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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 54 KB, 800x534, 1383517923226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7318241 No.7318241[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

the quality of dreamboxes is improving while rick's shit is "meant to degrade."

>> No.7318245

good thread

>> No.7318250


>> No.7318257

quality =/= durability

ricks shoes are made with nice leather and will only look better as the leather wears down and the sole yellows

dreamboxes are made out of plastic, look like shit right out of the box and only will look shittier as the pleather bubbles and peels

if youre so poor that the only thing that matters to you is wearing shoes for x years with y dollars just rummage through the dumpster behind goodwill

>> No.7318269

the dreamboxes in op look gr8

>> No.7318278

they are real you fuckhead
how can you guys not tell real leather from plastic?

>> No.7318299

dreamboxes are made from leather now

>> No.7318305


Actually I feel like if Im gonna wear items that cost hundreds or even a hundred dollars, it damn well better last for years.

Thats why I usually only buy quality/durable footwear, but Geos are retarded.

You pay for the quality of the materials - sure i bet theyre real nice.

You pay for the design. thanks rick. dope design nigger.

but if they arent durable, there is literally no point unless youre a mongoloid.

Quality without durability is the stuff of mental retardation.

>try justifying it to an average person and see how fast you start sounding like a tard

Dreamboxes offer the look at a fraction of the cost, and will outlast Geos.


>> No.7318317

>Implying dreamboxes look bad


>> No.7318341

proportions are not the same, so look like shit.

>> No.7318342
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posting gorgeously beat rick footwear

>> No.7318347

they do last for years

with scuffs on the leather, yellow soles, etc

but people are still wearing dunks from 10 years ago

dreamboxes look like complete shit as you can see here
and will only look worse with age

the only geos that legitimately fell apart were a batch from 5 years ago with qc issues

do your research - you wont

youd rather validate your shitty pleather knockoff purchase

>> No.7318348
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>> No.7318344


DB toeboxes are marginally longer.

This minute detail changes nothing

>> No.7318356

anyone have that pic of the rick dunks that guy bought off y!jp for like 200$? they were absolutely destroyed, looked so good

>> No.7318352


>having to put steel caps on the heel so your precious ricks dont fall apart in two months

>th-thanks rick

Making that much noise when you walk isnt very ninja bro

>> No.7318354

>detail changes nothing

detail are everything

>> No.7318363


Cry me a river trunksie

Even well built Geos have shit soles that cant be replaced.

>> No.7318360
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>> No.7318370

people who defend rick's poor durability

people who acknowledge that the dreamboxes are superior for the price and can achieve the same aesthetic without spending 10x the price

>> No.7318379
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nah i wanna see tho


>> No.7318375

How can anyone justify $1200 on sneakers?

I don't understand. Most of you tripfags are average Joes working shit jobs in your late teens and early 20's. Why are you trying to front like you're something you're not?

>> No.7318377
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Welcome to /fa/!

>> No.7318378

people resole geos and dunks all the time

are you going to resole your dreamboxes? lmfao
so anons = plebs on welfare

old news

>> No.7318387

still my grail tbh, Geos can't touch dunks

>> No.7318391


>plebs on welfare

No you dumb nigger.

I work 6 days a week and bust my ass to cop pieces I like, but I also know the value of a dollar, and in no fucking universe is $1200 for Geobuckets worth it

What do you do trunks? You work nigger?

>> No.7318406

why are you acting like you acting like your warddrobe has any heat mate?

remember when juniorwatanabe sonned you for your tryharding?

>1 pair prada crepers and some velcros
>ugly ass db's and a skirt

yea mate you're king kong out here in the /fa/ streets, get real

>> No.7318402

You don't buy geos for the durability, you buy geos because you're a rich fuck who can afford to drop a thou on sneakers with a unique design
it's simply a class thing
the sad fact is people who realistically shouldn't get the sneakers are tricked into justifying their purchase through other means such as the myth of quality

>> No.7318416

geos are 650 on gilt every month or 2

no one pays 1200

you not thinking geos are worth it doesnt make dreamboxes worth it

dreamboxes look like shit
agreed, i dont really like geos but dunks... hngggg

>> No.7318417


The majority of people who buy Geos are making huge financial mistakes in other words.

Yeah sounds right.

