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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 111 KB, 500x650, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7345404 No.7345404[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is real fashion.

>> No.7345412

ur ghey

fukin rekt u dont mes with this

>> No.7345467

thats a fuccnerd who's dressed by some fuccgirl who dont know shit

ps id fuck louis real talk

tomato pls be nice :(((

>> No.7345476
File: 23 KB, 369x370, a little off the top.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know what got into me

>> No.7345474

it is

fashion is dumb

fashion is transient

fashion is trends

fashion is mass approval

>> No.7346017

Is entire style would be effay 6 years ago

>> No.7346092


>> No.7347598

>Being impressed by 2006 level basic Williamsburg hipster garb

Oh boy, and boy am I serious. Nothing original to be seen. A boy band has a stylist great, who fits them with whatever the mainstream of fashion(which is usually like 3 or 4 years behind) is flipping over right now. To put it in perspective, if he were a girl, he'd be wearing UGGS and leggings in that picture. Dude looks like any person that can walk into a J.Crew or an H&M. Does it look good? Yes, it's a great fit. Isn't baggy, isn't some tryhard edgy shit either, but is it fashion? Doing anything new? Exciting? Fuck no.

This guys and a multitude of other people look just like every dickhead I saw a few years ago when I had to stay in New York with my dad for my last few years o high school (2006-2007). It it were 1999 they'd be dressed up like Nsync and BSB.

>> No.7347635

It being a mainstream trend doesn't exclude it from being fashion. It might not be avant garde, but it still is fashion.

>> No.7347638

>tfw 2008 was 6 years ago

>> No.7347658

almost anon, almost

>> No.7347663

lolita is also fashion, but that doesn't mean it looks good lol

>> No.7347683

Yes because it's a trendy mass produced mainstream look.

>> No.7347710


>> No.7347714

It's trendy so yes it's fashion. BUT it's not stylish.
Fashion is what is trendy right now. Style, on the other hand, is unique to everyone. Style is something that has been modified and customized on an individual level to suit each person’s own personality and body. His clothes are obviously not well fitted on him(does nothing to accentuate his positive features in fact it gives him a very unbalanced top heavy look) and his choice of clothing articles doesn't project anything other than naive consumerism and a strong desired to be accepted by his age group. He's a fashion sheeple with a dull edge in unflattering clothes. Justine Beiber would approve of his *swag*

>> No.7347730

u jelly

>> No.7347757

>Fashion is what is trendy right now. Style, on the other hand, is unique to everyone. Style is something that has been modified and customized on an individual level to suit each person’s own personality and body

>His clothes are obviously not well fitted on him(does nothing to accentuate his positive features in fact it gives him a very unbalanced top heavy look)
the fuck are you talking about? "top heavy"?

>his choice of clothing articles doesn't project anything other than naive consumerism and a strong desired to be accepted by his age group.
lol what? how is buying grossly expensive, "unique" designer clothing not naive consumerism? and everyone's always desiring to be accepted by some social group, at least if you're a normal functional member of society..

mostly you're just talking out of your ass and over thinking everything..

>> No.7347760

this is an image of a man in a jacket and jeans

>> No.7347762

>and everyone's always desiring to be accepted by some social group
sometimes i wish i had friends
> at least if you're a normal functional member of society

does that mean i am normal?

>> No.7347773

>the fuck are you talking about? "top heavy"?
you're either fucking blind or a loyal skinny jean wearing hipster.
Keep on being trendy

>> No.7347777
File: 332 KB, 500x529, tumblr_lk1gsqGHeo1qj9dxyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mostly you're just talking out of your ass and over thinking everything..
U jelly cause U can't style?

>> No.7347779

> normal
> any board on 4chan
Really nigger?

>> No.7347781

you? no.

you're a special snowflake like the rest of us

>> No.7347783

Why would I be "jelly" of hiptards? I know how to style and not spend a shitton just to look caucasian ghetto.

>> No.7347790

It does look good, the fit and style suits him well but what do you mean when you say "this is real fashion"?

