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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 10 KB, 225x225, manlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7352974 No.7352974[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is it possiblr for a manlet ( < 6'2 ) to be /fa/ and not look like a total dildo?

>> No.7352988

No it's not. If you're less than 6'2 and you try to dress nicely you will almost look like a try hard autistic fuck

>> No.7353002

>tfw 6'4''
>tfw easily taller than bitches wearing heels
fuck if i was a manlet i would kill myself

>> No.7353149
File: 20 KB, 400x300, tumblr_m7ir1kM3XL1qfrnyao1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 6'3"
>have thing for girls that 5'11"-6'1"

>> No.7353160

>ITT: lanky samefagging disproportionate tallfag trying to make other people feel bad for compensation

>> No.7353169

>tfw 5'10
>love short girls
no problem here

>> No.7353171

if you are less than 7'3" why are you even trying?

>> No.7353177


>tfw 6'4' too

does fucking really short girls ever get really awkward like I can never fuck a girl properly in missionary because it just feels weird completely smothering a chick

>> No.7353184

>332 posts and 94 image replies.

jesus christ that board is fucking cancerous

>> No.7353181


>> No.7353185

When /fit/ does height threads, it comes off like an in-joke, not to be taken seriously.

When /fa/ does it, though, it seems more real. Is the fashion world particularly unforgiving about height or what?

>> No.7353196

its just because the models are required to be tall and everyone here dreams of being one

>> No.7353198

No. Most models aren't even particularly tall, they just have slim profiles.

When you're too tall, you look lanky, regardless of what you wear. Male fashion still demands an amount of grace.

>> No.7353206


People in /fa/ are just more insecure

>> No.7353212


>> No.7353220
File: 22 KB, 337x233, hipster_costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying being 5'5" isn't /fa/

>> No.7353258

>more insecure than /fit/
Pick one

>> No.7353268

>tfw you will never be 8'5"

>> No.7353272


Yes, I'm 7'9" and girls are 9". So sad, i'm a manlet....

>> No.7353302

>tfw 6'5 and will never find any pants that fit

>> No.7353520

Girls are 9 inches tall?

>> No.7353540

this is my fetish

>> No.7353570

>not having a pixie gf

>> No.7354139
File: 79 KB, 720x960, 1460153_764912456856586_416266702_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw 5 foot 7
I am the shortest in this pic, right next to the 6 foot 6 kid, is there hope?

>> No.7354147

You're a britbong, there was never any hope.

>> No.7354154

At least you don't have polio

>> No.7354182

He tore a tendon in his knee
+10 funny points though

>> No.7354189

The only hope is if you're asian. At least then you can pull off some whack shit

>> No.7354194
File: 942 KB, 500x283, 1387588292910.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7354205
File: 61 KB, 554x428, 142918988144854516_oO00X6Eh_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>under 6'2 apparently a midget
>tfw 6'3

I made it

>> No.7354209

6'3 is too tall, you probably look deformed.

>> No.7354213

The people who post in height threads are extremely sad tall people or extremely sad short people.

Short people that get women do not even respond to these threads like me. We see how ridiculous they are.

>> No.7354219

I'm an extremely sad average height person who mocks both.


>> No.7354221

>tfw 6'0" but still look gangly as fuck

>> No.7354222


You hit the nail on the head.

>> No.7354224

idunno I weigh like 78 kg so not ottermode and not fat

>> No.7354250

Eh. I'm ok with being 5'8", mostly because I'm skinny like a motherfucker. So basically I'm pretty average in those terms.

It's all dependent on how you carry yourself. I knew this one guy who from a distance seemed like he was 6'0" easily. Wide as fuck (not fat), huge beard, when I got closer he was about my height, maybe a little shorter, but I still got the impression that he towered over me just from his demeanor and style (turns out he was a year younger than me, but he dressed like he was in his late 20s, early 30s).

>> No.7354260
File: 191 KB, 820x1708, troll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>manlet ( < 6'2 )
Y'all is posting in a troll thread.

>> No.7354266

>more insecure than /fit/

>> No.7354287

I hate everybody in that picture now.

>> No.7355589

lel, have fun being a fucking dwarf you inbred manlet
>8'6 master race

>> No.7355599


>> No.7356344

lol manlet pleb you will die a virgin
9'4 god reporting in

>> No.7356354


Why aren't you in the Guinness World Records?

>> No.7356371
File: 631 KB, 915x678, 1384203505999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please kill me.

>> No.7356470

I know this guy who's 6'9'' and other than his giraffe neck he looks p normal

>> No.7356491

tfw johnny depp is 5'8

>> No.7356499

5'5 master race here

>> No.7356509

1km tall, what are you guys even doing?

>> No.7357151

5'7" here, AMA.

>> No.7357173

You know that's not anywhere near true right?

>> No.7357246

How does it feel being a p average height

>> No.7357266

My manager is 5'2" or 5'3" and I've heard him make jokes about his height but he hasn't complained about it and he actually has a reason to.