>> No.7318421
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>> No.7318430
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oh look another anon in asos and h&m talking shit and pretending anyone cares about his opinion

sick #ether bro you sure got me

also youre really acting like junior can talk shit about anyone? look at him

>> No.7318427


>no one pays 1200 for geos

stop trying to change the argument.

just because one retailer sells em half off doesnt change what they are

$1200 shoes made of nice materials that fall apart.

Stop trying to justify what a mistake it is to own them unless youre a fucking millionaire.

>> No.7318438

Millionaires don't even care about trivial bullshit like fashion.

A friend of mine was left a trustfund of over 25mil from a tycoon grandfather that died.

He wears converse and reeboks.

Geos are for poor people (trunks) who are trying to feign money.

>> No.7318444
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one question i have 4 anons bashing geos is like
why do u care

im not trying 2 be facetious or annoying i understand if its just bait to get #rickdefenceforce to respond but endlessly restating that 'rick products are bad quality!!!!!' seems like an exercise in pointlessness imo


are you aiming to change our minds? or do u just want debate?

4 real plz can someone explain 4 me

>> No.7318453

>$1200 shoes made of nice materials that fall apart.

yeah and samurai makes 500$ jeans that all the dye falls out of

why dont we all just wear chainmail if durability is the only thing that matters

>> No.7318458
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>pots calling kettles black

pic related is the most iconic image of fuccboism ever posted on this board you diaper shitting queer

>> No.7318459

theyre butthurt poor and jealous, all there is to it

>> No.7318463
File: 82 KB, 640x480, itsjem tank fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh jesus christ

worst fit i've ever seen second only to this display of fuckery

>> No.7318464


I dont care to bash geos.

Theyre nice, they look sick, and if I was RICH Id cop em.

I just feel theyre bad value.

So I bought dreamboxes.

It all started cuz TRUNKSIEPOO got mad cuz people are getting dreamboxes.


I only wear heavy and ultra heavy denim and they last forever.

Suck my cock.

Durability is very important.

Your manskirt probably'l last you a while, considering it only gets worn for sufu fit pics

What do you do trunks? do you even work? Do you wear your fits to work/?

>> No.7318472

trunks is unemployed

>> No.7318473

>so I bought dream boxes

Yikes nigga

>> No.7318480

there's a surprise

>> No.7318484

>I bought dreamboxes.

stop projecting

>> No.7318486

Someone post ioffer for best ego fakes

>> No.7318494

stating a fact about you is projection?

>> No.7318495

Geo fuck autocorrect

>> No.7318507

i make 13/h

hopefully will get a raise to 15 if i keep working hard

>> No.7318510

doing what exactly

>> No.7318516
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s/o to trunks making valid and relevant points throughout this thread

ive basically concluded that recent dunk h8 is mainly 2 annoy him

>> No.7318514


I think he makes floral dresses.

>> No.7318515
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>> No.7318520


hard work but $$$ + nice bod im happy w/ it, getting paid for an 8 hour workout is sikk

>> No.7318531
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>> No.7318534


>implying any of trunks' arguments hold water

>makes 13/h
>tries to justify his shitboxes

Geobuckets confirmed for poor people

>> No.7318535

i hate geos and will complain about them any chance i get but i fuckin love dunks and would suck dick for them

i think its because of the lack of the clownshoe-esque toe like the geos and ramones have

>> No.7318529

i never see dunk h8 or luv or anything

no one talks about them

maybe its for the best it pains my heart whenever i see them, ill prob never own a pair :'(

saw some in my size on ebay.... 1500$

>> No.7318545


Its winter
Theres no landscaping going on now

>trunks confirmed for unemployed
>source: I work in construction

>> No.7318546
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yea ssry i meant geos or w/e anyones mad at


>> No.7318557

huge contract. they started in august and are going until the ground freezes

>> No.7318559

god what a kindergarten post, i'd rather read a /pol/ thread then see this asinine insult slinging

>> No.7318562
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>> No.7318568

tell me why u care about strangers on the internets purchases then

>> No.7318570
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>> No.7318575

shit maybe if you stopped spending so much on clothes you could afford a nice head rest for your bed and some wallpaint

im convinced trunks is autistic and clothes are his trains

>> No.7318578
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>> No.7318584

why else would he be on /fa/

>> No.7318588
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>> No.7318595
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>> No.7318599
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>> No.7318604
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heres a helpful pic

>> No.7318603

w2c Dreamboxes? link pls

>> No.7318607


>> No.7318615

they both look like shit tbh

>> No.7318618
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>> No.7318621

new/fa/g here are dreamboxes not a model of shoe made by rick or are they a brand of shoes that are designed to look like ricks shoes?