>> No.7347787


>> No.7347792

In /fa/? ha ha nigger nooo! uh uh nope.

>> No.7347804

Nope, you're just over thinking/projecting your hatred for 1D and I'd say you're the blind one.

Silhouette is fine and the jeans are slimfit. And hipster doesn't even mean anything anymore

>> No.7347805
File: 48 KB, 285x512, chickenlegs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fit and style suits him well
He looks like a fucking curl bro faggot. Thin legs and bulk on top is stupid like 1980s big hair.

>> No.7347808

>Silhouette is fine
I take it you're also into the chicken leg look then, from your adamant defense of it. This shit is so dated.
Carry on with your chicken leg *swag*

>> No.7347819

And I take it you're just a deluded /fit/fag? That's ok, I was 16 once too.

He's a young dude. It's like your supposed to go from a skinny teen to a bulky man right after you turn 18. His legs are perfectly proportional to the rest of his body and the jacket being "bulky", it still fits very close to his body...

>> No.7347822

skinny jeans = chicken leg look
unless the guy actually works out his legs.

>> No.7347831
File: 23 KB, 224x320, SkinnyLegs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Keep on clucking on about your chicken leg pants.


>> No.7347833

Skinny jeans on guys that don't have good legs is like a fat girl wearing skinny jeans. Gross.

>> No.7347846

sick #ether bro.

>> No.7347854

so they should wear baggy harem pants instead?

I dunno if we're still referring to the pic of Harry but those jeans are far from jeggins and look perfectly fine/proportional to the rest of his body...

>> No.7347856
File: 62 KB, 497x390, skinny-jeans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7347885
File: 36 KB, 700x560, skinny-jeans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so they should wear baggy harem pants instead?
Are those your only two options? Do you have ANYthing else in your closet besides m.c. hammer pants/diapers or skinny chicken leg pants? Do you not posses a credit card and access to the internet if clothing stores around you do not sell anything other than those two shitty styles?

>> No.7347887

>that one guy who has to have the last word in everything no matter how retarded it might be just so he doesn't autism headaches from frustration
you want me to wipe babbys tears

>> No.7347894

baggy jeans look like shit. I still don't get why we are talking about skinny jeans when the jeans in the OP are obviously just slimfit, being loose on the calves and thighs...

>> No.7347901

Skinny jeans are for skinny people. Just because you're fat and they suffocate your balls doesn't mean it does the same to everyone like your fat ass.

>> No.7347910
File: 59 KB, 660x463, skinny_jeans_are_for_girls_not_guys-242040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you want me to wipe babbys tears
You raging 'cause I made fun of your chicken leg pants? Awww poor babbys, you didn't know how badly you were dressing did you? kek


>> No.7347925
File: 65 KB, 800x800, men -slim-fit-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baggy jeans look like shit
>jeans in the OP are obviously just slimfit
No they're not, they're fucking ugly skinny jeans look how they're gathered/loose only around his knees and ankles. Not only are they skinny jeans, they're too long.

Slim fit is classic and works with a more petite frame.

>> No.7347926

>desperately projecting
jakes on you tho I don't wear jeggins nor am I autistic enough to care what is the exact limit on how tight a mans jeans can be.. fitted just looks better.

>> No.7347922

Lel lets play spot the redditor

>using the word swag ironically
>motivational poster maymay
>doesn't know that using babby instead of baby is common 4chan speak
>throwing repetitive and meaningless insults to justify his sausage legs

Are you ok?

>> No.7347932

*tips fedora*
the fit in that picture looks disgusting

>> No.7347931

Your twig and berries must be really small.

>> No.7347938
File: 64 KB, 453x453, Hidden-Chicken-Legs-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bawk bawk bawk chicken legs.


>> No.7347946
File: 22 KB, 210x253, dixonsub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep on being this trendy.

>> No.7347959


>> No.7347970
File: 106 KB, 332x500, skinny-jeans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7348007


>> No.7348013
