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7348138 No.7348138[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How long does it take to grow a manbun?

>> No.7348154

too fucking long. and even when you think it's long enough there are still strands that are too short and fall out.

shit's a pain, buy several hats.

>> No.7348166

So damn long. Depends on where you are now, but expect to wait at least a year.

>> No.7348176
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It's all worth it in the end

>> No.7348189

my fringe reaches the back of my head. can bun in baby pathetic bun but i'm getting there. I just wear a lot of hats and hoods.

>hey anon you dont show your head much
>hey anon are you religious
>hey anon do you wash your hair

I sometimes wax/spray it back but the back is too long and messy now..

this time next year i'll have a glorious man bun though.. can't wait..

>> No.7348200

>tfw hairs too curly to ever manbun

>> No.7348403

i think i've seen a picture of a curly manbun on /fa/
it looked pretty nice

>> No.7348406

Not long. I had one back in the day.

>> No.7348423

seems like a terrible idea for someone with a predisposition for hair loss

or actually pretty much anyone that wants to retain an intact hairline

>> No.7348428

Not that long...

>> No.7348426

not nearly as long as it will take for your dignity to grow back

>> No.7348433

its over m8

>> No.7348447

B) ok

>> No.7348516

Why would it fuck up your hairline?

>> No.7348623

you get why pulling hair is bad, right?
having your hair tied up applies a considerable amount of pressure on your hairline, where especially in males, the hair follicles happen to be more prone to erosion
even if you didn't wear it super tight, i can imagine over an extensive period of such exposure some level of thinning out would inevitably be seen

>> No.7348631

Does baldness come from the mother's or father's side?

>> No.7348650

what do you think?

>> No.7348652

is this a game?

>> No.7348654

I don't know. Why do you think I asked?

>> No.7348663

from a complete buzzcut it will take about 2 years. The hair in the front is what takes time.

>> No.7348683

>There is a 4 in 7 chance of receiving the baldness gene.[11] Onset of hair loss sometimes begins as early as the end of puberty, and is mostly genetically determined. It was previously believed that baldness was inherited from the maternal grandfather. While there is some basis for this belief, both parents contribute to their offspring's likelihood of hair loss. Most likely, inheritance is technically "autosomal dominant with mixed penetrance"

>> No.7348706

>Mom's dad totally bald
>Dad's dad had thick hair until his death
>Have great hair currently
God I hope I never go bald....

>> No.7348727

exactly my situation

>> No.7348742

my dad is balding a lot and has thin hair but my uncles from both sides both have lots of thick hair left and dont even look like they are balding

>> No.7348983

Ehhhh unless your really yanking that shit tight, it probably won't make a difference. If it recedes, it probably wouldve anyways

>> No.7349018

My last haircut was in august 2012, and I cut it rather short then. I was able to get a decent manbun going in spring 2013, then wore it like that throughout the summer. I think it looks pretty good, but after a while I started feeling like a bit disgusted with myself, realizing its not really cool to wear my hair in a bun every single day. So now I have this shoulder length hair that I try to pull off without looking like a metal-kid, and I just bun it at the office and stuff.

alright, cool.

>> No.7349035

>growing out hair for nearly a year
>just a few more months for manbun
>get new job, have to cut hair

Fuck social norms.

>> No.7349042

My hair is pretty wurly and it works fine. I even prefer it to slick looking buns since it won't look so fedoraponytailcore that easily. So unless you have a afro, you wont have a problem

>> No.7349084

The genes that causes balding are predominantly located in the x chromosome, so, from your mothers side.
this guy is just retarded and thinks that just because men go bald. Don't have a source available, but look it up if you don't trust me.

>> No.7349096

how the fuck do you tie a manbun?

>> No.7349137

maybe so

for what it's worth, i subsequently looked this shit up and it appears to be a thing that has a name

obviously the hair strength plays a major part here as regards the extent of the effect, thick-haired individuals probably are pretty safe

>> No.7349268

I shaved my head anout 14-15 months ago and have gone without a haircut since. I can just pull my hair all up into a bun but its still a bit tight. My hairs all the same length and sits around my collar bones when down

>> No.7350950

How was your awkward phase?