>> No.7318625
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>> No.7318633


They're knockoffs of Geobaskets. Only poorfags buy them and justify their purchase with the supposed durability of the sole compared to crepe.

>> No.7318641


>only people who have better sense than to drop $1200 on shoddily constructed sneakers buy them

>> No.7318647


>shoddily constructed

Seems like you've never even handled a pair before.

>> No.7318653



I live 25 minutes from ssense nigger

Leathers nice. Look nice. Seen what happens to em though

>> No.7318704

eh, all you try hards.

Have 2 pairs of authentic Geos, buying dreamboxes so I dont destroy my real pairs.

>> No.7318717


Whats the fucking point of dropping dat cash if youre not gonna wear em?



God the online fashion community isso retarded

I bet if there was no internet, none of you faggots would ever be into FASHUNZ

>> No.7318733

no you dumb fuck. sometimes it's worth looking better, othertimes when I go to work to work with a bunch of geeks, wearing $1200 sneakers or $100 which visually look very similar, no difference.

>> No.7318751



>> No.7318761

stop dressing for people on the internet then

>> No.7318776

timestamp all 3

u wont

>> No.7318815

I'm onsite for a client with only my CDG, so you're right, I cant. well won

>> No.7318827
File: 180 KB, 750x1132, 2012115204835301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does everyone jock the Geobasket DreamBoxen? I honestly think pic related and a bunch of other styles look way, way better.

>> No.7318823

I've regularly posted photos of my shoes though, I'll start using a handle on here. MEBE 1 DAY ILL BE TRIP

>> No.7318864

i really like them in all white or all black, but the original ones with the white on the back look retarded as fuck

>> No.7318888


You can't even afford real geos trunks, stop defending them.

>> No.7318892

muh rick

>> No.7319402

how does it feel to be a poor bitch ass pleb?

>> No.7319470

I'm just confused by how rick soles are so shitty. Even my adidas could go a full year of wear and still have solid soles.

Does he go out of his way to craft an awful sole.

>> No.7319585

>Geos are for poor people (trunks) who are trying to feign money.

IME, nothing I've seen or encountered has invalidated this observation of yours; such gauche clothing is of those of originally working class stock, where your brand of shirt or shiny rubber "shoes" marked you out from the other plebs.
You can take such people and place them in the middle-classes, but you can't take this "I have the most sparkly trinket - thus I am better" out of the person. They remain, at their most fundamental level, insecure at their station in life and this seek security in this kind of frivolity.

So un-patrician it's just not funny any more.

>> No.7319626

Like nig nogs.

>> No.7319647

Your words, but yes. That demographic is overwhelmingly overrepresented in regards to this phenomenon, at least in the US. Other countries have their own such cases, all the same at the base level.

>> No.7319735

those arent. the white line should be tucked under the sole slightly

>> No.7319750


>> No.7319749

theyre fake and look fake (read as: shit)

>> No.7319794

thx for dump tinny

>> No.7319797

not all r like this

>> No.7320381
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>desert boots

>> No.7320431

w2c dreamboxes?

>> No.7320437




Theres none on ioffer at the moment

>> No.7320452


so uh.. who actually bought from taobao?

they're only like 50 dollars. damn i don't even give a fuck. that's worth it for a cheap pair of hi-tops that at least look nice

>> No.7320454


They're definitely real. The leather looks good, and the sole checks out.

>> No.7320486
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>> No.7320491
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>> No.7320500
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>> No.7320502
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>> No.7320512

talk shit post fit bitchboi. At least trunks keeps this place interesting while you're just another shit posting anon.

>> No.7320515

>tfw this dog is wearing more expensive shoes than you ever will

>> No.7320517
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>> No.7320524
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>> No.7321576


um no

dunks have a psuedo moc toe thats worse than new geos

all rick shoes look like clown shoes over size 44


yall some stupid motherfuckers with no money posting on a fashion board from flyover state surbubia

>> No.7321585
File: 957 KB, 2448x1836, geodog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw teddy's dog probably wore all of these

>> No.7321611

>quality =/= durability
>Here we go again...

