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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 253 KB, 1600x900, 1381724815340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7322464 No.7322464[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what ar the most /fa/ films?

>> No.7322471

The Life Aquatic

>> No.7322479

old horror films

>> No.7322495

All the David Lynch films are pretty /fa/.

>> No.7322615
File: 604 KB, 5000x4068, LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the matrix

>> No.7322649

Anything by Wes Anderson

>> No.7322650

I'd say kubrick is p /fa/
just not clockwork orange, leave that for pretencious hipsters

>> No.7322653

Le Samourai

>> No.7322659
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old kung fu movies

>> No.7322671

Tenshi no Tamago

>> No.7322685

Old Jap crime movies

>> No.7322722

can u name some, I'm interested

>> No.7322738

the last nigga on earth starring tom hanks

>> No.7322744

Devil Wears Prada
upcoming french movie about Yves Saint Laurent

>> No.7322893
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Blade Runner and anything by Fellini

I have a blog where I put together caps I like when watching movies that I'm starting to use again if you're interested http://ringsaroundsaturn.tumblr.com/

>> No.7322896
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Korean and Chinese islands arthouse.

>> No.7322902

>cidade de deus
r u br frend?

>> No.7322909

>implying that's not the most famous brazilian movie of all time

>> No.7322910
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>> No.7322914

i kno m8

>> No.7322918

Branded to Kill
Tokyo Drifter
Probably the most well-known examples

>> No.7322920

no soz pal
this looks amazing

>> No.7322924

I don't understand how three countries can produce so many consistently amazing directors.

>> No.7322925
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Only God Firgives

>> No.7322937

Haneke is pretty mediocre, and that's easily his worst film.

>> No.7322941
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>> No.7322951

It's sad that there's really only one decent Japanese director post-Kurosawa.

>> No.7322950
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> Ctrl + F Shame 0 Results
>No Shame

Shame on you guys

>> No.7322957

I have high hopes for McQueen, haven't seen 12 years yet.

>> No.7322962
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There's always Kiyoshi.

>> No.7322961
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Bumb With another scene.

this is the lifestyle that /fa/ needs to strive for, Yust download it trust me.


>> No.7322969

Eh, most of his stuff is just trashy j-horror.

That one is excellent though. Is Real any good?

>> No.7322972
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Lust, Caution is pretty /fa/.
>mfw my letterboxd name is rickowens

>> No.7323003
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Pickpocket (it's nearly silent, a study in furtive expressionism)

Band of Outsiders (starring Ana Karina)

>> No.7323007
File: 185 KB, 1920x1080, onthesilverglobe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pickpocket was p. average

>> No.7323014

On The Globe is pretty cool.
>dem spaceman suits

>> No.7323031

was about to post this.

>> No.7323045

I notice you're excluding Miyazaki from the "decent japanese directors" pool. Is this because he's amazing, or are you an idiot?

>> No.7323049
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Night of the Hunter

>> No.7323058


>> No.7323063

processions are my fetish
the slow marching, the music, the costumes

>> No.7323067
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>> No.7323092
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>no A Single Man


>> No.7323106

are you guys really this dense

>> No.7323171

fuck off, trunks

>> No.7323176
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>> No.7323210

lifestyle to strive for? he is a depressed sex addict

>> No.7323228

i am growing to hate movies.

clearly defined villians, they are simply depicted as "bad" while the hero /protag's life, goals and achivments are highlighted

it's shallow, lack of depth writing in most of these movies.

has me rooting for the villian becuase he has no clearly defined motivations and/or goals
and is not as predictable as the standard handsome hero character

and im not talking about just super hero movies, everything from romance comedies to drama's take this sort of lazy approach to story telling

>> No.7323231

stop watching shit movies

>> No.7323239

forreal sig you need to stop picking ur movies and ask someone who knows what they're doing for recs haha damn man you naive as hell if you think that aint just the pulp they make for $$

>> No.7323240

what do you think are good movies?

>> No.7323245


>> No.7323242

>watching romantic comedies

jesus christ, literally nothing worse

>> No.7323249

watch movies that aren't shit.

God, you sound like my dad. He stopped watching movies entirely because he couldn't be bothered to look for anything good.

>> No.7323247

what is a good movie then?
i feel a great director can tell a story of a villain who abandoned all society's typical norms, goals and adopted survival instincts and going agaisnt nature's natural instinct to not kill members of your own species.

some films attempt it, but then they take the lazy route and make it about women/children since they know it panders to the general public

>> No.7323250

ones without villains

>> No.7323447
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First blood: part one.

>> No.7323463


Original 2.5 hour version.

Fuck Gorgio Morodor

>> No.7323479
File: 137 KB, 600x400, uncleboonmeewhocanrecallhispastlives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives

>> No.7323487

The Hustler

>tfw Paul Newman

>> No.7323516

The Dreamers

>> No.7323685
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Stalker (1979)

>> No.7323753
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how can American Psycho NOT be /fa/?

