have been made for a halloween costume or something

>> No.7362270

i dont care about ur pleb opinions

>> No.7362273


>> No.7362277


>> No.7362302

this is trunx?


>> No.7362458

Elongated legs are more aesthetic though. There's plenty of exaggerated proportions in art, long legs, broad shoulders, thin waists, large chests, etc.