>> No.7321617

so w2c dreamboxes

>> No.7321627

do you think dreamboxes are constructed well or something?..

>> No.7321633
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worn thru snow, rain, et al

>> No.7321640


>> No.7321649

so he's really related to el ron right?

>> No.7321650


wut no

>> No.7321656

i remember a thread about it a while back and they both look a like

>> No.7321673
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>> No.7321678
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>> No.7321680

dreamboxes r made by rick u tard

>> No.7321687

holy shit

>> No.7321690


>> No.7321704


insert *all asians look the same* joke here

>> No.7321765

haha im a dumb unskilled 20 yo and i make more than double what trunks does

haha dumb fucking nigga

>> No.7321892

People who buy fake shit (any shit) are the worst. Stop pretending like you're something you're not. How can being a fake poser be considered /fa/? Pathetic

>> No.7321899

Why do u care

>> No.7321914

I own those boots. the real ones I mean. they look better in every way.

>> No.7321930
File: 2.49 MB, 3264x2448, 20131020_222618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FS Rick Owens SS13 Geobasket Sneaker


600usd shipped

>> No.7321947

give us a profile shot

>> No.7321950
File: 2.14 MB, 3264x2448, 20131020_222347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7321952


>> No.7321955

you have bean visited by the babbymatt of joy

get 10 nosejobs or ur never be happy

>> No.7322007
File: 22 KB, 633x758, 1382263481602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>own dreamboxes I bought for $80 off this guy from /fa/ who dresses like shit
>have worn them to the beach, next to the ocean
>have hiked in them across rocks and dusty hills
>wear them in mud, wear them uphill walking
>worn them when it froze over and it was icy
>they are still in the same condition as the day I received them and nowhere near "falling apart"

>> No.7322056

unless you're posting fits on /fa/ or you associate with high fashion snobs on a daily basis in real life nobody is gonna know they're fake

>> No.7322104


>> No.7322112

Kewl maneeee

>> No.7322132

Unless you're posting fit's on /fa/ or you associate with high fashion snobs on a daily basis nobody is gonna know what geobaskets are and assume they're just stupid looking cheap sneakers

>> No.7322137

Pretty much.
People would just look at them and think "wow, what fucking ugly sneakers", and move on.

>> No.7322174
File: 52 KB, 500x162, 1383743423314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking ugly sneakers
They don't think that.

A lot of people couldn't care less.

>> No.7322436

send pic of your dreamboxes

>> No.7322489

Trunks you are the worst at samefagging.
You seriously think that we would believe some anon defending you?
You post shit, and then for validation you post again removing your trip acting like you have a fan base.
You're fucking ugly as shit, look at your face, look at your hair. No amount of clothes can ever fix that.
Yet you come on here and try to act hot shit all the time, using edge words like "entitled" YOU are entitled you little prick.

Are my Jimmies Rustled, no. But god damn are you a faggot and its time more people start calling you out.

>> No.7322808
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thx dude saved a bunch of these

>> No.7322824

Haha maybe if you're uggo
I've got probably like 5 complements on my dream boxes after only a couple weeks
helps that i'm 6 foot 2, short people shouldn't wear em they look dumb lmao :}

>> No.7322886

how tall is teddy? 5'5? 5'6?

poor little guy probably never gets compliments on his geos

>> No.7323372

mine should come by the 20th of december. should i have worries about snow with dreamboxes? any care tips. also im about 6 feet. think im tall enough to pull them off?

>> No.7323443

>wants care tips for $100 plastic replicas

>> No.7323461


>> No.7323465

just cause i cant afford the authentic ricks doesnt mean i shouldnt take care of what i can afford...

>> No.7323467

why dont you google 'plastic care trips'

>> No.7323484

why are you making such an effort to bash dreamboxes? can you not afford them?

>> No.7323489

Dreamboxes are made from leather, authentic Geo's are made from Italian leather.

The plastic shit is untrue.

>> No.7323513

have you ever looked at dreamboxes ? the leather quality is so bad, it almost looks like plastic.
the leather wont age as well as the one on the real geos and they wont look as good beat up

>> No.7323520

thank you kindly
pack your shit and get outta this thread

>> No.7323526

so is it plastic? or does it "almost look like plastic" cause its one or the other.

>> No.7323543

They are 100% authentic leather.

The quality of the leather is debatable but you are at least getting a decent $100 pair of sneakers.