>> No.7357290
File: 1.66 MB, 900x1193, Miracles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 5'6"

at least im effay

>> No.7357300

>tfw only 5'8" but inexplicably still growing at 22
M-maybe there's hope for me

>> No.7357311

Feels very very m

>> No.7357323

>not patrick
>not squidward

shit drawing/10 wouldnotbecreepedoutby

>> No.7357347

1 mile bro girls use me as a space elevator no wut im sayin

>> No.7359212


Female models are usually just as tall as their comp cards say. Male models on the other hand are generally around 5'11" to 6'2", 6'2" being the cut off height since anything above is considered too much. Honestly, it's more about the slim profile like the other guy who replied to you said earlier.

>> No.7359246

Most male models are 5'10 - 6'1.

>> No.7359262

I'm 5'11.
Just thought you guys should know that.
My opinion is pretty relevant after all.

>> No.7359294

no they aren't, most are 6'1"-6'3", 6' is rare and lower is almost non-existant in high fashion
stop being delusional manlet king

>> No.7359303


I don't trust people that can't spell words right.

>> No.7359307

He said most not high fashion, meaning small jobs and shit.

>> No.7359311

sorry for being a non-native speaker that quickly added his opinion while passing through the catalog

>> No.7359319

5'10" master race reporting in
>tfw perfect proportions

>> No.7359323

Well at least you're remorseful ;)
Put more thought into your responses please.

>> No.7359350

>be 5'9"
>still 2" above local average for adult males
im ok with this

>> No.7359377

average is 5'10

>tfw 5'11 and people think i'm tall

>> No.7359380

iktf. 6'1 and every 10 I've known has been 5'9+

>> No.7359398

6'2 is the cutoff for looking like you are the bastard son of sasquatch

what's the weather like up there, freak?

>> No.7359411

Honestly, I have a friend that is literally like 5'3" and he is definitely pretty /fa/. I think you can do it, you just have to be creative and cool.

>> No.7359426

>trying to appear sophisticated in an internet argument
>that passive agressive smiley
It's like I'm in high school again

>> No.7359613

I just searched this.
First thing: >http://cyberbullying.us/hannah-smith-even-more-tragic-than-originally-thought/
fucking cyber self-harm is now a thing. She was abusing herself through the internet.

>> No.7359731

>tfw 6foot
>tfw my friends are all ugly manlets
>tfw look like a sex god whenever i go anywhere with them

>> No.7359755

The Japanese pull it off and they're all pretty much under 6'2

>> No.7359761

They have the aesthetics

>> No.7359789

>tfw 1.80m male
>tfw avarage girls height in my country is like 1.60m

>> No.7359816

Are you in Asia or sth lol
>tfw 5'10
>tfw always feeling like I'm the shortest one everywhere.

>> No.7359949

>tfw 17 and 5'5
any hope?

>> No.7359956

Exactly the same here
You me?

>> No.7360071


>> No.7360095


i didn't stop growing until i was 21, so yeah.

play sports, it helps.

>> No.7360106

I know 90% of these posts are jokes but most of my friends are 5' 7" to 5' 9". Is north england just full of midgets?

>> No.7360110

>tfw 1.81m
>tfw average girls height in my country is like 1.75

oh well atleast I'm taller than you (fucking manlet)

>> No.7360114

yes obviously. anything under 180cm is manlet tier in europe.

>> No.7360745

i'm 1.85-88 something between this how much am i in feet.

6'1 ?

>> No.7360798

6'1" = 1.8542 m ≈ 185 cm
6'2" = 1.8796 m ≈ 188 cm

so technically you would be 6'1.5" but since amerilards are generally really sketchy when it comes to reporting their heights you can probably say 6'3" or something
also lrn2google dweeb

>> No.7362337

Oh god not that gigantic faggot from /soc/. I swear, just by his presence he makes me cringe.

>> No.7362342
File: 216 KB, 915x678, 1357795411286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello newfriend B-)

>> No.7362359

>6" 4'
>gangly autist who tries to hard

>> No.7362451

9'2 masterrace reporting in

>> No.7362546

>tfw 9'1" manlet

Just let me die in my sleep already.

>> No.7362596


>> No.7362599


If you post a picture of yourself on 4chans fashion board and ask if there's 'hope left' because you're about 1 or 2 inch taller than the standard european then no, there definitely is no hope left. Just kill yourself already.

>> No.7362630


how is that NOT a thing? you know there's people literally cutting themselves because the pain feels nice to them, right?

>> No.7362632


not true at all


no, your friends are just a little below average

>> No.7362638


1 or 2 inch smaller*

>> No.7362686

Is it weird if I'm 6'2" and into a 5'2" chick?

>> No.7362923

Nah, but she's going to look like a kid when you go out together.

>> No.7362986

maybe youre a bit pedo

>> No.7363002
File: 37 KB, 600x450, BNh0REkCEAAqbJd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything over 6'3 and chances are you're a lanky awkward ogre MESS. very difficult to pull off that height

6'0-6'3 is the best

>> No.7363010

>Only 1,81 cm

Ernil i Periannath.

>> No.7363270

>tfw only 15'9"
iktf brah