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7349411 No.7349411 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 6' with shoes on, does this mean I can tell qts I'm 6' or would that make me a deceptive cunt?

Manlet general

>> No.7349419

Unless you're wearing fuckhuge platform shoes there's no way you're a manlet.

>> No.7349461

People I know are quite tall, most girls I hang around with are 5'9 and my friends are all over 6'

I'm just under 5'11 barefoot.

>> No.7349470
File: 500 KB, 470x296, tumblr_lnwy9d0X5u1qh2mpqo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go out with 5'11" girl
>tells me she only dates guys 6'4" or above
>mfw I realize so many people have lied about their heights that she thinks I'm 6'4"

>> No.7349473

Oh fuck. I'm 5' 6" and most girls I know are 5' 2" to 5' 5" and most of my male friends are 5' 9". Then again North England is full of midgets.

>> No.7349485

Being 6 feet tall in Sweden is weird. Sometimes you'll be walking around town or stepping on a bus and a realize you're the tallest one around and feel great.
At other times you feel like a dwarf, 6'3 men and 6 foot women everywhere.

>> No.7349490

You have posted about this before...

I really want to punch you

>> No.7349503

I know that feel man.

6 foot Dutchman here. I have it worse than you do, Netherlands is tallest.

Feels manletaverage man

>> No.7349508

>tfw you sometimes have this feel even though you're 6'3

>> No.7349511

why would you need to say?
just saying best method is to keep quiet and if they ask tell em idk bout 6 ft
if you go around saying YO DID U KNO IM 6FT someones gonna call u out/ur gonna seem douchy
either way grats im 5"9 :[

>> No.7349518

reminds me of that Sword of the Stranger movie
+6' aryan master race among a village of midget nips

>> No.7349522

fucking manlet

i bet you play innebandy

>> No.7349523

I know, I think it's hilarious. P. sure I used the same image too. Because Clarkson is 6'4".

>> No.7349527

>stepping on a bus and a realize you're the tallest one around
you mean when you're the only one getting on while all the other passengers are seated?

>> No.7349533

Nope, sport is for blockmongon.

>> No.7349540

The buses where i live are usually pretty crowded, easily 15+ people standing constantly.
Still, it was a shitty example.

>> No.7349567

it's always barefoot for height, nimrods

>> No.7349632

jävla fitt-08

>> No.7349680
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>make eye contact with girls at uni 25x a day

is it because im a freak or is this attractive

shit sucks