/fa/ will wear $80 air force ones made out of the same shitty leather as Dreamboxes and bash the Dreamboxes anyway.

>> No.7323545

actually, ive handled both and the air force ones are better.
plus they dont pretend to be something they arent

>> No.7323553

Sneakers are inanimate objects mate, they can't pretend they are anything.

Rick ripped off the Vans Sk8 aesthetic for Geos and the Dunk aesthetic for his dunks.

He is the impostor if anything.

>> No.7323557

>Vans Sk8 aesthetic for Geos and the Dunk aesthetic for his dunks
no he did not. he was inspired by nike

>> No.7323561


This was pretty funny. Thanks, anon. Always good to start Thanksgiving with a smile!

>> No.7323563

He modeled geos after sk8 his and his dunks after nike dunks.

>> No.7323585

my point exactly. maybe you can answer my question. what would you do to keep the dreamboxes in good shape for the winter. inb4 "whatever you would do to any sneakers"...
cause generally i dont wear sneakers. i wouldnt know where to begin. i havent worn "skate shoes" for years and now im totally used to taking care of dress shoes and boots...

>> No.7323593

use a leather protector and preservative.

>> No.7323605

get heel taps and dont wear them outside
fuckin faggot ass nigger

>> No.7323619

I've been wondering who the fuck that is for a while now. I figured out that thing where they beat up the brain thing is from some vintage commercial

>> No.7323621

wow thank you based google reverse image search


one of the great mysteries in my life has been solved

>> No.7323651
File: 403 KB, 570x755, 1374482730651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone give me a link to buy authentic-looking Dreambox geos?

>> No.7323686

there is no such thing as authentic looking dreamboxes.
if you want the looks of the real ones, you gotta pay what it costs

>> No.7323699

Most people don't even know what real Geos look like. I have a friend who buys jordans religiously and can spot fakes across a room. He couldn't even tell the difference.

Random fuccbois are just going to be impressed, not pull up a picture of real Geos and nitpick my shoe.

>> No.7323709

top kek. i can spot fake geos from across the street

>> No.7323724

this is true if you live in a low end area

if you're walking around southern california yelling yeah bitches thats right i am wearing a fucking $300 shirt bitches, rick owens fuck yeah you nevea even heard him bitches poor motherfucks

they're just going to stand there in hermes and stare at you like you're a fucking moron

and generally people are more familar with designers and brands

you really think there would be all of these boutiques here if they weren't making sales?

>> No.7323742

the difference between the geos and dreamboxes is that if you wear the dreamboxes heavily they are going to get destroyed, whereas the leather on the geos will age beautifully

i'll admit fresh dreamboxes are pretty convincing, but it def won't last after they start to take a beating

lol I had to put those heel things on mine too

>> No.7323744

those are heel guards and they're meant for people who grind the shit out of heels

some people will make that happen with ANY shoe. My adidas lasted like 3 months because I ate through the heel and couldn't be fucked to put those heel guards on them

>> No.7323760

how do you get them put on? cobler or do yourself with Geos?

or is it something you do when sole is gone?

>> No.7323772

well I got mine put on (by a cobbler) after the heel started getting worn down.

if there's a hole in the outsole you're probably too late, but you can maybe get them resoled anyway.

I was thinking of getting a vibram sole on my DBSS after they get too worn

>> No.7323785

ps- it was only like $5

>> No.7323786

how much did resoling cost? It's one of the reasons I avoid wearing my Geos often, was scared of soles getting ruined.

>> No.7324071

w2c fake riks

>> No.7324119

look at all these tryhard rickfags all bouncing off his dick. yup, confirmed #effay up in dis bitch.

>> No.7326206

While I agree that chinaboxes are plastic shit, quality does equal durability. Quality is the sum total of an object's ability to perform it's intended action. For shoes, this means keeping your feet from getting cut/wet/dirty/etc. Which is durability.

>> No.7326999

is 46 (US12) the biggest size that geos or dreamboxes are available in?

>> No.7327106

Why would anyone ever buy fake anything? Doesn't that just make you feel like a scum bag on the inside, knowing you are just being a pretender? Sure, they look sort of kind of like real Geos but they are still fake shit. Would you cop a fake Rolex just to look cool? Do what you feel I guess, but it seems so desperate to have to buy a cheap pretend version of something.