>> No.7350978

holy hng

no homo

OP, it took me 9 months started from an inch of hair

>> No.7350987


>> No.7351064

straighten it obv

>> No.7351116

It was just below my eye brows when I decided to grow it and 8 months later it was long enough to tie up.

this too. fringe out the front for the first while, then when it starts getting longer tucked back under it

>> No.7351193
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growing hair for a year, good progress made
>go to barber to help straighten hair, sides grow too fast and front grows way too slow
>say what part i want slightly trimmed
>"yeah done worry men i know what you mean"
>fucker literally cuts on third of my hair off
>fucking angry as fuck but too beta to call him out

Now im set back fucking months. Its gonna take like 3-4 months just to get back to where i was yesterday. Fucks sake.

>> No.7351204

Honestly, barbers suck at maintenance cuts. Just don't cut it while it grows. Wear hats or something.

>> No.7351266
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more pics pls

>> No.7351304
File: 102 KB, 635x450, Man-Bun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7351346

horrible, what the other guy said, beanies just about every day in the winter used to put the back up as much as I could and then put the beanie over it to get rid of the filthy mullet.

Once the front grows out longer im going to start trimming the back to sort even it out a bit when its down.

So much conflict going into summer, all i want to do is shave that shit right off

>> No.7351391
File: 135 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cut my shit a month ago but it's gona take you about 2 years to get a nice full healthy manbun

you'll get a bun pic related size around 15-18 months

>> No.7351409

>Decided not to go for it at the end of August, as maintaining a HY yourself is a pain in the ass and man buns look cool to me
>Hair was about two and a half inches in the front then
>Is now about 5 and a half in front, curly and thick as fuck
>Can make it work most days, if I can't wear a beanie or a hat

The only thing that's becoming an issue now is the back is starting to look dumb as hell; it just looks like a curly warzone constantly and the bottom is starting to flare in a way reminiscent of skater hair. Seems like one week it looks fine and the next I'm back in an awkward phase, the way it grows so quickly and erratically.

>> No.7351615
File: 30 KB, 645x587, fml.jpg-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my ears stick out kind of like pic related.
can i still manbun successfully or am i fucked?

>> No.7351621
File: 106 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yep thats how it is bro. You hit like a 2 week period where it sits right, the 2 weeks later it's a mess. It's truly a journey and I recommend every man grow his hair out once in his life.

>> No.7351653

I have a man bun... but how do I grow a beard hair only grows on my neck can barley get a mustache

>> No.7351662

rub semen on the parts of your face where you want hair to grow

>> No.7351675

...I cant tell if your serious or not

>> No.7351700

why would I lie to you? there are natural components of semen that encourage hair growth. it's almost like testosterone therapy (more semen = more testosterone = more hair growth).

try it out for a week and then make a decision. I recommend 1 tablespoon of semen (distributed evenly on the face) each night.

>> No.7351711

I get mixed resaults on google

>> No.7351763

that's odd. I can guarantee that it works though. I used to have only moustache growth (I couldn't grow any hair on any other part of my face), but then I tried the semen technique. it boosted my testosterone in about a week and i started to experience hair growth on the other parts of my face. it was incredible, because i didn't think it would work. now i have a full beard and i'm really happy.

i started out with 2 tablespoons of semen per night, but it's recommended that beginners start out with only 1. so just try it for a week (with 1 tablespoon). you'll be suprised at how well it works.

>> No.7351779
File: 354 KB, 1494x1000, 1378079908143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What type of faces work good for manbuns

I have a sean o'pry ish nose in that it curves but isnt jewy and a weak chin (;__;)

>> No.7351798
File: 146 KB, 800x859, 1374274309317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get this haircut?

Are like the sides shaved and just the top long?

Is the back shaved?

>> No.7351809

any opinions?


>> No.7351837
File: 182 KB, 1080x720, TNfRnWA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give it to me straight /fa/

>> No.7351833

w2c tshirts like that

>> No.7351848

lose weight

get rid of nose ring

>> No.7351842
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>> No.7351854

also shave

>> No.7351871
File: 476 KB, 1109x900, mbtfgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been growing it since early June, bunned it for first time few days ago, I want a lower bun but hair on front is still too short for that.

