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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 245 KB, 466x640, scatfaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7319491 No.7319491[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


SOOoo whats where twerk it and poet went?! What collection of faggots.

>> No.7319553

wow these guys all look like mongs

>> No.7319582

ITT clueless fuccbois jealous of intelligence and cops. They left for a reason, you guys.

I haven't posted there yet, but it's always a good read, and I find myself coming here less and less.

>> No.7319590

meh when i got past the last page there was some decent stuff, made my comment based on that which did look pretty silly, and there did seem to be some decent discussion going on aside from bp being bp

>> No.7319611

looks good but so far it looks like SZ-lite

im sure in some years it might grow some kind of interesting user base but i dont really see anyone or anything here that isn't already covered between sz, sufu and sf

>> No.7319628

>imblyin twerk left
but yeah they're fucking delusional

>> No.7319694
File: 86 KB, 1024x768, received_m_mid.1376903510030:799fa511e569f34877_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it doesn't serve the same function as sz, and its content is wholly different from sz.

>> No.7319704

same people doe

>> No.7319816

most of the people on there got into a thing with the guy who runs sz and either quit or was banned. he deleted all their posts too.

>> No.7319834


That faggot Faust?

>> No.7319857

i didn't know. i should have suspected though, he deletes posts and bans anyone whose opinion is not in agreement with his own. anyone who challenges him intellectually is snubbed one way or another

>> No.7319927

>>he deletes posts and bans anyone whose opinion is not in agreement with his own. anyone who challenges him intellectually is snubbed one way or another

some of these guys were early regulars from sz circa 06-07. they didn't like faust turning it into ad space for sale and plugging brands that were paying him for promotion. some kept calling him out on it for a few years until they all did it at once and he banned/deleted the most active ones. A bunch more just stopped posting there for whatever reason.

apparently thats where they went.

>> No.7320746
File: 47 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost no one is crossposting. >>7319927 covered it, the only thing that there is to add is that most of the users specifically had their accounts and posts deleted by a sympathetic sz member to deny faust a huge portion of the content that made sz worthwhile and made it an appealing advertising platform.

unwoven isn't really a fashion forum, it just has a lot of apparel related content because of the userbase. it has a broader focus than that.

>> No.7320754


Is poet on there?

>> No.7320761
File: 67 KB, 650x650, klimt13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, but poet isn't participating in anything right now
hes not even returning my messaaaaaages :(:(:(:(:(

>> No.7321117

fucking dropped

>> No.7321125

Twerk hangs out over at lgbt.

>> No.7321132

He was posting on anon just the other day.

>> No.7321297

That thread with the microfiction? Probably an impersonator.

>> No.7322099

the images and text were familiar
hard to say tho ofc.

>> No.7323178

that was the real deal
u been asleep too long u forgot

>> No.7323411

people r ghey

>> No.7323434

>implying it isnt just sz
same users, same content, same practice of banning people because buttmad
also membership is for pieces of shit

>> No.7323885
File: 16 KB, 480x360, handbag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> banning people because buttmad

given the locals go around the internets trying to get buttmad reaction out of people as the only goal to their autistic existence, you are somehow surprised..?

>> No.7323891

I'm seeing a lot of dudes that dress like they think they live in the matrix.

>> No.7323943

those guys are so lame
if thats what women like curlgurl want then im glad to be single forever

i'll spend the rest of my days chopping wood and shooting buck for dinner with muh chow than to be an effimante euro taking the train home from standing at the darklands register like marcus/fascist does in his fits

>> No.7323959

>if thats what women like curlgurl want then im glad to be single forever
Are you joking? Curlgurls want dudebros in polos and jumpers. You're going to be single anyway because you're fat and short.

>> No.7323964

you go girl.
reclaim the world from the limp-wristed Untermenschen for all man-kind.

>> No.7325451

wait, poet is gone???
He was one of 4chan's best trips

>> No.7325477

I'm noticing a pattern here, I'm about 5 pages in and a lot of the people who post there are horrendously ugly.

>> No.7325503


fugly manlets in clown clothes. sig, you should register to fuck with those autists, they get mad quickly.

>> No.7325512


>> No.7325544


a few 4/10 potato-faced bitches posting there too. would not fuck.

>> No.7325567

They didn't go around that internet and do it. They were banned based on paranoia, not their own actions.

>> No.7325574

there was someone who started a major hate thread on him every two days or so.... then he left

>> No.7325577

>and a lot of the people who post there are horrendously ugly
PROTIP: /fa/ is no different
I can't think of a single place on the internet that's different to be honest

With this too, /fa/ is no different
Even you are most likely 4/10, and the 4/10s there wouldn't give you the time of day because like you, they're snobs despite being 4/10s.

>> No.7325580

>leaving after only one major hate thread.

>> No.7325594

It wasn't only one. But yeah he pussed out.

>> No.7325652

What? Why?
He was one of the best things about /fa/!

>> No.7325704

>>best things about /fa/ leave to hang out with autistic faggots.

who gives a shit about that tripcancer?.

>> No.7325714

same place as historian

>> No.7325881

the only good trip