>> No.7323771
File: 309 KB, 907x945, solaris_natalia_bondarciuk_andrei_tarkovskij_016_jpg_yaff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This, and every other Tarkovsky film. Look at these pants, they look like Balmains, and this was '72.

>> No.7323780

dope fit
w2c jacket and pants

>> No.7323803
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Who knows man. It's costume design from Russian 70s sci-fi. You'd have to cobble together something from modern garments. Balmain, Raeburn and Y-3 might get you started. Watch the flick, take notes on the fabrics (there are a lot of closeups) and do it yourself. And then post a fit.

>> No.7323810

get a basic slim fit leather bomber and look out for biker jawnz

>> No.7323833

>they look like balmains
uhm that is what biker jeans look like, and those don't rly look like balmains

>> No.7324187

solaris A+ movie

>> No.7324230

sofia coppola

>> No.7324466

The movie had really beautiful scenes. And David Gosling was dressed super /fa/ggish. Especially during the fight scene.

However, it was stupid as fuck and had no point. Did you guys actually like this haphazardly pieced crime of cinema?

>> No.7324540
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it's cool but bale is annoying as heck
>any tarkovsky
def. guy's a god
all my love
>it was stupid as fuck and had no point. Did you guys actually like this haphazardly pieced crime of cinema?

it had its moments, the mother was awesome and their relationship was my favourite part. gosling shouting was hilarious and the cinematography was lovely but the fact that refn was askin gosling for vocabulary and that he was just like 'okay' when gosling said 'wouldn't it be rad if i put my fist in her womb' shows how much substance is in his movies. same with von trier a little, all style and no substance. but they're always damn pretty to watch.

i still can't get over how those two dedicated their movies to tarkovsky and jodorowsky though

>> No.7324596
File: 102 KB, 530x796, back-to-the-future-behind-the-scenes5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Back to the Future
>That red jacket
>Those nikes

>> No.7324718

fkn effay

>> No.7324742

Spongebob Squarepants movie fosho

>> No.7324753

Kieslowski's Three Colors trilogy is great and pretty effayy

Red is God-tier

>> No.7324769

Boku no geos

>> No.7324815
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>> No.7324842

Jiro: Dreams of Sushi
Chasing Ice
In Bruges
The Wackness
Wings of Desire

>> No.7324871

Killer movie.

>> No.7324888
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I like the fashion in 80s films and boardwalk empire era films.

>> No.7324921

most fa

>> No.7324926
File: 509 KB, 1600x1135, Rekopis_znaleziony_w_Saragossie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7324932

>you will never date freaky 80's alternative ally sheedy.

>> No.7324938
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>> No.7324981

i actually met ally sheedy in an acting workshop, she is surprisingly cool. also, she wears the same kind of clothes she wore in the movie

>> No.7324983

babby's first foreign

>> No.7324996
File: 115 KB, 640x870, bellezza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

La Grande Bellezza
One of this year's best films and very effay

>> No.7325004


>mfw i'm asian living in europe.

Seen plenty of foreign movies, probably more than you, so stfu.

>> No.7325026

>still can't name a better thriller

>> No.7325031

That's the effay dream

>> No.7325067
File: 701 KB, 1440x900, ManBitesDog_6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man bites dog
Look at this classy motherfucker

>> No.7325082

Dat opel kadett.

>> No.7325098


Should I spell it Aeryn, Arron or Arryn?

>> No.7325134
File: 64 KB, 1363x669, drive5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

movies that don't have the traditional good vs bad Avengers shit

>the road
>Sympathy for Mr Revenge
>a serbian film
inb4 edge

>> No.7325169

>mr revenge

Mr Vengeance, you faggot

>> No.7325190

>a serbian film
Kill yourself
>Sympathy for Mr Revenge
In fact find help because you might be retarded

>> No.7325233

>serbian film
edgy shit
get out

>> No.7325263

Why would he need to find help for being retarded if hes just going to kill herself.

>> No.7325283

Inland Empire

>> No.7325290

definitely, damn colours (except erasurehead, which is nice too)

>> No.7325291
File: 190 KB, 373x327, now thats edgy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A Serbian Film

>> No.7325690

just watched this.

Thank you.

>> No.7325699

Anything Terence Malik directs, anything with good cinematography.

>> No.7325697

It's pretty god isn't it? That duel scene is probably my favourite scene ever. Want another film recommendation?

>> No.7326507

Le Feu Follet by Louis Malle
French Black and White film about a depressed writer in his final days before he commits suicide

>> No.7326511


>> No.7326513

la montagne sacre and el topo

jodorwosky is fab

>> No.7326533

Poetry is probably my favorite movie of all-time tbh

>> No.7326954

fuck yeah i do