What does /fa/ think? Do I pull it off or do I look greasy and autistic

>> No.7351876

Oh, shit. Now I don't want to cut my hair anymore. I hate maintaining it. :(

>> No.7351886

greasy and autistic. sorry m8

try shaving though. that might help a bit

>> No.7351890

I don't recommend it. It looks a little too autistic. Better be safe than sorry

>> No.7351899

try shaving and grow it out a bit more before bunning. has potential but it's not quite there yet.

>> No.7351908

shorter back and sides and it'll look okay
mostly back

>> No.7351904

Why's your hair so far down your neck?

>> No.7351924


>> No.7351928
File: 128 KB, 600x800, 1368643220761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what makes his worse than any of the inspo?

also how do i pull of a HY.
do HY's look back combed back?

>> No.7351929

Fug :(, had some confidence it would look passable (mixed feedback from people), I hate maintaining hair and going to the barber.

Thanks for being honest

Been on movember for 3 weeks, never grew out my facial hair before. Do you think it could look better once the beard and moustache have grown thicker/less sparse within a couple of weeks/months by trimming it?

Not all of my hair are able to reach one bun so I'm not quite there yet. there's a second mini hidden bun at the back currently.

>> No.7351945

Potentially, but I'm not the person to ask. I've always been clean-shaven because >muh jawline
From my limited knowledge it looks like what my cousin had when he was first growing it out, and he's got a pretty rockin' beard now. You're hair looks plenty think so I'd think it'll fill out eventually.

>> No.7351955
File: 161 KB, 800x1023, photo (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so I'm seriously considering shaving this very moment but unsure if I will regret it (want to see if I can grow a full goatee).

But here's my face for reference without beard, do you think I will look better with the bun when clean shaven?

>> No.7352004

that picture looks gr8 anon

keep your hair like that + clean shaven

>> No.7352014
File: 474 KB, 1920x1080, 20131202_230904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I rock a man bun

>> No.7352026

dude you look really good like that

>> No.7352054
File: 253 KB, 958x639, IMG_1377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So...I am trying to grow my hair out for a bun. I used to have it around two feet long..or something. But then I cut it into that Hitler Youth cut...and this is what happens when I grow it out and have not gotten a hair cut.

How much longer do you guys think I have until the man bun?

Also, if I cannot grow a full facial beard, will my man bun suffer?

>> No.7352067
File: 105 KB, 480x640, IMG_0798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is manbun possible with this hair? I've only tried it a couple of times and I kept getting some stray hairs that looked out of place. I'm not sure how best to try it. Tight and orderly or loose and messy?

>> No.7352063
File: 219 KB, 692x693, shave-or-not.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, but to be fair that pic is cherry picked, taken right after the barber. My thin wavy hair is impossible to style, gets messed up in the wind and before my eyes

Ok so I just shopped my facial hair off and I want opinions, should I go for 1, 2 or 3?

And below is the hair weeks ago before bunning, does my facial shape better complement bunned up hair, or loose?

I just really want to know this so I can shave tomorrowmorning before work. I don't want to look greasy and autistic.

>> No.7352102

pls respond

>> No.7352153

Goatees are fucking stupid and childish. If you have to 'see' if you can grow any kind of beard, you can't. Stop trying, genes gonna gene.

>> No.7352158

I suppose you are right, gonna shave it all in the morning then

Do I atleast pull the bun off with clean shaven face though? (I really wanna keep it)

>> No.7352197

The messy bottom part is a little meh, but if you shave that'll be a great start. If you like it, no harm in keeping it a while longer

>> No.7352198
File: 55 KB, 268x355, maybe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man fug this.

I'll just let the facial hair grow for another month hoping it will at some point get denser and look like pic related. And let the bun grow so it'll look more tight.

Thanks for the honest opinions, I guess I'll go through a greasy autism phase to find out.

xx goodnight

>> No.7352207

>I'll just let the facial hair grow for another month hoping

Stop stop


You are in the denial phase. Trust me. If your facial hair looks like shit after a week of no shaving it will never get better.

>> No.7352222

hmm are you sure

The stache in pic was 1 week growrth and rest 2 weeks. My dad has a full moustache and relatively dense beard. I'm 21 so surely there must be some hope?

>> No.7352235


the whole fucking guy looks like shit

let him grow his fucking facial hair and be happy jesus christ

fucking giving advice to ugly people whats the fucking point

>> No.7352237


>> No.7352256

your hair looks great nigga don't listen to these jealous faggots

>> No.7352333
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Thanks m8. I don't mind the insults if they're being honest though

Do you think I should just shave the pubes off my chin? or atleast give it a try for another few weeks to see if it'll look atleast half decent when denser. im confused af atm

>> No.7352383

>glorious thick long hair
>pointy ears

Goddamn I wish I could just pull my hair back behind by ears or rock a buzz cut. It is literally the only part of my body I'm not comfortable with.

>> No.7352415


dude one day you'll realize that its not that big a deal

grow it for a month see what happens

>> No.7352416

they probably aren't as bad as you think

if they're really that debilitating tho, definitely consider otoplasty. From what I've read, it's usually around $5k, so if it means that much to you just save up and get it done

>> No.7352697

does girl hair grow faster than guy hair?

>> No.7352768

only on the weekends.

>> No.7352778

can you do a manbun if you can't grow a good beard? all good manbun pics I've seen involve the guy having an awesome beard.

>> No.7352897
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1 year and 2 months now.

I had the back cut back a little in february, which, as it turns out, was a mistake. Now I always have a few strands tickling my neck when I move my head around too much!

>> No.7352936

bump for more buns

>> No.7353016

>tfw already greying at 20

>> No.7353037

stop using bands with the metal man, shits not good for your hair

>> No.7353045

Looks solid, nose ring, pathetic side burns and all. the long hair suits you bro

>> No.7353057

ofc. fuck what people think, man.
it may look a bit goofy but as long as your fit is right it'll be all good

>> No.7353067


>> No.7353070


>> No.7353073

Those anons are absolutely right.
It will just get longer and look awful.

Keep an eye on it, but really until a beard just happens
on your face without you trying, you shouldn't grow one.

>> No.7353077

Also it already looks awful.

>> No.7353079
File: 174 KB, 275x352, fabun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man bun masterrace reporting in

>> No.7353087

Looks good. Nice forehead wrinkles.

I have a question for the longhairs here. Did you still get maintenance cuts while you were growing your hair out?

My sideburns especially are starting to get pretty scruffy and it doesn't seem like anyone actually keeps their sideburns long. Except the hasids I guess.

>> No.7353090
File: 14 KB, 300x213, 35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7353098

fuck that is hot

>> No.7353179

rengar is that u

>> No.7353232

Ive been growing it out from a HY for about 5 months now and it's hell, feel like I'm wearing a helmet all the time and hair gets in my eyes and glasses and it looks like shit and top and front is quite long, covers eyes but can't tie back because my sides are too short

>> No.7353307

your current hairstyle looks dope tho

>> No.7353350

I've been grow for almost a year now and was thinking about getting it cut just to clean my hair up a little. Do you not recommend doing that?

>> No.7354646

can't hurt. but make sure they don't take off to much, or else you're gonna be set back a few months!

>> No.7354714

Do this, get your sideburns a little higher up and you're golden.

>> No.7355382

First of all, go with the man bun but completely shaved, unless you can grow a real beard? But depends on your genes. Second, the only reason your man bun looks weird right now is because of all the loose hair at the bottom, if you get rid of that it will make your head shape far more attractive and will make your man bun start looking stronger instead of limp.

>> No.7355542

I haven't cut mine for roughly a year now and I can tie it into a reasonably sized knot, though I haven't tried making it a bun. To be honest, after the initial cool of being able to tie my hair up passed I've really just been leaving it untied.

I keep it very clean and often get compliments from girls 'wishing' they had my hair, so I'd like to think I'm doing something right atleast.

>> No.7355602

yeah do it, just be clear about only have it trimmed/not looking to have length cut off. It will make your hair healthier, and people say it can make it grow longer in the long run because of split ends

>> No.7355643

ignore the guy saying you're ugly, you're just an average normal dude. You do need to give up on the facial hair though, it will never look good -- maybe try again in no less than 5 years if you must

>> No.7355673
File: 11 KB, 300x200, 300px-Vacanti_mouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youll be able to get them fixed for cheap in the future
they grow ears in mice now

>> No.7355687

there's your problem
you've got to go to the girliest looking asian salon you can find, it's what i do. They looked at me funny when i walked in, but they even gave me korean tea and their english was bad enough that i didnt have to do small talk

>> No.7355703

i would like to go grey actually
i hate my hair colour but dont want to dye it